function afg_display_gallery($atts) { global $size_heading_map, $afg_text_color_map, $pf; if (!get_option('afg_pagination')) { update_option('afg_pagination', 'on'); } extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '0'), $atts)); $cur_page = 1; $cur_page_url = afg_get_cur_url(); preg_match("/afg{$id}_page_id=(?P<page_id>\\d+)/", $cur_page_url, $matches); if ($matches) { $cur_page = $matches['page_id']; $match_pos = strpos($cur_page_url, "afg{$id}_page_id={$cur_page}") - 1; $cur_page_url = substr($cur_page_url, 0, $match_pos); if (function_exists('qtrans_convertURL')) { $cur_page_url = qtrans_convertURL($cur_page_url); } } if (strpos($cur_page_url, '?') === false) { $url_separator = '?'; } else { $url_separator = '&'; } $galleries = get_option('afg_galleries'); if (!isset($galleries) || array_key_exists($id, $galleries) == false) { return afg_error("Gallery ID {$id} has been either deleted or not configured."); } $gallery = $galleries[$id]; $api_key = get_option('afg_api_key'); $user_id = get_option('afg_user_id'); $disable_slideshow = get_afg_option($gallery, 'slideshow_option') == 'disable'; $slideshow_option = get_afg_option($gallery, 'slideshow_option'); $per_page = get_afg_option($gallery, 'per_page'); $sort_order = get_afg_option($gallery, 'sort_order'); $photo_size = get_afg_option($gallery, 'photo_size'); $photo_title = get_afg_option($gallery, 'captions'); $photo_descr = get_afg_option($gallery, 'descr'); $bg_color = get_afg_option($gallery, 'bg_color'); $columns = get_afg_option($gallery, 'columns'); $credit_note = get_afg_option($gallery, 'credit_note'); $gallery_width = get_afg_option($gallery, 'width'); $pagination = get_afg_option($gallery, 'pagination'); $cache_refresh_interval = get_afg_option($gallery, 'cache_refresh_interval'); if ($photo_size == 'custom') { $custom_size = get_afg_option($gallery, 'custom_size'); $custom_size_square = get_afg_option($gallery, 'custom_size_square'); if ($custom_size <= 70) { $photo_size = '_s'; } else { if ($custom_size <= 90) { $photo_size = '_t'; } else { if ($custom_size <= 220) { $photo_size = '_m'; } else { if ($custom_size <= 500) { $photo_size = 'NULL'; } } } } } else { $custom_size = 0; $custom_size_square = 'false'; } $photoset_id = NULL; $gallery_id = NULL; $group_id = NULL; $tags = NULL; $popular = false; if (!isset($gallery['photo_source'])) { $gallery['photo_source'] = 'photostream'; } if ($gallery['photo_source'] == 'photoset') { $photoset_id = $gallery['photoset_id']; } else { if ($gallery['photo_source'] == 'gallery') { $gallery_id = $gallery['gallery_id']; } else { if ($gallery['photo_source'] == 'group') { $group_id = $gallery['group_id']; } else { if ($gallery['photo_source'] == 'tags') { $tags = $gallery['tags']; } else { if ($gallery['photo_source'] == 'popular') { $popular = true; } } } } } $extras = 'url_l, description, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name'; if (!DEBUG) { $photos = get_transient('afg_id_' . $id); } if ($photos === false) { $photos = array(); if (isset($photoset_id) && $photoset_id) { $rsp_obj = $pf->photosets_getInfo($photoset_id); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } $total_photos = $rsp_obj['photos']; } else { if (isset($gallery_id) && $gallery_id) { $rsp_obj = $pf->galleries_getInfo($gallery_id); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } $total_photos = $rsp_obj['gallery']['count_photos']['_content']; } else { if (isset($group_id) && $group_id) { $rsp_obj = $pf->groups_pools_getPhotos($group_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } $total_photos = $rsp_obj['photos']['total']; if ($total_photos > 500) { $total_photos = 500; } } else { if (isset($tags) && $tags) { $rsp_obj = $pf->photos_search(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'tags' => $tags, 'extras' => $extras, 'per_page' => 1)); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } $total_photos = $rsp_obj['photos']['total']; } else { if (isset($popular) && $popular) { $rsp_obj = $pf->photos_search(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'sort' => 'interestingness-desc', 'extras' => $extras, 'per_page' => 1)); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } $total_photos = $rsp_obj['photos']['total']; } else { $rsp_obj = $pf->people_getInfo($user_id); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } $total_photos = $rsp_obj['photos']['count']['_content']; } } } } } for ($i = 1; $i < $total_photos / 500 + 1; $i++) { if ($photoset_id) { $flickr_api = 'photoset'; $rsp_obj_total = $pf->photosets_getPhotos($photoset_id, $extras, NULL, 500, $i); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } } else { if ($gallery_id) { $flickr_api = 'photos'; $rsp_obj_total = $pf->galleries_getPhotos($gallery_id, $extras, 500, $i); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } } else { if ($group_id) { $flickr_api = 'photos'; $rsp_obj_total = $pf->groups_pools_getPhotos($group_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, $extras, 500, $i); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } } else { if ($tags) { $flickr_api = 'photos'; $rsp_obj_total = $pf->photos_search(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'tags' => $tags, 'extras' => $extras, 'per_page' => 500, 'page' => $i)); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } } else { if ($popular) { $flickr_api = 'photos'; $rsp_obj_total = $pf->photos_search(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'sort' => 'interestingness-desc', 'extras' => $extras, 'per_page' => 500, 'page' => $i)); if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } } else { $flickr_api = 'photos'; if (get_option('afg_flickr_token')) { $rsp_obj_total = $pf->people_getPhotos($user_id, array('extras' => $extras, 'per_page' => 500, 'page' => $i)); } else { $rsp_obj_total = $pf->people_getPublicPhotos($user_id, NULL, $extras, 500, $i); } if ($pf->error_code) { return afg_error($pf->error_msg); } } } } } } $photos = array_merge($photos, $rsp_obj_total[$flickr_api]['photo']); } if (!DEBUG) { set_transient('afg_id_' . $id, $photos, afg_get_cache_refresh_interval_secs($cache_refresh_interval)); } } else { $total_photos = count($photos); } if ($total_photos % $per_page == 0) { $total_pages = (int) ($total_photos / $per_page); } else { $total_pages = (int) ($total_photos / $per_page) + 1; } if ($gallery_width == 'auto') { $gallery_width = 100; } $text_color = isset($afg_text_color_map[$bg_color]) ? $afg_text_color_map[$bg_color] : ''; $disp_gallery .= "<div class='afg-gallery' id='afg-{$id}'>"; if ($slideshow_option == 'highslide') { $photo_count = 1; } if (!$popular && $sort_order != 'flickr') { if ($sort_order == 'random') { shuffle($photos); } else { usort($photos, $sort_order); } } if ($disable_slideshow) { $class = ''; $rel = ''; $click_event = ''; } else { if ($slideshow_option == 'colorbox') { $class = "class='afgcolorbox'"; $rel = "rel='example4{$id}'"; $click_event = ""; } else { if ($slideshow_option == 'highslide') { $class = "class='highslide'"; $rel = ""; $click_event = "onclick='return hs.expand(this, {slideshowGroup: {$id} })'"; } else { if ($slideshow_option == 'flickr') { $class = ""; $rel = ""; $click_event = "target='_blank'"; } } } } if ($photo_size == '_s') { $photo_width = "width='75'"; $photo_height = "height='75'"; } else { $photo_width = ''; $photo_height = ''; } foreach ($photos as $pid => $photo) { $p_title = esc_attr($photo['title']); $p_description = esc_attr($photo['description']['_content']); $p_description = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $p_description); $photo_url = afg_get_photo_url($photo['farm'], $photo['server'], $photo['id'], $photo['secret'], $photo_size); if ($slideshow_option != 'none') { if (isset($photo['url_l']) ? $photo['url_l'] : '') { $photo_page_url = $photo['url_l']; } else { $photo_page_url = afg_get_photo_url($photo['farm'], $photo['server'], $photo['id'], $photo['secret'], '_z'); } if ($photoset_id) { $photo['owner'] = $user_id; } $photo_title_text = $p_title; if ($slideshow_option == 'highslide' && $p_description) { $photo_title_text .= '<br /><span>' . $p_description . '</span>'; } $photo_title_text .= ' • <a href="' . $photo['owner'] . '/' . $photo['id'] . '/" target="_blank">View on Flickr</a>'; $photo_title_text = esc_attr($photo_title_text); if ($slideshow_option == 'flickr') { $photo_page_url = "" . $photo['owner'] . "/" . $photo['id']; } } if ($photo_count <= $per_page * $cur_page && $photo_count > $per_page * ($cur_page - 1)) { $pid_len = strlen($photo['id']); if ($slideshow_option != 'none') { $disp_gallery .= "<a {$class} {$rel} {$click_event} href='{$photo_page_url}' title='{$photo['title']}'>"; } if ($custom_size) { $timthumb_script = BASE_URL . "/afg_img_rsz.php?src="; if ($photo['width_l'] > $photo['height_l']) { $timthumb_params = "&q=100&w={$custom_size}"; if ($custom_size_square == 'true') { $timthumb_params .= "&h={$custom_size}"; } } else { $timthumb_params = "&q=100&h={$custom_size}"; if ($custom_size_square == 'true') { $timthumb_params .= "&w={$custom_size}"; } } } else { $timthumb_script = ""; $timthumb_params = ""; } $disp_gallery .= "<img title='{$photo['title']}' src='{$timthumb_script}{$photo_url}{$timthumb_params}' alt='{$photo_title_text}'/>"; if ($slideshow_option != 'none') { $disp_gallery .= "</a>"; } if ($size_heading_map[$photo_size] && $photo_title == 'on') { if ($group_id || $gallery_id) { $owner_title = "- by <a href='{$photo['owner']}/' target='_blank'>{$photo['ownername']}</a>"; } else { $owner_title = ''; } $disp_gallery .= "<div class='afg-title'>{$p_title} {$owner_title}</div>"; } if ($photo_descr == 'on' && $photo_size != '_s' && $photo_size != '_t') { $disp_gallery .= "<div class='afg-description'>" . $photo['description']['_content'] . "</div>"; } } else { if ($pagination == 'on' && $slideshow_option != 'none') { if ($slideshow_option == 'highslide') { $photo_url = afg_get_photo_url($photo['farm'], $photo['server'], $photo['id'], $photo['secret'], '_s'); } else { $photo_url = ''; } if ($slideshow_option == 'highslide') { $photo_src_text = "src='{$photo_url}'"; } else { $photo_src_text = ""; } $disp_gallery .= "<a style='display:none' {$class} {$rel} {$click_event} href='{$photo_page_url}'" . " title='{$photo['title']}'>" . " <img class='afg-img' alt='{$photo_title_text}' {$photo_src_text} width='75' height='75'></a> "; } } $photo_count += 1; } // Pagination if ($pagination == 'on' && $total_pages > 1) { $disp_gallery .= "<div class='afg-pagination'>"; if ($cur_page == 1) { $disp_gallery .= "<span>« prev </span>"; $disp_gallery .= "<span class='afg-cur-page'> 1 </span>"; } else { $prev_page = $cur_page - 1; $disp_gallery .= "<a href='{$cur_page_url}{$url_separator}afg{$id}_page_id={$prev_page}#afg-{$id}' title='Prev Page'> « prev </a> "; $disp_gallery .= "<a href='{$cur_page_url}{$url_separator}afg{$id}_page_id=1#afg-{$id}' title='Page 1'> 1 </a> "; } if ($cur_page - 2 > 2) { $start_page = $cur_page - 2; $end_page = $cur_page + 2; $disp_gallery .= " ... 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function afg_display_gallery($atts) { global $size_heading_map, $afg_text_color_map, $pf, $wpdb; wp_enqueue_script('ajax-afg_report_scripts'); if (!get_option('afg_pagination')) { update_option('afg_pagination', 'on'); } $rset = array('used' => array(), 'min' => 1, 'max' => 8); extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '0'), $atts)); $disp_singleuser = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $did = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $dtype = ''; if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'c') { $dtype = 'c'; $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrcelebs WHERE published = '1' AND id='" . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . "'"); } elseif ($_REQUEST['type'] == 't') { $dtype = 't'; $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrtwins WHERE published = '1' AND id='" . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . "'"); } else { $dtype = 'u'; $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickruploads WHERE status <> '-1' AND id='" . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . "'"); } if ($row !== null) { $owner = get_option('afg_user_id'); if (isset($_REQUEST['showtwin'])) { $twin = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrtwins WHERE published = '1' AND id='" . intval($row->twinlid) . "'"); $disp_singleuser[0] = array('id' => $row->photoid, 'owner' => $owner, 'secret' => $row->photosecret, 'server' => $row->server, 'farm' => $row->farm, 'title' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($row->imagetitle), 0, 80)), 'description' => array('_content' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($row->imagestory), 0, 200))), 'twin' => $row->twinlid, 'twinid' => $twin->photoid, 'twinsecret' => $twin->photosecret, 'twinfarm' => $twin->farm, 'twinserver' => $twin->server, 'twintitle' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($twin->imagetitle), 0, 80)), 'twindescription' => array('_content' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($twin->imagestory), 0, 200))), 'flatid' => $row->flatid, 'flatsecret' => $row->flatsecret, 'flatfarm' => $row->flatfarm, 'flatserver' => $row->flatserver, 'ispublic' => 0, 'isfriend' => 0, 'isfamily' => 0, 'did' => $row->id, 'dtype' => $dtype, 'dateupload' => strtotime($row->lastmodified), 'datetaken' => $row->submittedtime); } else { $disp_singleuser[0] = array('id' => $row->photoid, 'owner' => $owner, 'secret' => $row->photosecret, 'server' => $row->server, 'farm' => $row->farm, 'title' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($row->imagetitle), 0, 80)), 'description' => array('_content' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($row->imagestory), 0, 200))), 'ispublic' => 0, 'isfriend' => 0, 'isfamily' => 0, 'did' => $row->id, 'dtype' => $dtype, 'dateupload' => strtotime($row->lastmodified), 'datetaken' => $row->submittedtime); } } else { //klaxon - this image has been banned or does not exist } } $cur_page = 1; $cur_page_url = afg_get_cur_url(); preg_match("/afg{$id}_page_id=(?P<page_id>\\d+)/", $cur_page_url, $matches); if ($matches) { $cur_page = $matches['page_id']; $match_pos = strpos($cur_page_url, "afg{$id}_page_id={$cur_page}") - 1; $cur_page_url = substr($cur_page_url, 0, $match_pos); if (function_exists('qtrans_convertURL')) { $cur_page_url = qtrans_convertURL($cur_page_url); } } if (strpos($cur_page_url, '?') === false) { $url_separator = '?'; } else { $url_separator = '&'; } $galleries = get_option('afg_galleries'); $gallery = $galleries[$id]; $api_key = get_option('afg_api_key'); $user_id = get_option('afg_user_id'); $disable_slideshow = get_afg_option($gallery, 'slideshow_option') == 'disable'; $slideshow_option = get_afg_option($gallery, 'slideshow_option'); $per_page = get_afg_option($gallery, 'per_page'); $sort_order = get_afg_option($gallery, 'sort_order'); $photo_size = get_afg_option($gallery, 'photo_size'); $photo_title = get_afg_option($gallery, 'captions'); $photo_descr = get_afg_option($gallery, 'descr'); $bg_color = get_afg_option($gallery, 'bg_color'); $columns = get_afg_option($gallery, 'columns'); $credit_note = get_afg_option($gallery, 'credit_note'); $gallery_width = get_afg_option($gallery, 'width'); $pagination = get_afg_option($gallery, 'pagination'); if ($photo_size == 'custom') { $custom_size = get_afg_option($gallery, 'custom_size'); $custom_size_square = get_afg_option($gallery, 'custom_size_square'); if ($custom_size <= 70) { $photo_size = '_s'; } else { if ($custom_size <= 90) { $photo_size = '_t'; } else { if ($custom_size <= 220) { $photo_size = '_m'; } else { if ($custom_size <= 500) { $photo_size = 'NULL'; } } } } } else { $custom_size = 0; $custom_size_square = 'false'; } $photoset_id = NULL; $gallery_id = NULL; $group_id = NULL; $tags = NULL; $popular = false; $users = false; $celebs = false; $userscelebs = false; $disp_gallery = ''; $extras = 'url_l, description, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name'; $total_photos = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickruploads WHERE status <> '-1' "); $total_photos += $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrcelebs WHERE published = '1' "); $total_photos += $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrtwins WHERE published = '1' "); if (isset($_REQUEST['sport']) && intval($_REQUEST['sport']) != 0 || isset($_REQUEST['category']) && $_REQUEST['category'] != '') { $total_photos = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['category']) && $_REQUEST['category'] != '') { $whereit = ''; if ($_REQUEST['sport'] != '' && intval($_REQUEST['sport']) != 0) { $whereit = " AND sport='" . intval($_REQUEST['sport']) . "' "; } if ($_REQUEST['category'] == 'child') { $total_photos += $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrtwins WHERE published = '1'" . $whereit); } if ($_REQUEST['category'] == 'ambassador') { $total_photos += $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrcelebs WHERE published = '1' AND unicef='1'" . $whereit); } if ($_REQUEST['category'] == 'supporter') { $total_photos += $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrcelebs WHERE published = '1' AND unicef='0'" . $whereit); } } else { $whereit = ''; if ($_REQUEST['sport'] != '' && intval($_REQUEST['sport']) != 0) { $whereit = " AND sport='" . intval($_REQUEST['sport']) . "' "; } $total_photos = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickruploads WHERE status <> '-1' " . $whereit); } } else { if (isset($disp_singleuser['id']) && (!isset($_REQUEST['page_id']) || $_REQUEST['page_id'] == 1)) { $total_photos += 1; } } $photos = get_transient('afg_id_' . $id); if (DEBUG || isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) > 0) { $photos = NULL; } $flickr_api = 'photos'; $rsp_obj_total[$flickr_api] = array(); $rsp_obj_total[$flickr_api]['photo'] = array(); $twins = array(); if ($photos == false || $total_photos != count($photos)) { $photos = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < $total_photos / 500 + 1; $i++) { $flickr_api = 'photos'; if (isset($_REQUEST['category']) && $_REQUEST['category'] != '') { $owner = get_option('afg_user_id'); $kids = array(); $celebs = array(); $whereit = ''; if ($_REQUEST['sport'] != '' && intval($_REQUEST['sport']) != 0) { $whereit = " AND sport='" . intval($_REQUEST['sport']) . "' "; } $rows = null; if ($_REQUEST['category'] == 'ambassador') { $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrcelebs WHERE published = '1' AND unicef='1'" . $whereit . " ORDER BY RAND() "); } else { $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrcelebs WHERE published = '1' AND unicef='0'" . $whereit . " ORDER BY RAND() "); } if ($_REQUEST['category'] != 'child') { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($disp_singleuser[0]['did']) && ($disp_singleuser[0]['did'] == $row->id && $disp_singleuser[0]['dtype'] == 'c')) { continue; } $celebs[] = array('id' => $row->photoid, 'owner' => $owner, 'secret' => $row->photosecret, 'server' => $row->server, 'farm' => $row->farm, 'title' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($row->imagetitle), 0, 80)), 'ispublic' => 0, 'isfriend' => 0, 'isfamily' => 0, 'description' => array('_content' => stripslashes(substr(strip_tags($row->imagestory), 0, 200))), 'did' => $row->id, 'dtype' => 'c', 'dateupload' => strtotime($row->lastmodified), 'datetaken' => $row->submittedtime); } } if ($_REQUEST['category'] == 'child') { $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}flickrtwins WHERE published = '1'" . $whereit . 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