Example #1
 public function testUpdateAll()
     $pool = new Pool();
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $this->assertEquals(array(array('cmd' => 'update-all', 'packages' => array())), $request->getJobs());
Example #2
 public function printRules(Request $request)
     $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
     $this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool);
     $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap);
     $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
         printf("%s\n", $rule);
         // print_r( $rule->getLiterals() );
Example #3
  * @return InstallOperation[]
 private function getOperations()
     foreach ($this->aliases as $alias) {
         // we need to replace the version of aliased packages in the local
         // repository by their aliases in the root package (composer always
         // stores the actual installed version instead), otherwise the whole
         // dependency resolution below will fail.
         $aliased = $this->localRepo->findPackage($alias['package'], $alias['version']);
         $version = new \ReflectionProperty('Composer\\Package\\Package', 'version');
         $version->setValue($aliased, $alias['alias_normalized']);
     $toRepo = new ArrayRepository();
     $pool = new Pool();
     $pool->addRepository(new PlatformRepository());
     $request = new Request($pool);
     foreach ($this->localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) {
     $solver = new Solver(new DefaultPolicy(), $pool, $toRepo, new NullIO());
     return $solver->solve($request);
Example #4
 public function solve(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs = false)
     $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
     $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap, $ignorePlatformReqs);
     $this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool);
     $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
         $this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule));
     foreach ($this->installedMap as $packageId => $void) {
         if ($this->decisions->undecided($packageId)) {
             $this->decisions->decide(-$packageId, 1, null);
     if ($this->problems) {
         throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->installedMap);
     $transaction = new Transaction($this->policy, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $this->decisions);
     return $transaction->getOperations();
Example #5
 protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $aliases, $devMode = false)
     $minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability();
     $stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags();
     // init vars
     $lockedRepository = null;
     $repositories = null;
     // initialize locker to create aliased packages
     $installFromLock = false;
     if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
         $installFromLock = true;
         $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($devMode);
         $minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability();
         $stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags();
     $this->whitelistUpdateDependencies($localRepo, $devMode, $this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires());
     $this->io->write('<info>Loading composer repositories with package information</info>');
     // creating repository pool
     $policy = new DefaultPolicy();
     $pool = new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags);
     $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases);
     if ($installFromLock) {
         $pool->addRepository($lockedRepository, $aliases);
     if (!$installFromLock || !$this->locker->isCompleteFormat($devMode)) {
         $repositories = $this->repositoryManager->getRepositories();
         foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
             $pool->addRepository($repository, $aliases);
     // creating requirements request
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $this->package->getVersion());
     $request->install($this->package->getName(), $constraint);
     if ($this->update) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Updating ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies</info>');
         $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     } elseif ($installFromLock) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Installing ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies from lock file</info>');
         if (!$this->locker->isCompleteFormat($devMode)) {
             $this->io->write('<warning>Warning: Your lock file is in a deprecated format. It will most likely take a *long* time for composer to install dependencies, and may cause dependency solving issues.</warning>');
         if (!$this->locker->isFresh() && !$devMode) {
             $this->io->write('<warning>Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json, you may be getting outdated dependencies, run update to update them.</warning>');
         foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) {
             $version = $package->getVersion();
             if (isset($aliases[$package->getName()][$version])) {
                 $version = $aliases[$package->getName()][$version]['alias_normalized'];
             $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $version);
             $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     } else {
         $this->io->write('<info>Installing ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies</info>');
         $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     // fix the version of all installed packages (+ platform) that are not
     // in the current local repo to prevent rogue updates (e.g. non-dev
     // updating when in dev)
     foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
         if ($package->getRepository() === $localRepo) {
         $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
         $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     // if the updateWhitelist is enabled, packages not in it are also fixed
     // to the version specified in the lock, or their currently installed version
     if ($this->update && $this->updateWhitelist) {
         if ($this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
             $currentPackages = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($devMode)->getPackages();
         } else {
             $currentPackages = $installedRepo->getPackages();
         // collect links from composer as well as installed packages
         $candidates = array();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $candidates[$link->getTarget()] = true;
         foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
             $candidates[$package->getName()] = true;
         // fix them to the version in lock (or currently installed) if they are not updateable
         foreach ($candidates as $candidate => $dummy) {
             foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) {
                 if ($curPackage->getName() === $candidate) {
                     if ($this->isUpdateable($curPackage)) {
                     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $curPackage->getVersion());
                     $request->install($curPackage->getName(), $constraint);
     // force dev packages to have the latest links if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
     $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, 'force-links');
     // solve dependencies
     $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo);
     try {
         $operations = $solver->solve($request);
     } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
         $this->io->write('<error>Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.</error>');
         return false;
     if ($devMode) {
         // remove bogus operations that the solver creates for stuff that was force-updated in the non-dev pass
         // TODO this should not be necessary ideally, but it seems to work around the problem quite well
         foreach ($operations as $index => $op) {
             if ('update' === $op->getJobType() && $op->getInitialPackage()->getUniqueName() === $op->getTargetPackage()->getUniqueName() && $op->getInitialPackage()->getSourceReference() === $op->getTargetPackage()->getSourceReference() && $op->getInitialPackage()->getDistReference() === $op->getTargetPackage()->getDistReference()) {
     // force dev packages to be updated if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
     $operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, 'force-updates', $operations);
     // execute operations
     if (!$operations) {
         $this->io->write('Nothing to install or update');
     foreach ($operations as $operation) {
         // collect suggestions
         if ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
             foreach ($operation->getPackage()->getSuggests() as $target => $reason) {
                 $this->suggestedPackages[] = array('source' => $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName(), 'target' => $target, 'reason' => $reason);
         $event = 'Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType());
         if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) {
             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $operation);
         // not installing from lock, force dev packages' references if they're in root package refs
         if (!$installFromLock) {
             $package = null;
             if ('update' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                 $package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
             } elseif ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                 $package = $operation->getPackage();
             if ($package && $package->isDev()) {
                 $references = $this->package->getReferences();
                 if (isset($references[$package->getName()])) {
         // output alias operations in verbose mode, or all ops in dry run
         if ($this->dryRun || $this->verbose && false !== strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias')) {
             $this->io->write('  - ' . $operation);
         $this->installationManager->execute($localRepo, $operation);
         $event = 'Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::POST_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType());
         if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) {
             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $operation);
         if (!$this->dryRun) {
     return true;
Example #6
 public function solve(Request $request)
     $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
     $this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool);
     $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap);
     $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
         $this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule));
     /* make decisions based on job/update assertions */
     // decide to remove everything that's installed and undecided
     foreach ($this->installedMap as $packageId => $void) {
         if ($this->decisions->undecided($packageId)) {
             $this->decisions->decide(-$packageId, 1, null);
     if ($this->problems) {
         throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->installedMap);
     $transaction = new Transaction($this->policy, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $this->decisions);
     return $transaction->getOperations();
Example #7
 private function createRequest(Pool $pool, RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
     $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint);
     $fixedPackages = $platformRepo->getPackages();
     if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) {
         $additionalFixedPackages = $this->additionalInstalledRepository->getPackages();
         $fixedPackages = array_merge($fixedPackages, $additionalFixedPackages);
     // fix the version of all platform packages + additionally installed packages
     // to prevent the solver trying to remove or update those
     $provided = $rootPackage->getProvides();
     foreach ($fixedPackages as $package) {
         $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
         // skip platform packages that are provided by the root package
         if ($package->getRepository() !== $platformRepo || !isset($provided[$package->getName()]) || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint)) {
             $request->fix($package->getName(), $constraint);
     return $request;
Example #8
 private function createRequest(Pool $pool, RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
     $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint);
     // fix the version of all platform packages to prevent the solver trying to remove those
     foreach ($platformRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
         $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
         if (!($provided = $rootPackage->getProvides()) || !isset($provided[$package->getName()]) || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint)) {
             $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     return $request;
Example #9
 public function testUpdateAll()
     $request = new Request();
     $this->assertEquals(array(array('cmd' => 'update-all')), $request->getJobs());
Example #10
 protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $aliases, $devMode = false)
     // creating repository pool
     $pool = new Pool();
     foreach ($this->repositoryManager->getRepositories() as $repository) {
     // creating requirements request
     $installFromLock = false;
     $request = new Request($pool);
     if ($this->update) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Updating ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies</info>');
         $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     } elseif ($this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
         $installFromLock = true;
         $this->io->write('<info>Installing ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies from lock file</info>');
         if (!$this->locker->isFresh() && !$devMode) {
             $this->io->write('<warning>Your lock file is out of sync with your composer.json, run "composer.phar update" to update dependencies</warning>');
         foreach ($this->locker->getLockedPackages($devMode) as $package) {
             $version = $package->getVersion();
             foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
                 if ($alias['package'] === $package->getName() && $alias['version'] === $package->getVersion()) {
                     $version = $alias['alias'];
             $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $version);
             $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     } else {
         $this->io->write('<info>Installing ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies</info>');
         $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     // fix the version all installed packages that are not in the current local repo to prevent rogue updates
     foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
         if ($package->getRepository() === $localRepo || $package->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository) {
         $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
         $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     // prepare solver
     $policy = new DefaultPolicy();
     $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo);
     // solve dependencies
     try {
         $operations = $solver->solve($request);
     } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
         $this->io->write('<error>Your requirements could not be solved to an installable set of packages.</error>');
         return false;
     // force dev packages to be updated if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
     if ($this->update || $installFromLock) {
         foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
             // skip non-dev packages
             if (!$package->isDev()) {
             // skip packages that will be updated/uninstalled
             foreach ($operations as $operation) {
                 if ('update' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getInitialPackage()->equals($package) || 'uninstall' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getPackage()->equals($package)) {
                     continue 2;
             // force update to latest on update
             if ($this->update) {
                 $newPackage = $this->repositoryManager->findPackage($package->getName(), $package->getVersion());
                 if ($newPackage && $newPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
                     $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $newPackage);
             } elseif ($installFromLock) {
                 // force update to locked version if it does not match the installed version
                 $lockData = $this->locker->getLockData();
                 foreach ($lockData['packages'] as $lockedPackage) {
                     if (!empty($lockedPackage['source-reference']) && strtolower($lockedPackage['package']) === $package->getName()) {
                         $lockedReference = $lockedPackage['source-reference'];
                 if (isset($lockedReference) && $lockedReference !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
                     // changing the source ref to update to will be handled in the operations loop below
                     $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $package);
     // anti-alias local repository to allow updates to work fine
     foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
         if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
             $package->getRepository()->addPackage(clone $package->getAliasOf());
     // execute operations
     if (!$operations) {
         $this->io->write('Nothing to install or update');
     foreach ($operations as $operation) {
         if ($this->verbose) {
             $this->io->write((string) $operation);
         // collect suggestions
         if ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
             foreach ($operation->getPackage()->getSuggests() as $target => $reason) {
                 $this->suggestedPackages[] = array('source' => $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName(), 'target' => $target, 'reason' => $reason);
         if (!$this->dryRun) {
             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant('Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType())), $operation);
             // if installing from lock, restore dev packages' references to their locked state
             if ($installFromLock) {
                 $package = null;
                 if ('update' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                     $package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
                 } elseif ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                     $package = $operation->getPackage();
                 if ($package && $package->isDev()) {
                     $lockData = $this->locker->getLockData();
                     foreach ($lockData['packages'] as $lockedPackage) {
                         if (!empty($lockedPackage['source-reference']) && strtolower($lockedPackage['package']) === $package->getName()) {
             $this->installationManager->execute($localRepo, $operation);
             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant('Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::POST_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType())), $operation);
     // reload local repository for the dev pass to work ok with aliases since it was anti-aliased above
     if (!$devMode) {
     return true;
Example #11
 public function install(IOInterface $io, Composer $composer, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, $preferSource = false, $dryRun = false, $verbose = false, $noInstallRecommends = false, $installSuggests = false, $update = false, RepositoryInterface $additionalInstalledRepository = null)
     if ($dryRun) {
         $verbose = true;
     if ($preferSource) {
     // create local repo, this contains all packages that are installed in the local project
     $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
     // create installed repo, this contains all local packages + platform packages (php & extensions)
     $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepo, new PlatformRepository()));
     if ($additionalInstalledRepository) {
     // creating repository pool
     $pool = new Pool();
     foreach ($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories() as $repository) {
     // dispatch pre event
     if (!$dryRun) {
         $eventName = $update ? ScriptEvents::PRE_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::PRE_INSTALL_CMD;
     // creating requirements request
     $installFromLock = false;
     $request = new Request($pool);
     if ($update) {
         $io->write('<info>Updating dependencies</info>');
         $installedPackages = $installedRepo->getPackages();
         $links = $this->collectLinks($composer->getPackage(), $noInstallRecommends, $installSuggests);
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     } elseif ($composer->getLocker()->isLocked()) {
         $installFromLock = true;
         $io->write('<info>Installing from lock file</info>');
         if (!$composer->getLocker()->isFresh()) {
             $io->write('<warning>Your lock file is out of sync with your composer.json, run "composer.phar update" to update dependencies</warning>');
         foreach ($composer->getLocker()->getLockedPackages() as $package) {
             $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
             $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     } else {
         $io->write('<info>Installing dependencies</info>');
         $links = $this->collectLinks($composer->getPackage(), $noInstallRecommends, $installSuggests);
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     // prepare solver
     $installationManager = $composer->getInstallationManager();
     $policy = new DependencyResolver\DefaultPolicy();
     $solver = new DependencyResolver\Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo);
     // solve dependencies
     $operations = $solver->solve($request);
     // execute operations
     if (!$operations) {
         $io->write('<info>Nothing to install/update</info>');
     // force dev packages to be updated to latest reference on update
     if ($update) {
         foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
             // skip non-dev packages
             if (!$package->isDev()) {
             // skip packages that will be updated/uninstalled
             foreach ($operations as $operation) {
                 if ('update' === $operation->getJobType() && $package === $operation->getInitialPackage() || 'uninstall' === $operation->getJobType() && $package === $operation->getPackage()) {
                     continue 2;
             // force update
             $newPackage = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->findPackage($package->getName(), $package->getVersion());
             if ($newPackage && $newPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
                 $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $newPackage);
     foreach ($operations as $operation) {
         if ($verbose) {
             $io->write((string) $operation);
         if (!$dryRun) {
             $eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant('Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType())), $operation);
             // if installing from lock, restore dev packages' references to their locked state
             if ($installFromLock) {
                 $package = null;
                 if ('update' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                     $package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
                 } elseif ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                     $package = $operation->getPackage();
                 if ($package && $package->isDev()) {
                     $lockData = $composer->getLocker()->getLockData();
                     foreach ($lockData['packages'] as $lockedPackage) {
                         if (!empty($lockedPackage['source-reference']) && strtolower($lockedPackage['package']) === $package->getName()) {
             $eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant('Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::POST_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType())), $operation);
     if (!$dryRun) {
         if ($update || !$composer->getLocker()->isLocked()) {
             $io->write('<info>Writing lock file</info>');
         $io->write('<info>Generating autoload files</info>');
         $generator = new AutoloadGenerator();
         $generator->dump($localRepo, $composer->getPackage(), $installationManager, $installationManager->getVendorPath() . '/.composer');
         // dispatch post event
         $eventName = $update ? ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD;
Example #12
 private function createRequest(Pool $pool, RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
     $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint);
     $fixedPackages = $platformRepo->getPackages();
     if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) {
         $additionalFixedPackages = $this->additionalInstalledRepository->getPackages();
         $fixedPackages = array_merge($fixedPackages, $additionalFixedPackages);
     $provided = $rootPackage->getProvides();
     foreach ($fixedPackages as $package) {
         $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
         if ($package->getRepository() !== $platformRepo || !isset($provided[$package->getName()]) || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint)) {
             $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     return $request;
Example #13
 public function solve(Request $request)
     $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
     $installedPackages = $this->installed->getPackages();
     $this->installedMap = array();
     foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
         $this->installedMap[$package->getId()] = $package;
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '>')) {
         $this->decisionMap = new \SplFixedArray($this->pool->getMaxId() + 1);
     } else {
         $this->decisionMap = array_fill(0, $this->pool->getMaxId() + 1, 0);
     foreach ($this->jobs as $job) {
         foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
             switch ($job['cmd']) {
                 case 'fix':
                     if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()])) {
                         $this->fixMap[$package->getId()] = true;
                 case 'update':
                     if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()])) {
                         $this->updateMap[$package->getId()] = true;
         switch ($job['cmd']) {
             case 'update-all':
                 foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
                     $this->updateMap[$package->getId()] = true;
     foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
     foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
     foreach ($this->jobs as $job) {
         foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
             switch ($job['cmd']) {
                 case 'install':
                     $this->installCandidateMap[$package->getId()] = true;
     // solver_addrpmrulesforweak(solv, &addedmap);
     foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
         $updates = $this->policy->findUpdatePackages($this, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $package);
         $rule = $this->createUpdateRule($package, $updates, self::RULE_INTERNAL_ALLOW_UPDATE, (string) $package);
         $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_FEATURE, $rule);
         $this->packageToFeatureRule[$package->getId()] = $rule;
     foreach ($this->jobs as $job) {
         switch ($job['cmd']) {
             case 'install':
                 if (empty($job['packages'])) {
                     $this->problems[] = array($job);
                 } else {
                     $rule = $this->createInstallOneOfRule($job['packages'], self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL, $job['packageName']);
                     $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule);
                     $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()] = $job;
             case 'remove':
                 // remove all packages with this name including uninstalled
                 // ones to make sure none of them are picked as replacements
                 // todo: cleandeps
                 foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
                     $rule = $this->createRemoveRule($package, self::RULE_JOB_REMOVE);
                     $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule);
                     $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()] = $job;
             case 'lock':
                 foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
                     if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()])) {
                         $rule = $this->createInstallRule($package, self::RULE_JOB_LOCK);
                     } else {
                         $rule = $this->createRemoveRule($package, self::RULE_JOB_LOCK);
                     $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule);
                     $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()] = $job;
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
     /* disable update rules that conflict with our job */
     /* make decisions based on job/update assertions */
     $installRecommended = 0;
     $this->runSat(true, $installRecommended);
     if ($this->problems) {
         throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->learnedPool);
     return $this->createTransaction();
Example #14
 public function solve(Request $request)
     $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.4', '>=')) {
         $this->decisionMap = new \SplFixedArray($this->pool->getMaxId() + 1);
     } else {
         $this->decisionMap = array_fill(0, $this->pool->getMaxId() + 1, 0);
     $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap);
     $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
         $this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule));
     /* make decisions based on job/update assertions */
     if ($this->problems) {
         throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems);
     $transaction = new Transaction($this->policy, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $this->decisionMap, $this->decisionQueue, $this->decisionQueueWhy);
     return $transaction->getOperations();
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.LongVariable)
 public function handle(\Input $input)
     $packageName = $input->get('solve');
     $version = base64_decode(rawurldecode($input->get('version')));
     if ($input->post('mark') || $input->post('install')) {
         // make a backup
         copy(TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->configPathname, TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->configPathname . '~');
         // update requires
         $json = new JsonFile(TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->configPathname);
         $config = $json->read();
         if (!array_key_exists('require', $config)) {
             $config['require'] = array();
         $config['require'][$packageName] = $version;
         Messages::addInfo(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['composer_client']['added_candidate'], $packageName, $version));
         $_SESSION['COMPOSER_OUTPUT'] .= $this->io->getOutput();
         if ($input->post('install')) {
     /** @var RootPackage $rootPackage */
     $rootPackage = $this->composer->getPackage();
     $installedRootPackage = clone $rootPackage;
     $repositoryManager = $this->getRepositoryManager();
     $localRepository = $repositoryManager->getLocalRepository();
     $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository();
     $installedRepository = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepository, new InstalledArrayRepository(array($installedRootPackage)), $platformRepo));
     $versionParser = new VersionParser();
     $constraint = $versionParser->parseConstraints($version);
     $stability = $versionParser->parseStability($version);
     $aliases = $this->getRootAliases($rootPackage);
     $this->aliasPlatformPackages($platformRepo, $aliases);
     $stabilityFlags = $rootPackage->getStabilityFlags();
     $stabilityFlags[$packageName] = BasePackage::$stabilities[$stability];
     $pool = $this->getPool($rootPackage->getMinimumStability(), $stabilityFlags);
     $pool->addRepository($installedRepository, $aliases);
     $policy = new DefaultPolicy($rootPackage->getPreferStable());
     $request = new Request($pool);
     // add root package
     $rootPackageConstraint = $this->createConstraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
     $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $rootPackageConstraint);
     // add requirements
     $links = $rootPackage->getRequires();
     /** @var Link $link */
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         if ($link->getTarget() != $packageName) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     /** @var PackageInterface $package */
     foreach ($installedRepository->getPackages() as $package) {
         $request->install($package->getName(), $this->createConstraint('=', $package->getVersion()));
     $operations = array();
     try {
         $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepository);
         $beforeOperations = $solver->solve($request);
         $request->install($packageName, $constraint);
         $operations = $solver->solve($request);
         /** @var \Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\SolverOperation $beforeOperation */
         foreach ($beforeOperations as $beforeOperation) {
             /** @var \Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\InstallOperation $operation */
             foreach ($operations as $index => $operation) {
                 if ($operation->getPackage()->getName() != $packageName && $beforeOperation->__toString() == $operation->__toString()) {
     } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
         Messages::addError(sprintf('<span style="white-space: pre-line">%s</span>', trim($e->getMessage())));
     $template = new \BackendTemplate('be_composer_client_solve');
     $template->composer = $this->composer;
     $template->packageName = $packageName;
     $template->packageVersion = $version;
     $template->operations = $operations;
     return $template->parse();
Example #16
 protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $aliases, $devMode = false)
     $minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability();
     $stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags();
     // initialize locker to create aliased packages
     if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
         $lockedPackages = $this->locker->getLockedPackages($devMode);
         $minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability();
         $stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags();
     $this->whitelistUpdateDependencies($localRepo, $devMode, $this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires());
     $this->io->write('<info>Loading composer repositories with package information</info>');
     // creating repository pool
     $pool = new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags);
     foreach ($this->repositoryManager->getRepositories() as $repository) {
     // creating requirements request
     $installFromLock = false;
     $request = new Request($pool);
     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $this->package->getVersion());
     $request->install($this->package->getName(), $constraint);
     if ($this->update) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Updating ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies</info>');
         $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     } elseif ($this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
         $installFromLock = true;
         $this->io->write('<info>Installing ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies from lock file</info>');
         if (!$this->locker->isFresh() && !$devMode) {
             $this->io->write('<warning>Your lock file is out of sync with your composer.json, run "composer.phar update" to update dependencies</warning>');
         foreach ($lockedPackages as $package) {
             $version = $package->getVersion();
             foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
                 if ($alias['package'] === $package->getName() && $alias['version'] === $package->getVersion()) {
                     $version = $alias['alias_normalized'];
             $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $version);
             $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     } else {
         $this->io->write('<info>Installing ' . ($devMode ? 'dev ' : '') . 'dependencies</info>');
         $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
     // fix the version of all installed packages (+ platform) that are not
     // in the current local repo to prevent rogue updates (e.g. non-dev
     // updating when in dev)
     foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
         if ($package->getRepository() === $localRepo) {
         $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
         $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
     // if the updateWhitelist is enabled, packages not in it are also fixed
     // to the version specified in the lock, or their currently installed version
     if ($this->update && $this->updateWhitelist) {
         if ($this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
             $currentPackages = $this->locker->getLockedPackages($devMode);
         } else {
             $currentPackages = $installedRepo->getPackages();
         // collect links from composer as well as installed packages
         $candidates = array();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $candidates[$link->getTarget()] = true;
         foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
             $candidates[$package->getName()] = true;
         // fix them to the version in lock (or currently installed) if they are not updateable
         foreach ($candidates as $candidate => $dummy) {
             foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) {
                 if ($curPackage->getName() === $candidate) {
                     if ($this->isUpdateable($curPackage)) {
                     $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $curPackage->getVersion());
                     $request->install($curPackage->getName(), $constraint);
     // prepare solver
     $policy = new DefaultPolicy();
     $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo);
     // solve dependencies
     try {
         $operations = $solver->solve($request);
     } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
         $this->io->write('<error>Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.</error>');
         return false;
     // force dev packages to be updated if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
     foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
         // skip non-dev packages
         if (!$package->isDev()) {
         // skip packages that will be updated/uninstalled
         foreach ($operations as $operation) {
             if ('update' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getInitialPackage()->equals($package) || 'uninstall' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getPackage()->equals($package)) {
                 continue 2;
         // force update to locked version if it does not match the installed version
         if ($installFromLock) {
             $lockData = $this->locker->getLockData();
             foreach ($lockData['packages'] as $lockedPackage) {
                 if (!empty($lockedPackage['source-reference']) && strtolower($lockedPackage['package']) === $package->getName()) {
                     $lockedReference = $lockedPackage['source-reference'];
             if (isset($lockedReference) && $lockedReference !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
                 // changing the source ref to update to will be handled in the operations loop below
                 $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, clone $package);
         } else {
             // force update to latest on update
             if ($this->update) {
                 // skip package if the whitelist is enabled and it is not in it
                 if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) {
                 $newPackage = $this->repositoryManager->findPackage($package->getName(), $package->getVersion());
                 if ($newPackage && $newPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
                     $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $newPackage);
             // force installed package to update to referenced version if it does not match the installed version
             $references = $this->package->getReferences();
             if (isset($references[$package->getName()]) && $references[$package->getName()] !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
                 // changing the source ref to update to will be handled in the operations loop below
                 $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, clone $package);
     // execute operations
     if (!$operations) {
         $this->io->write('Nothing to install or update');
     foreach ($operations as $operation) {
         // collect suggestions
         if ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
             foreach ($operation->getPackage()->getSuggests() as $target => $reason) {
                 $this->suggestedPackages[] = array('source' => $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName(), 'target' => $target, 'reason' => $reason);
         $event = 'Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType());
         if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) {
             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $operation);
         // if installing from lock, restore dev packages' references to their locked state
         if ($installFromLock) {
             $package = null;
             if ('update' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                 $package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
             } elseif ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                 $package = $operation->getPackage();
             if ($package && $package->isDev()) {
                 $lockData = $this->locker->getLockData();
                 foreach ($lockData['packages'] as $lockedPackage) {
                     if (!empty($lockedPackage['source-reference']) && strtolower($lockedPackage['package']) === $package->getName()) {
                         // update commit date to allow recovery in case the commit disappeared
                         if (!empty($lockedPackage['commit-date'])) {
                             $package->setReleaseDate(new \DateTime('@' . $lockedPackage['commit-date']));
         } else {
             // not installing from lock, force dev packages' references if they're in root package refs
             $package = null;
             if ('update' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                 $package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
             } elseif ('install' === $operation->getJobType()) {
                 $package = $operation->getPackage();
             if ($package && $package->isDev()) {
                 $references = $this->package->getReferences();
                 if (isset($references[$package->getName()])) {
         // output alias operations in verbose mode, or all ops in dry run
         if ($this->dryRun || $this->verbose && false !== strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias')) {
             $this->io->write('  - ' . $operation);
         $this->installationManager->execute($localRepo, $operation);
         $event = 'Composer\\Script\\ScriptEvents::POST_PACKAGE_' . strtoupper($operation->getJobType());
         if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) {
             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $operation);
         if (!$this->dryRun) {
     return true;
Example #17
  * @param  Request $request
  * @param  bool    $ignorePlatformReqs
  * @return array
 public function solve(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs = false)
     $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
     $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap, $ignorePlatformReqs);
     $this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool);
     $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
         $this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule));
     /* make decisions based on job/update assertions */
     $this->io->writeError('Resolving dependencies through SAT', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
     $before = microtime(true);
     $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Dependency resolution completed in %.3f seconds', microtime(true) - $before), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
     // decide to remove everything that's installed and undecided
     foreach ($this->installedMap as $packageId => $void) {
         if ($this->decisions->undecided($packageId)) {
             $this->decisions->decide(-$packageId, 1, null);
     if ($this->problems) {
         throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->installedMap);
     $transaction = new Transaction($this->policy, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $this->decisions);
     return $transaction->getOperations();
Example #18
  * Install requirements.
  * @param  \Composer\DependencyResolver\Request  $request
  * @param  \Composer\Package\Link[]              $links
  * @param  bool                                  $dev
 private function installRequires(Request $request, array $links, $dev = false)
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         $this->logger->info($dev ? "Adding dev dependency <comment>{$link}</comment>" : "Adding dependency <comment>{$link}</comment>");
         $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());