default: //Overview. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $cpage = "overview"; //includeLang('overview'); getLang('overview'); includeLang('tech'); include "includes/overviewfunctions.php"; $parse = array_merge($lang, $planetrow); $type_array = PlanetType($planetrow['image']); $parse['type'] = $type_array['type']; $parse['subtype'] = $type_array['subtype']; $alt = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $planetrow['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $planetrow['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planetrow['planet'] . "' AND `id` <> '" . $planetrow['id'] . "' AND `planet_type` <> '2' LIMIT 1 ;", 'planets', false); if (mysql_num_rows($alt) > 0) { $alt = FetchArray($alt); $alt_type_array = PlanetType($alt['image']); if ($alt['planet_type'] == 1) { $parse['moonlink'] = ' <div id="planet_as_moon"> <a onclick="loadpage(\'./?cp=' . $alt['id'] . '&re=0\',\'' . $lang['Overview'] . ' - ' . $alt['name'] . '\',\'overview\'); document.getElementById(\'planet_ext\').value = \'\'; document.getElementById(\'resources_menu_link\').style.display = \'block\'; return false;" href="./?cp=' . $alt['id'] . '&re=0" class="tips" onmouseover="mr_tooltip(\'' . $alt['name'] . '\')" onmouseout="UnTip()"> <img alt="" src="' . GAME_SKIN . '/img/planets/large/' . $alt_type_array['type'] . '.jpg"> </a> </div>'; } else { $parse['moonlink'] = ' <div id="moon"> <a onclick="loadpage(\'./?cp=' . $alt['id'] . '&re=0\',\'' . $lang['Overview'] . ' - ' . $alt['name'] . '\',\'overview\'); document.getElementById(\'planet_ext\').value = \'-moon\'; document.getElementById(\'resources_menu_link\').style.display = \'none\'; return false;" href="./?cp=' . $alt['id'] . '&re=0"
/** * ShowGalaxyRows.php * * @version 1.0 * @copyright 2008 By Chlorel for XNova */ function ShowGalaxyRows($Galaxy, $System) { global $lang, $planetcount, $CurrentRC, $dpath, $user, $planetrow, $resource, $pricelist, $formulas; //Can we phalanx this system? $CanPhalanx = false; if (abs($planetrow['system'] - $System) <= eval($formulas['phalanx_range']) && $planetrow['galaxy'] == $Galaxy) { $CanPhalanx = true; } //Loop through planets $Result = ""; for ($Planet = 1; $Planet <= MAX_PLANET_IN_SYSTEM; $Planet++) { unset($GalaxyRowPlanet); unset($GalaxyRowMoon); unset($GalaxyRowPlayer); unset($GalaxyRowAlly); //MadnessRed, reset some things to false. $noplanet = false; $moon = false; $moondest = false; $GalaxyRowPlanet = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $Galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $System . "' AND `planet` = '" . $Planet . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' LIMIT 1 ;", 'planets', true); //If there is a planet here if ($GalaxyRowPlanet['id'] > 0) { //There is a planet if ($GalaxyRowPlanet['destruyed'] != 0 && $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] != '' && $GalaxyRowPlanet['id_owner'] != 0 && $GalaxyRow["id_planet"] != '') { CheckAbandonPlanetState($GalaxyRowPlanet); } else { $planetcount++; $GalaxyRowPlayer = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $GalaxyRowPlanet["id_owner"] . "';", 'users', true); } //Is there a moon? $GalaxyRowMoon = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $Galaxy . "' AND `system` = '" . $System . "' AND `planet` = '" . $Planet . "' AND `planet_type` = '3' LIMIT 1 ;", 'planets', true); if ($GalaxyRowMoon["id"] > 0) { $moon = true; if ($GalaxyRowMoon["destruyed"] != 0) { $moondest = true; CheckAbandonMoonState($GalaxyRowMoon); } } } else { $noplanet = true; } //Clear $parse, $parse = array(); $parse = $lang; //Some Basics //Galaxy & System $parse['galaxy'] = $Galaxy; $parse['system'] = $System; //Username and ID $parse['player_name'] = $GalaxyRowPlayer['username']; if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) { //Utente In Vacanza $parse['player_name'] = "<font color=#00CCFF><strong>" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['username'] . " ( V )</strong></font>"; } //Controllo se � bannato if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['banned_until'] >= time()) { //Controllo se � stata attivata o meno la modalit� Vacanza if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) { //Utente In Vacanza $parse['player_name'] = "<font color=#00CCFF><strong><s>" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['username'] . " ( V B )</s></strong></font>"; } else { //Utente Bannato SENZA VACANZA $parse['player_name'] = "<font color=#FFFFFF><strong><s>" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['username'] . " ( B )</s></strong></font>"; } } //Controllo se il giocatore � Inattivo if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['onlinetime'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { //Inattivo da 7 Giorni $parse['player_name'] = "<font color=#999999>" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['username'] . " ( i )</font>"; } if ($GalaxyRowPlayer['onlinetime'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 28) { //Inattivo da 28 Giorni $parse['player_name'] = "<font color=#666666>" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['username'] . " ( i I )</font>"; } $parse['player_id'] = $GalaxyRowPlayer['id']; //Alliance $Alliance = false; if ($GalaxyRowPlayer["ally_id"] > 0) { $Alliance = true; $GalaxyRowAlly = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $GalaxyRowPlayer["ally_id"] . "' ;", 'alliance', true); $parse['ally_name'] = $GalaxyRowAlly["ally_name"]; $parse['ally_tag'] = $GalaxyRowAlly["ally_tag"]; $parse['ally_id'] = $GalaxyRowAlly["id"]; $parse['aly_members'] = $GalaxyRowAlly["ally_members"]; } //Planet Number and Name $parse['pos'] = $Planet; $parse['planet_name_short'] = $GalaxyRowPlanet['name']; $parse['planet_name'] = $GalaxyRowPlanet['name']; //Debris field. $parse['df_metal'] = $GalaxyRowPlanet['debris_m']; $parse['df_crystal'] = $GalaxyRowPlanet['debris_c']; $parse['df_recs'] = ceil(($parse['df_metal'] + $parse['df_crystal']) / $pricelist[209]['capacity']); //Planet Type $pt = PlanetType($GalaxyRowPlanet['image']); $parse['micro_planet_img'] = "img/planets/micro/" . $pt['type'] . "_" . $pt['subtype'] . "_1.gif"; //Player Stuff $parse['avatar_small'] = '<img src=' . GetAvatar($GalaxyRowPlayer['email'], 50) . ' alt=Player avatar border=0 />'; //Visualizzo il Rank del Player : $Rank = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $GalaxyRowPlayer['id'] . "';", 'statpoints'); $parse['rank'] = $Rank['total_rank']; //$parse['rank'] = "PRIMOOO"; //Tooltip height $parse['tooltip_height'] = 75 + 31 * $Planet; //PlanetIMG if ($noplanet) { $parse['td_microplanet'] = ""; $parse['td_microplanet_class'] = 'microplanet1'; $parse['td_microplanet_extra'] = ''; $parse['td_microplanet_style'] = ''; $parse['td_playername'] = ""; } else { if ($CanPhalanx && $GalaxyRowPlayer['id'] != $user['id']) { //$parse['phalanx'] = "<li><a href=# onclick=loadpage(\'./?page=phalanx\',\'".$lang['Phalanx']."\',\'fleet1\');>".$lang['Phalanx']."</a></li>"; $parse['phalanx'] = "<li><a href=# onclick=mrbox(\\'./?page=phalanx\\');>" . $lang['Phalanx'] . "</a></li>"; //(url,width,margintop,title,method) } else { $parse['phalanx'] = ""; } $parse['td_microplanet'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/microplanet'), $parse); $parse['td_microplanet_class'] = 'TTgalaxy microplanet'; $parse['td_microplanet_extra'] = 'rel="#planet{pos}"'; $parse['td_microplanet_style'] = 'background:url(' . GAME_SKIN . '/' . $parse['micro_planet_img'] . ') no-repeat top center;'; $parse['td_playername'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/playername'), $parse); } //Alliance? if ($Alliance) { $parse['td_alliance'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/alliance'), $parse); } //Moon? if ($moondest) { $parse['td_moon'] = '<img src="img/galaxy/moon_c.gif" width="30" height="30" />'; } elseif ($moon) { $parse['moon_name'] = $GalaxyRowMoon['name']; $parse['diametre'] = $GalaxyRowMoon['diameter']; $parse['td_moon'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/moon'), $parse); } //DF? if ($parse['df_metal'] + $parse['df_crystal'] > 0) { $parse['td_df'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/df'), $parse); } //Actions $mes = '<a class="tips thickbox" onclick="mrbox(\'./?page=write&to={id}&iframe=1&iheight=800\',800)" style="position:relative;"> <img src="{{skin}}/img/icons/mail.gif" width="16" height="16" title="Write Message" /> </a>'; $bud = '<a class="tips" href="./?page=networkbuddy&a=2&u={id}" style="position:relative;"> <img src="{{skin}}/img/icons/user.gif" width="16" height="16" title="Buddy request" /> </a>'; if ($user['spio_anz'] > $planetrow[$resource[210]]) { $probes = $planetrow[$resource[210]]; } else { $probes = $user['spio_anz']; } $spy = '<a class="tips thickbox" href="#" onclick="mr_alert(\'<img height=16 width=16 src=\\\'../skins/xr//img/ajax-loader.gif\\\' /> {Loading}...\',\'<img src=\\\'{{skin}}/img/icons/auge.gif\\\' width=16 height=16 title=Spy />\'); getAXAH(\'./?page=fleet4&galaxy={galaxy}&system={system}&planet={pos}&planettype=1&fleet_array=a:1:{i:210;s:1:\\%22' . $probes . '\\%22;}&speed=10&mission=6&holdingtime=0&resource1=0&resource2=0&resource3=0\',\'errorBoxNotifyContent\'); return false;" style="position:relative;"> <img src="{{skin}}/img/icons/auge.gif" width="16" height="16" title="Spy" /> </a>'; $ipm = '<a class="tips" href="#" onclick="mrbox(\'./?page=ipm&gal={galaxy}&sys={system}&pos={pos}&pt=1\',650,150);" style="position:relative;"> <img src="{{skin}}/img/icons/rakete.gif" width="16" height="16" title="Missile Attack" /> </a>'; if (!$noplanet && $GalaxyRowPlayer["id"] != $user["id"]) { $parse['id'] = $GalaxyRowPlayer["id"]; $parse['act_message'] = parsetemplate($mes, $parse); $parse['act_buddy'] = parsetemplate($bud, $parse); if ($planetrow[$resource[210]] > 0 && !ProtectNoob(array($Galaxy, $System, $Planet))) { $parse['act_spy'] = parsetemplate($spy, $parse); } if ($planetrow[$resource[503]] > 0 && ($planetrow['galaxy'] = $Galaxy && eval($formulas['ipm_range']) > abs($planetrow['system'] - $System) && !ProtectNoob(array($Galaxy, $System, $Planet)))) { $parse['act_nuke'] = parsetemplate($ipm, $parse); } } //Now make the whole row $Result .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('galaxy/galaxyrow_div'), $parse); } return $Result; }
/** * BuildingPage.php * * @version 1.0 * @copyright 2009 by MadnessRed for XNova Redesigned */ function BuildingPage($a = 0, $b = 0) { global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $pricelist, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET, $user, $planetrow; CheckPlanetUsedFields($planetrow); if (!$_GET['page']) { return false; die; } // Tables des batiments possibles par type de planete if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') { $Allowed[1] = array(14, 15, 21, 31, 33, 34, 44); $Allowed[3] = array(14, 21, 34, 41, 42, 43); } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') { $Allowed[1] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 212, 22, 23, 24); $Allowed[3] = array(212, 22, 23, 24); } else { die("Hacking attempt"); } //Right, lets see what he has an generate him an image. $imgnum = ''; if ($planetrow[$resource[1]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_1"; } if ($planetrow[$resource[2]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_2"; } if ($planetrow[$resource[3]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_3"; } if ($planetrow[$resource[4]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_4"; } // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) { // On passe une commande $bThisIsCheated = false; $bDoItNow = false; $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd']; $Element = $_GET['building']; $ListID = $_GET['listid']; if (isset($Element)) { if (!strchr($Element, " ")) { if (!strchr($Element, ",")) { if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) { $bDoItNow = true; } else { //$bThisIsCheated = true; $bDoItNow = true; } } else { $bThisIsCheated = true; } } else { $bThisIsCheated = true; } } elseif (isset($ListID)) { $bDoItNow = true; } if ($bDoItNow == true) { switch ($TheCommand) { case 'cancel': //Remove last queue item RemoveFromQueue(); break; case 'remove': //Remove a specific queue item RemoveFromQueue($ListID); break; case 'insert': //Insert into the queue a build $fields_rem = $planetrow['field_max'] - $planetrow['field_current'] + $planetrow[$resource[33]] * 5; if ($fields_rem >= 0) { AddToQueue($Element, 1); } else { echo $fields_rem . " < 0"; die("Hacking Attempt!"); } break; case 'destroy': //Add a deconstrction to the queue AddToQueue($Element, -1); break; } // switch } elseif ($bThisIsCheated == true) { //ResetThisFuckingCheater ( $user['id'] ); } //If they want axah_section if ($_GET['axah_box']) { $q = ShowQueue(false); makeAXAH($q['buildlist']); die; } } $Queue = ShowQueue(true); // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi� dans planet ! BuildingSavePlanetRecord($planetrow); // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi� dans users BuildingSaveUserRecord($user); $max_qs = MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE; if ($max_qs > 0) { //fine :) } else { $max_qs = 10; } if ($Queue['length'] < $max_qs) { $CanBuildElement = true; } else { $CanBuildElement = false; } if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') { if ($planetrow['planet_type'] == 3) { $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/station-moon_buttonz'); } else { $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/station_buttonz'); } } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') { $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/resources_buttonz'); } else { die("Hacking attempt"); } $parse = array(); $infopg = array(); foreach ($lang['names'] as $Element => $ElementName) { if (!$planetrow['planet_type']) { die("no planet type"); } if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']]) || $_GET['page'] == 'station') { if (@in_array($Element, $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) { if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($user, $planetrow, $Element)) { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Requirements are not met"; $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = ""; } elseif (!IsElementBuyable($user, $planetrow, $Element, true, false) && $Queue['length'] == 0) { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "disabled"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not enough resources!"; $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = ""; } elseif (!$CanBuildElement) { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "disabled"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Queue is full!"; $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = ""; } else { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "on"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = ""; $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"fastBuild tips\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"loadpage('./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building={$Element}&id={$Element}',document.title,;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"" . GAME_SKIN . "/img/layout/sofort_bauen.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"22\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>"; } } else { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not availble"; $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = ""; } $parse['name_' . $Element] = $ElementName; $parse['count_' . $Element] = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]]; } } //Countdowns if ($planetrow['b_building'] > 0) { $BuildQueue = explode(";", $planetrow['b_building_id']); $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]); $parse['countdown_' . $CurrBuild[0]] = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"construction\">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"pusher\" style=\"height: 80px; margin-bottom: -80px;\">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"time\" id=\"resource\">" . parsecountdown($planetrow['b_building']) . "</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; } $BuildingPage = parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse); $parse = $lang; $Element = idstring($_GET['id']); $ElementName = $lang['names'][$Element]; // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ?? if ($Queue['length'] > 0) { $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist']; } else { $parse['BuildList'] = ""; } $de_planettype = PlanetType($planetrow['image']); $parse['type'] = $de_planettype['type']; if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') { $parse['bg'] = HEADER_CACHE . "station/" . $parse['type'] . ".png"; } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') { if (url_exists(HEADER_CACHE . "resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png")) { $parse['bg'] = HEADER_CACHE . "resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png"; } else { $parse['bg'] = HEADER_CACHE . "resources/default.png"; } } else { die("Hacking attempt"); } $parse['hideres'] = "display:none;"; $parse['hidenorm'] = ""; $parse['planetname'] = $planetrow['name']; if (!$Element) { if ($_GET['mode'] == "resources") { $parse['hideres'] = ""; $parse['hidenorm'] = "display:none;"; } } else { if (!is_array($Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) { $message = $user['username'] . " (" . intval($user['id']) . ") does not have a propper planet_type, so \$Allowed[\$planetrow['planet_type']] was not an array, causing the error which is most likely directly below this."; trigger_error($message, E_USER_NOTICE); } if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) { //Something else $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($user, $planetrow, $Element, true, false); $parse['i'] = $Element; $parse['dpath'] = $dpath; $BuildingLevel = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]]; $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")"; $parse['n'] = $ElementName; $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element]; $ElementBuildTime = BuildingTime($Element, $BuildingLevel + 1, $planetrow); $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime); $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($user, $planetrow, $Element); $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($user, $planetrow, $Element); $parse['click'] = ''; $NextBuildLevel = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]] + 1; $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($planetrow); if ($planetrow["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) { $RoomIsOk = true; } else { $RoomIsOk = false; } if ($Element == 31) { // Sp�cial Laboratoire if ($user["b_tech_planet"] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) { // Variable qui contient le parametre // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config) $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>"; } } if (IsTechnologieAccessible($user, $planetrow, $Element)) { if ($parse['click'] != '') { // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !! } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) { if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) { if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) { if ($HaveRessources == true) { $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>"; $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>4" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } } else { if ($HaveRessources == true) { $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>"; $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } } } else { $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>"; $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['InBuildQueue']; } } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) { if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>2" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>1" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NoMoreSpace']; } } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NotAccessible'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NotAccessible']; } //Building Info if ($infopg['build_link']) { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it"; $infopg['build_text'] = "Improve"; } else { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it_disabled"; $infopg['build_text'] = "In queue"; } $infopg['id'] = $Element; $infopg['name'] = $ElementName; $infopg['level'] = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]]; if ($planetrow[$resource[$Element]] < 1) { $infopg['display_destroy'] = "style=\"display:none;\""; } $infopg['td_url'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=destroy&id=" . $Element . "&building=" . $Element; $infopg['title'] = "Tear down"; $infopg['level1'] = $infopg['level'] + 1; $infopg['duration'] = pretty_time($ElementBuildTime); $infopg['shortdesc'] = $lang['sdesc'][$Element]; $infopg['skin'] = $user['skin']; $infopg['cost_m'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $planetrow[$resource[$Element]])); $infopg['cost_c'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $planetrow[$resource[$Element]])); $infopg['cost_d'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['deuterium'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $planetrow[$resource[$Element]])); if ($infopg['cost_m'] > $planetrow['metal'] && $infopg['cost_m'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_m'] = "missing_resource"; } if ($infopg['cost_c'] > $planetrow['crystal'] && $infopg['cost_c'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_c'] = "missing_resource"; } if ($infopg['cost_d'] > $planetrow['deuterium'] && $infopg['cost_d'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_d'] = "missing_resource"; } $infopg['sh_cost_m'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_m'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['sh_cost_c'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_c'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['sh_cost_d'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_d'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['cost_m'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_m']); $infopg['cost_c'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_c']); $infopg['cost_d'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_d']); $infopg['page'] = $_GET['page']; $parse['info'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/info'), $infopg); $parse['extra'] = "style=\"display:none\""; if ($_GET['axah_section'] == '1') { makeAXAH($parse['info']); die; } } } $parse['planet_field_current'] = $planetrow["field_current"]; $parse['planet_field_max'] = $planetrow['field_max'] + $planetrow[$resource[33]] * 5; $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $planetrow['field_current']; $parse['buttonz'] = $BuildingPage; $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage; if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') { $page = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/station'), $parse); $title = $lang['Facilities']; } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') { //Resources screen $parse['resources_section'] = BuildRessourcePage($user, $planetrow, $parse['hideres']); $page = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/resources'), $parse); $title = $lang['Resources']; } else { die("Hacking attempt"); } if ($_GET['axah']) { makeAXAH($page); } else { displaypage($page, $title); } }
/** * BatimentBuildingPage.php * * @version 1.1 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova */ function ProductionBuildingPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser) { global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $pricelist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET; CheckPlanetUsedFields($CurrentPlanet); // Tables des batiments possibles par type de planete $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 212, 22, 23, 24); $Allowed['3'] = array(212, 22, 23, 24); //Right, lets see what he has an generate him an image. $imgnum = ''; if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[1]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_1"; } if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[2]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_2"; } if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[3]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_3"; } if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[4]] > 0) { $imgnum .= "_4"; } // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) { // On passe une commande $bThisIsCheated = false; $bDoItNow = false; $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd']; $Element = $_GET['building']; $ListID = $_GET['listid']; if (isset($Element)) { if (!strchr($Element, " ")) { if (!strchr($Element, ",")) { if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) { $bDoItNow = true; } else { //$bThisIsCheated = true; $bDoItNow = true; } } else { $bThisIsCheated = true; } } else { $bThisIsCheated = true; } } elseif (isset($ListID)) { $bDoItNow = true; } if ($bDoItNow == true) { switch ($TheCommand) { case 'cancel': // Interrompre le premier batiment de la queue CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser); break; case 'remove': // Supprimer un element de la queue (mais pas le premier) // $RemID -> element de la liste a supprimer RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID); break; case 'insert': // Insere un element dans la queue $fields_rem = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current'] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[33]] * 5; if ($fields_rem >= 0) { AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true); } else { echo $fields_rem . " < 0"; die("Hacking Attempt!"); } break; case 'destroy': // Detruit un batiment deja construit sur la planete ! AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false); break; default: break; } // switch } elseif ($bThisIsCheated == true) { ResetThisFuckingCheater($CurrentUser['id']); } } SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser); $Queue = ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser); // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi� dans planet ! BuildingSavePlanetRecord($CurrentPlanet); // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi� dans users BuildingSaveUserRecord($CurrentUser); $max_qs = MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE; if ($max_qs > 0) { //fine :) } else { $max_qs = 10; } if ($Queue['lenght'] < $max_qs) { $CanBuildElement = true; } else { $CanBuildElement = false; } $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings_res_buttonz'); $parse = array(); $infopg = array(); foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) { if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[1])) { if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) { if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Requirements are not met"; } elseif (!IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false)) { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "disabled"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not enough resources!"; } else { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "on"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = ""; } } else { $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off"; $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not availble"; } $parse['name_' . $Element] = $ElementName; $parse['count_' . $Element] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]; } } $BuildingPage = parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse); $parse = $lang; $Element = idstring($_GET['id']); $ElementName = $lang['tech'][$Element]; // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ?? if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) { $parse['BuildListScript'] = ''; //$parse['BuildListScript'] = InsertBuildListScript ( "buildings" ); $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist']; } else { $parse['BuildListScript'] = ""; $parse['BuildList'] = ""; } $de_planettype = PlanetType($CurrentPlanet['image']); $parse['type'] = $de_planettype['type']; $parse['bg'] = GAME_SKIN . "/img/header/resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png"; $parse['hideres'] = "display:none;"; $parse['hidenorm'] = ""; if (!$Element) { $parse['bg'] = GAME_SKIN . "/img/header/resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png"; if ($_GET['mode'] == "resources") { $parse['hideres'] = ""; $parse['hidenorm'] = "display:none;"; $parse['resources_section'] = BuildRessourcePage($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet); } } else { if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) { //Something else $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false); $parse['i'] = $Element; $parse['dpath'] = $dpath; $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]; $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")"; $parse['n'] = $ElementName; $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element]; $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime); $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['click'] = ''; $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet); if ($CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) { $RoomIsOk = true; } else { $RoomIsOk = false; } if ($Element == 31) { // Sp�cial Laboratoire if ($CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) { // Variable qui contient le parametre // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config) $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>"; } } if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) { if ($parse['click'] != '') { // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !! } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) { if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) { if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) { if ($HaveRessources == true) { $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>"; $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>4" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } } else { if ($HaveRessources == true) { $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>"; $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } } } else { $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>"; $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['InBuildQueue']; } } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) { if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>2" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>1" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NoMoreSpace']; } } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NotAccessible'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NotAccessible']; } //$parse['bg'] = GAME_SKIN."/img/header/resources/ice.png"; $parse['gebaeude_inf'] = "<br /><blockquote style=\"margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:.75; opacity:.75; background-color: #000000;\">\r\n\t\t\t<div style=\"margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;\">\r\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\"><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td width=\"130\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "/gebaeude/" . $parse['i'] . ".gif\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $parse['n'] . "\" /></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td style=\"margin-left: 10px;\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><!--<a href=\"infos.php?gid=" . $parse['i'] . "\">-->" . $parse['n'] . "<!--</a>--></div>" . "<div style=\"text-align: left;\">" . $parse['nivel'] . "<br />" . $parse['descriptions'] . "<br /><br />" . $parse['price'] . $parse['time'] . $parse['rest_price'] . "<br /></div>" . "<div style=\"text-align: right;\">" . $parse['click'] . "</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr></table>\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t</blockquote>"; //Building Info if ($infopg['build_link']) { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it"; $infopg['build_text'] = "Improve"; } else { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it_disabled"; $infopg['build_text'] = "In queue"; } $infopg['id'] = $Element; $infopg['name'] = $ElementName; $infopg['level'] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]; if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] < 1) { $infopg['display_destroy'] = "style=\"display:none;\""; } $infopg['td_url'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=destroy&building=" . $Element; $infopg['title'] = "Tear down"; $infopg['level1'] = $infopg['level'] + 1; $infopg['duration'] = pretty_time($ElementBuildTime); $infopg['shortdesc'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element]; $infopg['skin'] = $CurrentUser['skin']; $infopg['cost_m'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]])); $infopg['cost_c'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]])); $infopg['cost_d'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['deuterium'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]])); if ($infopg['cost_m'] > $CurrentPlanet['metal'] && $infopg['cost_m'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_m'] = "missing_resource"; } if ($infopg['cost_c'] > $CurrentPlanet['crystal'] && $infopg['cost_c'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_c'] = "missing_resource"; } if ($infopg['cost_d'] > $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'] && $infopg['cost_d'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_d'] = "missing_resource"; } $infopg['sh_cost_m'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_m'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['sh_cost_c'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_c'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['sh_cost_d'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_d'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['cost_m'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_m']); $infopg['cost_c'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_c']); $infopg['cost_d'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_d']); $infopg['page'] = $_GET['page']; $parse['info'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/info'), $infopg); $parse['extra'] = "style=\"display:none\""; } } $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet["field_current"]; $parse['planet_field_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[33]] * 5; $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current']; $parse['buttonz'] = $BuildingPage; $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/resources'), $parse); displaypage($page, $lang['Builds']); }
function NewHeader($bodyid) { global $planetrow, $user, $onload, $dpath, $game_config, $resource, $_GET, $lang, $cid; getLang('menu'); $parse = $lang; $parse['bodyid'] = $bodyid; //Top Menu $parse['forum_url'] = $game_config['forum_url']; $parse['game_name'] = $game_config['game_name']; //Basics $de_planettype = PlanetType($planetrow['image']); $parse['type'] = $de_planettype['type']; $parse['de_type'] = $de_planettype; $parse['de_string'] = $planetrow['image']; $parse['user_name'] = $user['username']; $parse['skin'] = $user['skin']; $parse['dpath'] = $user['dpath']; $parse['dpath'] = $dpath; //Moon extention if ($planetrow['planet_type'] == 3) { $parse['planet_ext'] = '-moon'; } else { $parse['planet_ext'] = ''; } if ($user['authlevel'] > 1) { $parse['adminlink'] = '<li><a href="./?page=admin">' . $lang['Amdin'] . '</a></li>'; } //To get planet sub type (01 to 10) well will remove all except numbers. To remove the leading zeros, times by 1. $parse['subtype'] = $de_planettype['subtype']; //Messages if (strlen($user['messages']) > 0) { $messages = explode(",", $user['messages']); $mess = 0; foreach ($messages as $c) { $mess += $c; } if ($mess > 0) { $parse['showmail'] = 'visible'; $parse['messages_count'] = pretty_number($mess); } else { $parse['showmail'] = 'hidden'; } } else { $parse['showmail'] = 'hidden'; } //Officers for ($offi = 601; $offi <= 605; $offi++) { //echo $user[$resource[$offi]]."-"; if ($user[$resource[$offi] . "_exp"] < time()) { $parse["un" . $offi] = "_un"; $parse["hire" . $offi] = "Hire " . $lang['names'][$offi]; } else { $parse["un" . $offi] = ""; //$parse["hire".$offi] = "Expires: ".date($lang['daymonth']."/y H:i",$user[$resource[$offi]."_exp"]); $remain = $user[$resource[$offi] . "_exp"] - time(); if ($remain >= 86400) { $parse["hire" . $offi] = $lang['expiresin'] . " " . floor($remain / 86400) . " " . $lang['days']; } elseif ($remain >= 3600) { $parse["hire" . $offi] = $lang['expiresin'] . " " . floor($remain / 3600) . " " . $lang['hours']; } } } //M/C/D/DM $parse['metal'] = pretty_number($planetrow['metal'] * 1); $parse['crystal'] = pretty_number($planetrow['crystal'] * 1); $parse['deut'] = pretty_number($planetrow['deuterium'] * 1); $parse['kmetal'] = KMnumber($planetrow['metal'] * 1); $parse['kcrystal'] = KMnumber($planetrow['crystal'] * 1); $parse['kdeut'] = KMnumber($planetrow['deuterium'] * 1); $parse['energy'] = KMnumber($planetrow['energy_used'] + $planetrow['energy_max']); $parse['energy_green'] = " color=\"green\""; if ($parse['energy'] <= 0) { $parse['energy_red'] = " color=\"red\""; $parse['energy_green'] = " color=\"red\""; } $parse['energy_used'] = pretty_number(floor($planetrow['energy_used'] * -1)); $parse['energy_max'] = pretty_number(floor($planetrow['energy_max'] * 1)); $parse['matter'] = KMnumber(floor($user['matter']) * DARK_MATTER_FACTOR * 1); $parse['players'] = USER_RANK; $fl_tbl = GetFleetInfo($user, $planet); if ($fl_tbl) { $parse['fleet_table'] = $fl_tbl[0]; $parse['eventboxdisplay'] = 'block'; } else { $parse['eventboxdisplay'] = 'none'; } if ($fl_tbl[1] > 0) { $parse['attack_alert'] = 'visible'; } else { $parse['attack_alert'] = 'hidden'; } $parse['onload'] = $onload; $parse['note_show'] = "none"; $parse['desc_show'] = "none"; if ($_GET['message'] && $_GET['etype']) { $parse['ncont'] = $_GET['message']; $parse['nhead'] = $_GET['title']; $parse[$_GET['etype'] . '_show'] = "float"; $parse['go_ok'] = $_GET['to']; $parse['go_yes'] = $_GET['ifyes']; $parse['go_no'] = $_GET['ifno']; //$parse['errorbox'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('redesigned/errorbox'),$parse); } $part = parsetemplate(gettemplate('redesigned/header'), $parse); //echo $part; return $part; }
/** * PlanetList.php * * @version 1 * @copyright 2008 By MadnessRed for XNova_Redisigned */ function ShowPlanetList($axah = false, $debug = false) { global $lang, $_GET, $user, $formulas, $resource; if ($debug) { echo "Started function<br /><br />"; } if ($user) { //Make a lsit of player planets. $planetlist = '<br />'; $ThisUsersPlanets = SortUserPlanets($user); if ($debug) { print_r(mysql_fetch_array($ThisUsersPlanets)); } $c = 0; while ($CurPlanet = mysql_fetch_array($ThisUsersPlanets)) { if ($CurPlanet["destruyed"] == 0) { if ($CurPlanet['planet_type'] == 1) { $CurMoon = doquery("SELECT `id`,`name`,`galaxy`,`system`,`planet`,`image` FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $CurPlanet['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $CurPlanet['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $CurPlanet['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '3' LIMIT 1 ;", 'planets', true); if ($CurPlanet['id'] == $user['current_planet'] || $CurMoon['id'] == $user['current_planet']) { $active = ' active'; } else { $active = ''; } $c++; $img = PlanetType($CurPlanet['image']); $pl_img = "/img/planets/" . $img['type'] . "_" . $img['subtype'] . "_{size}.gif"; //is there a moon if ($CurMoon['id'] > 0) { $moon_type_array = PlanetType($CurMoon['image']); $moonlink = "\t\t\t\t<a class=\"moonlink\" onclick=\"loadpage(this.href,'" . $lang['Overview'] . " - " . $CurMoon['name'] . "','overview'); document.getElementById('planet_ext').value = '-moon'; document.getElementById('resources_menu_link').style.display = 'none'; return false;\" href=\"./?cp=" . $CurMoon['id'] . "&re=0\" onmouseover=\"mrtooltip_large('" . $CurMoon['name'] . " [" . $CurMoon['galaxy'] . ":" . $CurMoon['system'] . ":" . $CurMoon['planet'] . "]')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">\n"; $moonlink .= "\t\t\t\t\t<img class=\"icon-moon\" src=\"" . GAME_SKIN . "/img/planets/moon/" . $moon_type_array['type'] . "_" . $moon_type_array['subtype'] . "_small.gif\" />\n"; $moonlink .= "\t\t\t\t</a>\n"; } else { $moonlink = ""; } $planetlist .= "\n"; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t<div class=\"smallplanet\">\n"; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t\t<a onclick=\"loadpage(this.href,'" . $lang['Overview'] . " - " . $CurPlanet['name'] . "','overview'); document.getElementById('planet_ext').value = ''; document.getElementById('resources_menu_link').style.display = 'block'; return false;\" href=\"./?cp=" . $CurPlanet['id'] . "&re=0\" onmouseover=\"mrtooltip_large('" . $CurPlanet['name'] . " [" . $CurPlanet['galaxy'] . ":" . $CurPlanet['system'] . ":" . $CurPlanet['planet'] . "]')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" class=\"planetlink" . $active . " tips reloadTips\">\n"; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t\t\t<img class=\"planetPic\" src=\"" . GAME_SKIN . $pl_img . "\" />\n"; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"planet-name\">" . $CurPlanet['name'] . "</span>\n"; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"planet-koords\">[" . $CurPlanet['galaxy'] . ":" . $CurPlanet['system'] . ":" . $CurPlanet['planet'] . "]</span>\n"; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t\t</a>\n"; $planetlist .= $moonlink; $planetlist .= "\t\t\t</div>\n"; } } } if ($c > 5) { $mode = 'cutty'; $name = 'myPlanets'; $size = '1'; } else { $mode = 'norm'; $name = 'myWorlds'; $size = '3'; } $planetlist = str_replace('{size}', $size, $planetlist); if ($axah) { $return = "\t<div id=\"" . $mode . "\">\n\t\t<div id=\"" . $name . "\">\n\n\t\t\t<div id=\"countColonies\">\n\t\t\t\t<p class=\"textCenter tips\" title=\"|\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span>" . $c . "/" . eval($formulas['max_planets']) . "</span> Planets\n\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t</div>" . $planetlist . "\n\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n"; } else { $return = "<!-- RIGHTMENU -->\n<div id=\"rechts\">\n\n\t<div id=\"" . $mode . "\">\n\t\t<div id=\"" . $name . "\">\n\n\t\t\t<div id=\"countColonies\">\n\t\t\t\t<p class=\"textCenter tips\" title=\"|\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span>" . $c . "/" . eval($formulas['max_planets']) . "</span> Planets\n\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t</div>" . $planetlist . "\n\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n<!-- END RIGHTMENU -->\n"; } } else { $return = ""; if ($debug) { echo "\$user returned <font color=blue><b>false</b></font><br /><br />"; print_r($user); } } return $return; }
<img src="{{skin}}/img/planets{moon}/{type}_{subtype}_7.jpg" width="156" height="156" /> </div> <div id="coords[{n}]" class="coords"> <a href="./?page=galaxy&galaxy={gal}&system={sys}">[{gal}:{sys}:{pos}]</a> </div> <div id="" class="fields tips" title="|Current fields / max fields"> <span id="space[{n}]">{current_feild}/{max_feild}</span> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> </td>'; $parse['planets'] = ''; $array = array(); $n = 0; while ($p = FetchArray($planetsrow)) { $n++; $pl = PlanetType($p['image']); $pl['n'] = $n; $pl['gal'] = $p['galaxy']; $pl['sys'] = $p['system']; $pl['pos'] = $p['planet']; $pl['current_feild'] = $p['field_current']; $pl['max_feild'] = $p['field_max']; $pl['name'] = $p['name']; $pl['moon'] = ''; if ($p['planet_type'] == 3) { $pl['moon'] = '/moon'; } $parse['planets'] .= parsetemplate($planetsTPL, $pl); $array['resources']['metal']['n'] = $lang['Metal']; $array['resources']['metal'][$n] = KMnumber($p['metal']) . " / " . KMnumber($p['metal_max']); $array['resources']['crystal']['n'] = $lang['Crystal'];
function ResearchPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $InResearch, $ThePlanet) { global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $pricelist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET; CheckPlanetUsedFields($CurrentPlanet); // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd']; $Techno = idstring($_GET['tech']); if (is_numeric($Techno)) { if (in_array($Techno, $reslist['tech'])) { // Bon quand on arrive ici ... On sait deja qu'on a une technologie valide if (is_array($ThePlanet)) { $WorkingPlanet = $ThePlanet; } else { $WorkingPlanet = $CurrentPlanet; } switch ($TheCommand) { case 'cancel': if ($ThePlanet['b_tech_id'] == $Techno) { $costs = GetBuildingPrice($CurrentUser, $WorkingPlanet, $Techno); $WorkingPlanet['metal'] += $costs['metal']; $WorkingPlanet['crystal'] += $costs['crystal']; $WorkingPlanet['deuterium'] += $costs['deuterium']; $WorkingPlanet['b_tech_id'] = 0; $WorkingPlanet["b_tech"] = 0; $CurrentUser['b_tech_planet'] = 0; $UpdateData = true; $InResearch = false; } break; case 'search': if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $WorkingPlanet, $Techno) && IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $WorkingPlanet, $Techno) && !$InResearch) { $costs = GetBuildingPrice($CurrentUser, $WorkingPlanet, $Techno); $WorkingPlanet['metal'] -= $costs['metal']; $WorkingPlanet['crystal'] -= $costs['crystal']; $WorkingPlanet['deuterium'] -= $costs['deuterium']; $WorkingPlanet["b_tech_id"] = $Techno; $WorkingPlanet["b_tech"] = time() + GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $WorkingPlanet, $Techno); $CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] = $WorkingPlanet["id"]; $UpdateData = true; $InResearch = true; } break; } if ($UpdateData == true) { $QryUpdatePlanet = "UPDATE {{table}} SET "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`b_tech_id` = '" . $WorkingPlanet['b_tech_id'] . "', "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`b_tech` = '" . $WorkingPlanet['b_tech'] . "', "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`metal` = '" . $WorkingPlanet['metal'] . "', "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`crystal` = '" . $WorkingPlanet['crystal'] . "', "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`deuterium` = '" . $WorkingPlanet['deuterium'] . "' "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "WHERE "; $QryUpdatePlanet .= "`id` = '" . $WorkingPlanet['id'] . "';"; doquery($QryUpdatePlanet, 'planets'); $QryUpdateUser = "******"; $QryUpdateUser .= "`b_tech_planet` = '" . $CurrentUser['b_tech_planet'] . "' "; $QryUpdateUser .= "WHERE "; $QryUpdateUser .= "`id` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';"; doquery($QryUpdateUser, 'users'); } if (is_array($ThePlanet)) { $ThePlanet = $WorkingPlanet; } else { $CurrentPlanet = $WorkingPlanet; if ($TheCommand == 'search') { $ThePlanet = $CurrentPlanet; } } } } else { $bContinue = false; } } $TechScrTPL = gettemplate('buildings_research_script'); $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/research_buttonz'); $parse = array(); $infopg = array(); foreach ($lang['names'] as $Tech => $TechName) { if ($Tech > 105 && $Tech <= 199) { if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Tech)) { $parse['state_' . $Tech] = "off"; $parse['mes_' . $Tech] = "Requirements are not met"; } elseif (!IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Tech)) { $parse['state_' . $Tech] = "disabled"; $parse['mes_' . $Tech] = "Not enough resources!"; } else { $parse['state_' . $Tech] = "on"; $parse['mes_' . $Tech] = ""; } } else { $parse['state_' . $Tech] = "off"; $parse['mes_' . $Tech] = "Not availble"; } $parse['name_' . $Tech] = $TechName; $parse['count_' . $Tech] = $CurrentUser[$resource[$Tech]]; } //Anything currently building? if ($CurrentUser['b_tech_planet']) { $WorkingPlanet = doquery("SELECT `id`,`name`,`b_tech_id`,`b_tech` FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $CurrentUser['b_tech_planet'] . "';", 'planets', true); //Whats currently building $curbuild = $WorkingPlanet['b_tech_id']; $parse['countdown_' . $curbuild] = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"pusher\" id=\"b_research" . $curbuild . "\" style=\"height:80px;margin-bottom:-80px;\">\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a><span class=\"time\" id=\"test\" name=\"zeit\">" . parsecountdown($WorkingPlanet['b_tech']) . "</span></a>\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; } else { $curbuild = 0; } $Buttonz = parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse); $parse = $lang; $Element = idstring($_GET['id']); $ElementName = $lang['names'][$Element]; $de_planettype = PlanetType($CurrentPlanet['image']); $parse['type'] = $de_planettype['type']; if ($Element) { if (in_array($Element, $reslist['tech'])) { /* $RowParse['dpath'] = $dpath; $RowParse['tech_id'] = $Tech; $building_level = $CurrentUser[$resource[$Tech]]; $RowParse['tech_level'] = ($building_level == 0) ? "" : "( ". $lang['level']. " ".$building_level." )"; $RowParse['tech_name'] = $TechName; $RowParse['tech_descr'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Tech]; $RowParse['tech_price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Tech); $SearchTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Tech); $RowParse['search_time'] = ShowBuildTime($SearchTime); $RowParse['tech_restp'] = $lang['Rest_ress'] ." ". GetRestPrice ($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Tech, true); $CanBeDone = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Tech); */ $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['i'] = $Element; $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]; $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")"; $parse['n'] = $ElementName; $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element]; $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime); $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element); $parse['click'] = ''; $buildlink = "./?page=research&cmd=search&id=" . $Element . "&tech=" . $Element; if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) { if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) { if ($HaveRessources == true) { $infopg['build_link'] = $buildlink; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } else { $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel']; } } else { if ($HaveRessources == true) { $infopg['build_link'] = $buildlink; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } else { $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel; } } } elseif ($InResearch) { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['InResearch'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['InResearch']; } else { $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NotAccessible'] . "</font>"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NotAccessible']; } //Building Info if ($infopg['build_link']) { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['Improve']; } elseif ($InResearch) { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it_disabled"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['InResearch']; } else { $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it_disabled"; $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NotAccessible']; } $infopg['id'] = $Element; $infopg['name'] = $ElementName; $infopg['level'] = $CurrentUser[$resource[$Element]]; //Current research if ($curbuild == $Element) { $infopg['td_url'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=cancel&id=" . $Element . "&tech=" . $Element; if ($WorkingPlanet['id'] == $CurrentPlanet['id']) { $infopg['title'] = "Cancel"; } else { //$infopg['title'] = "Cancel on ".$WorkingPlanet['name']; $infopg['title'] = "Cancel"; } } else { $infopg['display_destroy'] = "style=\"display:none;\""; } $infopg['level1'] = $infopg['level'] + 1; $infopg['duration'] = pretty_time($ElementBuildTime); $infopg['shortdesc'] = $lang['sdesc'][$Element]; $infopg['skin'] = $CurrentUser['skin']; $infopg['cost_m'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentUser[$resource[$Element]])); $infopg['cost_c'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentUser[$resource[$Element]])); $infopg['cost_d'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['deuterium'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentUser[$resource[$Element]])); if ($infopg['cost_m'] > $CurrentPlanet['metal'] && $infopg['cost_m'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_m'] = "missing_resource"; } if ($infopg['cost_c'] > $CurrentPlanet['crystal'] && $infopg['cost_c'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_c'] = "missing_resource"; } if ($infopg['cost_d'] > $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'] && $infopg['cost_d'] > 0) { $infopg['missing_resource_d'] = "missing_resource"; } $infopg['sh_cost_m'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_m'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['sh_cost_c'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_c'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['sh_cost_d'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_d'], 0, 'up'); $infopg['cost_m'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_m']); $infopg['cost_c'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_c']); $infopg['cost_d'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_d']); $infopg['page'] = $_GET['page']; $parse['info'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/info'), $infopg); $parse['extra'] = "style=\"display:none\""; if ($_GET['axah_section'] == '1') { makeAXAH($parse['info']); die; } } } $parse['buttonz'] = $Buttonz; $parse['planetname'] = $CurrentPlanet['name']; $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/research'), $parse); if ($_GET['axah']) { makeAXAH($page); } else { displaypage($page, $lang['Research']); } }