require_login($course->id); // to create notes the current user needs a capability require_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context); if (!empty($users) && !empty($content) && confirm_sesskey()) { $note = new object(); $note->courseid = $id; $note->format = FORMAT_PLAIN; $note->content = $content; $note->publishstate = $state; foreach ($users as $k => $v) { if (!($user = get_record('user', 'id', $v))) { continue; } $note->id = 0; $note->userid = $v; if (note_save($note)) { add_to_log($note->courseid, 'notes', 'add', 'index.php?course=' . $note->courseid . '&user='******'#note-' . $note->id, 'add note'); } } redirect("{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/index.php?id={$id}"); } /// Print headers $straddnote = get_string('groupaddnewnote', 'notes'); $navlinks = array(); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $straddnote, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'); $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); print_header("{$course->shortname}: " . get_string('extendenrol'), $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, " ", navmenu($course)); // this will contain all available the based On select options, but we'll disable some on them on a per user basis print_heading($straddnote); echo '<form method="post" action="groupaddnote.php" >'; echo '<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;">';
/** * Tests for event note_updated. */ public function test_note_updated_event() { // Delete a note. $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); $note = clone $this->eventnote; $note->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_DRAFT; note_save($note); $events = $sink->get_events(); $event = array_pop($events); // Delete note event. $sink->close(); // Validate event data. $this->assertInstanceOf('\\core\\event\\note_updated', $event); $this->assertEquals($note->id, $event->objectid); $this->assertEquals($note->usermodified, $event->userid); $this->assertEquals($note->userid, $event->relateduserid); $this->assertEquals('post', $event->objecttable); $this->assertEquals(NOTES_STATE_DRAFT, $event->other['publishstate']); // Test legacy data. $logurl = new \moodle_url('index.php', array('course' => $note->courseid, 'user' => $note->userid)); $logurl->set_anchor('note-' . $note->id); $arr = array($note->courseid, 'notes', 'update', $logurl, 'update note'); $this->assertEventLegacyLogData($arr, $event); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); }
print_error('invalidformdata', '', $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/index.php?id=' . $id); } $note = new stdClass(); $note->courseid = $id; $note->format = FORMAT_PLAIN; foreach ($users as $k => $v) { $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $v)); $content = trim($contents[$k]); if (!$user || empty($content)) { continue; } $note->id = 0; $note->content = $content; $note->publishstate = $states[$k]; $note->userid = $v; note_save($note); } redirect("{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/index.php?id={$id}"); } // Print headers. $straddnote = get_string('addnewnote', 'notes'); $PAGE->navbar->add($straddnote); $PAGE->set_title("{$course->shortname}: " . get_string('extendenrol')); $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); echo $OUTPUT->header(); // This will contain all available the based On select options, but we'll disable some on them on a per user basis. echo $OUTPUT->heading($straddnote); echo '<form method="post" action="addnote.php">'; echo '<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $course->id . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />';
/** * Create notes about some users * Note: code should be matching the /notes/edit.php checks * and the /user/addnote.php checks. (they are similar cheks) * * @param array $notes An array of notes to create. * @return array (success infos and fail infos) * @since Moodle 2.2 */ public static function create_notes($notes = array()) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/notes/lib.php"); $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_notes_parameters(), array('notes' => $notes)); //check if note system is enabled if (!$CFG->enablenotes) { throw new moodle_exception('notesdisabled', 'notes'); } //retrieve all courses $courseids = array(); foreach($params['notes'] as $note) { $courseids[] = $note['courseid']; } $courses = $DB->get_records_list("course", "id", $courseids); //retrieve all users of the notes $userids = array(); foreach($params['notes'] as $note) { $userids[] = $note['userid']; } list($sqluserids, $sqlparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'userid_'); $users = $DB->get_records_select("user", "id " . $sqluserids . " AND deleted = 0", $sqlparams); $resultnotes = array(); foreach ($params['notes'] as $note) { $success = true; $resultnote = array(); //the infos about the success of the operation //check the course exists if (empty($courses[$note['courseid']])) { $success = false; $errormessage = get_string('invalidcourseid', 'notes', $note['courseid']); } else { // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $note['courseid']); self::validate_context($context); require_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context); } //check the user exists if (empty($users[$note['userid']])) { $success = false; $errormessage = get_string('invaliduserid', 'notes', $note['userid']); } //build the resultnote if (isset($note['clientnoteid'])) { $resultnote['clientnoteid'] = $note['clientnoteid']; } if ($success) { //now we can create the note $dbnote = new stdClass; $dbnote->courseid = $note['courseid']; $dbnote->userid = $note['userid']; //clean param text and set format accordingly switch (strtolower($note['format'])) { case 'html': $dbnote->content = clean_param($note['text'], PARAM_CLEANHTML); $dbnote->format = FORMAT_HTML; break; case 'text': default: $dbnote->content = clean_param($note['text'], PARAM_TEXT); $dbnote->format = FORMAT_PLAIN; break; } //get the state ('personal', 'course', 'site') switch ($note['publishstate']) { case 'personal': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_DRAFT; break; case 'course': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_PUBLIC; break; case 'site': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_SITE; $dbnote->courseid = SITEID; break; default: break; } //TODO MDL-31119 performance improvement - if possible create a bulk functions for saving multiple notes at once if (note_save($dbnote)) { //note_save attribut an id in case of success add_to_log($dbnote->courseid, 'notes', 'add', 'index.php?course='.$dbnote->courseid.'&user='******'#note-' . $dbnote->id , 'add note'); $success = $dbnote->id; } $resultnote['noteid'] = $success; } else { $resultnote['noteid'] = -1; $resultnote['errormessage'] = $errormessage; } $resultnotes[] = $resultnote; } return $resultnotes; }
$OUTPUT = update($_POST); break; case "display": $OUTPUT = financialStatements::trialbal($_POST); $ql = true; break; case ct("Print"): case ct("Save"): case ct("Export to Spreadsheet"): $OUTPUT = print_report(); break; case "note_view": $OUTPUT = note_view($_POST); break; case "note_save": $OUTPUT = note_save($_POST); break; } } else { $OUTPUT = customize($_POST); //$OUTPUT = financialStatements::trialbal($_GET); $ql = true; } require "../template.php"; function customize($_POST) { extract($_POST); $fields["naccount"] = ""; $fields["last_year"] = "checked"; $fields["budget"] = "checked"; $fields["month_from"] = (int) date("m");
/** * Update notes about users. * * @param array $notes An array of ids for the notes to update. * @return array fail infos. * @since Moodle 2.2 */ public static function update_notes($notes = array()) { global $CFG, $DB; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_notes_parameters(), array('notes' => $notes)); // Check if note system is enabled. if (!$CFG->enablenotes) { throw new moodle_exception('notesdisabled', 'notes'); } $warnings = array(); foreach ($params['notes'] as $note) { $notedetails = note_load($note['id']); if (isset($notedetails->id)) { // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function. $context = context_course::instance($notedetails->courseid); self::validate_context($context); require_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context); $dbnote = new stdClass(); $dbnote->id = $note['id']; $dbnote->content = $note['text']; $dbnote->format = external_validate_format($note['format']); // Get the state ('personal', 'course', 'site'). switch ($note['publishstate']) { case 'personal': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_DRAFT; break; case 'course': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_PUBLIC; break; case 'site': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_SITE; $dbnote->courseid = SITEID; break; default: $warnings[] = array('item' => 'note', 'itemid' => $note["id"], 'warningcode' => 'badparam', 'message' => 'Provided publishstate incorrect'); break; } if (!note_save($dbnote)) { $warnings[] = array('item' => 'note', 'itemid' => $note["id"], 'warningcode' => 'savedfailed', 'message' => 'Note could not be modified'); } } else { $warnings[] = array('item' => 'note', 'itemid' => $note["id"], 'warningcode' => 'badid', 'message' => 'Note does not exist'); } } return $warnings; }
/** * Create notes about some users * Note: code should be matching the /notes/edit.php checks * and the /user/addnote.php checks. (they are similar cheks) * * @param array $notes An array of notes to create. * @return array (success infos and fail infos) * @since Moodle 2.2 */ public static function create_notes($notes = array()) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/notes/lib.php"; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_notes_parameters(), array('notes' => $notes)); //check if note system is enabled if (!$CFG->enablenotes) { throw new moodle_exception('notesdisabled', 'notes'); } //retrieve all courses $courseids = array(); foreach ($params['notes'] as $note) { $courseids[] = $note['courseid']; } $courses = $DB->get_records_list("course", "id", $courseids); //retrieve all users of the notes $userids = array(); foreach ($params['notes'] as $note) { $userids[] = $note['userid']; } list($sqluserids, $sqlparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'userid_'); $users = $DB->get_records_select("user", "id " . $sqluserids . " AND deleted = 0", $sqlparams); $resultnotes = array(); foreach ($params['notes'] as $note) { $success = true; $resultnote = array(); //the infos about the success of the operation //check the course exists if (empty($courses[$note['courseid']])) { $success = false; $errormessage = get_string('invalidcourseid', 'error'); } else { // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $note['courseid']); self::validate_context($context); require_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context); } //check the user exists if (empty($users[$note['userid']])) { $success = false; $errormessage = get_string('invaliduserid', 'notes', $note['userid']); } //build the resultnote if (isset($note['clientnoteid'])) { $resultnote['clientnoteid'] = $note['clientnoteid']; } if ($success) { //now we can create the note $dbnote = new stdClass(); $dbnote->courseid = $note['courseid']; $dbnote->userid = $note['userid']; // Need to support 'html' and 'text' format values for backward compatibility. switch (strtolower($note['format'])) { case 'html': $textformat = FORMAT_HTML; break; case 'text': $textformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; default: $textformat = external_validate_format($note['format']); break; } $dbnote->content = $note['text']; $dbnote->format = $textformat; //get the state ('personal', 'course', 'site') switch ($note['publishstate']) { case 'personal': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_DRAFT; break; case 'course': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_PUBLIC; break; case 'site': $dbnote->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_SITE; $dbnote->courseid = SITEID; break; default: break; } //TODO MDL-31119 performance improvement - if possible create a bulk functions for saving multiple notes at once if (note_save($dbnote)) { //note_save attribut an id in case of success add_to_log($dbnote->courseid, 'notes', 'add', 'index.php?course=' . $dbnote->courseid . '&user='******'#note-' . $dbnote->id, 'add note'); $success = $dbnote->id; } $resultnote['noteid'] = $success; } else { // WARNINGS: for backward compatibility we return this errormessage. // We should have thrown exceptions as these errors prevent results to be returned. // See . $resultnote['noteid'] = -1; $resultnote['errormessage'] = $errormessage; } $resultnotes[] = $resultnote; } return $resultnotes; }
/** * Create a new note. * * @param array|stdClass $record * @throws coding_exception * @return stdClass activity record with extra cmid field */ public function create_instance($record = null) { global $CFG, $USER; require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/notes/lib.php"; $this->instancecount++; $i = $this->instancecount; $record = (object) (array) $record; if (empty($record->courseid)) { throw new coding_exception('Module generator requires $record->courseid.'); } if (empty($record->userid)) { throw new coding_exception('Module generator requires $record->userid.'); } if (!isset($record->module)) { $record->module = 'notes'; } if (!isset($record->groupid)) { $record->groupid = 0; } if (!isset($record->moduleid)) { $record->moduleid = 0; } if (!isset($record->coursemoduleid)) { $record->coursemoduleid = 0; } if (!isset($record->subject)) { $record->subject = ''; } if (!isset($record->summary)) { $record->summary = null; } if (!isset($record->content)) { $record->content = "This is test generated note - {$i} ."; } if (!isset($record->uniquehash)) { $record->uniquehash = ''; } if (!isset($record->rating)) { $record->rating = 0; } if (!isset($record->format)) { $record->format = FORMAT_PLAIN; } if (!isset($record->summaryformat)) { $record->summaryformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; } if (!isset($record->attachment)) { $record->attachment = null; } if (!isset($record->publishstate)) { $record->publishstate = NOTES_STATE_SITE; } if (!isset($record->lastmodified)) { $record->lastmodified = time(); } if (!isset($record->created)) { $record->created = time(); } if (!isset($record->usermodified)) { $record->usermodified = $USER->id; } note_save($record); return $record; }