Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function getIndexPrecExps(&$jsonPrecexps, &$jsonPrecexpsHeader, $dbml)
     $query = "SELECT id_precision, model, dataslice, creation_time FROM aloja_ml.precisions GROUP BY id_precision";
     $rows = $dbml->query($query);
     $jsonPrecexps = '[';
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $url = MLUtils::revertModelToURL($row['model'], $row['dataslice'], 'presets=none&submit=&');
         $model_display = MLUtils::display_models_noasts($row['model']);
         $slice_display = MLUtils::display_models_noasts($row['dataslice']);
         $jsonPrecexps = $jsonPrecexps . ($jsonPrecexps == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_precision'] . "','" . $model_display . "','" . $slice_display . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlprecision?" . $url . "\\'>View</a> <a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rmp=" . $row['id_precision'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
     $jsonPrecexps = $jsonPrecexps . ']';
     $jsonPrecexpsHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Attribute Selection'},{'title':'Advanced Filters'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function getIndexNewconfs(&$jsonNewconfs, &$jsonNewconfsHeader, $dbml)
     $query = "SELECT mj.*, COUNT(mc.sid_minconfigs_centers) AS num_centers\n\t\t\tFROM (\tSELECT DISTINCT m.id_minconfigs AS id_minconfigs, m.model AS model, m.is_new as is_new, m.dataslice AS advanced,\n\t\t\t\t\tm.creation_time AS creation_time, COUNT(mp.sid_minconfigs_props) AS num_props, l.algorithm\n\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.minconfigs AS m LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.minconfigs_props AS mp ON m.id_minconfigs = mp.id_minconfigs, aloja_ml.learners AS l\n\t\t\t\tWHERE l.id_learner = m.id_learner\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY m.id_minconfigs\n\t\t\t) AS mj LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.minconfigs_centers AS mc ON mj.id_minconfigs = mc.id_minconfigs\n\t\t\tWHERE mj.is_new = 1\n\t\t\tGROUP BY mj.id_minconfigs\n\t\t\t";
     $rows = $dbml->query($query);
     $jsonNewconfs = '[';
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $url = MLUtils::revertModelToURL($row['model'], $row['advanced'], 'presets=none&submit=&learner[]=' . $row['algorithm']);
         $model_display = MLUtils::display_models_noasts($row['model']);
         $slice_display = MLUtils::display_models_noasts($row['advanced']);
         $jsonNewconfs = $jsonNewconfs . ($jsonNewconfs == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_minconfigs'] . "','" . $row['algorithm'] . "','" . $model_display . "','" . $slice_display . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','" . $row['num_props'] . "','" . $row['num_centers'] . "',\n\t\t\t'<a href=\\'/mlnewconfigs?" . $url . "\\'>View</a> <a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rmm=" . $row['id_minconfigs'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
     $jsonNewconfs = $jsonNewconfs . ']';
     $jsonNewconfsHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Algorithm'},{'title':'Attribute Selection'},{'title':'Advanced Filters'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Properties'},{'title':'Centers'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function mlclearcacheAction()
     $cache_allow = 'localhost';
     $jsonLearners = '';
     try {
         $dbml = new \PDO($this->container->get('config')['db_conn_chain'], $this->container->get('config')['mysql_user'], $this->container->get('config')['mysql_pwd']);
         $dbml->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $dbml->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
         if (isset($_GET['ccache'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.summaries";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing summaries from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.minconfigs_centers";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing centers from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.minconfigs_props";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing props from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.minconfigs";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing aloja_ml.minconfigs from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.resolutions";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing resolutions from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.trees";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing trees from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.learners";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing learners from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.model_storage";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing file models from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.precisions";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing precisions from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.observed_trees";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing observed trees from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/*.{rds,lock,fin,dat,csv}';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         if (isset($_GET['rml'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.learners WHERE id_learner='" . $_GET['rml'] . "'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a learner from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.model_storage WHERE id_hash='" . $_GET['rml'] . "' AND type='learner'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a model from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/' . $_GET['rml'] . '*';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         if (isset($_GET['rmm'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.minconfigs WHERE id_minconfigs='" . $_GET['rmm'] . "'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a minconfig from DB');
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.model_storage WHERE id_hash='" . $_GET['rmm'] . "' AND type='minconf'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a model from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/' . $_GET['rmm'] . '*';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         if (isset($_GET['rmr'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.resolutions WHERE id_resolution='" . $_GET['rmr'] . "'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a resolution from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/' . $_GET['rmr'] . '*';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         if (isset($_GET['rms'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.summaries WHERE id_summaries='" . $_GET['rms'] . "'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a summary from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/' . $_GET['rms'] . '*';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         if (isset($_GET['rmp'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.precisions WHERE id_precision='" . $_GET['rmp'] . "'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing a precision from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/' . $_GET['rmp'] . '*';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         if (isset($_GET['rmo'])) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM aloja_ml.observed_trees WHERE id_obstrees='" . $_GET['rmo'] . "'";
             if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                 throw new \Exception('Error when removing an observed tree from DB');
             $command = 'rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/ml/' . $_GET['rmo'] . '*';
             $output[] = shell_exec($command);
         // Compilation of Learners on Cache
         $query = "SELECT v.*, COUNT(t.id_findattrs) as num_trees\n\t\t\t\tFROM (\tSELECT s.*, COUNT(r.id_resolution) AS num_resolutions\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\tSELECT j.*, COUNT(m.id_minconfigs) AS num_minconfigs\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\tSELECT DISTINCT l.id_learner AS id_learner, l.algorithm AS algorithm,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tl.creation_time AS creation_time, l.model AS model, l.dataslice AS advanced,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCOUNT(p.id_prediction) AS num_preds\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.learners AS l LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.predictions AS p ON l.id_learner = p.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY l.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS j LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.minconfigs AS m ON j.id_learner = m.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY j.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t\t) AS s LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.resolutions AS r ON s.id_learner = r.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY s.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t) AS v LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.trees AS t ON v.id_learner = t.id_learner\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY v.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t";
         $rows = $dbml->query($query);
         $jsonLearners = '[';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (strpos($row['model'], '*') !== false) {
                 $umodel = 'umodel=umodel&';
             } else {
                 $umodel = '';
             $url = MLUtils::revertModelToURL($row['model'], $row['advanced'], 'presets=none&submit=&learner[]=' . $row['algorithm'] . '&' . $umodel);
             $jsonLearners = $jsonLearners . ($jsonLearners == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_learner'] . "','" . $row['algorithm'] . "','" . $row['model'] . "','" . $row['advanced'] . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','" . $row['num_preds'] . "','" . $row['num_minconfigs'] . "','" . $row['num_resolutions'] . "','" . $row['num_trees'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlprediction?" . $url . "\\'>View</a> <a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rml=" . $row['id_learner'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
         $jsonLearners = $jsonLearners . ']';
         $jsonLearningHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Algorithm'},{'title':'Model'},{'title':'Advanced'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Predictions'},{'title':'MinConfigs'},{'title':'Resolutions'},{'title':'Trees'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
         // Compilation of Minconfs on Cache
         $query = "SELECT mj.*, COUNT(mc.sid_minconfigs_centers) AS num_centers\n\t\t\t\tFROM (\tSELECT DISTINCT m.id_minconfigs AS id_minconfigs, m.model AS model, m.is_new as is_new,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tm.creation_time AS creation_time, COUNT(mp.sid_minconfigs_props) AS num_props, l.algorithm\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.minconfigs AS m LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.minconfigs_props AS mp ON m.id_minconfigs = mp.id_minconfigs, aloja_ml.learners AS l\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE l.id_learner = m.id_learner\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY m.id_minconfigs\n\t\t\t\t) AS mj LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.minconfigs_centers AS mc ON mj.id_minconfigs = mc.id_minconfigs\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY mj.id_minconfigs\n\t\t\t\t";
         $rows = $dbml->query($query);
         $jsonMinconfs = '[';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $jsonMinconfs = $jsonMinconfs . ($jsonMinconfs == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_minconfigs'] . "','" . $row['algorithm'] . "','" . $row['model'] . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','" . $row['is_new'] . "','" . $row['num_props'] . "','" . $row['num_centers'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rmm=" . $row['id_minconfigs'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
         $jsonMinconfs = $jsonMinconfs . ']';
         $jsonMinconfsHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Algorithm'},{'title':'Model'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Is_New'},{'title':'Properties'},{'title':'Centers'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
         // Compilation of Resolutions on Cache
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT id_resolution, id_learner, model, dataslice, creation_time, sigma, count(*) AS instances\n\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.resolutions\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY id_resolution\n\t\t\t\t";
         $rows = $dbml->query($query);
         $jsonResolutions = '[';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $jsonResolutions = $jsonResolutions . ($jsonResolutions == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_resolution'] . "','" . $row['id_learner'] . "','" . $row['model'] . "','" . $row['dataslice'] . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','" . $row['sigma'] . "','" . $row['instances'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rmr=" . $row['id_resolution'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
         $jsonResolutions = $jsonResolutions . ']';
         $jsonResolutionsHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Learner'},{'title':'Model'},{'title':'Advanced'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Sigma'},{'title':'Instances'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
         // Compilation of Summaries on Cache
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT id_summaries, model, dataslice, creation_time\n\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.summaries\n\t\t\t\t";
         $rows = $dbml->query($query);
         $jsonSummaries = '[';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $jsonSummaries = $jsonSummaries . ($jsonSummaries == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_summaries'] . "','" . $row['model'] . "','" . $row['dataslice'] . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rms=" . $row['id_summaries'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
         $jsonSummaries = $jsonSummaries . ']';
         $jsonSummariesHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Model'},{'title':'Advanced'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
         // Compilation of Precisions on Cache
         $query = "SELECT id_precision, model, dataslice, creation_time\n\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.precisions\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY id_precision\n\t\t\t\t";
         $rows = $dbml->query($query);
         $jsonPrecisions = '[';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $jsonPrecisions = $jsonPrecisions . ($jsonPrecisions == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_precision'] . "','" . $row['model'] . "','" . $row['dataslice'] . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rmp=" . $row['id_precision'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
         $jsonPrecisions = $jsonPrecisions . ']';
         $jsonPrecisionsHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Model'},{'title':'Advanced'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
         // Compilation of Observed Trees on Cache
         $query = "SELECT id_obstrees, model, dataslice, creation_time\n\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.observed_trees\n\t\t\t\t";
         $rows = $dbml->query($query);
         $jsonObstrees = '[';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $jsonObstrees = $jsonObstrees . ($jsonObstrees == '[' ? '' : ',') . "['" . $row['id_obstrees'] . "','" . $row['model'] . "','" . $row['dataslice'] . "','" . $row['creation_time'] . "','<a href=\\'/mlclearcache?rmo=" . $row['id_obstrees'] . "\\'>Remove</a>']";
         $jsonObstrees = $jsonObstrees . ']';
         $jsonObstreesHeader = "[{'title':'ID'},{'title':'Model'},{'title':'Advanced'},{'title':'Creation'},{'title':'Actions'}]";
         $dbml = null;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->container->getTwig()->addGlobal('message', $e->getMessage() . "\n");
         $output = array();
     return $this->render('mltemplate/mlclearcache.html.twig', array('learners' => $jsonLearners, 'header_learners' => $jsonLearningHeader, 'minconfs' => $jsonMinconfs, 'header_minconfs' => $jsonMinconfsHeader, 'resolutions' => $jsonResolutions, 'header_resolutions' => $jsonResolutionsHeader, 'summaries' => $jsonSummaries, 'header_summaries' => $jsonSummariesHeader, 'precisions' => $jsonPrecisions, 'header_precisions' => $jsonPrecisionsHeader, 'obstrees' => $jsonObstrees, 'header_obstrees' => $jsonObstreesHeader));