Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function mlprecisionAction()
     $jsonDiversity = $jsonPrecisions = $jsonDiscvars = $jsonHeaderDiv = $jsonPrecisionHeader = '[]';
     $instance = $error_stats = '';
     $jsonPrecexps = $jsonPrecexpsHeader = '[]';
     try {
         $dbml = new \PDO($this->container->get('config')['db_conn_chain'], $this->container->get('config')['mysql_user'], $this->container->get('config')['mysql_pwd']);
         $dbml->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $dbml->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
         $db = $this->container->getDBUtils();
         // FIXME - This must be counted BEFORE building filters, as filters inject rubbish in GET when there are no parameters...
         $instructions = count($_GET) <= 1;
         if ($instructions) {
             MLUtils::getIndexPrecExps($jsonPrecexps, $jsonPrecexpsHeader, $dbml);
             return $this->render('mltemplate/mlprecision.html.twig', array('precexps' => $jsonPrecexps, 'header_precexps' => $jsonPrecexpsHeader, 'discvars' => '[]', 'diversity' => '[]', 'precisions' => '[]', 'diversityHeader' => '[]', 'precisionHeader' => '[]', 'instructions' => 'YES'));
         $where_configs = $this->filters->getWhereClause();
         $where_configs = str_replace("AND .", "AND ", $where_configs);
         $param_names = array('bench', 'net', 'disk', 'maps', 'iosf', 'replication', 'iofilebuf', 'comp', 'blk_size', 'id_cluster', 'datanodes', 'bench_type', 'vm_size', 'vm_cores', 'vm_RAM', 'type', 'hadoop_version', 'provider', 'vm_OS');
         // Order is important
         $params = $this->filters->getFiltersSelectedChoices($param_names);
         foreach ($param_names as $p) {
             if (!is_null($params[$p]) && is_array($params[$p])) {
         $param_names_additional = array('datefrom', 'dateto', 'minexetime', 'maxexetime', 'valid', 'filter');
         // Order is important
         $params_additional = $this->filters->getFiltersSelectedChoices($param_names_additional);
         // compose instance
         $instance = MLUtils::generateSimpleInstance($this->filters, $param_names, $params, true);
         $model_info = MLUtils::generateModelInfo($this->filters, $param_names, $params, true);
         $slice_info = MLUtils::generateDatasliceInfo($this->filters, $param_names_additional, $params_additional);
         $config = $model_info . ' ' . $slice_info . "-precision";
         $cache_ds = getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '-cache.csv';
         $is_cached_mysql = $dbml->query("SELECT count(*) as num FROM aloja_ml.precisions WHERE id_precision = '" . md5($config) . "'");
         $tmp_result = $is_cached_mysql->fetch();
         $is_cached = $tmp_result['num'] > 0;
         $eval_names = array('Cl.Name', 'Datanodes', 'Headnodes', 'VM.OS', 'VM.Cores', 'VM.RAM', 'Provider', 'VM.Size', 'Type', 'Bench.Type', 'Hadoop.Version');
         $in_process = file_exists(getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '.lock');
         $finished_process = file_exists(getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '.fin');
         if (!$is_cached && !$in_process && !$finished_process) {
             // get headers for csv
             $header_names = array('e.id_exec' => 'ID', 'e.bench' => 'Benchmark', 'e.exe_time' => 'Exe.Time', 'e.net' => 'Net', 'e.disk' => 'Disk', 'e.maps' => 'Maps', 'e.iosf' => 'IO.SFac', 'e.replication' => 'Rep', 'e.iofilebuf' => 'IO.FBuf', 'e.comp' => 'Comp', 'e.blk_size' => 'Blk.size', 'e.id_cluster' => 'Cluster', 'c.name' => 'Cl.Name', 'c.datanodes' => 'Datanodes', 'c.headnodes' => 'Headnodes', 'c.vm_OS' => 'VM.OS', 'c.vm_cores' => 'VM.Cores', 'c.vm_RAM' => 'VM.RAM', 'c.provider' => 'Provider', 'c.vm_size' => 'VM.Size', 'c.type' => 'Type', 'e.bench_type' => 'Bench.Type', 'e.hadoop_version' => 'Hadoop.Version');
             $headers = array_keys($header_names);
             $names = array_values($header_names);
             // dump the result to csv
             $query = "SELECT " . implode(",", $headers) . " FROM aloja2.execs e LEFT JOIN aloja2.clusters c ON e.id_cluster = c.id_cluster LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.predictions p USING (id_exec) WHERE e.hadoop_version IS NOT NULL" . $where_configs . ";";
             $rows = $db->get_rows($query);
             if (empty($rows)) {
                 throw new \Exception('No data matches with your critteria.');
             $fp = fopen($cache_ds, 'w');
             fputcsv($fp, $names, ',', '"');
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $row['id_cluster'] = "Cl" . $row['id_cluster'];
                 // Cluster is numerically codified...
                 $row['comp'] = "Cmp" . $row['comp'];
                 // Compression is numerically codified...
                 fputcsv($fp, array_values($row), ',', '"');
             // run the R processor
             exec('cd ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query ; touch ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '.lock');
             $count = 1;
             foreach ($eval_names as $name) {
                 exec(getcwd() . '/resources/queue -d -c "cd ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query ; ../../resources/aloja_cli.r -d ' . md5($config) . '-cache.csv -m aloja_diversity -p vdisc="' . $name . '":noout=1:json=1 -v > ' . md5($config) . '-D-' . $name . '.tmp 2>/dev/null; touch ' . md5($config) . '-' . $count++ . '.lock" >/dev/null 2>&1 &');
                 exec(getcwd() . '/resources/queue -d -c "cd ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query ; ../../resources/aloja_cli.r -d ' . md5($config) . '-cache.csv -m aloja_precision_split -p vdisc="' . $name . '":noout=1:json=1 -v > ' . md5($config) . '-P-' . $name . '.tmp 2>/dev/null; touch ' . md5($config) . '-' . $count++ . '.lock" >/dev/null 2>&1 &');
         $finished_process = (int) shell_exec('ls ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '-*.lock | wc -w ') == 2 * count($eval_names);
         if ($finished_process && !$is_cached) {
             $token = 0;
             $token_i = 0;
             $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO aloja_ml.precisions (id_precision,model,instance,dataslice,diversity,precisions,discvar) VALUES ";
             foreach ($eval_names as $name) {
                 $treated_line_d = "";
                 $treated_line_p = "";
                 if (($handle = fopen(getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '-D-' . $name . '.tmp', "r")) !== FALSE) {
                     $line = fgets($handle, 1000000);
                     $treated_line_d = substr($line, 5);
                     $treated_line_d = substr($treated_line_d, 0, -2);
                     $treated_line_d = preg_replace('/,Cmp(\\d+),/', ',${1},', $treated_line_d);
                     $treated_line_d = preg_replace('/,Cl(\\d+),/', ',${1},', $treated_line_d);
                     $treated_line_d = str_replace("'", "\"", $treated_line_d);
                 if (($handle = fopen(getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '-P-' . $name . '.tmp', "r")) !== FALSE) {
                     $line = fgets($handle, 1000000);
                     $treated_line_p = substr($line, 5);
                     $treated_line_p = substr($treated_line_p, 0, -2);
                     $treated_line_p = preg_replace('/,Cmp(\\d+),/', ',${1},', $treated_line_p);
                     $treated_line_p = preg_replace('/,Cl(\\d+),/', ',${1},', $treated_line_p);
                     $treated_line_p = str_replace("'", "\"", $treated_line_p);
                 if ($token > 0) {
                     $query = $query . ",";
                 $token = 1;
                 $query = $query . "('" . md5($config) . "','" . substr($model_info, 1) . "','" . $instance . "','" . $slice_info . "','" . $treated_line_d . "','" . $treated_line_p . "','" . $name . "') ";
                 $token_i = 1;
             if ($token_i > 0) {
                 if ($dbml->query($query) === FALSE) {
                     throw new \Exception('Error when saving into DB');
             // remove remaining locks
             shell_exec('rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '*.lock');
             // Remove temporal files
             shell_exec('rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '*.tmp');
             shell_exec('rm -f ' . getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . md5($config) . '*.csv');
             $is_cached = true;
         if (!$is_cached) {
             $jsonDiversity = $jsonPrecisions = $jsonDiscvars = $jsonHeaderDiv = $jsonPrecisionHeader = '[]';
             $must_wait = 'YES';
         } else {
             $must_wait = 'NO';
             $discvars = array();
             $diversity = array();
             $precisions = array();
             $query = "SELECT id_precision,model,instance,dataslice,diversity,precisions,discvar FROM aloja_ml.precisions WHERE id_precision = '" . md5($config) . "'";
             $result = $dbml->query($query);
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $discvars[] = $row['discvar'];
                 $diversity[] = $row['diversity'];
                 $precisions[] = $row['precisions'];
             $jsonDiscvars = "['" . implode("','", $discvars) . "']";
             $jsonDiversity = "[" . implode(",", $diversity) . "]";
             $jsonPrecisions = "[" . implode(",", $precisions) . "]";
             $header = array('Benchmark', 'Net', 'Disk', 'Maps', 'IO.SFS', 'Rep', 'IO.FBuf', 'Comp', 'Blk.Size', 'Target', 'Exe.Time', 'Support');
             $jsonHeaderDiv = '[';
             foreach ($header as $title) {
                 if ($jsonHeaderDiv != '[') {
                     $jsonHeaderDiv = $jsonHeaderDiv . ',';
                 $jsonHeaderDiv = $jsonHeaderDiv . '{"title":"' . $title . '"}';
             $jsonHeaderDiv = $jsonHeaderDiv . ']';
             $jsonPrecisionHeader = '[{"title":"Target"},{"title":"Diversity"},{"title":"# Executions"},{"title":"Deviation (UnPrecision)"},{"title":"Mean [Stats]"},{"title":"StDev [Stats]"},{"title":"Max [Stats]"},{"title":"Min [Stats]"}]';
         $dbml = null;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->container->getTwig()->addGlobal('message', $e->getMessage());
         $jsonDiversity = $jsonPrecisions = $jsonDiscvars = $jsonHeaderDiv = $jsonPrecisionHeader = '[]';
         $must_wait = 'NO';
         $dbml = null;
     $return_params = array('discvars' => $jsonDiscvars, 'diversity' => $jsonDiversity, 'precisions' => $jsonPrecisions, 'diversityHeader' => $jsonHeaderDiv, 'precisionHeader' => $jsonPrecisionHeader, 'precexps' => $jsonPrecexps, 'header_precexps' => $jsonPrecexpsHeader, 'must_wait' => $must_wait, 'instance' => $instance, 'model_info' => $model_info, 'slice_info' => $slice_info, 'id_precision' => md5($config), 'error_stats' => $error_stats);
     return $this->render('mltemplate/mlprecision.html.twig', $return_params);