function formAction() { global $tpl, $login; $commit = isset($_REQUEST['chkcommit']) ? $_REQUEST['chkcommit'] + 0 : 0; $delete = isset($_REQUEST['chkdelete']) ? $_REQUEST['chkdelete'] + 0 : 0; $disable = isset($_REQUEST['chkdisable']) ? $_REQUEST['chkdisable'] + 0 : 0; $userid = isset($_REQUEST['userid']) ? $_REQUEST['userid'] + 0 : 0; $user = new user($userid); if ($user->exist() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } $username = $user->getUsername(); if ($delete == 1 && $disable == 1) { $tpl->error('You cannot delete and disable the same time!'); } if ($commit == 0) { $tpl->error('You have to check that you are sure!'); } if ($disable == 1) { if ($user->disable() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } } else { if ($delete == 1) { if ($user->delete() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } } } $tpl->redirect('adminuser.php?action=searchuser&username=' . urlencode($username)); }
function formAction() { global $tpl, $login, $translate; $commit = isset($_REQUEST['chkcommit']) ? $_REQUEST['chkcommit'] + 0 : 0; $delete = isset($_REQUEST['chkdelete']) ? $_REQUEST['chkdelete'] + 0 : 0; $disable = isset($_REQUEST['chkdisable']) ? $_REQUEST['chkdisable'] + 0 : 0; $emailproblem = isset($_REQUEST['chkemail']) ? $_REQUEST['chkemail'] + 0 : 0; $datalicense = isset($_REQUEST['chkdl']) ? $_REQUEST['chkdl'] + 0 : 0; $userid = isset($_REQUEST['userid']) ? $_REQUEST['userid'] + 0 : 0; $disduelicense = isset($_REQUEST['chkdisduelicense']) ? $_REQUEST['chkdisduelicense'] + 0 : 0; $user = new user($userid); if ($user->exist() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } $username = $user->getUsername(); if ($delete + $disable + $disduelicense > 1) { $tpl->error($translate->t('Please select only one of the delete/disable options!', '', '', 0)); } if ($commit == 0) { $tpl->error($translate->t('You have to check that you are sure!', '', '', 0)); } if ($disduelicense == 1) { $errmesg = $user->disduelicense(); if ($errmesg !== true) { $tpl->error($errmesg); } } else { if ($disable == 1) { if ($user->disable() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } } else { if ($delete == 1) { if ($user->delete() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } } else { if ($emailproblem == 1) { $user->addEmailProblem($datalicense); } } } } $tpl->redirect('adminuser.php?action=searchuser&username='******'&success=' . ($disduelicense + $disable)); }
if (isset($_REQUEST['emailaddress'])) { $bEmailaddress = $_REQUEST['emailaddress'] == 1; } else { $own_user = new user($login->userid); $bEmailaddress = $own_user->getUsermailSendAddress(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['ok'])) { $bError = false; if ($subject == '') { $bError = true; $tpl->assign('errorSubjectEmpty', true); } if ($text == '') { $bError = true; $tpl->assign('errorBodyEmpty', true); } if ($bError == false) { if ($user->sendEMail($login->userid, $subject, $text, $bEmailaddress)) { $tpl->assign('success', true); } else { $tpl->assign('errorUnkown', true); } } } $tpl->assign('subject', $subject); $tpl->assign('text', $text); $tpl->assign('emailaddress', $bEmailaddress); $tpl->assign('email_problems', $user->getEmailProblems()); $tpl->assign('userid', $user->getUserId()); $tpl->assign('username', $user->getUsername()); $tpl->display();
<?php require '../includes/config.php'; require '../structure/database.php'; require '../structure/base.php'; require '../structure/user.php'; require '../structure/msgcenter.php'; $database = new database($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password); $base = new base($database); $msgcenter = new msgcenter($database); $user = new user($database); if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { $base->redirect('../index.php'); } $user->updateLastActive(); $username = $user->getUsername($_COOKIE['user'], 2); $rank = $user->getRank($username); $id = $_GET['id']; if (!$msgcenter->canCreate($username, $rank) || $user->checkMute($username)) { $content = 'You can\'t create a new conversation. <input type="button" class="button" value="Back" onclick="goBack()" />'; } elseif (!isset($_POST['title']) || !isset($_POST['reply'])) { $content = ' <form action="create.php" method="POST"> <table> <tr><td>Title</td><td align="left"><input type="text" class="button" name="title" maxlength="50"></td></tr>'; if ($rank > 3) { $content .= '<tr><td>Mass Message</td><td align="left"><input type="checkbox" name="mass_message" id="mass"></td></tr><tr><td>Receiver</td><td align="left"><input type="text" class="button" name="receiver" id="receiver" maxlength="12"></td></tr>'; } $content .= ' <tr><td>Message</td><td><textarea name="reply" class="button" cols="45" rows="20" maxlength="2000"></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td align="left"><input type="submit" class="button" value="Create"></td></tr>
public function __construct() { // Construct a different html for ingame and the out-of-game browser. global $IGB; global $VERSION; global $MySelf; global $TIDY_ENABLE; global $width; global $URL; global $IGB_VISUAL; // Enable tidy, if we want to. $this->useTidy = $TIDY_ENABLE; // In case we are not logged in, or the object does not exist yet. if (!is_object($MySelf)) { $MySelf = new user(false, false); } if ($IGB && $IGB_VISUAL) { // Use IGB, set header and footer. $this->isIGB = true; // $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-header.txt'); $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-header.php'); if ($MySelf->isValid()) { $this->header .= makeMenu(); $this->header = str_replace("%%RANK%%", $MySelf->getRankName(), $this->header); $this->header = str_replace("%%CREDITS%%", number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK", $this->header); $this->header = str_replace("%%USERNAME%%", ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()), $this->header); } $this->header = str_replace("%%SITENAME%%", getConfig("sitename"), $this->header); // $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-footer.txt'); $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/ingame/igb-footer.php'); $this->footer = str_replace("%%VERSION%%", $VERSION, $this->footer); } else { // Use normal browser. $this->isIGB = false; if ($MySelf->isValid() == 1) { // $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header.txt'); $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header.php'); } else { // $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header-notloggedin.txt'); $this->header = file_get_contents('./include/html/header-notloggedin.php'); } // $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/html/footer.txt'); $domainroot = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // Add page footer // use proper footer for sponcered sites. if ($domainroot == "" or $domainroot == "" or $domainroot == "") { $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/html/mbh-footer.php'); } else { $this->footer = file_get_contents('./include/html/footer.php'); } // Generate the images. $mainLogo = new graphic("title"); $mainLogo->setText(getConfig("sitename")); $mainLogo->setBGColor("2D2D37"); // this is here to retain some code. Image caching seemed to be pretty useless. $imageCaching = false; if ($imageCaching) { $loginLogo = new graphic("standard"); $loginLogo->setText(ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername())); $loginLogo->setBGColor("2D2D37"); $loginLogo->setPrefixed(false); $versionLogo = new graphic("long"); $versionLogo->setText($VERSION); $versionLogo->setBGColor("2D2D37"); $versionLogo->setPrefixed(false); $rankLogo = new graphic("standard"); $rankLogo->setText($MySelf->getRankName()); $rankLogo->setBGColor("2D2D37"); $rankLogo->setPrefixed(false); $moneyLogo = new graphic("standard"); $moneyLogo->setText(number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK"); $moneyLogo->setDirect(true); $moneyLogo->setBGColor("2D2D37"); $moneyLogo->setPrefixed(false); } // Replace variables in the header. $this->header = str_replace("%%SITENAME%%", getConfig("sitename") . " - " . $VERSION, $this->header); $this->header = makeMenu($this->header); $thisCharacterID = ""; if ($MySelf->isValid()) { $api = new api($MySelf->getID()); $thisCharacterID = $api->getCharacterID(); } if ($thisCharacterID == "") { $this->header = str_replace("%%PILOT64%%", "", $this->header); } else { $this->header = str_replace("%%PILOT64%%", "<img width='64' height='64' align='left' src='" . $api->getCharacterID() . "_64.jpg' />", $this->header); } $this->header = str_replace("%%LOGO%%", $mainLogo->render(), $this->header); if ($imageCaching) { $this->header = str_replace("%%LOGGEDIN%%", $loginLogo->render(), $this->header); // $this->header = str_replace("%%RANK%%", $rankLogo->render(), $this->header); $this->header = str_replace("%%CREDITS%%", $moneyLogo->render(), $this->header); $this->footer = str_replace("%%IMG%%", $versionLogo->render(), $this->footer); } else { $this->header = str_replace("%%LOGGEDIN%%", " " . ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()), $this->header); $this->header = str_replace("%%RANK%%", " " . $MySelf->getRankName(), $this->header); $this->header = str_replace("%%CREDITS%%", " " . number_format(getCredits($MySelf->getID()), 2) . " ISK", $this->header); $this->footer = str_replace("%%IMG%%", $VERSION, $this->footer); } $this->header = str_replace("%%USERNAME%%", ucfirst($MySelf->getUsername()), $this->header); $this->header = str_replace("%%URL%%", $URL, $this->header); } $this->header = str_replace("%%VERSION%%", $VERSION, $this->header); $this->header .= "<!--header ends here-->"; $this->footer = "<!--footer starts here-->" . $this->footer; }
$bError = true; $tpl->assign('error_tos_not_ok', 1); } if ($bError == false) { // try to register $user->setActivationCode($user->CreateCode()); $user->setNode($opt['logic']['node']['id']); if ($user->save()) { // send confirmation $user->sendRegistrationCode(); //display confirmation $tpl->assign('confirm', 1); } else { $bReasonFound = false; // username or email already exists if ($user->existUsername($user->getUsername())) { $tpl->assign('error_username_exists', 1); $bReasonFound = true; } if ($user->existEMail($user->getEMail())) { $tpl->assign('error_email_exists', 1); $bReasonFound = true; } if ($bReasonFound == false) { $tpl->assign('error_unkown', 1); } } } } } $rs = $countriesList->getRS($country == 'XX' ? null : $country, $show_all_countries);
public function username() { //$username=$_POST['username']; //for ajax $desc = $_POST['username']; $describe = user::getUsername($desc); $list = ""; foreach ($describe as $describe) { $list .= $describe->username; } echo $list; }
<div id='picUname'><?php echo $_SESSION['fullname']; ?> </div> </div> <div id='profileInfo'> I am : <span id=''><?php echo $u->getFullname(); ?> </span><br /> email : <?php echo $u->getEmail(); ?> <br /> here I am called : <span id='profileUsername'><?php echo $u->getUsername(); ?> </span><br /> Insti Roll : <?php echo $u->getRoll(); ?> (Helps us to give you better suggestions)<br /> </div> </div> </div><!-- /container --> <?php echo $bottomBar; echo $scripts; echo $piwik; ?>
function sendEMail($nFromUserId, $sSubject, $sText, $bSendEMailAddress) { global $opt, $translate; if ($this->exist() == false) { return false; } if ($this->getIsActive() == false) { return false; } if ($this->getEMail() === null || $this->getEMail() == '') { return false; } if ($sSubject == '') { return false; } if ($sText == '') { return false; } if (mb_strpos($sSubject, "\n") !== false) { $sSubject = mb_substr($sSubject, 0, mb_strpos($sSubject, "\n")); } $sSubject = mb_trim($sSubject); $fromUser = new user($nFromUserId); if ($fromUser->exist() == false) { return false; } if ($fromUser->getIsActive() == false) { return false; } if ($fromUser->getEMail() === null || $fromUser->getEMail() == '') { return false; } $language = $this->getLanguageCode(); if (!$language) { $language = $opt['template']['locale']; } // ok, we can send ... $mail = new mail(); $mail->name = 'usercontactmail'; $mail->to = $this->getEMail(); $mail->recipient_locale = $this->getLanguageCode(); $mail->from = $opt['mail']['usermail']; if ($bSendEMailAddress == true) { $mail->replyTo = $fromUser->getEMail(); $mail->returnPath = $fromUser->getEMail(); } $mail->subject = $translate->t('E-Mail from', '', basename(__FILE__), __LINE__, '', 1, $language) . ' ' . $fromUser->getUsername() . ': ' . $sSubject; $mail->assign('usersubject', $sSubject); $mail->assign('text', $sText); $mail->assign('username', $this->getUsername()); $mail->assign('sendemailaddress', $bSendEMailAddress); $mail->assign('fromusername', $fromUser->getUsername()); $mail->assign('fromuserid', $fromUser->getUserId()); $mail->assign('fromuseremail', $fromUser->getEMail()); if ($mail->send()) { // send copy to fromUser $mail->assign('copy', true); $mail->to = $fromUser->getEMail(); $mail->send(); // log sql("INSERT INTO `email_user` (`ipaddress`, \n\t\t\t `from_user_id`, \n\t\t\t `from_email`, \n\t\t\t `to_user_id`, \n\t\t\t `to_email`)\n\t\t\t VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3', '&4', '&5')", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $fromUser->getUserId(), $fromUser->getEMail(), $this->getUserId(), $this->getEMail()); return true; } else { return false; } }
<?php require '../includes/config.php'; require '../structure/database.php'; require '../structure/forum.php'; require '../structure/forum.thread.php'; require '../structure/base.php'; require '../structure/user.php'; $database = new database($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password); $thread = new thread($database); $base = new base($database); $user = new user($database); $user->updateLastActive(); //useful variables $rank = $user->getRank($user->getUsername($_COOKIE['user'], 2)); if ($rank < 4) { $base->redirect('../index.php'); } //toggle the maintenance status of the site $m = $database->processQuery("SELECT `maintenance` FROM `config`", array(), true); $database->processQuery("UPDATE `config` SET `maintenance` = ?", array($m[0]['maintenance'] == 0 ? 1 : 0), false); $redirect = ''; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns:IE> <!-- LeeStrong Runescape Website Source --!> <!-- Added by HTTrack --><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"><!-- /Added by HTTrack --> <head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<div id='container'> <?php echo $topBar; echo $feedback; ?> <div id='editProfile'></div> <div id='profileBox'> <img id='editProfileButton' src='pics/settings.png'/ > <div id='snapShot'> <img src="<?php echo $u->getUserPicture(); ?>"/> <div id='picUname'><?php echo $_SESSION['fullname']; ?> </div> </div> <div id='profileInfo'> I am : <span id=''><?php echo $u->getFullname(); ?></span><br /> email : <?php echo $u->getEmail(); ?> <br /> here I am called : <span id='profileUsername'><?php echo $u->getUsername(); ?></span><br /> Institute Roll : <?php echo $u->getRoll(); ?> (Helps us to give you better suggestions)<br /> </div> </div> </div><!-- /container --> <?php echo $bottomBar; echo $scripts; echo $piwik; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { P.updateStoryBox('My Uploads') .updateStoryBox('Liked videos') .updateStoryBox('Disliked videos');
</form> <?php } elseif (!$user->doesExist($_POST['username'])) { echo 'No user exists with that username! <input type="button" value="Back" onclick="goBack()" />'; } else { //all the recovery questions we're working with $questions[] = array(); $questions[0] = 'What was your first pet\'s name?'; $questions[1] = 'Type in a code you can remember.'; $questions[2] = 'Where is your favorite vacation spot?'; $questions[3] = 'Who is your favorite author?'; $questions[4] = 'What color was your first bedroom?'; $questions[5] = 'What was your first car?'; //extract data $data = $database->processQuery("SELECT * FROM `recoveries` WHERE `userid` = ? LIMIT 1", array($user->getIdByName($_POST['username'])), false); if ($database->getRowCount() == 0 || $user->getUsername($_COOKIE['user'], 2) == $_POST['username']) { echo 'You can\'t do that for this user! <input type="button" value="Back" onclick="goBack()" />'; } elseif (!isset($_POST['answer'])) { ?> <fieldset class="question"> <legend>Answer Recovery Question</legend> Now is the time when you wrote down your questions is useful. To the best of your ability, feel out all questions with the answers you <br/><br/> <b>Please Note:</b> Only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, and $ are allowed. </fieldset> <form action="recover.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo $_POST['username']; ?>
$res = $user->setUsername($_POST['username']); echo $res; } else { echo "Username already taken."; } } else { if (isset($_POST['aboutMe'])) { $res2 = $user->setAboutMe($_POST['aboutMe']); echo $res2; } } } ?> </div> Username: <?php echo $user->getUsername(); ?> <br> Change Username:<br> <form action="#" method="POST"> <input name="username" type="text"/> <input type="submit" name="submitUsername" value="Save" /> </form><br> Email: <?php echo $user->getEmail(); ?> <br> Update Email:<br> <form action="#" method="POST"> <input name="email" type="text"/> <input type="submit" name="submitEmail" value="Save" />
$template->display('error.tpl'); die; } if ($connection->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'role'")->rowCount() == 0) { $connection->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `role` (\r\n\t\t\t\t`rid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n\t\t\t\t`role` text NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t`r_admin` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`rid`)\r\n\t\t\t)"); $connection->exec("INSERT INTO role (`role`,`r_admin`) VALUES ('admin', 1);"); $connection->exec("INSERT INTO role (`role`,`r_admin`) VALUES ('default', 1);"); $connection->exec("INSERT INTO role (`role`,`r_admin`) VALUES ('normal', 1);"); // not table exist } if (!empty($_POST['loginUsername']) && !empty($_POST['loginPassword'])) { $user = new user($_POST['loginUsername'], $_POST['loginPassword'], $connection); $template->assign("allowedPluginInstances", $allowedPluginInstances); if (isset($_SESSION["user"]) && $user->isValid()) { if ($user->getWelcome()) { $messages[] = "Welcome " . $user->getUsername() . '. Your last Login was at ' . $user->getLastLogin() . ' from adress ' . $user->getLastIp(); $user->disableWelcome(); } } else { $messages[] = "Wrong Password or user"; } } if (isset($_SESSION["user"])) { if (usertools::containRoles($GLOBALS["adminRoles"], $_SESSION["user"]->getRoles())) { $template->assign("admin", true); $admin = true; } $user = $_SESSION["user"]; if ($admin) { $user->setAdmin(true); }