function casesShowOuputDocumentExist($url) { $urlArray = explode("?", $url); $urlParametroString = $urlArray[1]; parse_str($urlParametroString, $_GET); require_once "classes/model/AppDocumentPeer.php"; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->Fields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['a'], isset($_GET['v']) ? $_GET['v'] : null); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $info = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); if (!isset($_GET['ext'])) { $ext = $info['extension']; } else { if ($_GET['ext'] != '') { $ext = $_GET['ext']; } else { $ext = $info['extension']; } } $ver = isset($_GET['v']) && $_GET['v'] != '' ? '_' . $_GET['v'] : ''; if (!$ver) { //This code is in the case the outputdocument won't be versioned $ver = '_1'; } $realPath = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($oAppDocument->Fields['APP_UID']) . '/outdocs/' . $sAppDocUid . $ver . '.' . $ext; $realPath1 = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($oAppDocument->Fields['APP_UID']) . '/outdocs/' . $info['basename'] . $ver . '.' . $ext; $realPath2 = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($oAppDocument->Fields['APP_UID']) . '/outdocs/' . $info['basename'] . '.' . $ext; $sw_file_exists = false; if (file_exists($realPath)) { $sw_file_exists = true; } elseif (file_exists($realPath1)) { $sw_file_exists = true; $realPath = $realPath1; } elseif (file_exists($realPath2)) { $sw_file_exists = true; $realPath = $realPath2; } $swFileExist = 0; if ($sw_file_exists) { $swFileExist = 1; } return $swFileExist; }
* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email */ /* * Created on 19-03-2009 * * @author Everth S . Berrios <*****@*****.**> */ require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $aFields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['a']); require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php'; $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $aOD = $oOutputDocument->load($aFields['DOC_UID']); $a = $_GET['a']; $ext = strtolower($aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']); G::header('location: cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $a . '&ext=' . $ext);
case 'showHistoryMessage': $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $oCase = new Cases(); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'cases/cases_MessagesView', '', $oCase->getHistoryMessagesTrackerView($_POST['APP_UID'], $_POST['APP_MSG_UID'])); G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw'); break; case 'deleteUploadedDocument': //require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->remove($_POST['DOC']); $oCase = new Cases(); $oCase->getAllUploadedDocumentsCriteria($_SESSION['PROCESS'], $_SESSION['APPLICATION'], $_SESSION['TASK'], $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); break; case 'deleteGeneratedDocument': //require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->remove($_POST['DOC']); $oCase = new Cases(); $oCase->getAllGeneratedDocumentsCriteria($_SESSION['PROCESS'], $_SESSION['APPLICATION'], $_SESSION['TASK'], $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); break; /* @Author Erik Amaru Ortiz <*****@*****.**> */ /* @Author Erik Amaru Ortiz <*****@*****.**> */ case 'resendMessage': //require_once 'classes/model/Configuration.php'; G::LoadClass('spool'); $oCase = new Cases(); $data = $oCase->getHistoryMessagesTrackerView($_POST['APP_UID'], $_POST['APP_MSG_UID']); //print_r($data); G::LoadClass("system"); $aSetup = System::getEmailConfiguration(); $passwd = $aSetup['MESS_PASSWORD'];
public function generateHtml2ps_pdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $aProperties = array()) { define("MAX_FREE_FRACTION", 1); define('PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY', PATH_HTML . 'files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/'); G::verifyPath(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY, true); require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/'; require_once PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/pipeline.factory.class.php'; parse_config_file(PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'html2ps_pdf/html2ps.config'); $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array('cssmedia' => 'screen', 'media' => 'Letter', 'scalepoints' => false, 'renderimages' => true, 'renderfields' => true, 'renderforms' => false, 'pslevel' => 3, 'renderlinks' => true, 'pagewidth' => 800, 'landscape' => $sLandscape, 'method' => 'fpdf', 'margins' => array('left' => 15, 'right' => 15, 'top' => 15, 'bottom' => 15), 'encoding' => '', 'ps2pdf' => false, 'compress' => true, 'output' => 2, 'pdfversion' => '1.3', 'transparency_workaround' => false, 'imagequality_workaround' => false, 'draw_page_border' => isset($_REQUEST['pageborder']), 'debugbox' => false, 'html2xhtml' => true, 'mode' => 'html', 'smartpagebreak' => true); $GLOBALS['g_config'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['g_config'], $aProperties); $g_media = Media::predefined($GLOBALS['g_config']['media']); $g_media->set_landscape($GLOBALS['g_config']['landscape']); $g_media->set_margins($GLOBALS['g_config']['margins']); $g_media->set_pixels($GLOBALS['g_config']['pagewidth']); if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity'])) { if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword']) && $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'] != "") { $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'] = G::decrypt($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['openPassword'], $sUID); } if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword']) && $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'] != "") { $GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'] = G::decrypt($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']['ownerPassword'], $sUID); } $g_media->set_security($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfSecurity']); require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'pdf.fpdf.encryption.php'; } $pipeline = new Pipeline(); if (extension_loaded('curl')) { require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.curl.class.php'; $pipeline->fetchers = array(new FetcherURLCurl()); if (isset($proxy)) { if ($proxy != '') { $pipeline->fetchers[0]->set_proxy($proxy); } } } else { require_once HTML2PS_DIR . 'fetcher.url.class.php'; $pipeline->fetchers[] = new FetcherURL(); } $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterDoctype(); $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterUTF8($GLOBALS['g_config']['encoding']); if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['html2xhtml']) { $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterHTML2XHTML(); } else { $pipeline->data_filters[] = new DataFilterXHTML2XHTML(); } $pipeline->parser = new ParserXHTML(); $pipeline->pre_tree_filters = array(); $header_html = ''; $footer_html = ''; $filter = new PreTreeFilterHeaderFooter($header_html, $footer_html); $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = $filter; if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['renderfields']) { $pipeline->pre_tree_filters[] = new PreTreeFilterHTML2PSFields(); } if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['method'] === 'ps') { $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEnginePS(); } else { $pipeline->layout_engine = new LayoutEngineDefault(); } $pipeline->post_tree_filters = array(); if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['pslevel'] == 3) { $image_encoder = new PSL3ImageEncoderStream(); } else { $image_encoder = new PSL2ImageEncoderStream(); } switch ($GLOBALS['g_config']['method']) { case 'fastps': if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['pslevel'] == 3) { $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPS($image_encoder); } else { $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFastPSLevel2($image_encoder); } break; case 'pdflib': $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPDFLIB16($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfversion']); break; case 'fpdf': $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverFPDF(); break; case 'png': $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPNG(); break; case 'pcl': $pipeline->output_driver = new OutputDriverPCL(); break; default: die('Unknown output method'); } if (isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['watermarkhtml'])) { $watermark_text = $GLOBALS['g_config']['watermarkhtml']; } else { $watermark_text = ''; } $pipeline->output_driver->set_watermark($watermark_text); if ($watermark_text != '') { $dispatcher =& $pipeline->getDispatcher(); } if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['debugbox']) { $pipeline->output_driver->set_debug_boxes(true); } if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['draw_page_border']) { $pipeline->output_driver->set_show_page_border(true); } if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['ps2pdf']) { $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterPS2PDF($GLOBALS['g_config']['pdfversion']); } if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['compress'] && $GLOBALS['g_config']['method'] == 'fastps') { $pipeline->output_filters[] = new OutputFilterGZip(); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'])) { $GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'] = ''; } if ($GLOBALS['g_config']['process_mode'] == 'batch') { $filename = 'batch'; } else { $filename = $sFilename; } switch ($GLOBALS['g_config']['output']) { case 0: $pipeline->destination = new DestinationBrowser($filename); break; case 1: $pipeline->destination = new DestinationDownload($filename); break; case 2: $pipeline->destination = new DestinationFile($filename); break; } copy($sPath . $sFilename . '.html', PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html'); try { $status = $pipeline->process((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/files/' . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/' . $sFilename . '.html', $g_media); copy(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sPath . $sFilename . '.pdf'); unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.pdf'); unlink(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY . $sFilename . '.html'); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() == 'ID_OUTPUT_NOT_GENERATE') { include_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; $dataDocument = explode('_', $sFilename); if (!isset($dataDocument[1])) { $dataDocument[1] = 1; } $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->remove($dataDocument[0], $dataDocument[1]); G::SendTemporalMessage(G::LoadTranslation('ID_OUTPUT_NOT_GENERATE'), 'Error'); } } }
/** * remove document * * @param string $appDocUid * @return $result will return an object */ public function removeDocument ($appDocUid) { try { $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->remove( $appDocUid, 1 ); //always send version 1 $result = new wsResponse( 0, " $appDocUid" ); return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = new wsResponse( 100, $e->getMessage() ); return $result; } }
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email * */ /* * Created on 13-02-2008 * * @author David Callizaya <*****@*****.**> */ if (!isset($_SESSION['PROCESS'])) { G::header('location: login'); } require_once "classes/model/AppDocumentPeer.php"; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->Fields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['a']); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $info = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); if (!isset($_GET['ext'])) { $ext = $info['extension']; } else { if ($_GET['ext'] != '') { $ext = $_GET['ext']; } else { $ext = $info['extension']; } } $realPath = PATH_DOCUMENT . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . '/outdocs/' . $info['basename'] . '.' . $ext; G::streamFile($realPath, true);
<?php try { $G_MAIN_MENU = 'processmaker'; $G_SUB_MENU = ''; $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED = 'FOLDERS'; $G_ID_SUB_MENU_SELECTED = ''; $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); if (isset($_POST['form']['FOLDER_UID']) && isset($_POST['form']['MOVE_FOLDER_PATH'])) { require_once "classes/model/AppDocument.php"; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); //Move files to another FOLDER_UID' $folderUid = $_POST['form']['FOLDER_UID']; $filesArrayAux = explode(";", $_POST['form']['MOVE_FOLDER_PATH']); $filesArray = array(); foreach ($filesArrayAux as $value) { if ($value != "") { $valueAux = explode("|", $value); $filesArray[$valueAux[1]] = $valueAux[0]; } } foreach ($filesArray as $keyDoc => $sw) { if ($sw == "true") { $keyDocArray = explode("_", $keyDoc); $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $keyDocArray[0], 'DOC_VERSION' => $keyDocArray[1], 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderUid); $oAppDocument->update($aFields); } } } //$rootFolder='5320083284b210ceb511e43070218744'; $rootFolder = '0';
/** * Get data of Cases InputDocument * * @param string $applicationUid * @param string $userUid * * return array Return an array with data of an InputDocument */ public function getCasesInputDocuments($applicationUid, $userUid) { try { //Verify data inbox $case = new \ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\Cases(); $arrayResult = $case->getStatusInfo($applicationUid, 0, $userUid); $flagInbox = true; if (empty($arrayResult) || !preg_match("/^(?:TO_DO|DRAFT)\$/", $arrayResult["APP_STATUS"])) { $flagInbox = false; } $user = new \Users(); $appDocument = new \AppDocument(); $configuraction = new \Configurations(); $confEnvSetting = $configuraction->getFormats(); $arrayInputDocument = array(); //Query $criteria = $this->getAppDocumentCriteriaByData($applicationUid); if (!$flagInbox) { $criteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID, $userUid, \Criteria::EQUAL); } $rsCriteria = \AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($criteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(\ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ $licensedFeatures =& \PMLicensedFeatures::getSingleton(); $enablePMGmail = false; if ($licensedFeatures->verifyfeature('7qhYmF1eDJWcEdwcUZpT0k4S0xTRStvdz09')) { \G::LoadClass("pmDrive"); $pmDrive = new \PMDrive(); $enablePMGmail = $pmDrive->getStatusService(); } /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $arrayUserData = $user->load($row["USR_UID"]); $arrayAppDocument = $appDocument->load($row["APP_DOC_UID"], $row["DOC_VERSION"]); $row["APP_DOC_FILENAME"] = $arrayAppDocument["APP_DOC_FILENAME"]; $row["APP_DOC_CREATE_USER"] = $configuraction->usersNameFormatBySetParameters($confEnvSetting["format"], $arrayUserData["USR_USERNAME"], $arrayUserData["USR_FIRSTNAME"], $arrayUserData["USR_LASTNAME"]); $row["APP_DOC_LINK"] = "cases/cases_ShowDocument?a=" . $row["APP_DOC_UID"] . "&v=" . $row["DOC_VERSION"]; /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ //change donwload link - drive $driveDownload = @unserialize($arrayAppDocument['APP_DOC_DRIVE_DOWNLOAD']); if ($driveDownload !== false && is_array($driveDownload) && $enablePMGmail) { if (array_key_exists('INPUT', $driveDownload)) { $row['APP_DOC_LINK'] = $driveDownload['INPUT']; } else { if (array_key_exists('ATTACHED', $driveDownload)) { $row['APP_DOC_LINK'] = $driveDownload['ATTACHED']; } } } /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ $arrayInputDocument[] = $this->getAppDocumentDataFromRecord($row); } //Return return $arrayInputDocument; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
$Fields['DOC_UID'] = $_POST['docID']; $Fields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $_POST['appDocId']; $Fields['actionType'] = $_POST['actionType']; $Fields["docVersion"] = (int) $_POST["docVersion"]; $oInputDocument = new InputDocument(); $InpDocData = $oInputDocument->load($Fields['DOC_UID']); $inpDocMaxFilesize = $InpDocData["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE"]; $inpDocMaxFilesizeUnit = $InpDocData["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE_UNIT"]; $inpDocMaxFilesize = $inpDocMaxFilesize * ($inpDocMaxFilesizeUnit == "MB" ? 1024 * 1024 : 1024); //Bytes $Fields["INP_DOC_SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS_FILENAME_LABEL"] = "[" . $InpDocData["INP_DOC_TYPE_FILE"] . "]"; $Fields["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE"] = $inpDocMaxFilesize; $Fields["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE_LABEL"] = $inpDocMaxFilesize > 0 ? "[" . $InpDocData["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE"] . " " . $InpDocData["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE_UNIT"] . "]" : ""; $Fields['fileTypes'] = $InpDocData['INP_DOC_TYPE_FILE']; if ($_POST['actionType'] == 'NV') { $appDocument = new AppDocument(); $arrayAppDocumentData = $appDocument->load($_POST["appDocId"]); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'cases/cases_AttachInputDocumentGeneral', '', $Fields, 'cases_SupervisorSaveDocument?APP_DOC_UID=' . $_POST['appDocId'] . "&DOC_VERSION=" . ($Fields['docVersion'] + 1) . '&APP_UID=' . $arrayAppDocumentData["APP_UID"] . '&UID=' . $_POST['docID']); } else { $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'cases/cases_AttachInputDocumentGeneral', '', $Fields, 'cases_SupervisorSaveDocument?UID=' . $_POST['docID'] . '&APP_UID=' . $_POST['appDocId']); } G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw'); break; case "inputDocumentVersionHistory": //krumo($_POST); $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $Fields['DOC_UID'] = $_POST['docID']; $Fields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $_POST['appDocId']; $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('propeltable', 'paged-table', 'cases/cases_InputdocsListHistory', $oCase->getInputDocumentsCriteria($_SESSION['APPLICATION'], $_SESSION['INDEX'], $_POST['docID'], $_POST['appDocId']), array()); //$aFields //$G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'cases/cases_AttachInputDocumentGeneral',
public function getDynaformHistory($PRO_UID, $TAS_UID, $APP_UID, $DYN_UID = "") { G::LoadClass('case'); $oCase = new Cases(); $oCase->verifyTable(); $aObjectPermissions = $oCase->getAllObjects($PRO_UID, $APP_UID, $TAS_UID, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions)) { $aObjectPermissions = array('DYNAFORMS' => array(-1), 'INPUT_DOCUMENTS' => array(-1), 'OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS' => array(-1)); } if (!isset($aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] = array(-1); } else { if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] = array(-1); } } if (!isset($aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } else { if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } } if (!isset($aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } else { if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } } $appDocument = new AppDocument(); foreach (array("INPUT_DOCUMENTS", "OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS") as $value) { $key = $value; if ($aObjectPermissions[$key]) { foreach ($aObjectPermissions[$key] as $key2 => $value2) { $appDocumentUid = $value2; try { $arrayAppDocumentData = $appDocument->load($appDocumentUid); $aObjectPermissions[$key][$key2] = $arrayAppDocumentData["DOC_UID"]; } catch (Exception $e) { } } } } $dynaForm = new Dynaform(); $inputDocument = new InputDocument(); $outputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $c = new Criteria('workflow'); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::APP_UID); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::DEL_INDEX); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::PRO_UID); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::TAS_UID); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::DYN_UID); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::OBJ_TYPE); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::USR_UID); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::APP_STATUS); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::HISTORY_DATE); $c->addSelectColumn(AppHistoryPeer::HISTORY_DATA); $c->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_FIRSTNAME); $c->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_LASTNAME); $c->addAsColumn('USR_NAME', "CONCAT(USR_LASTNAME, ' ', USR_FIRSTNAME)"); $c->addJoin(AppHistoryPeer::USR_UID, UsersPeer::USR_UID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN); //WHERE $c->add($c->getNewCriterion(AppHistoryPeer::DYN_UID, $aObjectPermissions["DYNAFORMS"], Criteria::IN)->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(AppHistoryPeer::DYN_UID, $aObjectPermissions["INPUT_DOCUMENTS"], Criteria::IN))->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(AppHistoryPeer::DYN_UID, $aObjectPermissions["OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS"], Criteria::IN))); $c->add(AppHistoryPeer::PRO_UID, $PRO_UID); $c->add(AppHistoryPeer::APP_UID, $APP_UID); $c->add(AppHistoryPeer::TAS_UID, $TAS_UID); if (isset($DYN_UID) && $DYN_UID != "") { $c->add(AppHistoryPeer::DYN_UID, $DYN_UID); } //Execute $oDataset = AppHistoryPeer::doSelectRS($c); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $aDynHistory = array(); $aDynHistory[] = array('DYN_TITLE' => 'char'); while ($oDataset->next()) { $aRow = $oDataset->getRow(); $title = ""; switch ($aRow["OBJ_TYPE"]) { case "DYNAFORM": $arrayDynaFormData = $dynaForm->Load($aRow["DYN_UID"]); $title = $arrayDynaFormData["DYN_TITLE"] . " (" . G::LoadTranslation("ID_DYNAFORM") . ")"; break; case "INPUT_DOCUMENT": $arrayInputDocumentData = $inputDocument->load($aRow["DYN_UID"]); $title = $arrayInputDocumentData["INP_DOC_TITLE"] . " (" . G::LoadTranslation("ID_INPUT_DOCUMENT") . ")"; break; case "OUTPUT_DOCUMENT": $arrayOutputDocumentData = $outputDocument->load($aRow["DYN_UID"]); $title = $arrayOutputDocumentData["OUT_DOC_TITLE"] . " (" . G::LoadTranslation("ID_OUTPUT_DOCUMENT") . ")"; break; case "ASSIGN_TASK": $title = G::LoadTranslation("ID_ASSIGN_TASK") . " (" . G::LoadTranslation("ID_TRIGGERS") . ")"; break; } $aRow["DYN_TITLE"] = $title; $changedValues = unserialize($aRow['HISTORY_DATA']); $html = "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; $sw_add = false; foreach ($changedValues as $key => $value) { if ($value != null && !is_array($value)) { $sw_add = true; $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= "<td><b>{$key}:</b> </td>"; $html .= "<td>{$value}</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; } if (is_array($value)) { $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= "<td><b>{$key} (grid):</b> </td>"; $html .= "<td>"; $html .= "<table>"; foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= "<td><b>{$key1}</b></td>"; $html .= "<td>"; if (is_array($value1)) { $sw_add = true; $html .= "<table>"; foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= "<td><b>{$key2}</b></td>"; $html .= "<td>{$value2}</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; } $html .= "</table>"; } $html .= "</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; } $html .= "</table>"; $html .= "</td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; $html .= "</td>"; } } $html .= "</table>"; $aRow['FIELDS'] = $html; if ($sw_add) { $aDynHistory[] = $aRow; } } global $_DBArray; $_DBArray['DynaformsHistory'] = $aDynHistory; $_SESSION['_DBArray'] = $_DBArray; G::LoadClass('ArrayPeer'); $oCriteria = new Criteria('dbarray'); $oCriteria->setDBArrayTable('DynaformsHistory'); $oCriteria->addAscendingOrderByColumn(AppHistoryPeer::HISTORY_DATE); return $oCriteria; }
/** * second step for upload file * upload file in foler app_uid * * @param $userUid * @param $Fields * @param $type * @throws \Exception */ public function documentUploadFiles($userUid, $app_uid, $app_doc_uid, $request_data) { $response = array("status" => "fail"); if (isset( $_FILES["form"]["name"] ) && count( $_FILES["form"]["name"] ) > 0) { $arrayField = array (); $arrayFileName = array (); $arrayFileTmpName = array (); $arrayFileError = array (); $i = 0; foreach ($_FILES["form"]["name"] as $fieldIndex => $fieldValue) { if (is_array( $fieldValue )) { foreach ($fieldValue as $index => $value) { if (is_array( $value )) { foreach ($value as $grdFieldIndex => $grdFieldValue) { $arrayField[$i]["grdName"] = $fieldIndex; $arrayField[$i]["grdFieldName"] = $grdFieldIndex; $arrayField[$i]["index"] = $index; $arrayFileName[$i] = $_FILES["form"]["name"][$fieldIndex][$index][$grdFieldIndex]; $arrayFileTmpName[$i] = $_FILES["form"]["tmp_name"][$fieldIndex][$index][$grdFieldIndex]; $arrayFileError[$i] = $_FILES["form"]["error"][$fieldIndex][$index][$grdFieldIndex]; $i = $i + 1; } } } } else { $arrayField[$i] = $fieldIndex; $arrayFileName[$i] = $_FILES["form"]["name"][$fieldIndex]; $arrayFileTmpName[$i] = $_FILES["form"]["tmp_name"][$fieldIndex]; $arrayFileError[$i] = $_FILES["form"]["error"][$fieldIndex]; $i = $i + 1; } } if (count( $arrayField ) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count( $arrayField ) - 1; $i ++) { if ($arrayFileError[$i] == 0) { $indocUid = null; $fieldName = null; $fileSizeByField = 0; $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument(); $aAux = $oAppDocument->load($app_doc_uid); $iDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getDocVersion(); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $aInfo = pathinfo( $oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename() ); $sExtension = ((isset( $aInfo["extension"] )) ? $aInfo["extension"] : ""); $pathUID = G::getPathFromUID($app_uid); $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . $pathUID . PATH_SEP; $sFileName = $sAppDocUid . "_" . $iDocVersion . "." . $sExtension; G::uploadFile( $arrayFileTmpName[$i], $sPathName, $sFileName ); $response = array("status" => "ok"); } } } } return $response; }
public function getSteps ($appUid, $index, $tasUid, $proUid) { //require_once 'classes/model/Step.php'; //require_once 'classes/model/Content.php'; //require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; //require_once 'classes/model/InputDocumentPeer.php'; //require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php'; //require_once 'classes/model/Dynaform.php'; //G::LoadClass( 'pmScript' ); G::LoadClass( 'case' ); $steps = Array (); $case = new Cases(); $step = new Step(); $appDocument = new AppDocument(); $caseSteps = $step->getAllCaseSteps( $proUid, $tasUid, $appUid ); //getting externals steps $oPluginRegistry = &PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); $eSteps = $oPluginRegistry->getSteps(); $externalSteps = array (); foreach ($eSteps as $externalStep) { $externalSteps[$externalStep->sStepId] = $externalStep; } //getting the case record if ($appUid) { $caseData = $case->loadCase( $appUid ); $pmScript = new PMScript(); $pmScript->setFields( $caseData['APP_DATA'] ); } $externalStepCount = 0; foreach ($caseSteps as $caseStep) { // if it has a condition if (trim( $caseStep->getStepCondition() ) != '') { $pmScript->setScript( $caseStep->getStepCondition() ); if (! $pmScript->evaluate()) { //evaluated false, jump & continue with the others steps continue; } } $stepUid = $caseStep->getStepUidObj(); $stepType = $caseStep->getStepTypeObj(); $stepPosition = $caseStep->getStepPosition(); $stepItem = array (); $stepItem['id'] = $stepUid; $stepItem['type'] = $stepType; switch ($stepType) { case 'DYNAFORM': $oDocument = DynaformPeer::retrieveByPK( $stepUid ); $stepItem['title'] = $oDocument->getDynTitle(); $stepItem['url'] = "cases/cases_Step?UID=$stepUid&TYPE=$stepType&POSITION=$stepPosition&ACTION=EDIT"; $stepItem['version'] = $oDocument->getDynVersion(); break; case 'OUTPUT_DOCUMENT': $oDocument = OutputDocumentPeer::retrieveByPK( $caseStep->getStepUidObj() ); $outputDoc = $appDocument->getObject( $appUid, $index, $caseStep->getStepUidObj(), 'OUTPUT' ); $stepItem['title'] = $oDocument->getOutDocTitle(); if ($outputDoc['APP_DOC_UID']) { $stepItem['url'] = "cases/cases_Step?UID=$stepUid&TYPE=$stepType&POSITION=$stepPosition&ACTION=VIEW&DOC={$outputDoc['APP_DOC_UID']}"; } else { $stepItem['url'] = "cases/cases_Step?UID=$stepUid&TYPE=$stepType&POSITION=$stepPosition&ACTION=GENERATE"; } break; case 'INPUT_DOCUMENT': $oDocument = InputDocumentPeer::retrieveByPK( $stepUid ); $stepItem['title'] = $oDocument->getInpDocTitle(); $stepItem['url'] = "cases/cases_Step?UID=$stepUid&TYPE=$stepType&POSITION=$stepPosition&ACTION=ATTACH"; break; case 'EXTERNAL': $stepTitle = 'unknown ' . $caseStep->getStepUidObj(); $oPluginRegistry = PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); $externalStep = $externalSteps[$caseStep->getStepUidObj()]; $stepItem['id'] = $externalStep->sStepId; $stepItem['title'] = $externalStep->sStepTitle; $stepItem['url'] = "cases/cases_Step?UID={$externalStep->sStepId}&TYPE=EXTERNAL&POSITION=$stepPosition&ACTION=EDIT"; break; } $steps[] = $stepItem; } //last, assign task $stepItem = array (); $stepItem['id'] = '-1'; $stepItem['type'] = ''; $stepItem['title'] = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_ASSIGN_TASK' ); $stepItem['url'] = "cases/cases_Step?TYPE=ASSIGN_TASK&UID=-1&POSITION=10000&ACTION=ASSIGN"; $steps[] = $stepItem; return $steps; }
public function getAllGeneratedDocumentsCriteria($sProcessUID, $sApplicationUID, $sTasKUID, $sUserUID) { \G::LoadClass("configuration"); $conf = new \Configurations(); $confEnvSetting = $conf->getFormats(); //verifica si la tabla OBJECT_PERMISSION $cases = new \cases(); $cases->verifyTable(); $listing = false; $oPluginRegistry = & \PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST)) { $folderData = new \folderData(null, null, $sApplicationUID, null, $sUserUID); $folderData->PMType = "OUTPUT"; $folderData->returnList = true; //$oPluginRegistry = & PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); $listing = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST, $folderData); } $aObjectPermissions = $cases->getAllObjects($sProcessUID, $sApplicationUID, $sTasKUID, $sUserUID); if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions)) { $aObjectPermissions = array('DYNAFORMS' => array(-1),'INPUT_DOCUMENTS' => array(-1),'OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS' => array(-1)); } if (!isset($aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] = array(-1); } else { if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] = array(-1); } } if (!isset($aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } else { if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } } if (!isset($aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } else { if (!is_array($aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array(-1); } } $aDelete = $cases->getAllObjectsFrom($sProcessUID, $sApplicationUID, $sTasKUID, $sUserUID, 'DELETE'); $oAppDocument = new \AppDocument(); $oCriteria = new \Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $sApplicationUID); $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'OUTPUT'); $oCriteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_STATUS, array('ACTIVE'), \Criteria::IN); //$oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID, $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'], Criteria::IN); $oCriteria->add( $oCriteria->getNewCriterion( \AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID, $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'], \Criteria::IN)->addOr($oCriteria->getNewCriterion(\AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID, $sUserUID, \Criteria::EQUAL)) ); $aConditions = array(); $aConditions[] = array(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, \AppDelegationPeer::APP_UID); $aConditions[] = array(\AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX, \AppDelegationPeer::DEL_INDEX); $oCriteria->addJoinMC($aConditions, \Criteria::LEFT_JOIN); $oCriteria->add(\AppDelegationPeer::PRO_UID, $sProcessUID); $oCriteria->addAscendingOrderByColumn(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_INDEX); $oDataset = \AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(\ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $oDataset->next(); $aOutputDocuments = array(); $aOutputDocuments[] = array( 'APP_DOC_UID' => 'char', 'DOC_UID' => 'char', 'APP_DOC_COMMENT' => 'char', 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => 'char', 'APP_DOC_INDEX' => 'integer' ); $oUser = new \Users(); while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) { $oCriteria2 = new \Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria2->add(\AppDelegationPeer::APP_UID, $sApplicationUID); $oCriteria2->add(\AppDelegationPeer::DEL_INDEX, $aRow['DEL_INDEX']); $oDataset2 = \AppDelegationPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria2); $oDataset2->setFetchmode(\ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $oDataset2->next(); $aRow2 = $oDataset2->getRow(); $oTask = new \Task(); if ($oTask->taskExists($aRow2['TAS_UID'])) { $aTask = $oTask->load($aRow2['TAS_UID']); } else { $aTask = array('TAS_TITLE' => '(TASK DELETED)'); } $lastVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion($aRow['DOC_UID'], $sApplicationUID); if ($lastVersion == $aRow['DOC_VERSION']) { //Only show last document Version $aAux = $oAppDocument->load($aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], $aRow['DOC_VERSION']); //Get output Document information $oOutputDocument = new \OutputDocument(); $aGields = $oOutputDocument->load($aRow['DOC_UID']); //OUTPUTDOCUMENT $outDocTitle = $aGields['OUT_DOC_TITLE']; switch ($aGields['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) { //G::LoadTranslation(ID_DOWNLOAD) case "PDF": $fileDoc = 'javascript:alert("NO DOC")'; $fileDocLabel = " "; $filePdf = 'cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v=' . $aRow['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=pdf&random=' . rand(); $filePdfLabel = ".pdf"; if (is_array($listing)) { foreach ($listing as $folderitem) { if (($folderitem->filename == $aRow['APP_DOC_UID']) && ($folderitem->type == "PDF")) { $filePdfLabel = \G::LoadTranslation('ID_GET_EXTERNAL_FILE') . " .pdf"; $filePdf = $folderitem->downloadScript; continue; } } } break; case "DOC": $fileDoc = 'cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v=' . $aRow['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=doc&random=' . rand(); $fileDocLabel = ".doc"; $filePdf = 'javascript:alert("NO PDF")'; $filePdfLabel = " "; if (is_array($listing)) { foreach ($listing as $folderitem) { if (($folderitem->filename == $aRow['APP_DOC_UID']) && ($folderitem->type == "DOC")) { $fileDocLabel = \G::LoadTranslation('ID_GET_EXTERNAL_FILE') . " .doc"; $fileDoc = $folderitem->downloadScript; continue; } } } break; case "BOTH": $fileDoc = 'cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v=' . $aRow['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=doc&random=' . rand(); $fileDocLabel = ".doc"; if (is_array($listing)) { foreach ($listing as $folderitem) { if (($folderitem->filename == $aRow['APP_DOC_UID']) && ($folderitem->type == "DOC")) { $fileDocLabel = G::LoadTranslation('ID_GET_EXTERNAL_FILE') . " .doc"; $fileDoc = $folderitem->downloadScript; continue; } } } $filePdf = 'cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v=' . $aRow['DOC_VERSION'] . '&ext=pdf&random=' . rand(); $filePdfLabel = ".pdf"; if (is_array($listing)) { foreach ($listing as $folderitem) { if (($folderitem->filename == $aRow['APP_DOC_UID']) && ($folderitem->type == "PDF")) { $filePdfLabel = \G::LoadTranslation('ID_GET_EXTERNAL_FILE') . " .pdf"; $filePdf = $folderitem->downloadScript; continue; } } } break; } try { $aAux1 = $oUser->load($aAux['USR_UID']); $sUser = $conf->usersNameFormatBySetParameters($confEnvSetting["format"], $aAux1["USR_USERNAME"], $aAux1["USR_FIRSTNAME"], $aAux1["USR_LASTNAME"]); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $sUser = '******'; } //if both documents were generated, we choose the pdf one, only if doc was //generate then choose the doc file. $firstDocLink = $filePdf; $firstDocLabel = $filePdfLabel; if ($aGields['OUT_DOC_GENERATE'] == 'DOC') { $firstDocLink = $fileDoc; $firstDocLabel = $fileDocLabel; } $aFields = array( 'APP_DOC_UID' => $aAux['APP_DOC_UID'], 'DOC_UID' => $aAux['DOC_UID'], 'APP_DOC_COMMENT' => $aAux['APP_DOC_COMMENT'], 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $aAux['APP_DOC_FILENAME'], 'APP_DOC_INDEX' => $aAux['APP_DOC_INDEX'], 'ORIGIN' => $aTask['TAS_TITLE'], 'CREATE_DATE' => $aAux['APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE'], 'CREATED_BY' => $sUser, 'FILEDOC' => $fileDoc, 'FILEPDF' => $filePdf, 'OUTDOCTITLE' => $outDocTitle, 'DOC_VERSION' => $aAux['DOC_VERSION'], 'TYPE' => $aAux['APP_DOC_TYPE'] . ' ' . $aGields['OUT_DOC_GENERATE'], 'DOWNLOAD_LINK' => $firstDocLink, 'DOWNLOAD_FILE' => $aAux['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] . $firstDocLabel ); if (trim($fileDocLabel) != '') { $aFields['FILEDOCLABEL'] = $fileDocLabel; } if (trim($filePdfLabel) != '') { $aFields['FILEPDFLABEL'] = $filePdfLabel; } if ($aFields['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] != '') { $aFields['TITLE'] = $aFields['APP_DOC_FILENAME']; } else { $aFields['TITLE'] = $aFields['APP_DOC_COMMENT']; } //$aFields['POSITION'] = $_SESSION['STEP_POSITION']; $aFields['CONFIRM'] = \G::LoadTranslation('ID_CONFIRM_DELETE_ELEMENT'); if (in_array($aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { if (in_array($aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], $aDelete['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'])) { $aFields['ID_DELETE'] = \G::LoadTranslation('ID_DELETE'); } } $aOutputDocuments[] = $aFields; } $oDataset->next(); } global $_DBArray; $_DBArray['outputDocuments'] = $aOutputDocuments; \G::LoadClass('ArrayPeer'); $oCriteria = new \Criteria('dbarray'); $oCriteria->setDBArrayTable('outputDocuments'); $oCriteria->addDescendingOrderByColumn('CREATE_DATE'); return $oCriteria; }
/** * Validates all modified columns of given AppDocument object. * If parameter $columns is either a single column name or an array of column names * than only those columns are validated. * * NOTICE: This does not apply to primary or foreign keys for now. * * @param AppDocument $obj The object to validate. * @param mixed $cols Column name or array of column names. * * @return mixed TRUE if all columns are valid or the error message of the first invalid column. */ public static function doValidate(AppDocument $obj, $cols = null) { $columns = array(); if ($cols) { $dbMap = Propel::getDatabaseMap(AppDocumentPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $tableMap = $dbMap->getTable(AppDocumentPeer::TABLE_NAME); if (!is_array($cols)) { $cols = array($cols); } foreach ($cols as $colName) { if ($tableMap->containsColumn($colName)) { $get = 'get' . $tableMap->getColumn($colName)->getPhpName(); $columns[$colName] = $obj->{$get}(); } } } else { if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID] = $obj->getAppDocUid(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID] = $obj->getAppUid(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX] = $obj->getDelIndex(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID] = $obj->getDocUid(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID] = $obj->getUsrUid(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE] = $obj->getAppDocType(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE] = $obj->getAppDocCreateDate(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_STATUS)) { $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_STATUS] = $obj->getAppDocStatus(); } } return BasePeer::doValidate(AppDocumentPeer::DATABASE_NAME, AppDocumentPeer::TABLE_NAME, $columns); }
function documentdelete() { include_once ("classes/model/AppDocument.php"); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument (); $oAppDocument->remove($_POST['sFileUID'],$_POST['docVersion']); /*we need to delete fisicaly the file use the follow code $appId= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . $appId . PATH_SEP; unlink($sPathName.$_POST['sFileUID'].'_1.jpg');*/ }
public function getCompleteDocumentInfo ($appUid, $appDocUid, $docVersion, $docUid, $usrId) { //require_once ("classes/model/AppDocument.php"); //require_once ("classes/model/InputDocument.php"); //require_once ("classes/model/OutputDocument.php"); //require_once ("classes/model/Users.php"); //**** start get Doc Info $oApp = new Application(); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); G::LoadClass( 'case' ); $oCase = new Cases(); G::LoadClass( 'process' ); $oProcess = new Process(); if (($oApp->exists( $appUid )) || ($appUid == "00000000000000000000000000000000")) { if ($appUid == "00000000000000000000000000000000") { //External Files $row1 = $oAppDocument->load( $appDocUid, $docVersion ); $row2 = array ('PRO_TITLE' => G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_NOT_PROCESS_RELATED' )); $row3 = array ('APP_TITLE' => G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_NOT_PROCESS_RELATED' )); } else { $row1 = $oAppDocument->load( $appDocUid, $docVersion ); $row2 = $oCase->loadCase( $appUid ); $row3 = $oProcess->Load( $row2['PRO_UID'] ); } $lastVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastAppDocVersion( $appDocUid, $appUid ); switch ($row1['APP_DOC_TYPE']) { case "OUTPUT": $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $row4 = array(); $swOutDocExists = 0; if ($oOutputDocument->OutputExists($docUid)) { $row4 = $oOutputDocument->load($docUid); $swOutDocExists = 1; } if ($swOutDocExists == 0) { $swpdf = 0; $swdoc = 0; $info = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); $version = (!empty($docVersion))? "_" . $docVersion : "_1"; $outDocPath = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($row1["APP_UID"]) . PATH_SEP . "outdocs" . PATH_SEP; if (file_exists($outDocPath . $appDocUid . $version . ".pdf") || file_exists($outDocPath . $info["basename"] . $version . ".pdf") || file_exists($outDocPath . $info["basename"] . ".pdf") ) { $swpdf = 1; } if (file_exists($outDocPath . $appDocUid . $version . ".doc") || file_exists($outDocPath . $info["basename"] . $version . ".doc") || file_exists($outDocPath . $info["basename"] . ".doc") ) { $swdoc = 1; } if ($swpdf == 1 && $swdoc == 1) { $row4["OUT_DOC_GENERATE"] = "BOTH"; } else { if ($swpdf == 1) { $row4["OUT_DOC_GENERATE"] = "PDF"; } else { if ($swdoc == 1) { $row4["OUT_DOC_GENERATE"] = "DOC"; } else { $row4["OUT_DOC_GENERATE"] = "NOFILE"; } } } } $versioningEnabled = false; //$row4['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING']; //Only enabled for Input or Attached documents. Need to study the best way for Output docs. switch ($row4['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) { case "PDF": $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion . "&ext=pdf" . "&random=" . rand(); $downloadLink1 = ""; $downloadLabel = ".pdf"; $downloadLabel1 = ""; break; case "DOC": $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion . "&ext=doc" . "&random=" . rand(); $downloadLink1 = ""; $downloadLabel = ".doc"; $downloadLabel1 = ""; break; case "BOTH": $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion . "&ext=pdf" . "&random=" . rand(); $downloadLink1 = "../cases/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion . "&ext=doc" . "&random=" . rand(); $downloadLabel = ".pdf"; $downloadLabel1 = ".doc"; break; case "NOFILE": $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion; $downloadLink1 = ""; $downloadLabel = G::LoadTranslation("ID_DOWNLOAD"); $downloadLabel1 = ""; break; } if ($swOutDocExists == 0) { $row4 = array(); } break; case "INPUT": $oInputDocument = new InputDocument(); if ($docUid != - 1) { if ($oInputDocument->InputExists( $docUid )) { $row4 = $oInputDocument->load( $docUid ); $versioningEnabled = $row4['INP_DOC_VERSIONING']; } else { $row4 = array (); $versioningEnabled = false; } $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion; $downloadLink1 = ""; $downloadLabel = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_DOWNLOAD' ); $downloadLabel1 = ""; } else { $row4 = array (); $versioningEnabled = false; $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion; $downloadLink1 = ""; $downloadLabel = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_DOWNLOAD' ); $downloadLabel1 = ""; } if (! empty( $row1["APP_DOC_PLUGIN"] )) { $pluginRegistry = &PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); $pluginName = $row1["APP_DOC_PLUGIN"]; $fieldValue = ""; if (file_exists( PATH_PLUGINS . $pluginName . ".php" )) { $pluginDetail = $pluginRegistry->getPluginDetails( $pluginName . ".php" ); if ($pluginDetail) { if ($pluginDetail->enabled) { require_once (PATH_PLUGINS . $pluginName . ".php"); $pluginNameClass = $pluginName . "Plugin"; $objPluginClass = new $pluginNameClass( $pluginName ); if (isset( $objPluginClass->sMethodGetUrlDownload ) && ! empty( $objPluginClass->sMethodGetUrlDownload )) { if (file_exists( PATH_PLUGINS . $pluginName . PATH_SEP . "class." . $pluginName . ".php" )) { require_once (PATH_PLUGINS . $pluginName . PATH_SEP . "class." . $pluginName . ".php"); $pluginNameClass = $pluginName . "Class"; $objClass = new $pluginNameClass(); if (method_exists( $objClass, $objPluginClass->sMethodGetUrlDownload )) { eval( "\$url = \$objClass->" . $objPluginClass->sMethodGetUrlDownload . "(\"" . $row1["APP_DOC_UID"] . "\");" ); $downloadLink = $url; $fieldValue = $row1["APP_DOC_PLUGIN"]; } } } } } } $row1["APP_DOC_PLUGIN"] = $fieldValue; } break; default: $row4 = array (); $versioningEnabled = false; $downloadLink = "../cases/cases_ShowDocument?a=" . $appDocUid . "&v=" . $docVersion; $downloadLink1 = ""; $downloadLabel = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_DOWNLOAD' ); $downloadLabel1 = ""; break; } $oUser = new Users(); if (($usrId != "-1") && ($oUser->userExists( $usrId ))) { $row5 = $oUser->load( $usrId ); } else { $row5['USR_USERNAME'] = "******"; } //Labels/Links $row6 = array (); $row6['DELETE_LABEL'] = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_DELETE' ); $row6['DOWNLOAD_LABEL'] = $downloadLabel; $row6['DOWNLOAD_LINK'] = $downloadLink; $row6['DOWNLOAD_LABEL1'] = $downloadLabel1; $row6['DOWNLOAD_LINK1'] = $downloadLink1; //if(($docVersion>1)&&($row1['APP_DOC_TYPE']!="OUTPUT")){ if (($docVersion > 1)) { $row6['VERSIONHISTORY_LABEL'] = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_VERSION_HISTORY' ); } if ($versioningEnabled) { $row6['NEWVERSION_LABEL'] = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_NEW_VERSION' ); } $row6['APP_DOC_UID_VERSION'] = $appDocUid . "_" . $docVersion; if ($appUid == "00000000000000000000000000000000") { //External Files $row1['APP_DOC_TYPE'] = G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_EXTERNAL_FILE' ); } //**** End get docinfo $infoMerged = array_merge( $row1, $row2, $row3, $row4, $row5, $row6 ); $sUserUID = $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']; $aObjectPermissions = array (); if (isset( $infoMerged['PRO_UID'] )) { $aObjectPermissions = $oCase->getAllObjects( $infoMerged['PRO_UID'], $infoMerged['APP_UID'], '', $sUserUID ); } if (! is_array( $aObjectPermissions )) { $aObjectPermissions = array ('DYNAFORMS' => array (- 1), 'INPUT_DOCUMENTS' => array (- 1), 'OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS' => array (- 1) ); } if (! isset( $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] )) { $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] = array (- 1); } else { if (! is_array( $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] )) { $aObjectPermissions['DYNAFORMS'] = array (- 1); } } if (! isset( $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] )) { $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array (- 1); } else { if (! is_array( $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] )) { $aObjectPermissions['INPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array (- 1); } } if (! isset( $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] )) { $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array (- 1); } else { if (! is_array( $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] )) { $aObjectPermissions['OUTPUT_DOCUMENTS'] = array (- 1); } } return array_merge( $infoMerged, $aObjectPermissions ); } }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email */ try { //save info G::LoadClass('case'); G::LoadClass('tasks'); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $aFields = array('APP_UID' => $_GET['APP_UID'], 'DEL_INDEX' => 100000, 'USR_UID' => $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], 'DOC_UID' => $_GET['UID'], 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => $_POST['form']['APP_DOC_TYPE'], 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_COMMENT' => isset($_POST['form']['APP_DOC_COMMENT']) ? $_POST['form']['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] : '', 'APP_DOC_TITLE' => '', 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => isset($_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME']) ? $_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] : ''); $oAppDocument->create($aFields); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $info = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); $ext = isset($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : ''; //save the file if (!empty($_FILES['form'])) { if ($_FILES['form']['error']['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] == 0) { $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($_GET['APP_UID']) . PATH_SEP; $sFileName = $sAppDocUid . '.' . $ext; $sOriginalName = $_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME']; G::uploadFile($_FILES['form']['tmp_name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME'], $sPathName, $sFileName); //Plugin Hook PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT for upload document $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) && class_exists('uploadDocumentData')) {
/** * Create the application document registry * * @param array $aData * @return string * */ public function create ($aData) { $oConnection = Propel::getConnection( AppDocumentPeer::DATABASE_NAME ); try { $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); if (! isset( $aData['APP_DOC_UID'] )) { $sUID = G::generateUniqueID(); $docVersion = 1; } else { $sUID = $aData['APP_DOC_UID']; $docVersion = $this->getLastAppDocVersion( $aData['APP_DOC_UID'], $oAppDocument->getAppUid() ); $oAppDocument->load( $aData['APP_DOC_UID'], $docVersion ); switch ($oAppDocument->getAppDocType()) { case "OUTPUT": //Output versioning $o = new OutputDocument(); $oOutputDocument = $o->load( $oAppDocument->getDocUid() ); if (! $oOutputDocument['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING']) { throw (new Exception( 'The Output document has not versioning enabled!' )); } break; case "INPUT": // Input versioning $o = new InputDocument(); $oInputDocument = $o->load( $oAppDocument->getDocUid() ); if (! $oInputDocument['INP_DOC_VERSIONING']) { throw (new Exception( 'This Input document does not have the versioning enabled, for this reason this operation cannot be completed' )); } break; default: //Not a valid type throw (new Exception( 'The document is not of a valid Type' )); break; } $docVersion ++; } $oAppDocument->fromArray( $aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME ); $oAppDocument->setDocVersion( $docVersion ); $oAppDocument->setAppDocUid( $sUID ); $oAppDocument->setAppDocIndex( $this->getLastIndex( $oAppDocument->getAppUid() ) + 1 ); if ($oAppDocument->validate()) { $oConnection->begin(); if (isset( $aData['APP_DOC_TITLE'] )) { $oAppDocument->setAppDocTitle( $aData['APP_DOC_TITLE'] ); } if (isset( $aData['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] )) { $oAppDocument->setAppDocComment( $aData['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] ); } if (isset( $aData['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] )) { $oAppDocument->setAppDocFilename( $aData['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] ); } $iResult = $oAppDocument->save(); $oConnection->commit(); $this->fromArray( $oAppDocument->toArray( BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME ), BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME ); return $sUID; } else { $sMessage = ''; $aValidationFailures = $oAppDocument->getValidationFailures(); foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) { $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />'; } throw (new Exception( 'The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage )); } } catch (Exception $oError) { $oConnection->rollback(); throw ($oError); } }
public function getAllObjectsFromProcess($PRO_UID, $OBJ_TYPE = '%') { $RESULT = Array(); $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_INDEX); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_VERSION); $oCriteria->add(ApplicationPeer::PRO_UID, $PRO_UID); $oCriteria->addJoin(ApplicationPeer::APP_UID, AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID); $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, $OBJ_TYPE, Criteria::LIKE); $oDataset = DynaformPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); while ($oDataset->next()) { $row = $oDataset->getRow(); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->Fields = $oAppDocument->load($row['APP_DOC_UID'], $row['DOC_VERSION']); $row['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] = $oAppDocument->Fields['APP_DOC_FILENAME']; array_push($RESULT, $row); } return $RESULT; }
/** * * @method * * Generates an Output Document * * @name PMFGenerateOutputDocument * @label PMF Generate Output Document * * @param string(32) | $outputID | Output ID | Output Document ID * @return none | $none | None | None * */ function PMFGenerateOutputDocument($outputID, $sApplication = null, $index = null, $sUserLogged = null) { $g = new G(); $g->sessionVarSave(); if ($sApplication) { $_SESSION["APPLICATION"] = $sApplication; } else { $sApplication = $_SESSION["APPLICATION"]; } if ($index) { $_SESSION["INDEX"] = $index; } else { $index = $_SESSION["INDEX"]; } if ($sUserLogged) { $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"] = $sUserLogged; } else { $sUserLogged = $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"]; } G::LoadClass('case'); $oCase = new Cases(); $oCase->thisIsTheCurrentUser($sApplication, $index, $sUserLogged, '', 'casesListExtJs'); //require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php'; $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $aOD = $oOutputDocument->load($outputID); $Fields = $oCase->loadCase($sApplication); //The $_GET['UID'] variable is used when a process executes. //$_GET['UID']=($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'])?$_GET['UID']:$aOD['OUT_DOC_UID']; //$sUID = ($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'])?$_GET['UID']:$aOD['OUT_DOC_UID']; $sFilename = preg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', G::replaceDataField($aOD['OUT_DOC_FILENAME'], $Fields['APP_DATA'])); require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php'; require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary) $oFolder = new AppFolder(); //$aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'] = ($aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH']=='')?PATH_DOCUMENT // . $_SESSION['APPLICATION'] . PATH_SEP . 'outdocs'. PATH_SEP:$aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH']; $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aOD['OUT_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $sApplication); //Tags $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aOD['OUT_DOC_TAGS'], $sApplication); //Get last Document Version and apply versioning if is enabled $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $lastDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion($outputID, $sApplication); $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $sApplication); //$oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX, $index); $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID, $outputID); $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_VERSION, $lastDocVersion); $oCriteria->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'OUTPUT'); $oDataset = AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $oDataset->next(); if ($aOD['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'] && $lastDocVersion != 0) { //Create new Version of current output $lastDocVersion++; if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) { $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], 'APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion + 1, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->create($aFields); $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID']; } } else { ////No versioning so Update a current Output or Create new if no exist if ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) { //Update $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $aRow['APP_DOC_UID'], 'APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->update($aFields); $sDocUID = $aRow['APP_DOC_UID']; } else { //we are creating the appdocument row //create if ($lastDocVersion == 0) { $lastDocVersion++; } $aFields = array('APP_UID' => $sApplication, 'DEL_INDEX' => $index, 'DOC_UID' => $outputID, 'DOC_VERSION' => $lastDocVersion, 'USR_UID' => $sUserLogged, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => 'OUTPUT', 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => $sFilename, 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] = $sDocUID = $oAppDocument->create($aFields); } } $sFilename = $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] . "_" . $lastDocVersion; $pathOutput = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP . 'outdocs' . PATH_SEP; //G::pr($sFilename);die; G::mk_dir($pathOutput); $aProperties = array(); if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'])) { $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA'] = 'Letter'; } if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'])) { $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'] = '15'; } if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'])) { $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'] = '15'; } if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'])) { $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'] = '15'; } if (!isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'])) { $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN'] = '15'; } $aProperties['media'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_MEDIA']; $aProperties['margins'] = array('left' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_LEFT_MARGIN'], 'right' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN'], 'top' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_TOP_MARGIN'], 'bottom' => $aOD['OUT_DOC_BOTTOM_MARGIN']); if (isset($aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR'])) { $aProperties['report_generator'] = $aOD['OUT_DOC_REPORT_GENERATOR']; } $oOutputDocument->generate($outputID, $Fields['APP_DATA'], $pathOutput, $sFilename, $aOD['OUT_DOC_TEMPLATE'], (bool) $aOD['OUT_DOC_LANDSCAPE'], $aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE'], $aProperties); //Plugin Hook PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT for upload document //G::LoadClass('plugin'); $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT) && class_exists('uploadDocumentData')) { $triggerDetail = $oPluginRegistry->getTriggerInfo(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT); $aFields['APP_DOC_PLUGIN'] = $triggerDetail->sNamespace; $oAppDocument1 = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument1->update($aFields); $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . G::getPathFromUID($sApplication) . PATH_SEP; $oData['APP_UID'] = $sApplication; $oData['ATTACHMENT_FOLDER'] = true; switch ($aOD['OUT_DOC_GENERATE']) { case "BOTH": $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion()); $documentData->sFileType = "PDF"; $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true; $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData); if ($uploadReturn) { //Only delete if the file was saved correctly unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf'); } $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion()); $documentData->sFileType = "DOC"; $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true; $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData); if ($uploadReturn) { //Only delete if the file was saved correctly unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc'); } break; case "PDF": $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf', $sFilename . '.pdf', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion()); $documentData->sFileType = "PDF"; $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true; $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData); if ($uploadReturn) { //Only delete if the file was saved correctly unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.pdf'); } break; case "DOC": $documentData = new uploadDocumentData($sApplication, $sUserLogged, $pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc', $sFilename . '.doc', $sDocUID, $oAppDocument->getDocVersion()); $documentData->sFileType = "DOC"; $documentData->bUseOutputFolder = true; $uploadReturn = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT, $documentData); if ($uploadReturn) { //Only delete if the file was saved correctly unlink($pathOutput . $sFilename . '.doc'); } break; } } $g->sessionVarRestore(); }
$actionType = $_POST['form']['actionType']; $appId = $_GET['appId']; $docType = isset($_GET['docType']) ? $_GET['docType'] : ""; //save info require_once "classes/model/AppDocument.php"; require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php'; require_once 'classes/model/InputDocument.php'; $oInputDocument = new InputDocument(); if ($_GET['UID'] != -1) { $aID = $oInputDocument->load($_GET['UID']); } else { $oFolder = new AppFolder(); $folderStructure = $oFolder->getFolderStructure(isset($_GET['folderId']) ? $_GET['folderId'] : "/"); $aID = array('INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH' => $folderStructure['PATH']); } $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary) $oFolder = new AppFolder(); if ($_GET['UID'] != -1) { //krumo("jhl"); $folderId = $oFolder->createFromPath($aID['INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH'], $appId); //Tags $fileTags = $oFolder->parseTags($aID['INP_DOC_TAGS'], $appId); } else { $folderId = isset($_GET['folderId']) ? $_GET['folderId'] : "/"; $fileTags = "EXTERNAL"; } switch ($actionType) { case "R": //replace $aFields = array('APP_DOC_UID' => $appDocUid, 'APP_UID' => $appId, 'DOC_VERSION' => $docVersion, 'DEL_INDEX' => 1, 'USR_UID' => $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], 'DOC_UID' => $docUid, 'APP_DOC_TYPE' => $_POST['form']['APP_DOC_TYPE'], 'APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'APP_DOC_COMMENT' => isset($_POST['form']['APP_DOC_COMMENT']) ? $_POST['form']['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] : '', 'APP_DOC_TITLE' => '', 'APP_DOC_FILENAME' => isset($_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME']) ? $_FILES['form']['name']['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] : '', 'FOLDER_UID' => $folderId, 'APP_DOC_TAGS' => $fileTags);
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email */ /* Permissions */ switch ($RBAC->userCanAccess('PM_CASES')) { case -2: G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_SYSTEM', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ../login/login'); die; break; case -1: G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_PAGE', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ../login/login'); die; break; } /* Includes */ require_once "classes/model/AppDocumentPeer.php"; G::LoadClass('case'); /* GET , POST & $_SESSION Vars */ /* Process the info */ $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->remove($_GET['DOC']); /* Redirect */ G::header('location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
} if ((int) $_SESSION['INDEX'] < 1) { G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_PAGE', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); die; } /* Includes */ G::LoadClass('case'); G::LoadClass('derivation'); /* GET , POST & $_SESSION Vars */ //$_SESSION['STEP_POSITION'] = (int)$_GET['POSITION']; /* Menues */ $G_MAIN_MENU = 'processmaker'; $G_SUB_MENU = 'cases'; $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED = 'CASES'; $G_ID_SUB_MENU_SELECTED = 'CASES_TO_REVISE'; $oCase = new Cases(); $Fields = $oCase->loadCase($_SESSION['APPLICATION']); require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; require_once 'classes/model/Users.php'; $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->Fields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['DOC']); $oo = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['DOC']); $oUser = new Users(); $aUser = $oUser->load($oAppDocument->Fields['USR_UID']); $Fields['CREATOR'] = $aUser['USR_FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $aUser['USR_LASTNAME']; $oAppDocument->Fields['VIEW'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_OPEN'); $oAppDocument->Fields['FILE'] = 'cases_ShowDocument?a=' . $_GET['DOC'] . '&r=' . rand(); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'cases/cases_ViewInputDocumentToRevise', '', G::array_merges($Fields, $oAppDocument->Fields), ''); G::RenderPage('publish');
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email * * Created on 13-02-2008 * * * @author David Callizaya <*****@*****.**> */ require_once "classes/model/AppDocumentPeer.php"; require_once "classes/model/OutputDocumentPeer.php"; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->Fields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['a'], isset($_GET['v']) ? $_GET['v'] : null); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $sDocUid = $oAppDocument->Fields['DOC_UID']; $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $oOutputDocument->Fields = $oOutputDocument->getByUid($sDocUid); $download = $oOutputDocument->Fields['OUT_DOC_OPEN_TYPE']; $info = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); if (!isset($_GET['ext'])) { $ext = $info['extension']; } else { if ($_GET['ext'] != '') { $ext = $_GET['ext']; } else { $ext = $info['extension']; }
$filesPluginArray = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST_ARR, $_SESSION['APPLICATION']); //Now search for the file, if exists the change the download URL foreach ($filesPluginArray as $file) { if ($file->filename == $_POST['APP_DOC_UID']) { $oAppDocument->Fields['FILE'] = $file->downloadScript; } } } $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', $sXmlForm, '', G::array_merges($Fields, $oAppDocument->Fields), ''); G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw'); break; case 'showGeneratedDocumentTracker': require_once 'classes/model/AppDocument.php'; require_once 'classes/model/AppDelegation.php'; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $aFields = $oAppDocument->load($_POST['APP_DOC_UID']); require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php'; $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $aOD = $oOutputDocument->load($aFields['DOC_UID']); $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->add(AppDelegationPeer::APP_UID, $aFields['APP_UID']); $oCriteria->add(AppDelegationPeer::DEL_INDEX, $aFields['DEL_INDEX']); $oDataset = AppDelegationPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $oDataset->next(); $aRow = $oDataset->getRow(); $oTask = new Task(); $aTask = $oTask->load($aRow['TAS_UID']); $aFields['ORIGIN'] = $aTask['TAS_TITLE']; require_once 'classes/model/Users.php';
$inpDocMaxFilesizeUnit = $aID["INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE_UNIT"]; $inpDocMaxFilesize = $inpDocMaxFilesize * ($inpDocMaxFilesizeUnit == "MB" ? 1024 * 1024 : 1024); //Bytes if ($inpDocMaxFilesize > 0 && $fileSizeByField > 0) { if ($fileSizeByField > $inpDocMaxFilesize) { G::SendMessageText(G::LoadTranslation("ID_SIZE_VERY_LARGE_PERMITTED"), "ERROR"); $arrayAux1 = explode("sys" . SYS_SYS, $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); G::header("location: /sys" . SYS_SYS . $arrayAux1[1]); exit(0); } } $aFields = array("APP_UID" => $_SESSION["APPLICATION"], "DEL_INDEX" => $_SESSION["INDEX"], "USR_UID" => $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"], "DOC_UID" => $indocUid, "APP_DOC_TYPE" => "INPUT", "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => "", "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "", "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $arrayFileName[$i], "FOLDER_UID" => $oFolder->createFromPath($aID["INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH"]), "APP_DOC_TAGS" => $oFolder->parseTags($aID["INP_DOC_TAGS"]), "APP_DOC_FIELDNAME" => $fieldName); } else { $aFields = array("APP_UID" => $_SESSION["APPLICATION"], "DEL_INDEX" => $_SESSION["INDEX"], "USR_UID" => $_SESSION["USER_LOGGED"], "DOC_UID" => -1, "APP_DOC_TYPE" => "ATTACHED", "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "APP_DOC_COMMENT" => "", "APP_DOC_TITLE" => "", "APP_DOC_FILENAME" => $arrayFileName[$i], "APP_DOC_FIELDNAME" => $fieldName); } $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $oAppDocument->create($aFields); $iDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getDocVersion(); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $aInfo = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); $sExtension = isset($aInfo["extension"]) ? $aInfo["extension"] : ""; $pathUID = G::getPathFromUID($_SESSION["APPLICATION"]); $sPathName = PATH_DOCUMENT . $pathUID . PATH_SEP; $sFileName = $sAppDocUid . "_" . $iDocVersion . "." . $sExtension; /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ $licensedFeatures =& PMLicensedFeatures::getSingleton(); if ($licensedFeatures->verifyfeature('7qhYmF1eDJWcEdwcUZpT0k4S0xTRStvdz09')) { G::LoadClass("pmDrive"); $pmDrive = new PMDrive(); if ($pmDrive->getStatusService()) { $app = new Application();
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email */ require_once "classes/model/AppDocumentPeer.php"; $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); if (!isset($_GET['v'])) { //Load last version of the document $docVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastAppDocVersion($_GET['a']); } else { $docVersion = $_GET['v']; } $oAppDocument->Fields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['a'], $docVersion); $sAppDocUid = $oAppDocument->getAppDocUid(); $iDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getDocVersion(); $info = pathinfo($oAppDocument->getAppDocFilename()); $ext = $info['extension']; if (isset($_GET['b'])) { if ($_GET['b'] == '0') { $bDownload = false; } else {
if ($dataAbeConfiguration['ABE_CASE_NOTE_IN_RESPONSE'] == 1) { $response = new stdclass(); $response->usrUid = $casesFields['APP_DATA']['USER_LOGGED']; $response->appUid = $_REQUEST['APP_UID']; $response->noteText = "Check the information that was sent for the receiver: " . $dataAbeRequests['ABE_REQ_SENT_TO']; postNote($response); } $dataAbeRequests['ABE_REQ_ANSWERED'] = 1; $code == 0 ? uploadAbeRequest($dataAbeRequests) : ''; if (isset ( $_FILES ['form'] )) { foreach ($_FILES ['form'] ['name'] as $fieldName => $value) { if ($_FILES ['form'] ['error'] [$fieldName] == 0) { $appDocument = new AppDocument ( ); if ( isset ( $_REQUEST['INPUTS'] [$fieldName] ) && $_REQUEST['INPUTS'] [$fieldName] != '' ) { require_once 'classes/model/AppFolder.php'; require_once 'classes/model/InputDocument.php'; $inputDocument = new InputDocument(); $id = $inputDocument->load($_REQUEST['INPUTS'] [$fieldName]); //Get the Custom Folder ID (create if necessary) $oFolder=new AppFolder(); $folderId=$oFolder->createFromPath($id['INP_DOC_DESTINATION_PATH']); //Tags $fileTags=$oFolder->parseTags($id['INP_DOC_TAGS']);
$oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $lastVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastAppDocVersion($_GET['DOC'], $_SESSION['APPLICATION']); $aFields = $oAppDocument->load($_GET['DOC'], $lastVersion); $listing = false; $oPluginRegistry =& PMPluginRegistry::getSingleton(); if ($oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST)) { $folderData = new folderData(null, null, $_SESSION['APPLICATION'], null, $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); $folderData->PMType = "OUTPUT"; $folderData->returnList = true; $listing = $oPluginRegistry->executeTriggers(PM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST, $folderData); } require_once 'classes/model/OutputDocument.php'; $oOutputDocument = new OutputDocument(); $aGields = $oOutputDocument->load($aFields['DOC_UID']); if (isset($aGields['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING']) && $aGields['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING'] != 0) { $oAppDocument = new AppDocument(); $lastDocVersion = $oAppDocument->getLastDocVersion($_GET['UID'], $_SESSION['APPLICATION']); } else { $lastDocVersion = ''; } $aFields['VIEW1'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_OPEN'); $aFields['VIEW2'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_OPEN'); $aFields['FILE1'] = 'cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v=' . $lastDocVersion . '&ext=doc&random=' . rand() . '&PHPSESSID=' . @session_id(); $aFields['FILE2'] = 'cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=' . $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&v=' . $lastDocVersion . '&ext=pdf&random=' . rand() . '&PHPSESSID=' . @session_id(); if (is_array($listing)) { //If exist in Plugin Document List foreach ($listing as $folderitem) { if ($folderitem->filename == $aFields['APP_DOC_UID'] && $folderitem->type == 'DOC') { $aFields['VIEW1'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_GET_EXTERNAL_FILE'); $aFields['FILE1'] = $folderitem->downloadScript; continue;
$sOptions .= '<td width="100%" class="treeNode"><a style="' . ($_GET['TYPE'] == 'INPUT_DOCUMENT' && ($_GET['UID'] == $aRow->getStepUidObj() && $_GET['ACTION'] == 'ATTACH') ? 'background-color:orange;color:white;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;' : '') . '" href="../cases/cases_Step?TYPE=' . $aRow->getStepTypeObj() . '&UID=' . $aRow->getStepUidObj() . '&POSITION=' . $aRow->getStepPosition() . '&ACTION=ATTACH">' . ($sType == 'REAL' ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_NEW') : G::LoadTranslation('ID_ATTACH')) . '</a></td>'; $sOptions .= '</tr></table>'; $oCri = new Criteria(); $oCri->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $_SESSION['APPLICATION']); $oCri->add(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX, $_SESSION['INDEX']); $oCri->add(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID, $aRow->getStepUidObj()); $oCri->add(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, 'INPUT'); $oCri->addAscendingOrderByColumn(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_INDEX); $aDocuments = AppDocumentPeer::doSelect($oCri); if (sizeof($aDocuments) !== 0) { $i = 1; $sOptions .= '<table width="90%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">'; reset($aDocuments); while ($oDocument = current($aDocuments)) { $aRow2 = $oDocument->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $oAux1 = new AppDocument(); $aAux = $oAux1->load($aRow2['APP_DOC_UID']); $sOptions .= '<tr>'; if ($aAux['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] != '') { $sAux = $aAux['APP_DOC_FILENAME']; } else { $sAux = $aAux['APP_DOC_COMMENT']; } $sOptions .= '<td width="5%">' . $i . '.</td><td width="55%" class="treeNodeAlternate"><input type="text" readonly="readonly" style="font:inherit;border:none;width:100%;" value="' . htmlentities($sAux, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8") . '" title="' . $sAux . '" /></td>'; global $oPluginRegistry; if (!$oPluginRegistry->existsTrigger(PM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST)) { if (isset($_GET['DOC'])) { $sOptions .= '<td width="20%" class="treeNode" align="center"><a style="' . ($_GET['TYPE'] == 'INPUT_DOCUMENT' && ($_GET['UID'] == $aRow->getStepUidObj() && $_GET['ACTION'] == 'VIEW' && $_GET['DOC'] == $aRow2['APP_DOC_UID']) ? 'background-color:orange;color:s***e;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;' : '') . '" href="../cases/cases_Step?TYPE=' . $aRow->getStepTypeObj() . '&UID=' . $aRow->getStepUidObj() . '&POSITION=' . $aRow->getStepPosition() . '&ACTION=VIEW&DOC=' . $aRow2['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&VERSION=' . $aRow2['DOC_VERSION'] . '">' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_VIEW') . '</a></td>'; } else { $sOptions .= '<td width="20%" class="treeNode" align="center"><a style="" href="../cases/cases_Step?TYPE=' . $aRow->getStepTypeObj() . '&UID=' . $aRow->getStepUidObj() . '&POSITION=' . $aRow->getStepPosition() . '&ACTION=VIEW&DOC=' . $aRow2['APP_DOC_UID'] . '&VERSION=' . $aRow2['DOC_VERSION'] . '">' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_VIEW') . '</a></td>'; }