$w->setLabel('w2', 'foo');
$t->is($w->getLabels(), array('w1' => 'foo', 'w2' => 'foo'), '->setLabel() sets a label for a given field');
$t->is($w->getLabel(), 'foo', '->setLabel() can also set the label for the widget schema');
// ->getDefault() ->setDefault() ->getDefaults() ->setDefaults()
$t->diag('->getDefault() ->setDefault() ->getDefaults() ->setDefaults()');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('w1' => $w1, 'w2' => $w2));
$w->setDefaults(array('w1' => 'foo'));
$t->is($w->getDefaults(), array('w1' => 'foo', 'w2' => null), '->getDefaults() returns the default values');
$t->is($w->getDefault('w1'), 'foo', '->getDefault() returns the default value for a given field');
$w->setDefault('w2', 'foo');
$t->is($w->getDefaults(), array('w1' => 'foo', 'w2' => 'foo'), '->setDefault() sets a default value for a given field');
// ->needsMultipartForm()
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('w1' => $w1));
$t->is($w->needsMultipartForm(), false, '->needsMultipartForm() returns false if the form schema does not have a widget that needs a multipart form');
$w['w2'] = new sfWidgetFormInputFile();
$t->is($w->needsMultipartForm(), true, '->needsMultipartForm() returns true if the form schema does not have a widget that needs a multipart form');
// ->renderField()
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('first_name' => $w1));
$t->is($w->renderField('first_name', 'Fabien'), '<input class="foo1" type="text" name="first_name" value="Fabien" id="first_name" />', '->renderField() renders a field to HTML');
$ww = clone $w1;
$ww->setAttribute('id', 'foo');
$ww->setAttribute('style', 'color: blue');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('first_name' => $ww));
$t->is($w->renderField('first_name', 'Fabien'), '<input class="foo1" id="foo" style="color: blue" type="text" name="first_name" value="Fabien" />', '->renderField() renders a field to HTML');
try {
    $w->renderField('last_name', 'Potencier');
    $t->fail('->renderField() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the field does not exist');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {