$t->is(get_class($w->getFormFormatter()), 'sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatterList', '->setFormFormatterName() set the names of the formatter to use when rendering');
try {
    $t->fail('->setFormFormatterName() throws a InvalidArgumentException when the form format name is not associated with a formatter');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('->setFormFormatterName() throws a InvalidArgumentException when the form format name is not associated with a formatter');
$formatterNames = array_keys($w->getFormFormatters());
$t->is($formatterNames, array('custom', 'list', 'table'), '->getFormFormatters() returns an array of all formatter for this widget schema');
// ->setNameFormat() ->getNameFormat() ->generateName()
$t->diag('->setNameFormat() ->getNameFormat() ->generateName()');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema();
$t->is($w->generateName('foo'), 'foo', '->generateName() returns a HTML name attribute value for a given field name');
$t->is($w->generateName('foo'), 'article[foo]', '->setNameFormat() changes the name format');
$t->is($w->getNameFormat(), 'article[%s]', '->getNameFormat() returns the name format');
$t->is($w->generateName('foo'), 'foo', '->generateName() returns the name unchanged if the format is false');
try {
    $t->fail('->setNameFormat() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the format does not contain %s');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('->setNameFormat() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the format does not contain %s');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('author' => new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('first_name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(), 'company' => new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText()))))));
$t->is($w['author']->generateName('first_name'), 'article[author][first_name]', '->generateName() returns a HTML name attribute value for a given field name');
$t->is($w['author']['company']->generateName('name'), 'article[author][company][name]', '->generateName() returns a HTML name attribute value for a given field name');