Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Hooks into save_post function and saves additional property data
  * @todo Add some sort of custom capability so not only admins can make properties as featured. i.e. Agents can make their own properties featured.
  * @since 1.04
  * @param null $post_id
  * @return null
 function save_property($post_id = null)
     global $wp_properties, $wp_version;
     $_wpnonce = (version_compare($wp_version, '3.5', '>=') ? 'update-post_' : 'update-property_') . $post_id;
     if (!isset($_POST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], $_wpnonce) || $_POST['post_type'] !== 'property') {
         return $post_id;
     if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {
         return $post_id;
     $update_data = $_REQUEST['wpp_data']['meta'];
     //** Neccessary meta data which is required by Supermap Premium Feature. Should be always set even the Supermap disabled. peshkov@UD */
     if (empty($_REQUEST['exclude_from_supermap'])) {
         if (!metadata_exists('post', $post_id, 'exclude_from_supermap')) {
             $update_data['exclude_from_supermap'] = 'false';
     if (!isset($update_data['latitude']) || (double) $update_data['latitude'] == 0) {
         $update_data['latitude'] = '';
     if (!isset($update_data['longitude']) || (double) $update_data['longitude'] == 0) {
         $update_data['longitude'] = '';
     /* get old coordinates and location */
     $old_lat = get_post_meta($post_id, 'latitude', true);
     $old_lng = get_post_meta($post_id, 'longitude', true);
     $geo_data = array('old_coordinates' => empty($old_lat) || empty($old_lng) ? "" : array('lat' => $old_lat, 'lng' => $old_lng), 'old_location' => !empty($wp_properties['configuration']['address_attribute']) ? get_post_meta($post_id, $wp_properties['configuration']['address_attribute'], true) : '');
     //    die( '<pre>' . $post_id . print_r( $update_data, true ) . '</pre>' );
     foreach ($update_data as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
         $attribute_data = UsabilityDynamics\WPP\Attributes::get_attribute_data($meta_key);
         $meta_value = html_entity_decode($meta_value);
         $meta_value = stripslashes($meta_value);
         /* Handle logic for featured property. */
         if ($meta_key == 'featured') {
             //* Only admins can mark properties as featured. */
             if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
                 //** But be sure that meta 'featured' exists at all */
                 if (!metadata_exists('post', $post_id, $meta_key)) {
                     $meta_value = 'false';
                 } else {
             do_action('wpp::toggle_featured', $meta_value, $post_id);
         //* Remove certain characters */
         if (isset($attribute_data['currency']) || isset($attribute_data['numeric'])) {
             $meta_value = str_replace(array("\$", ","), '', $meta_value);
         //* Overwrite old post meta allowing only one value */
         delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key);
         add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
     //* Check if property has children */
     $children = get_children(array('post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'property'));
     //* Write any data to children properties that are supposed to inherit things */
     //* 1) Go through all children */
     foreach ((array) $children as $child_id => $child_data) {
         //* Determine child property_type */
         $child_property_type = get_post_meta($child_id, 'property_type', true);
         //* Check if child's property type has inheritence rules, and if meta_key exists in inheritance array */
         if (isset($wp_properties['property_inheritance'][$child_property_type]) && is_array($wp_properties['property_inheritance'][$child_property_type])) {
             foreach ($wp_properties['property_inheritance'][$child_property_type] as $i_meta_key) {
                 $parent_meta_value = get_post_meta($post_id, $i_meta_key, true);
                 //* inheritance rule exists for this property_type for this meta_key */
                 update_post_meta($child_id, $i_meta_key, $parent_meta_value);
     $_gpid = WPP_F::maybe_set_gpid($post_id);
     do_action('save_property', $post_id, array('children' => $children, 'gpid' => $_gpid, 'update_data' => $update_data, 'geo_data' => $geo_data));
      * Flush all object caches related to current property
      * Flush WP-Property caches
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Updates parent ID.
  * Determines if parent exists and it doesn't have own parent.
  * @param integer $parent_id
  * @param integer $post_id
  * @return int
  * @author peshkov@UD
  * @since 1.37.5
 public static function update_parent_id($parent_id, $post_id)
     global $wpdb, $wp_properties;
     $parent_id = !empty($parent_id) ? $parent_id : 0;
     $post = get_post($parent_id);
     if (!$post) {
         $parent_id = 0;
     } else {
         if ($post->post_parent > 0) {
             if (empty($wp_properties['configuration']['allow_parent_deep_depth']) || $wp_properties['configuration']['allow_parent_deep_depth'] != 'true') {
                 $parent_id = 0;
     if ($parent_id == 0) {
         $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET post_parent=0 WHERE ID={$post_id}");
     update_post_meta($post_id, 'parent_gpid', WPP_F::maybe_set_gpid($parent_id));
     return $parent_id;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This function takes all your properties and exports it as an XML feed
  * @todo Improve efficiency of function, times out quickly for feeds of 500 properties. memory_limit and set_time_limit should be removed once efficiency is improved
 public function wpp_export_properties()
     global $wp_properties;
     ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
     $mtime = microtime();
     $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
     $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
     $starttime = $mtime;
     // Set a new path
     set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . WPP_Path . 'lib/third-party/XML/');
     // Include our necessary libaries
     require_once 'Serializer.php';
     require_once 'Unserializer.php';
     $api_key = \WPP_F::get_api_key();
     $taxonomies = $wp_properties['taxonomies'];
     // If the API key isn't valid, we quit
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['api']) || $_REQUEST['api'] != $api_key) {
         die(__('Invalid API key.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain));
     if (isset($_REQUEST['limit'])) {
         $per_page = $_REQUEST['limit'];
         $starting_row = 0;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['per_page'])) {
         $per_page = $_REQUEST['per_page'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['starting_row'])) {
         $starting_row = $_REQUEST['starting_row'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['property_type'])) {
         $property_type = $_REQUEST['property_type'];
     } else {
         $property_type = 'all';
     if (strtolower($_REQUEST['format']) == 'xml') {
         $xml_format = true;
     } else {
         $xml_format = false;
     $wpp_query['query']['pagi'] = $starting_row . '--' . $per_page;
     $wpp_query['query']['sort_by'] = isset($_REQUEST['sort_by']) ? $_REQUEST['sort_by'] : 'post_date';
     $wpp_query['query']['sort_order'] = isset($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ? $_REQUEST['sort_order'] : 'ASC';
     $wpp_query['query']['property_type'] = $property_type;
     $wpp_query['query'] = apply_filters('wpp::xml::export::query', $wpp_query['query']);
     $wpp_query = \WPP_F::get_properties($wpp_query['query'], true);
     $results = $wpp_query['results'];
     if (count($results) == 0) {
         die(__('No published properties.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain));
     if ($xml_format) {
     } else {
     $properties = array();
     foreach ($results as $count => $id) {
         //** Reserve time on every iteration. */
         $property = \WPP_F::get_property($id, "return_object=false&load_parent=false&get_children=false");
         if ($property['post_parent'] && !$property['parent_gpid']) {
             $property['parent_gpid'] = \WPP_F::maybe_set_gpid($property['post_parent']);
         // Unset unnecessary data
         unset($property['comment_count'], $property['post_modified_gmt'], $property['comment_status'], $property['post_password'], $property['guid'], $property['filter'], $property['post_author'], $property['permalink'], $property['ping_status'], $property['post_modified'], $property['post_mime_type']);
         // Set unique site ID
         $property['wpp_unique_id'] = md5($api_key . $property['ID']);
         //** Get taxonomies */
         if ($taxonomies) {
             foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy_slug => $taxonomy_data) {
                 if ($these_terms = wp_get_object_terms($property['ID'], $taxonomy_slug, array('fields' => 'names'))) {
                     $property['taxonomies'][$taxonomy_slug] = $these_terms;
         $fixed_property = array();
         foreach ($property as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
             // Maybe Unserialize
             $meta_value = maybe_unserialize($meta_value);
             if (is_array($meta_value) || is_object($meta_value)) {
                 $fixed_property[$meta_key] = $meta_value;
             $fixed_property[$meta_key] = $meta_value;
         $properties[$id] = $fixed_property;
     $properties = apply_filters('wpp::xml::export::data', $properties);
     if ($xml_format) {
         $result = $this->convert_to_xml($properties, apply_filters('wpp::xml::export::serializer_options', array()));
         /** Deprecated. peshkov@UD
             $result = json_encode( $properties );
             $result = WPP_F::json_to_xml( $result, apply_filters( 'wpp::xml::export::serializer_options', array() ) );
         if (!$result) {
             die(__('There is an Error on trying to create XML feed.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain));
         header('Content-type: text/xml');
         header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="wpp_xml_data.xml"');
     } else {
         $result = json_encode($properties);
         header('Content-type: application/json');
         header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="wpp_xml_data.json"');
     header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Returns property
  * @since 1.11
  * @todo Code pertaining to displaying data should be migrated to prepare_property_for_display() like :$real_value = nl2br($real_value);
  * @todo Fix the long dashes - when in latitude or longitude it breaks it when using static map
 public static function get($id, $args = false)
     global $wp_properties;
     if (is_object($id) && isset($id->ID)) {
         $id = $id->ID;
     $id = trim($id);
     extract($args = wp_parse_args($args, array('get_children' => 'true', 'return_object' => 'false', 'load_gallery' => 'true', 'load_thumbnail' => 'true', 'load_parent' => 'true', 'cache' => 'true')), EXTR_SKIP);
     $get_children = isset($get_children) && $get_children === 'true' ? true : false;
     $return_object = isset($return_object) && $return_object === 'true' ? true : false;
     $load_gallery = isset($load_gallery) && $load_gallery === 'true' ? true : false;
     $load_thumbnail = isset($load_thumbnail) && $load_thumbnail === 'true' ? true : false;
     $load_parent = isset($load_parent) && $load_parent === 'true' ? true : false;
     $cache = isset($cache) && $cache === 'true' ? true : false;
     if ($cache && ($property = wp_cache_get($id))) {
         // Do nothing here since we already have data from cache!
     } else {
         $property = array();
         $post = get_post($id, ARRAY_A);
         if ($post['post_type'] != 'property') {
             return false;
         //** Figure out what all the editable attributes are, and get their keys */
         $editable_keys = array_keys(array_merge((array) $wp_properties['property_meta'], (array) $wp_properties['property_stats']));
         //** Load all meta keys for this object */
         if ($keys = get_post_custom($id)) {
             foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
                 $attribute = Attributes::get_attribute_data($key);
                 if (!$attribute['multiple']) {
                     $value = $value[0];
                 $keyt = trim($key);
                 //** If has _ prefix it's a built-in WP key */
                 if ('_' == $keyt[0]) {
                 // Fix for boolean values
                 switch ($value) {
                     case 'true':
                         $real_value = true;
                         //** Converts all "true" to 1 */
                     case 'false':
                         $real_value = false;
                         $real_value = $value;
                 // Handle keys with multiple values
                 if (count($value) > 1) {
                     $property[$key] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $property[$key] = $real_value;
         $property = array_merge($property, $post);
         //** Make sure certain keys were not messed up by custom attributes */
         $property['system'] = array();
         $property['gallery'] = array();
         $property['wpp_gpid'] = \WPP_F::maybe_set_gpid($id);
         $property['permalink'] = get_permalink($id);
         //** Make sure property_type stays as slug, or it will break many things:  (widgets, class names, etc)  */
         if (!empty($property['property_type'])) {
             $property['property_type_label'] = get_property_type($id);
         //** If phone number is not set but set globally, we load it into property array here */
         if (empty($property['phone_number']) && !empty($wp_properties['configuration']['phone_number'])) {
             $property['phone_number'] = $wp_properties['configuration']['phone_number'];
         //* Get rid of all empty values */
         foreach ($property as $key => $item) {
             //** Don't blank keys starting w/ post_  - this should be converted to use get_attribute_data() to check where data is stored for better check - potanin@UD */
             if (strpos($key, 'post_') === 0) {
             if (empty($item)) {
         wp_cache_add($id, $property);
      * Load parent if exists and inherit Parent's atttributes.
     if ($load_parent) {
         $property = self::extend_property_with_parent($property, $cache);
      * Load Children and their attributes
     if ($get_children) {
         $property = self::extend_property_with_children($property, $cache);
      * Figure out what the thumbnail is, and load all sizes
     if ($load_thumbnail) {
         $property = array_merge($property, self::get_thumbnail($id, $cache));
      * Load all attached images and their sizes
     if ($load_gallery) {
         $gallery = self::get_images($id, $cache);
         $property['gallery'] = !empty($gallery) ? $gallery : false;
     if (is_array($property)) {
     $property = apply_filters('wpp_get_property', $property, $args);
     //** Convert to object */
     if ($return_object) {
         $property = \WPP_F::array_to_object($property);
     return $property;