Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function template_include($template)
     global $wp_query, $post;
     if (isset($wp_query->single_property_page)) {
         $config = ud_get_wp_property('configuration.single_property', array());
         $redeclare = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wpp_redeclare_template', true);
         $property_type = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'property_type', true);
         if (!empty($redeclare) && $redeclare == 'true') {
             $tmpl = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wpp_template', true);
             $page_tmpl = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wpp_page_template', true);
         if (empty($tmpl)) {
             $tmpl = !empty($config['template']) ? $config['template'] : 'property';
         if (empty($page_tmpl)) {
             $page_tmpl = !empty($config['page_template']) ? $config['page_template'] : 'default';
          * If template is not defined or it's 'property', we are using our
          * predefined property.php template.
          * This logic is mostly legacy.
         if ($tmpl == 'property') {
             $_template = WPP_F::get_template_part(array_filter(array(!empty($property_type) ? "property-{$property_type}" : false, "property")), array(WPP_Templates));
             //** Load the first found template */
             if ($_template) {
                 WPP_F::console_log('Found single property page template:' . $_template);
                 return $_template;
             return $template;
         } elseif ($tmpl == 'page') {
             $_template = false;
             if ($page_tmpl == 'default') {
                 $_template = locate_template('page.php');
             } else {
                 $_template = locate_template($page_tmpl);
             if (!empty($_template)) {
                 return $_template;
         return $template;
     /* Current requests includes a property overview.
      * PO may be via shortcode, search result, or due to this being the Default Dynamic Property page.
      * If using Dynamic Property Root page, we must load a template
     if (isset($wp_query->is_property_overview) && isset($wp_query->wpp_default_property_page)) {
         //** Unset any post that may have been found based on query */
         $post = false;
         $_template = WPP_F::get_template_part(array("property-search-result", "property-overview-page"), array(WPP_Templates));
         //** Load the first found template */
         if ($_template) {
             return $_template;
     return $template;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Try find pagination template based on type
  * @param $type
  * @return bool|mixed|null|string|void
 public static function get_pagination_template_based_on_type($type)
     //** Try find pagination template based on type */
     return \WPP_F::get_template_part(array("pagination-{$type}"), array(ud_get_wp_property()->path('static/views', 'dir')));
Ejemplo n.º 3

<div id="content" class="<?php 
wpp_css('property_search::content', "page type-page hentry");
" >
  <div style="width: 890px; float: left;">
$searchable_properties = WPP_F::get_searchable_properties();
if ($searchable_properties) {
    foreach ($searchable_properties as $property_id) {
        $property = WPP_F::get_property($property_id);
        // 1. Try template in theme folder
        $template_found = WPP_F::get_template_part(array("property-search-block"), array(WPP_Templates));
        if ($template_found) {
            include $template_found;

Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Displays property overview
  * Performs searching/filtering functions, provides template with $properties file
  * Retirms html content to be displayed after location attribute on property edit page
  * @since 1.081
  * @param string $listing_id Listing ID must be passed
  * @return string $result
  * @uses WPP_F::get_properties()
 public static function render($atts = "")
     global $wp_properties, $wpp_query, $property, $post, $wp_query;
     $_property = $property;
     $wpp_query = array();
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, array());
     //** Load all queriable attributes **/
     foreach (\WPP_F::get_queryable_keys() as $key) {
         //** This needs to be done because a key has to exist in the $deafult array for shortcode_atts() to load passed value */
         $queryable_keys[$key] = false;
     //** Allow the shorthand of "type" as long as there is not a custom attribute of "type". If "type" does exist as an attribute, then users need to use the full "property_type" query tag. **/
     if (!array_key_exists('type', $queryable_keys) && (is_array($atts) && array_key_exists('type', $atts))) {
         $atts['property_type'] = $atts['type'];
     //** Get ALL allowed attributes that may be passed via shortcode (to include property attributes) */
     $defaults['strict_search'] = false;
     $defaults['show_children'] = isset($wp_properties['configuration']['property_overview']['show_children']) ? $wp_properties['configuration']['property_overview']['show_children'] : 'true';
     $defaults['child_properties_title'] = __('Floor plans at location:', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
     $defaults['fancybox_preview'] = $wp_properties['configuration']['property_overview']['fancybox_preview'];
     $defaults['bottom_pagination_flag'] = isset($wp_properties['configuration']['bottom_insert_pagenation']) && $wp_properties['configuration']['bottom_insert_pagenation'] == 'true' ? true : false;
     $defaults['thumbnail_size'] = $wp_properties['configuration']['property_overview']['thumbnail_size'];
     $defaults['sort_by_text'] = __('Sort By:', ud_get_wp_property()->domain);
     $defaults['sort_by'] = 'post_date';
     $defaults['sort_order'] = 'DESC';
     $defaults['template'] = false;
     $defaults['ajax_call'] = false;
     $defaults['disable_wrapper'] = false;
     $defaults['sorter_type'] = 'buttons';
     $defaults['sorter'] = 'on';
     $defaults['pagination'] = 'on';
     $defaults['hide_count'] = false;
     $defaults['per_page'] = 10;
     $defaults['starting_row'] = 0;
     $defaults['unique_hash'] = rand(10000, 99900);
     $defaults['detail_button'] = false;
     $defaults['stats'] = '';
     $defaults['class'] = 'wpp_property_overview_shortcode';
     $defaults['in_new_window'] = false;
     $defaults = apply_filters('shortcode_property_overview_allowed_args', $defaults, $atts);
     //* Determine if we should disable sorter */
     if (isset($atts['sorter']) && in_array($atts['sorter'], array('off', 'false'))) {
         $atts['sorter'] = false;
         $atts['sorter_type'] = 'none';
     if (!empty($atts['ajax_call'])) {
         //** If AJAX call then the passed args have all the data we need */
         $wpp_query = $atts;
         //* Fix ajax data. Boolean value false is returned as string 'false'. */
         foreach ($wpp_query as $key => $value) {
             if ($value == 'false') {
                 $wpp_query[$key] = false;
         $wpp_query['ajax_call'] = true;
         //** Everything stays the same except for sort order and page */
         $wpp_query['starting_row'] = ($wpp_query['requested_page'] - 1) * $wpp_query['per_page'];
         //** Figure out current page */
         $wpp_query['current_page'] = $wpp_query['requested_page'];
     } else {
         /** Determine if fancybox style is included */
         //** Merge defaults with passed arguments */
         $wpp_query = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts);
         $wpp_query['query'] = shortcode_atts($queryable_keys, $atts);
         //** Handle search */
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['wpp_search'])) {
             $wpp_query['query'] = shortcode_atts($wpp_query['query'], $_REQUEST['wpp_search']);
             $wpp_query['query'] = \WPP_F::prepare_search_attributes($wpp_query['query']);
             if (isset($_REQUEST['wpp_search']['sort_by'])) {
                 $wpp_query['sort_by'] = $_REQUEST['wpp_search']['sort_by'];
             if (isset($_REQUEST['wpp_search']['sort_order'])) {
                 $wpp_query['sort_order'] = $_REQUEST['wpp_search']['sort_order'];
             if (isset($_REQUEST['wpp_search']['pagination'])) {
                 $wpp_query['pagination'] = $_REQUEST['wpp_search']['pagination'];
             if (isset($_REQUEST['wpp_search']['per_page'])) {
                 $wpp_query['per_page'] = $_REQUEST['wpp_search']['per_page'];
             if (isset($_REQUEST['wpp_search']['strict_search'])) {
                 $wpp_query['strict_search'] = $_REQUEST['wpp_search']['strict_search'];
     //** Load certain settings into query for get_properties() to use */
     $wpp_query['query']['sort_by'] = $wpp_query['sort_by'];
     $wpp_query['query']['sort_order'] = $wpp_query['sort_order'];
     $wpp_query['query']['pagi'] = $wpp_query['starting_row'] . '--' . $wpp_query['per_page'];
     if (!isset($wpp_query['current_page'])) {
         $wpp_query['current_page'] = $wpp_query['starting_row'] / $wpp_query['per_page'] + 1;
     //** Load settings that are not passed via shortcode atts */
     $wpp_query['sortable_attrs'] = \WPP_F::get_sortable_keys();
     //** Replace dynamic field values */
     //** Detect currently property for conditional in-shortcode usage that will be replaced from values */
     if (isset($post) && is_object($post)) {
         $dynamic_fields['post_id'] = isset($post->ID) ? $post->ID : 0;
         $dynamic_fields['post_parent'] = isset($post->post_parent) ? $post->post_parent : 0;
         $dynamic_fields['property_type'] = isset($post->property_type) ? $post->property_type : false;
         $dynamic_fields = apply_filters('shortcode_property_overview_dynamic_fields', $dynamic_fields);
         if (is_array($dynamic_fields)) {
             foreach ($wpp_query['query'] as $query_key => $query_value) {
                 if (!empty($dynamic_fields[$query_value])) {
                     $wpp_query['query'][$query_key] = $dynamic_fields[$query_value];
     //** Remove all blank values */
     $wpp_query['query'] = array_filter($wpp_query['query']);
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r( $wpp_query ); echo "</pre>";
     //** We add # to value which says that we don't want to use LIKE in SQL query for searching this value. */
     $required_strict_search = apply_filters('wpp::required_strict_search', array('wpp_agents'));
     $ignored_strict_search_field_types = apply_filters('wpp:ignored_strict_search_field_types', array('range_dropdown', 'range_input'));
     foreach ($wpp_query['query'] as $key => $val) {
         if (!array_key_exists($key, $defaults) && $key != 'property_type') {
             //** Be sure that the attribute exists of parameter is required for strict search */
             if (in_array($wpp_query['strict_search'], array('true', 'on')) && isset($wp_properties['property_stats'][$key]) || in_array($key, $required_strict_search)) {
                  * Ignore specific search attribute fields for strict search.
                  * For example, range values must not be included to strict search.
                  * Also, be sure to ignore list of values
                 if (isset($wp_properties['searchable_attr_fields'][$key]) && in_array($wp_properties['searchable_attr_fields'][$key], (array) $ignored_strict_search_field_types) || substr_count($val, ',') || substr_count($val, '&ndash;') || substr_count($val, '--')) {
                 } elseif (substr_count($val, '-')) {
                     $_val = explode('-', $val);
                     if (count($_val) == 2 && is_numeric($_val[0]) && is_numeric($_val[1])) {
                 $wpp_query['query'][$key] = '#' . trim($val, '#') . '#';
     //** Unset this because it gets passed with query (for back-button support) but not used by get_properties() */
     //** Load the results */
     $wpp_query['properties'] = \WPP_F::get_properties($wpp_query['query'], true);
     //** Calculate number of pages */
     if ($wpp_query['pagination'] == 'on') {
         $wpp_query['pages'] = ceil($wpp_query['properties']['total'] / $wpp_query['per_page']);
     $property_type = isset($wpp_query['query']['property_type']) ? $wpp_query['query']['property_type'] : false;
     if (!empty($property_type) && isset($wp_properties['hidden_attributes'][$property_type])) {
         foreach ((array) $wp_properties['hidden_attributes'][$property_type] as $attr_key) {
     //** Legacy Support - include variables so old templates still work */
     $properties = $wpp_query['properties']['results'];
     $thumbnail_sizes = \WPP_F::image_sizes($wpp_query['thumbnail_size']);
     $child_properties_title = $wpp_query['child_properties_title'];
     $unique = $wpp_query['unique_hash'];
     $thumbnail_size = $wpp_query['thumbnail_size'];
     //* Debugger */
     if (isset($wp_properties['configuration']['developer_mode']) && $wp_properties['configuration']['developer_mode'] == 'true' && !$wpp_query['ajax_call']) {
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">console.log( ' . json_encode($wpp_query) . ' ); </script>';
     //** Make certain variables available to be used within the single listing page */
     $wpp_overview_shortcode_vars = apply_filters('wpp_overview_shortcode_vars', array('wp_properties' => $wp_properties, 'wpp_query' => $wpp_query));
     //** By merging our extra variables into $wp_query->query_vars they will be extracted in load_template() */
     if (is_array($wpp_overview_shortcode_vars)) {
         $wp_query->query_vars = array_merge($wp_query->query_vars, $wpp_overview_shortcode_vars);
     $template = $wpp_query['template'];
     $fancybox_preview = $wpp_query['fancybox_preview'];
     $show_children = $wpp_query['show_children'];
     $class = $wpp_query['class'];
     $stats = $wpp_query['stats'];
     $in_new_window = !empty($wpp_query['in_new_window']) ? " target=\"_blank\" " : "";
     //** Make query_vars available to emulate WP template loading */
     extract($wp_query->query_vars, EXTR_SKIP);
     //** Try find custom template */
     $template_found = \WPP_F::get_template_part(array("property-overview-{$template}", "property-overview-" . sanitize_key($property_type), "property-{$template}", "property-overview"), array(WPP_Templates));
     if ($template_found) {
         include $template_found;
     $ob_get_contents = ob_get_contents();
     $ob_get_contents = apply_filters('shortcode_property_overview_content', $ob_get_contents, $wpp_query);
     // Initialize result (content which will be shown) and open wrap (div) with unique id
     if ($wpp_query['disable_wrapper'] != 'true') {
         $result['top'] = '<div id="wpp_shortcode_' . $wpp_query['unique_hash'] . '" class="wpp_ui ' . $wpp_query['class'] . '">';
     $result['top_pagination'] = wpp_draw_pagination(array('class' => 'wpp_top_pagination', 'sorter_type' => $wpp_query['sorter_type'], 'hide_count' => $wpp_query['hide_count'], 'sort_by_text' => $wpp_query['sort_by_text']));
     $result['result'] = $ob_get_contents;
     if ($wpp_query['bottom_pagination_flag'] == 'true') {
         $result['bottom_pagination'] = wpp_draw_pagination(array('class' => 'wpp_bottom_pagination', 'sorter_type' => $wpp_query['sorter_type'], 'hide_count' => $wpp_query['hide_count'], 'sort_by_text' => $wpp_query['sort_by_text'], 'javascript' => false));
     if ($wpp_query['disable_wrapper'] != 'true') {
         $result['bottom'] = '</div>';
     $result = apply_filters('wpp_property_overview_render', $result);
     /* Reset global property to default. */
     $property = $_property;
     if ($wpp_query['ajax_call']) {
         return json_encode(array('wpp_query' => $wpp_query, 'display' => implode('', $result)));
     } else {
         return implode('', $result);