function run() { foreach ($_SESSION['perpage'] as $key => $item) { if (in_array($key, Funcs::$uri)) { $path = $key; } } $items = PaginationWidget::getPage($_SESSION['perpage'][$path], PaginationWidget::$count); View::widget('pagination', array('pagination' => $items)); }
function run($id = '') { $fullURI = Funcs::$uri; if ($id) { $fullURI = explode('/', Tree::getPathToTree($id)); unset($fullURI[0]); unset($fullURI[count($fullURI)]); } $data = array(); $parent = Funcs::$siteDB; $path = ''; foreach ($fullURI as $uri) { $path = $path . '/' . $uri; if (is_numeric($uri)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{tree}} WHERE parent=' . $parent . ' AND id=' . $uri . ''; } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{tree}} WHERE parent=' . $parent . ' AND path=\'' . $uri . '\''; } $row = DB::getRow($sql); $row['path'] = $path . '/'; $parent = $row['id']; if ($parent == '') { $parent = 0; } $data[] = $row; } if ($fullURI[0] == 'catalog' && is_numeric($fullURI[count(Funcs::$uri) - 1])) { $uri = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $num = count($data); $data[count($data)] = $data[count($data) - 1]; $path = $data; unset($path[count($path) - 1]); unset($path[count($path) - 1]); $items = array(); foreach ($path as $item) { $items[] = $item['path']; } Funcs::$reference['vendor'][$uri[$num]]['path'] = $items[count($items) - 1] . Funcs::$reference['vendor'][$uri[$num]]['path'] . '/'; $data[count($data) - 2] = Funcs::$reference['vendor'][$uri[$num]]; } elseif (isset($_GET['ve'])) { $path = $items[count($items)] . Funcs::$reference['vendor'][$uri[$num]]['path'] . '/'; $data[] = array('name' => Funcs::$referenceId['vendor'][$_GET['ve']]['name'], 'path' => $path); } View::widget('crumbs', array('list' => $data)); }
function run($data) { $list = array(); foreach (Funcs::$referenceId['options'] as $key => $item) { if (is_numeric($item['value'])) { $list[$item['path']] = $data[$item['path']]; $list[$item['path']]['act'] = $item['value']; $list[$item['path']]['path'] = $item['path']; } else { $value = explode("\n", $item['value']); if (in_array(end(Funcs::$uri), explode(';', $value[2])) && $value[2] != '' || $value[2] == '') { if ($item['path'] == 'select' || $item['path'] == 'checkbox' || $item['path'] == 'radio') { $temp = OptionsWidget::getValuesSelect($item['name']); } elseif ($item['path'] == 'number') { $temp = OptionsWidget::getValuesNumber($item['name']); } elseif ($item['path'] == 'link') { $temp = OptionsWidget::getValuesLink($value); } if (count($temp) > 0) { $list[$item['value']]['list'] = $temp; $list[$item['value']]['name'] = trim($value[0]); $list[$item['value']]['path'] = $item['path']; $list[$item['value']]['title'] = trim($value[1]) == '' ? $item['name'] : $value[1]; } } } } $tree = Tree::getTreeByUrl(); foreach (Fields::getFeaturesList($tree['id']) as $items) { foreach ($items['list'] as $item) { if ($item['filtertype'] == 'checkbox' || $item['filtertype'] == 'checkboxgroup' || $item['filtertype'] == 'select') { $temp = OptionsWidget::getValuesSelect($item['path']); } elseif ($item['filtertype'] == 'number') { $temp = OptionsWidget::getValuesNumber($item['path']); } $list[$item['path']]['list'] = $temp; $list[$item['path']]['name'] = $item['path']; $list[$item['path']]['path'] = $item['filtertype']; $list[$item['path']]['title'] = $item['name']; $list[$item['path']]['comment'] = $item['comment']; } } View::widget('options', array('list' => $list)); }
function run() { $data = array(); $path = ''; $id = Funcs::$uri[2]; if (Funcs::$uri[1] == 'tree' && is_numeric($id)) { $sql = 'SELECT parent FROM {{tree}} WHERE id=' . $id . ''; $parent = DB::getOne($sql); while ($id != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT id, parent, name FROM {{tree}} WHERE id=' . $id . ''; $row = DB::getRow($sql); $row['path'] = '/' . ONESSA_DIR . '/work/' . $row['id'] . '/'; $id = $row['parent']; $data[] = $row; } $data = array_reverse($data); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[1] == 'settings' && is_numeric($id)) { $data[] = array('name' => 'Настройки', 'path' => '/' . ONESSA_DIR . '/settings/'); $data[] = array(); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[1] == 'infoblock' && is_numeric($id)) { $data[] = array('name' => 'Инфоблоки', 'path' => '/' . ONESSA_DIR . '/infoblock/'); $data[] = array(); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[1] == 'reference' && is_numeric($id)) { $sql = 'SELECT parent FROM {{reference}} WHERE id=' . $id . ''; $parent = DB::getOne($sql); while ($id != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT id, parent, name FROM {{reference}} WHERE id=' . $id . ''; $row = DB::getRow($sql); $row['path'] = '/' . ONESSA_DIR . '/reference/' . $row['id'] . '/'; $id = $row['parent']; $data[] = $row; } $data[] = array('name' => 'Справочник', 'path' => '/' . ONESSA_DIR . '/reference/'); $data = array_reverse($data); } View::widget('crumbs', array('list' => $data)); }
public function OffersMenu() { $data = array(); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM {{tree}} WHERE parent=1 AND path=\'offers\' AND visible=1 ORDER BY num'; $parent = DB::getOne($sql); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {{tree}} WHERE parent=' . $parent . ' AND visible=1 AND menu=1 ORDER BY num'; $list = DB::getAll($sql); foreach ($list as $i => $item) { $data[$i % 4][] = array('name' => $item['name'], 'path' => Tree::getPathToTree($item['id']), 'id' => $item['id']); } View::widget('menu/offers', array('list' => $data)); }
function getForm($row) { $sql = ' SELECT name FROM {{forms}} WHERE path=\'' . $row['type'] . '\' '; $row['form'] = DB::getOne($sql); $row['value'] = $row['value_int']; View::widget('fields/form', $row); }
function run() { $list = Autopark::getSelect(); View::widget('select', array('list' => $list)); }
if (count($list) > 0) { ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($list as $key => $item) { ?> <?php if ($item['selected']) { ?> <li> <b><?php echo $item['name']; ?> </b> <?php View::widget('menu/leftbranch', $item); ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $item['path']; ?> "><?php echo $item['name']; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?>
function run() { View::widget('iuser'); }
<li class="edit_form_section edit_form_section_other clearfix"> <?php echo View::widget('fields/addtd'); ?> <table class="edit_form_table"> <tr> <td><?php echo $name; ?> </td> <td> <ul class="edit_form_multiselect edit_form_multival"> <?php foreach ($list as $key => $item) { ?> <li> <label onclick="if($(this).find('input').prop('checked')==false){$('.multival<?php echo $key; ?> ').prop('disabled',false);}else{$('.multival<?php echo $key; ?> ').prop('disabled',true);}" class="form_label jsPreviewToggle" <?php if ($item['gal'][0]['path']) { ?> data-src="/of/<?php echo $item['gal'][0]['path']; ?> ?h=100&w=100&c=1"<?php } ?>
</header> <ul class="gallery_list jsMoveContainerLI_inner gallery <?php echo $path; ?> " data-listidx="0" id="<?php echo $path; ?> " datagal="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <?php foreach ($files as $item) { ?> <?php echo View::widget('/fields/gallery_one', array('file' => $item, 'parent' => $id)); ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="gallery_addfiles"> Добавить один или несколько файлов: <div class="gallery_addfiles_buttons"> <iframe iframe src="/<?php echo ONESSA_DIR; ?> /fields/fileframe/?id=<?php echo $tree; ?> &path=<?php
<?php echo View::widget('/outfields/gallery_one', $files[0]); /*foreach($files as $item):?> <?=View::widget('/outfields/gallery_one',$item)?> <?endforeach*/
function hor() { $data['viewed'] = Catalog::getViewed(); //$data['favorite']=Catalog::getFavorite(); View::widget('panel/hor', $data); }
function run($list) { View::widget('authorBooks', array('list' => $list)); }
function set($row) { View::widget('features/edit', $row); }
public function ServiceMenu() { $data = array(); $user = User::getInfo($_SESSION['user']['id']); foreach (OneSSA::$modulesStandart as $key => $item) { if (in_array($key, $user['access']['modules']) && in_array('top', $item['menu'])) { $data[$key] = $item['name']; $_SESSION['user']['access'][$key] = $item; } } View::widget('menu/service', array('list' => $data)); }
function run() { $id = Tree::getIdTreeByModule('news'); $list = News::getList($id, 5); View::widget('news', array('list' => $list)); }
<form class="section_filters" id="optionsForm"> <?php foreach ($list as $key => $item) { ?> <?php View::widget('options/' . $item['path'], $item); ?> <?php } ?> <br /> <span id="optionsButton" class="show-but" path="" onclick="createOptionString();document.location.href=$(this).attr('path');"></span><br/><br/> <?php /*?> <!-- мощность охлаждения --> <div class="filter cooling_capacity"> Мощность охлаждения <span class="icon ic_help open_help"></span> <div class="help_block"><div class="padds"> <span class="icon ic_close" title="Закрыть"></span> <div class="help_head">Мощность охлаждения <span class="icon ic_help"></span></div> Типовой расчет позволяет найти мощность кондиционера для небольшого помещения: отдельной комнаты в квартире или коттедже, офиса площадью до 50 – 70 кв. м и других помещений, расположенных в капитальных зданиях.<br /> <a href="#" class="is_white">Подробное описание</a> </div></div> <select> <option>от 2,6 до 3,5 кВт (~50 м2)</option> </select> </div> <!-- /мощность охлаждения --> <div class="control"> <input type="submit" value="" class="is_button select" />
function run() { $items = PaginationWidget::getPage($_SESSION['user']['perpage'], PaginationWidget::$count); View::widget('pagination', array('pagination' => $items)); }