public function backupInit($config) { F('_backup_', '[del]'); //创建目录 if (!is_dir($config['dir']) && !mkdir($config['dir'], 0755, true)) { View::error('目录创建失败', $config['url']); } $table = Db::getAllTableInfo(); $table = $table['table']; foreach ($table as $d) { //limit起始数 $table[$d['tablename']]['first'] = 0; //文件编号 $table[$d['tablename']]['fileId'] = 1; } $cache['table'] = $table; $cache['config'] = $config; //备份表结构 $tables = Db::getAllTableInfo(); $sql = "<?php if(!defined('HDPHP_PATH'))EXIT;\n"; foreach ($tables['table'] as $table => $data) { $createSql = Db::select("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"); $sql .= "Db::execute(\"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table}\");\n"; $sql .= "Db::execute(\"{$createSql[0]['Create Table']}\");\n"; } if (file_put_contents($config['dir'] . '/structure.php', $sql)) { file_put_contents($config['dir'] . '/config.php', "<?php return " . var_export($config, true) . ";"); F('_backup_', $cache); return true; } else { F('_backup_' . '[del]'); $this->error = '表结构备份失败'; return false; } }
/** * Forgot password */ private function forgotpwd() { if (isset($_POST['forgotpwd'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; if (!Validate::len($email)) { $error = 'Email character count must be between 4 and 64'; } elseif (!Validate::email($email)) { $error = 'Please enter a valid email'; } if (!$error) { $user = User::where('email', $email)->select('id')->findOne(); if (!$user) { $error = 'Email address not found'; } } if ($error) { View::error('user/forgotpwd', $error); } // Makes an internal session $pwd = Session::set('pwd', $user->id, 0); View::set('session_pwd', $pwd); Base::sendMail($email, 'forgotpwd'); Base::redirect('', 'Go to your email and follow the instructions'); } elseif (isset($_GET['pwd'])) { } }
/** * [login 登录] * @return [type] [description] */ public function login() { if (IS_POST) { if (strtoupper(I('post.code')) != strtoupper(myRedis::get('code'))) { View::error('验证码错误!', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/login/'); die; } $userName = I('post.username'); $password = I('post.password'); $pwd = md5('ISirweb' . $password); $userData = Admin::where(['who' => $userName, 'mypwd' => $pwd])->get()->toArray(); if (empty($userData)) { View::error('用户名或密码错误!', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/login/'); die; } //如果未修改php.ini下面两行注释去掉 // ini_set('session.save_handler', 'redis'); // ini_set('session.save_path', 'tcp://'); session_start(); $_SESSION['uid'] = $userData[0]['id']; $_SESSION['name'] = $userData[0]['who']; $_SESSION['email'] = $userData[0]['email']; View::success('登录成功', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/'); die; } $this->smarty->assign('title', '登录_ISisWeb中文网_ISirPHPFramework'); $this->smarty->display('Admin/Login/login.html'); die; }
public function edit() { if (IS_POST) { if ($this->db->edit()) { View::success('操作成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } else { //商品分类 $cate = new \Admin\Model\ShopCate(); $cateData = $cate->getAll(); View::with('cateData', $cateData); //商品品牌 $brand = new \Admin\Model\ShopBrand(); $brandData = $brand->getAll(); View::with('brandData', $brandData); //获取图集信息 $pics = new \Admin\Model\Pics(); $picsData = $pics->getAll(); View::with('picsData', $picsData); //商品类型列表 $type = new \Admin\Model\ShopType(); $typeData = $type->getAll(); View::with('typeData', $typeData); //商品属性列表 $attr = new \Admin\Model\GoodsAttr(); $attrData = $attr->getAll(Q('goods_id')); View::with('attrData', $attrData); //读取商品信息 $field = $this->db->getOne(); View::with('field', $field)->make(); } }
/** * Starting point for every page request. Loads required core modules, gets data from url and calls * necessary modules to make things happen. */ public static function init() { if (!self::$_inited) { self::$_inited = true; foreach (self::$_requiredCore as $module) { require_once ROOT . 'core/' . $module . '/' . $module . EXT; } // Set the Load::auto method to handle all class loading from now on spl_autoload_register('Load::auto'); Load::loadSetupFiles(); // If CLI mode, everything thats needed has been loaded if (IS_CLI) { return; } date_default_timezone_set(Config::get('system.timezone')); Event::trigger('caffeine.started'); // If maintenance mode has been set in the config, stop everything and load mainteance view if (Config::get('system.maintenance_mode')) { View::error(ERROR_MAINTENANCE); } else { list($route, $data) = Router::getRouteData(); if ($data) { if (self::_hasPermission($route, $data)) { list($module, $controller, $method) = $data['callback']; $params = Router::getParams(); // Make sure controller words are upper-case $conBits = explode('_', $controller); foreach ($conBits as &$bit) { $bit = ucfirst($bit); } $controller = implode('_', $conBits); $controller = sprintf('%s_%sController', ucfirst($module), ucwords($controller)); // Call the routes controller and method if (method_exists($controller, $method)) { $response = call_user_func_array(array($controller, $method), $params); if (!self::_isErrorResponse($response)) { Event::trigger('module.response', array($response)); View::load($module, $controller, $method); } else { View::error($response); } } else { Log::error($module, sprintf('The method %s::%s() called by route %s doesn\'t exist.', $controller, $method, $route)); View::error(ERROR_500); } } else { View::error(ERROR_ACCESSDENIED); } } else { if ($route !== '[index]' || !View::directLoad('index')) { View::error(ERROR_404); } } } View::output(); Event::trigger('caffeine.finished'); } else { die('Why are you trying to re-initialize Caffeine?'); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { View::error('请登录。。。', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/login/'); die; } }
/** * Callback que se ejecuta antes de los métodos de todos los controladores */ protected final function initialize() { /** * Si el método de entrada es ajax, el tipo de respuesta es sólo la vista */ if (Input::isAjax()) { View::template(null); } /** * Verifico que haya iniciado sesión */ if (!MkcAuth::isLogged()) { //Verifico que no genere una redirección infinita if ($this->controller_name != 'login' && ($this->action_name != 'entrar' && $this->action_name != 'salir')) { MkcMessage::warning('No has iniciado sesión o ha caducado.'); //Verifico que no sea una ventana emergente if ($this->module_name == 'reporte') { View::error(); //TODO: crear el método error() } else { MkcRedirect::toLogin('sistema/login/entrar/'); } return false; } } else { if (MkcAuth::isLogged() && $this->controller_name != 'login') { $acl = new MkcAcl(); //Cargo los permisos y templates if (APP_UPDATE && Session::get('perfil_id') != Perfil::SUPER_USUARIO) { //Solo el super usuario puede hacer todo if ($this->module_name != 'dashboard' && $this->controller_name != 'index') { $msj = 'Estamos en labores de actualización y mantenimiento.'; $msj .= '<br />'; $msj .= 'El servicio se reanudará dentro de ' . APP_UPDATE_TIME; if (Input::isAjax()) { View::update(); } else { MkcMessage::info($msj); MkcRedirect::to("dashboard"); } return FALSE; } } if (!$acl->check(Session::get('perfil_id'))) { MkcMessage::error('Tu no posees privilegios para acceder a <b>' . Router::get('route') . '</b>'); Input::isAjax() ? View::ajax() : View::select(NULL); return false; } if (!defined('SKIN')) { define('SKIN', Session::get('tema')); } } } }
public function edit() { if (IS_POST) { if ($this->db->edit()) { View::success('操作成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } else { $field = $this->db->getOne(); View::with('field', $field)->make(); } }
/** * Método para listar las autitorías del sistema * @param type $fecha * @return type */ public function listar($fecha = '', $formato = 'html') { $fecha = empty($fecha) ? date("Y-m-d") : Filter::get($fecha, 'date'); if (empty($fecha)) { DwMessage::info('Selecciona la fecha del archivo'); return View::error(); } $audits = Sistema::getAudit($fecha); $this->audits = $audits; $this->fecha = $fecha; $this->page_module = 'Auditorías del sistema ' . $fecha; $this->page_format = $formato; }
public function add() { if (IS_POST) { // p($_POST);exit; if ($this->db->store()) { View::success('发表成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } else { $cat = $this->category->getAll(); View::with('cat', $cat)->make(); } }
/** * Método para verificar si la llave es válida * * @param string $id * @param string $action * @param string $filter Filtro a aplicar al id devuelto * @return boolean */ public static function isValidKey($valueKey, $action = '', $filter = '', $popup = FALSE) { $key = explode('.', $valueKey); $id = $key[0]; $validKey = self::getKey($id, $action); $valid = $validKey === $valueKey ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!$valid) { DwMessage::error('Acceso denegado. La llave de seguridad es incorrecta.'); if ($popup) { View::error(); } return FALSE; } return $filter ? Filter::get($id, $filter) : $id; }
public function edit() { if (IS_POST) { if ($this->db->edit()) { View::success('操作成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } else { //分配品牌分类 $cate = new \Admin\Model\ShopCate(); $cateData = $cate->getAll(); $field = $this->db->getOne(); View::with('field', $field)->with('cateData', $cateData)->make(); } }
public function edit() { if (IS_POST) { p($_POST['thumb']); if ($this->db->update()) { View::success('修改成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } $id = Q('id', 0, 'intval'); $data = $this->db->where('id', $id)->first(); p($data); $data2 = new \Sadmin2\Model\Category(); $data2 = $data2->getAll(); View::with('data', $data)->with('data2', $data2)->make(); }
public function edit() { if (IS_POST) { if ($this->db->edit()) { View::success('操作成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } else { //搜索页规格分类 $type = new \Admin\Model\ShopType(); $typeData = $type->getAll(); View::with('typeData', $typeData); $data = $this->db->getAll(); $field = $this->db->getOne(); View::with('data', $data)->with('field', $field)->make(); } }
public function edit() { if (IS_POST) { if ($this->db->update()) { View::success('修改成功', 'index'); } else { View::error($this->db->getError()); } } else { //读取栏目数据 $category = new \Admin\Model\Category(); $cat = $category->getAll(); //原文章的数据 $field = Db::table('article')->where('id', $_GET['id'])->first(); View::with('cat', $cat)->with('field', $field); View::make(); } }
public static function to($location = null) { if ($location) { if (is_numeric($location)) { switch ($location) { case 401: header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); View::error('401'); exit; break; case 404: header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); View::error('404'); exit; break; } } header('Location: ' . $location); exit; } }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($_GET['q'])) { View::error('search/search'); } // Allows algorithm to process search input $this->query = Base::searchQuery($_GET['q']); if (!$this->query) { View::error('search/search'); } // Set search query in view View::set('search_query', str_replace('%', ' ', $this->query)); if (SECOND_PARAMETER === 'playlists' || SECOND_PARAMETER === 'users' || SECOND_PARAMETER === 'tracks') { $func = SECOND_PARAMETER; $this->{$func}(); View::set('page_title', ucfirst($func)); View::show('search/' . $func); } $this->search(); View::set('page_title', 'Search'); View::show('search/search'); }
/** * [article_update 更新文章] * @return [type] [description] */ public function article_update($slug) { if (IS_POST) { //实例化上传类 $storage = new \Upload\Storage\FileSystem(__UPLOAD__); $file = new \Upload\File('foo', $storage); $fileName = $file->getNameWithExtension(); if (!empty($fileName)) { // Optionally you can rename the file on upload $new_filename = uniqid(); $file->setName($new_filename); // Validate file upload // MimeType List => $file->addValidations([new \Upload\Validation\Mimetype(['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg']), new \Upload\Validation\Size('5M')]); // Access data about the file that has been uploaded $data = ['name' => $file->getNameWithExtension(), 'extension' => $file->getExtension(), 'mime' => $file->getMimetype(), 'size' => $file->getSize(), 'md5' => $file->getMd5(), 'dimensions' => $file->getDimensions()]; // Try to upload file try { // Success! $file->upload(); $arcData = ['title' => I('post.title'), 'thumb' => $data['name'], 'keywords' => I('post.keywords'), 'content' => I('post.content'), 'description' => I('post.description'), 'category_id' => I('post.category_id'), 'click' => I(''), 'writer' => I('post.writer'), 'source' => I('post.source'), 'pubdate' => time()]; Article::where(['id' => $slug])->update($arcData); View::success('修改成功'); die; } catch (\Exception $e) { // Fail! $errors = $file->getErrors(); View::error($errors['0']); die; } } if (isset($_POST['del_img'])) { $arcData = ['title' => I('post.title'), 'keywords' => I('post.keywords'), 'thumb' => '', 'content' => I('post.content'), 'description' => I('post.description'), 'category_id' => I('post.category_id'), 'click' => I(''), 'writer' => I('post.writer'), 'source' => I('post.source'), 'pubdate' => time()]; Article::where(['id' => $slug])->update($arcData); View::success('修改成功'); die; } else { $arcData = ['title' => I('post.title'), 'keywords' => I('post.keywords'), 'content' => I('post.content'), 'category_id' => I('post.category_id'), 'click' => I(''), 'writer' => I('post.writer'), 'source' => I('post.source'), 'pubdate' => time()]; Article::where(['id' => $slug])->update($arcData); View::success('修改成功'); die; } } $arcData = Article::find($slug)->toArray(); //print_r($arcData); $topcate = Category::where(['pid' => 0, 'is_del' => 0])->get()->toArray(); //组合分类数据 foreach ($topcate as $k => $v) { $soncate = Category::where(['pid' => $v['id'], 'is_del' => 0])->get()->toArray(); $topcate[$k]['soncate'] = $soncate; } $allcate = $topcate; $this->smarty->assign('title', '修改文章_ISisWeb中文网后台管理_ISirPHPFramework'); $this->smarty->assign('cate', $allcate); $this->smarty->assign('arcData', $arcData); $this->smarty->display('Admin/Article/update.html'); // die(); // $this->view = View::make('/Admin/Article/update') // ->with('cate',$allcate) // ->with('arcData',$arcData) // ->with('title','修改文章_ISirWeb中文网后台'); }
/** * [category_delete 删除分类信息] * @return [type] [description] */ public function category_delete($slug) { $cate = Category::where(['id' => $slug])->firstOrFail(); $pdateNum = Category::where(['pid' => $slug])->count(); if ($pdateNum > 0) { View::error('请先删除该栏目下的子栏目', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/category/'); die; } $cate->is_del = 1; $cate->save(); View::success('删除成功', 'http://' . __HOST__ . '/admin/category/'); die; }
/** * Abort the request with an error, default is 500. * * @param int $code The error code to return in the response. * @param boolean|string|\Closure $action Optional template or Closure function. */ public function error($code = 500, $action = false) { \View::error($code, $action); }
/** * Edit a playlist */ private function edit() { Base::requireLogged(); if (LOGGED !== $this->playlist->user_id) { Base::requireAdmin(); } // Set page title View::set('page_title', 'Edit playlist'); // Set playlist $playlist = $this->playlist->asArray(); $playlist['tracks'] = $this->playlist->tracks(); $tags = $this->playlist->tags(); if ($tags) { $playlist['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); } View::set('playlist', $playlist); // Not submitted if (!isset($_POST['playlist']) && !isset($_POST['draft'])) { View::show('playlist/edit'); } /** * Add playlist title and playlist description */ if (!Validate::len($_POST['title'], 2, 64)) { $error = 'Playlist title must be between 2 and 64 chars'; } elseif (!Validate::len($_POST['description'], 0, 512)) { $error = 'Playlist description must be lesser than 512 chars'; } if ($error) { View::error('playlist/edit', $error); } // Raw HTML may enter the db but it's automatically // encoded at output by Mustache $this->playlist->title = $_POST['title']; $this->playlist->description = $_POST['description']; /** * Uploads cover image */ if (!empty($_FILES['cover']) && $_FILES['cover']['size'] > 0) { Base::uploadImage($_FILES['cover'], $cover, $error); if ($error) { View::error('playlist/edit', $error); } $this->playlist->cover = $cover; } /** * Inserts tags into database */ if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) { // Separates tags by commas $tags = strtolower($_POST['tags']); $tags = explode(',', $tags, 6); // Tag limit $tags = array_slice($tags, 0, 5); // Filter tags foreach ($tags as $k => &$tag) { if (!ADMIN && $tag === 'staff') { continue; } $tag = preg_replace('/[^a-z]+/', ' ', $tag); $tag = trim($tag, ' '); // Tag must have at least 2 chars // And it must be lesser than 32 chars if (!Validate::len($tag, 1, 32)) { unset($tags[$k]); } } if (!empty($tags)) { // Remove tags from PlaylistTag PlaylistTag::where('playlist_id', $this->playlist->id)->deleteMany(); // Insert tags $sql = str_repeat(',(?)', count($tags)); $sql[0] = ' '; Tag::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO tag(name) VALUES {$sql}", $tags); // Get inserted tags ids and point them to the new playlist $tags = Tag::select('id')->whereIn('name', $tags)->findMany(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $link = PlaylistTag::create(); $link->playlist_id = $this->playlist->id; $link->tag_id = $tag->id; $link->save(); } } } // Published status $this->playlist->published = isset($_POST['playlist']); /** * Add tracks into db */ if (!isset($_POST['tracks'])) { $error = 'You can\'t publish without any tracks'; $this->playlist->published = 0; } else { if (is_array($_POST['tracks'])) { $max = Base::$g['playlist_max_tracks']; $min = Base::$g['playlist_min_tracks']; $tracks = $_POST['tracks']; if (!isset($tracks[$min - 1])) { $error = "You can't publish without at least {$min} tracks"; $this->playlist->published = 0; } elseif (isset($track[$max])) { $error = "You can't have more than {$max} tracks in a playlist"; $tracks = array_slice($tracks, 0, $max); } /** * Check for haxing */ foreach ($tracks as $k => &$item) { $item = Validate::int($item); if ($item === false) { unset($tracks[$k]); } } // Also get duration $row = Track::whereIn('id', $tracks)->selectExpr('COUNT(id)', 'count')->selectExpr('SUM(duration)', 'duration')->findOne(); if ($row->count != count(array_unique($tracks))) { View::error('playlist/edit', 'Massive error 2. Contact the admin'); } // Store duration in minutes $this->playlist->tracks_count = $row->count; $this->playlist->duration = $row->duration / 60; // Delete the ones already in PlaylistTrack::where('playlist_id', $this->playlist->id)->deleteMany(); // Add new ones foreach ($tracks as $track) { $table = PlaylistTrack::create(); $table->playlist_id = $this->playlist->id; $table->track_id = $track; $table->save(); } } else { View::error('playlist/edit', 'Massive error. Contact the admin'); } } /** * Update playlist in database */ $this->playlist->save(); $msg = $error ?: 'Playlist succesfully edited'; Base::redirect('/' . $this->playlist->id, $msg); }
/** * User settings */ private function settings() { Base::requireLogged(); if (LOGGED !== $this->user->id) { Base::requireAdmin(); } if (!isset($_POST['usr']) && !isset($_POST['avatar']) && !isset($_POST['pwd'])) { View::show('profile/settings'); } // Username or email change if (isset($_POST['usr'])) { } elseif (isset($_POST['avatar'])) { Base::uploadImage($_FILES['avatar'], $avatar, $error); if ($error) { View::error('profile/settings', $error); } $this->user->avatar = $avatar; $this->user->save(); View::set('success', 'Avatar successfully changed'); View::set('user', $this->user->asArray()); // Actualized user View::show('profile/settings'); } elseif (isset($_POST['password'])) { $currentPwd = $_POST['current_pwd']; $password = $_POST['password']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; if (!Base::checkPassword($currentPwd, $this->user->password)) { $error = 'You misspelled your current password'; // Need help? Forgot pwd } elseif (!Validate::len($password, 4, 128)) { $error = 'Password must have more than 4 characters'; } elseif ($password != $password2) { $error = 'Passwords don\'t match'; } if ($error) { View::error('profile/settings', $error); } $this->user->password = Base::hashPassword($password); $this->user->save(); View::set('success', 'Password successfully changed'); View::show('profile/settings'); } }
protected function error($message = '操作失败', $url = null, $time = 1) { View::error($message, $url, $time); }