
require_once 'SithTemplate.php';
$environ = new TemplateEnviron();
// All security settings are set using environment's setting array.
// Some of them may be enforced at runtime, and some at compile time,
// see TemplateEnviron::$settings documentation for reference.
// The most common is variable autoescaping, which applies "escape" filter
// to all stand-alone variables (i.e. {{ vars }}), unless they are marked
// with "safe" pseudofilter.
// Autoescaping is turned on with "autoEscape" boolean setting.
$environ->settings['autoEscape'] = true;
$environ->render('string://{{ var }}', array('var' => '<b>'));
// will return "&lt;b&gt;"
$environ->render('string://{{ var|safe }}', array('var' => '<b>'));
// will return "<b>"
// Next, there are I/O restriction settings. They allow you to enforce specific I/O driver,
// e.g. when you load template using your own db:// driver, and you don't want loaded template
// to use any other I/O driver, like file:// or string://.
// Note that this is a bit primitive, and may be replaced sometime in the future.
// I/O restrictions are turned on by "restrictIncludeIO" and "restrictExtendIO" boolean settings.
$environ->settings['restrictIncludeIO'] = true;
$environ->render('string://{% include "string://test" %}', array());
// will return "test"
$environ->render('string://{% include "file://test.html" %}', array());
// will raise TemplateError
// Next, there are {{ internal }} access restrictions (again, a bit primitive and boolean only).
// Since {{ internal }} allows template to access global constants and superglobal arrays
// (like $_SERVER or $_ENV), it may introduce security risk in sandboxed environment
// (e.g. when templates are loaded from DB, and users can edit them).
// {{ internal }} restrictions can be set by turning off "allowInternalRequest"
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once 'SithTemplate.php';
$environ = new TemplateEnviron();
// You should always remember about error handling
// If error occurs during template compilation, exception message
// may contain template file and approx. line of the mistake.
// Errors are grouped - every group has it's own errorcode, specified
// as class constants in TemplateError.
try {
    $environ->render('string://{% bkock foo %}Typos are evil.{% endblock %}', array());
} catch (TemplateError $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
    // Unknown tag ...
    echo $e->getCode();
    // TemplateError::E_UNKNOWN_TAG