  setUp is called before every test case, to setup a clean environment.
 public function setUp()
     @mkdir($outputPrefix = './data/tplc/' . phpversion() . '/');
     $this->environ = TemplateEnviron::createFromINI('./data/conf.ini');
     $this->environ->settings['outputPrefix'] = $outputPrefix;
     $this->compiler = new TemplateCompilerEx();
     $this->compiler->settings =& $this->environ->settings;
     $this->environ->compiler = $this->compiler;
     $this->skipReflection = array('method' => array(), 'argument' => array());
     $this->skipSPL = array();
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) {
         $this->skipReflection['argument'] = array('getPosition');
         $this->skipSPL = array('objectHash');

require_once 'SithTemplate.php';
// You can change default settings during TemplateEnviron construction,
// by passing associative array to the constructor.
$environ = new TemplateEnviron(array('inputPrefix' => './templates/', 'outputPrefix' => './templates_c/'));
// You can also load settings from INI file, using static named constructor
// See sample-configuration.ini for syntax.
$environ = TemplateEnviron::createFromINI('settings.ini');
// Finally, you can change settings in runtime, by modifying settings
// array directly. Note that some settings won't take effect if changed
// in that way. Refer to documentation for more information.
$environ->settings['recompilationMode'] = TemplateEnviron::RECOMPILE_ALWAYS;