Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Widget Output
     * @param $args (array)
     * @param $instance (array) Widget values.
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        // widget output
        $title = empty($instance['title']) ? ' ' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        $number_of_posts = $instance['number_of_posts'];
        if (!post_type_exists('service')) {
            return false;
        // Testimonials start
        $args = array('numberposts' => $number_of_posts, 'post_type' => 'service');
        $services = get_posts($args);
        $widget_body = '<section class="featured-services-widget">';
        foreach ($services as $service) {
            $post_item = array('url' => $service->guid, 'content' => $service->post_content, 'title' => $service->post_title, 'image' => '', 'id' => $service->ID);
            if (has_post_thumbnail($service->ID)) {
                $post_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($service->ID));
                $post_item['image'] = '<img src="' . $post_image[0] . '" style="width:100%;" />';
         <article class="featured-service" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
           <div class="service-image">
            echo $post_item['image'];
           <h4 itemprop="name"><?php 
            echo $post_item['title'];
            echo PLS_Format::shorten_text($post_item['content'], 130);
           <p><a href="<?php 
            echo $post_item['url'];
" itemprop="url">Read More</a></p>
            $single_testimonial = ob_get_clean();
            /** Wrap the post in an article element and filter its contents. */
            $single_testimonial = apply_filters('pls_widget_services_post_inner', $single_testimonial, $post_item, $instance, $widget_id);
            /** Append the filtered post to the post list. */
            $widget_body .= apply_filters('pls_widget_services_post_outer', $single_testimonial, $post_item, $instance, $widget_id);
        $widget_body .= '</section>';
        // Display Widget
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($instance['title']) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
        echo $widget_body;
        echo $after_widget;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function custom_listings_search_list($listing_item_html, $listing, $context_var)
    // return $listing_item_html;
    /** Start output buffering. The buffered html will be returned to the filter. */
    // pls_dump($listing);

	<section class="list-item">
		<section class="list-pic">
			<div class="thumbs">
    if (is_array($listing['images'])) {
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 144, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => true));
    } else {
        echo PLS_Image::load('', array('resize' => array('w' => 144, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => true));

    if (isset($listing['rets']['mls_id'])) {
    		<p class="nrm-txt"><?php 
        _e('MLS', 'manchester');
 #: <?php 
        echo $listing['rets']['mls_id'];


		<section class="list-txt">                               
			<section class="list-info">
				<h5><a href="<?php 
    echo $listing['cur_data']['url'];
    echo $listing['location']['address'];
    echo $listing['location']['locality'] . ', ' . $listing['location']['region'];
				<p class="nrm-txt"><?php 
    echo substr($listing['cur_data']['desc'], 0, 300);
				<p class="nrm-txt">
    echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
</b> <span class="beds-n-baths"><?php 
    _e('Beds', 'manchester');
</span> |
    echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
</b> <span class="beds-n-baths"><?php 
    _e('Baths', 'manchester');
    if ($listing['cur_data']['sqft'] != null) {
						| <b><?php 
        echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));
</b><span class="beds-n-baths"> <?php 
        _e('sqft', 'manchester');

			<section class="list-price">
				<span class="green"><b><?php 
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));
    if (isset($listing['cur_data']['lse_trms'])) {
        echo $listing['cur_data']['lse_trms'];
</span><br />
    if (!empty($listing['property_type'])) {
					<span class="nrm-txt"><?php 
        echo ucwords($listing['property_type']);

			<section class="list-links">
				<!-- <section class="list-fav"><a href="#"><?php 
    _e('Add to favorites', 'manchester');
</a></section> -->
				<section class="list-req"><a href="mailto:<?php 
    echo pls_get_option('pls-user-email');
    _e('Request more info', 'manchester');
				<section class="list-btn1">
					<div class="img_btn"><a href="<?php 
    echo $listing['cur_data']['url'];
"><input type="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('See Details', 'manchester');
" class="button b-blue medium" /></a></div>
    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'inline_search', 'agent_name' => $listing['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing['rets']['oconame'] : false));

	<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>

    $html = ob_get_clean();
    // current js build throws a fit when newlines are present
    // will need to strip them.
    // added EMCA tag will solve in the future.
    $html = preg_replace('/[\\n\\r\\t]/', ' ', $html);
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function manchester_custom_slideshow_captions($data)
    if (is_array($data)) {
        // each full represents a listing we need to work with.
        // their position in the array matches the other relavent
        // info.
        if (isset($data['listing'])) {
            foreach ($data['listing'] as $index => $listing) {
                // pls_dump($listing);
                /** Get the listing caption. */

				<div id="caption-<?php 
                echo $index;
" class="orbit-html-caption">
					<a href="<?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['url'];
"><p class="address"><?php 
                echo $listing['location']['full_address'];
						<span class="beds"><?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
                _e('Beds', 'manchester');
						<span class="baths"> <?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
                _e('Baths', 'manchester');
						<span class="price">
                echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));
                if ($listing['cur_data']['lse_trms'] != null) {
                    // translate lease terms to human form
                    echo '&nbsp;' . PLS_Format::translate_lease_terms($listing);
					<a class="button b-blue large" href="<?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['url'];
                _e('See Details', 'manchester');

                $data['captions'][] = trim(ob_get_clean());
    // error_log(var_export($data['captions'], true));
    return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This is the template for the About Us page
$company_details = PLS_Plugin_API::get_company_details();
$comma_str = $company_details['location']['locality'] && $company_details['location']['region'] ? ', ' : '';

<div id="main">
	<div class="user-generated">
printf(__('About %s', 'tampa'), stripslashes($company_details['name']));
    <p id="company-phone"><?php 
echo PLS_Format::phone($company_details['phone']);
    <p id="company-address"><?php 
echo $company_details['location']['address'] . ' ' . $company_details['location']['unit'];
    <p id="company-city-state">
printf('%s%s%s', $company_details['location']['locality'], $comma_str, $company_details['location']['region']);

		<p id="company-decription"><?php 
echo $company_details['description'];
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Outputs and filters the widget.
  * The widget connects to the plugin using the framework plugin api class. 
  * If the class returns false, this means that either the plugin is 
  * missing, either the it has no API key set.
  * @since 0.0.1
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     list($args, $instance) = self::process_defaults($args, $instance);
     /** Extract the arguments into separate variables. */
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     /** Get the agent information from the plugin. */
     $agent = PLS_Plugin_API::get_user_details();
     $agent_array = array();
     // pls_dump($agent);
     /** If the plugin is active, and has an API key set... */
     if ($agent) {
         /* Output the theme's $before_widget wrapper. */
         echo $before_widget;
         /* If a title was input by the user, display it. */
         $widget_title = '';
         if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
             $widget_title = $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
         /** This array will hold the html for the agent info sections and will be passed to the filters. */
         $agent_html = $instance;
         // Add Name
         if (!empty($instance['name_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom name
             $agent_html['name'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'name');
             $agent_array['name'] = $instance['name_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's name
             if (!empty($instance['name']) && (!empty($agent['user']['first_name']) || !empty($agent['user']['last_name']))) {
                 $agent_html['name'] = pls_h_p(trim($agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name']), array('class' => 'fn h5', 'itemprop' => 'name'));
                 $agent_array['name'] = $agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name'];
             } else {
                 $agent_html['name'] = '';
                 $agent_array['name'] = '';
         // Add Email
         if (!empty($instance['email_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom email
             $agent_html['email'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'email');
             $agent_array['email'] = $instance['email_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's email
             if (!empty($instance['email']) && !empty($agent['user']['email'])) {
                 $agent_html['email'] = pls_h_p(pls_h_a("mailto:{$agent['user']['email']}", $agent['user']['email']), array('class' => 'email', 'itemprop' => 'email'));
                 $agent_array['email'] = $agent['user']['email'];
             } else {
                 $agent_html['email'] = '';
                 $agent_array['email'] = '';
         // Add Phone
         if (!empty($instance['phone_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom phone
             $agent_html['phone'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'phone');
             $agent_array['phone'] = $instance['phone_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's phone
             if (!empty($instance['phone']) && !empty($agent['user']['phone'])) {
                 $agent_html['phone'] = pls_h_p(PLS_Format::phone($agent['user']['phone']), array('class' => 'phone', 'itemprop' => 'phone'));
                 $agent_array['phone'] = PLS_Format::phone($agent['user']['phone'], array('class' => 'phone', 'itemprop' => 'phone'));
             } else {
                 $agent_html['phone'] = '';
                 $agent_array['phone'] = '';
         // Add Description
         if (!empty($instance['description_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom description
             $agent_html['description'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'description');
             $agent_array['description'] = $instance['description_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's descriptions
             if (!empty($instance['description']) && pls_get_option('pls-user-description')) {
                 $agent_bio = pls_get_option('pls-user-description');
                 $agent_html['description'] = pls_h_p($agent_bio, array('class' => 'desc p4', 'itemprop' => 'description'));
                 $agent_array['description'] = $agent_bio;
             } else {
                 $agent_html['description'] = '';
                 $agent_array['description'] = '';
         // Add Photo
         if (!empty($instance['image_uri'])) {
             // if admin set custom photo
             self::checkForCustom($instance, 'photo');
             $agent_array['photo'] = $instance['image_uri'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's photo
             $user_image_option = pls_get_option('pls-user-image');
             if (!empty($instance['photo']) && !empty($user_image_option)) {
                 $agent_html['photo'] = pls_h_img(@pls_get_option('pls-user-image'), trim($agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name']), array('class' => 'photo', 'itemprop' => 'image') + array() + array());
                 $agent_array['photo'] = $user_image_option;
             } else {
                 if (isset($agent['user']['headshot'])) {
                     $agent_html['photo'] = pls_h_img($agent['user']['headshot'], trim($agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name']), array('class' => 'photo', 'itemprop' => 'image') + array() + array());
                     $agent_array['photo'] = $agent['user']['headshot'];
                 } else {
                     $agent_array['photo'] = '';
         // Form the HTML elements
         // photo
         $agent_html['photo'] = '<img class="pls-agent-phone" src="' . esc_url($instance['image_uri']) . '" />';
         // texts
         $agent_info = array('name', 'email', 'phone', 'description');
         foreach ($agent_info as $value) {
             $agent_html[$value] = pls_h_p($agent_html[$value], array('class' => 'pls-agent-' . $value));
         /** Combine the agent information. */
         $widget_body = $agent_html['photo'] . $agent_html['name'] . $agent_html['email'] . $agent_html['phone'] . $agent_html['description'];
         /** Wrap the agent information in a section element. */
         $widget_body = apply_filters('pls_widget_agent_inner', $widget_body, $agent_html, $agent_array, $instance, $agent, $widget_id);
         /** Apply a filter on the whole widget */
         echo apply_filters('pls_widget_agent', $widget_title . $widget_body, $widget_title, $before_title, $after_title, $widget_body, $agent_html, $agent, $instance, $widget_id);
         /* Close the theme's widget wrapper. */
         if ($args['clearfix']) {
             echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
         echo $after_widget;
     } elseif (current_user_can('administrator')) {
         /** Display an error message if the user is admin. */
         // echo pls_get_no_plugin_placeholder( $widget_id );
Ejemplo n.º 6
function manchester_custom_home_listing_list($listing_html, $listing_data)
    // pls_dump($listing_data);

<section class="list-item">                                                  
	<section class="list-pic">

		<div class="thumbs">
    if (isset($listing_data['images']) && is_array($listing_data['images'])) {
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing_data['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 144, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true));
    } else {
        echo PLS_Image::load('', array('resize' => array('w' => 144, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true));

    if (isset($listing_data['rets']['mls_id'])) {
  		<p class="nrm-txt"><?php 
        _e('MLS', 'manchester');
 #: <?php 
        echo $listing_data['rets']['mls_id'];


	<section class="list-txt">

		<section class="list-info">

			<h5><a href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
    echo $listing_data['location']['address'];
    echo $listing_data['location']['locality'];
, <?php 
    echo $listing_data['location']['region'];
    if (isset($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'])) {
        echo '<p class="nrm-txt">';
        if (strlen($listing_data['cur_data']['desc']) < 150) {
            echo $listing_data['cur_data']['desc'];
        } else {
            $position = strrpos(substr($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'], 0, 150), ' ');
            echo substr($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'], 0, $position) . '...';
        echo '</p>';

			<p class="nrm-txt">
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['beds'];
</b> <span class="beds-n-baths"><?php 
    _e('Beds', 'manchester');
</span> | 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['baths'];
</b> <span class="beds-n-baths"><?php 
    _e('Baths', 'manchester');
    if (isset($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'])) {
        echo '| <b>' . PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false)) . '</b><span class="beds-n-baths"> ' . __('sqft', 'manchester') . '</span>';

		</section><!-- /list-info -->

		<section class="list-price">
			<span class="green"><b><?php 
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false));
    if ($listing_data['cur_data']['lse_trms'] != null) {
        // translate lease terms to human form
        echo PLS_Format::translate_lease_terms($listing_data);
			</span><br />
			<span class="nrm-txt">
    if ($listing_data['property_type'] == "fam_home") {
        echo __("Single Family Home", 'manchester');
    } else {
        $prop_type_frmttd = is_array($listing_data['property_type']) ? implode($listing_data['property_type']) : $listing_data['property_type'];
        echo ucwords($prop_type_frmttd);

		</section><!-- /list-price -->

		<section class="list-links">

			<!-- <section class="list-fav"><a href="#">Add to favorites</a></section> -->
    $api_whoami = PLS_Plugin_API::get_user_details();
    if (pls_get_option('pls-user-email')) {
			<section class="list-req">
				<a href="mailto:<?php 
        echo pls_get_option('pls-user-email');
" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Request more info', 'manchester');
    } else {
			<section class="list-req">
				<a href="mailto:<?php 
        echo $api_whoami['user']['email'];
        _e('Request more info', 'manchester');

			<section class="list-btn1">
				<div class="img_btn">
					<a href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
"><input type="submit" Value="<?php 
    _e('See Details', 'manchester');
" class="button b-blue medium" /></a>

		</section><!-- /list-links -->

	</section><!-- /list-text -->

    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'inline_search', 'agent_name' => $listing_data['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing_data['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing_data['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing_data['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing_data['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['oconame'] : false));
</section><!-- /list-item -->

<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>


    $listing_html = ob_get_clean();
    return $listing_html;
Ejemplo n.º 7
if (isset($amenities['uncur'])) {
        <div class="amenities grid_8 alpha">
            <h3>Local Amenities</h3>
    $amenities['uncur'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['uncur']);
    foreach ($amenities['uncur'] as $amenity => $value) {
        echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
        echo $value;
function custom_manchester_widget_html_filter($listing_html, $listing_data)
    // pls_dump($listing_data);
		<section class="listing-item">
				<a href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
    echo $listing_data['location']['address'];
			<section class="details">
				<span class="bed"><strong><?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['beds'];
</strong> <?php 
    _e('Beds', 'manchester');
				<span class="bath"><strong><?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['baths'];
</strong> <?php 
    _e('Baths', 'manchester');
				<span class="area"><strong><?php 
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));
</strong> <?php 
    _e('sqft', 'manchester');
			<section class="featured-image">
    if (isset($listing_data['images']) && is_array($listing_data['images'])) {
					<a href="<?php 
        echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing_data['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 280, 'h' => 170, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true));
    if (isset($listing_data['rets']['mls_id'])) {
    		<p class="mls"><?php 
        _e('MLS', 'manchester');
 #: <?php 
        echo $listing_data['rets']['mls_id'];
			<a class="learn-more" href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
    _e('Learn More', 'manchester');
    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'listings_widget', 'agent_name' => $listing_data['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing_data['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing_data['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing_data['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing_data['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['oconame'] : false));
			<div class="clearfix"></div>
    $listing_html = ob_get_clean();
    return $listing_html;
Ejemplo n.º 9
     * Returns a list of properties listed formated in a default html.
     * This function takes the raw properties data returned by the plugin and
     * formats wrapps it in html. The returned html is filterable in multiple
     * ways.
     * The defaults are as follows:
     *     'width' - Default 100. The listing image width. If set to 0,
     *          width is not added.
     *     'height' - Default false. The listing image height. If set to 0,
     *          width is not added.
     *     'placeholder_img' - Defaults to placeholder image. The path to the
     *          listing image that should be use if the listing has no images.
     *     'context' - An execution context for the function. Used when the
     *          filters are created.
     *     'context_var' - Any variable that needs to be passed to the filters
     *          when function is executed.
     *     'limit' - Default is 5. Total number of listings to retrieve. Maximum
     *          set to 50.
     * Defines the following filters:
     * pls_listings_request[_context] - Filters the request parameters.
     * pls_listing[_context] - Filters the individual listing html.
     * pls_listings[_context] - Filters the complete listings list html.
     * @static
     * @param array|string $args Optional. Overrides defaults.
     * @return string The html with the list of properties.
     * @since 0.0.1
    public static function init($args = '')
        $cache = new PLS_Cache('list');
        if ($result = $cache->get($args)) {
            // return $result;
        /** Define the default argument array. */
        $defaults = array('width' => 100, 'height' => 0, 'context' => '', 'context_var' => false, 'featured_option_id' => false, 'limit' => 5, 'sort_type' => 'asc', 'request_params' => '', 'neighborhood_polygons' => false);
        /** Merge the arguments with the defaults. */
        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        /** Extract the arguments after they merged with the defaults. */
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        // Sanitize the width
        if ($width) {
            $width = absint($width);
        /** Sanitize the height. */
        if ($height) {
            $height = absint($height);
        $request_params = wp_parse_args($args, array('limit' => $limit, 'sort_type' => $sort_type));
        // Filter the request parameters
        $request_params = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_listings_request', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $request_params, $context_var);
        // Start off with a placeholder in case the plugin is not active or there is no API key...
        $listings_raw = PLS_Listing_Helper::$default_listing;
        // If plugin is active, grab listings intelligently...
        if (!pls_has_plugin_error()) {
            $listings_raw = false;
            if ($featured_option_id) {
                $listings_raw = PLS_Listing_Helper::get_featured($featured_option_id, $args);
            if ($neighborhood_polygons) {
                $listings_raw = PLS_Plugin_API::get_polygon_listings(array('neighborhood_polygons' => $neighborhood_polygons));
            if ($listings_raw === false || isset($listings_raw['listings']) && empty($listings_raw['listings'])) {
                $listings_raw = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listings($request_params);
        /** Define variable which will contain the html string with the listings. */
        $return = '';
        /** Set the listing image attributes. */
        $listing_img_attr = array();
        if ($width) {
            $listing_img_attr['width'] = $width;
        if ($height) {
            $listing_img_attr['height'] = $height;
        /** Collect the html for each listing. */
        $listings_html = array();
        // filter listings before output
        if (isset($featured_listing_id)) {
            $listings_raw = apply_filters($context . '_partial_get_listings', $listings_raw, $featured_listing_id);
        // For repeated use in the loop...
        $listing_cache = new PLS_Cache('Listing');
        // Curate the listing_data...
        foreach ($listings_raw['listings'] as $listing_data) {
            // Ignore featured listings without images
            if (!empty($args['featured_option_id']) && empty($listing_data['images'])) {
            $listing_html = '';
            $cache_id = array('context' => $context, 'featured_option_id' => $featured_option_id, 'listing_id' => $listing_data['id']);
            if ($cached_listing_html = $listing_cache->get($cache_id)) {
                $listing_html = $cached_listing_html;
            if (empty($listing_html)) {
                // Use the placeholder image if the property has no photo
                if (!$listing_data['images']) {
                    $listing_data['images'][0]['url'] = '';
                    $listing_data['images'][0]['order'] = 0;
                // Remove the ID for each image (not needed by theme developers) and add the image HTML
                foreach ($listing_data['images'] as $image) {
                    $image['html'] = pls_h_img($image['url'], $listing_data['location']['address'], $listing_img_attr);
                $location = $listing_data['location'];
                $full_address = $location['address'] . ' ' . $location['region'] . ', ' . $location['locality'] . ' ' . $location['postal'];
                <div class="listing-item grid_8 alpha" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">

                  <div class="listing-thumbnail grid_3 alpha">
                    <a href="<?php 
                echo @$listing_data['cur_data']['url'];

                $property_images = is_array($listing_data['images']) ? $listing_data['images'] : array();
                usort($property_images, array(__CLASS__, 'order_listing_images'));
                echo PLS_Image::load($property_images[0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 210, 'h' => 140), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('alt' => $listing_data['location']['full_address'], 'itemprop' => 'image')));


                  <div class="listing-item-details grid_5 omega">
                    <p class="listing-item-address h4" itemprop="name">
                      <a href="<?php 
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::get_property_url($listing_data['id']);
" rel="bookmark" title="<?php 
                echo $listing_data['location']['address'];
" itemprop="url">
                echo $listing_data['location']['address'] . ', ' . $listing_data['location']['locality'] . ' ' . $listing_data['location']['region'] . ' ' . $listing_data['location']['postal'];

                    <div class="basic-details">
                if (!empty($listing_data['cur_data']['beds'])) {
                          <li class="basic-details-beds p1"><span>Beds:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing_data['cur_data']['beds'];

                if (!empty($listing_data['cur_data']['baths'])) {
                          <li class="basic-details-baths p1"><span>Baths:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing_data['cur_data']['baths'];

                if (!empty($listing_data['cur_data']['half_baths'])) {
                          <li class="basic-details-half-baths p1"><span>Half Baths:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing_data['cur_data']['half_baths'];

                if (!empty($listing_data['cur_data']['price'])) {
                          <li class="basic-details-price p1" itemprop="price"><span>Price:</span> <?php 
                    echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));

                if (!empty($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'])) {
                          <li class="basic-details-sqft p1"><span>Sqft:</span> <?php 
                    echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));

                if (!empty($listing_data['rets']['mls_id'])) {
                          <li class="basic-details-mls p1"><span>MLS ID:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing_data['rets']['mls_id'];

                    <p class="listing-description p4">
                echo substr($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'], 0, 300);


                  <div class="actions">
                    <a class="more-link" href="<?php 
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::get_property_url($listing_data['id']);
" itemprop="url">View Property Details</a>
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::placester_favorite_link_toggle(array('property_id' => $listing_data['id']));

                PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'inline_search', 'agent_name' => @$listing_data['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => @$listing_data['rets']['oname']));

                // Store the output...
                $listing_html = ob_get_clean();
                // Filter (pls_listing[_context]) the resulting HTML for a single listing
                $listing_html = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_listing', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $listing_html, $listing_data, $request_params, $context_var);
                // Cache the result...
                $listing_cache->save($listing_html, PLS_Cache::TTL_LOW);
            // Append the HTML to an array -- this will be passed to the final filter
            $listings_html[] = $listing_html;
            // Merge all the listings HTML
            $return .= $listing_html;
        // Wrap the listings HTML
        $return = pls_h('section', array('class' => "pls-listings pls-listings " . pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls-listing', $context), '-', 'pre', false)), $return);
        // Filter (pls_listings[_context]) the resulting HTML that contains the collection of listings
        $return = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_listings', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $return, $listings_raw, $listings_html, $request_params, $context_var);
        return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static function determine_appropriate_tags()
     // Check for memoized return value...
     if (!empty(self::$page_tags)) {
         return self::$page_tags;
     global $post;
     $tags = array();
     // get page template
     $page_template = self::determine_page_template();
     // determine $meta_tag_designations
     switch ($page_template) {
         case 'neighborhood':
             // Neighborhood / City Page
             $term = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('term'), get_query_var('taxonomy'));
             $tags['title'] = $term->name;
             $tags['address'] = "";
             $descrip = strip_tags($term->description);
             $descrip_more = '';
             if (strlen($descrip) > 155) {
                 $descrip = substr($descrip, 0, 155);
                 $descrip_more = ' ...';
             $descrip = str_replace('"', '', $descrip);
             $descrip = str_replace("'", '', $descrip);
             $descripwords = preg_split('/[\\n\\r\\t ]+/', $descrip, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $tags['description'] = implode(' ', $descripwords) . $descrip_more;
             $image_array = get_tax_meta($term->term_id, 'image_1');
             $tags['image'] = isset($image_array['src']) ? $image_array['src'] : '';
         case 'search':
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/LocalBusiness';
             $tags['title'] = 'Search results for: ' . get_search_query();
         case 'category':
             $category = get_the_category();
             $tags['title'] = $category[0]->cat_name;
             $tags['description'] = $category[0]->description;
         case 'date':
             if (is_day()) {
                 $tags['title'] = get_the_date() . ' Archives';
             } elseif (is_month()) {
                 $tags['title'] = get_the_date('F Y') . ' Archives';
             } elseif (is_year()) {
                 $tags['title'] = get_the_date('Y') . ' Archives';
             } else {
                 $tags['title'] = 'Blog Archives';
         case 'tag':
             $tag = single_tag_title('', false);
             $tags['title'] = $tag . ' tagged posts';
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/Blog';
             $tags['description'] = tag_description();
         case 'author':
             $tags['author'] = get_the_author();
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/Blog';
             $tags['title'] = 'Author Archives: ' . get_the_author_meta('display_name', get_query_var('author'));
             // $image - should be author's face is one is set... could also check for same name in agent's list too.
             $tags['description'] = tag_description();
         case 'property':
             $content = get_option('placester_listing_layout');
             if (isset($content) && $content != '') {
                 return $content;
             $html = '';
             $listing = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listing_in_loop();
             if (is_null($listing)) {
             // Single Property
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/Offer';
             if (isset($listing['location']['unit']) && $listing['location']['unit'] != null) {
                 $tags['title'] = @$listing['location']['address'] . ', ' . $listing['location']['unit'] . ' ' . @$listing['location']['locality'] . ', ' . @$listing['location']['region'];
                 $tags['address'] = @$listing['location']['address'] . ', ' . $listing['location']['unit'] . ' ' . @$listing['location']['locality'] . ', ' . @$listing['location']['region'];
             } else {
                 $tags['title'] = @$listing['location']['address'] . ' ' . @$listing['location']['locality'] . ', ' . @$listing['location']['region'];
                 $tags['address'] = @$listing['location']['address'] . ' ' . @$listing['location']['locality'] . ', ' . @$listing['location']['region'];
             $tags['image'] = @$listing['images']['0']['url'];
             $tags['description'] = esc_html(strip_tags($listing['cur_data']['desc']));
         case 'agent':
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/RealEstateAgent';
             $tags['title'] = $post->post_title;
         case 'service':
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/ProfessionalService';
             $tags['title'] = $post->post_title;
         case 'testimonial':
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/Review';
             $tags['title'] = $post->post_title;
         case 'community':
             $tags['title'] = $post->post_title;
             $tags['description'] = PLS_Format::shorten_excerpt($post, 155);
         case 'single':
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/BlogPosting';
             $tags['title'] = $post->post_title;
             if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
                 $post_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'thumbnail');
                 $tags['image'] = $post_image[0];
             $tags['description'] = PLS_Format::shorten_excerpt($post, 155);
             $tags['address'] = @pls_get_option('pls-company-street') . " " . @pls_get_option('pls-company-locality') . ", " . @pls_get_option('pls-company-region');
             $tags['author'] = $post->post_author;
         case 'other':
             // Home and other pages
             $tags['itemtype'] = 'http://schema.org/LocalBusiness';
             if (is_home()) {
                 $tags['title'] = pls_get_option('pls-company-name');
             } elseif (isset($post)) {
                 $values = get_post_custom($post->ID);
                 // give Yoast SEO a hand setting the title
                 $tags['title'] = !empty($values['_yoast_wpseo_title'][0]) ? $values['_yoast_wpseo_title'][0] : $post->post_title;
             } else {
                 $tags['title'] = '';
     $meta_data = self::process_defaults($tags);
     // Memoize this output...
     self::$page_tags = $meta_data;
     return $meta_data;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public static function get($args = array())
        // Store this for use in the final output/response...
        $sEcho = isset($_POST['sEcho']) ? $_POST['sEcho'] : 0;
        $context_orig = isset($_POST['context']) ? $_POST['context'] : '';
        // If length is not set for number of listings to return, set it to our Theme Options default
        $_POST['limit'] = isset($_POST['iDisplayLength']) ? $_POST['iDisplayLength'] : pls_get_option('listings_default_list_length');
        $_POST['offset'] = isset($_POST['iDisplayStart']) ? $_POST['iDisplayStart'] : 0;
        $saved_search_lookup = isset($_POST['saved_search_lookup']) ? $_POST['saved_search_lookup'] : null;
        // Remove this so it doesn't accidentally end up as a superfluous argument of an API call...
        // Handle location edge-case...
        if (!empty($_POST['location']) && !empty($_POST['location']['address']) && empty($_POST['location']['address_match'])) {
            $_POST['location']['address_match'] = 'like';
        // Handle saved search...
        if (!is_null($saved_search_lookup)) {
            // Attempt to retrieve search filters associated with the given saved search lookup ID...
            // NOTE: If no filters exist for the passed ID,
            $filters = PLS_Plugin_API::get_saved_search_filters($saved_search_lookup);
            if (empty($filters) || !is_array($filters)) {
                PLS_Plugin_API::save_search($saved_search_lookup, $_POST);
            } else {
                // For backwards compatibility, handle older fields that are no longer stored as saved search filters...
                $old_field_map = array('sEcho' => false, 'context' => false, 'iDisplayLength' => 'limit', 'iDisplayStart' => 'offset', 'saved_search_lookup' => false, 'action' => false);
                foreach ($old_field_map as $old => $new) {
                    if (isset($filters[$old])) {
                        if ($new !== false) {
                            $filters[$new] = $filters[$old];
                // Swap all existing POST filters for the ones associated with the retrieved saved search...
                $_POST = $filters;
        // Define the default argument array
        $defaults = array('loading_img' => admin_url('images/wpspin_light.gif'), 'image_width' => 100, 'crop_description' => 0, 'sort_type' => pls_get_option('listings_default_sort_type'), 'listings_per_page' => pls_get_option('listings_default_list_length'), 'context' => $context_orig, 'context_var' => NULL, 'append_to_map' => true, 'search_query' => $_POST, 'property_ids' => isset($_POST['property_ids']) ? $_POST['property_ids'] : '', 'allow_id_empty' => false);
        // Resolve function args with default ones (which include any existing POST fields)...
        $merged_args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        $cache = new PLS_Cache('list');
        if ($cached_response = $cache->get($merged_args)) {
            // This field must match the one passed in with this request...
            $cached_response['sEcho'] = $sEcho;
            echo json_encode($cached_response);
        // Extract the arguments after they merged with the defaults
        extract($merged_args, EXTR_SKIP);
        // Start off with a placeholder in case the plugin is not active or there is no API key...
        $api_response = PLS_Listing_Helper::$default_listing;
        // If plugin is active, grab listings intelligently...
        if (!pls_has_plugin_error()) {
            // Get the listings list markup and JS
            if (!empty($property_ids) || $allow_id_empty) {
                // Sometimes property_ids are passed in as a flat screen from the JS post object
                if (is_string($property_ids)) {
                    $property_ids = explode(',', $property_ids);
                $api_response = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listing_details(array('property_ids' => $property_ids, 'limit' => $_POST['limit'], 'offset' => $_POST['offset']));
            } elseif (isset($search_query['neighborhood_polygons']) && !empty($search_query['neighborhood_polygons'])) {
                $api_response = PLS_Plugin_API::get_polygon_listings($search_query);
            } else {
                $api_response = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listings($search_query);
        $response = array();
        // Build response for datatables.js
        $listings = array();
        $listings_cache = new PLS_Cache('Listing Thumbnail');
        foreach ($api_response['listings'] as $key => $listing) {
            // Check for cached listing thumbnail...
            $cache_id = array('context' => $context, 'listing_id' => $listing['id']);
            if (!($item_html = $listings_cache->get($cache_id))) {
                // Handle case of zero listing images...
                if (empty($listing['images'])) {
                    $listing['images'][0]['url'] = '';
                    <div class="listing-item grid_8 alpha" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer" data-listing="<?php 
                echo $listing['id'];
                        <div class="listing-thumbnail grid_3 alpha">
                $property_images = is_array($listing['images']) ? $listing['images'] : array();
                usort($property_images, array(__CLASS__, 'order_images'));
                             <a href="<?php 
                echo @$listing['cur_data']['url'];
" itemprop="url">
                echo PLS_Image::load($property_images[0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 210, 'h' => 140), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('alt' => $listing['location']['full_address'], 'itemprop' => 'image', 'placeholder' => PLS_IMG_URL . "/null/listing-300x180.jpg")));

                        <div class="listing-item-details grid_5 omega">
                                <p class="listing-item-address h4" itemprop="name">
                                    <a href="<?php 
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::get_property_url($listing['id']);
" rel="bookmark" title="<?php 
                echo $listing['location']['address'];
" itemprop="url">
                echo $listing['location']['address'] . ', ' . $listing['location']['locality'] . ' ' . $listing['location']['region'] . ' ' . $listing['location']['postal'];

                            <div class="basic-details">
                if (!empty($listing['cur_data']['beds'])) {
                                  		<li class="basic-details-beds p1"><span>Beds:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing['cur_data']['beds'];

                if (!empty($listing['cur_data']['baths'])) {
                                  		<li class="basic-details-baths p1"><span>Baths:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing['cur_data']['baths'];

                if (!empty($listing['cur_data']['half_baths'])) {
                                  		<li class="basic-details-half-baths p1"><span>Half Baths:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing['cur_data']['half_baths'];

                if (!empty($listing['cur_data']['price'])) {
                                  		<li class="basic-details-price p1" itemprop="price"><span>Price:</span> <?php 
                    echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));

                if (!empty($listing['cur_data']['sqft'])) {
                                  		<li class="basic-details-sqft p1"><span>Sqft:</span> <?php 
                    echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));

                if (!empty($listing['rets']['mls_id'])) {
                                        <li class="basic-details-mls p1"><span>MLS ID:</span> <?php 
                    echo @$listing['rets']['mls_id'];

                            <p class="listing-description p4" itemprop="description">
                echo substr($listing['cur_data']['desc'], 0, 300);


                        <div class="actions">
                            <a class="more-link" href="<?php 
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::get_property_url($listing['id']);
" itemprop="url">View Property Details</a>
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::placester_favorite_link_toggle(array('property_id' => $listing['id']));

                PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'inline_search', 'agent_name' => @$listing['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => @$listing['rets']['oname']));
                $item_html = ob_get_clean();
                $item_html = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_list_ajax_item_html", $context), '_', 'pre', false), htmlspecialchars_decode($item_html), $listing, $context_var);
            $listings[$key][] = $item_html;
            $listings[$key][] = $listing;
        // Required for datatables.js to function properly...
        $response['sFirst'] = 'Previous';
        $response['sPrevious'] = 'Next';
        $response['sEcho'] = $sEcho;
        $response['aaData'] = $listings;
        $api_total = isset($api_response['total']) ? $api_response['total'] : 0;
        $response['iTotalRecords'] = $api_total;
        $response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $api_total;
        echo json_encode($response);
        // Wordpress echos out a "0" randomly -- die prevents this...
Ejemplo n.º 12
function tampa_custom_slideshow_captions($data)
    // pls_dump($data);
    if (is_array($data)) {
        // each full represents a listing we need to work with.
        // their position in the array matches the other relavent
        // info.
        if (isset($data['listing'])) {
            foreach ($data['listing'] as $index => $listing) {
                // pls_dump($listing);
                /** Get the listing caption. */
				<div id="caption-<?php 
                echo $index;
" class="orbit-html-caption">

					<a href="<?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['url'];
                echo $listing['location']['full_address'];
</p></a><br />

						<span class="price-ico"><?php 
                echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));
                if (isset($listing['cur_data']['lse_trms'])) {
                    echo $listing['cur_data']['lse_trms'];
						<span class="beds-ico"><?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
                _e('Beds', 'tampa');
						<span class="baths-ico"><?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
                _e('Baths', 'tampa');
                if ($listing['cur_data']['sqft'] != null) {
							<span class="area-ico"> <?php 
                    PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));
                    _e('sqft', 'tampa');
					<a class="details-bt" href="<?php 
                echo $listing['cur_data']['url'];
                _e('See Details', 'tampa');

                $data['captions'][] = trim(ob_get_clean());
    return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 13
function custom_tampa_widget_html_filter($listing_html, $listing_data)
    // pls_dump($listing_data);

	<div class="featured-slot">
    if (isset($listing_data['images']) && is_array($listing_data['images'])) {
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing_data['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 120, 'h' => 90, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => false));
    } else {
        echo PLS_Image::load('', array('resize' => array('w' => 120, 'h' => 90, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => true));
				<a href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
    echo $listing_data['location']['full_address'];
			<p class="rent-label">
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));
    if ($listing_data['cur_data']['lse_trms'] != null) {
        echo '<em>' . $listing_data['cur_data']['lse_trms'] . '</em>';
    echo ucwords($listing_data['purchase_types'][0]);
    if (isset($listing_data['rets']['mls_id'])) {
    		<p class="mls"><?php 
        _e('MLS #', 'tampa');
: <?php 
        echo $listing_data['rets']['mls_id'];
    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'listings_widget', 'agent_name' => $listing_data['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing_data['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing_data['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing_data['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing_data['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['oconame'] : false));
		<div class="clearfix"></div>
    $listing_html = ob_get_clean();
    return $listing_html;
  * Returns a form that can be used to search for listings.
  * The defaults are as follows:
  *     'ajax' - Default is false. Wether the resulting form should use ajax 
  *          or not. If ajax is set to true, then for the form to work, the 
  *          results container should be defined on the page. 
  *          {@link PLS_Partials::get_listings_list_ajax()} should be used.
  *     'context' - An execution context for the function. Used when the 
  *          filters are created.
  *     'context_var' - Any variable that needs to be passed to the filters 
  *          when function is executed.
  * Defines the following hooks.
  *      pls_listings_search_form_bedrooms_array[_context] - Filters the 
  *          array with the data used to generate the select.
  *      pls_listings_search_form_bathrooms_array[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_available_on_array[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_cities_array[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_min_price_array[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_max_price_array[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_bedrooms_attributes[_context] - Filters 
  *          the attribute array for the select. If extra attributes need to 
  *          be added to the select element, they should be provided in 
  *          a array( $attribute_key => $attribute_value ) form.
  *      pls_listings_search_form_bathrooms_attributes[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_available_on_attributes[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_cities_attributes[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_min_price_attributes[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_max_price_attributes[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_bedrooms_html[_context] - Filters the html 
  *          for this option. Can be used to add extra containers.
  *      pls_listings_search_form_bathrooms_html[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_available_on_html[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_cities_html[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_min_price_html[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_max_price_html[_context]
  *      pls_listings_search_form_submit[_context] - Filters the form submit 
  *          button.
  *      pls_listings_search_form_inner[_context] - Filters the form inner html.
  *      pls_listings_search_form_outer[_context] - Filters the form html.
  * @static
  * @param array $args Optional. Overrides defaults.
  * @return string The html for the listings search form.
  * @since 0.0.1
 public static function init($args = '')
     // Define the default argument array
     $defaults = array('ajax' => false, 'class' => 'pls_search_form_listings', 'context' => '', 'theme_option_id' => '', 'context_var' => null, 'bedrooms' => 1, 'min_beds' => 1, 'max_beds' => 1, 'bathrooms' => 1, 'min_baths' => 1, 'max_baths' => 1, 'price' => 1, 'half_baths' => 1, 'property_type' => 1, 'listing_types' => 1, 'zoning_types' => 1, 'purchase_types' => 1, 'available_on' => 1, 'cities' => 1, 'multi_cities' => 0, 'states' => 1, 'multi_states' => 0, 'zips' => 1, 'neighborhood' => 1, 'multi_neighborhoods' => 0, 'county' => 1, 'min_price' => 1, 'max_price' => 1, 'min_price_rental' => 1, 'max_price_rental' => 1, 'min_price_sales' => 1, 'max_price_sales' => 1, 'neighborhood_polygons' => 0, 'neighborhood_polygons_type' => false, 'min_sqft' => 1, 'max_sqft' => 1, 'include_submit' => true, 'pls_empty_value' => array());
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $cache_id = $args;
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
         $cache_id['$_POST'] = $_POST;
     $cache = new PLS_Cache('Search Form');
     if ($result = $cache->get($cache_id)) {
         return $result;
     $form_options = array();
     // Set Form Defaults for params onload, set in Theme Options
     $form_options['location']['locality'] = pls_get_option('form_default_options_locality');
     $form_options['location']['region'] = pls_get_option('form_default_options_region');
     $form_options['location']['postal'] = pls_get_option('form_default_options_postal');
     $form_options['location']['neighborhood'] = pls_get_option('form_default_options_neighborhood');
     $form_options['location']['county'] = pls_get_option('form_default_options_county');
     $form_options['property_type'] = pls_get_option('form_default_options_property_type');
     $_POST = wp_parse_args($_POST, $form_options);
     //respect user settings, unless they are all empty.
     $user_search_params = pls_get_option($args['theme_option_id']);
     if (isset($user_search_params['hide_all']) && $user_search_params['hide_all'] == 1) {
         return '';
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $user_search_params);
     /** Extract the arguments after they merged with the defaults. */
     extract(wp_parse_args($args, $defaults), EXTR_SKIP);
     // Set the default empty values for the all the form elements.
     // Dev can change defaults via a filter in process defaults.
     $pls_empty_value = self::process_default_value_array($pls_empty_value, $context);
      * Elements options arrays. Used to generate the HTML.
     /** Prepend the default empty valued element. */
     $user_beds_start = pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-min');
     $user_beds_end = pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-max');
     if (is_numeric($user_beds_start) && is_numeric($user_beds_end)) {
         $beds_range = range($user_beds_start, $user_beds_end);
         $form_options['bedrooms'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['bedrooms']) + array_combine($beds_range, $beds_range);
     } else {
         $form_options['bedrooms'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['bedrooms']) + range(0, 16);
     /** Prepend the default empty valued element. */
     $user_baths_start = pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-min');
     $user_baths_end = pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-max');
     if (is_numeric($user_baths_start) && is_numeric($user_baths_end)) {
         $baths_range = range($user_baths_start, $user_baths_end);
         $form_options['bathrooms'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['bathrooms']) + array_combine($baths_range, $baths_range);
     } else {
         $form_options['bathrooms'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['bathrooms']) + range(0, 10);
     /** Prepend the default empty valued element. */
     $user_half_baths_start = pls_get_option('pls-option-half-bath-min');
     $user_half_baths_end = pls_get_option('pls-option-half-bath-max');
     if (is_numeric($user_half_baths_start) && is_numeric($user_half_baths_end)) {
         $half_bath_range = range($user_half_baths_start, $user_half_baths_end);
         $form_options['half_baths'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['half_baths']) + array_combine($half_bath_range, $half_bath_range);
     } else {
         $form_options['half_baths'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['half_baths']) + range(0, 10);
     /** Generate an array with the next 12 months. */
     $current_month = (int) date('m');
     for ($i = $current_month; $i < $current_month + 12; $i++) {
         $form_options['available_on'][date('d-m-Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1))] = date('F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1));
     /** Get the property type options */
     $get_type_response = PLS_Plugin_API::get_type_list();
     // error_log("GET_TYPE_RESPONSE\n" . serialize($get_type_response) . "\n");
     if (empty($get_type_response)) {
         $form_options['property_type'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['property_type']);
     } else {
         // if API serves up 'false' key in the array, remove it, because we're going to add one.
         if (isset($get_type_response['false'])) {
         $form_options['property_type'] = array_merge(array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['property_type']), $get_type_response);
     /** Get the listing type options. */
     $form_options['listing_types'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['listing_types']) + PLS_Plugin_API::get_type_values('listing');
     /** Get the zoning type options. */
     $form_options['zoning_types'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['zoning_types']) + PLS_Plugin_API::get_type_values('zoning');
     // removed "All" - it's not giving all listings. jquery needs to change to not include "[]"s
     // $form_options['zoning_types'] = PLS_Plugin_API::get_type_values( 'zoning' ); // for Multiple, not for single, see below
     /** Get the purchase type options. */
     $form_options['purchase_types'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['purchase_types']) + PLS_Plugin_API::get_type_values('purchase');
     // removed "All" - it's not giving all listings. jquery needs to change to not include "[]"s
     // $form_options['purchase_types'] = PLS_Plugin_API::get_type_values( 'purchase' );
     /** Prepend the default empty valued element. */
     $form_options['available_on'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['available_on']) + $form_options['available_on'];
     /** Prepend the default empty valued element. */
     $locations = PLS_Plugin_API::get_location_list();
     $neighborhood_polygons_options = PLS_Plugin_API::get_location_list_polygons($neighborhood_polygons_type);
     if (empty($locations['locality'])) {
         $form_options['cities'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['cities']);
     } else {
         $form_options['cities'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['cities']) + $locations['locality'];
     if (empty($locations['region'])) {
         $form_options['states'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['states']);
     } else {
         $form_options['states'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['states']) + $locations['region'];
     if (empty($locations['postal'])) {
         $form_options['zips'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['zips']);
     } else {
         $form_options['zips'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['zips']) + $locations['postal'];
     if (empty($locations['neighborhood'])) {
         $form_options['neighborhood'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['neighborhoods']);
     } else {
         $form_options['neighborhood'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['neighborhoods']) + $locations['neighborhood'];
     if (empty($locations['county'])) {
         $form_options['county'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['county']);
     } else {
         $form_options['county'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['county']) + $locations['county'];
     if (empty($neighborhood_polygons_options)) {
         $form_options['neighborhood_polygons'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['neighborhood_polygons']);
     } else {
         $form_options['neighborhood_polygons'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['neighborhood_polygons']) + $neighborhood_polygons_options;
     // Min/Max Sqft
     /** Define the minimum price options array. */
     $form_options['min_sqft'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['min_sqft'], '200' => '200', '400' => '400', '600' => '600', '800' => '800', '1000' => '1,000', '1200' => '1,200', '1400' => '1,400', '1600' => '1,600', '1800' => '1,800', '2000' => '2,000', '2200' => '2,200', '2400' => '2,400', '2600' => '2,600', '2800' => '2,800', '3000' => '3,000', '3500' => '3,500', '4000' => '4,000', '4500' => '4,500', '5000' => '5,000', '6000' => '6,000', '7000' => '7,000', '8000' => '8,000');
     $user_start_sqft = pls_get_option('pls-option-sqft-min') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-sqft-min') : 0;
     $user_end_sqft = pls_get_option('pls-option-sqft-max');
     $user_inc_sqft = pls_get_option('pls-option-sqft-inc');
     if (is_numeric($user_start_sqft) && is_numeric($user_end_sqft) && is_numeric($user_inc_sqft)) {
         // Handle when increment is larger than the range from start to end
         if ($user_inc_sqft > $user_end_sqft - $user_start_sqft) {
             $user_inc_sqft = $user_end_sqft - $user_start_sqft;
         $range = range($user_start_sqft, $user_end_sqft, $user_inc_sqft);
         $form_options['min_sqft'] = array();
         foreach ($range as $sqft_value) {
             $form_options['min_sqft'][$sqft_value] = PLS_Format::number($sqft_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
     /** Set the maximum price options array. */
     $form_options['max_sqft'] = $form_options['min_sqft'];
     /* max_sqft default needs to be set too */
     $form_options['max_sqft']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_sqft'], pls_get_textdomain());
     // Price Ranges
     /** Define the minimum price options array. */
     $form_options['min_price'] = array('pls_empty_value' => __($pls_empty_value['min_price'], pls_get_textdomain()), '0' => '$0', '400' => '$400', '500' => '$500', '2000' => '$2,000', '3000' => '$3,000', '4000' => '$4,000', '5000' => '$5,000', '50000' => '$50,000', '100000' => '$100,000', '200000' => '$200,000', '350000' => '$350,000', '400000' => '$400,000', '450000' => '$450,000', '500000' => '$500,000', '600000' => '$600,000', '700000' => '$700,000', '800000' => '$800,000', '900000' => '$900,000', '1000000' => '$1,000,000');
     /* Set the maximum price options array + its default */
     $form_options['max_price'] = $form_options['min_price'];
     $form_options['max_price']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_price'], pls_get_textdomain());
     $user_price_start = pls_get_option('pls-option-price-min') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-price-min') : 0;
     $user_price_end = pls_get_option('pls-option-price-max');
     $user_price_inc = pls_get_option('pls-option-price-inc');
     if (is_numeric($user_price_start) && is_numeric($user_price_end) && is_numeric($user_price_inc)) {
         $range = range($user_price_start, $user_price_end, $user_price_inc);
         // Create empty arrays
         $form_options['min_price'] = array();
         $form_options['max_price'] = array();
         // set empty values
         $form_options['min_price']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['min_price'], pls_get_textdomain());
         $form_options['max_price']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_price'], pls_get_textdomain());
         foreach ($range as $price_value) {
             $form_options['min_price'][$price_value] = PLS_Format::number($price_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
             $form_options['max_price'][$price_value] = PLS_Format::number($price_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
     // Price for Rentals
     /** Define the minimum price options array. */
     $form_options['min_price_rental'] = array('pls_empty_value' => __($pls_empty_value['min_price_rental'], pls_get_textdomain()), '200' => '$200', '400' => '$400', '600' => '$600', '800' => '$800', '1000' => '$1,000', '1100' => '$1,100', '1200' => '$1,200', '1300' => '$1,300', '1400' => '$1,400', '1500' => '$1,500', '1600' => '$1,600', '1700' => '$1,700', '1800' => '$1,800', '1900' => '$1,900', '2000' => '$2,000', '2100' => '$2,100', '2200' => '$2,200', '2300' => '$2,300', '2400' => '$2,400', '2500' => '$2,500', '2600' => '$2,600', '2700' => '$2,700', '2800' => '$2,800', '2900' => '$2,900', '3000' => '$3,000', '3500' => '$3,500', '4000' => '$4,000', '4500' => '$4,500', '5000' => '$5,000', '6000' => '$6,000', '7000' => '$7,000', '8000' => '$8,000');
     /* Set the maximum price rental options array + its default */
     $form_options['max_price_rental'] = $form_options['min_price_rental'];
     $form_options['max_price_rental']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_price_rental'], pls_get_textdomain());
     $user_price_start_rental = pls_get_option('pls-option-rental-price-min') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-rental-price-min') : 0;
     $user_price_end_rental = pls_get_option('pls-option-rental-price-max');
     $user_price_inc_rental = pls_get_option('pls-option-rental-price-inc');
     if (is_numeric($user_price_start_rental) && is_numeric($user_price_end_rental) && is_numeric($user_price_inc_rental)) {
         // Handle when increment is larger than the range from start to end
         if ($user_price_inc_rental > $user_price_end_rental - $user_price_start_rental) {
             $user_price_inc_rental = $user_price_end_rental - $user_price_start_rental;
         $range = range($user_price_start_rental, $user_price_end_rental, $user_price_inc_rental);
         // Create empty arrays
         $form_options['min_price_rental'] = array();
         $form_options['max_price_rental'] = array();
         // set empty values
         $form_options['min_price_rental']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['min_price_rental'], pls_get_textdomain());
         $form_options['max_price_rental']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_price_rental'], pls_get_textdomain());
         foreach ($range as $price_value) {
             $form_options['min_price_rental'][$price_value] = PLS_Format::number($price_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
             $form_options['max_price_rental'][$price_value] = PLS_Format::number($price_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
     // Price for Sales
     /** Define the minimum price options array. */
     $form_options['min_price_sales'] = array('pls_empty_value' => __($pls_empty_value['min_price_sales'], pls_get_textdomain()), '20000' => '$20,000', '40000' => '$40,000', '60000' => '$60,000', '80000' => '$80,000', '100000' => '$100,000', '120000' => '$120,000', '140000' => '$140,000', '160000' => '$160,000', '180000' => '$180,000', '200000' => '$200,000', '250000' => '$250,000', '300000' => '$300,000', '350000' => '$350,000', '400000' => '$400,000', '450000' => '$450,000', '500000' => '$500,000', '550000' => '$550,000', '600000' => '$600,000', '650000' => '$650,000', '700000' => '$700,000', '750000' => '$750,000', '800000' => '$800,000', '850000' => '$850,000', '900000' => '$900,000', '950000' => '$950,000', '1000000' => '$1,000,000');
     /* Set the maximum price sales options array + its default */
     $form_options['max_price_sales'] = $form_options['min_price_sales'];
     $form_options['max_price_sales']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_price_sales'], pls_get_textdomain());
     $user_price_start_sales = pls_get_option('pls-option-sales-price-min') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-sales-price-min') : 0;
     $user_price_end_sales = pls_get_option('pls-option-sales-price-max');
     $user_price_inc_sales = pls_get_option('pls-option-sales-price-inc');
     if (is_numeric($user_price_start_sales) && is_numeric($user_price_end_sales) && is_numeric($user_price_inc_sales)) {
         // Handle when increment is larger than the range from start to end
         if ($user_price_inc_sales > $user_price_end_sales - $user_price_start_sales) {
             $user_price_inc_sales = $user_price_end_sales - $user_price_start_sales;
         $range = range($user_price_start_sales, $user_price_end_sales, $user_price_inc_sales);
         // Create empty arrays
         $form_options['min_price_sales'] = array();
         $form_options['max_price_sales'] = array();
         // set empty values
         $form_options['min_price_sales']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['min_price_sales'], pls_get_textdomain());
         $form_options['max_price_sales']['pls_empty_value'] = __($pls_empty_value['max_price_sales'], pls_get_textdomain());
         foreach ($range as $price_value) {
             $form_options['min_price_sales'][$price_value] = PLS_Format::number($price_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
             $form_options['max_price_sales'][$price_value] = PLS_Format::number($price_value, array('abbreviate' => false));
     // Set min_beds/max_beds form element
     $form_options['min_beds'] = array('pls_empty_value' => __($pls_empty_value['min_beds'], pls_get_textdomain()), '0' => '0', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10' => '10', '11' => '11', '12' => '12', '13' => '13', '14' => '14', '15' => '15');
     $user_bed_start = pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-min') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-min') : 0;
     $user_bed_end = pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-max') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-max') : 15;
     $user_bed_inc = pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-inc') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-bed-inc') : 1;
     if (is_numeric($user_bed_start) && is_numeric($user_bed_end) && is_numeric($user_bed_inc)) {
         $range = range($user_bed_start, $user_bed_end, $user_bed_inc);
         $form_options['min_beds'] = array();
         foreach ($range as $bed_value) {
             $form_options['min_beds'][$bed_value] = $bed_value;
         $form_options['min_beds'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['min_beds']) + $form_options['min_beds'];
     /** Set the max beds array too. */
     $form_options['max_beds'] = $form_options['min_beds'];
     // Set min_baths/max_baths form element
     $form_options['min_baths'] = array('pls_empty_value' => __($pls_empty_value['min_baths'], pls_get_textdomain()), '0' => '0', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10' => '10');
     $user_bath_start = pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-min') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-min') : 0;
     $user_bath_end = pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-max') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-max') : 10;
     $user_bath_inc = pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-inc') ? pls_get_option('pls-option-bath-inc') : 1;
     if (is_numeric($user_bath_start) && is_numeric($user_bath_end) && is_numeric($user_bath_inc)) {
         $range = range($user_bath_start, $user_bath_end, $user_bath_inc);
         $form_options['min_baths'] = array();
         foreach ($range as $bath_value) {
             $form_options['min_baths'][$bath_value] = $bath_value;
         $form_options['min_baths'] = array('pls_empty_value' => $pls_empty_value['min_baths']) + $form_options['min_baths'];
     /** Set the max baths array too. */
     $form_options['max_baths'] = $form_options['min_baths'];
     /** Define an array for extra attributes. */
     $form_opt_attr = array();
     /** Filter form fields. */
     $form_option_keys = array_keys($form_options);
     $form_options_count = count($form_option_keys);
     // foreach( $form_options as $option_name => &$opt_array ) {
     // replace the foreach with for to provide reference update functionality in the loop
     for ($i = 0; $i < $form_options_count; $i++) {
         $option_name = $form_option_keys[$i];
         $opt_array = $form_options[$option_name];
         /** Filter each of the fields options arrays. */
         $opt_array = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_search_form_{$option_name}_array", $context), '_', 'pre', false), $opt_array, $context_var);
         /** Form options array. */
         $form_opt_attr[$option_name] = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_search_form_{$option_name}_attributes", $context), '_', 'pre', false), array(), $context_var);
         /** Make sure it is an array. */
         if (!is_array($form_opt_attr[$option_name])) {
             $form_opt_attr[$option_name] = array();
         /** Append the data-placeholder attribute. */
         if (isset($opt_array['pls_empty_value'])) {
             $form_opt_attr[$option_name] = $form_opt_attr[$option_name] + array('data-placeholder' => $opt_array['pls_empty_value']);
         $form_options[$option_name] = $opt_array;
     if (!isset($_POST['metadata'])) {
         $_POST['metadata'] = array();
      * Elements HTML.
     /** Add the bedrooms select element. */
     if ($bedrooms == 1) {
         $selected_beds = isset($_POST['metadata']['beds']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['beds']) : false;
         $form_html['bedrooms'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[beds]') + $form_opt_attr['bedrooms'], pls_h_options($form_options['bedrooms'], $selected_beds));
     /** Add the bedrooms select element. */
     if ($min_beds == 1) {
         $selected_min_beds = isset($_POST['metadata']['min_beds']) ? $_POST['metadata']['min_beds'] : false;
         $form_html['min_beds'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[min_beds]') + $form_opt_attr['min_beds'], pls_h_options($form_options['min_beds'], $selected_min_beds));
     /** Add the bedrooms select element. */
     if ($max_beds == 1) {
         $selected_max_beds = isset($_POST['metadata']['max_beds']) ? $_POST['metadata']['max_beds'] : false;
         $form_html['max_beds'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[max_beds]') + $form_opt_attr['max_beds'], pls_h_options($form_options['max_beds'], $selected_max_beds));
     /** Add the bathroms select element. */
     if ($bathrooms == 1) {
         $selected_baths = isset($_POST['metadata']['baths']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['baths']) : false;
         $form_html['bathrooms'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[baths]') + $form_opt_attr['bathrooms'], pls_h_options($form_options['bathrooms'], $selected_baths));
     /** Add the min baths select element. */
     if ($min_baths == 1) {
         $selected_min_baths = isset($_POST['metadata']['min_baths']) ? $_POST['metadata']['min_baths'] : false;
         $form_html['min_baths'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[min_baths]') + $form_opt_attr['min_baths'], pls_h_options($form_options['min_baths'], $selected_min_baths));
     /** Add the max baths select element. */
     if ($max_baths == 1) {
         $selected_max_baths = isset($_POST['metadata']['max_baths']) ? $_POST['metadata']['max_baths'] : false;
         $form_html['max_baths'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[max_baths]') + $form_opt_attr['max_baths'], pls_h_options($form_options['max_baths'], $selected_max_baths));
     /** Add the bathroms select element. */
     if ($half_baths == 1) {
         $selected_half_baths = isset($_POST['metadata']['half_baths']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['half_baths']) : false;
         $form_html['half_baths'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[half_baths]') + $form_opt_attr['half_baths'], pls_h_options($form_options['half_baths'], $selected_half_baths));
     /** Add the property type select element. */
     if ($property_type == 1) {
         $selected_property_type = isset($_POST['property_type']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['property_type']) : false;
         $form_html['property_type'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'property_type') + $form_opt_attr['property_type'], pls_h_options($form_options['property_type'], $selected_property_type));
     /** Add the listing type select element. */
     if ($listing_types == 1) {
         $selected_listing_types = isset($_POST['listing_types']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['listing_types']) : false;
         $form_html['listing_types'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'listing_types') + $form_opt_attr['listing_types'], pls_h_options($form_options['listing_types'], $selected_listing_types));
     /** Add the zoning type select element. */
     if ($zoning_types == 1) {
         $selected_zoning_types = isset($_POST['zoning_types']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['zoning_types']) : false;
         $form_html['zoning_types'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'zoning_types[]') + $form_opt_attr['zoning_types'], pls_h_options($form_options['zoning_types'], $selected_zoning_types));
     /** Add the purchase type select element. */
     if ($purchase_types == 1) {
         $default_purchase_types = @pls_get_option('default_form_options_purchase_types');
         // Set Default
         if (empty($_POST['purchase_types'])) {
             $purchase_types_select = array($default_purchase_types);
         } else {
             $purchase_types_select = wp_kses_post($_POST['purchase_types']);
         $form_html['purchase_types'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'purchase_types[]') + $form_opt_attr['purchase_types'], pls_h_options($form_options['purchase_types'], $purchase_types_select));
     /** Add the availability select element. */
     if ($available_on == 1) {
         $selected_avail_on = isset($_POST['metadata']['avail_on']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['avail_on']) : false;
         $form_html['available_on'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[avail_on]') + $form_opt_attr['available_on'], pls_h_options($form_options['available_on'], $selected_avail_on));
     /** Add the cities select element. */
     if ($multi_cities == 1) {
         // multi-city select option enabled
         $selected_locality = isset($_POST['location']['locality']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['locality']) : false;
         $form_html['cities'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[locality][]', 'multiple' => 'multiple') + $form_opt_attr['cities'], pls_h_options($form_options['cities'], $selected_locality, true));
     } elseif ($cities == 1) {
         $selected_locality = isset($_POST['location']['locality']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['locality']) : false;
         $form_html['cities'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[locality]') + $form_opt_attr['cities'], pls_h_options($form_options['cities'], $selected_locality, true));
     /** Add the cities select element. */
     if ($multi_states == 1) {
         // multi-state select option enabled
         $selected_region = isset($_POST['location']['region']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['region']) : false;
         $form_html['states'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[region][]', 'multiple' => 'multiple') + $form_opt_attr['states'], pls_h_options($form_options['states'], $selected_region, true));
     } elseif ($states == 1) {
         $selected_region = isset($_POST['location']['region']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['region']) : false;
         $form_html['states'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[region]') + $form_opt_attr['states'], pls_h_options($form_options['states'], $selected_region, true));
     /** Add the cities select element. */
     if ($zips == 1) {
         $selected_postal = isset($_POST['location']['postal']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['postal']) : false;
         $form_html['zips'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[postal]') + $form_opt_attr['zips'], pls_h_options($form_options['zips'], $selected_postal, true));
     /** Add the neighborhood select element. */
     if ($multi_neighborhoods == 1) {
         // multi-neighborhood select option enabled
         $selected_neighborhood = isset($_POST['location']['neighborhood']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['neighborhood']) : false;
         $form_html['neighborhood'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[neighborhood][]', 'multiple' => 'multiple') + $form_opt_attr['neighborhood'], pls_h_options($form_options['neighborhood'], $selected_neighborhood, true));
     } elseif ($neighborhood == 1) {
         $selected_neighborhood = isset($_POST['location']['neighborhood']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['neighborhood']) : false;
         $form_html['neighborhood'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[neighborhood]') + $form_opt_attr['neighborhood'], pls_h_options($form_options['neighborhood'], $selected_neighborhood, true));
     /** Add the county select element. */
     if ($county == 1) {
         $selected_county = isset($_POST['location']['county']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['county']) : false;
         $form_html['county'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[county]') + $form_opt_attr['county'], pls_h_options($form_options['county'], $selected_county, true));
     /** Add the neighborhood / neighborhood_polygon select element. */
     if ($neighborhood_polygons == 1) {
         if (count($form_options['neighborhood_polygons']) > 1) {
             $selected_polygons = isset($_POST['neighborhood_polygons']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['neighborhood_polygons']) : false;
             $form_html['neighborhood_polygons'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'neighborhood_polygons') + $form_opt_attr['neighborhood_polygons'], pls_h_options($form_options['neighborhood_polygons'], $selected_polygons, true));
         } else {
             // default to MLS data for neighborhoods if no polygons are set
             $selected_polygons = isset($_POST['location']['neighborhood']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['location']['neighborhood']) : false;
             $form_html['neighborhood_polygons'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'location[neighborhood]') + $form_opt_attr['neighborhood'], pls_h_options($form_options['neighborhood'], $selected_neighborhood, true));
     /** Add the minimum sqft select element. */
     if ($min_sqft == 1) {
         $selected_min_sqft = isset($_POST['metadata']['min_sqft']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['min_sqft']) : false;
         $form_html['min_sqft'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[min_sqft]') + $form_opt_attr['min_sqft'], pls_h_options($form_options['min_sqft'], $selected_min_sqft));
     /** Add the minimum price select element. */
     if ($max_sqft == 1) {
         $selected_max_sqft = isset($_POST['metadata']['max_sqft']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['max_sqft']) : false;
         $form_html['max_sqft'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[max_sqft]') + $form_opt_attr['max_sqft'], pls_h_options($form_options['max_sqft'], $selected_max_sqft));
     /** Add the minimum price select element. */
     if ($min_price == 1) {
         $selected_min_price = isset($_POST['metadata']['min_price']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['min_price']) : false;
         $form_html['min_price'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[min_price]') + $form_opt_attr['min_price'], pls_h_options($form_options['min_price'], $selected_min_price));
     /** Add the maximum price select element. */
     if ($max_price == 1) {
         $selected_max_price = isset($_POST['metadata']['max_price']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['max_price']) : false;
         $form_html['max_price'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[max_price]') + $form_opt_attr['max_price'], pls_h_options($form_options['max_price'], $selected_max_price));
     /** Add the minimum price select element. */
     if ($min_price_rental == 1) {
         $selected_min_price = isset($_POST['metadata']['min_price']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['min_price']) : false;
         $form_html['min_price_rental'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[min_price]') + $form_opt_attr['min_price'], pls_h_options($form_options['min_price_rental'], $selected_min_price));
     /** Add the maximum price select element. */
     if ($max_price_rental == 1) {
         $selected_max_price = isset($_POST['metadata']['max_price']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['max_price']) : false;
         $form_html['max_price_rental'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[max_price]') + $form_opt_attr['max_price'], pls_h_options($form_options['max_price_rental'], $selected_max_price));
     /** Add the minimum price select element. */
     if ($min_price_sales == 1) {
         $selected_min_price = isset($_POST['metadata']['min_price']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['min_price']) : false;
         $form_html['min_price_sales'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[min_price]') + $form_opt_attr['min_price'], pls_h_options($form_options['min_price_sales'], $selected_min_price));
     /** Add the maximum price select element. */
     if ($max_price_sales == 1) {
         $selected_max_price = isset($_POST['metadata']['max_price']) ? wp_kses_post($_POST['metadata']['max_price']) : false;
         $form_html['max_price_sales'] = pls_h('select', array('name' => 'metadata[max_price]') + $form_opt_attr['max_price'], pls_h_options($form_options['max_price_sales'], $selected_max_price));
     $section_title = array('bedrooms' => 'Beds', 'min_beds' => 'Min Beds', 'max_beds' => 'Max Beds', 'bathrooms' => 'Baths', 'min_baths' => 'Min Baths', 'max_baths' => 'Max Baths', 'half_baths' => 'Half Baths', 'property_type' => 'Property Type', 'zoning_types' => 'Zoning Type', 'listing_types' => 'Listing Type', 'purchase_types' => 'Purchase Type', 'available_on' => 'Available', 'cities' => 'Near', 'states' => 'State', 'zips' => 'Zip Code', 'min_price' => 'Min Price', 'max_price' => 'Max Price', 'neighborhood' => 'Neighborhood', 'county' => 'County', 'min_beds' => 'Min Beds', 'max_beds' => 'Max Beds', 'min_price_rental' => 'Min Price Rental', 'max_price_rental' => 'Max Price Rental', 'min_price_sales' => 'Min Price Sales', 'max_price_sales' => 'Max Price Sales', 'neighborhood_polygons' => 'Neighborhood Polygon', 'min_sqft' => 'Min Sqft', 'max_sqft' => 'Max Sqft');
     // In case user somehow disables all filters.
     if (empty($form_html)) {
         return '';
     /** Apply filters on all the form elements html. */
     $form_html_keys = array_keys($form_html);
     $form_html_count = count($form_html_keys);
     // foreach( $form_html as $option_name => &$opt_html ) {
     for ($i = 0; $i < $form_html_count; $i++) {
         $option_name = $form_html_keys[$i];
         $opt_html = $form_html[$option_name];
         $opt_html = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_search_form_{$option_name}_html", $context), '_', 'pre', false), $opt_html, $form_options[$option_name], $section_title[$option_name], $context_var);
         $form_html[$option_name] = $opt_html;
     /** Combine the form elements. */
     $form = '';
     foreach ($form_html as $label => $select) {
         $form .= pls_h('section', array('class' => $label . ' pls_search_form'), pls_h_label($section_title[$label], $label) . $select);
     /** Add the filtered submit button. */
     if ($include_submit) {
         $form_html['submit'] = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_search_submit", $context), '_', 'pre', false), pls_h('input', array('class' => 'pls_search_button', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'Search')), $context_var);
         /** Append the form submit. */
         $form .= $form_html['submit'];
     /** Wrap the combined form content in the form element and filter it. */
     $form_id = pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls-listings-search-form', $context), '-', 'pre', false);
     $form = pls_h('form', array('action' => @$form_data->action, 'method' => 'post', 'id' => $form_id, 'class' => $class), @$form_data->hidden_field . apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_search_form_inner", $context), '_', 'pre', false), $form, $form_html, $form_options, $section_title, $context_var));
     /** Filter the form. */
     $result = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array("pls_listings_search_form_outer", $context), '_', 'pre', false), $form, $form_html, $form_options, $section_title, @$form_data, $form_id, $context_var);
     // Load the filters.js script...
     $result .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . trailingslashit(PLS_JS_URL) . 'scripts/filters.js"></script>';
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
function custom_property_details_page($html, $listing)

<section id="lvl2">
	<div class="wrapper">
		<div id="property">
    _e('Property Details', 'manchester');
				<section class="property-inf">
					<div class="property-title">
						<span class="blue"><b><?php 
    echo $listing['location']['full_address'];
    echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
    _e('Bedrooms', 'manchester');
</span> <span><?php 
    echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
    _e('Bathrooms', 'manchester');
		<div class="property-price">
			<span class="green"><b><?php 
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));

<section class="property-bin">
	<div class="property-img">
		<div class="img_box">
    if ($listing['images']) {
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 600, 'h' => 250, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('img_classes' => 'main-banner')));
    } else {
        echo PLS_Image::load(null, array('resize' => array('w' => 600, 'h' => 250, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('img_classes' => 'main-banner')));

<!-- sidebar container section -->
<section class="property-map">
	<div class="property-gmap">
    echo PLS_Map::dynamic($listing, array('lat' => $listing['location']['coords'][0], 'lng' => $listing['location']['coords'][1], 'zoom' => '14', 'width' => 338, 'height' => 230, 'canvas_id' => 'map_canvas', 'class' => 'custom_google_map', 'map_js_var' => 'pls_google_map', 'ajax_form_class' => false));

	<script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
        var map = new Map();
        var listing = new Listings({
          single_listing: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing);
          map: map
          type: 'single_listing', 
          listings: listing,
          lat : <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][0]);
          lng : <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][1]);
          zoom : 14

	<div class="property-lnks">
		<!-- <section class="list-fav"><a href="#"><?php 
    _e('Add to favorites', 'manchester');
</a></section> -->
		<section class="list-req"><a href="<?php 
    echo pls_get_option('pls-user-email');
    _e('Request more info', 'manchester');

		<!-- </div>
	</div> end of wrapper
</section> -->

<section id="lvl4">
	<div class="wrapper">
		<section class="left-content">

			<section class="list2">
    _e('DETAILS', 'manchester');
				<section class="list-item">
					<section class="list-details">

						<section class="list-details-1-2">
    _e('Zoning Type', 'manchester');
    echo ucwords($listing['zoning_types'][0]);
    if (isset($listing['purchase_types'][0])) {
        _e('Listing Type', 'manchester');
        echo ucwords($listing['purchase_types'][0]);
    if ($listing['property_type']) {
        _e('Property Type', 'manchester');
        echo PLS_Format::translate_property_type($listing);

    if (isset($listing['rets']['mls_id'])) {
        _e('MLS#', 'manchester');
        echo $listing['rets']['mls_id'];
    } else {
        _e('Ref #', 'manchester');
        echo $listing['id'];


						<section class="list-details-2-2">
    _e('Bedrooms', 'manchester');
    echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
    _e('Bathrooms', 'manchester');
    echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
    _e('Half Baths', 'manchester');
    echo $listing['cur_data']['half_baths'];


				<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>

    if ($listing['cur_data']['desc']) {
        _e('DESCRIPTION', 'manchester');
					<section class="list-item">
						<section class="list-details"><?php 
        echo $listing['cur_data']['desc'];

				<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>

    $amenities = PLS_Format::amenities_but($listing, array('half_baths', 'beds', 'baths', 'url', 'sqft', 'avail_on', 'price', 'desc'));

    if (isset($amenities['list']) && $amenities['list'] != null) {
        $amenities['list'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['list']);
        _e('PROPERTY AMENITIES', 'manchester');
						<section class="list-item">
							<section class="list-amenity">
        foreach ($amenities['list'] as $amenity => $value) {
            echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
            echo $value;

						<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>

    if (isset($amenities['ngb']) && $amenities['ngb'] != null) {
        $amenities['ngb'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['ngb']);
        _e('NEIGHBORHOOD AMENITIES', 'manchester');
						<section class="list-item">
							<section class="list-amenity">
        foreach ($amenities['ngb'] as $amenity => $value) {
            echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
            echo $value;

						<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>

    if (isset($amenities['uncur']) && $amenities['uncur'] != null) {
        $amenities['uncur'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['uncur']);
        _e('CUSTOM AMENITIES', 'manchester');
						<section class="list-item">
							<section class="list-amenity">
        foreach ($amenities['uncur'] as $amenity => $value) {
            echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
            echo $value;

						<div class="separator-1-sma"></div>

			</section><!-- /.list2 -->
		</section><!-- /.left-content -->

		<aside class="sidebar">
			<section class="side-bin2">

    if ($listing['images']) {
        _e('PHOTO GALLERY', 'manchester');
				<section class="gallery">
        foreach ($listing['images'] as $image) {
            echo PLS_Image::load($image['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 140, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => false));

		<div class="clr"></div>
	</div><!-- end of wrapper -->

<section id="lvl5">
	<div class="wrapper">

		<section class="neighborhood">

    _e('NEIGHBORHOOD', 'manchester');
			<section class="neighborhood-map">
    echo PLS_Map::dynamic($listing, array('lat' => $listing['location']['coords'][0], 'lng' => $listing['location']['coords'][1], 'zoom' => '13', 'width' => 960, 'height' => 258, 'canvas_id' => 'map_canvas_nbr', 'class' => 'custom_google_map_nbr', 'map_js_var' => 'pls_google_map_nbr', 'ajax_form_class' => false));

			<script type="text/javascript">
		        jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
		          var map_nbr = new Map();
		          var listing_nbr = new Listings({
		            single_listing: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing);
		            map: map_nbr
		            type: 'single_listing', 
		            dom_id: 'map_canvas_nbr',
		            listings: listing_nbr,
		            lat: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][0]);
		            lng: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][1]);
		            zoom: 14

    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'listings', 'agent_name' => $listing['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing['rets']['oconame'] : false));
	</div><!-- end of wrapper -->

    return ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 16
function custom_listing_ajax_data_filter($listings)
    foreach ($listings as $listing) {
        //format price
        $listing->price = PLS_Format::number($listing->price, array('add_currency_sign' => true, 'abbreviate' => false));
        //format images
        if (isset($listing->images) && is_array($listing->images)) {
            foreach ($listing->images as $index => $image) {
                // pls_dump($image->url);
                // pls_dump(PLS_Image::load($image->url, array('resize' => array('w' => 149, 'h' => 90, 'method' => 'crop') ) ));
                // $listings->images[$index]->url = PLS_Image::load($image->url, array('resize' => array('w' => 149, 'h' => 90, 'method' => 'crop') ) );
    return $listings;
Ejemplo n.º 17
     * Widget Output
     * @param $args (array)
     * @param $instance (array) Widget values.
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        // widget output
        $title = empty($instance['title']) ? ' ' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        $number_of_posts = isset($instance['number_of_posts']) ? $instance['number_of_posts'] : 5;
        $widget_id = isset($instance['widget_id']) ? $instance['widget_id'] : 1;
        /** Define the default argument array. */
        $defaults = array('before_widget' => '<section class="testimonials-widget widget">', 'after_widget' => '</section>', 'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">', 'after_title' => '</h3>');
        /** Merge the arguments with the defaults. */
        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        if (!post_type_exists('testimonial')) {
            return false;
        // Testimonials start
        $args = array('numberposts' => $number_of_posts, 'post_type' => 'testimonial');
        $testimonials = get_posts($args);
        $widget_body = '<section class="featured-testimonials-widget">';
        foreach ($testimonials as $testimonial) {
            $post_item = array('url' => $testimonial->guid, 'content' => $testimonial->post_content, 'title' => $testimonial->post_title, 'image' => '', 'id' => $testimonial->ID, 'testimonial_giver' => get_post_meta($testimonial->ID, 'testimonial_giver', true), 'testimonial_giver_from' => get_post_meta($testimonial->ID, 'testimonial_giver_from', true));
            if (has_post_thumbnail($testimonial->ID)) {
                $post_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($testimonial->ID));
                $post_item['image'] = '<img src="' . $post_image[0] . '" style="width:100%;" />';
        <article class="featured-testimonial" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Review">
          <h4 itemprop="name"><?php 
            echo $post_item['title'];
          <blockquote itemprop="review">
            echo PLS_Format::shorten_text($post_item['content'], 130);
            if ($post_item['testimonial_giver']) {
                echo '<p><cite>' . $post_item['testimonial_giver'] . '</cite></p>';
          <p><a href="<?php 
            echo $post_item['url'];
" itemprop="url">Read More</a></p>
            $single_testimonial = ob_get_clean();
            /** Wrap the post in an article element and filter its contents. */
            $single_testimonial = apply_filters('pls_widget_testimonials_post_inner', $single_testimonial, $post_item, $instance, $widget_id);
            /** Append the filtered post to the post list. */
            $widget_body .= apply_filters('pls_widget_testiomonials_post_outer', $single_testimonial, $post_item, $instance, $widget_id);
        $widget_body .= '</section>';
        // Display Widget
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($instance['title']) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
        echo $widget_body;
        echo $after_widget;
Ejemplo n.º 18
function custom_property_details_page($html, $listing)
    // pls_dump($listing);
<div id="main">
	<section class="property-banner">
    if ($listing['images']) {
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 625, 'h' => 292, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('img_classes' => 'main-banner')));
    } else {
        echo PLS_Image::load(null, array('resize' => array('w' => 625, 'h' => 292, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('img_classes' => 'main-banner')));
  	<p class="state"><?php 
    echo $listing['location']['full_address'];
 <span class="rent"><?php 
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add-currency-sign' => true));
<em></em></span><br><span class="details"><?php 
    echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
    _e('Bedrooms', 'tampa');
 | <?php 
    echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
    _e('Bathrooms', 'tampa');

	<section class="user-generated">
    _e('Details', 'tampa');
		<ul class="list-half">
    _e('Listing Type', 'tampa');
    echo ucwords($listing['purchase_types'][0]);
    _e('Bedrooms', 'tampa');
    echo $listing['cur_data']['beds'];
    _e('Property Type', 'tampa');
    echo PLS_Format::translate_property_type($listing);
    _e('Bathrooms', 'tampa');
    echo $listing['cur_data']['baths'];
    if (isset($listing['rets']['mls_id'])) {
        _e('MLS #', 'tampa');
        echo $listing['rets']['mls_id'];
    _e('Half Baths', 'tampa');
    echo $listing['cur_data']['half_baths'];
		<div class="clr"></div>

    if ($listing['cur_data']['desc']) {
		<section class="user-generated">
        _e('Description', 'tampa');
        echo $listing['cur_data']['desc'];

    $amenities = PLS_Format::amenities_but($listing, array('half_baths', 'beds', 'baths', 'url', 'sqft', 'avail_on', 'price', 'desc'));

    if (isset($amenities['list']) && $amenities['list'] != null) {
		<section class="user-generated">
        _e('Property Amenities', 'tampa');
			<ul class="list-third">
        $amenities['list'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['list']);
        foreach ($amenities['list'] as $amenity => $value) {
            echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
            echo $value;
			<div class="clr"></div>

    if (isset($amenities['ngb']) && $amenities['ngb'] != null) {
		<section class="user-generated">
        _e('Neighborhood Amenities', 'tampa');
			<ul class="list-third">
        $amenities['ngb'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['ngb']);
        foreach ($amenities['ngb'] as $amenity => $value) {
            echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
            echo $value;
			<div class="clr"></div>

    if (isset($amenities['uncur']) && $amenities['uncur'] != null) {
		<section class="user-generated">
        _e('Property Amenities', 'tampa');
			<ul class="list-third">
        $amenities['uncur'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['uncur']);
        foreach ($amenities['uncur'] as $amenity => $value) {
            echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
            echo $value;
			<div class="clr"></div>

	<section id="single-property-mini-map">
		<h3><php _e('Location', 'tampa'); ?></h3>
    echo PLS_Map::dynamic($listing, array('lat' => $listing['location']['coords'][0], 'lng' => $listing['location']['coords'][1], 'zoom' => '14', 'width' => 288, 'height' => 217, 'canvas_id' => 'map_canvas', 'class' => 'custom_google_map', 'map_js_var' => 'pls_google_map', 'ajax_form_class' => false));

		<script type="text/javascript">
	      jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
	        var map = new Map();
	        var listing = new Listings({
	          single_listing: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing);
	          map: map
	          type: 'single_listing', 
	          listings: listing,
	          lat : <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][0]);
	          lng : <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][1]);
	          zoom : 14

	    <div class="map-bar">
	    	<!-- <a class="fav-org" href="#">Add to Favorites</a> -->
	      	<a class="info-org" href="mailto:<?php 
    echo pls_get_option('pls-user-email');
    _e('Request More Info', 'tampa');
	      	<div class="clr"></div>

    if ($listing['images']) {
		<section id="gallery">
        _e('Photo Gallery', 'tampa');
        foreach ($listing['images'] as $image) {
            echo PLS_Image::load($image['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 120, 'h' => 95, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => false));


<div class="clr"></div>

<section id="full">
  	<section class="user-generated">
    _e('Neighborhood', 'tampa');
    echo PLS_Map::dynamic($listing, array('lat' => $listing['location']['coords'][0], 'lng' => $listing['location']['coords'][1], 'zoom' => '14', 'width' => 930, 'height' => 260, 'canvas_id' => 'map_canvas_nbr', 'class' => 'custom_google_map_nbr', 'map_js_var' => 'pls_google_map_nbr', 'ajax_form_class' => false));

  	<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
          var map_nbr = new Map();
          var listing_nbr = new Listings({
            single_listing: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing);
            map: map_nbr
            type: 'single_listing', 
            dom_id: 'map_canvas_nbr',
            listings: listing_nbr,
            lat: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][0]);
            lng: <?php 
    echo json_encode($listing['location']['coords'][1]);
            zoom: 14
    if (isset($listing['cur_data']['mls_number']) && isset($listing['mls_logo'])) {
		<section class="user-generated">
        _e('Listing Supply Source', 'tampa');
				<p class="p-supply"><?php 
        _e('MLS #', 'tampa');
: <?php 
        echo $listing['cur_data']['mls_number'];
		    <div class="clr"></div>
    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'listings', 'agent_name' => $listing['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing['rets']['oconame'] : false));

    return ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 19
function tampa_custom_home_listing_list($listing_html, $listing_data)
    // pls_dump($listing_data);
		<section class="list-unit">

			<section class="lu-left">
    if (isset($listing_data['images']) && is_array($listing_data['images'])) {
        echo PLS_Image::load($listing_data['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 144, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true));
    } else {
        echo PLS_Image::load('', array('resize' => array('w' => 144, 'h' => 93, 'method' => 'crop'), 'fancybox' => true));

    if (isset($listing_data['rets']['mls_id']) && $listing_data['rets']['mls_id']) {
       		<p class="mls"><span>MLS #:</span> <?php 
        echo $listing_data['rets']['mls_id'];


			<section class="lu-right">
				<div class="lu-address">
					<h4><a href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
    echo $listing_data['location']['address'];
					<p class="area"><?php 
    echo $listing_data['location']['locality'];
, <?php 
    echo $listing_data['location']['region'];

				<div class="lu-price">
					<p class="price"><strong><?php 
    echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));
    if ($listing_data['cur_data']['lse_trms'] != null) {
        echo $listing_data['cur_data']['lse_trms'];
					<p class="rent-label"><?php 
    if (isset($listing_data['purchase_types'][0])) {
        echo ucwords($listing_data['purchase_types'][0]);

				<div class="lu-main">
    if (isset($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'])) {
        echo '<p>';
        if (strlen($listing_data['cur_data']['desc']) < 200) {
            echo $listing_data['cur_data']['desc'];
        } else {
            $position = strrpos(substr($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'], 0, 200), ' ');
            echo substr($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'], 0, $position) . '...';
        echo '</p>';
					<p class="info"><span><?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['beds'];
</span> Bedrooms | <span><?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['baths'];
</span> Bathrooms 
    if ($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'] != null) {
        echo '| <span>' . PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false)) . '</span> sqft';
					<!-- <a class="fav" href="#">Add to Favorites</a> -->					
    $api_whoami = PLS_Plugin_API::get_user_details();

    if (pls_get_option('pls-user-email')) {
					<a class="info-bt" href="mailto:<?php 
        echo pls_get_option('pls-user-email');
" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Request Information', 'tampa');
    } else {
					<a class="info-bt" href="mailto:<?php 
        echo $api_whoami['user']['email'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Request Information', 'tampa');
					<a class="see-details-link details-bt" href="<?php 
    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['url'];
    _e('See Details', 'tampa');
    PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'inline_search', 'agent_name' => $listing_data['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => $listing_data['rets']['oname'], 'office_phone' => PLS_Format::phone($listing_data['contact']['phone']), 'agent_license' => isset($listing_data['rets']['alicense']) ? $listing_data['rets']['alicense'] : false, 'co_agent_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['aconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['aconame'] : false, 'co_office_name' => isset($listing_data['rets']['oconame']) ? $listing_data['rets']['oconame'] : false));
			<div class="clr"></div>

    $listing_html = ob_get_clean();
    return $listing_html;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public static function init($content)
        global $post;
        if ($post->post_type == 'property') {
            $html = '';
            $listing_data = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listing_in_loop();
            // re-order images by assigned order
            $property_images = is_array($listing_data['images']) ? $listing_data['images'] : array();
            usort($property_images, array('PLS_Partials_Property_Details', 'sort_images_by_order'));
            // reset the images
            $listing_data['images'] = $property_images;
            // Problems with API key or inconsistent data lead to notices due to null listings
            if (!is_null($listing_data)) {
                $listing_data['location']['full_address'] = $listing_data['location']['address'] . ' ' . $listing_data['location']['locality'] . ' ' . $listing_data['location']['region'];
                // This has to happen here to ensure it's not filtered out by whatever might be filtering this output...
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::log_snippet_js('listing_view', array('prop_id' => $listing_data['id']));
					<h2 itemprop="name" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress">
						<span itemprop="streetAdress"><?php 
                echo $listing_data['location']['address'];
</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality"><?php 
                echo $listing_data['location']['locality'];
</span>, <span itemprop="addressRegion"><?php 
                echo $listing_data['location']['region'];
                echo PLS_Plugin_API::placester_favorite_link_toggle(array('property_id' => $listing_data['id'], 'add_text' => 'Add To Favorites', 'remove_text' => 'Remove From Favorites'));
					<p itemprop="price"><?php 
                echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['price'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => true));
                echo PLS_Format::translate_lease_terms($listing_data);
					<p class="listing_type"><?php 
                if (isset($listing_data['zoning_types'][0]) && isset($listing_data['purchase_types'][0])) {
                    echo ucwords(@$listing_data['zoning_types'][0] . ' ' . @$listing_data['purchase_types'][0]);

					<div class="clearfix"></div>
                if ($listing_data['images']) {
						<div class="theme-default property-details-slideshow">
                    echo PLS_Image::load($listing_data['images'][0]['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 590, 'h' => 300), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('itemprop' => 'image')));
                    // echo PLS_Slideshow::slideshow( array( 'anim_speed' => 1000, 'pause_time' => 15000, 'control_nav' => true, 'width' => 620, 'height' => 300, 'context' => 'home', 'data' => PLS_Slideshow::prepare_single_listing($listing_data) ) );

						<div class="details-wrapper grid_8 alpha">
							<div id="slideshow" class="clearfix theme-default left bottomborder">
								<div class="grid_8 alpha">
									<ul class="property-image-gallery grid_8 alpha">
                    foreach ($listing_data['images'] as $images) {
                        echo PLS_Image::load($images['url'], array('resize' => array('w' => 100, 'h' => 75), 'fancybox' => true, 'as_html' => true, 'html' => array('itemprop' => 'image')));

	                <div class="basic-details grid_8 alpha">
	                        <li><span>Beds: </span><?php 
                echo $listing_data['cur_data']['beds'];
	                        <li><span>Baths: </span><?php 
                echo $listing_data['cur_data']['baths'];
                if (isset($listing_data['cur_data']['half_baths']) && $listing_data['cur_data']['half_baths'] != null) {
	                        	<li><span>Half Baths: </span><?php 
                    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['half_baths'];
	                        <li><span>Square Feet: </span><?php 
                echo PLS_Format::number($listing_data['cur_data']['sqft'], array('abbreviate' => false, 'add_currency_sign' => false));
                if (isset($listing_data['cur_data']['avail_on']) && $listing_data['cur_data']['avail_on'] != null) {
	                        	<li itemprop="availability"><span>Available: </span><?php 
                    echo @$listing_data['cur_data']['avail_on'];
	                        <li>Property Type: <?php 
                echo PLS_Format::translate_property_type($listing_data);
                if (isset($listing_data['rets']) && isset($listing_data['rets']['mls_id'])) {
	                        	<li><span>MLS #: </span><?php 
                    echo $listing_data['rets']['mls_id'];
	                <div class="details-wrapper grid_8 alpha">
	                    <h3>Property Description</h3>
                if (!empty($listing_data['cur_data']['desc'])) {
	                        <p itemprop="description"><?php 
                    echo $listing_data['cur_data']['desc'];
                } else {
	                        <p> No description available </p>
                $amenities = PLS_Format::amenities_but($listing_data, array('half_baths', 'beds', 'baths', 'url', 'sqft', 'avail_on', 'price', 'desc'));
                if (!empty($amenities['list'])) {
	                  <div class="amenities-section grid_8 alpha">
	                    <h3>Listing Amenities</h3>
                    $amenities['list'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['list']);
                    foreach ($amenities['list'] as $amenity => $value) {
                        echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
                        echo $value;
                if (!empty($amenities['ngb'])) {
		                <div class="amenities-section grid_8 alpha">
		                  <h3>Local Amenities</h3>
                    $amenities['ngb'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['ngb']);
                    foreach ($amenities['ngb'] as $amenity => $value) {
                        echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
                        echo $value;
                if (!empty($amenities['uncur'])) {
		                <div class="amenities-section grid_8 alpha">
		                  <h3>Custom Amenities</h3>
                    $amenities['uncur'] = PLS_Format::translate_amenities($amenities['uncur']);
                    foreach ($amenities['uncur'] as $amenity => $value) {
                        echo $amenity;
</span> <?php 
                        echo $value;
		            <div class="map-wrapper grid_8 alpha">
		                <h3>Property Map</h3>
                        <script type="text/javascript">
                          jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
                            var map = new Map();
                            var listing = new Listings({
                              single_listing : <?php 
                echo json_encode($listing_data);
                              map: map
                              type: 'single_listing', 
                              listings: listing,
                              lat : <?php 
                echo json_encode($listing_data['location']['coords'][0]);
                              lng : <?php 
                echo json_encode($listing_data['location']['coords'][1]);
                              zoom : 14
	                    <div class="map">
                echo PLS_Map::dynamic($listing_data, array('lat' => $listing_data['location']['coords'][0], 'lng' => $listing_data['location']['coords'][1], 'height' => 250, 'zoom' => 16));
                PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'listings', 'agent_name' => @$listing_data['rets']['aname'], 'office_name' => @$listing_data['rets']['oname']));
                // Store output...
                $html = ob_get_clean();
            // Enable Lead Capture
            $lead_capture_enable = pls_get_option('pd-lc-enable');
            if ($lead_capture_enable == 1) {
	                <!-- Lead Capture Shortcode -->
	                <div style="display:none;" href="#" id="property-details-lead-capture">
                // Store output...
                $lead_capture_block = ob_get_clean();
            $html = apply_filters('property_details_filter', $html, $listing_data);
            // Add lead capture block to HTML
            if (isset($lead_capture_block)) {
                $html = $lead_capture_block . $html;
            return $html;
        // Post is not of type property, so just return what was initially passed in...
        return $content;