<th>Group</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Surname</th> <th>Birthdate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($users as $id => $values) { echo "<tr>" . nl(); echo "<td>" . $values['username'] . "</td>" . nl(); echo "<td><a class='btn' href='mailto:" . $values['email'] . "?subject=Hi There'>Send Email</i></a></td>" . nl(); echo "<td>" . $values['group'] . "</td>" . nl(); echo "<td>" . Options::userGet($id, 'firstName') . "</td>" . nl(); echo "<td>" . Options::userGet($id, 'surname') . "</td>" . nl(); $dob = Options::userExists($id, 'dateOfBirth') ? time2str(Options::userGet($id, 'dateOfBirth')) : ''; echo "<td>" . $dob . "</td>" . nl(); echo "</tr>" . nl(); } } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if (isset($pager)) { echo $pager; } // Print Pager } else {
<br /> <div class="alert alert-error"> <strong>Warning</strong> <br /> Changing your password will log you out </div> </div> </div> <!-- Default settings above, now for the dynamic fields --> <?php $options = Options::getList(false, 'User Settings'); if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { $type = $value['type']; // Get the user specific values from the Options_users table $val = Options::userGet($userId, $option); $label = camelcase2space($option); echo '<div class="control-group">' . nl(); echo ' <label class="control-label" for="' . $option . '">' . $label . '</label>' . nl(); echo ' <div class="controls">' . nl(); if ($type == 'input') { echo '<input type="text" class="input-xlarge" id="' . $option . '" name="' . $option . '" value="' . $val . '">' . nl(); } if ($type == 'textarea') { echo '<textarea class="textarea input-xxlarge" id="' . $option . '" name="' . $option . '">' . $val . '</textarea>' . nl(); } if ($type == 'bool') { echo bool_select($val, $option); } if ($type == 'date') { echo mdy($val, $option, 'd m y');
$mm = $_POST[$dateOption . $dmy[1]]; } else { $mm = 1; } if (isset($_POST[$dateOption . $dmy[2]])) { $yyyy = $_POST[$dateOption . $dmy[2]]; } else { $yyyy = date('Y', time()); } //echo $dd . "/" . $mm . "/" . $yyyy; $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yyyy); //echo date('r', $timestamp); // Check if the options exists, then if the value compares otherwise update it. if (Options::exists($dateOption)) { // Compare the posted value to the value in the DB and update it if neccesarry if (htmlspecialchars(Options::userGet($userId, $dateOption)) !== htmlspecialchars($timestamp)) { // Set the option to the new value Options::userSet($userId, $dateOption, $timestamp); $changes = true; } } } if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Save Changes') { // These are the 2 static things in your account a password and a email address if (isset($_POST['user-email']) && $Error->email($_POST['user-email'], false) && $_POST['user-email'] !== $u->email) { $u->email = $_POST['user-email']; $u->update(); Activation::remove($userId); $link = full_url_to_script('activate.php') . "?action=activate&code=" . Activation::generate($userId) . "&id=" . $userId; Emailtemplate::setBaseDir('./assets/email_templates'); $html = Emailtemplate::loadTemplate('reactivate', array('title' => 'Reactivation Email', 'prettyName' => Options::get('prettyName'), 'name' => $u->username, 'siteName' => Options::get('emailName'), 'activationLink' => $link, 'footerLink' => Options::get('siteName'), 'footerEmail' => Options::get('emailInfo')));
$_REQUEST = fix_slashes($_REQUEST); $_COOKIE = fix_slashes($_COOKIE); } // Load our config settings $Config = Config::getConfig(); // Run the options and install functions, this would be if there are no information present in the db require DOC_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc.php'; // Check for installation and create the tables needed require DOC_ROOT . '/includes/options.inc.php'; // Get the options from the DB // Store session info in the database? if (Config::get('useDBSessions') === true) { DBSession::register(); } // Initialize our session session_name('spfs'); session_start(); // Initialize current user $Auth = Auth::getAuth(); // This dynamically creates the options variables except for the User Settings foreach (Options::getList(false, false, "WHERE `group`!='User Settings'") as $option => $values) { ${$option} = $values['value']; } // This dynamically creates the User Variables if ($Auth->loggedIn()) { foreach (Options::getList(false, 'User Settings') as $option => $val) { ${$option} = Options::userGet($Auth->id, $option); } } // Object for tracking and displaying error messages $Error = Error::getError();