Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function init()
     $model = Options::model()->findByPk(1);
     $this->site_name = $model->site_name;
     $this->email = $model->email;
     $this->top_news_count = $model->top_news_count;
     $this->short_description_symbols = $model->short_description_symbols;
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page.
 public function actionWeboptions()
     if (isset($_POST['options_posted'])) {
         User::updateOptionTemplate(User::optionsWebTemplate(), 0, 0);
     } else {
         $this->render('weboptions', array('weboptions' => Options::model()->findAll('companyId=0 AND userId=0', array())));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function optionsArrayToString()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->compare('companyId', $this->id);
     $criteria->compare('userId', 0);
     $options = Options::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $returnString = '';
     foreach ($options as $n => $option) {
         $returnString .= $option->name . '=' . $option->datavalue . ";";
     return $returnString;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Manages all models.
 public function actionIndex()
     $model = Options::model()->findByPk(1);
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['Options'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Options'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('main', 'Данные успешно сохранены!'));
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('main', 'Ошибка!'));
     $this->render('index', array('model' => $model));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * getElementsAndDynamicAttributes
  * @param array $componentData
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function getElementsAndDynamicAttributes($componentData = [])
     $elements = [];
     $attributeArray = [];
     $dynamicDataAttributes = [];
     //$getFormCondition = 't.formId=:formId';
     //$getFormParams = array(':formId' => 1);
     $getForm = EvaluationElements::model()->findAll();
     //$elements['title'] = "Components Form";
     $elements['showErrorSummary'] = true;
     $elements['showErrors'] = true;
     $elements['errorSummaryHeader'] = Yii::app()->params['headerErrorSummary'];
     $elements['errorSummaryFooter'] = Yii::app()->params['footerErrorSummary'];
     $elements['activeForm']['id'] = "EvalForm";
     $elements['activeForm']['enableClientValidation'] = true;
     $elements['activeForm']['clientOptions'] = ['validateOnSubmit' => true];
     //$elements['activeForm']['enableAjaxValidation'] = false;
     $elements['activeForm']['class'] = 'CActiveForm';
     //print_r($getForm); die();
     $evalElements = $getForm;
     $dataArray['getForm'] = $elements;
     $inputType = 'text';
     //$dynamicDataAttributes['frameworkId'] = 'frameworkId';
     //$rules[] = ['frameworkId', 'required'];
     $designData = FrameworkContext::model()->findAll(['condition' => 'userId=:userId', 'params' => [':userId' => Yii::app()->user->id]]);
     $designItems = [];
     // process the dropdown data into an array
     foreach ($designData as $params) {
         $designItems[$params->frameworkId] = $params->name;
     $elements['elements'] = EvaluationHeader::getElements();
     // add the dropdown items to the element
     //$elements['elements']['frameworkId']['items'] = $designItems;
     $elements['elements']['evaContext']['type'] = 'form';
     //$elements['elements']['evaluationName']['layout'] = '{label} {input} {hint} {error}';
     $rules = [];
     $labels = [];
     foreach ($evalElements as $element) {
         //set the model attribute array
         $attributeId = $element->inputName . "_" . $element->evalElementsId;
         $dynamicDataAttributes[$attributeId] = '';
         $validation = $element->required ? 'required' : 'safe';
         $rules[] = [$attributeId, $validation];
         if ($element->inputName == 'componentNo') {
             $rules[] = [$attributeId, 'numerical'];
         $highlightClass = "";
         if (isset($attributeArray[$element->evalElementsId])) {
             $highlightClass = "attributeHighlight";
         $labels[$attributeId] = $element->label;
         // add the elements to the CForm array
         $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements'][$attributeId] = ['label' => $element->label, 'required' => $element->required, 'type' => $element->inputType, 'class' => $highlightClass, 'title' => UtilModel::urlToLink($element->elementMetaData), 'data-field' => $element->evalElementsId];
         // Add an image icon that will be displayed on the ui to show more info
         $button = CHtml::image('', '', ['id' => 'moreInfoButton' . $element->evalElementsId, 'style' => 'cursor:pointer', 'class' => 'ui-icon ui-icon-info', 'title' => 'More Information', 'onClick' => '$("#moreInfoDialog").html($("#popupData' . $element->evalElementsId . '").html());$("#moreInfoDialog").dialog("open")']);
         // Add the image icon and information to the layout/ui
         //			if (!empty($element->moreInfo) && !empty($element->url) && !empty($element->description)) {
         //				$elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements'][$attributeId]['layout'] = '{label}<div class="componentImagePopup">' . $button .
         //					'</div>{hint} {input}' . '<div id="popupData' . $element->evalElementsId . '" style="display:none">' . $element->moreInfo . '</div>' .
         //					'<div class="componentDataPopup">' . $element->description .
         //					' <br/> <a href=' . $element->url . ' target=_blank>' . $element->url . '</a></div> {error}';
         //			}
         // add the values to the form
         if (!empty($componentData[$attributeId])) {
             $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements'][$attributeId]['value'] = $componentData[$attributeId]['value'];
         // add the component name element value
         if (!empty($componentData['evaluationName'])) {
             $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements']['evaluationName']['value'] = $componentData['evaluationName'];
         // add the frameworkId element value
         if (!empty($componentData['frameworkId'])) {
             $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements']['frameworkId']['value'] = $componentData['frameworkId'];
         //add the dropdown parameters
         if ($element->inputType == 'dropdownlist') {
             $items = CHtml::listData(Options::model()->findAll(['condition' => 'elementId=:elementId', 'params' => [':elementId' => $element->evalElementsId]]), 'optionId', 'label');
             // add the dropdown items to the element
             $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements'][$attributeId]['items'] = $items;
             $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements'][$attributeId]['prompt'] = 'Choose one';
         if ($element->inputName == 'currentCost' || $element->inputName == 'budgetLimit') {
             $elements['elements']['evaContext']['elements'][$attributeId]['class'] = 'update-able';
     $elements['buttons'] = ['newEvaluation' => ['type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Create evaluation context']];
     $returnArray = ['elements' => $elements, 'dynamicDataAttributes' => $dynamicDataAttributes, 'labels' => $labels, 'rules' => $rules];
     return $returnArray;
  * Displays the requested report
 public function actionReport()
     //throw(new Exception('just die'));
     if ((isset($_POST['ShowReport']) || isset($_POST['DownloadPDF']) || isset($_POST['DownloadExcel'])) && isset($_POST['reportId'])) {
         $this->_model = Report::model()->findbyPk($_POST['reportId']);
         if ($this->_model === null) {
             throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
         //delete all the old report parameter values
         ReportUserLastUsedParams::model()->dbConnection->createCommand('DELETE FROM ReportUserLastUsedParams WHERE reportId=' . $this->_model->id . ' AND userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id)->execute();
         //build the Sql sats
         $aliases = array();
         $replacements = array();
         $repParams = $this->_model->reportparameters;
         $parameterValues = array();
         $graphicFilename = "";
         $title = "";
         if (isset($repParams) && count($repParams) > 0) {
             foreach ($repParams as $n => $repParam) {
                 //get the new parameter values
                 if ($repParam->dataType == 'HIDDEN_NO_SHOW_HEAD' || $repParam->dataType == 'HIDDEN_SHOW_HEAD') {
                     if (strlen($repParam->phpSecondaryInfo) > 0) {
                     } else {
                         $defaultValue = $repParam->defaultValue;
                         if ($repParam->isDefaultPhp) {
                     $parameterValues[$n] = $defaultValue;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_POST[$n])) {
                         if ($repParam->dataType == 'DATE') {
                             $parameterValues[$n] = User::parseDate($_POST[$n]);
                         } else {
                             $parameterValues[$n] = $_POST[$n];
                         if (strlen($title) == 0) {
                             $title = $_POST[$n];
                         $negateGraphicValues = false;
                         if ($repParam->name == 'Negate values for graphics') {
                             $negateGraphicValues = (int) $_POST[$n];
                         //save the parameter values
                         $saveLast = new ReportUserLastUsedParams();
                         $saveLast->reportId = $this->_model->id;
                         $saveLast->userId = Yii::app()->user->id;
                         $saveLast->paramId = $n;
                         $saveLast->LastUsedValue = $parameterValues[$n];
                 //get the aliases
                 if (strlen($repParam->alias) > 0) {
                     $aliases[] = $repParam->alias;
                     if ($repParam->dataType == 'HIDDEN_NO_SHOW_HEAD' || $repParam->dataType == 'HIDDEN_SHOW_HEAD') {
                         $defaultValue = $repParam->defaultValue;
                         if ($repParam->isDefaultPhp) {
                         $replacements[] = $defaultValue;
                     } else {
                         if ($repParam->dataType == 'DATE') {
                             $replacements[] = User::parseDate($_POST[$n]);
                         } else {
                             $replacements[] = $_POST[$n];
                     if ($repParam->alias == '{ShowGraph}' && strlen($_POST[$n]) > 0) {
                         $graphicFilename = $_POST[$n];
         $sqlSelect = str_replace($aliases, $replacements, $this->_model->selectSql);
         //			var_dump($aliases);
         //			var_dump($replacements);
         //echo $sqlSelect.'<br><br>';
         //			echo $sqlSelect; die();
         //execute the Sql sats
         //Yii::log($sqlSelect, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'system.web.CController');
         $command = Report::model()->dbConnection->createCommand($sqlSelect);
         try {
             $reader = $command->query();
             //foreach($reader as $row)print_r($row);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo '<h2>Died on Sql execution</h2>' . $sqlSelect;
             throw $e;
         $imageFileNames = array();
         $imageFilePaths = array();
         if (strlen($graphicFilename) > 0) {
             $images = $this->readXmlGraphicFile($graphicFilename, false, $reader, $title, $negateGraphicValues, $imageFileNames);
             $imageFileNames = $images[1];
             $imageFilePaths = $images[0];
             //must do this again because the reader can only go forwards
             $reader = $command->query();
         //update last used report for printout
         $printoutview = "";
         if (isset($_POST['printoutview'])) {
             $printoutview = $_POST['printoutview'];
         $option = Options::model()->find('name=\'isReportForPrintout\' AND companyId=0 AND userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id);
         $option->datavalue = $printoutview == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
         Yii::app()->user->setState('isReportForPrintout', $printoutview);
         //update last used black and white
         $option = Options::model()->find('name=\'isReportBlackAndWhite\' AND companyId=0 AND userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id);
         $option->datavalue = false;
         $option->datavalue = isset($_POST['blackandwhite']) && $_POST['blackandwhite'] == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
         Yii::app()->user->setState('isReportBlackAndWhite', isset($_POST['blackandwhite']) && $_POST['blackandwhite'] == 1 ? 1 : 0);
         if (isset($_POST['blackandwhite']) && $_POST['blackandwhite'] == 1) {
             Yii::app()->user->setState('reportCssFile', $this->_model->cssBwFileName);
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setState('reportCssFile', $this->_model->cssColorFileName);
         //get the number and date formats
         $cLoc = CLocale::getInstance('en');
         $numberFormatter = $cLoc->getNumberFormatter();
         $dateFormatter = $cLoc->getDateFormatter();
         // echo "<pre>";
         // var_dump($dateFormatter);
         // echo "</pre>";
         // die();
         $numberFormat = User::getNumberFormat();
         $pdf_name = "";
         $cron_job = FALSE;
         // if from cron job
         if (isset($_POST['cron'])) {
             $pdf_name = "reports/lazy8report_" . date('Y-m-d_H.i.s');
             $cron_job = TRUE;
         if (isset($_POST['DownloadExcel'])) {
             require_once "exportExcel.php";
             new exportExcel($this->_model, $reader, $pdf_name, $numberFormatter, $dateFormatter, $numberFormat, $printoutview, $parameterValues);
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['DownloadPDF'])) {
                 // var_dump($numberFormat);
                 // die();
                 require_once "lazy8tcpdf.php";
                 new lazy8tcpdf($this->_model, $reader, $pdf_name, $cron_job, $numberFormatter, $dateFormatter, $numberFormat, $printoutview, $parameterValues, $imageFileNames, isset($_POST['blackandwhite']) && $_POST['blackandwhite'] == 1 ? 1 : 0, strpos(Yii::app()->user->getState('reportCssFile'), "wide") === false);
                 // if cron job was run then email user with the pdf attatchment
                 if (isset($_POST['cron'])) {
                     $accountID = $_POST['accountID'];
                     $sql = "SELECT Account.code AS accountcode, Account.name AS accountname, Account.email AS email, Account.balance_threshold AS threshold, Account.days AS days\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM Account\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE Account.code = '{$accountID}'";
                     $account = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
                     $to = $account['email'];
                     $subject = 'Weekly Report';
                     $headers = "From: Accounting@thaiconnections.org \r\n";
                     $headers .= "Reply-To: no-reply@thaiconnections.org\r\n";
                     $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                     $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
                     $message = '<html><body>';
                     $message .= '<p>Hello,</p>';
                     $message .= '<p>This a automated notification from Thaiconnections Accounting website that your weekly report for: <strong>' . $account['accountname'] . ' </strong>is ready to be downloaded. Please click the link to view your report.<p>';
                     $message .= '<phttp://accounting.thaiconnections.org/' . $pdf_name . '.pdf<p>';
                     $message .= '<p>Kindest Regards,<br>';
                     $message .= 'Thaiconnections Accounting</p>';
                     $message .= '</body></html>';
                     if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
                         echo "Email sent...<br>";
                     } else {
                         echo "Mail did not send. Error occurred";
             } else {
                 //show the report
                 $this->render('report', array('model' => $this->_model, 'reader' => $reader, 'numberFormatter' => $numberFormatter, 'dateFormatter' => $dateFormatter, 'numberFormat' => $numberFormat, 'printoutview' => $printoutview, 'parameterValues' => $parameterValues, 'imageFileNames' => $imageFilePaths));
     } else {
         //show the report parameter selection page.
         $noActivityLogSelectionString = "";
         if (!Yii::app()->user->getState('allowChangeLog')) {
             $noActivityLogSelectionString = " AND name<>'Activity log'";
         $allRepModels = Report::model()->findAll(array('select' => 'id,name', 'order' => 'sortOrder', 'condition' => '(companyId=' . Yii::app()->user->getState('selectedCompanyId') . ' OR companyId=0)' . $noActivityLogSelectionString));
         $reports = CHtml::listData($allRepModels, 'id', 'name');
         foreach ($reports as $n => $reportsTrans) {
             $reports[$n] = Yii::t('lazy8', $reportsTrans);
         if (isset($_POST['reportId']) && $_POST['reportId']) {
             $model = Report::model()->findbyPk($_POST['reportId']);
             //update last used report
             $option = Options::model()->find('name=\'lastPrintedReportId\' AND companyId=0 AND userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id);
             $option->datavalue = $_POST['reportId'];
             Yii::app()->user->setState('lastPrintedReportId', $_POST['reportId']);
         } else {
             //always try to select any report
             $selectReport = Yii::app()->user->getState('lastPrintedReportId');
             $model = Report::model()->findbyPk($selectReport);
             if (isset($model)) {
                 $_POST['reportId'] = $selectReport;
             } elseif (isset($allRepModels) && count($allRepModels) > 0) {
                 $_POST['reportId'] = $allRepModels[0]->id;
                 $model = $allRepModels[0];
         //preselect the values to what was done before...
         $repParams = $model->reportparameters;
         if (isset($repParams) && count($repParams) > 0) {
             foreach ($repParams as $n => $repParam) {
                 if ($repParam->dataType == 'FREE_TEXT' || $repParam->dataType == 'DROP_DOWN' || $repParam->dataType == 'DATE' || $repParam->dataType == 'BOOLEAN') {
                     $lastChosen = ReportUserLastUsedParams::model()->find('reportId=' . $model->id . ' AND userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id . ' AND paramId=' . $n);
                     if (isset($lastChosen)) {
                         $defaultValue = $lastChosen->LastUsedValue;
                     } else {
                         $defaultValue = $repParam->defaultValue;
                         if ($repParam->isDefaultPhp) {
                     if ($repParam->dataType == 'DATE') {
                         $_POST[$n] = User::getDateFormatted($defaultValue);
                     } else {
                         $_POST[$n] = $defaultValue;
         $_POST['blackandwhite'] = Yii::app()->user->getState('isReportBlackAndWhite') ? 1 : 0;
         $_POST['printoutview'] = Yii::app()->user->getState('isReportForPrintout') ? 1 : 0;
         $this->render('reportparams', array('reports' => $reports, 'model' => $model));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function setOption($name, $val)
     if ($name) {
         $param = Options::model()->findByAttributes(['key' => $name]);
         if ($param) {
             $param->value = $val;
             return true;
         } else {
             $param = new Options();
             $param->key = $name;
             $param->value = $val;
             return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Options the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Options::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
        } else {

            </div><!-- form -->
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
$option = Options::model()->findAll(array('limit' => 1));
if (yii::app()->user->isUser()) {
    if ($option[0]->id > 3) {
        $url = createUrl('options/optionView', array('id' => $option[0]->id));
    } else {
        $url = createUrl('options/optionView', array('id' => $option[0]->id));
} elseif (yii::app()->user->isFranchiseAdmin()) {
    if ($option[0]->id > 3) {
        $url = createUrl('options/optionsView', array('options_num' => $option[0]->id, 'custom' => 1));
    } else {
        $url = createUrl('options/optionsView', array('options_num' => $option[0]->id));
} else {
    $url = createUrl('customer/list');
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function actionDownloadPdf($id)
     $cusUser = Customer::model()->findByPk($id);
     if (!$cusUser) {
         throw new CHttpException(403, 'Customer not exists');
     $franchise_admin = User::model()->find(" franchise = " . $cusUser->franchise . " and role_id=3");
     $pdf_content = PdfContentFranchise::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => $id, 'isactive' => 1, 'type' => 2));
     if (!$pdf_content) {
         $pdf_content = PdfContent::model()->findByAttributes(array('type' => 2));
     $params = array();
     $offers = Options::model()->findByPk($cusUser->option_id);
     if (!$offers) {
         $offers = CustomOptionsId::model()->findByPk($cusUser->option_id);
     $params['options'][] = $offers;
     $params['lunchMenu'] = $cusUser->lunches;
     $params['breakfasts'] = $cusUser->breakfasts;
     $params['indusFoods'] = $cusUser->indusFoods;
     $params['sundries'] = $cusUser->sundries;
     $params['sandwiches'] = $cusUser->sandwiches;
     $params['hotfood'] = $cusUser->hotFoods;
     $params['magicSpoolsAns'] = $cusUser->magicSpoolsAns;
     $selProd = SelProducts::model()->findAll(array("condition" => "cus_id =" . $id, "order" => "product_id asc"));
     $params['selproducts'] = array();
     foreach ($selProd as $selp) {
         $product = Product::model()->findByPk($selp->product_id);
         $params['selproducts'][] = array_merge($product->attributes, $selp->attributes);
     $this->layout = '//decorators/empty';
     $html2pdf = Yii::app()->ePdf->HTML2PDF();
     ///////////////////////////////////// menu container started
     $container = array();
     foreach ($params as $param) {
         foreach ($param as $p) {
             $container[] = $p;
     $div_array = array_chunk($container, 200);
     $showTitle = 1;
     foreach ($div_array as $array) {
         $html2pdf->WriteHTML($this->renderPartial('//decorators/pdf_no_h_f', array('params' => $array, 'cusUser' => $cusUser, 'showTitle' => $showTitle, 'franchise_admin' => $franchise_admin, 'pdf_content' => $pdf_content), true));
         $showTitle = 0;
     if (Yii::app()->session['User_mail']) {
         $html2pdf->Output(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../pdf/test_xxxx.pdf', 'F');
         $message = "\n                You Will find an pdf attachment in this mail which contain  detail of all the menues and items selected \n                by you.\n                ";
         $subject = "\n                Customer Solutions Iform Pdf Form\n                ";
         $mail_to = array();
         if ($franchise_admin->email) {
             $mail_to[] = $franchise_admin->email;
         //            if ($cusUser->email)
         //                $mail_to[] = $cusUser->email;
         if ($cusUser->attendee0->email) {
             $mail_to[] = $cusUser->attendee0->email;
         $this->mail_attachment('Jasper Franchise.pdf', 'FILEPATH', $mail_to, '*****@*****.**', 'Jaspers', '*****@*****.**', $subject, $message);
     } else {
         $html2pdf->Output('jasper_franchise.pdf', 'D');
     Yii::app()->session['email_sent'] = $cusUser->id;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * actionGetInputTypeOpts 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function actionGetInputTypeOpts()
     $optArray = array();
     if (!empty($_GET['subFormId'])) {
         $subFormId = $_GET['subFormId'];
         $options = Options::model()->findAll(array("condition" => "componentId = {$subFormId}", 'select' => 'optionId, label'));
         if (!empty($options)) {
             foreach ($options as $opt) {
                 $optArray[] = $opt->getAttributes();
     echo json_encode(array("aaData" => $optArray));
 public function actionOptionsEditView()
     $customer = Customer::model()->findByPk(getCurCusId());
     if (isset($_POST['option'])) {
         $cus = Customer::Model()->findByPk(getCurCusId());
         $cus->option_id = $_POST['option'];
     if (isset($_GET['options_num'])) {
         $value = intval(isset($_GET['options_num']) ? $_GET['options_num'] : "0");
         $model = Options::model()->findByPk($value);
         if ($model === NULL || empty($model)) {
             $model = array('offer_msg' => "Sorry, Selected offer is not available");
     } else {
         $model = array('offer_msg' => "Please choose Offers");
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->compare('franchise', Yii::app()->user->franchise);
     $customers = Customer::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $customerlist = CHtml::listData($customers, 'id', 'name');
     $this->render("optioneditviews", array('model' => $model, 'customers' => $customerlist, 'id' => $customer->option_id));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function updateOptionTemplate($options, $id, $companyId, $updateAdminOptions = true)
     $webapp = Yii::app()->user;
     foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
         if (($updateAdminOptions || $option[5] == 'false') && $option[3] == 'false') {
             $foundOption = Options::model()->find('name=:name AND userId=:id AND companyId=:compid', array(':name' => $key, ':id' => $id, ':compid' => $companyId));
             if ($foundOption === null) {
                 $createOption = new Options();
                 $createOption->name = $key;
                 $createOption->userId = $id;
                 $createOption->companyId = $companyId;
                 $foundOption = $createOption;
             switch ($option[0]) {
                 case 'STRING':
                 case 'DROP_DOWN_LIST':
                 case 'INTEGER':
                 case 'FLOAT':
                 case 'DATE':
                     $foundOption->datavalue = $_POST['option_' . $foundOption->name];
                 case 'BOOLEAN':
                     $foundOption->datavalue = isset($_POST['option_' . $foundOption->name]) && $_POST['option_' . $foundOption->name] == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
             if ($foundOption->name == 'NonStandardNumberDecimalFormat' || $foundOption->name == 'NonStandardNumberDecimalFormat') {
                 if (Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin')) {
             } else {
             if ($id == $webapp->id || $id == 0) {
                 $webapp->setState($key, User::convertOptionToObject($foundOption->datavalue, $option));
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page.
 public function actionUpdate()
     $model = $this->loadCompany();
     if (isset($_POST['Company'])) {
         $modelBeforeChange = $model->toString();
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Company'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             User::updateOptionTemplate(User::optionsCompanyTemplate(), 0, $model->id);
             $stringModel = $model->toString();
             if ($modelBeforeChange != $stringModel) {
                 ChangeLog::addLog('UPDATE', 'Company', 'BEFORE<br />' . $modelBeforeChange . '<br />AFTER<br />' . $stringModel);
             $this->redirect(array('admin', 'id' => $model->id));
     User::setOptionStatesAndControlTable(false, false, Yii::app()->user, User::optionsCompanyTemplate(), $model->id, 0);
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->compare('companyId', $model->id);
     $criteria->compare('userId', 0);
     $options = Options::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'options' => $options));
  * Updates a particular model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page.
 public function actionUpdate()
     $model = $this->loadUser();
     if (isset($_POST['User'])) {
         $oldPassword = $model->password;
         $modelBeforeChange = $model->toString();
         $model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
         //salt must contain something
         if (!isset($model->salt) || strlen($model->salt) == 0) {
             $model->salt = hash('sha1', uniqid(rand(), true));
             //since the salt has changed, We must have a new password.  Force it if it is not changed
             if (strlen($model->password) == 0 && strlen($model->confirmPassword == 0)) {
                 //this forces the entry of a new password
         //only check the password if they have entered something. Blank password is ignored.
         if (strlen($model->password) == 0 && strlen($model->confirmPassword == 0)) {
             $model->password = $oldPassword;
             $model->confirmPassword = $oldPassword;
         } else {
             $model->password = hash('sha1', $model->password . $model->salt);
             $model->confirmPassword = hash('sha1', $model->confirmPassword . $model->salt);
         if ($model->save()) {
             if (Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin')) {
                 //remove all companies for this user
                 User::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("DELETE FROM CompanyUser WHERE userId={$model->id}")->execute();
                 $companies = array();
                 if (isset($_POST['companies'])) {
                     $companies = $_POST['companies'];
                 //must remove all options for unchosen companies.
                 $beforeCompanies = $model->companies;
                 foreach ($beforeCompanies as $beforeComp) {
                     $foundCompany = false;
                     foreach ($companies as $comp) {
                         if ($comp == $beforeComp->id) {
                             $foundCompany = true;
                     if (!$foundCompany) {
                         //company no longer selected. Delete all options
                         User::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("INSERT INTO CompanyUser (userId, companyId) VALUES ({$model->id},{$beforeComp->id})")->execute();
                 $foundCurrentCompany = false;
                 $foundSelectedCompany = false;
                 //re-add the selected companies
                 foreach ($companies as $comp) {
                     User::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("INSERT INTO CompanyUser (userId, companyId) VALUES ({$model->id},{$comp})")->execute();
                     if ($model->selectedCompanyId == $comp) {
                         $foundCurrentCompany = true;
                     if ($_POST['companyForOptionsBeforeChange'] == $comp) {
                         $foundSelectedCompany = true;
                 if (!$foundCurrentCompany) {
                     //they have remove the currently selected company.  We must remove it as being selected
                     $model->selectedCompanyId = 0;
                     $model->selectedPeriodId = 0;
                     $model->confirmPassword = $model->password;
                     if (Yii::app()->user->id == $_GET['id']) {
             //do the options
             //user options first
             User::updateOptionTemplate(User::optionsUserTemplate(), $model->id, 0, Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin'));
             //company options, only if admin
             if (!isset($_POST['save']) && Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin')) {
                 //we must set all companies to the template chosen
                 foreach ($companies as $comp) {
                     User::updateOptionTemplate(User::optionsCompanyUserTemplate(), $model->id, $comp);
             } elseif (isset($foundSelectedCompany) && $foundSelectedCompany && Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin')) {
                 //no template chosen.  Just update the visible options for the selected company
                 $model->updateOptionTemplate($model->optionsCompanyUserTemplate(), $model->id, $_POST['companyForOptionsBeforeChange']);
             $stringModel = $model->toString();
             if ($modelBeforeChange != $stringModel) {
                 ChangeLog::addLog('UPDATE', 'Account', 'BEFORE<br />' . $modelBeforeChange . '<br />AFTER<br />' . $stringModel);
             //we need to reload this user to get all the updates in the companies.
             $this->_model = User::model()->findbyPk(isset($id) && $id !== null ? $id : $_GET['id']);
             $model = $this->_model;
             //				$this->redirect(array('update','id'=>$model->id));
         } else {
     } else {
         //make sure the options are all created
     $companyForOptions = null;
     $companyList = null;
     $options = null;
     $allCompanies = null;
     $selectedCompanies = null;
     if (Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin') == 1 || Yii::app()->user->getState('allowAdmin') == 1) {
         $companiesUsers = $model->companies;
         $companyForOptions = null;
         if (isset($companiesUsers) && isset($companiesUsers[0])) {
             $companyForOptions = $companiesUsers[0]->id;
         if (isset($_POST['companyForOptions'])) {
             $companyForOptions = $_POST['companyForOptions'];
         $options = Options::model()->findAll('companyId=:comp AND userId=:id', array(':comp' => $companyForOptions, ':id' => $model->id));
         $companyList = CHtml::listData($companiesUsers, 'id', 'name');
         $usersModel = User::model()->findbyPk($_GET['id']);
         //put  all the user companies in an array
         $companiesUsers = $usersModel->companies;
         $selectedCompanies = array();
         if (isset($companiesUsers)) {
             foreach ($companiesUsers as $companyUser) {
                 $selectedCompanies[] = $companyUser->id;
         $allCompanies = Company::model()->findAll();
     $model->password = "";
     $model->confirmPassword = "";
     $this->render('update', array('model' => $model, 'companyForOptions' => $companyForOptions, 'companies' => $companyList, 'weboptions' => $options, 'allCompanies' => $allCompanies, 'selectedCompanies' => $selectedCompanies));
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * @param $fieldId
  * @param $dForm
  * @return string
 private function generateGridElements($fieldId, &$dForm)
     //$model = new DynamicFormDetails('insert', 'frameworkFieldData');
     // get grid fields
     $gridFieldsCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $gridFieldsCriteria->condition = 'parentId=' . $fieldId;
     $gridFieldsCriteria->order = '`order` ASC';
     $gridFieldsNames = [];
     $labels = [];
     $properties = [];
     $rules = [];
     $inputs = '';
     if ($dForm->getScenario() == 'insert') {
         $gridFields = FrameworkFields::model()->findAll($gridFieldsCriteria);
         $inputs .= '<tr class="copy' . $fieldId . '">';
         foreach ($gridFields as $field) {
             //$el = new CFormInputElement()
             $attribute = $field->inputName . '_' . $field->id;
             //			continue;
             //$model->setAttribute($attribute, $field->inputName);
             //			$dForm->_dynamicLabels[$attribute] = isset($field->label) ?
             //				$field->label : $dForm->generateAttributeLabel($field->inputName);
             $labels[$attribute] = isset($field->label) ? $field->label : $dForm->generateAttributeLabel($field->inputName);
             $validation = $field->required ? 'required' : 'safe';
             $rules[] = [$attribute, $validation];
             $i = 0;
             //print_r($dForm); die;
             $inputs .= '<td>';
             switch ($field->inputType) {
                 case 'text':
                     $inputs .= CHtml::activeTextField($dForm, "[{$i}]{$attribute}");
                     $inputs .= CHtml::error($dForm, "[{$i}]{$attribute}");
                 case 'dropdownlist':
                     $options = [];
                     if ($field->multiple) {
                         $options['multiple'] = true;
                     $inputs .= CHtml::activeDropDownList($dForm, "[{$i}]{$attribute}", Options::model()->getContextFieldOptions($field->id), $options);
                     $inputs .= CHtml::error($dForm, "[{$i}]{$attribute}");
             $inputs .= '</td>';
             //$elements['elements'][] = '</td>';
         $inputs .= '<td></td></tr>';
     } else {
         // get id's of fields that belong to the grid
         //$gridFieldsCriteria->select = 'id';
         $childFields = ModelToArray::convertModelToArray(FrameworkFields::model()->with('data')->findAll($gridFieldsCriteria));
         //				['frameworkFields' => 'id, inputName, label, inputType, required, multiple']);
         //print_r($childFields); die;
         $gridFieldsIds = array_map(function ($item) {
             return $item['id'];
         }, $childFields);
         // get grid data
         $fieldDataCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $fieldDataCriteria->condition = 'frameworkId=' . Yii::app()->session['surDesign']['id'];
         $fieldDataCriteria->addInCondition('frameworkFieldId', $gridFieldsIds);
         $gridFields = FrameworkFieldData::model()->findAll($fieldDataCriteria);
         if (empty($gridFields)) {
             //print_r($dForm); die;
             return self::generateGridElements($fieldId, $dForm);
         $dFormGrid = [];
         foreach ($childFields as $child) {
             $elementId = $child['inputName'] . '_' . $child['id'];
             $gridFieldsNames[$child['id']] = $elementId;
             $gridParams[$elementId]['id'] = $child['id'];
             $labels[$elementId] = $child['label'];
             $gridParams[$elementId]['inputType'] = $child['inputType'];
             $gridParams[$elementId]['required'] = $child['required'];
             $gridParams[$elementId]['multiple'] = $child['multiple'];
         //$dFormGrid[$k] = new DForm();
         foreach ($childFields as $child) {
             if (isset($child['data'][0])) {
                 foreach ($child['data'] as $key => $data) {
                     if (!isset($dFormGrid[$key])) {
                         $dFormGrid[$key] = new DForm();
                     $elementId = $child['inputName'] . '_' . $child['id'];
                     foreach ($gridFieldsNames as $gridElement) {
                         if (empty($dFormGrid[$key]->attributes[$gridElement])) {
                             //echo "new $key $gridElement \n";
                     $dFormGrid[$key]->{$elementId} = $data['value'];
                     if (DForm::isJson($data['value'])) {
                         $dFormGrid[$key]->{$elementId} = json_decode($data['value']);
         $copyClass = '';
         foreach ($dFormGrid as $key => $gridItems) {
             $inputs .= '<tr class="copy' . $fieldId . ' ' . $copyClass . '">';
             foreach ($gridItems->attributeNames() as $attr) {
                 //var_dump($gridItems[$attr]); die;
                 $inputs .= '<td>';
                 switch ($gridParams[$attr]['inputType']) {
                     case 'text':
                         $inputs .= CHtml::activeTextField($gridItems, "[{$key}]{$attr}");
                         $inputs .= CHtml::error($gridItems, "[{$key}]{$attr}");
                     case 'dropdownlist':
                         $options = [];
                         if ($gridParams[$attr]['multiple']) {
                             $options['multiple'] = true;
                         $inputs .= CHtml::activeDropDownList($gridItems, "[{$key}]{$attr}", Options::model()->getContextFieldOptions($gridParams[$attr]['id']), $options);
                         $inputs .= CHtml::error($gridItems, "[{$key}]{$attr}");
                 $inputs .= '</td>';
             $inputs .= '<td><a class="remove ui-icon ui-icon-trash" href="#"' . ' onclick="$(this).parent().parent().remove(); return false">remove</a></td></tr>';
             $copyClass = 'copy1';
         //echo $inputs; die;
     //var_dump($data, $cols); die('lklk');
     $tableHeader = '<th>' . implode('</th><th>', array_values($labels));
     $table = '<table class="jgTabular"><thead><tr>' . $tableHeader . '<th></th></tr></thead>';
     $table .= '<tbody>' . $inputs . '</tbody>';
     $table .= '</table>';
     $table .= CHtml::htmlButton('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick"></span>Add new row', ['id' => 'copyLink-' . $fieldId, 'rel' => '.copy' . $fieldId]);
     //		if($fieldId == 37) {
     //			print_r($table); //die('pop');
     //		}
     return $table;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static function getComponentData($componentsOnly = false)
     $componentListArray = [];
     $formDetailsArray = [];
     // get list of surveillance designs
     $componentList = ComponentHead::model()->with("compDetails")->findAll(['condition' => 'frameworkId=:frameworkId', 'params' => [':frameworkId' => Yii::app()->session['surDesign']['id']]]);
     $formDetails = SurFormDetails::model()->findAll(['condition' => 'showOnComponentList=:showOnList', 'params' => [':showOnList' => true]]);
     $selectOptions = CHtml::listData(Options::model()->findAll(['condition' => 'componentId IS NOT NULL']), 'optionId', 'label');
     //print_r($selectOptions); die;
     // format dataTable data
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($componentList as $com) {
         $componentListArray[$count] = ['componentId' => $com->componentId, 'frameworkId' => $com->frameworkId, 'name' => $com->componentName, 'targetSpecies' => '', 'targetSector' => '', 'dataColPoint' => '', 'diseaseType' => '', 'sampleType' => '', 'studyType' => ''];
         foreach ($formDetails as $formInput) {
             $formDetailsArray[$formInput->inputName] = $formInput->label;
             foreach ($com->compDetails as $data) {
                 //$subDetails[$data->inputName] = $data->value;
                 if ($formInput->subFormId == $data->subFormId) {
                     $componentListArray[$count][$formInput->inputName] = $data->value;
                     if ($formInput->inputType == "dropdownlist" && isset($selectOptions[$data->value])) {
                         $componentListArray[$count][$formInput->inputName] = $selectOptions[$data->value];
     return $componentsOnly ? $componentListArray : ['componentListArray' => $componentListArray, 'formDetailsArray' => $formDetailsArray];
 public function getRecruitmentNextProcess($data)
     $status = $data->status;
     $model = Options::model();
     $raw = $model->with('options')->findByAttributes(array('id' => $status));
     $next_opt = $raw->getRelated('options');
     $this->renderPartial('_carousel_form', array('data' => $data, 'next_option' => $next_opt, 'model' => TalentStatus::model()));
     return '';
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * actionDeleteOption 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function actionDeleteOption($id)
     Yii::log("actionDeleteOption OptionsController called", "trace", self::LOG_CAT);
     $record = Options::model()->findByPk($id)->delete();
     if (!$record) {
         Yii::log("Error deleting Option: " . $id, "warning", self::LOG_CAT);
         echo Yii::t("translation", "A problem occurred when deleting the Option ");
     } else {
         echo Yii::t("translation", "The Option has been successfully deleted");
  * Executes any command triggered on the admin page.
 protected function processAdminCommand()
     if (isset($_POST['Save'])) {
         //check that ALL translations are in this translation..
         $sources = SourceMessage::model()->findAll();
         foreach ($sources as $source) {
             $existstest = Message::model()->find(array('condition' => 'language=\'' . $_POST['langcode'] . '\' AND id=' . $source->id));
             if ($existstest === null) {
                 $trans = new Message();
                 $trans->id = $source->id;
                 $trans->translation = '-dirty-' . $source->message;
                 $trans->language = $model->language;
             } else {
                 if (isset($_POST['Message'][$source->id])) {
         //do the actual reading of data from the form
         $messages = Message::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'language=\'' . $_POST['langcode'] . '\''));
         foreach ($messages as $message) {
             if (isset($_POST['Message'][$message->id])) {
                 $message->attributes = $_POST['Message'][$message->id];
             //delete no longer used posts.
             if (!isset($message->source)) {
     } elseif (isset($_POST['Delete'])) {
         SourceMessage::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("DELETE FROM Message WHERE language='" . $_POST['langcode'] . "'")->execute();
         $foundOption = Options::model()->find('name=:name AND userId=:id AND companyId=:compid', array(':name' => "Language.Version." . $_POST['langcode'], ':id' => 0, ':compid' => 0));
         if ($foundOption !== null) {
     } elseif (isset($_POST['Export'])) {
         $dom = new DomDocument();
         $dom->encoding = 'utf-8';
         $root = $dom->createElement("lazy8webportlang");
         $root->setAttribute("version", "1.00");
         $language = $dom->createElement("language");
         $language->setAttribute("langcode", $_POST['langcode']);
         $exportLang = Message::model()->with('source')->findAll(array('condition' => "language='" . $_POST['langcode'] . "'", 'together' => true, 'order' => "message"));
         foreach ($exportLang as $export) {
             if (isset($export->source)) {
                 $message = $dom->createElement("message");
                 $message->setAttribute("category", $export->source->category);
                 $message->setAttribute("key", html_entity_decode($export->source->message));
                 $this->appendTextNode($dom, $message, "translation", $export->translation);
         $dom->formatOutput = true;
         $thefile = $dom->saveXML();
         // set headers
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Expires: 0");
         header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
         header("Content-Type: text/xml");
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"lazy8webExport.Language." . $_POST['langcode'] . "." . date('Y-m-d_H.i.s') . ".xml\"");
         header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
         header("Content-Length: " . strlen($thefile));
         print $thefile;
         //we may not send any more to the screen or it will mess up the file we just sent!
     } elseif (isset($_POST['langcode'])) {
         $this->editinglanguage = $_POST['langcode'];
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function actionOptions()
     $options = Options::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'opt_type'));
     $this->render('options', array('options' => $options));