Ejemplo n.º 1
			$act = 'acquire';
			$arg = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument($key,OC_Shorty_Type::URL,FALSE);
			break 2; // skip switch AND foreach

		// no recognizable key but something else, hm...
		// this _might_ be some unexcepted argument, or:
		// it is an expected argument, but without recognizable key, so we try to guess by examining the content
		// we restrict this 'guessing' to cases where only a single argument is specified
			if (  (1==sizeof($_GET))  // only one single request argument
				&&( ! reset($_GET)) ) // no value, so maybe just an id
				// use that source instead of $key, since $key contains replaced chars (php specific exceptions due to var name problems)
				$raw = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
				// now try to interpret its content
				if (NULL!==($value=OC_Shorty_Type::normalize($raw,OC_Shorty_Type::URL,FALSE)))
					// the query string is a url, acquire it as a new shorty
					$act = 'acquire';
					$arg = $raw;
					break 2;
					// no pattern recognized, so we assume an ordinary index action
					$act = 'index';
					break 2;
			} // if
			break 2;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		case 'id':
		case 'shorty':
			// this looks like the request refers to a Shortys ID, lets see if we know that one
			$id     = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument($key,OC_Shorty_Type::ID,FALSE);
			$param  = array ( ':id' => OC_Shorty_Type::normalize($id,OC_Shorty_Type::ID) );
			$query  = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_BY_ID );
			break 2; // skip switch AND foreach, we have all details we need...
		case 'url':
		case 'uri':
		case 'ref':
		case 'source':
		case 'target':
			// this looks like the request refers to a full url, lets see if we know that one as a Shortys source
			$source = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument($key,OC_Shorty_Type::URL,FALSE);
			$param  = array ( ':source' => OC_Shorty_Type::normalize($source,OC_Shorty_Type::URL) );
			$query  = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_BY_SOURCE );
			break 2; // skip switch AND foreach, we have all details we need...
	} // switch
} // foreach

// generate qrcode for the specified id/url, IF it exists and has not expired in the database
	if ( $query )
		$result = $query->execute($param)->FetchAll();
		if ( FALSE===$result )
			throw new OC_Shorty_HttpException ( 500 );
		elseif ( ! is_array($result) )
			throw new OC_Shorty_HttpException ( 500 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( TRUE );

//no apps or filesystem

// Sanity checks
OCP\JSON::callCheck ( );
OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn ( );
OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );

	$p_id     = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'id',     OC_Shorty_Type::ID,     TRUE );
	$p_status = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'status', OC_Shorty_Type::STATUS, FALSE );
	$param = array
		'user'   => OCP\User::getUser ( ),
		'id'     => $p_id,
		'status' => $p_status,
	$query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_STATUS );
	$query->execute ( $param );

	// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
	OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( FALSE );
	OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', sprintf("Status change for shorty with id '%s' saved",$p_id), OCP\Util::INFO );
	OCP\JSON::success ( array (
		'data'    => array('id'=>$p_id),
		'level'   => 'info',
Ejemplo n.º 4
OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );

	$data = array();
	switch ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] )
		case 'POST':
			// detect provided preferences
			$data = array();
			foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $key)
				if ( isset(OC_Shorty_Type::$PREFERENCE[$key]) ) // ignore unknown preference keys
					$type = OC_Shorty_Type::$PREFERENCE[$key];
					$data[$key] = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( $key, $type, FALSE );
			// store settings
			foreach ( $data as $key=>$val )
				OCP\Config::setUserValue( OCP\User::getUser(), 'shorty', $key, $val );
			// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
			OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( FALSE );
			OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', sprintf("Preference '%s' saved",implode(',',array_keys($data))), OCP\Util::DEBUG );
			OCP\JSON::success (
				array (
					'data'    => $data,
					'level'   => 'debug',
 					'message' => OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Preference '%s' saved",implode(',',array_keys($data)))
Ejemplo n.º 5

// Sanity checks
OCP\JSON::callCheck ( );
OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn ( );
OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );

	$p_id      = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'id',      OC_Shorty_Type::ID,     TRUE );
	$p_status  = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'status',  OC_Shorty_Type::STATUS, FALSE );
	$p_title   = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'title',   OC_Shorty_Type::STRING, FALSE );
	$p_target  = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'target',  OC_Shorty_Type::URL,    FALSE );
	$p_until   = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'until',   OC_Shorty_Type::DATE,   FALSE );
	$p_notes   = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'notes',   OC_Shorty_Type::STRING, FALSE );
	$p_favicon = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'favicon', OC_Shorty_Type::URL,    FALSE );
	$param = array
		':user'    => OCP\User::getUser ( ),
		':id'      => $p_id,
		':status'  => $p_status  ?        $p_status          : '',
		':title'   => $p_title   ? substr($p_title,  0,1024) : '',
		':favicon' => $p_favicon ? substr($p_favicon,0,1024) : '',
		':target'  => $p_target  ? substr($p_target, 0,4096) : '',
		':notes'   => $p_notes   ? substr($p_notes,  0,4096) : '',
		':until'   => $p_until   ?        $p_until           : null,
	$query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_UPDATE );
	$query->execute ( $param );

	// read new entry for feedback
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @return json: success/error state indicator
 * @return array: Associative array of meta data aspects
 * @author Christian Reiner

// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( TRUE );

//no apps or filesystem

// Sanity checks
OCP\JSON::callCheck ( );
OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn ( );
OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );

	$target  = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'target', OC_Shorty_Type::URL, TRUE );
	$meta    = OC_Shorty_Meta::fetchMetaData(htmlspecialchars_decode($target));

	// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
	OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( FALSE );
	OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', sprintf("Target meta data retrieved for url '%s'.",$target), OCP\Util::DEBUG );
	OCP\JSON::success ( array (
		'data'    => $meta,
		'level'   => 'info',
		'message' => OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Target url '%s' is valid", $meta['target']) ) );
} catch ( Exception $e ) { OC_Shorty_Exception::JSONerror($e); }
Ejemplo n.º 7

// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( TRUE );

//no apps or filesystem

// Sanity checks
OCP\JSON::callCheck ( );
OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn ( );
OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );

	$p_id  = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'id', OC_Shorty_Type::ID, TRUE );
	$param = array
		'user' => OCP\User::getUser(),
		'id'   => $p_id,
	$query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_DELETE );

	// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
	OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( FALSE );
	OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', sprintf("Deleted Shorty with id '%s'",$p_id), OCP\Util::INFO );
	OCP\JSON::success ( array (
		'data'    => array('id'=>$p_id),
		'level'   => 'info',
		'message' => OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Shorty with id '%s' deleted",$p_id) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 8
	// an id was specified, ordinary or special meaning ?
	if ( '0000000000'==$arg )
		// this is a pseudo id, used to test the setup, so just return a positive message.
		// this is used to test the setup of the static backend, shorty calls itself from there
		OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', "Positiv validation of static backend base url.", OCP\Util::DEBUG );
		// we have to react to a jsonp request, so we have to reply valid jsonp manually:
		// note that we use 'static' jsonp, so no callback parameter is provided, instead it is hard coded here
		// this reduces the complexity of setting up the backend, since no additional parameter has to be handled
		echo sprintf ( 'verifyStaticBackend(%s)', json_encode(array('status'=>'success')) );

	// detect requested shorty id from request
	$p_id = trim ( OC_Shorty_Type::normalize($arg,OC_Shorty_Type::ID) ) ;
	if ( $p_id )
		$param   = array ( 'id' => $p_id );
		$query   = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_RELAY );
		$result  = $query->execute($param)->FetchAll();
		$request = array (
		'address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
		'host'    => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'])?$_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']:gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']),
		'time'    => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'],
		'user'    => OCP\User::getUser(),
		if ( FALSE===$result )
			throw new OC_Shorty_HttpException ( 500 );
		elseif ( ! is_array($result) )
			throw new OC_Shorty_HttpException ( 500 );
Ejemplo n.º 9
	* @method OC_Shorty_Backend::registerUrl_tinyurl
	* @brief Registers a given local relay url at the tinyURL shortening service
	* @param string id
	* @param url relay
	* @return Registered and validated relay url
	* @access public
	* @author Chrisian Reiner
	static function registerUrl_tinyurl ( $id, $relay )
		$curl = curl_init ( );
		curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, sprintf('http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=%s', urlencode(trim($relay))) );
		curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE );
		if (  (FALSE===($reply=curl_exec($curl)))
			||( ! preg_match( '/^(.+)$/', $reply, $match )) )
			throw new OC_Shorty_Exception ( "Failed to register url at backend 'tinyUrl'. \nError %s: %s",
				array(curl_errno($curl),curl_error($curl))  );
		curl_close ( $curl );
		return OC_Shorty_Type::validate ( $match[1], OC_Shorty_Type::URL );
	} // OC_Shorty_Backend::registerUrl_tinyurl
Ejemplo n.º 10

// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( TRUE );

// Session checks
OCP\App::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );


	$p_id      = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'id',     OC_Shorty_Type::ID,     FALSE );
	$p_query   = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'query',  OC_Shorty_Type::STRING, FALSE );
	$p_format  = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'format', OC_Shorty_Type::STRING, FALSE );
	$p_sort    = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( 'sort',   OC_Shorty_Type::STRING, 'ka' );
	$param = array (
		':user'   => OCP\User::getUser ( ),
		':id'     => $p_id,
		':sort'   => OC_Shorty_Type::$SORTING[$p_sort],
		':format' => $p_format,
		':sort'   => $p_sort,
		':query'  => $p_query,

	$match = NULL;
	$candidates = OC_Shorty_Hooks::requestQueries();
	foreach ($candidates['list'] as $candidate)
		if ($candidate['id']==$p_query)
			$match = $candidate;
	if ( ! $match )
Ejemplo n.º 11
// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( TRUE );

//no apps or filesystem

// Sanity checks
OCP\JSON::callCheck ( );
OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn ( );
OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled ( 'shorty' );

	if (isset($_GET['id']))
		$p_id  = OC_Shorty_Type::req_argument ( $_GET['id'], OC_Shorty_Type::ID, TRUE );
		$param = array (
			':id'   => $p_id,
			':time' => 'NOW()',

		// record the click
		$query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_CLICK );
		$query->execute ( $param );

		// allow further processing by registered hooks
		$details = array ( );
		// for this we need two things: details about the Shorty AND about the request
		$query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_VERIFY );
		$entries = $query->execute($param)->FetchAll();
		if (  (1==count($entries))