Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Convenience method for testing protected method
  * @param array $uri A $uri array, or uses $this->config if left empty
  * @param string $uriTemplate The Uri template/format to use
  * @return string A fully qualified URL formatted according to $uriTemplate
 public function buildUri($uri = array(), $uriTemplate = '%scheme://%user:%pass@%host:%port/%path?%query#%fragment')
     return parent::_buildUri($uri, $uriTemplate);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Overrides HttpSocket::request() to handle cases where
  * $request['auth']['method'] is 'OAuth'.
  * @param array $request As required by HttpSocket::request(). NOTE ONLY
  * @return array
 function request($request = array())
     // If the request does not need OAuth Authorization header, let the parent
     // deal with it.
     if (!isset($request['auth']['method']) || $request['auth']['method'] != 'OAuth') {
         return parent::request($request);
     $request['auth'] = array_merge($this->defaults, $request['auth']);
     // Nonce, or number used once is used to distinguish between different
     // requests to the OAuth provider
     if (!isset($request['auth']['oauth_nonce'])) {
         $request['auth']['oauth_nonce'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     if (!isset($request['auth']['oauth_timestamp'])) {
         $request['auth']['oauth_timestamp'] = time();
     // Now starts the process of signing the request. The signature is a hash of
     // a signature base string with the secret keys. The signature base string
     // is made up of the request http verb, the request uri and the request
     // params, and the secret keys are the consumer secret (for your
     // application) and the access token secret generated for the user by the
     // provider, e.g. twitter, when the user authorizes your app to access their
     // details.
     // Building the request uri, note we don't include the query string or
     // fragment. Standard ports must not be included but non standard ones must.
     $uriFormat = '%scheme://%host';
     if (isset($request['uri']['port']) && !in_array($request['uri']['port'], array(80, 443))) {
         $uriFormat .= ':' . $request['uri']['port'];
     $uriFormat .= '/%path';
     $requestUrl = parent::_buildUri($request['uri'], $uriFormat);
     // The realm oauth_ param is optional, but you can include it and use the
     // request uri as the value if it's not already set
     if (!isset($request['auth']['realm'])) {
         $request['auth']['realm'] = $requestUrl;
     // OAuth reference states that the request params, i.e. oauth_ params, body
     // params and query string params need to be normalised, i.e. combined in a
     // single string, separated by '&' in the format name=value. But they also
     // need to be sorted by key, then by value. You can't just merge the auth,
     // body and query arrays together then do a ksort because there may be
     // parameters with the same name. Instead we've got to get them into an
     // array of array('name' => '<name>', 'value' => '<value>') elements, then
     // sort those elements.
     // Let's start with the auth params - however, we shouldn't include the auth
     // method (OAuth), and OAuth reference says not to include the realm or the
     // consumer or token secrets
     $requestParams = $this->assocToNumericNameValue(array_diff_key($request['auth'], array_flip(array('realm', 'method', 'oauth_consumer_secret', 'oauth_token_secret'))));
     // Next add the body params.
     if (isset($request['body'])) {
         $requestParams = array_merge($requestParams, $this->assocToNumericNameValue($request['body']));
     // Finally the query params
     if (isset($request['uri']['query'])) {
         $requestParams = array_merge($requestParams, $this->assocToNumericNameValue($request['uri']['query']));
     // Now we can sort them by name then value
     usort($requestParams, array($this, 'sortByNameThenByValue'));
     // Now we concatenate them together in name=value pairs separated by &
     $normalisedRequestParams = '';
     foreach ($requestParams as $k => $requestParam) {
         if ($k) {
             $normalisedRequestParams .= '&';
         $normalisedRequestParams .= $requestParam['name'] . '=' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($requestParam['value']));
     // The signature base string consists of the request method (uppercased) and
     // concatenated with the request URL and normalised request parameters
     // string, both encoded, and separated by &
     $signatureBaseString = strtoupper($request['method']) . '&' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($requestUrl)) . '&' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($normalisedRequestParams));
     // The signature base string is hashed with a key which is the consumer
     // secret (assigned to your application by the provider) and the token
     // secret (also known as the access token secret, if you've got it yet),
     // both encoded and separated by an &
     $key = '';
     if (isset($request['auth']['oauth_consumer_secret'])) {
         $key .= rawurlencode(utf8_encode($request['auth']['oauth_consumer_secret']));
     $key .= '&';
     if (isset($request['auth']['oauth_token_secret'])) {
         $key .= rawurlencode(utf8_encode($request['auth']['oauth_token_secret']));
     // Finally construct the signature according to the value of the
     // oauth_signature_method auth param in the request array.
     switch ($request['auth']['oauth_signature_method']) {
         case 'HMAC-SHA1':
             $request['auth']['oauth_signature'] = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $signatureBaseString, $key, true));
             // @todo implement the other 2 hashing methods
     // Finally, we have all the Authorization header parameters so we can build
     // the header string.
     $request['header']['Authorization'] = 'OAuth realm="' . $request['auth']['realm'] . '"';
     // We don't want to include the realm, method or secrets though
     $authorizationHeaderParams = array_diff_key($request['auth'], array_flip(array('realm', 'method', 'oauth_consumer_secret', 'oauth_token_secret')));
     // Add the Authorization header params to the Authorization header string,
     // properly encoded.
     foreach ($authorizationHeaderParams as $name => $value) {
         $request['header']['Authorization'] .= ',' . $this->authorizationHeaderParamEncode($name, $value);
     // Now the Authorization header is built, fire the request off to the parent
     // HttpSocket class request method that we intercepted earlier.
     return parent::request($request);