Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Issues request and returns response as an array decoded according to the
  * response's content type if the response code is 200, else triggers the
  * $model->onError() method (if it exists) and finally returns false.
  * @param mixed $model Either a CakePHP model with a request property, or an
  * array in the format expected by HttpSocket::request or a string which is a
  * URI.
  * @return mixed The response or false
 public function request(&$model)
     if (is_object($model)) {
         $request = $model->request;
     } elseif (is_array($model)) {
         $request = $model;
     } elseif (is_string($model)) {
         $request = array('uri' => $model);
     // Remove unwanted elements from request array
     $request = array_intersect_key($request, $this->Http->request);
     // Issues request
     $response = $this->Http->request($request);
     // Get content type header
     $contentType = $this->Http->response['header']['Content-Type'];
     // Extract content type from content type header
     if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9\\/\\+]+);\\s*charset=([a-z0-9\\-]+)/i', $contentType, $matches)) {
         $contentType = $matches[1];
         $charset = $matches[2];
     // Decode response according to content type
     switch ($contentType) {
         case 'application/xml':
         case 'application/atom+xml':
         case 'application/rss+xml':
             // If making multiple requests that return xml, I found that using the
             // same Xml object with Xml::load() to load new responses did not work,
             // consequently it is necessary to create a whole new instance of the
             // Xml class. This can use a lot of memory so we have to manually
             // garbage collect the Xml object when we've finished with it, i.e. got
             // it to transform the xml string response into a php array.
             App::import('Core', 'Xml');
             $Xml = new Xml($response);
             $response = $Xml->toArray(false);
             // Send false to get separate elements
             $Xml = null;
         case 'application/json':
         case 'text/javascript':
             $response = json_decode($response, true);
     if (is_object($model)) {
         $model->response = $response;
     // Check response status code for success or failure
     if (substr($this->Http->response['status']['code'], 0, 1) != 2) {
         if (is_object($model) && method_exists($model, 'onError')) {
         return false;
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function doSendInternalRequest(InternalRequestInterface $internalRequest)
     $this->httpSocket->config['timeout'] = $this->getConfiguration()->getTimeout();
     $request = array('version' => $this->getConfiguration()->getProtocolVersion(), 'redirect' => false, 'uri' => $url = (string) $internalRequest->getUrl(), 'method' => $internalRequest->getMethod(), 'header' => $this->prepareHeaders($internalRequest), 'body' => $this->prepareBody($internalRequest));
     try {
         $response = $this->httpSocket->request($request);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw HttpAdapterException::cannotFetchUrl($url, $this->getName(), $e->getMessage());
     if (($error = $this->httpSocket->lastError()) !== null) {
         throw HttpAdapterException::cannotFetchUrl($url, $this->getName(), $error);
     return $this->getConfiguration()->getMessageFactory()->createResponse((int) $response->code, $response->reasonPhrase, ProtocolVersionExtractor::extract($response->httpVersion), $response->headers, BodyNormalizer::normalize($response->body, $internalRequest->getMethod()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function index() {
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket ();
     if (sizeof ( $this->params ['pass'] [0] ) != 1) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException ();
     if (! empty ( $_SERVER ['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) && ! empty ( $_SERVER ['PHP_AUTH_PW'] )) {
         $HttpSocket->configAuth ( 'Basic', $_SERVER ['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER ['PHP_AUTH_PW'] );
     } elseif (isset ( $this->CurrentUser )) {
         $HttpSocket->configAuth ( 'Basic', $this->Session->read ( 'Auth.User.Login' ), $this->Session->read ( 'Auth.User.Password' ) );
     $this->response->type ( 'json' );
     $request = array (
         'method' => env ( 'REQUEST_METHOD' ),
         'body' => $this->request->data,
         'uri' => array (
             'scheme' => Configure::read ( 'Api.scheme' ),
             'host' => Configure::read ( 'Api.host' ),
             'port' => 80,
             'path' => Configure::read ( 'Api.path' ) . $this->params ['pass'] [0],
             'query' => $this->params->query 
     $response = $HttpSocket->request ( $request );
     $this->response->statusCode ( $response->code );
     $this->response->body ( $response->body );
     return $this->response;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function _request($path, $request = array())
     // preparing request
     $request = Hash::merge($this->_request, $request);
     $request['uri']['path'] .= $path;
     // Read cached GET results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         $cacheKey = $this->_generateCacheKey();
         $results = Cache::read($cacheKey);
         if ($results !== false) {
             return $results;
     // createding http socket object for later use
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
     // issuing request
     $response = $HttpSocket->request($request);
     // olny valid response is going to be parsed
     if (substr($response->code, 0, 1) != 2) {
         if (Configure::read('debugApis')) {
         return false;
     // parsing response
     $results = $this->_parseResponse($response);
     // cache and return results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         Cache::write($cacheKey, $results);
     return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function _request($method, $params = array(), $request = array())
     // preparing request
     $query = Hash::merge(array('method' => $method, 'format' => 'json'), $params);
     $request = Hash::merge($this->_request, array('uri' => array('query' => $query)), $request);
     // Read cached GET results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         $cacheKey = $this->_generateCacheKey();
         $results = Cache::read($cacheKey);
         if ($results !== false) {
             return $results;
     // createding http socket object with auth configuration
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
     $HttpSocket->configAuth('OauthLib.Oauth', array('Consumer' => array('consumer_token' => $this->_config['key'], 'consumer_secret' => $this->_config['secret']), 'Token' => array('token' => $this->_config['token'], 'secret' => $this->_config['secret2'])));
     // issuing request
     $response = $HttpSocket->request($request);
     // olny valid response is going to be parsed
     if ($response->code != 200) {
         if (Configure::read('debugApis')) {
         return false;
     // parsing response
     $results = $this->_parseResponse($response);
     // cache and return results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         Cache::write($cacheKey, $results);
     return $results;
 protected function _request($path, $request = array())
     // preparing request
     $request = Hash::merge($this->_request, $request);
     $request['uri']['path'] .= $path;
     if (isset($request['uri']['query'])) {
         $request['uri']['query'] = array_merge(array('access_token' => $this->_config['token']), $request['uri']['query']);
     } else {
         $request['uri']['query'] = array('access_token' => $this->_config['token']);
     // createding http socket object for later use
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket(array('ssl_verify_host' => false));
     // issuing request
     $response = $HttpSocket->request($request);
     // olny valid response is going to be parsed
     if (substr($response->code, 0, 1) != 2) {
         if (Configure::read('debugApis')) {
         return false;
     // parsing response
     $results = $this->_parseResponse($response);
     if (isset($results['data'])) {
         return $results['data'];
     return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Submits a request to Stripe. Requests are merged with default values, such as
  * the api host. If an error occurs, it is stored in `$lastError` and `false` is
  * returned.
  * @param array $request Request details
  * @return mixed `false` on failure, data on success
 public function request($request = array())
     $this->lastError = null;
     $this->request = array('uri' => array('host' => 'api.stripe.com', 'scheme' => 'https', 'path' => '/'), 'method' => 'GET');
     $this->request = Set::merge($this->request, $request);
     $this->request['uri']['path'] = '/v1/' . trim($this->request['uri']['path'], '/');
     $this->Http->configAuth('Basic', $this->config['api_key'], '');
     try {
         $response = $this->Http->request($this->request);
         switch ($this->Http->response['status']['code']) {
             case '200':
                 return json_decode($response, true);
             case '400':
                 $error = json_decode($response, true);
                 $this->lastError = $error['error']['message'];
                 return false;
             case '402':
                 $error = json_decode($response, true);
                 $this->lastError = $error['error']['message'];
                 return false;
                 $this->lastError = 'Unexpected error.';
                 CakeLog::write('stripe', $this->lastError);
                 return false;
     } catch (CakeException $e) {
         $this->lastError = $e->message;
         CakeLog::write('stripe', $e->message);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Performs an API request to Basecamp
  * @param string $url
  * @param string $method
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
  * @access protected
 protected function _request($url, $method = 'GET', $options = array())
     // Extract our settings and create our HttpSocket
     $socket = new HttpSocket();
     // Build, execute and return the response
     return $socket->request(am(array('method' => $method, 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'http', 'host' => $account . '.' . 'campfirenow.com', 'path' => $url, 'user' => $token, 'pass' => 'X'), 'auth' => array('method' => 'Basic', 'user' => $token, 'pass' => 'X'), 'header' => array('User-Agent' => 'CakePHP CampfireComponent')), $options));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function greet($peer_address = null, $peer_port = null, $data = array())
     if (!$peer_address || !$peer_port) {
         return true;
     App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
     $req = array('method' => 'POST', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'http', 'host' => $peer_address, 'port' => $peer_port, 'path' => '/peers/hello'), 'header' => array('User-Agent' => 'Gitrbug/0.2'), 'body' => array('data' => $data));
     $res = $HttpSocket->request($req);
     return json_decode($res, true);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function updateMyIP()
     $addr = $this->findByName('ip_addr', array('fields' => 'value'));
     App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
     $res = $HttpSocket->request(array('method' => 'GET', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'ipinfodb.com', 'path' => '/ip_query.php', 'query' => 'output=json'), 'header' => array('User-Agent' => 'Gitrbug/0.2')));
     $r = json_decode($res, true);
     if (empty($addr)) {
         $this->save(array('name' => 'ip_addr', 'value' => $r['Ip']));
     } else {
         $this->updateAll(array('value' => $r['Ip']), array('name' => 'ip_addr'));
     return $r['Ip'];
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Makes the HTTP Rest request
  * @return void
  * @author Rob Mcvey
 public function handleRequest($request)
     // HttpSocket.
     if (!$this->HttpSocket) {
         $this->HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
         $this->HttpSocket->quirksMode = true;
         // Amazon returns sucky XML
     // Make request
     try {
         return $this->HttpSocket->request($request);
     } catch (SocketException $e) {
         // If error Amazon returns garbage XML and
         // throws HttpSocket::_decodeChunkedBody - Could not parse malformed chunk ???
         throw new AmazonS3Exception(__('Could not complete the HTTP request'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function run($data)
     if (!$data['hash']) {
         $this->err("Tried to run search without a hash!?");
         return true;
     if (!array_key_exists('from', $data)) {
         $data['from'] = array('host' => $this->Setting->readIP(), 'port' => Configure::read('gitrbug.port'));
     if ($peer = $this->Peer->choosePeer($data)) {
         $this->out(print_r($peer, true));
         if (!array_key_exists('PeerTable', $data)) {
             $data['PeerTable'] = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++) {
                 if (rand(0, 3) == 0) {
                     $data['PeerTable'][$this->Peer->_genuuid()] = $this->Peer->_genuuid();
         } elseif (count($data['PeerTable']) > 64) {
             return true;
             // end of teh road
         $my_id = $this->Setting->getPrivateId();
         $data['PeerTable'][$my_id] = $peer['Peer']['id'];
         App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
         $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
         $req = array('method' => 'POST', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'http', 'host' => $peer['Peer']['ip'], 'port' => $peer['Peer']['port'], 'path' => '/peers/search'), 'header' => array('User-Agent' => 'Gitrbug/0.2'), 'body' => array('data' => json_encode($data)));
         $res = $HttpSocket->request($req);
         $r = json_decode($res, true);
         if ($r = "success") {
             $this->Peer->read(null, $peer['Peer']['id']);
             $this->Peer->data['Peer']['score'] = $this->Peer->data['Peer']['score'] - 10;
             $this->Peer->Tag->updateAll(array('Tag.score' => 'Tag.score - 10'), array('Tag.name' => am($data['hash'], $data['tags']), 'Tag.entity_id' => $peer['Peer']['id']));
         $this->out(print_r($res, true));
         return true;
     } else {
         // discard silently
         return true;
  * Retrieve information about the authentication
  * @param HttpSocket $http Http socket instance.
  * @param array &$authInfo Authentication info.
  * @return bool
 protected static function _getServerInformation(HttpSocket $http, &$authInfo)
     $originalRequest = $http->request;
     $http->request = $originalRequest;
     $http->configAuth('Digest', $authInfo);
     if (empty($http->response['header']['WWW-Authenticate'])) {
         return false;
     preg_match_all('@(\\w+)=(?:(?:")([^"]+)"|([^\\s,$]+))@', $http->response['header']['WWW-Authenticate'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $authInfo[$match[1]] = $match[2];
     if (!empty($authInfo['qop']) && empty($authInfo['nc'])) {
         $authInfo['nc'] = 1;
     return true;
  * Overrides HttpSocket::request() to handle cases where
  * $request['auth']['method'] is 'OAuth'.
  * @param array $request As required by HttpSocket::request(). NOTE ONLY
  * @return array
 public function request($request = array())
     // If the request does not need OAuth Authorization header, let the parent
     // deal with it.
     if (!isset($request['auth']['method']) || $request['auth']['method'] != 'OAuth') {
         return parent::request($request);
     // Generate the OAuth Authorization Header content for this request from the
     // request data and add it into the request's Authorization Header. Note, we
     // don't just add the header directly in the request variable and return the
     // whole thing from the authorizationHeader() method because in some cases
     // we may not want the authorization header content in the request's
     // authorization header, for example, OAuth Echo as used by Twitpic and
     // Twitter includes an Authorization Header as required by twitter's verify
     // credentials API in the X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization header.
     $request['header']['Authorization'] = $this->authorizationHeader($request);
     // Now the Authorization header is built, fire the request off to the parent
     // HttpSocket class request method that we intercepted earlier.
     return parent::request($request);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function edit($id = null)
     if (!$id && empty($this->data)) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid getter', true));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         if ($this->Getter->save($this->data)) {
             App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
             $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
             $request = array('method' => 'POST', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 3000, 'user' => null, 'pass' => null, 'path' => '/addInterval/', 'query' => null, 'fragment' => null), 'version' => '1.1', 'body' => json_encode(array('id' => (int) $this->data['Getter']['id'], 'interval' => (int) $this->data['Getter']['interval'], 'code' => $this->data['Getter']['code'])), 'header' => array('Content-type' => 'application/json'));
             $results = $HttpSocket->request($request);
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The getter has been saved', true));
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'edit', $id));
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('The getter could not be saved. Please, try again.', true));
     if (empty($this->data)) {
         $this->data = $this->Getter->read(null, $id);
 protected function _request($path, $request = array())
     // preparing request
     $defaultRequest = array('method' => 'GET', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'https', 'host' => 'graph.facebook.com', 'path' => ''));
     $request = Hash::merge($defaultRequest, $this->_request);
     $request['uri']['path'] .= $path;
     if (!empty($this->_config['token'])) {
         $request['uri']['query']['access_token'] = $this->_config['token'];
     // Read cached GET results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         $cacheKey = $this->_generateCacheKey();
         $results = Cache::read($cacheKey);
         if ($results !== false) {
             return $results;
     // createding http socket object for later use
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
     // issuing request
     $response = $HttpSocket->request($request);
     // olny valid response is going to be parsed
     if (substr($response->code, 0, 1) != 2) {
         if (Configure::read('debugApis')) {
         return false;
     // parsing response
     $results = $this->_parseResponse($response);
     // cache and return results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         Cache::write($cacheKey, $results);
     return $results;
  * Issues request and returns response as an array decoded according to the
  * response's content type if the response code is 200, else triggers the
  * $model->onError() method (if it exists) and finally returns false.
  * @param mixed $model Either a CakePHP model with a request property, or an
  * array in the format expected by HttpSocket::request or a string which is a
  * URI.
  * @return mixed The response or false
 public function request(&$model)
     if (is_object($model)) {
         $request = $model->request;
     } elseif (is_array($model)) {
         $request = $model;
     } elseif (is_string($model)) {
         $request = array('uri' => $model);
     // Remove unwanted elements from request array
     $request = array_intersect_key($request, $this->Http->request);
     $timerStart = microtime(true);
     // Issues request
     $response = $this->Http->request($request);
     $timerEnd = microtime(true);
     // Log the request in the query log
     if (Configure::read('debug')) {
         $logText = '';
         foreach (array('request', 'response') as $logPart) {
             $logTextForThisPart = $this->Http->{$logPart}['raw'];
             if ($logPart == 'response') {
                 $logTextForThisPart = $logTextForThisPart['response'];
             if (strlen($logTextForThisPart) > $this->_logLimitBytes) {
                 $logTextForThisPart = substr($logTextForThisPart, 0, $this->_logLimitBytes) . ' [ ... truncated ...]';
             $logText .= '---' . strtoupper($logPart) . "---\n" . $logTextForThisPart . "\n\n";
         $took = round(($timerEnd - $timerStart) / 1000);
         $newLog = array('query' => $logText, 'error' => '', 'affected' => '', 'numRows' => '', 'took' => $took);
         $this->__requestLog[] = $newLog;
     // Get content type header
     $contentType = $this->Http->response['header']['Content-Type'];
     // Extract content type from content type header
     if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9\\/\\+]+);\\s*charset=([a-z0-9\\-]+)/i', $contentType, $matches)) {
         $contentType = $matches[1];
         $charset = $matches[2];
     // Decode response according to content type
     switch ($contentType) {
         case 'application/xml':
         case 'application/atom+xml':
         case 'application/rss+xml':
             // If making multiple requests that return xml, I found that using the
             // same Xml object with Xml::load() to load new responses did not work,
             // consequently it is necessary to create a whole new instance of the
             // Xml class. This can use a lot of memory so we have to manually
             // garbage collect the Xml object when we've finished with it, i.e. got
             // it to transform the xml string response into a php array.
             App::import('Core', 'Xml');
             $Xml = new Xml($response);
             $response = $Xml->toArray(false);
             // Send false to get separate elements
             $Xml = null;
         case 'application/json':
         case 'text/javascript':
             $response = json_decode($response, true);
     if (is_object($model)) {
         $model->response = $response;
     // Check response status code for success or failure
     if (substr($this->Http->response['status']['code'], 0, 1) != 2) {
         if (is_object($model) && method_exists($model, 'onError')) {
         return false;
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Overrides HttpSocket::request() to handle cases where
  * $request['auth']['method'] is 'OAuth'.
  * @param array $request As required by HttpSocket::request(). NOTE ONLY
  * @return array
 function request($request = array())
     // If the request does not need OAuth Authorization header, let the parent
     // deal with it.
     if (!isset($request['auth']['method']) || $request['auth']['method'] != 'OAuth') {
         return parent::request($request);
     $request['auth'] = array_merge($this->defaults, $request['auth']);
     // Nonce, or number used once is used to distinguish between different
     // requests to the OAuth provider
     if (!isset($request['auth']['oauth_nonce'])) {
         $request['auth']['oauth_nonce'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     if (!isset($request['auth']['oauth_timestamp'])) {
         $request['auth']['oauth_timestamp'] = time();
     // Now starts the process of signing the request. The signature is a hash of
     // a signature base string with the secret keys. The signature base string
     // is made up of the request http verb, the request uri and the request
     // params, and the secret keys are the consumer secret (for your
     // application) and the access token secret generated for the user by the
     // provider, e.g. twitter, when the user authorizes your app to access their
     // details.
     // Building the request uri, note we don't include the query string or
     // fragment. Standard ports must not be included but non standard ones must.
     $uriFormat = '%scheme://%host';
     if (isset($request['uri']['port']) && !in_array($request['uri']['port'], array(80, 443))) {
         $uriFormat .= ':' . $request['uri']['port'];
     $uriFormat .= '/%path';
     $requestUrl = parent::_buildUri($request['uri'], $uriFormat);
     // The realm oauth_ param is optional, but you can include it and use the
     // request uri as the value if it's not already set
     if (!isset($request['auth']['realm'])) {
         $request['auth']['realm'] = $requestUrl;
     // OAuth reference states that the request params, i.e. oauth_ params, body
     // params and query string params need to be normalised, i.e. combined in a
     // single string, separated by '&' in the format name=value. But they also
     // need to be sorted by key, then by value. You can't just merge the auth,
     // body and query arrays together then do a ksort because there may be
     // parameters with the same name. Instead we've got to get them into an
     // array of array('name' => '<name>', 'value' => '<value>') elements, then
     // sort those elements.
     // Let's start with the auth params - however, we shouldn't include the auth
     // method (OAuth), and OAuth reference says not to include the realm or the
     // consumer or token secrets
     $requestParams = $this->assocToNumericNameValue(array_diff_key($request['auth'], array_flip(array('realm', 'method', 'oauth_consumer_secret', 'oauth_token_secret'))));
     // Next add the body params.
     if (isset($request['body'])) {
         $requestParams = array_merge($requestParams, $this->assocToNumericNameValue($request['body']));
     // Finally the query params
     if (isset($request['uri']['query'])) {
         $requestParams = array_merge($requestParams, $this->assocToNumericNameValue($request['uri']['query']));
     // Now we can sort them by name then value
     usort($requestParams, array($this, 'sortByNameThenByValue'));
     // Now we concatenate them together in name=value pairs separated by &
     $normalisedRequestParams = '';
     foreach ($requestParams as $k => $requestParam) {
         if ($k) {
             $normalisedRequestParams .= '&';
         $normalisedRequestParams .= $requestParam['name'] . '=' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($requestParam['value']));
     // The signature base string consists of the request method (uppercased) and
     // concatenated with the request URL and normalised request parameters
     // string, both encoded, and separated by &
     $signatureBaseString = strtoupper($request['method']) . '&' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($requestUrl)) . '&' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($normalisedRequestParams));
     // The signature base string is hashed with a key which is the consumer
     // secret (assigned to your application by the provider) and the token
     // secret (also known as the access token secret, if you've got it yet),
     // both encoded and separated by an &
     $key = '';
     if (isset($request['auth']['oauth_consumer_secret'])) {
         $key .= rawurlencode(utf8_encode($request['auth']['oauth_consumer_secret']));
     $key .= '&';
     if (isset($request['auth']['oauth_token_secret'])) {
         $key .= rawurlencode(utf8_encode($request['auth']['oauth_token_secret']));
     // Finally construct the signature according to the value of the
     // oauth_signature_method auth param in the request array.
     switch ($request['auth']['oauth_signature_method']) {
         case 'HMAC-SHA1':
             $request['auth']['oauth_signature'] = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $signatureBaseString, $key, true));
             // @todo implement the other 2 hashing methods
     // Finally, we have all the Authorization header parameters so we can build
     // the header string.
     $request['header']['Authorization'] = 'OAuth realm="' . $request['auth']['realm'] . '"';
     // We don't want to include the realm, method or secrets though
     $authorizationHeaderParams = array_diff_key($request['auth'], array_flip(array('realm', 'method', 'oauth_consumer_secret', 'oauth_token_secret')));
     // Add the Authorization header params to the Authorization header string,
     // properly encoded.
     foreach ($authorizationHeaderParams as $name => $value) {
         $request['header']['Authorization'] .= ',' . $this->authorizationHeaderParamEncode($name, $value);
     // Now the Authorization header is built, fire the request off to the parent
     // HttpSocket class request method that we intercepted earlier.
     return parent::request($request);
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Same as above for OAuth v2.0
  * @param string $oAuthConsumerKey
  * @param string $oAuthConsumerSecret
  * @param string $oAuthCode
  * @param string $oAuthCallBack
  * @return array Array containing keys token and token_secret
  * @author Dean Sofer, adrelanex
 public function getOAuthAccessTokenV2($oAuthConsumerKey, $oAuthConsumerSecret, $oAuthCode, $oAuthCallBack)
     $request = Set::merge($this->_oAuthRequestDefaults, array('uri' => array('host' => $this->_map['hosts']['oauth'], 'path' => $this->_map['oauth']['access']), 'method' => 'POST', 'body' => array('grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => $oAuthCode, 'redirect_uri' => $oAuthCallBack, 'client_id' => $oAuthConsumerKey, 'client_secret' => $oAuthConsumerSecret)));
     $Http = new HttpSocket();
     $response = $Http->request($request);
     if ($Http->response['status']['code'] != 200) {
         return false;
     if ($Http->response['Content-Type'] = 'application/json') {
         $accessToken = (array) json_decode($response);
     } else {
         parse_str($response, $accessToken);
     return $accessToken;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private function doPostMultipartFormData($url, $authorization, $paths, $data)
     App::uses('String', 'Utility');
     $boundary = String::uuid();
     $body = "--{$boundary}\r\n";
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $body .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}\"\r\n";
         $body .= "\r\n";
         $body .= "{$value}\r\n";
         $body .= "--{$boundary}\r\n";
     foreach ($paths as $key => $path) {
         $body .= "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{$key}\"; filename=\"{$path}\"\r\n";
         $body .= "\r\n";
         $body .= file_get_contents($path) . "\r\n";
         $body .= "--{$boundary}--\r\n";
     $socket = new HttpSocket();
     $result = $socket->request(array('method' => 'POST', 'uri' => $url, 'header' => array('Authorization' => $authorization, 'Content-Type' => "multipart/form-data; boundary={$boundary}"), 'body' => $body));
     $this->fullResponse = $result;
     return $result;
 * Issues request and returns response as an array decoded according to the
 * response's content type if the response code is 200, else triggers the
 * $model->onError() method (if it exists) and finally returns false.
 * @param mixed $model Either a CakePHP model with a request property, or an
 * array in the format expected by HttpSocket::request or a string which is a
 * URI.
 * @return mixed The response or false
	public function request($model) {
		if (is_object($model)) {
			$request = $model->request;
		} elseif (is_array($model)) {
			$request = $model;
		} elseif (is_string($model)) {
			$request = array('uri' => $model);
		$log = isset($request['log']) ? $request['log'] : Configure::read('debug') > 1;

		// Remove unwanted elements from request array
		$request = array_intersect_key($request, $this->Http->request);

		$timerStart = microtime(true);
		// Issues request
		$response = $this->Http->request($request);
		/* @var $response HttpResponse */

		if ($log) {
			// Record log
			$this->took = round(microtime(true) - $timerStart, 3) * 1000;
			$this->logRequest($request, $response);

		// Get content type header
		$contentType = $this->Http->response->getHeader('Content-Type');

		// Extract content type from content type header
		if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9\/\+]+);\s*charset=([a-z0-9\-]+)/i', $contentType, $matches)) {
			$contentType = $matches[1];
			$charset = $matches[2];

		// Decode response according to content type
		switch ($contentType) {
			case 'application/xml':
			case 'application/atom+xml':
			case 'application/rss+xml':
				// If making multiple requests that return xml, I found that using the
				// same Xml object with Xml::load() to load new responses did not work,
				// consequently it is necessary to create a whole new instance of the
				// Xml class. This can use a lot of memory so we have to manually
				// garbage collect the Xml object when we've finished with it, i.e. got
				// it to transform the xml string response into a php array.
				$Xml = Xml::build($response->body);
				$response = Xml::toArray($Xml); // Send false to get separate elements
			case 'application/json':
			case 'text/javascript':
				$response = json_decode($response->body, true);

		if (is_object($model)) {
			$model->response = $response;

		// Check response status code for success or failure
		if (substr($this->Http->response['status']['code'], 0, 1) != 2) {
			if (is_object($model) && method_exists($model, 'onError')) {
			return false;

		return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Request wrapper to make local reference with real http server settings
  * @param Object $request
  * @return HttpSocket response
 public function request($request = null)
     $cfg = $this->sock->config;
     if (empty($request)) {
         $request = $this;
     $this->sock->config['request']['uri']['host'] = $request->sockUri->config['host'];
     if (isset($request->sockUri->config['scheme'])) {
         $this->sock->config['request']['uri']['scheme'] = $request->sockUri->config['scheme'];
     if ($this->sock->config['request']['uri']['scheme'] == 'https') {
         $this->sock->config['request']['uri']['port'] = 443;
     $body = $this->body();
     $query = array('uri' => $this->sock->config['request']['uri'], 'method' => $request->method, 'body' => $this->body(), 'header' => array('Connection' => 'close', 'User-Agent' => 'CakePHP', 'Authorization' => $request->authorization, 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => $request->authorization, 'X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => $request->authorization));
     if (empty($body) && in_array($request->method, array('POST', 'PUT'))) {
         $query['header']['Content-Length'] = 0;
     OauthHelper::log(array('socket::query' => $query));
     $response = $this->sock->request($query);
     OauthHelper::log(array('socket::response' => $this->sock->response));
     return $this->sock->response;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Performs a transfer
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param array $source
  * @param array $temporary
  * @param array $destination
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
 function perform(&$Model)
     if (!$isReady || $hasPerformed) {
         return false;
     $hasPerformed = false;
     $chain = implode('>>', array($source['type'], $temporary['type'], $destination['type']));
     if ($source['type'] === 'http-url-remote') {
         if (!class_exists('HttpSocket')) {
             App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
         $Socket = new HttpSocket(array('timeout' => 5));
         $Socket->request(array('method' => 'GET', 'uri' => $source['file']));
         if (!empty($Socket->error) || $Socket->response['status']['code'] != 200) {
             return $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['hasPerformed'] = $hasPerformed;
     if ($chain === 'file-upload-remote>>uploaded-file-local>>file-local') {
         $hasPerformed = move_uploaded_file($temporary['file'], $destination['file']);
     } elseif ($chain === 'file-local>>>>file-local') {
         $hasPerformed = copy($source['file'], $destination['file']);
     } elseif ($chain === 'file-local>>file-local>>file-local') {
         if (copy($source['file'], $temporary['file'])) {
             $hasPerformed = rename($temporary['file'], $destination['file']);
     } elseif ($chain === 'http-url-remote>>>>file-local') {
         $hasPerformed = file_put_contents($destination['file'], $Socket->response['body']);
     } elseif ($chain === 'http-url-remote>>file-local>>file-local') {
         if (file_put_contents($temporary['file'], $Socket->response['body'])) {
             $hasPerformed = rename($temporary['file'], $destination['file']);
     return $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['hasPerformed'] = $hasPerformed;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Gather/Return information about a resource
  * @param mixed $resource Path to file in local FS, URL or file-upload array
  * @param string $what scheme, host, port, file, MIME type, size, permission,
  * 	dirname, basename, filename, extension or type
  * @return mixed
 function info(&$Model, $resource, $what = null)
     extract($this->settings[$Model->alias], EXTR_SKIP);
     $defaultResource = array('scheme' => null, 'host' => null, 'port' => null, 'file' => null, 'mimeType' => null, 'size' => null, 'pixels' => null, 'permission' => null, 'dirname' => null, 'basename' => null, 'filename' => null, 'extension' => null, 'type' => null);
     /* Currently HTTP is supported only */
     if (TransferValidation::url($resource, array('scheme' => 'http'))) {
         $resource = array_merge($defaultResource, pathinfo(parse_url($resource, PHP_URL_PATH)), array('scheme' => parse_url($resource, PHP_URL_SCHEME), 'host' => parse_url($resource, PHP_URL_HOST), 'port' => parse_url($resource, PHP_URL_PORT), 'file' => $resource, 'type' => 'http-url-remote'));
         if (!class_exists('HttpSocket')) {
             App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
         $Socket = new HttpSocket(array('timeout' => 5));
         $Socket->request(array('method' => 'HEAD', 'uri' => $resource['file']));
         if (empty($Socket->error) && $Socket->response['status']['code'] == 200) {
             $resource = array_merge($resource, array('size' => $Socket->response['header']['Content-Length'], 'mimeType' => $trustClient ? $Socket->response['header']['Content-Type'] : null, 'permission' => '0004'));
     } elseif (MediaValidation::file($resource, false)) {
         $resource = array_merge($defaultResource, pathinfo($resource), array('file' => $resource, 'host' => 'localhost', 'mimeType' => MimeType::guessType($resource, array('paranoid' => !$trustClient))));
         if (TransferValidation::uploadedFile($resource['file'])) {
             $resource['type'] = 'uploaded-file-local';
         } else {
             $resource['type'] = 'file-local';
         if (is_readable($resource['file'])) {
              * Because there is not better  way to determine if resource is an image
              * first, we suppress a warning that would be thrown here otherwise.
             list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($resource['file']);
             $resource = array_merge($resource, array('size' => filesize($resource['file']), 'permission' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($resource['file'])), -4), 'pixels' => $width * $height));
     } elseif (TransferValidation::fileUpload($resource)) {
         $resource = array_merge($defaultResource, pathinfo($resource['name']), array('file' => $resource['name'], 'host' => env('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'size' => $resource['size'], 'mimeType' => $trustClient ? $resource['type'] : null, 'permission' => '0004', 'type' => 'file-upload-remote'));
     } else {
         return null;
     if (!isset($resource['filename'])) {
         /* PHP < 5.2.0 */
         $length = isset($resource['extension']) ? strlen($resource['extension']) + 1 : 0;
         $resource['filename'] = substr($resource['basename'], 0, -$length);
     if (is_null($what)) {
         return $resource;
     } elseif (array_key_exists($what, $resource)) {
         return $resource[$what];
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Search CakePackages.com for a package. Extra functionality to come later
 public function search()
     $install = false;
     if (!isset($this->args[0])) {
         $this->args[0] = $this->in("\nSearch Packages for:");
         if (empty($this->args[0])) {
     App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');
     $Http = new HttpSocket();
     $Response = $Http->request('http://api.cakepackages.com/1/search/' . urlencode($this->args[0]));
     if (!$Response->isOk()) {
         $this->out("\n<error>Search requires an active internet connection</error>");
     $data = json_decode($Response->body, true);
     $this->out("\n<info>Found ({$data['count']}) Search Results:</info>");
     $i = 0;
     $packages = array();
     foreach ($data['results'] as $package) {
         $this->out("\n{$package['id']}) <warning>{$package['name']}</warning> by {$package['data']['Maintainer.name']} <comment>{$package['data']['Package.repository_url']}</comment>");
         $packages[$package['id']] = $package['data']['Package.repository_url'];
     if ($data['count'] == 1) {
         $install = $data['results'][0]['id'];
     } elseif ($data['count'] > 1) {
         $install = $this->in("\nWhich package ID# would you like to install?");
     if ($install) {
         $folder = $this->in("\nPlease enter the plugin folder name");
         if (!empty($folder)) {
             $this->_install($packages[trim($install)], 'Plugin' . DS . $folder);
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Finaliza a compra.
  * Recebe o codigo para redirecionamento ou erro.
 public function finalize()
     App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket(array('timeout' => $this->timeout));
     $return = $HttpSocket->request(array('method' => 'POST', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'https', 'host' => $this->__URI, 'path' => $this->__path), 'header' => array('Content-Type' => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset={$this->charset}"), 'body' => array_merge($this->__config, $this->__data, $this->__shipping)));
     return $this->__response($return);
Ejemplo n.º 27
	 * Import a file from an external remote URL. Must be an absolute URL.
	 * @access public
	 * @uses HttpSocket
	 * @param string $path
	 * @param array $options
	 *		- name: What should the filename be changed to
	 *		- overwrite: Should we overwrite the existant file with the same name?
	 * @return mixed - Array on success, false on failure
	public function importRemote($url, array $options = array()) {
		if (!$this->enableUpload) {
			return false;
		} else {

		$options = $options + array('name' => null, 'overwrite' => false);

		$this->_current = basename($url);
		$this->_data[$this->_current]['path'] = $url;
		$this->_data[$this->_current]['type'] = $this->mimeType($url);
		$this->_data[$this->_current]['ext'] = $this->ext($url);
		// Validate everything
		if (!$this->_validates(true)) {
			return false;

		// Make a copy of the remote file
		$dest = $this->setDestination($options['name'], $options['overwrite']);
		$Http = new HttpSocket();

		if (file_put_contents($dest, $Http->request($url))) {
			$this->_data[$this->_current]['uploaded'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
			$this->_data[$this->_current]['filesize'] = $this->bytes(filesize($dest));

			if ($this->_data[$this->_current]['group'] == 'image') {
				$dimensions = $this->dimensions($dest);

				$this->_data[$this->_current]['width'] = $dimensions['width'];
				$this->_data[$this->_current]['height'] = $dimensions['height'];
		} else {
			return false;

		chmod($dest, 0777);
		return $this->_returnData();
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected function _request($path, $request = array())
     // preparing request
     $request = Hash::merge($this->_request, $request);
     $request['uri']['path'] .= $path;
     $request['header']['Authorization'] = sprintf('OAuth %s', $this->_config['token']);
     // Read cached GET results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         $cacheKey = $this->_generateCacheKey();
         $results = Cache::read($cacheKey);
         if ($results !== false) {
             return $results;
     // createding http socket object for later use
     $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket(array('ssl_verify_host' => false));
     // checking access token expires time, using refresh token when needed
     $date = date('c', time());
     if (isset($this->_config['expires']) && isset($this->_config['refresh_token']) && $date > $this->_config['expires']) {
         // getting new credentials
         $requestRefreshToken = array('method' => 'POST', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'https', 'host' => 'accounts.google.com', 'path' => '/o/oauth2/token'), 'body' => sprintf('client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&refresh_token=%s&grant_type=refresh_token', $this->_config['client_id'], $this->_config['client_secret'], $this->_config['refresh_token']), 'header' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));
         $response = $HttpSocket->request($requestRefreshToken);
         if ($response->code != 200) {
             if (Configure::read('debugApis')) {
             return false;
         $results = $this->_parseResponse($response);
         $credentials = array('token' => $results['access_token'], 'expires' => date('c', time() + $results['expires_in']));
         // saving new credentials
         $this->_config = array_merge($this->_config, $credentials);
         CakeSession::write(sprintf('%s', $this->_strategy), $this->_config);
         // writing into db
         $OpauthSetting = ClassRegistry::init('Opauth.OpauthSetting');
         $data = $OpauthSetting->findByName($this->_strategy);
         if ($data) {
             $OpauthSetting->id = $data['OpauthSetting']['id'];
             $OpauthSetting->save(array_merge($data['OpauthSetting'], $this->_config));
         // writing authorization token again (refreshed one)
         $request['header']['Authorization'] = sprintf('OAuth %s', $this->_config['token']);
     // issuing request
     $response = $HttpSocket->request($request);
     // olny valid response is going to be parsed
     if (substr($response->code, 0, 1) != 2) {
         if (Configure::read('debugApis')) {
         return false;
     // debug
     $debug = Configure::read('debugApis');
     if ($debug && $debug > 1) {
     // parsing response
     $results = $this->_parseResponse($response);
     // cache and return results
     if ($request['method'] == 'GET') {
         Cache::write($cacheKey, $results);
     return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Prepares (if neccessary) and performs a transfer
  * Please note that if a file with the same name as the destination exists,
  * it will be silently overwritten.
  * There are currently 3 different types of transferable items which are all
  * enabled – if you’re not using the location validation rule – by default.
  * 1. Array generated by an upload through a HTML form via HTTP POST.
  *    {{{
  *        array(
  *            'name' => 'cern.jpg',
  *            'type' => 'image/jpeg',
  *            'tmp_name' => '/tmp/32ljsdf',
  *            'error' => 0,
  *            'size' => 49160
  *        )
  *    }}}
  * 2. String containing an absolute path to a file in the filesystem.
  *  `'/var/www/tmp/cern.jpg'`
  * 3. String containing an URL.
  *  `'http://cakephp.org/imgs/logo.png'`
  * Transfer types can be enabled selectively by using the location validation
  * rule. To make HTTP transfers work you must explicitly allow all HTTP transfers
  * by specifying 'http://' in the location validation rule or – if you only want
  * to allow transfers from certain domains – use 'http://example.org' instead.
  * {{{
  *     'location' => array('rule' => array('checkLocation', array(MEDIA_TRANSFER, '/tmp/', 'http://')))
  * }}}
  * If you experience problems with the model not validating, try commenting the
  * mimeType rule or provide less strict settings for the rules.
  * For users on Windows it is important to know that checkExtension and
  * checkMimeType take both a blacklist and a whitelist and you make sure that you
  * additionally specify tmp as an extension in case you are using a whitelist:
  * {{{
  *     'extension' => array('rule' => array('checkExtension', array('bin', 'exe'), array('jpg', 'tmp')))
  * }}}
  * @see checkLocation()
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param mixed $file File from which source, temporary and destination are derived
  * @return string|boolean Destination file on success, false on failure
 function transfer(&$Model, $file)
     if ($this->runtime[$Model->alias]['hasPerformed']) {
         $this->runtime[$Model->alias] = $this->_defaultRuntime;
         $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['hasPerformed'] = true;
     if (!$this->runtime[$Model->alias]['isPrepared']) {
         if (!$this->_prepare($Model, $file)) {
             return false;
     if ($source['type'] === 'http-url-remote') {
         if (!class_exists('HttpSocket')) {
             App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
         $Socket = new HttpSocket(array('timeout' => 5));
         $Socket->request(array('method' => 'GET', 'uri' => $source['file']));
         if (!empty($Socket->error) || $Socket->response['status']['code'] != 200) {
             return false;
     $chain = implode('>>', array($source['type'], $temporary['type'], $destination['type']));
     $result = false;
     switch ($chain) {
         case 'file-upload-remote>>uploaded-file-local>>file-local':
             $result = move_uploaded_file($temporary['file'], $destination['file']);
         case 'file-local>>>>file-local':
             $result = copy($source['file'], $destination['file']);
         case 'file-local>>file-local>>file-local':
             if (copy($source['file'], $temporary['file'])) {
                 $result = rename($temporary['file'], $destination['file']);
         case 'http-url-remote>>>>file-local':
             $result = file_put_contents($destination['file'], $Socket->response['body']);
         case 'http-url-remote>>file-local>>file-local':
             if (file_put_contents($temporary['file'], $Socket->response['body'])) {
                 $result = rename($temporary['file'], $destination['file']);
     return $result ? $destination['file'] : false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Prepares (if neccessary) and performs a transfer
  * Please note that if a file with the same name as the destination exists,
  * it will be silently overwritten.
  * There are currently 3 different types of transferable items which are all
  * enabled – if you’re not using the location validation rule – by default.
  * 1. Array generated by an upload through a HTML form via HTTP POST.
  *    {{{
  *        array(
  *            'name' => 'cern.jpg',
  *            'type' => 'image/jpeg',
  *            'tmp_name' => '/tmp/32ljsdf',
  *            'error' => 0,
  *            'size' => 49160
  *        )
  *    }}}
  * 2. String containing an absolute path to a file in the filesystem.
  *  `'/var/www/tmp/cern.jpg'`
  * 3. String containing an URL.
  *  `'http://cakephp.org/imgs/logo.png'`
  * Transfer types can be enabled selectively by using the location validation
  * rule. To make HTTP transfers work you must explicitly allow all HTTP transfers
  * by specifying 'http://' in the location validation rule or – if you only want
  * to allow transfers from certain domains – use 'http://example.org' instead.
  * {{{
  *     'location' => array('rule' => array('checkLocation', array(MEDIA_TRANSFER, '/tmp/', 'http://')))
  * }}}
  * If you experience problems with the model not validating, try commenting the
  * mimeType rule or provide less strict settings for the rules.
  * For users on Windows it is important to know that checkExtension and
  * checkMimeType take both a blacklist and a whitelist and you make sure that you
  * additionally specify tmp as an extension in case you are using a whitelist:
  * {{{
  *     'extension' => array('rule' => array('checkExtension', array('bin', 'exe'), array('jpg', 'tmp')))
  * }}}
  * @see checkLocation()
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param mixed $file File from which source, temporary and destination are derived
  * @return string|boolean Destination file on success, false on failure
 public function transfer(&$Model, $file)
     if ($this->runtime[$Model->alias]['hasPerformed']) {
         $this->runtime[$Model->alias] = $this->_defaultRuntime;
         $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['hasPerformed'] = true;
     if (!$this->runtime[$Model->alias]['isPrepared']) {
         if (!$this->_prepare($Model, $file)) {
             return false;
     if ($source['type'] === 'http-url-remote') {
         if (!class_exists('HttpSocket')) {
             App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
         $Socket = new HttpSocket(array('timeout' => 5));
         $Socket->request(array('method' => 'GET', 'uri' => $source['file']));
         if (!empty($Socket->error) || $Socket->response['status']['code'] != 200) {
             return false;
     $chain = implode('>>', array($source['type'], $temporary['type'], $destination['type']));
     $result = false;
     // mayuresh code
     if ($_SESSION['UpModel']['type'] == 'u') {
         mkdir('files/' . $Model->alias . 's/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'], 0777);
         $newFile = explode(".", $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['source']['file']);
         $newFile = $newFile[0] . '-' . date('Y-m-d-his') . '.' . $newFile[1];
         switch ($chain) {
             case 'file-upload-remote>>uploaded-file-local>>file-local':
                 $result = move_uploaded_file($temporary['file'], 'files/Uploads/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'] . '/' . $newFile);
             case 'file-local>>>>file-local':
                 $result = copy($source['file'], $destination['file']);
             case 'file-local>>file-local>>file-local':
                 if (copy($source['file'], $temporary['file'])) {
                     $result = rename($temporary['file'], 'files/Uploads/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'] . '/' . $newFile);
             case 'http-url-remote>>>>file-local':
                 $result = file_put_contents($destination['file'], $Socket->response['body']);
             case 'http-url-remote>>file-local>>file-local':
                 if (file_put_contents($temporary['file'], $Socket->response['body'])) {
                     $result = rename($temporary['file'], 'files/Uploads/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'] . '/' . $newFile);
     } elseif ($_SESSION['UpModel']['type'] == 'q') {
         mkdir('files/Questions/' . $_SESSION['upModel']['bank_id'], 0777);
         mkdir('files/Questions/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'], 0777);
         $newFile = explode(".", $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['source']['file']);
         $newFile = $newFile[0] . '-' . date('Y-m-d-his') . '.' . $newFile[1];
         switch ($chain) {
             case 'file-upload-remote>>uploaded-file-local>>file-local':
                 $result = move_uploaded_file($temporary['file'], 'files/Questions/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'] . '/' . $newFile);
             case 'file-local>>>>file-local':
                 $result = copy($source['file'], $destination['file']);
             case 'file-local>>file-local>>file-local':
                 if (copy($source['file'], $temporary['file'])) {
                     $result = rename($temporary['file'], 'files/Questions/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'] . '/' . $newFile);
             case 'http-url-remote>>>>file-local':
                 $result = file_put_contents($destination['file'], $Socket->response['body']);
             case 'http-url-remote>>file-local>>file-local':
                 if (file_put_contents($temporary['file'], $Socket->response['body'])) {
                     $result = rename($temporary['file'], 'files/Questions/' . $_SESSION['Administrator']['id'] . '/' . $newFile);
     // end
     $_SESSION['upModel.newName'] = $newFile;
     return $result ? $destination['file'] : false;