Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct()
     $this->columns = array('title' => '');
     $this->pagetitle = "Taxon Groups";
     $this->session = Session::instance();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct('taxon_designation', 'taxon_designation/index');
     $this->columns = array('id' => '', 'title' => '', 'category' => '');
     $this->pagetitle = "Taxon Designations";
     $this->model = ORM::factory('taxon_designation');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns an array of all values from this model ready to be loaded into a form. 
  * For this controller, we need to also setup text for the "other data" section.
 protected function getModelValues()
     $r = parent::getModelValues();
     $r['metaFields:metadata'] = $this->get_metadata_as_text();
     $r['metaFields:data'] = $this->get_data_as_text();
     return $r;
  * Apply the filter for the selected taxon list to the list of groups.
 public function index()
     if ($this->uri->total_arguments() > 0) {
         $this->taxon_list_id = $this->uri->argument(1);
         $this->base_filter['taxon_list_id'] = $this->taxon_list_id;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns an array of all values from this model and its super models ready to be 
  * loaded into a form.  
 protected function getModelValues()
     $r = parent::getModelValues();
     if ($this->model->parent_id) {
         $r['parent_website_id'] = $this->model->parent->website_id;
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit an existing code.   
 protected function getModelValues()
     $r = parent::getModelValues();
     // The code is linked to a taxon meaning, but we need to use this to link back to the
     // preferred taxa in taxon list, so when you save it knows where to go back to.
     $ttl = ORM::Factory('taxa_taxon_list')->where(array('taxon_meaning_id' => $this->model->taxon_meaning_id, 'preferred' => 'true'))->find();
     $r['taxa_taxon_list:id'] = $ttl->id;
     return $r;
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         $r['known_subject:id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
         $r['known_subject_comment:known_subject_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Load default values either when creating a sample new or reloading after a validation failure.
  * This adds the custom attributes list to the data available for the view. 
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if (array_key_exists('identifier:id', $_POST)) {
         $websiteId = $r['identifier:website_id'];
         $this->loadAttributes($r, array('website_id' => $websiteId));
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         $r['survey:id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
         $r['survey_comment:survey_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
  *  In this case, the parent_id and website_id are passed as $_POST data if creating 
  *  a new sublist.   
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create' && array_key_exists('parent_id', $_POST)) {
         // Parent_id is passed in as POST params for a new record.
         $r['taxon_list:parent_id'] = $_POST['parent_id'];
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         // Website id is passed as first argument in URL when creating
         $r['milestone:website_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         // User id is passed as first argument in URL when creating
         $r['user_identifier:user_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
     return $r;
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         // Taxa taxon list id is passed as first argument in URL when creating
         $ttl = ORM::Factory('taxa_taxon_list', $this->uri->argument(1));
         $r['taxa_taxon_designation:taxon_id'] = $ttl->taxon_id;
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Load default values either when creating a sample new or reloading after a validation failure.
  * This adds the custom attributes list to the data available for the view. 
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     $r['joinsTo:taxa_taxon_list:id'] = $this->reformatTaxaJoinsForList($r, 'taxa_taxon_list');
     if (array_key_exists('known_subject:id', $_POST)) {
         $websiteId = $r['known_subject:website_id'];
         $this->loadAttributes($r, array('website_id' => $websiteId));
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         // occurrence id is passed as first argument in URL when creating.
         $r['occurrence:id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
         $r['occurrence_comment:occurrence_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Load default values either when creating a sample new or reloading after a validation failure.
  * This adds the custome attributes list to the data available for the view. 
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if (array_key_exists('sample:survey_id', $_POST)) {
         $r['sample:survey_id'] = $_POST['sample:survey_id'];
         $r['website_id'] = ORM::factory('survey', $r['sample:survey_id'])->website_id;
         $r['sample:sample_method_id'] = array_key_exists('sample:sample_method_id', $_POST) ? $_POST['sample:sample_method_id'] : null;
         $this->loadAttributes($r, array('website_id' => array($r['website_id']), 'restrict_to_survey_id' => array(null, $r['sample:survey_id']), 'restrict_to_sample_method_id' => array(null, $r['sample:sample_method_id'])));
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function save()
     // unchecked check boxes are not in POST, so set false values.
     if (!isset($_POST['occurrence:confidential'])) {
         $_POST['occurrence:confidential'] = 'f';
     if (!isset($_POST['occurrence:zero_abundance'])) {
         $_POST['occurrence:zero_abundance'] = 'f';
Ejemplo n.º 18
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.   
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         // survey id is passed as first argument in URL when creating. But the image
         // gets linked by meaning, so fetch the meaning_id.
         $r['survey:id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
         $r['survey_medium:survey_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
         $r['survey_medium:caption'] = kohana::lang('misc.new_image');
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Load default values either when creating a sample new or reloading after a validation failure.
  * This adds the custome attributes list to the data available for the view. 
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     // when creating a person, we don't know the websites for the person, so cannot
     // filter the attribute values available. Therefore they are not displayed until
     // after the person has been saved. Therefore no need to call loadAttributes.
     // We do when editing after a validation failure though.
     if ($this->model->id !== 0) {
         $websiteIds = $this->getWebsiteIds($this->model->id);
         $this->loadAttributes($r, array('website_id' => $websiteIds));
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function save()
     if ($_POST['metaFields:disabled_input'] === 'NO') {
         // Build the validation_rules field from the set of controls that are associated with it.
         $rules = array();
         foreach (array('required', 'alpha', 'email', 'url', 'alpha_numeric', 'numeric', 'standard_text', 'date_in_past', 'time', 'digit', 'integer') as $rule) {
             if (array_key_exists('valid_' . $rule, $_POST) && $_POST['valid_' . $rule] == 1) {
                 array_push($rules, $rule);
         // trim the input data, incase spaces are left in the validation parameters which would affect our tests
         $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST);
         if (array_key_exists('valid_length', $_POST) && $_POST['valid_length'] == 1 && !empty($_POST['valid_length_max'])) {
             $min = empty($_POST['valid_length_min']) ? '0' : $_POST['valid_length_min'];
             $rules[] = 'length[' . $min . ',' . $_POST['valid_length_max'] . ']';
         if (array_key_exists('valid_decimal', $_POST) && $_POST['valid_decimal'] == 1 && !empty($_POST['valid_dec_format'])) {
             $rules[] = 'decimal[' . $_POST['valid_dec_format'] . ']';
         if (array_key_exists('valid_regex', $_POST) && $_POST['valid_regex'] == 1 && !empty($_POST['valid_regex_format'])) {
             $rules[] = 'regex[' . $_POST['valid_regex_format'] . ']';
         if (array_key_exists('valid_min', $_POST) && $_POST['valid_min'] == 1) {
             $rules[] = 'minimum[' . $_POST['valid_min_value'] . ']';
         if (array_key_exists('valid_max', $_POST) && $_POST['valid_max'] == 1) {
             $rules[] = 'maximum[' . $_POST['valid_max_value'] . ']';
         $_POST[$this->model->object_name . ':validation_rules'] = implode("\r\n", $rules);
         // Make sure checkboxes have a value as unchecked values don't appear in $_POST
         // @todo: If we use Indicia client helper controls for the attribute edit page, this becomes unnecessary
         if (!array_key_exists($this->model->object_name . ':public', $_POST)) {
             $_POST[$this->model->object_name . ':public'] = '0';
         if (!array_key_exists($this->model->object_name . ':multi_value', $_POST)) {
             $_POST[$this->model->object_name . ':multi_value'] = '0';
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Override the save method so we can convert the report parameters form into a JSON
  * value to store in the triggers.json_params field.
 public function save()
     // build the parameters JSON value from the params form
     $params = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'params-') {
             // The last part of the key is the field name
             $tokens = explode('-', $key);
             $param = array_pop($tokens);
             $params[$param] = $value;
     $_POST['params_json'] = json_encode($params);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit an existing relation.
 protected function getModelValues()
     $r = parent::getModelValues();
     // The relation is linked to a taxon meaning, but we need to use this to link back to the
     // preferred taxa in taxon list, so when you save it knows where to go back to.
     $ttl = ORM::Factory('taxa_taxon_list')->where(array('taxon_meaning_id' => $this->model->from_taxon_meaning_id, 'preferred' => 'true'))->find();
     $r['taxa_taxon_list:id'] = $ttl->id;
     // use this as default.
     $t = ORM::Factory('taxon', $ttl->taxon_id);
     $r['taxon:from_taxon'] = $t->taxon;
     $ttl = ORM::Factory('taxa_taxon_list')->where(array('taxon_meaning_id' => $this->model->to_taxon_meaning_id, 'preferred' => 'true'))->find();
     $t = ORM::Factory('taxon', $ttl->taxon_id);
     $r['taxon:to_taxon'] = $t->taxon;
     $tr = ORM::Factory('taxon_relation_type', $this->model->taxon_relation_type_id);
     $r['relation:term'] = $tr->forward_term;
     // Other entities can just look up the taxa_taxon_list id, but we have 2 so can't, so mangle the referring URL.
     $referer = explode('/', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($referer); $i++) {
         if ($referer[$i] == 'taxa_taxon_list' && $referer[$i + 1] == 'edit') {
             $value = explode('?', $referer[$i + 2]);
             $r['taxa_taxon_list:id'] = $value[0];
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Load default values either when creating a survey new or reloading after a validation failure.
  * This adds the custome attributes list to the data available for the view. 
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     $r['website_id'] = $this->model->website_id;
     $this->loadAttributes($r, array('website_id' => array($r['website_id'])));
     return $r;
 public function __construct()
     $this->columns = array('title' => 'Survey title', 'website' => '');
     $this->pagetitle = "Survey based data summariser definition";
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * This is the main controller action method for the index page of the grid.
 public function index()
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->columns = array('iso' => '', 'language' => '');
     $this->pagetitle = "Languages";
 public function save()
     // unchecked check boxes are not in POST, so set false values.
     if (!isset($_POST['subject_observation:confidential']))
     if (!isset($_POST['subject_observation:zero_abundance']))
Ejemplo n.º 28
  *  Setup the default values to use when loading this controller to edit a new page.
 protected function getDefaults()
     $r = parent::getDefaults();
     if ($this->uri->method(false) == 'create') {
         // List id is passed as first argument in URL when creating
         $r['termlists_term:termlist_id'] = $this->uri->argument(1);
         // Parent id might be passed in $_POST if creating as child of another term.
         if (array_key_exists('termlists_term:parent_id', $_POST)) {
             $r['termlists_term:parent_id'] = $_POST['termlists_term:parent_id'];
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->columns = array('id' => '', 'rank' => '', 'sort_order' => '');
     $this->pagetitle = "Taxon ranks";
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Override the edit method, since we are passed a trigger id, whereas we need to edit the
  * associated action id.  
 public function edit($id)
     $filter = array('param1' => "" . $_SESSION['auth_user']->id . "", 'trigger_id' => $id, 'deleted' => 'f');
     $ta = $this->db->select('id')->from('trigger_actions')->where($filter)->limit(1)->get()->result_array();