public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = $this->loadBiz(trim($id)); $model->setScenario('sell'); $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (!empty($_POST)) { $model->attributes = $_POST['ARBiz']; // dump($_FILES); // 控制器中使用实例如下: $upload = new FileUpload(array($model, 'license_photo'), 'upload/groupon'); //model处理文件上传 $upload = new FileUpload(array($model,'pic'),'upload/goods'); if (!$upload->isNull()) { if ($filename = $upload->save()) { $model->license_photo = $filename; // dump($filename); } else { print_r($upload->getErrors()); throw new CHttpException('300', '文件上传失败'); } } // dump($model->attributes); if ($model->save()) { // $return_url = $_POST['return_url']; $this->redirect(array('index')); } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model)); }
public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = ARGroupon::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model == null) { $this->go('该商品不存在', Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer); } $model->setScenario('sell'); $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (!empty($_POST['ARGroupon'])) { // dump($_FILES); // dump($_POST);exit; $model->attributes = $_POST['ARGroupon']; if ($model->validate()) { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(array($model, 'image'), 'upload/groupon'); if (!$fileUpload->isNull()) { $filename = $fileUpload->save(); if ($filename) { $model->image = $filename; } else { dump($fileUpload->getErrors()); throw new CHttpException(300, '图片上传出错'); } } $model->begin_time = strtotime($model->begin_time); $model->end_time = strtotime($model->end_time); $model->expire_time = strtotime($model->expire_time); if ($model->save()) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', '商品修改成功'); // $url = $_POST['return_url']; // $this->go('商品修改成功', $url, 'success'); } } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model)); }
public function uploadFile() { $name = Input::get('name'); $permission = Input::get('permisson'); $id = Input::get("file_id"); if ($id) { $record = FileUpload::find($id); if ($name && $record) { $record->name = $name; $record->read_permission = $permission != -1 ? $permission : null; if (Input::hasFile('fileUpload')) { $file = Input::file('fileUpload'); $fileName = preg_replace("([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:\\[\\]\\(\\).])", '', $name); $fileName = preg_replace("([\\.]{2,})", '', $fileName); $fileName .= "." . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->move(app_path() . "/uploads", $fileName); $record->url = $fileName; } $record->save(); return Redirect::to("/dashboard/storyteller/manage/files"); } else { return Response::json(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Invalid data.']); } } else { if ($name && Input::hasFile('fileUpload')) { $file = Input::file('fileUpload'); $newFile = new FileUpload(); $newFile->name = $name; $newFile->read_permission = $permission != -1 ? $permission : null; $fileName = preg_replace("([^\\w\\s\\d\\-_~,;:\\[\\]\\(\\).])", '', $name); $fileName = preg_replace("([\\.]{2,})", '', $fileName); $fileName .= "." . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->move(app_path() . "/uploads", $fileName); $newFile->url = $fileName; $newFile->created_by = Auth::user()->id; $newFile->save(); return Redirect::to("/dashboard/storyteller/manage/files"); } else { return Response::json(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Invalid data.']); } } }
public function actionUpload() { Yii::import("xupload.models.XUploadForm"); //Here we define the paths where the files will be stored temporarily $path = Yii::app()->getBasePath() . "/../"; $publicPath = ''; // // if (!file_exists($path)) { // mkdir($path, 0777, true); // } // $ymd = date("Ymd"); // $path .= $ymd . '/'; // if (!file_exists($path)) { // mkdir($path, 0777, true); // } //This is for IE which doens't handle 'Content-type: application/json' correctly header('Vary: Accept'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/json') !== false) { header('Content-type: application/json'); } else { header('Content-type: text/plain'); } //Here we check if we are deleting and uploaded file if (isset($_GET["_method"])) { if ($_GET["_method"] == "delete") { if ($_GET["file"][0] !== '.') { $file = $path . $_GET["file"]; if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } } echo json_encode(true); } } else { $model = new XUploadForm(); $upload = new FileUpload(array($model, 'file'), 'upload/groupon'); if (!$upload->isNull()) { $model->mime_type = $upload->instance->getType(); $model->size = $upload->instance->getSize(); $model->name = $upload->instance->getName(); if ($model->validate()) { $filename = $upload->save(); // } // } // $model->file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file'); //We check that the file was successfully uploaded // if ($model->file !== null) { //Grab some data // $model->mime_type = $model->file->getType(); // $model->size = $model->file->getSize(); // $model->name = $model->file->getName(); //(optional) Generate a random name for our file // $filename = date("YmdHis") . '_' . rand(10000, 99999); // $filename .= "." . $model->file->getExtensionName(); // $filename = $ymd . '/' . $filename; // if ($model->validate()) { //Move our file to our temporary dir // $model->file->saveAs($path . $filename); // chmod($path . $filename, 0777); //here you can also generate the image versions you need //using something like PHPThumb //Now we need to save this path to the user's session if (Yii::app()->user->hasState('images')) { $userImages = Yii::app()->user->getState('images'); } else { $userImages = array(); } $userImages[] = array("path" => $path . $filename, "thumb" => $path . $filename, "filename" => $filename, "url" => $publicPath . '/' . $filename, 'size' => $model->size, 'mime' => $model->mime_type, 'name' => $model->name); Yii::app()->user->setState('images', $userImages); //Now we need to tell our widget that the upload was succesfull //We do so, using the json structure defined in // echo json_encode(array(array("name" => $model->name, "type" => $model->mime_type, "size" => $model->size, "url" => $publicPath . '/' . $filename, "thumbnail_url" => $publicPath . '/' . "{$filename}", "delete_url" => $this->createUrl("upload", array("_method" => "delete", "file" => $filename)), "delete_type" => "POST"))); } else { //If the upload failed for some reason we log some data and let the widget know echo json_encode(array(array("error" => $model->getErrors('file')))); Yii::log("XUploadAction: " . CVarDumper::dumpAsString($model->getErrors()), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, "xupload.actions.XUploadAction"); } } else { throw new CHttpException(500, "Could not upload file"); } } }