public function editorupload() { $CRUD_AUTH = $this->session->userdata('CRUD_AUTH'); if (empty($CRUD_AUTH)) { exit; } if (isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'])) { require FCPATH . '/application/third_party/scrud/class/FileUpload.php'; $msg = ''; // Will be returned empty if no problems $callback = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; // Tells CKeditor which function you are executing $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $fileUpload->uploadDir = __IMAGE_UPLOAD_REAL_PATH__; $fileUpload->extensions = array('.bmp', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.gif'); $fileUpload->tmpFileName = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $fileUpload->fileName = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $fileUpload->httpError = $_FILES['upload']['error']; if ($fileUpload->upload()) { $image_url = __MEDIA_PATH__ . "images/" . $fileUpload->newFileName; } $error = $fileUpload->getMessage(); if (!empty($error)) { $msg = 'error : ' . implode("\n", $error); } $output = '<script type="text/javascript">' . $callback . ', "' . $image_url . '","' . $msg . '");</script>'; echo $output; } }
function upload() { $path = "./uploads/"; //设置图片上传路径 $up = new FileUpload($path); //创建文件上传类对象 if ($up->upload('pic')) { //上传图片 $filename = $up->getFileName(); //获取上传后的图片名 $img = new Image($path); //创建图像处理类对象 $img->thumb($filename, 300, 300, ""); //将上传的图片都缩放至在300X300以内 $img->thumb($filename, 80, 80, "icon_"); //缩放一个80x80的图标,使用icon_作前缀 $img->watermark($filename, "logo.gif", 5, ""); //为上传的图片加上图片水印 return array(true, $filename); //如果成功返回成功状态和图片名称 } else { return array(false, $up->getErrorMsg()); //如果失败返回失败状态和错误消息 } }
public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = ARGroupon::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model == null) { $this->go('该商品不存在', Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer); } $model->setScenario('sell'); $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (!empty($_POST['ARGroupon'])) { // dump($_FILES); // dump($_POST);exit; $model->attributes = $_POST['ARGroupon']; if ($model->validate()) { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(array($model, 'image'), 'upload/groupon'); if (!$fileUpload->isNull()) { $filename = $fileUpload->save(); if ($filename) { $model->image = $filename; } else { dump($fileUpload->getErrors()); throw new CHttpException(300, '图片上传出错'); } } $model->begin_time = strtotime($model->begin_time); $model->end_time = strtotime($model->end_time); $model->expire_time = strtotime($model->expire_time); if ($model->save()) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', '商品修改成功'); // $url = $_POST['return_url']; // $this->go('商品修改成功', $url, 'success'); } } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model)); }
function m_updateCompInfo() { if (!isset($this->request['bill_state_id']) || empty($this->request['bill_state_id'])) { $this->request['bill_state_id'] = ""; } else { $this->request['bill_state'] = ""; } #FILE UPLOADING START if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image1") && $_FILES["image1"]["tmp_name"] != "") { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image1"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "company/" . $_FILES["image1"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); $fileUpload->resampleImage($this->imagePath . "company/" . $newName1, 250, 250, 100); // [/DRK] if ($newName1 != false) { $image1 = $newName1; } } else { $this->obDb->query = "SELECT vLogo FROM " . COMPANYSETTINGS; $logo = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); $image1 = $logo[0]->vLogo; } #INSERTING COMPANY DETAILS $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . COMPANYSETTINGS . " SET \n\t\tvCname ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeName']) . "',\n\t\tvAddress ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeAddress']) . "',\n\t\tvCity ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeCity']) . "',\n\t\tvState='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['bill_state_id']) . "',\n\t\tvStateName='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['bill_state']) . "',\n\t\tvCountry='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['bill_country_id']) . "',\n\t\tvZip='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeZip']) . "',\n\t\tvFax ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeFax']) . "',\n\t\tvPhone ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storePhone']) . "',\n\t\tvFreePhone ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['storeTollFree']) . "',\n\t\tvVatNumber ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['vatNumber']) . "',\n\t\tvRNumber ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['companyNumber']) . "',\n\t\tvSlogan ='" . $this->libFunc->m_addToDB($this->request['companySlogan']) . "',\n\t\tvLogo ='" . $image1 . "'"; $this->obDb->updateQuery(); $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "admin/adminindex.php?"); }
public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = $this->loadBiz(trim($id)); $model->setScenario('sell'); $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (!empty($_POST)) { $model->attributes = $_POST['ARBiz']; // dump($_FILES); // 控制器中使用实例如下: $upload = new FileUpload(array($model, 'license_photo'), 'upload/groupon'); //model处理文件上传 $upload = new FileUpload(array($model,'pic'),'upload/goods'); if (!$upload->isNull()) { if ($filename = $upload->save()) { $model->license_photo = $filename; // dump($filename); } else { print_r($upload->getErrors()); throw new CHttpException('300', '文件上传失败'); } } // dump($model->attributes); if ($model->save()) { // $return_url = $_POST['return_url']; $this->redirect(array('index')); } } $this->render('update', array('model' => $model)); }
public function preform() { $uploadFile = new FileUpload(); $uploadFile->set("path", "./images/"); $uploadFile->set("maxsize", 2000000); $uploadFile->set("allowtype", array("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg")); $uploadFile->set("israndname", false); }
/** * installs an uploaded template */ function _performUploadTemplate() { // handle the uploaded file $files = HttpVars::getFiles(); $uploads = new FileUploads($files); if (count($files) == 0 || $files["templateFile"]["name"] == "") { $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "newglobaltemplate"); $this->_view->setValue("templateFolder", TemplateSetStorage::getBaseTemplateFolder()); $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_locale->tr("error_must_upload_file")); $this->setCommonData(); return false; } $config =& Config::getConfig(); $tmpFolder = $config->getValue('temp_folder'); // move it to the temporary folder $result = $uploads->process($tmpFolder); // and from there, unpack it $upload = new FileUpload($files['templateFile']); $templateSandbox = new TemplateSandbox(); $valid = $templateSandbox->checkTemplateSet($upload->getFileName(), $tmpFolder . '/'); if ($valid < 0) { $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo); $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_checkTemplateSandboxResult($valid)); $this->setCommonData(); return false; } // the template was ok, so then we can proceed and move it to the main // template folder, add it to our array of templates // // :KLUDGE: // // maybe we should simply move the files rather than unpacking the whole // thing again, but this indeed makes things easier! ;) $unpacker = new Unpacker(); $templateFolder = $config->getValue('template_folder'); $fileToUnpack = $tmpFolder . '/' . $upload->getFileName(); if (!$unpacker->unpack($fileToUnpack, $templateFolder)) { $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo); $tf = new Textfilter(); $this->_view->setErrorMessage($this->_locale->pr('error_installing_template', $tf->filterAllHtml($upload->getFileName()))); $this->setCommonData(); return false; } // if the template set was installed ok in the template folder, we can record // it as a valid set $ts = new TemplateSetStorage(); $fileParts = explode(".", $upload->getFileName()); $templateName = $fileParts[0]; $ts->addTemplate($templateName); $this->_view = new AdminSiteTemplatesListView($this->_blogInfo); $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr('template_installed_ok', $templateName)); $this->setCommonData(); return true; }
/** * 处理上传图片,重命名放到指定目录下,这里这个函数用来上传用户头像 * */ public function image() { //上传控件的名称是upload $fileUpload = new FileUpload('upload', $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']); $ckefn = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $path = $fileUpload->getPath(); $img = new Image($path); $img->ckeImg(650, 0); $img->out(); echo "<script>{$ckefn},\"{$path}\", '图片上传成功')</script>"; }
public function edit($data) { if (isset($data['artist_image'])) { $imgUploader = new FileUpload($data['artist_image']['name'], $data['artist_image']['tmp_name']); $l_sNewFileName = $imgUploader->image(ROOT . '/public/assets/artist/'); $imgUploader->image(ROOT . '/public/assets/artist/thumb/', 275, 322, $data['cropped'][0], $data['cropped'][1], $data['cropped'][2], $data['cropped'][3]); $this->db->update('artist', array('artist_name' => $data['artist_name'], 'artist_active' => $data['artist_active'], 'artist_website' => $data['artist_website'], 'artist_featured' => $data['artist_featured'], 'artist_country' => $data['artist_country'], 'artist_description' => $data['artist_description'], 'artist_image' => $l_sNewFileName), "artist_id = {$data['artist_id']}"); } else { $this->db->update('artist', array('artist_name' => $data['artist_name'], 'artist_active' => $data['artist_active'], 'artist_website' => $data['artist_website'], 'artist_featured' => $data['artist_featured'], 'artist_country' => $data['artist_country'], 'artist_description' => $data['artist_description']), "artist_id = {$data['artist_id']}"); } }
public function editSave($data) { if (isset($data['article_img'])) { $imgUploader = new FileUpload($data['article_img']['name'], $data['article_img']['tmp_name']); $l_sNewFileName = $imgUploader->image(ROOT . '/public/assets/product/'); $imgUploader->image(ROOT . '/public/assets/product/thumb/', 218, 129, $data['cropped'][0], $data['cropped'][1], $data['cropped'][2], $data['cropped'][3]); $this->db->update('article', array('article_name' => $data['article_name'], 'article_price' => $data['article_price'], 'article_date' => $data['article_date'], 'category_id' => $data['category_id'], 'article_featured' => $data['article_featured'], 'artist_id' => $data['artist_id'], 'article_description' => $data['article_description'], 'article_img' => $l_sNewFileName), "article_id = {$data['article_id']}"); } else { $this->db->update('article', array('article_name' => $data['article_name'], 'article_price' => $data['article_price'], 'article_date' => $data['article_date'], 'category_id' => $data['category_id'], 'article_featured' => $data['article_featured'], 'artist_id' => $data['artist_id'], 'article_description' => $data['article_description']), "article_id = {$data['article_id']}"); } }
private static function editCuadro($gestor, $sesion) { $obra = new Obra(); $obra->read(); $pkID = Request::post("pkID"); $nombre = Request::post("nombre"); $email = Request::post('email'); $usuario = $sesion->getUser(); $obra->setId_usuario($usuario); /*Subir fotografia*/ $subir = new FileUpload("nuevaImagen"); $subir->setDestino("../../controlUsuario/cuadros/{$usuario}/"); $subir->setTamaño(100000000); $subir->setNombre($nombre); $subir->setPolitica(FileUpload::REEMPLAZAR); if ($subir->upload()) { echo 'Archivo subido con éxito'; $obra->setImagen($nombre . "." . $subir->getExtension()); } else { echo 'Archivo no subido'; } $obra->setImagen($nombre . "." . $subir->getExtension()); $r = $gestor->set($obra, $pkID); echo $r; //header("Location:index.php?op=edit&r=$r"); }
/** * Uploaded files are POSTed here */ public function uploadAction() { require_once 'models/table/File.php'; $return = array(); if (isset($_FILES['upload'])) { if (!$_FILES['upload']['error']) { // Check for upload directory $uploadDir = $this->getUploadDir(); $name = $this->checkFile($_FILES['upload']['name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], "{$uploadDir}/{$name}"); $data['parent_id'] = $_POST['parent_id']; $data['parent_table'] = $_POST['parent_table']; $data['filemime'] = $_FILES['upload']['type']; $data['filesize'] = $_FILES['upload']['size']; $data['filename'] = $name; $fileTable = new File(); $data['id'] = $fileTable->insert($data); $data['creator_name'] = $this->view->identity->first_name . ' ' . $this->view->identity->last_name; $dataArray = FileUpload::modifyRows(array($data)); $return = $dataArray[0]; // Strange JSON decoding error when sending hyperlink $return['filename'] = strip_tags($return['filename']); } else { $return['error'] = 'Error uploading file. id: ' . $_FILES['upload']['error']; } } require_once 'Zend/Json.php'; echo Zend_Json::encode($return); exit; }
public function indexAction() { $this->_redirect('employee/search'); exit; ## old dash function if (!$this->hasACL('edit_employee')) { $this->doNoAccessError(); } require_once 'models/table/dash-employee.php'; $this->view->assign('title', $this->translation['Application Name'] . space . t('Employee Tracking System')); // restricted access?? does this user only have acl to view some trainings or people // they dont want this, removing 5/01/13 ## $org_allowed_ids = allowed_org_access_full_list($this); // doesnt have acl 'training_organizer_option_all'? ## $allowedWhereClause = $org_allowed_ids ? " partner.organizer_option_id in ($org_allowed_ids) " : ""; // restricted access?? only show organizers that belong to this site if its a multi org site ## $site_orgs = allowed_organizer_in_this_site($this); // for sites to host multiple training organizers on one domain ## $allowedWhereClause .= $site_orgs ? " AND partner.organizer_option_id in ($site_orgs) " : ""; $institute = new DashviewEmployee(); $details = $institute->fetchdetails($org_allowed_ids); $this->view->assign('getins', $details); /****************************************************************************************************************/ /* Attached Files */ require_once 'views/helpers/FileUpload.php'; $PARENT_COMPONENT = 'employee'; FileUpload::displayFiles($this, $PARENT_COMPONENT, 1, $this->hasACL('admin_files')); // File upload form if ($this->hasACL('admin_files')) { $this->view->assign('filesForm', FileUpload::displayUploadForm($PARENT_COMPONENT, 1, FileUpload::$FILETYPES)); } /****************************************************************************************************************/ }
public function ckeUp() { if (isset($_GET['type'])) { //查看了源代码,他的名称是:upload $_fileupload = new FileUpload('upload', $_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']); $_ckefn = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $_path = $_fileupload->getPath(); $_img = new Image($_path); $_img->ckeImg(650, 0); $_img->out(); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>{$_ckefn},\".{$_path}\",'图片上传成功!');</script>"; exit; } else { Tool::alertBack('警告:由于非法操作导致上传失败!'); } }
public function edit($data) { $dataArray = array('event_name' => $data['event_name'], 'event_date' => $data['event_date'], 'event_date_end' => $data['event_date_end'], 'event_description' => $data['event_description']); if (isset($data['event_image']) || isset($data['event_file'])) { if (isset($data['event_image'])) { $imgUploader = new FileUpload($data['event_image']['name'], $data['event_image']['tmp_name']); $l_sNewFileName = $imgUploader->image(ROOT . '/public/assets/event/'); $imgUploader->image(ROOT . '/public/assets/event/thumb/', 275, 163, $data['cropped'][0], $data['cropped'][1], $data['cropped'][2], $data['cropped'][3]); $dataArray['event_image'] = $l_sNewFileName; } if (isset($data['event_file'])) { $fileUploader = new FileUpload($data['event_file']['name'], $data['event_file']['tmp_name']); $l_sNewFileName = $fileUploader->file(ROOT . '/public/assets/file/'); $dataArray['event_file'] = $l_sNewFileName; } $this->db->update('event', $dataArray, "event_id = {$data['event_id']}"); } else { $this->db->update('event', $dataArray, "event_id = {$data['event_id']}"); } }
public function testSingleUpload() { $playground_path = __DIR__ . '/../playground'; $server = array('CONTENT_TYPE' => 'image/jpg', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 30321); $file = array('tmp_name' => $playground_path . '/real-image.jpg', 'name' => 'real-image.jpg', 'size' => 30321, 'type' => 'image/jpg', 'error' => 0); $filesystem = new FileSystem\Mock(); $resolver = new PathResolver\Simple($playground_path . '/uploaded'); $uploader = new FileUpload($file, $server); $test = false; $uploader->setPathResolver($resolver); $uploader->setFileSystem($filesystem); $uploader->addCallback('completed', function () use(&$test) { $test = true; }); list($files, $headers) = $uploader->processAll(); $this->assertCount(1, $files, 'Files array should contain one file'); $this->assertEquals(0, $files[0]->error, 'Uploaded file should not have errors'); $this->assertNotEmpty($files[0]->path, 'Uploaded file should have path'); $this->assertTrue($test, 'Complete callback should set $test to true'); }
/** * Return an object property * * @param string * * @return mixed */ public function __get($strKey) { switch ($strKey) { case 'name': return $this->strName; break; } if (isset($this->arrData[$strKey])) { return $this->arrData[$strKey]; } return parent::__get($strKey); }
/** * Validate the upload * @return string */ public function validateUpload() { \Message::reset(); $objUploader = new \FileUpload(); $objUploader->setName($this->strName); $uploadFolder = $this->strTempFolder; // Convert the $_FILES array to Contao format if (!empty($_FILES[$this->strName])) { $pathinfo = pathinfo(strtolower($_FILES[$this->strName]['name'])); $strCacheName = standardize($pathinfo['filename']) . '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; $uploadFolder = $this->strTempFolder . '/' . substr($strCacheName, 0, 1); if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/' . $strCacheName) && md5_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/' . $_FILES[$this->strName]['name']) != md5_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/' . $strCacheName)) { $strCacheName = standardize($pathinfo['filename']) . '-' . substr(md5_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/' . $_FILES[$this->strName]['name']), 0, 8) . '.' . $pathinfo['extension']; $uploadFolder = $this->strTempFolder . '/' . substr($strCacheName, 0, 1); } \Haste\Haste::mkdirr($uploadFolder); $arrFallback = $this->getFallbackData(); // Check that image is not assigned in fallback language if (is_array($arrFallback) && in_array($strCacheName, $arrFallback)) { $this->addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['imageInFallback']); } $_FILES[$this->strName] = array('name' => array($strCacheName), 'type' => array($_FILES[$this->strName]['type']), 'tmp_name' => array($_FILES[$this->strName]['tmp_name']), 'error' => array($_FILES[$this->strName]['error']), 'size' => array($_FILES[$this->strName]['size'])); } $varInput = ''; try { $varInput = $objUploader->uploadTo($uploadFolder); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->addError($e->getMessage()); } if ($objUploader->hasError()) { foreach ($_SESSION['TL_ERROR'] as $strError) { $this->addError($strError); } } \Message::reset(); if (!is_array($varInput) || empty($varInput)) { $this->addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['mmUnknownError']); } return $varInput[0]; }
/** * Goes through the array of files and processes them accordingly. * The result is an array of the appropiate Resource class that has been * created using the ResourceFactory class. * * @return An array of Upload objects that have already been moved to a safer * location. */ function process($destinationFolder) { // first, check if the upload feature is available $config =& Config::getConfig(); if (!$config->getValue("uploads_enabled")) { return FILE_UPLOADS_NOT_ENABLED; } // array used to store the files that have already been saved $uploads = array(); if ($destinationFolder[strlen($destinationFolder - 1)] != "/") { $destinationFolder .= "/"; } foreach ($this->_files as $file) { $upload = new FileUpload($file); $fileName = $upload->getFileName(); if ($this->my_move_uploaded_file($upload->getTmpName(), $destinationFolder . $fileName)) { $upload->setFolder($destinationFolder); $upload->setError(0); } else { $upload->setError(1); } array_push($uploads, $upload); } return $uploads; }
public function __construct($opts, $form) { parent::__construct($opts, $form); // make sure we have the thumb_path, if not default it to the upload path if ($this->make_thumb === true) { if ($this->thumb_path == null) { $this->thumb_path = $this->upload_path; } if ($this->thumb_name == null) { throw new \Exception('Thumb name not set for ' . $this->name); } } }
/** * MimeType validator: has file specified mime type? * @param FileUpload * @param array|string mime type * @return bool */ public static function validateMimeType(FileUpload $control, $mimeType) { $file = $control->getValue(); if ($file instanceof HttpUploadedFile) { $type = strtolower($file->getContentType()); $mimeTypes = is_array($mimeType) ? $mimeType : explode(',', $mimeType); if (in_array($type, $mimeTypes, TRUE)) { return TRUE; } if (in_array(preg_replace('#/.*#', '/*', $type), $mimeTypes, TRUE)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
public function testCreateAndRetrieveCurlFile() { if (!class_exists('\\CurlFile', false)) { // Older PHP versions don't support this return; } $curlFile = new \CurlFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/test.png'); self::authorizeFromEnv(); $file = FileUpload::create(array('purpose' => 'dispute_evidence', 'file' => $curlFile)); $this->assertSame(95, $file->size); $this->assertSame('png', $file->type); // Just check that we don't get exceptions $file = FileUpload::retrieve($file->id); $file->refresh(); }
function m_uploadImage() { $fileUpload = new FileUpload(); $libFunc = new c_libFunctions(); $this->obDb->query = "select iVendorid_PK,vImage from " . SUPPLIERS . " where iVendorid_PK = " . $this->request['id']; $row_code = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); if ($this->libFunc->checkImageUpload("image")) { $fileUpload->source = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]; $fileUpload->target = $this->imagePath . "suppliers/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"]; $newName1 = $fileUpload->upload(); if ($newName1 != false) { $image = $newName1; } if (!empty($row_code[0]->vImage)) { $fileUpload->deleteFile($this->imagePath . "suppliers/" . $row_code[0]->vImage); } $imagename = "image"; } else { $image = $row_code[0]->vImage; } $this->obDb->query = "UPDATE " . SUPPLIERS . " SET `vImage`='{$image}', `tmEditDate`='" . time() . "', `iAdminUser` ='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' where iVendorid_PK ='" . $this->request['id'] . "'"; $this->obDb->updateQuery(); $this->libFunc->m_mosRedirect(SITE_URL . "user/adminindex.php?action=supplier.uploadForm&status=1&id=" . $this->request['id']); }
public function __construct($name, $maxSize, $allowedExts) { $this->ok = true; if (!isset($_FILES[$name]) || !isset($_FILES[$name]['error']) || is_array($_FILES[$name]['error'])) { $this->error = 'Ongeldige upload.'; $this->ok = false; return; } switch ($_FILES[$name]['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $this->error = 'Geen bestand ontvangen!'; $this->ok = false; return; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $this->error = 'Het ontvangen bestand is te groot!' . 'Maximale grootte: ' . FileUpload::humanFormat($maxSize); $this->ok = false; return; default: $this->error = 'Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden.'; $this->ok = false; return; } if ($_FILES[$name]['size'] > $maxSize) { $this->error = 'Het ontvangen bestand is te groot!' . 'Maximale grootte: ' . FileUpload::humanFormat($maxSize); $this->ok = false; return; } $pi = pathinfo($_FILES[$name]['name']); if (!in_array($pi['extension'], $allowedExts)) { $this->error = 'Dit formaat is niet toegestaan! Toegestane extensies:' . implode(', ', $allowedExts); $this->ok = false; return; } $this->mimeType = $_FILES[$name]['type']; $this->id = uniqid(); $this->filename = DN_ROOT . '/attachments/' . $this->id; if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], $this->filename)) { $this->error = 'Er is iets misgegaan bij het opslaan van het bestand.' . 'Probeer het nog eens.'; $this->ok = false; return; } return true; }
static function upload($nombre) { $directorio = "./img/"; $nombreTemporal = $_FILES["archivo"]["tmp_name"]; if (FileUpload::isImage()) { if (FileUpload::directory()) { if (file_exists($directorio . $nombre)) { return move_uploaded_file($nombreTemporal, $directorio . $nombre . "(" . rand(0, 500) . ")"); } else { return move_uploaded_file($nombreTemporal, $directorio . $nombre); } } else { return mkdir($directorio) + move_uploaded_file($nombreTemporal, $directorio . $nombre); } } else { echo "<br/>No es un formato valido<br/>"; } }
public function fileRead($fileName, $mode, $first_column = NULL) { if ($handle = FileUpload::uploadFile($fileName, $mode)) { while ($row = fgetcsv($handle, ',')) { if ($first_column) { $column_header = $row; $first_column = FALSE; } if ($first_column === FALSE) { $record = array_combine($column_header, $row); $records[] = $record; } if ($first_column === NULL) { $records[] = $row; } } //end while loop FileUpload::fileClose($handle); } //end fileUpload if return $records; }
public function actionUpload() { include __DIR__ . "./../uploader/Uploader.php"; $upload_dir = \Yii::$app->getModule("file")->getStorageDir(); $uploader = new \FileUpload('uploadfile'); $fileModel = new File(); $realName = $_GET["uploadfile"]; // Handle the upload $isUplaoded = $uploader->handleUpload($upload_dir); $result = false; $errorMsg = ''; if ($isUplaoded) { $fileModel = new File(); $fileModel->setAttribute("real_name", $realName); $fileModel->setAttribute("name_on_server", $uploader->getSavedFileName()); $fileModel->setAttribute("size", $uploader->getFileSize()); if (!$fileModel->save()) { $uploader->rollBack(); $errorMsg = "Entity save error"; } else { if (!empty($_GET["relateTo"])) { if (!$fileModel->linkWith($_GET["relateTo"])) { $uploader->rollBack(); $fileModel->delete(); $errorMsg = "Entity link error"; } else { $result = true; } } else { $result = true; } } } else { $errorMsg = $uploader->getErrorMsg(); } if ($result) { echo json_encode(array('success' => true)); } else { exit(json_encode(['success' => false, 'msg' => $errorMsg])); } }
function modificarObra() { $n = Request::post('nombre'); $t = Request::post('tecnica'); $i = Request::post('id_obra'); $obra = $this->gestorObra->get($i); $lista = $this->gestorObra->getListObrasEmail($this->sesion->get("usu")); $formusuario = $this->plantilla->get('_formusuario'); $formsesion = $this->plantilla->get('_formsesion'); $obra->setNombre($n); $obra->setTecnica($t); $this->gestorObra->set($obra); $this->sesion->destroy(); $fileUpload = new FileUpload($_FILES["imagen"]); $fileUpload->setNombre($n); $fileUpload->setDestino("imagenes/obras/"); $fileUpload->upload(); $usuario = $this->gestorUsu->get($this->sesion->get("usu")); $paginaDos = $this->plantilla->get('_formmod'); $campos = ""; $d = array("email" => $usuario->getEmail(), "clave" => $usuario->getClave(), "alias" => $usuario->getAlias()); $pDos = $this->plantilla->replace($d, $paginaDos); $pagina = $this->plantilla->get('_usuario'); $datos = array("registro" => "", "nombresesion" => $this->sesion->get("usu"), "formsesion" => $formsesion, "datos" => $formusuario, "formmod" => $pDos, "login" => "", "mensaje" => "", "mensajesubida" => "", "mensajemod" => "", "contenidoobras" => "", "modificaobra" => "", "mensajemodobra" => "Operación realizada correctamente."); $p = $this->plantilla->replace($datos, $pagina); echo $p; }
$userManager = new ManageUser($db); $sesion = new Session(); $email = Request::post("email"); $newemail = Request::post("newemail"); $pass = Request::post("pass"); $alive = Request::post("alive"); $worker = Request::post("worker"); $admin = Request::post("admin"); $newemail = $newemail === null ? $email : $newemail; $alive = $alive === null ? 0 : 1; $worker = $worker === null ? 0 : 1; $admin = $admin === null ? 0 : 1; $usuario = $userManager->get($email); $usuario->setEmail($newemail); $usuario->setAlias(explode("@", $newemail)[0]); $usuario->setAlive($alive); $usuario->setWorker($worker); $usuario->setAdmin($admin); if ($pass !== null) { $usuario->setPass($pass); } $photo = new FileUpload("image"); if ($photo->getError() === false) { $usuario->setImage("images/" . $usuario->getAlias() . ".jpg"); $photo->setDestination("../images/"); $photo->setName($usuario->getAlias()); echo $photo->upload(); } $userManager->setEmail($usuario, $email); $sesion->destroy(); $sesion->sendRedirect("../admin.php");
// If there is no menu to show if (!defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) { define('NOREQUIREHTML', '1'); } // If we don't need to load the html.form.class.php //if (! defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) define('NOREQUIREAJAX','1'); //if (! defined("NOLOGIN")) define("NOLOGIN",'1'); // If this page is public (can be called outside logged session) require '../../'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/fileupload.class.php'; error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); //print_r($_POST); //print_r($_GET); //print 'upload_dir='.GETPOST('upload_dir'); $fk_element = GETPOST('fk_element', 'int'); $element = GETPOST('element', 'alpha'); $upload_handler = new FileUpload(null, $fk_element, $element); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="files.json"'); header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-File-Name, X-File-Type, X-File-Size'); switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'OPTIONS': break; case 'HEAD': case 'GET': $upload_handler->get(); break; case 'POST':