function copyAnddeleteObject($client, $bucket, $keyprefix) { $content = EncryptionUtil::genereateOnceUsedKey(rand(100, 1000)); $args = array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFile", "ACL" => "public-read", "Content" => $content); $client->putObjectByContent($args); if ($client->objectExists(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy"))) { $client->deleteObject(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy")); } if ($client->objectExists(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy.instruction"))) { $client->deleteObject(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy.instruction")); } $copyReq = array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy", "CopySource" => array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFile")); $client->copyObject($copyReq); if (!$client->objectExists(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy"))) { throw new Exception("not found " . $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy"); } if (!$client->objectExists(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy.instruction"))) { throw new Exception("not found " . $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy.instruction"); } $client->deleteObject(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy")); if ($client->objectExists(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy"))) { throw new Exception("found " . $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy"); } if ($client->objectExists(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy.instruction"))) { throw new Exception("found " . $keyprefix . "EOFileCopy.instruction"); } }
function putObjectByContentAndGetObjectUsingMeta($client, $bucket, $keyprefix) { for ($i = 45; $i < 60; $i++) { $content = EncryptionUtil::genereateOnceUsedKey($i); $args = array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOMeta", "ACL" => "public-read", "Content" => $content); $client->putObjectByContent($args); rangeGetAndCheckMd5($client, $bucket, $keyprefix . "EOMeta", "D://testdown/down", base64_encode(md5($args["Content"]))); } }
$Reserve2 = ""; $Reserve3 = ""; $Reserve4 = ""; $Reserve5 = ""; $Reserve6 = ""; $Reserve7 = ""; $Reserve8 = ""; $Reserve9 = ""; $Reserve10 = ""; if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['DATA'] == null) { print "null is the value"; } $astrResponseData = $_POST['DATA']; $astrDigest = $_POST['EncryptedData']; $oEncryptionUtilenc = new EncryptionUtil(); $astrsfaDigest = $oEncryptionUtilenc->getHMAC($astrResponseData, $astrFileName, $strMerchantId); if (strcasecmp($astrDigest, $astrsfaDigest) == 0) { parse_str($astrResponseData, $output); if (array_key_exists('RespCode', $output) == 1) { $ResponseCode = $output['RespCode']; } if (array_key_exists('Message', $output) == 1) { $Message = $output['Message']; } if (array_key_exists('TxnID', $output) == 1) { $TxnID = $output['TxnID']; } if (array_key_exists('ePGTxnID', $output) == 1) { $ePGTxnID = $output['ePGTxnID']; }
function postStatusInq($aoMerchant) { if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("PostLibPHP postStatusInq Entered", 0); } $oPGSearchResphp = new PGSearchResponse(); # Mandetory checks for Merchant and Merchant object containing # checks for Merchant id and and merchant transaction ID # # if ($aoMerchant == null || $aoMerchant == "") { if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("PostLibPHP postStatusInq Error. Merchant object passed is null or Invalid.Transaction cannot proceed.", 0); } $oPGSearchResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGSearchResphp->setRespMessage("Merchant object passed is null or Invalid.Transaction cannot proceed."); return $oPGSearchResphp; } if ($aoMerchant->getMerchantID() == null || $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() == "") { if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("PostLibPHP postStatusInq Error. Merchant id is Invalid.Transaction cannot proceed.", 0); } $oPGSearchResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGSearchResphp->setRespMessage("Merchant id is Invalid.Transaction cannot proceed."); return $oPGSearchResphp; } if ($aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID() == null || $aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID() == "") { if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("PostLibPHP postStatusInq Error. Merchant Transaction id is Invalid.Transaction cannot proceed.", 0); } $oPGSearchResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGSearchResphp->setRespMessage("Merchant Transaction id is Invalid.Transaction cannot proceed."); return $oPGSearchResphp; } $strData = ""; # Merchant details $strData = $strData . 'MerchantID=' . $aoMerchant->getMerchantID(); $strData = $strData . '&MerchantTxnID=' . $aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID(); $oEncryptionUtilenc = new EncryptionUtil(); $strEncryptedData = trim($aoMerchant->getMerchantID()) . trim($aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID()); $sDigest = $oEncryptionUtilenc->getHMAC($strEncryptedData, trim($this->mstrKeyDir) . $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() . '.key', $aoMerchant->getMerchantID()); if ($sDigest == null || $sDigest == "") { if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("Error in Encrypting/Hashing Merchant Data.Transaction cannot proceed.", 0); } $oPGSearchResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGSearchResphp->setRespMessage(" Error while encrypting/hashing data. Transaction cannot be processed."); return $oPGSearchResphp; } $strData = $strData . '&EncryptedData=' . $sDigest; $strData = $strData . '&IntfVer=ASPV2.0'; $strData = $strData . '&OsType=' . trim($this->mstrOSType); $strData = $strData . '&LanguageType=php'; $strData = $strData . '&RequestType=SFAStatusInquiry'; $retData = $this->postData(trim($this->epgURL), trim($strData)); # The function return PGResponse object of php Sfa. if ($retData == null || $retData == "") { $oPGSearchResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGSearchResphp->setRespMessage(" No response From Payment Gateway or URL not Found"); if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("PostLibPHP postStatusInq Exiting", 0); } return $oPGSearchResphp; } else { $oPGSearchResphp = $oPGSearchResphp->getResponse($retData); if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("PostLibPHP postStatusInq Exiting", 0); } return $oPGSearchResphp; } }
public static function getMultipartUploadContext($UploadId) { $encryptionDir = KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cache" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "encryption" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!EncryptionUtil::multipartUploadContextExists($UploadId)) { throw new Ks3ClientException("can not found multipart upload context in cache dir"); } $jsonString = file_get_contents($encryptionDir . $UploadId); $arry = json_decode($jsonString, TRUE); return $arry; }
public function SFAResponseAction() { include "Sfa/EncryptionUtil.php"; $config = Mage::getSingleton('payseal/config'); $merchantId = trim($config->getMerchantId()); $keyPath = str_replace("/", "//", $config->getKeyPath()) . $merchantId . ".key"; $strMerchantId = $merchantId; $astrFileName = $keyPath; $astrClearData; $ResponseCode = ""; $Message = ""; $TxnID = ""; $ePGTxnID = ""; $AuthIdCode = ""; $RRN = ""; $CVRespCode = ""; $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session'); $session->setData("redirected", "false"); if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['DATA'] == null) { print "null is the value"; } $astrResponseData = $_POST['DATA']; $astrDigest = $_POST['EncryptedData']; $oEncryptionUtilenc = new EncryptionUtil(); $astrsfaDigest = $oEncryptionUtilenc->getHMAC($astrResponseData, $astrFileName, $strMerchantId); if (strcasecmp($astrDigest, $astrsfaDigest) == 0) { parse_str($astrResponseData, $output); if (array_key_exists('RespCode', $output) == 1) { $ResponseCode = $output['RespCode']; } if (array_key_exists('Message', $output) == 1) { $Message = $output['Message']; } if (array_key_exists('TxnID', $output) == 1) { $TxnID = $output['TxnID']; } if (array_key_exists('ePGTxnID', $output) == 1) { $ePGTxnID = $output['ePGTxnID']; } if (array_key_exists('AuthIdCode', $output) == 1) { $AuthIdCode = $output['AuthIdCode']; } if (array_key_exists('RRN', $output) == 1) { $RRN = $output['RRN']; } if (array_key_exists('CVRespCode', $output) == 1) { $CVRespCode = $output['CVRespCode']; } } } $debug = Mage::getModel('payseal/api_debug')->load($TxnID, "transact_id"); $debug->setResponseBody(print_r($output, 1)); $debug->save(); if ($output['RespCode'] == 2 && $Message == "No Suitable Acquirer Found" || $output['RespCode'] == 0) { $_order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order(); $orderId = $session->getLastRealOrderId(); $_order->loadByIncrementId($orderId); $_order->sendNewOrderEmail(); try { $payment = $_order->getPayment(); $payment->setTransactionId($TxnID)->capture(null); $_order->setStatus('created'); $_order->addStatusToHistory($_order->getStatus(), Mage::helper('payseal')->__('Customer successfully returned from payseal')); $_order->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { Mage::logException($e); //if we couldn't capture order, just leave it as NEW order. } $session->getQuote()->setIsActive(false)->save(); $this->_redirect('checkout/onepage/success', array('_secure' => true)); } else { $this->_redirect('checkout/onepage/failure', array('_secure' => true)); } }
function postAuth($aoMerchant, $aoCInfo, $aoPGResp, $oPSD, $aoReserveData) { $ojMerchant = new Merchant(); $ojCInfo = new CardInfo(); //$oPGResp = new Java(''); //$ojPSD = new Java(''); $ojReserveData = new PGReserveData(); $oPostLib = new PostLibPHP(); $oPGResphp = new PGResponse(); ## Mandetory checks for Merchant objects # check for Merchant id and the Message type # ## if ($aoMerchant == null) { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Merchant object is null"); return $oPGResphp; } if ($aoMerchant->getMerchantID() == null || $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Merchant id is null or Invalid"); return $oPGResphp; } if ($aoMerchant->getMessageType() == null || $aoMerchant->getMessageType() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Message type is null."); return $oPGResphp; } if ($oPSD->getPaysecureResp() == null || $oPSD->getPaysecureResp() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Invalid Paysecure Response. Transaction cannot be processed."); return $oPGResphp; } if ($oPSD->getPaySecureTxnID() == null || $oPSD->getPaySecureTxnID() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Invalid PaySecure Txn Id. Transaction cannot be processed."); return $oPGResphp; } if ($oPSD->getAuthAmount() == null || $oPSD->getAuthAmount() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Error. Auth Amount is Invalid."); return $oPGResphp; } if ($oPSD->getCardAcceptorID() == null || $oPSD->getCardAcceptorID() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Error. Card Acceptor/Merchant Id is Invalid."); return $oPGResphp; } if ($oPSD->getCurrCode() == null || $oPSD->getCurrCode() == "") { $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Invalid Currency code. Transaction cannot be processed."); return $oPGResphp; } # Assigning Merchant object of php to Merchant object of java Sfa $ojMerchant->setMerchantDetails($aoMerchant->getMerchantID(), $aoMerchant->getVendor(), $aoMerchant->getPartner(), $aoMerchant->getCustIPAddress(), $aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID(), $aoMerchant->getOrderReferenceNo(), $aoMerchant->getRespURL(), $aoMerchant->getRespMethod(), $aoMerchant->getCurrCode(), $aoMerchant->getInvoiceNo(), $aoMerchant->getMessageType(), $aoMerchant->getAmount(), $aoMerchant->getGMTTimeOffset(), $aoMerchant->getExt1(), $aoMerchant->getExt2(), $aoMerchant->getExt3(), $aoMerchant->getExt4(), $aoMerchant->getExt5()); # Assigning Card Info object of php to Card info object of java Sfa if ($aoCInfo != null || $aoCInfo != "") { $ojCInfo->setCardDetails($aoCInfo->getCardType(), $aoCInfo->getCardNum(), $aoCInfo->getCVVNum(), $aoCInfo->getExpDtYr(), $aoCInfo->getExpDtMon(), $aoCInfo->getNameOnCard(), $aoCInfo->getInstrType()); } if ($aoReserveData != null || $aoReserveData != "") { $ojReserveData->setReserveObj($aoReserveData->getReserveField1(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField2(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField3(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField4(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField5(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField6(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField7(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField8(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField9(), $aoReserveData->getReserveField10()); } $strData = $this->buildMerchantBillShip($aoMerchant, null, null); $oEncryptionUtilenc = new EncryptionUtil(); $strMotoEncryptedData = $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() . trim($aoMerchant->getMerchantTxnID()) . trim($aoMerchant->getCustIPAddress()) . trim($aoMerchant->getAmount()) . trim($aoMerchant->getMessageType()) . trim($aoMerchant->getCurrCode()) . trim($aoMerchant->getInvoiceNo()) . trim($aoCInfo->getCardNum()) . trim($aoCInfo->getExpDtYr()) . trim($aoCInfo->getExpDtMon()) . $aoCInfo->getCVVNum(); $sDigest = $oEncryptionUtilenc->getHMAC($strMotoEncryptedData, trim($this->mstrKeyDir) . $aoMerchant->getMerchantID() . '.key', $aoMerchant->getMerchantID()); if ($sDigest == null || $sDigest == "") { if ($this->verbose != null && trim($this->verbose) == "true") { error_log("Error in Encrypting/Hashing Merchant Data.Transaction cannot proceed.", 0); } $oPGResphp->setRespCode("2"); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage(" Error while encrypting/hashing data. Transaction cannot be processed."); return $oPGResphp; } $strData = $strData . '&EncryptedData=' . $sDigest; $strData = $strData . '&IntfVer=ASPV2.0'; $strData = $strData . '&OsType=' . trim($this->mstrOSType); $strData = $strData . '&LanguageType=php'; $strData = $strData . '&CustIPAddress=' . $aoMerchant->getCustIPAddress(); $strData = $strData . '&InstrType=' . $aoCInfo->getInstrType(); $strData = $strData . '&CardType=' . $aoCInfo->getCardType(); $strData = $strData . '&CardNum=' . $aoCInfo->getCardNum(); $strData = $strData . '&ExpDtYr=' . $aoCInfo->getExpDtYr(); $strData = $strData . '&ExpDtMon=' . $aoCInfo->getExpDtMon(); $strData = $strData . '&CVVNum=' . $aoCInfo->getCVVNum(); $strData = $strData . '&NameOnCard=' . $aoCInfo->getNameOnCard(); if ($aoMPI == null || $aoMPI == "") { $strData = $strData . '&status=""'; $strData = $strData . '&cavv=""'; $strData = $strData . '&eci=""'; $strData = $strData . '&xid=""'; $strData = $strData . '&purchaseAmount=""'; $strData = $strData . '¤cyVal=""'; $strData = $strData . '&shoppingcontext=""'; } else { $strData = $strData . '&status=' . $aoMPI->getVBVStatus(); $strData = $strData . '&cavv=' . $aoMPI->getCAVV(); $strData = $strData . '&eci=' . $aoMPI->getECI(); $strData = $strData . '&xid=' . $aoMPI->getXID(); $strData = $strData . '&purchaseAmount=' . $aoMPI->getPurchaseAmount(); $strData = $strData . '¤cyVal=' . $aoMPI->getCurrencyVal(); $strData = $strData . '&shoppingcontext=' . $aoMPI->getShoppingContext(); } $strData = $strData . '&Reserve1=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField1(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve2=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField2(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve3=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField3(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve4=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField4(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve5=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField5(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve6=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField6(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve7=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField7(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve8=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField8(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve9=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField9(); $strData = $strData . '&Reserve10=' . $aoReserveData->getReserveField10(); $strData = $strData . '&WsErrCode=' . $aoReserveData->getWsErrCode(); $strData = $strData . '&WsErrMsg=' . $aoReserveData->getWsErrMsg(); $strData = $strData . '&WsExponent=' . $aoReserveData->getWsExponent(); $strData = $strData . '&WsGuid=' . $aoReserveData->getWsGuid(); $strData = $strData . '&WsModulus=' . $aoReserveData->getWsModulus(); $strData = $strData . '&WsTxnId=' . $aoReserveData->getWsTxnId(); $oPGResp = $this->postData(trim($this->motoURL), trim($ojReserveData)); # Assigning PGResponse objects of java to PGResponse object of php $oPGResphp->setRespCode($oPGResp->getRespCode()); $oPGResphp->setRespMessage($oPGResp->getRespMessage()); $oPGResphp->setTxnId($oPGResp->getTxnId()); $oPGResphp->setEpgTxnId($oPGResp->getEpgTxnId()); $oPGResphp->setAuthIdCode($oPGResp->getAuthIdCode()); $oPGResphp->setRRN($oPGResp->getRRN()); $oPGResphp->setCVRespCode($oPGResp->getCVRespCode()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld1($oPGResp->getReserveFld1()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld2($oPGResp->getReserveFld2()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld3($oPGResp->getReserveFld3()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld4($oPGResp->getReserveFld4()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld5($oPGResp->getReserveFld5()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld6($oPGResp->getReserveFld6()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld7($oPGResp->getReserveFld7()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld8($oPGResp->getReserveFld8()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld9($oPGResp->getReserveFld9()); $oPGResphp->setReserveFld10($oPGResp->getReserveFld10()); # Returning PGResponse object of php return $oPGResphp; }
public function testPutObjectByContentAndGetObject() { @unlink($this->cachedir . "down"); $content = EncryptionUtil::genereateOnceUsedKey(500); $args = array("Bucket" => $this->bucket, "Key" => $this->key, "ACL" => "public-read", "Content" => $content); $this->encryptionClient->putObjectByContent($args); $start = (int) rand(0, 520); $end = (int) rand($start, 520); $s3Object = $this->encryptionClient->getObject(array("Bucket" => $this->bucket, "Key" => $this->key, "Range" => "bytes=" . $start . "-" . $end)); $this->assertEquals(substr($content, $start, $end - $start + 1), $s3Object["Content"]); }
public function completeMultipartUploadSecurely($args = array()) { $uploadId = $args["Options"]["uploadId"]; $exists = EncryptionUtil::multipartUploadContextExists($uploadId); if (!$exists) { throw new Ks3ClientException("no such upload in cache/encryption/"); } $context = EncryptionUtil::getMultipartUploadContext($uploadId); if (!$context["lastPart"]) { throw new Ks3ClientException("Unable to complete an encrypted multipart upload without being told which part was the last. when upload part you can add item in args like args[\"LastPart\"]=TRUE"); } $result = $this->ks3client->completeMultipartUpload($args); if (ENCRYPTPTION_STORAGE_MODE == "InstructionFile") { $req = EncryptionUtil::createInstructionFile($args["Bucket"], $args["Key"], $context["encryptedCek"], $context["firstIv"], $context["matdesc"]); $this->ks3client->putObjectByContent($req); } EncryptionUtil::deleteMultipartUploadContext($uploadId); return $result; }
public function streaming_read_callback($curl_handle, $file_handle, $length, $read_stream, $seek_position) { // Once we've sent as much as we're supposed to send... if ($this->hasread >= $this->contentLength) { // Send EOF return ''; } // If we're at the beginning of an upload and need to seek... if ($this->hasread == 0 && $seek_position > 0 && $seek_position !== ftell($read_stream)) { if (fseek($read_stream, $seek_position) !== 0) { throw new RequestCore_Exception('The stream does not support seeking and is either not at the requested position or the position is unknown.'); } } $blocksize = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $needRead = min($this->contentLength - $this->hasread, $length); $read = fread($read_stream, $needRead); $this->hasread += strlen($read); $isLast = FALSE; if ($this->hasread >= $this->contentLength) { $isLast = TRUE; } $data = $this->buffer . $read; $dataLength = strlen($data); if (!$isLast) { $this->buffer = substr($data, $dataLength - $dataLength % $blocksize); $data = substr($data, 0, $dataLength - $dataLength % $blocksize); } else { //分块上传除最后一块外肯定是blocksize大小的倍数,所以不需要填充。 if ($this->mutipartUpload) { if ($this->isLastPart) { $this->buffer = NULL; $data = EncryptionUtil::PKCS5Padding($data, $blocksize); } else { //donothing } } else { $this->buffer = NULL; $data = EncryptionUtil::PKCS5Padding($data, $blocksize); } } $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, ''); mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->cek, $this->iv); $encrypted = mcrypt_generic($td, $data); mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); //去除自动填充的16个字节//php的当恰好为16的倍数时竟然不填充? //$encrypted = substr($encrypted,0,strlen($encrypted)-$blocksize); //取最后一个block作为下一次的iv $this->iv = substr($encrypted, strlen($encrypted) - $blocksize); return $encrypted; }