function show_textarea($name, $text) { rowify("<textarea name=\"{$name}\" cols=80 rows=20>" . $text . "</textarea>"); }
echo uotd_thumbnail($profile, $user); echo user_links($user) . "<br>"; $resp = output_transform($profile->response1); $resp = sanitize_tags($resp); echo sub_sentence($resp, ' ', 150, true); } echo "</td></tr>"; row1(tra("User Profile Explorer")); echo "<tr><td>\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("View the %1User Picture Gallery%2.", "<a href=\"" . URL_BASE . "user_profile/user_gallery_1.html\">", "</a>") . "</li>\n <li>" . tra("Browse profiles %1by country%2.", "<a href=\"" . URL_BASE . "user_profile/profile_country.html\">", "</a>") . "</li>\n <li>" . tra("Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random without pictures%2.", "<a href=\"?cmd=rand&pic=-1\">", "</a>", "<a href=\"?cmd=rand&pic=1\">", "<a href=\"?cmd=rand&pic=0\">") . "</li>\n"; if (file_exists(PROFILE_PATH . "profile_alpha.html")) { echo "<li>" . tra("Alphabetical profile listings:") . "<br>"; include PROFILE_PATH . "profile_alpha.html"; } echo "</ul></td></tr>"; row1(tra("Search profile text")); rowify("\n <form action=\"profile_search_action.php\" method=\"GET\">\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"search_string\">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Search") . "\">\n </form>\n"); end_table(); page_tail(); function select_profile($cmd) { // Request for a random profile. // if ($cmd == "rand") { $profiles = array(); $pic = get_int('pic'); if ($pic == 0) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=0", "limit 1000"); } else { if ($pic == 1) { $profiles = BoincProfile::enum("has_picture=1", "limit 1000"); } else {
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; if (DISABLE_PROFILES) { error_page("Profiles are disabled"); } check_get_args(array("userid", "vote")); $userid = get_int('userid'); $vote = get_str('vote'); $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(); if ($vote != "recommend" && $vote != "reject") { error_page(tra("Invalid vote type:") . " " . htmlentities($vote)); } BoincProfile::update_aux("{$vote}={$vote}+1 WHERE userid = {$userid}"); page_head(tra("Vote Recorded")); start_table_noborder(); row1(tra("Thank you")); if ($vote == "recommend") { rowify(tra("Your recommendation has been recorded.")); } else { rowify(tra("Your vote to reject this profile has been recorded.")); } end_table(); echo "<br><a href=\"view_profile.php?userid=", $userid, "\">" . tra("Return to profile.") . "</a>"; page_tail();