Ejemplo n.º 1
 function load($oid)
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere('risk_id = ' . $oid);
     return db_loadObject($q->prepare(), $this);
function checkCompanyId($company_id)
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $q->addWhere("company_id = '{$company_id}'");
    return db_loadResult($q->prepare());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function load($oid)
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addTable('departments', 'dep');
     $q->addWhere('dep.dept_id = ' . $oid);
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     return db_loadObject($sql, $this);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function _buildQuery()
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $sql = '';
     foreach ($this->search_fields as $field) {
         $sql .= " {$field} LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' or ";
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4);
     return $q->prepare(true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
function getFolderSelectList()
    global $AppUI;
    $folders = array(0 => '');
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $q->addQuery('file_folder_id, file_folder_name, file_folder_parent');
    $sql = $q->prepare();
    //	$sql = "SELECT file_folder_id, file_folder_name, file_folder_parent FROM file_folders";
    $vfolders = arrayMerge(array('0' => array(0, $AppUI->_('Root'), -1)), db_loadHashList($sql, 'file_folder_id'));
    $folders = array_filter($vfolders, "check_perm");
    return $folders;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function _buildQuery()
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere("files.file_id = {$this->table}.file_id");
     $sql = '';
     foreach ($this->search_fields as $field) {
         $sql .= " {$field} LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%' or ";
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4);
     return $q->prepare(true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function _buildQuery()
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $sql = array();
     foreach ($this->search_fields as $field) {
         $sql[] = "{$field} LIKE '%{$this->keyword}%'";
     if (count($sql)) {
         $q->addWhere(implode(' OR ', $sql));
     $result = $q->prepare();
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function getDepartmentArrayList($company_id, $checked_array = array(), $dept_parent = 0, $spaces = 0)
    global $AppUI;
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $deptsArray = array();
    $coArray = array();
    $distinctCompanyName = "";
    $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_name, co.company_name');
    $q->addJoin('companies', 'co', 'departments.dept_company = co.company_id');
    $q->addWhere('dept_parent = ' . $dept_parent);
    //$q->addWhere('dept_company = ' . $company_id);
    require_once $AppUI->getModuleClass('companies');
    $obj = new CCompany();
    $sql = $q->prepare();
    $depts_list = db_loadHashList($sql, 'dept_id');
    foreach ($depts_list as $dept_id => $dept_info) {
        if (mb_strlen($dept_info['dept_name']) > 30) {
            $dept_info['dept_name'] = mb_substr($dept_info['dept_name'], 0, 28) . '...';
        $dept_name = str_repeat(' ', $spaces) . $dept_info['dept_name'];
        $deptsArray[$dept_id] = $dept_name;
        if ($distinctCompanyName != $dept_info['company_name']) {
            $coArray[$dept_id] = $dept_info['company_name'];
            $distinctCompanyName = $dept_info['company_name'];
        $childDeptsNCo = getDepartmentArrayList($company_id, $checked_array, $dept_id, $spaces + 5);
        $childDepts = $childDeptsNCo[0];
        if (!empty($childDepts)) {
            foreach ($childDepts as $childDeptId => $childDeptName) {
                $deptsArray[$childDeptId] = $childDeptName;
    $deptsNCoArray = array();
    array_push($deptsNCoArray, $deptsArray, $coArray);
    return $deptsNCoArray;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  *	Overload of the dpObject::getDeniedRecords
  *	to ensure that the projects owned by denied companies are denied.
  *	@author	handco <*****@*****.**>
  *	@see	dpObject::getAllowedRecords
 function getDeniedRecords($uid)
     $aBuf1 = parent::getDeniedRecords($uid);
     $oCpy = new CCompany();
     // Retrieve which projects are allowed due to the company rules
     $aCpiesAllowed = $oCpy->getAllowedRecords($uid, 'company_id,company_name');
     $q = new DBQuery();
     if (count($aCpiesAllowed)) {
         $q->addWhere('NOT (project_company IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($aCpiesAllowed)) . '))');
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     $aBuf2 = db_loadColumn($sql);
     return array_merge($aBuf1, $aBuf2);
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Tasks:
$q->addUpdate('task_owner', $user_id);
$q->addWhere('task_owner =  ' . $from_user);
$q->addWhere('task_project' . $project_where);
if (!$q->exec()) {
    $AppUI->setMsg('failed to update task owner', UI_MSG_ERROR);
$q->addWhere('task_project' . $project_where);
$task_sql = $q->prepare();
$q->addUpdate('contact_id', $user_id);
$q->addWhere('contact_id = ' . $from_user);
$q->addWhere('task_id IN (' . $task_sql . ')');
if (!$q->exec()) {
    $AppUI->setMsg('failed to update task contacts', UI_MSG_ERROR);
$q->addUpdate('user_id', $user_id);
$q->addWhere('user_id = ' . $from_user);
$q->addWhere('task_id IN (' . $task_sql . ')');
if (!$q->exec()) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function getDepartmentDetails()
     $result = array('dept_id' => 0, 'dept_name' => '');
     if (!$this->contact_department) {
         return $result;
     $sql = "select dept_id, dept_name from departments";
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_name');
     if ($this->is_alpha($this->contact_department)) {
         $q->addWhere("dept_name = '" . $this->contact_department . "'");
     } else {
         $q->addWhere("dept_id = '" . $this->contact_department . "'");
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     db_loadHash($sql, $result);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
$q->addQuery("COUNT(distinct tasks.task_id) AS total_tasks");
$q->addWhere('task_project = ' . $project_id);
$hasTasks = $q->loadResult();
// load the record data
// GJB: Note that we have to special case duration type 24 and this refers to the hours in a day, NOT 24 hours
if ($hasTasks) {
    $q->addQuery("company_name, CONCAT_WS(', ',contact_last_name,contact_first_name) user_name, projects.*," . " SUM(t1.task_duration * t1.task_percent_complete" . " * IF(t1.task_duration_type = 24, {$working_hours}, t1.task_duration_type))" . " / SUM(t1.task_duration * IF(t1.task_duration_type = 24, {$working_hours}, t1.task_duration_type))" . " AS project_percent_complete");
    $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'company_id = project_company');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'user_id = project_owner');
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact');
    $q->addJoin('tasks', 't1', 'projects.project_id = t1.task_project');
    $q->addWhere('project_id = ' . $project_id . ' AND t1.task_id = t1.task_parent');
    $sql = $q->prepare();
} else {
    $q->addQuery("company_name, CONCAT_WS(' ',contact_first_name,contact_last_name) user_name, projects.*, " . "(0.0) AS project_percent_complete");
    $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'company_id = project_company');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'user_id = project_owner');
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact');
    $q->addWhere('project_id = ' . $project_id);
    $sql = $q->prepare();
$obj = null;
if (!db_loadObject($sql, $obj)) {
    $AppUI->setMsg("invalidID", UI_MSG_ERROR, true);
Ejemplo n.º 13
$allowedProjects = $project->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id);
$working_hours = $dPconfig['daily_working_hours'] ? $dPconfig['daily_working_hours'] : 8;
$q->addQuery('project_id, project_color_identifier, project_name');
$q->addQuery('SUM(task_duration * task_percent_complete * IF(task_duration_type = 24, ' . $working_hours . ', task_duration_type)) / SUM(task_duration * IF(task_duration_type = 24, ' . $working_hours . ', task_duration_type)) AS project_percent_complete');
$q->addTable('projects', 'pr');
$q->leftJoin('tasks', 't1', 'pr.project_id = t1.task_project');
$q->leftJoin('companies', 'c', 'company_id = project_company');
$q->addWhere('t1.task_id = t1.task_parent');
$q->addWhere('project_id=' . $project_id);
if (count($allowedProjects)) {
$psql = $q->prepare();
$q->addQuery('project_id, COUNT(t1.task_id) as total_tasks');
$psql2 = $q->prepare();
$perms =& $AppUI->acl();
$projects = array();
if ($canViewTasks) {
    $prc = db_exec($psql);
    echo db_error();
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($prc)) {
        $projects[$row['project_id']] = $row;
    $prc2 = db_exec($psql2);
    echo db_error();
    while ($row2 = db_fetch_assoc($prc2)) {
        $projects[$row2["project_id"]] = !$projects[$row2["project_id"]] ? array() : $projects[$row2["project_id"]];
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Login function
  * A number of things are done in this method to prevent illegal entry:
  * <ul>
  * <li>The username and password are trimmed and escaped to prevent malicious
  *     SQL being executed
  * </ul>
  * The schema previously used the MySQL PASSWORD function for encryption.  This
  * Method has been deprecated in favour of PHP's MD5() function for database independance.
  * The check_legacy_password option is no longer valid
  * Upon a successful username and password match, several fields from the user
  * table are loaded in this object for convenient reference.  The style, locales
  * and preferences are also loaded at this time.
  * @param string The user login name
  * @param string The user password
  * @return boolean True if successful, false if not
 public function login($username, $password)
     require_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/classes/authenticator.class.php';
     $auth_method = w2PgetConfig('auth_method', 'sql');
     if ($_POST['login'] != 'login' && $_POST['login'] != $this->_('login', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) && $_REQUEST['login'] != $auth_method) {
         die('You have chosen to log in using an unsupported or disabled login method');
     $auth =& getauth($auth_method);
     $username = trim(db_escape($username));
     $password = trim($password);
     if (!$auth->authenticate($username, $password)) {
         return false;
     $user_id = $auth->userId($username);
     $username = $auth->username;
     // Some authentication schemes may collect username in various ways.
     // Now that the password has been checked, see if they are allowed to
     // access the system
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['acl'])) {
         $GLOBALS['acl'] = new w2Pacl();
     if (!$GLOBALS['acl']->checkLogin($user_id)) {
         dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1, 'Permission check failed');
         return false;
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addQuery('user_id, contact_first_name as user_first_name, contact_last_name as user_last_name, contact_company as user_company, contact_department as user_department, contact_email as user_email, user_type');
     $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact', 'inner');
     $q->addWhere('user_id = ' . (int) $user_id . ' AND user_username = \'' . $username . '\'');
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 7, 'Login SQL: ' . $sql);
     if (!$this) {
         dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1, 'Failed to load user information');
         return false;
     // load the user preferences
     // Let's see if this user has admin privileges
     if (!getDenyRead('admin')) {
         $this->user_is_admin = 1;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function notifyContacts($notifyContacts)
     global $AppUI, $w2Pconfig, $locale_char_set;
     if ($notifyContacts == '1') {
         //if no project specified than we will not do anything
         if ($this->file_project != 0) {
             $this->_project = new CProject();
             $mail = new Mail();
             if ($this->file_task == 0) {
                 //notify all developers
                 $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             } else {
                 //notify all assigned users
                 $this->_task = new CTask();
                 $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->_task->task_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             $body = $AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name;
             $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $this->_project->project_id;
             if (intval($this->_task->task_id) != 0) {
                 $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Task') . ':    ' . $this->_task->task_name;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $this->_task->task_id;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":\n" . $this->_task->task_description;
                 $q = new DBQuery();
                 $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->_project->project_id);
                 $sql = '(' . $q->prepare() . ')';
                 $sql .= ' UNION ';
                 $q->addTable('task_contacts', 'tc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = tc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('tc.task_id = ' . (int) $this->_task->task_id);
                 $sql .= '(' . $q->prepare() . ')';
                 $this->_users = $q->loadList();
             } else {
                 $q = new DBQuery();
                 $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
                 $q->addQuery('pc.project_id, pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->file_project);
                 $this->_users = $q->loadList();
             $body .= "\n\nFile " . $this->file_name . ' was ' . $this->_message . ' by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name;
             if ($this->_message != 'deleted') {
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/fileviewer.php?file_id=' . $this->file_id;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":\n" . $this->file_description;
             //send mail
             $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
             foreach ($this->_users as $row) {
                 if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['contact_email'])) {
                     $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
             return '';
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function _buildQuery()
     $q = new DBQuery();
     if ($this->table_alias) {
         $q->addTable($this->table, $this->table_alias);
     } else {
     if (isset($this->table_key2)) {
     foreach ($this->table_joins as $join) {
         $q->addJoin($join['table'], $join['alias'], $join['join']);
     foreach ($this->display_fields as $fld) {
     if ($this->table_extra) {
     $sql = '';
     foreach (array_keys($this->keywords) as $keyword) {
         $sql .= '(';
         foreach ($this->search_fields as $field) {
             //OR treatment to each keyword
             // Search for semi-colons, commas or spaces and allow any to be separators
             $or_keywords = preg_split('/[\\s,;]+/', $keyword);
             foreach ($or_keywords as $or_keyword) {
                 if ($this->search_options['ignore_specchar'] == "on") {
                     $tmppattern = recode2regexp_utf8($or_keyword);
                     if ($this->search_options['ignore_case'] == "on") {
                         $sql .= " {$field} REGEXP '{$tmppattern}' or ";
                     } else {
                         $sql .= " {$field} REGEXP BINARY '{$tmppattern}' or ";
                 } else {
                     if ($this->search_options['ignore_case'] == "on") {
                         $sql .= " {$field} LIKE '%{$or_keyword}%' or ";
                     } else {
                         $sql .= " {$field} LIKE BINARY '%{$or_keyword}%' or ";
         // foreach $field
         $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4);
         if ($this->search_options['all_words'] == "on") {
             $sql .= ') and ';
         } else {
             $sql .= ') or ';
     // foreach $keyword
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, -4);
     if ($sql) {
         return $q->prepare(true);
     } else {
         return '/* */';
Ejemplo n.º 17
    $actions['m'] = $AppUI->_('Move', UI_OUTPUT_JS);
    $actions['d'] = $AppUI->_('Delete', UI_OUTPUT_JS);
    $actions['f'] = $AppUI->_('Mark as Finished', UI_OUTPUT_JS);
    foreach ($priorities as $k => $v) {
        $actions[$k] = $AppUI->_('set priority to ' . $v, UI_OUTPUT_JS);
$deny = $proj->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
$q = new DBQuery();
$q->addTable('projects', 'p');
$q->addQuery('p.project_id, p.project_name');
if ($deny) {
    $q->addWhere('p.project_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $deny) . ')');
$projects = db_loadHashList($q->prepare(true), 'project_id');
$p[0] = $AppUI->_('[none]');
foreach ($projects as $proj) {
    $p[$proj[0]] = $proj[1];
if ($project_id) {
    $p[$project_id] = $AppUI->_('[same project]');
$projects = $p;
$ts[0] = $AppUI->_('[top task]');
foreach ($tasks as $t) {
    $ts[$t['task_id']] = $t['task_name'];
Ejemplo n.º 18
<form name="form_buttons" method="post" action="index.php?<?php 
echo "m={$m}&amp;a={$a}&amp;date={$date}";
<input type="hidden" name="show_form" value="1" />
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
	<td width="50%">
if ($other_users) {
    $q->addTable('users', 'u');
    $q->innerJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = u.user_contact');
    $q->addQuery('u.user_id, u.user_username, c.contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name');
    $usersql = $q->prepare();
    echo $AppUI->_('Show Todo for:');
		<select name="show_user_todo" onchange="javascript:document.form_buttons.submit();">
    if ($rows = db_loadList($usersql, NULL)) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $selected = $user_id == $row['user_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            echo '<option value="' . $row['user_id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $row['contact_last_name'] . ', ' . $row['contact_first_name'] . '</option>' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 19
function format_field($value, $type, $ticket = NULL)
    global $CONFIG;
    global $AppUI;
    global $canEdit;
    switch ($type) {
        case "user":
            if ($value) {
                $output = query2result("SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ',contact_first_name,contact_last_name) as name FROM users u LEFT JOIN contacts ON u.user_contact = contact_id WHERE user_id = '{$value}'");
            } else {
                $output = "-";
        case "status":
            if ($canEdit) {
                $output = create_selectbox("type_toggle", array("Open" => $AppUI->_("Open"), "Processing" => $AppUI->_("Processing"), "Closed" => $AppUI->_("Closed"), "Deleted" => $AppUI->_("Deleted")), $value);
            } else {
                $output = chooseSelectedValue("type_toggle", array("Open" => $AppUI->_("Open"), "Processing" => $AppUI->_("Processing"), "Closed" => $AppUI->_("Closed"), "Deleted" => $AppUI->_("Deleted")), $value);
        case "priority_view":
            $priority = $CONFIG["priority_names"][$value];
            $color = $CONFIG["priority_colors"][$value];
            if ($value == 3) {
                $priority = "<strong>{$priority}</strong>";
            if ($value == 4) {
                $priority = "<blink><strong>{$priority}</strong></blink>";
            $output = "<font color=\"{$color}\">{$priority}</font>";
        case "priority_select":
            if ($canEdit) {
                $output = create_selectbox("priority_toggle", $CONFIG["priority_names"], $value);
            } else {
                $output = chooseSelectedValue("priority_toggle", $CONFIG["priority_names"], $value);
        case "assignment":
            $options[0] = "-";
            $query = "SELECT user_id as id, CONCAT_WS(' ',contact_first_name,contact_last_name) as name FROM users u LEFT JOIN contacts ON u.user_contact = contact_id ORDER BY name";
            $result = do_query($query);
            while ($row = result2hash($result)) {
                $options[$row["id"]] = $row["name"];
            if ($canEdit) {
                $output = create_selectbox("assignment_toggle", $options, $value);
            } else {
                $output = chooseSelectedValue("assignment_toggle", $options, $value);
        case "view":
            if ($CONFIG["index_link"] == "latest") {
                $latest_value = query2result("SELECT ticket FROM tickets WHERE parent = '{$value}' ORDER BY ticket DESC LIMIT 1");
                if ($latest_value) {
                    $value = $latest_value;
            $output = "<a href=index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket={$value}>{$value}&nbsp;";
            $output .= "<img src=images/icons/pencil.gif border=0></a>";
        case "attach":
            $output = "<A href=index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=attach&ticket={$value}>";
            $output .= "Link</a>";
        case "doattach":
            $output = "<A href=index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=attach&newparent={$value}&dosql=reattachticket&ticket={$ticket}>";
            $output .= "Link</a>";
        case "open_date":
            $output = get_time_ago($value);
            if ($CONFIG["warning_active"]) {
                if (time() - $value > $CONFIG["warning_age"] * 3600) {
                    $output = "<font color=\"" . $CONFIG["warning_color"] . "\"><xb>" . $output . "</strong></font>";
        case "activity_date":
            if (!$value) {
                $output = "<em>" . $AppUI->_('none') . "</em>";
            } else {
                $output = get_time_ago($value);
            $latest_followup_type = query2result("SELECT type FROM tickets WHERE parent = '{$ticket}' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
            if ($latest_followup_type) {
                $latest_followup_type = preg_replace("/(\\w+)\\s.*/", "\\1", $latest_followup_type);
                $output .= " [{$latest_followup_type}]";
        case "elapsed_date":
            $output = date($CONFIG["date_format"], $value);
            $time_ago = get_time_ago($value);
            $output .= " <em>({$time_ago})</em>";
        case "body":
            if ($CONFIG["wordwrap"]) {
                $value = word_wrap($value, 78);
            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
            $output = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">\n";
            $output .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"" . $CONFIG["ticket_color"] . "\">\n<tt><pre>\n";
            $url_find = "/(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)(:\\/\\/[^ \">\\t\\r\\n]*)/";
            $url_replace = "<a href=\"\\1\\2\" target=\"new\">";
            $url_replace .= "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt;\">\\1\\2</span></a>";
            $value = preg_replace($url_find, $url_replace, $value);
            $output .= stripslashes($value);
            $output .= "\n</pre></tt>\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
        case "followup":
            $output = "\n<tt>\n";
            $output .= "<textarea style='font-family: monospace;' name=\"followup\" wrap=\"hard\" cols=\"72\" rows=\"20\">\n";
            $signature = query2result("SELECT user_signature FROM users WHERE user_id = '{$AppUI->user_id}'");
            if ($signature) {
                $output .= "\n";
                $output .= "-- \n";
                $output .= $signature;
            $output .= "\n\n";
            $output .= "---- " . $AppUI->_('Original message') . " ----\n\n";
            if ($CONFIG["wordwrap"]) {
                $value = word_wrap($value, 70, true);
            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
            $output .= $value;
            $output .= "\n</textarea>\n";
            $output .= "</tt>\n";
        case "subject":
            $value = preg_replace("/\\s*Re:\\s*/i", "", $value);
            $value = preg_replace("/(\\[\\#\\d+\\])(\\w+)/", "\\2", $value);
            $value = "Re: " . $value;
            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
            @($output .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value=\"{$value}\" size=\"70\">\n");
        case "cc":
            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
            $output = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"cc\" value=\"{$value}\" size=\"70\">";
        case "recipient":
            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
            $output = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"recipient\" value=\"{$value}\" size=\"70\">";
        case "original_author":
            if ($value) {
                $value = preg_replace('/\\"/', '', $value);
                $output = htmlspecialchars($value);
            } else {
                $output = "<em>(" . $AppUI->_('original ticket author') . ")</em>";
        case "email":
            if ($value) {
                $value = preg_replace('/\\"/', '', $value);
                $output = htmlspecialchars($value);
            } else {
                $output = "<em>" . $AppUI->_('none') . "</em>";
        case 'ticket_company':
            $q = new DBQuery();
            $q->addWhere('companies.company_id = ' . $value);
            $sql = $q->prepare();
            if (!db_loadObject($sql, $obj)) {
                // it all dies!
            $output = '<a href="index.php?m=companies&a=view&company_id=' . $value . '">' . $obj->company_name . '</a>';
        case 'ticket_project':
            $q = new DBQuery();
            $q->addWhere('projects.project_id = ' . $value);
            $sql = $q->prepare();
            if (!db_loadObject($sql, $obj)) {
                // it all dies!
            $output = '<a href="index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $value . '">' . $obj->project_name . '</a>';
            $output = $value ? htmlspecialchars($value) : "<em>" . $AppUI->_('none') . "</em>";
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 20
function displayFiles($folder_id)
    global $AppUI, $m, $a, $tab, $page;
    global $current_uri;
    global $canAccess, $canRead, $canEdit, $canAuthor, $canDelete;
    global $canAccess_folders, $canRead_folders, $canEdit_folders;
    global $canAuthor_folders, $canDelete_folders;
    global $company_id, $project_id, $task_id;
    global $allowedCompanies, $allowedProjects, $allowedTasks, $allowedFolders;
    global $showProject, $cfObj, $dPconfig;
    $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
    $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
    $file_types = dPgetSysVal('FileType');
    $xpg_pagesize = 30;
    //TODO?: Set by System Config Value ...
    $xpg_totalrecs = countFiles($folder_id);
    //get file count for folder
    $xpg_total_pages = $xpg_totalrecs > $xpg_pagesize ? ceil($xpg_totalrecs / $xpg_pagesize) : 1;
    $xpg_min = $xpg_pagesize * ($page - 1);
    // This is where we start our record set from
    $q = new DBQuery();
    // most recent version info per file_project and file_version_id
    $q->createTemp('files_count_max' . $folder_id);
    $q->addTable('files', 'f');
    $q->addQuery('DISTINCT count(f.file_id) as file_versions' . ', max(f.file_version) as file_lastversion' . ', file_version_id, f.file_project');
    $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = f.file_project');
    $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = f.file_task');
    $q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = f.file_folder');
    $q->addWhere('f.file_folder = ' . $folder_id);
    if (count($allowedProjects)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedProjects) . ') OR f.file_project = 0)');
    if (count($allowedTasks)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedTasks) . ') OR f.file_task = 0)');
    if (count($allowedFolders)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedFolders) . ') OR f.file_folder = 0)');
    if ($company_id) {
        $q->innerJoin('companies', 'co', 'co.company_id = p.project_company');
        $q->addWhere('co.company_id = ' . $company_id);
        if (count($allowedCompanies)) {
            $q->addWhere('(' . implode(' AND ', $allowedCompanies) . ')');
    $file_version_max_counts = $q->exec();
    // most recent version
    $q->addTable('files', 'f');
    $q->addQuery('f.*, fmc.file_versions, round(fmc.file_lastversion, 2) as file_lastversion' . ', u.user_username as file_owner, ff.file_folder_name' . ', ff.file_folder_id, ff.file_folder_name, p.project_name' . ', p.project_color_identifier, p.project_owner, c.contact_first_name' . ', c.contact_last_name, t.task_name, u.user_username as file_owner' . ', cc.contact_first_name as checkout_first_name' . ', cc.contact_last_name as checkout_last_name');
    $q->addJoin('files_count_max' . $folder_id, 'fmc', '(fmc.file_lastversion=f.file_version AND fmc.file_version_id=f.file_version_id' . ' AND fmc.file_project=f.file_project)', 'inner');
    $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = f.file_project');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = f.file_owner');
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = u.user_contact');
    $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = f.file_task');
    $q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = f.file_folder');
    $q->leftJoin('users', 'cu', 'cu.user_id = f.file_checkout');
    $q->leftJoin('contacts', 'cc', 'cc.contact_id = cu.user_contact');
    $q->addWhere('f.file_folder = ' . $folder_id);
    if (count($allowedProjects)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedProjects) . ') OR f.file_project = 0)');
    if (count($allowedTasks)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedTasks) . ') OR f.file_task = 0)');
    if (count($allowedFolders)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedFolders) . ') OR f.file_folder = 0)');
    if ($project_id) {
        $q->addWhere('f.file_project = ' . $project_id);
    if ($task_id) {
        $q->addWhere('f.file_task = ' . $task_id);
    if ($company_id) {
        $q->innerJoin('companies', 'co', 'co.company_id = p.project_company');
        $q->addWhere('co.company_id = ' . $company_id);
        if (count($allowedCompanies)) {
            $q->addWhere('(' . implode(' AND ', $allowedCompanies) . ')');
    $q->setLimit($xpg_pagesize, $xpg_min);
    $files_sql = $q->prepare();
    // all versions
    $q->addTable('files', 'f');
    $q->addQuery('f.*, ff.file_folder_id, ff.file_folder_name, p.project_name' . ', p.project_color_identifier, p.project_owner, c.contact_first_name' . ', c.contact_last_name, t.task_name, u.user_username as file_owner');
    $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = f.file_project');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = f.file_owner');
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = u.user_contact');
    $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = f.file_task');
    $q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = f.file_folder');
    $q->addWhere('f.file_folder = ' . $folder_id);
    if (count($allowedProjects)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedProjects) . ') OR f.file_project = 0)');
    if (count($allowedTasks)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedTasks) . ') OR f.file_task = 0)');
    if (count($allowedFolders)) {
        $q->addWhere('((' . implode(' AND ', $allowedFolders) . ') OR f.file_folder = 0)');
    if ($project_id) {
        $q->addWhere('f.file_project = ' . $project_id);
    if ($task_id) {
        $q->addWhere('f.file_task = ' . $task_id);
    if ($company_id) {
        $q->innerJoin('companies', 'co', 'co.company_id = p.project_company');
        $q->addWhere('co.company_id = ' . $company_id);
        if (count($allowedCompanies)) {
            $q->addWhere('(' . implode(' AND ', $allowedCompanies) . ')');
    $file_versions_sql = $q->prepare();
    //file arrays
    $files = array();
    $file_versions = array();
    if ($canRead) {
        $files = db_loadList($files_sql);
        $file_versions = db_loadHashList($file_versions_sql, 'file_id');
    $q->dropTemp('files_count_max' . $folder_id);
    if ($files == array()) {
	<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="tbl">
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('File Name');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Description');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Versions');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Category');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Task Name');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Owner');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Size');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Date');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('co Reason');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('co');
		<th nowrap width="1"></th>
		<th nowrap width="1"></th>
    $fp = -1;
    $file_date = new CDate();
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($files as $row) {
        $file_date = new CDate($row['file_date']);
        $canEdit_file = getPermission('files', 'edit', $row['file_id']);
        //single file
        if ($fp != $row['file_project']) {
            if (!$row['file_project']) {
                $row['project_name'] = $AppUI->_('Not associated to projects');
                $row['project_color_identifier'] = 'f4efe3';
            if ($showProject) {
                $style = 'background-color:#' . $row['project_color_identifier'] . ';color:' . bestColor($row['project_color_identifier']);
	<td colspan="20" style="border: outset 2px #eeeeee;<?php 
                echo $style;
	<a href="?m=projects&a=view&project_id=<?php 
                echo $row['file_project'];
	<span style="<?php 
                echo $style;
                echo $row['project_name'];
        $fp = $row['file_project'];
	<form name="frm_remove_file_<?php 
        echo $row['file_id'];
" action="?m=files" 
	<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
	<input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php 
        echo $row['file_id'];
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
        echo $current_uri;
" />
	<form name="frm_duplicate_file_<?php 
        echo $row['file_id'];
" action="?m=files" 
	<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
	<input type="hidden" name="duplicate" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php 
        echo $row['file_id'];
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
        echo $current_uri;
" />
		<td nowrap="8%">
        $file_icon = getIcon($row['file_type']);
		  <a href="./fileviewer.php?file_id=<?php 
        echo $row['file_id'];
        echo $row['file_description'];
        echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/' . $file_icon, '16', '16');
        echo $row['file_name'];
		<td width="20%"><?php 
        echo $row['file_description'];
		<td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
        $hidden_table = '';
        echo $row['file_lastversion'];
        if ($row['file_versions'] > 1) {
	  <a href="#" onClick="expand('versions_<?php 
            echo $row['file_id'];
            echo $row['file_versions'];
		<td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
        echo $file_types[$row['file_category']];
		<td width="5%" align="center">
		  <a href="./index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=<?php 
        echo $row['file_task'];
        echo $row['task_name'];
		<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap">
        echo $row["contact_first_name"] . ' ' . $row["contact_last_name"];
		<td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
        echo file_size(intval($row['file_size']));
		<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
        echo $file_date->format($df . ' ' . $tf);
		<td width="10%"><?php 
        echo $row['file_co_reason'];
		<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
        if ($canEdit && empty($row['file_checkout'])) {
			  <a href="?m=files&a=co&file_id=<?php 
            echo $row['file_id'];
            echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/up.png', '16', '16', 'checkout', 'checkout file');
        } else {
            if ($row['file_checkout'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
			  <a href="?m=files&a=addedit&ci=1&file_id=<?php 
                echo $row['file_id'];
                echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/down.png', '16', '16', 'checkin', 'checkin file');
            } else {
                if ($file['file_checkout'] == 'final') {
                    echo '			  ' . $AppUI->_('final');
                } else {
                    echo '	  ' . $row['checkout_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['checkout_last_name'] . '<br />(' . $row['co_user'] . ')';
		<td nowrap="nowrap" align="right" width="48">
        if (empty($row['file_checkout']) || $row['file_checkout'] == 'final') {
            // Edit File
            if ($canEdit || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
		  <a href="./index.php?m=files&a=addedit&file_id=<?php 
                echo $row['file_id'];
                echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/kedit.png', '16', '16', 'edit file', 'edit file');
            // Duplicate File
            if ($canAuthor || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
		  <a href="#" 
                echo $row['file_id'];
                echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/duplicate.png', '16', '16', 'duplicate file', 'duplicate file');
            // Delete File
            if ($canDelete || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
		  <a href="#" 
		   onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this file?')) {document.frm_remove_file_<?php 
                echo $row['file_id'];
                echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/remove.png', '16', '16', 'delete file', 'delete file');
		<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="1">
        if ((empty($row['file_checkout']) || $row['file_checkout'] == 'final') && ($canEdit || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id)) {
            $bulk_op = 'onchange="(this.checked) ? addBulkComponent(' . $row['file_id'] . ') : removeBulkComponent(' . $row['file_id'] . ')"';
			<input type="checkbox" <?php 
            echo $bulk_op;
            echo $file_row['file_id'];
" />

        if ($row['file_versions'] > 1) {

	  <tr><td colspan="20">
		<table style="display: none" id="versions_<?php 
            echo $row['file_id'];
		 width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="tbl">
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('File Name');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Description');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Versions');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Category');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Task Name');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Owner');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Size');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Type');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
            echo $AppUI->_('Date');
			<th nowrap="nowrap"width="1">&nbsp;</th>
			<th nowrap="nowrap"width="1">&nbsp;</th>
            foreach ($file_versions as $file) {
                if ($file['file_version_id'] == $row['file_version_id']) {
                    $file_icon = getIcon($file['file_type']);
                    $file_version_date = new Date($file['file_date']);

		  <form name="frm_delete_sub_file_<?php 
                    echo $file['file_id'];
		   action="?m=files" method="post">
		  <input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
		  <input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" />
		  <input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php 
                    echo $file['file_id'];
" />
		  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
                    echo $current_uri;
" />
		  <form name="frm_duplicate_sub_file_<?php 
                    echo $file['file_id'];
		   action="?m=files" method="post">
		  <input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
		  <input type="hidden" name="duplicate" value="1" />
		  <input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php 
                    echo $file['file_id'];
" />
		  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
                    echo $current_uri;
" />
			<td nowrap="8%">
			  <a href="./fileviewer.php?file_id=<?php 
                    echo $file['file_id'];
                    echo $file['file_description'];
                    echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/' . $file_icon, '16', '16');
                    echo $file['file_name'];
			<td width="20%"><?php 
                    echo $file['file_description'];
			<td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"><?php 
                    echo $file['file_version'];
			<td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
                    echo $file_types[$file['file_category']];
			<td width="5%" align="center">
			  <a href="./index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=<?php 
                    echo $file['file_task'];
                    echo $file['task_name'];
			<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    echo $file["contact_first_name"] . ' ' . $file["contact_last_name"];
			<td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
                    echo file_size(intval($file['file_size']));
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
                    echo $row['file_type'];
			<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
                    echo $file_version_date->format($df . ' ' . $tf);
			<td nowrap="nowrap" align="right" width="48">
                    if (empty($file['file_checkout']) || $file['file_checkout'] == 'final') {
                        // Edit File
                        if ($canEdit || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
			  <a href="./index.php?m=files&a=addedit&file_id=<?php 
                            echo $row['file_id'];
                            echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/kedit.png', '16', '16', 'edit file', 'edit file');
                        // Duplicate File
                        if ($canAuthor) {
			  <a href="#" 
                            echo $row['file_id'];
                            echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/duplicate.png', '16', '16', 'duplicate file', 'duplicate file');
                        // Delete File
                        if ($canDelete) {
			  <a href="#" 
			   onclick="if (confirm('<?php 
                            echo $AppUI->_('Are you sure you want to delete this file?');
')) {document.frm_remove_file_<?php 
                            echo $row['file_id'];
                            echo dPshowImage(DP_BASE_URL . '/modules/files/images/remove.png', '16', '16', 'delete file', $AppUI->_('delete file'));
			<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="1">
                    if ((empty($row['file_checkout']) || $row['file_checkout'] == 'final') && ($canEdit || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id)) {
                        $bulk_op = 'onchange="(this.checked) ? addBulkComponent(' . $row['file_id'] . ') : removeBulkComponent(' . $row['file_id'] . ')"';
			  <input type="checkbox" <?php 
                        echo $bulk_op;
                        echo $file_row['file_id'];
" />

    shownavbar($xpg_totalrecs, $xpg_pagesize, $xpg_total_pages, $page, $folder_id);
    echo "<br />";
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * This function recursively updates all tasks project
  * to the one passed as parameter
 function updateSubTasksProject($new_project, $task_id = null)
     $q = new DBQuery();
     if (is_null($task_id)) {
         $task_id = $this->task_id;
     $q->addWhere("task_parent = '" . $task_id . "'");
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     $tasks_id = db_loadColumn($sql);
     if (count($tasks_id) == 0) {
         return true;
     // update project of children
     $q->addUpdate('task_project', $new_project);
     $q->addWhere("task_parent = '" . $task_id . "'");
     foreach ($tasks_id as $id) {
         if ($id != $task_id) {
             $this->updateSubTasksProject($new_project, $id);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    $q->addWhere('task_project = ' . (int) $project_id . ' AND task_duration_type = 24 AND task_dynamic <> 1');
    $days = $q->loadResult();
    $q->addWhere('task_project = ' . (int) $project_id . ' AND task_duration_type = 1 AND task_dynamic <> 1');
    $hours = $q->loadResult();
    $total_hours = $days * $w2Pconfig['daily_working_hours'] + $hours;
    $total_project_hours = 0;
    $q->addTable('tasks', 't');
    $q->addJoin('user_tasks', 'u', 't.task_id = u.task_id');
    $q->addWhere('t.task_project = ' . (int) $project_id . ' AND t.task_duration_type = 24 AND t.task_dynamic <> 1');
    $total_project_days_sql = $q->prepare();
    $q2 = new DBQuery();
    $q2->addTable('tasks', 't');
    $q2->addJoin('user_tasks', 'u', 't.task_id = u.task_id');
    $q2->addWhere('t.task_project = ' . (int) $project_id . ' AND t.task_duration_type = 1 AND t.task_dynamic <> 1');
    $total_project_hours = $q->loadResult() * $w2Pconfig['daily_working_hours'] + $q2->loadResult();
    //due to the round above, we don't want to print decimals unless they really exist
    //$total_project_hours = rtrim($total_project_hours, "0");
} else {
    //no tasks in project so "fake" project data
    $worked_hours = $total_hours = $total_project_hours = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
$canEdit = getPermission($m, 'edit');
$canRead = getPermission($m, 'view');
if (!$canRead) {
$hidden_modules = array('public', 'install');
$q = new DBQuery();
foreach ($hidden_modules as $no_show) {
    $q->addWhere('mod_directory != \'' . $no_show . '\'');
$modules = db_loadList($q->prepare());
// get the modules actually installed on the file system
$modFiles = $AppUI->readDirs('modules');
$titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Modules', 'power-management.png', $m, $m . "." . $a);
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system', 'System Admin');

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="98%" class="tbl">
	<th colspan="2"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Module');
echo $AppUI->_('Status');
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function delete()
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere('visit_message = ' . $this->message_id);
     // No error if this fails, it is not important.
     $q->addWhere('message_id = ' . $this->message_id);
     $forumId = db_loadResult($q->prepare());
     $q->addWhere('message_id = ' . $this->message_id);
     if (!$q->exec()) {
         $result = db_error();
     } else {
         $result = NULL;
     $q->addWhere('message_forum = ' . $forumId);
     $messageCount = db_loadResult($q->prepare());
     $q->addUpdate('forum_message_count', $messageCount);
     $q->addWhere('forum_id = ' . $forumId);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 25
function displayFiles($folder)
    global $m, $a, $tab, $AppUI, $xpg_min, $xpg_pagesize;
    global $deny1, $deny2, $project_id, $task_id, $showProject, $file_types, $cfObj;
    global $xpg_totalrecs, $xpg_total_pages, $page;
    global $company_id, $allowed_companies, $current_uri, $dPconfig;
    $canEdit = !getDenyEdit($m, $folder);
    $canRead = !getDenyRead($m, $folder);
    $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
    $tf = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $q->addQuery('files.*,count(file_version) as file_versions,round(max(file_version), 2) as file_lastversion,file_folder_id, file_folder_name,project_name, project_color_identifier,contact_first_name, contact_last_name,task_name,task_id');
    $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = file_project');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = file_owner');
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = u.user_contact');
    $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = file_task');
    $q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = file_folder');
    $q->addWhere('file_folder = ' . $folder);
    if (count($deny1) > 0) {
        $q->addWhere('file_project NOT IN (' . implode(',', $deny1) . ')');
    if (count($deny2) > 0) {
        $q->addWhere('file_task NOT IN (' . implode(',', $deny2) . ')');
    if ($project_id) {
        $q->addWhere('file_project = ' . $project_id);
    if ($task_id) {
        $q->addWhere('file_task = ' . $task_id);
    if ($company_id) {
        $q->innerJoin('companies', 'co', 'co.company_id = p.project_company');
        $q->addWhere('company_id = ' . $company_id);
        $q->addWhere('company_id IN (' . $allowed_companies . ')');
    $q->setLimit($xpg_pagesize, $xpg_min);
    $files_sql = $q->prepare();
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $q->addQuery('files.file_id, file_version, file_project, file_name, file_task, file_description, user_username as file_owner, file_size, file_category, file_type, file_date, file_folder_name');
    $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = file_project');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = file_owner');
    $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = file_task');
    $q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = file_folder');
    $q->addWhere('file_folder = ' . $folder);
    if ($project_id) {
        $q->addWhere('file_project = ' . $project_id);
    if ($task_id) {
        $q->addWhere('file_task = ' . $task_id);
    if ($company_id) {
        $q->innerJoin('companies', 'co', 'co.company_id = p.project_company');
        $q->addWhere('company_id = ' . $company_id);
        $q->addWhere('company_id IN (' . $allowed_companies . ')');
    $file_versions_sql = $q->prepare();
    $files = array();
    $file_versions = array();
    if ($canRead) {
        $files = db_loadList($files_sql);
        $file_versions = db_loadList($file_versions_sql);
    if ($files === array()) {
        return 0;
	<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="tbl">
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('File Name');
    echo $AppUI->_('Description');
    echo $AppUI->_('Versions');
    echo $AppUI->_('Category');
		<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Task Name');
    echo $AppUI->_('Owner');
    echo $AppUI->_('Size');
    echo $AppUI->_('Type');
    echo $AppUI->_('Date');
    	<th nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('co Reason');
    echo $AppUI->_('co');
		<th nowrap width="1"></th>
		<th nowrap width="1"></th>
    $fp = -1;
    $file_date = new CDate();
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($files as $row) {
        $file_date = new CDate($row['file_date']);
        if ($fp != $row["file_project"]) {
            if (!$row["project_name"]) {
                $row["project_name"] = $AppUI->_('All Projects');
                $row["project_color_identifier"] = 'f4efe3';
            if ($showProject) {
                $s = '<tr>';
                $s .= '<td colspan="20" style="background-color:#' . $row["project_color_identifier"] . '">';
                $s .= '<font color="' . bestColor($row["project_color_identifier"]) . '">';
                if ($row['file_project'] > 0) {
                    $href = './index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $row['file_project'];
                } else {
                    $href = './index.php?m=projects';
                $s .= '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $row["project_name"] . '</a>';
                $s .= '</font></td></tr>';
                echo $s;
        $fp = $row["file_project"];
        if ($row['file_versions'] > 1) {
            $file = last_file($file_versions, $row['file_name'], $row['file_project']);
        } else {
            $file = $row;
	<form name="frm_remove_file_<?php 
        echo $file['file_id'];
" action="?m=files" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
	<input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php 
        echo $file['file_id'];
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
        echo $current_uri;
" />
	<form name="frm_duplicate_file_<?php 
        echo $file['file_id'];
" action="?m=files" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
	<input type="hidden" name="duplicate" value="1" />
	<input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php 
        echo $file['file_id'];
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php 
        echo $current_uri;
" />
		<td nowrap="8%">
        $file_icon = getIcon($row['file_type']);
        echo "<a href=\"./fileviewer.php?file_id={$file['file_id']}\" title=\"{$file['file_description']}\"><img border=\"0\" width=\"16\" heigth=\"16\" src=\"" . DP_BASE_URL . "/modules/files/images/{$file_icon}\" />&nbsp;{$row['file_name']}</a>";
		<td width="20%"><?php 
        echo $file['file_description'];
		<td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
        $hidden_table = '';
        echo $row['file_lastversion'];
        if ($row['file_versions'] > 1) {
            echo ' <a href="#" onClick="expand(\'versions_' . $file['file_id'] . '\'); ">(' . $row['file_versions'] . ')</a>';
            $hidden_table = '<tr><td colspan="20">
	<table style="display: none" id="versions_' . $file['file_id'] . '" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="tbl">
	        <th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('File Name') . '</th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Description') . '</th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Versions') . '</th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Category') . '</th>
	        <th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Task Name') . '</th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Owner') . '</th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Size') . '</th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Type') . '</a></th>
	        <th>' . $AppUI->_('Date') . '</th>
    		<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('co Reason') . '</th>
    		<th>' . $AppUI->_('co') . '</th>
	        <th nowrap width="1"></th>
	        <th nowrap width="1"></th>
            foreach ($file_versions as $file_row) {
                if ($file_row['file_name'] == $row['file_name'] && $file_row['file_project'] == $row['file_project']) {
                    $file_icon = getIcon($file_row['file_type']);
                    $file_date = new CDate($file_row['file_date']);
                    $hidden_table .= '	
			<form name="frm_delete_sub_file_' . $file_row['file_id'] . '" action="?m=files" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
			<input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" />
			<input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="' . $file_row['file_id'] . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . $current_uri . '" />
                    $hidden_table .= '	
			<form name="frm_duplicate_sub_file_' . $file_row['file_id'] . '" action="?m=files" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" />
			<input type="hidden" name="duplicate" value="1" />
			<input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="' . $file_row['file_id'] . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . $current_uri . '" />
                    $hidden_table .= '
	                <td nowrap="8%"><a href="./fileviewer.php?file_id=' . $file_row['file_id'] . '" 
	                        title="' . $file_row['file_description'] . '">' . "<img border=\"0\" width=\"16\" heigth=\"16\" src=\"" . DP_BASE_URL . "/modules/files/images/{$file_icon}\" />&nbsp;" . $file_row['file_name'] . '
	                <td width="20%">' . $file_row['file_description'] . '</td>
	                <td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center">' . $file_row['file_version'] . '</td>
	                <td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"><a href="./index.php?m=' . $m . '&a=' . $a . '&tab=' . ($file_row['file_category'] + 1) . '">' . $file_types[$file_row['file_category'] + 1] . '</a></td>
	                <td width="5%" align="center"><a href="./index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $file_row["file_task"] . '">' . $row["task_name"] . '</a></td>
	                <td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap">' . $row["contact_first_name"] . ' ' . $row["contact_last_name"] . '</td>
	                <td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . intval($file_row['file_size'] / 1024) . 'kb </td>
	                <td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap">' . $file_row['file_type'] . '</td>
	                <td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . $file_date->format("{$df} {$tf}") . '</td>
        			<td width="10%">' . $row['file_co_reason'] . '</td>
        			<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">';
                    if ($canEdit && empty($file_row['file_checkout'])) {
                        $hidden_table .= '<a href="?m=files&a=co&file_id=' . $file_row['file_id'] . '">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/up.png', '16', '16', 'checkout', 'checkout file') . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        if ($row['file_checkout'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
                            $hidden_table .= '<a href="?m=files&a=addedit&ci=1&file_id=' . $file_row['file_id'] . '">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/down.png', '16', '16', 'checkin', 'checkin file') . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            if ($file_row['file_checkout'] == 'final') {
                                $hidden_table .= 'final';
                            } else {
                                $q4 = new DBQuery();
                                $q4->addQuery("file_id, file_checkout, user_username as co_user, contact_first_name, contact_last_name");
                                $q4->leftJoin('users', 'cu', 'cu.user_id = file_checkout');
                                $q4->leftJoin('contacts', 'co', 'co.contact_id = cu.user_contact');
                                $q4->addWhere('file_id = ' . $file_row['file_id']);
                                $co_user = array();
                                $co_user = $q4->loadList();
                                $co_user = $co_user[0];
                                $hidden_table .= $co_user['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $co_user['contact_last_name'] . '<br>(' . $co_user['co_user'] . ')';
                    $hidden_table .= '</td>';
                    $hidden_table .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" align="right" width="48">';
                    if ($canEdit && (empty($file_row['file_checkout']) || $file_row['file_checkout'] == 'final' && ($canEdit || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id))) {
                        $hidden_table .= '<a href="./index.php?m=files&a=addedit&file_id=' . $file_row["file_id"] . '">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/kedit.png', '16', '16', 'edit file', 'edit file') . "</a>" . '<a href="#" onclick="document.frm_duplicate_sub_file_' . $file_row['file_id'] . '.submit()">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/duplicate.png', '16', '16', 'duplicate file', 'duplicate file') . "</a>" . '<a href="#" onclick="if (confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this file?\')) {document.frm_delete_sub_file_' . $file_row['file_id'] . '.submit()}">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/remove.png', '16', '16', 'delete file', 'delete file') . "</a>";
                    $hidden_table .= '</td>';
                    $hidden_table .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" align="right" width="1">';
                    if ($canEdit && (empty($row['file_checkout']) || $row['file_checkout'] == 'final' && ($canEdit || $row['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id))) {
                        $bulk_op = 'onchange="(this.checked) ? addBulkComponent(' . $file_row['file_id'] . ') : removeBulkComponent(' . $file_row['file_id'] . ')"';
                        $hidden_table .= '<input type="checkbox" ' . $bulk_op . ' name="chk_sub_sel_file_' . $file_row['file_id'] . '" />';
                    $hidden_table .= '</td>';
                    $hidden_table .= '</tr>';
            $hidden_table .= '</table>';
            //$hidden_table .= '</span>';
	        <td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"><a href="./index.php?m=<?php 
        echo $m;
        echo $a;
        echo $file['file_category'];
        echo $file_types[$file["file_category"]];
		<td width="5%" align="center"><a href="./index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=<?php 
        echo $file["task_id"];
        echo $file["task_name"];
		<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
        echo $file["contact_first_name"] . ' ' . $file["contact_last_name"];
		<td width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right"><?php 
        echo intval($file["file_size"] / 1024);
		<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
        echo $file["file_type"];
		<td width="15%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right"><?php 
        echo $file_date->format("{$df} {$tf}");
        <td width="10%"><?php 
        echo $file['file_co_reason'];
        <td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
        if ($canEdit && empty($row['file_checkout'])) {
                <a href="?m=files&a=co&file_id=<?php 
            echo $file['file_id'];
            echo dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/up.png', '16', '16', 'checkout', 'checkout file');
        } else {
            if ($row['file_checkout'] == $AppUI->user_id) {
                <a href="?m=files&a=addedit&ci=1&file_id=<?php 
                echo $file['file_id'];
                echo dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/down.png', '16', '16', 'checkin', 'checkin file');
            } else {
                if ($file['file_checkout'] == 'final') {
                    echo 'final';
                } else {
                    $q4 = new DBQuery();
                    $q4->addQuery("file_id, file_checkout, user_username as co_user, contact_first_name, contact_last_name");
                    $q4->leftJoin('users', 'cu', 'cu.user_id = file_checkout');
                    $q4->leftJoin('contacts', 'co', 'co.contact_id = cu.user_contact');
                    $q4->addWhere('file_id = ' . $file['file_id']);
                    $co_user = array();
                    $co_user = $q4->loadList();
                    $co_user = $co_user[0];
                    echo $co_user['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $co_user['contact_last_name'] . '<br>(' . $co_user['co_user'] . ')';
		<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="48">
        if ($canEdit && (empty($file['file_checkout']) || $file['file_checkout'] == 'final' && ($canEdit || $file['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id))) {
            echo '<a href="./index.php?m=files&a=addedit&file_id=' . $file["file_id"] . '">';
            echo dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/kedit.png', '16', '16', 'edit file', 'edit file');
            echo "</a>";
            echo '<a href="#" onclick="document.frm_duplicate_file_' . $file['file_id'] . '.submit()">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/duplicate.png', '16', '16', 'duplicate file', 'duplicate file') . '</a>';
            echo '<a href="#" onclick="if (confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this file?\')) {document.frm_remove_file_' . $file['file_id'] . '.submit()}">' . dPshowImage('./modules/files/images/remove.png', '16', '16', 'delete file', 'delete file') . '</a>';
		<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center" width="1">
        if ($canEdit && (empty($file['file_checkout']) || $file['file_checkout'] == 'final' && ($canEdit || $file['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id))) {
            $bulk_op = 'onchange="(this.checked) ? addBulkComponent(' . $file['file_id'] . ') : removeBulkComponent(' . $file['file_id'] . ')"';
            echo '<input type="checkbox" ' . $bulk_op . ' name="chk_sel_file_' . $file['file_id'] . '" />';
        echo $hidden_table;
        $hidden_table = '';
    if ($xpg_totalrecs > $xpg_pagesize) {
        showfnavbar($xpg_totalrecs, $xpg_pagesize, $xpg_total_pages, $page, $folder);
    echo "<br />";
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function isActiveModule($module)
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addWhere("mod_directory = '{$module}'");
     $sql = $q->prepare();
     return db_loadResult($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 function notify($assignees, $update = false, $clash = false)
     global $AppUI, $locale_char_set, $dPconfig;
     $mail_owner = $AppUI->getPref('MAILALL');
     $assignee_list = explode(",", $assignees);
     $owner_is_assigned = in_array($this->event_owner, $assignee_list);
     if ($mail_owner && !$owner_is_assigned && $this->event_owner) {
         array_push($assignee_list, $this->event_owner);
     // Remove any empty elements otherwise implode has a problem
     foreach ($assignee_list as $key => $x) {
         if (!$x) {
     if (!count($assignee_list)) {
     $q = new DBQuery();
     $q->addTable('users', 'u');
     $q->addTable('contacts', 'con');
     $q->addQuery('user_id, contact_first_name,contact_last_name, contact_email');
     $q->addWhere('u.user_contact = con.contact_id');
     $q->addWhere("user_id in (" . implode(',', $assignee_list) . ")");
     $users = $q->loadHashList('user_id');
     $date_format = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
     $time_format = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
     $fmt = $date_format . ' ' . $time_format;
     $start_date =& new CDate($this->event_start_date);
     $end_date =& new CDate($this->event_end_date);
     $mail =& new Mail();
     $type = $update ? $AppUI->_('Updated') : $AppUI->_('New');
     $subject_title = $clash ? $AppUI->_('Requested Event') : $type . " " . $AppUI->_('Event');
     $mail->Subject($subject_title . ": " . $this->event_title, $locale_char_set);
     $mail->From('"' . $AppUI->user_first_name . " " . $AppUI->user_last_name . '" <' . $AppUI->user_email . '>');
     $body = '';
     if ($clash) {
         $body .= 'You have been invited to an event by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name . "\n";
         $body .= 'However, either you or another intended invitee has a competing event' . "\n";
         $body .= $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name . ' has requested that you reply to this message' . "\n";
         $body .= 'and confirm if you can or can not make the requested time.' . "\n\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Event') . ":\t" . $this->event_title . "\n";
     if (!$clash) {
         $body .= $AppUI->_('URL') . ":\t" . $dPconfig['base_url'] . "/index.php?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=" . $this->event_id . "\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Starts') . ":\t" . $start_date->format($fmt) . "\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Ends') . ":\t" . $end_date->format($fmt) . "\n";
     // Find the project name.
     if ($this->event_project) {
         $prj = array();
         $q = new DBQuery();
         $q->addTable('projects', 'p');
         $q->addWhere('p.project_id =' . $this->event_project);
         $sql = $q->prepare();
         if (db_loadHash($sql, $prj)) {
             $body .= $AppUI->_('Project') . ":\t" . $prj['project_name'] . "\n";
     $types = dPgetSysVal('EventType');
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Type') . ":\t" . $AppUI->_($types[$this->event_type]) . "\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Attendees') . ":\t";
     $body_attend = '';
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $body_attend .= ($body_attend ? ', ' : '') . $user['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $user['contact_last_name'];
     $body .= $body_attend . "\n\n" . $this->event_description . "\n";
     $mail->Body($body, $locale_char_set);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (!$mail_owner && $user['user_id'] == $this->event_owner) {
         $mail->To($user['contact_email'], true);
Ejemplo n.º 28
echo "m={$m}&a={$a}&date={$date}";
<input type="hidden" name="show_form" value="1" />
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">

	<td width="50%">
if ($other_users) {
    echo $AppUI->_("Show Todo for:") . '<select name="show_user_todo" onchange="document.form_buttons.submit()">';
    $q->addTable('users', 'u');
    $q->innerJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = u.user_contact');
    $q->addQuery('u.user_id, u.user_username, c.contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name');
    $usersql = $q->prepare(true);
    if ($rows = db_loadList($usersql)) {
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            echo '<option value="' . $row['user_id'] . '"' . ($user_id == $row["user_id"] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $row['contact_last_name'] . ', ' . $row["contact_first_name"];
	<td align="right" width="50%"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Show');
	  <input type="checkbox" name="show_pinned" id="show_pinned" onclick="document.form_buttons.submit()"<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 29
if (!$canEdit) {
// load the company types
$types = dPgetSysVal('CompanyType');
// load the record data
$q = new DBQuery();
$q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = companies.company_owner');
$q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'u.user_contact = con.contact_id');
$q->addWhere('companies.company_id = ' . $company_id);
$sql = $q->prepare();
$obj = null;
if (!db_loadObject($sql, $obj) && $company_id > 0) {
    // $AppUI->setMsg( '	$qid =& $q->exec(); Company' ); // What is this for?
    $AppUI->setMsg("invalidID", UI_MSG_ERROR, true);
// collect all the users for the company owner list
$q = new DBQuery();
$q->addTable('users', 'u');
$q->addTable('contacts', 'con');
$q->addQuery('CONCAT_WS(", ",contact_last_name,contact_first_name)');
$q->addWhere('u.user_contact = con.contact_id');
Ejemplo n.º 30
function getDepartmentSelectionList($company_id, $checked_array = array(), $dept_parent = 0, $spaces = 0)
    global $departments_count;
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $parsed = '';
    if ($departments_count < 10) {
    $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_name');
    $q->addWhere('dept_parent = ' . $dept_parent);
    $q->addWhere('dept_company = ' . $company_id);
    $sql = $q->prepare();
    $depts_list = db_loadHashList($sql, 'dept_id');
    foreach ($depts_list as $dept_id => $dept_info) {
        if (mb_strlen($dept_info['dept_name']) > 30) {
            $dept_info['dept_name'] = mb_substr($dept_info['dept_name'], 0, 28) . '...';
        $selected = in_array($dept_id, $checked_array) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        $parsed .= '<option value="' . $dept_id . '"' . $selected . '>' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $spaces) . $dept_info['dept_name'] . '</option>';
        $parsed .= getDepartmentSelectionList($company_id, $checked_array, $dept_id, $spaces + 5);
    return $parsed;