function getCompanyInfo($company_id) { global $AppUI; $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('companies', 'c'); $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = c.company_owner'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'co', 'u.user_contact = co.contact_id'); $q->addQuery('c.*, CONCAT(contact_first_name, " ", contact_last_name) AS contact_name'); $q->addWhere('c.company_id = ' . $company_id); $company = $q->loadHash(); if (!$company) { $AppUI->setMsg('Missing company ID', UI_MSG_ERROR); echo $AppUI->getMsg(); return; } include 'modules/public/'; }
$first_task = current($tasks); $actual_project_id = 0; $first_task = true; $task_log = array(); echo "<table class='tbl' width='80%' summary='task log'>"; echo "<tr><th>" . $AppUI->_("Task name") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("T.Owner") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("H.Alloc.") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("Task end date") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("Last activity date") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("Done") . "?</th></tr>"; $hrs = $AppUI->_("hrs"); // To avoid calling $AppUI each row foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($actual_project_id != $task["task_project"]) { echo "<tr><td colspan='6'><b>" . $task["project_name"] . "</b></td>"; $actual_project_id = $task["task_project"]; } if (!$q instanceof DBQuery) { //only create if wasn't already present as it may have been created above $q = new DBQuery(); } $q->addTable('task_log'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere('task_log_task = ' . $task['task_id']); $q->addOrder('task_log_date desc'); $q->setLimit('1'); $task_log = $q->loadHash(); $done_img = $task["task_percent_complete"] == 100 ? "Yes" : "No"; echo "<tr><td> " . $task["task_name"] . "</td><td>" . $task["user_username"] . "</td><td>" . $task["task_duration"] * $task["task_duration_type"] . " {$hrs}</td><td>" . $task["task_end_date"] . "</td><td>" . $task_log["task_log_date"] . "</td><td align='center'>{$done_img}</td></tr>"; } } ?>
$q->addTable('contacts', 'con'); $q->addQuery('con.*, company_id, company_name, dept_name'); $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'contact_company = company_id'); $q->addJoin('departments', 'dep', 'dept_id = contact_department'); $q->addWhere('con.contact_id = ' . (int) $contact_id); } else { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addQuery('u.*'); $q->addQuery('con.*, company_id, company_name, dept_name'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'user_contact = contact_id', 'inner'); $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'contact_company = company_id'); $q->addJoin('departments', 'dep', 'dept_id = contact_department'); $q->addWhere('u.user_id = ' . (int) $user_id); } $user = $q->loadHash(); $q->clear(); if (!$user && $user_id > 0) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Invalid User ID', 'helix-setup-user.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin', 'users list'); $titleBlock->show(); } else { if ($user_id == 0 && !$contact_id) { $user['contact_id'] = 0; } // pull companies $company = new CCompany(); $companies = $company->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name'); $companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => ''), $companies); // setup the title block $ttl = $user_id > 0 ? 'Edit User' : 'Add User';
public function notify($assignees, $update = false, $clash = false) { global $AppUI, $locale_char_set, $w2Pconfig; $mail_owner = $AppUI->getPref('MAILALL'); $assignee_list = explode(',', $assignees); $owner_is_assigned = in_array($this->event_owner, $assignee_list); if ($mail_owner && !$owner_is_assigned && $this->event_owner) { array_push($assignee_list, $this->event_owner); } // Remove any empty elements otherwise implode has a problem foreach ($assignee_list as $key => $x) { if (!$x) { unset($assignee_list[$key]); } } if (!count($assignee_list)) { return; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addTable('contacts', 'con'); $q->addQuery('user_id, contact_first_name,contact_last_name, contact_email'); $q->addWhere('u.user_contact = con.contact_id'); $q->addWhere('user_id in (' . implode(',', $assignee_list) . ')'); $users = $q->loadHashList('user_id'); $date_format = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $time_format = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); $fmt = $date_format . ' ' . $time_format; $start_date = new CDate($this->event_start_date); $end_date = new CDate($this->event_end_date); $mail = new Mail(); $type = $update ? $AppUI->_('Updated') : $AppUI->_('New'); if ($clash) { $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Requested Event') . ': ' . $this->event_title, $locale_char_set); } else { $mail->Subject($type . ' ' . $AppUI->_('Event') . ': ' . $this->event_title, $locale_char_set); } $body = ''; if ($clash) { $body .= "You have been invited to an event by {$AppUI->user_first_name} {$AppUI->user_last_name}\n"; $body .= "However, either you or another intended invitee has a competing event\n"; $body .= "{$AppUI->user_first_name} {$AppUI->user_last_name} has requested that you reply to this message\n"; $body .= "and confirm if you can or can not make the requested time.\n\n"; } $body .= $AppUI->_('Event') . ":\t" . $this->event_title . "\n"; if (!$clash) { $body .= $AppUI->_('URL') . ":\t" . w2PgetConfig('base_url') . "/index.php?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=" . $this->event_id . "\n"; } $body .= $AppUI->_('Starts') . ":\t" . $start_date->format($fmt) . "\n"; $body .= $AppUI->_('Ends') . ":\t" . $end_date->format($fmt) . "\n"; // Find the project name. if ($this->event_project) { $prj = array(); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('projects', 'p'); $q->addQuery('project_name'); $q->addWhere('p.project_id =' . $this->event_project); if ($prj = $q->loadHash()) { $body .= $AppUI->_('Project') . ":\t" . $prj['project_name'] . "\n"; } $q->clear(); } $types = w2PgetSysVal('EventType'); $body .= $AppUI->_('Type') . ":\t" . $AppUI->_($types[$this->event_type]) . "\n"; $body .= $AppUI->_('Attendees') . ":\t"; $body_attend = ''; foreach ($users as $user) { $body_attend .= ($body_attend ? ', ' : '') . $user['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $user['contact_last_name']; } $body .= $body_attend . "\n\n" . $this->event_description . "\n"; $mail->Body($body, $locale_char_set); foreach ($users as $user) { if (!$mail_owner && $user['user_id'] == $this->event_owner) { continue; } $mail->To($user['contact_email'], true); $mail->Send(); } }
if ($denyEdit) { $AppUI->setMsg('Access denied', UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('date'); require_once $AppUI->getModuleClass('projects'); $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $tid = isset($_GET['tid']) ? $_GET['tid'] : 0; $q = new DBQuery(); $task = array(); if ($tid > 0) { $q->addTable('task_log', 'tl'); $q->addQuery('tl.*,t.task_project'); $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 'tl.task_log_task = t.task_id'); $q->addWhere('task_log_id = ' . $tid); $task = $q->loadHash(); $task_project = $task['task_project']; $creator = isset($task['task_log_creator']) ? $task['task_log_creator'] : 0; } else { $creator = $AppUI->user_id; } $AppUI->savePlace(); if (isset($task['task_log_date'])) { $date = new CDate($task['task_log_date']); } else { if (isset($_GET['date'])) { $date = new CDate($_GET['date']); } else { $date = new CDate(); } }
foreach ($avail_modules as $avail_module) { $modules[$avail_module['value']] = $avail_module['value']; } $modules = array(0 => 'All Modules') + $modules; $actions = array(0 => 'All Actions', 'access' => 'access', 'add' => 'add', 'delete' => 'delete', 'edit' => 'edit', 'view' => 'view'); $table = '<table class="tbl" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">'; $table .= '<tr><th colspan="9"><b>Permission Result Table</b></th></tr>'; $table .= '<tr><th>UserID</th><th>User</th><th>User Name</th><th>Module</th><th>Item</th><th>Item Name</th><th>Action</th><th>Allow</th><th>ACL_ID</th></tr>'; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $item = ''; if ($permission['item_id']) { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('modules'); $q->addQuery('permissions_item_field,permissions_item_label'); $q->addWhere('mod_directory = \'' . $permission['module'] . '\''); $field = $q->loadHash(); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable($permission['module']); $q->addQuery($field['permissions_item_label']); $q->addWhere($field['permissions_item_field'] . ' = \'' . $permission['item_id'] . '\''); $item = $q->loadResult(); } if (!($permission['item_id'] && !$permission['acl_id'])) { $table .= '<tr>' . '<td style="text-align:right;">' . $permission['user_id'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $permission['user_name'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $users[$permission['user_id']] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $permission['module'] . '</td>' . '<td style="text-align:right;">' . ($permission['item_id'] ? $permission['item_id'] : '') . '</td>' . '<td>' . ($item ? $item : 'ALL') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $permission['action'] . '</td>' . '<td ' . (!$permission['access'] ? 'style="text-align:right;background-color:red"' : 'style="text-align:right;background-color:green"') . '>' . $permission['access'] . '</td>' . '<td ' . ($permission['acl_id'] ? '' : 'style="background-color:gray"') . '>' . ($permission['acl_id'] ? $permission['acl_id'] : 'soft-denial') . '</td>' . '</tr>'; } } $table .= '</table>'; $users = array('' => '(' . $AppUI->_('Select User') . ')') + $users; $user = isset($_POST['user']) && $_POST['user'] != '' ? $_POST['user'] : $AppUI->user_id; $user_selector = arraySelect($users, 'user', 'class="text" onchange="javascript:document.pickUser.submit()"', $user); $module = isset($_POST['module']) && $_POST['module'] != '' ? $_POST['module'] : '';
/* $Id$ $URL$ */ if (!defined('W2P_BASE_DIR')) { die('You should not call this file directly.'); } $AppUI->savePlace(); $sort = w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'sort', 'asc'); $forum_id = w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'forum_id', 0); $message_id = w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'message_id', 0); $perms =& $AppUI->acl(); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addQuery('f.forum_name, p.project_name'); $q->addTable('forums', 'f'); $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = f.forum_project', 'inner'); $q->addWhere('f.forum_id = ' . (int) $forum_id); $forum = $q->loadHash(); if (!$perms->checkModuleItem('forums', 'view', $message_id)) { $AppUI->redirect('m=public&a=access_denied'); } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('forums'); $q->addTable('forum_messages'); $q->addQuery('forum_messages.*, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, contact_email, user_username, forum_moderated, visit_user'); $q->addJoin('forum_visits', 'v', 'visit_user = '******' AND visit_forum = ' . (int) $forum_id . ' AND visit_message = forum_messages.message_id'); $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'message_author = u.user_id', 'inner'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact', 'inner'); $q->addWhere('forum_id = message_forum AND (message_id = ' . (int) $message_id . ' OR message_parent = ' . (int) $message_id . ')'); if (w2PgetConfig('forum_descendent_order') || w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'sort', 0)) { $q->addOrder('message_date ' . $sort); } $messages = $q->loadList();
/** * This gets tricky and is there mainly for the compatibility layer * for getDeny functions. * If we get an ACL ID, and we get allow = false, then the item is * actively denied. Any other combination is a soft-deny (i.e. not * strictly allowed, but not actively denied. */ function checkModuleItemDenied($module, $op, $item, $user_id = null) { if (!$user_id) { $user_id = $GLOBALS['AppUI']->user_id; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addQuery('allow'); $q->addTable('dotpermissions'); $q->addWhere("permission='{$op}' AND axo='{$item}' AND user_id='{$user_id}' and section='{$module}'"); $q->addOrder('priority ASC, acl_id DESC'); $q->setLimit(1); $arr = $q->loadHash(); if ($arr && !$arr['allow']) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function getDepartmentDetails() { $result = array('dept_id' => 0, 'dept_name' => ''); if (!$this->contact_department) { return $result; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('departments'); $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_name'); $q->addWhere('dept_id = ' . (int) $this->contact_department); return $q->loadHash(); }
public function install() { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('modules'); $q->addQuery('mod_directory'); $q->addWhere('mod_directory = \'' . $this->mod_directory . '\''); if ($temp = $q->loadHash()) { // the module is already installed // TODO: check for older version - upgrade return false; } // This arbitrarily places it at the end of the list. $this->mod_ui_order = 100; $this->store(); $this->_compactModuleUIOrder(); $perms =& $GLOBALS['AppUI']->acl(); $perms->addModule($this->mod_directory, $this->mod_name); // Determine if it is an admin module or not, then add it to the correct set if (!isset($this->mod_admin)) { $this->mod_admin = 0; } if ($this->mod_admin) { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "admin"); } else { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "non_admin"); } if (isset($this->permissions_item_table) && $this->permissions_item_table) { $perms->addModuleSection($this->permissions_item_table); } return true; }
public function getDepartmentDetails() { $result = array('dept_id' => 0, 'dept_name' => ''); if (!$this->contact_department) { return $result; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('departments'); $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_name'); if ($this->is_alpha($this->contact_department)) { $q->addWhere('dept_name = ' . $q->quote($this->contact_department)); } else { $q->addWhere('dept_id = ' . (int) $this->contact_department); } return $q->loadHash(); }
function getfile() { global $root; $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('files'); $q->addWhere('file_real_filename = "' . $_GET['file'] . '"'); $q->addWhere('file_project = ' . $_GET['project']); $q->addWhere('file_task = ' . $_GET['task']); $q->addOrder('file_name'); $data = $q->loadHash(); $file = $root . '/' . $_GET['project'] . '/' . $_GET['task'] . '/' . $_GET['file']; if ($data['file_type'] == '') { $data['file_type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; } header('MIME-Version: 1.0'); header('Pragma: '); header('Cache-Control: public'); header('Content-length: ' . $data['file_size']); header('Content-type: ' . $data['file_type']); header('Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'); header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="' . $data['file_name'] . '"'); $fd = fopen($file, 'rb'); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { print fread($fd, 8192); } fclose($fd); } }
function install() { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addQuery('mod_directory'); $q->addTable('modules'); $q->addWhere("mod_directory = '{$this->mod_directory}'"); if ($q->loadHash()) { // the module is already installed // TODO: check for older version - upgrade return false; } $q->clear(); $q->addQuery('max(mod_ui_order)'); $q->addTable('modules'); // We need to account for "pre-installed" modules that are "UI Inaccessible" // in order to make sure we get the "correct" initial value for . // mod_ui_order values of "UI Inaccessible" modules are irrelevant // and should probably be set to 0 so as not to interfere. $q->addWhere(" mod_name NOT LIKE 'Public'"); $this->mod_ui_order = $q->loadResult() + 1; $perms =& $GLOBALS['AppUI']->acl(); $perms->addModule($this->mod_directory, $this->mod_name); // Determine if it is an admin module or not, then add it to the correct set if (!isset($this->mod_admin)) { $this->mod_admin = 0; } if ($this->mod_admin) { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "admin"); } else { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "non_admin"); } if (isset($this->permissions_item_table) && $this->permissions_item_table) { $perms->addModuleSection($this->permissions_item_table); } $this->store(); return true; }
$selection_string = 'Department'; $dataId = $dept_id; $deptList = CDepartment::getDepartmentList($AppUI, $company_id, null); foreach ($deptList as $dept) { $select_list[$dept['dept_id']] = $dept['dept_name']; } break; } $select_list = array('0' => '') + $select_list; $myId = (int) w2PgetParam($_POST, $id_field, 0); if ($myId) { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable($table_name); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere($id_field . '=' . $myId); $r_data = $q->loadHash(); $q->clear(); $data_update_script = ''; $update_address = isset($_POST['overwrite_address']); if ($table_name == 'companies') { $update_fields = array(); if ($update_address) { $update_fields = array('company_address1' => 'contact_address1', 'company_address2' => 'contact_address2', 'company_city' => 'contact_city', 'company_state' => 'contact_state', 'company_zip' => 'contact_zip', 'company_phone1' => 'contact_phone', 'company_phone2' => 'contact_phone2', 'company_fax' => 'contact_fax'); } if ($myId > 0) { $data_update_script = "opener.setCompany({$myId} , '" . db_escape($r_data[$name_field]) . "');"; } else { $data_update_script = "opener.setCompany({$myId}, '');"; } } else { if ($table_name == 'departments') {
public function w2Pacl_nuclear($userid, $module, $item, $mod_class = array()) { global $AppUI; //This is a sensitive function so if the minimum permission request arguments are not provided don't permit anything to this item if (!$userid || !$module || !$item) { return array(); } /*echo('<pre>'); print_r(debug_backtrace()); echo('</pre>');*/ if (!count($mod_class)) { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('modules'); $q->addQuery('mod_main_class, permissions_item_table, permissions_item_field, permissions_item_label, mod_directory'); $q->addWhere('mod_directory = \'' . $module . '\''); $q->addWhere('mod_active = 1'); $mod_class = $q->loadHash(); } /*print_r($mod_class); print_r('user:'******'module:'.$module.'Item:'.$item);*/ //If we don't know what is the module we are dealing with lets deny if (!$mod_class['mod_directory']) { dprint(__FILE__, __LINE__, 2, 'user:'******'module:' . $module . 'Item:' . $item . $AppUI->getModuleClass($mod_class['mod_directory'])); return array(); } $obj = new $mod_class['mod_main_class'](); $allowedRecords = array(); if ($module == 'projects') { $allowedRecords = $obj->getAllowedRecords($userid, $mod_class['permissions_item_table'] . '.' . $mod_class['permissions_item_field'] . ',' . $mod_class['permissions_item_label'], '', null, null, 'projects'); } else { $allowedRecords = $obj->getAllowedRecords($userid, $mod_class['permissions_item_table'] . '.' . $mod_class['permissions_item_field'] . ',' . $mod_class['permissions_item_label']); } /*print_r($allowedRecords[(int)$item]); print_r(intval(isset($allowedRecords[(int)$item]))); print_r('Result:'.$item.'>count='.count($allowedRecords));die;*/ if (count($allowedRecords)) { if (isset($allowedRecords[(int) $item])) { return array('access' => 1, 'acl_id' => 'checked'); } else { return array(); } } else { return array(); } }
if ($action == 'add') { $q->clear(); } $q->addTable('history'); $q->addUpdate('history_item = history_id'); $q->addWhere('history_table = \'history\''); $okMsg = 'History deleted'; } $q->clear(); $AppUI->redirect(); } // pull the history $q->addTable('history'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere('history_id =' . $history_id); $history = $q->loadHash(); $q->clear(); $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock($history_id ? 'Edit history' : 'New history', 'stock_book_blue_48.png', 'history', 'history.' . $a); if ($canDelete) { $titleBlock->addCrumbDelete('delete history', $canDelete, $msg); } $titleBlock->show(); ?> <script> function delIt() { document.AddEdit.action.value = 'del'; document.AddEdit.submit(); } </script>
public function getProject() { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('projects'); $q->addQuery('project_name, project_short_name, project_color_identifier'); $q->addWhere('project_id = ' . (int) $this->task_project); $projects = $q->loadHash(); $q->clear(); return $projects; }
function notify($type, $log_id, $newhdi = 0) { global $AppUI, $ist, $ict, $isa, $dPconfig; // if (!$this->item_notify || // ($this->item_assigned_to == $AppUI->user_id)) { // return; // } // Pull up the email address of everyone on the watch list $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('helpdesk_item_watchers', 'hdw'); $q->addQuery('c.contact_email'); $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'hdw.user_id = u.user_id'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'u.user_contact = c.contact_id'); $q->addWhere('hdw.item_id=' . $this->item_id . ' AND u.user_id<>' . $this->item_assigned_to); /* $sql = "SELECT contact_email FROM helpdesk_item_watchers LEFT JOIN users ON helpdesk_item_watchers.user_id = users.user_id LEFT JOIN contacts ON user_contact = contact_id WHERE helpdesk_item_watchers.item_id='{$this->item_id}'"; //if they choose, along with the person who the ticket is assigned to. if($this->item_notify) $sql.=" or users.user_id='{$this->item_assigned_to}'";*/ $email_list = $q->loadHashList(); $q->clear(); $email_list = array_keys($email_list); //add the requestor email to the list of mailing people $email_list[] = $this->item_requestor_email; //add the assigned user email to the list of mailing people $assigned_user_email = array(); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addQuery('c.contact_email'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'u.user_contact = c.contact_id'); $q->addWhere('u.user_id=' . $this->item_assigned_to); $assigned_user_email = $q->loadHashList(); $assigned_user_email = array_keys($assigned_user_email); foreach ($assigned_user_email as $user_email) { if (trim($user_email)) { $email_list[] = $user_email; } } $q->clear(); //echo $sql."\n"; //if there's no one in the list, skip the rest. if (count($email_list) <= 0) { return; } if (is_numeric($log_id)) { switch ($type) { case STATUS_LOG: $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('helpdesk_item_status', 'hds'); $q->addQuery('hds.status_code, hds.status_comment'); $q->addWhere('hds.status_id=' . $log_id); /* $sql = "SELECT status_code, status_comment FROM helpdesk_item_status WHERE status_id=$log_id";*/ break; case TASK_LOG: $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('task_log', 'tl'); $q->addQuery('tl.task_log_name, tl.task_log_description'); $q->addWhere('tl.task_log_id=' . $log_id); /* $sql = "SELECT task_log_name,task_log_description FROM task_log WHERE task_log_id=$log_id";*/ break; } $log = $q->loadHash(); } //For Dixon /* switch ($type) { case STATUS_LOG: if ($this->item_status <> 2) { if (!$newhdi) return; } break; case TASK_LOG: return; break; }*/ //End Dixon foreach ($email_list as $assigned_to_email) { $mail = new Mail(); if ($mail->ValidEmail($assigned_to_email)) { $subject = $AppUI->cfg['page_title'] . " " . $AppUI->_('Help Desk Item') . " #{$this->item_id}"; switch ($type) { case STATUS_LOG: $body = $AppUI->_('Title') . ": {$this->item_title}\n" . $AppUI->_('Call Type') . ": {$ict[$this->item_calltype]}\n" . $AppUI->_('Status') . ": {$ist[$this->item_status]}\n"; if ($newhdi) { $mail->Subject("{$subject} " . $AppUI->_('Created')); } else { $mail->Subject("{$subject} " . $AppUI->_('Updated')); $body .= $AppUI->_('Update') . ": {$isa[$log['status_code']]} {$log['status_comment']}\n"; } $body .= $AppUI->_('Link') . ": {$dPconfig['base_url']}/index.php?m=helpdesk&a=view&item_id={$this->item_id}\n" . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Summary') . ":\n" . $this->item_summary; break; case TASK_LOG: $mail->Subject("{$subject} " . $AppUI->_('Task Log') . " " . $AppUI->_('Update')); $body = $AppUI->_('Summary') . ": " . $log['task_log_name'] . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Link') . ": {$dPconfig['base_url']}/index.php?m=helpdesk&a=view&item_id={$this->item_id}\n" . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Comments') . ":\n" . $log['task_log_description']; break; } $body .= "\n\n-- \n" . $AppUI->_('helpdeskSignature'); if ($mail->ValidEmail($AppUI->user_email)) { $email = $AppUI->user_email; } else { $email = "dotproject@" . $AppUI->cfg['site_domain']; } $mail->From("\"{$AppUI->user_first_name} {$AppUI->user_last_name}\" <{$email}>"); $mail->To($assigned_to_email); $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : ""); $mail->Send(); } } }