
ini_set('include_path', '/usr/local');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$abId = $argv[1];
$bpId = $argv[2];
$effectiveDate = 'today';
$prorate = $argv[3];
$dryrun = $argv[4];
print "Modifying to use billing plan {$bpId} \n";
print "dryrun is {$dryrun} \n";
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$return = $autobill->fetchByMerchantAutoBillId($abId);
$autobillVID = $return['data']->autobill->VID;
print "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
$modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
$changeBillingPlanTo = new BillingPlan();
$response = $modAutoBill->modify('', $prorate, $effectiveDate, $changeBillingPlanTo, NULL, $dryrun, '');
$autobillAPI = new AutoBill();
logCall('Autobill->fetchByAccount ' . $merchantAccountId);
$response = $autobillAPI->fetchByAccount($account, true);
if (isCallSuccessful($response)) {
    print "Found account with id: " . $merchantAccountId . PHP_EOL;
    $fetchedAutoBills = $response['data']->autobills;
    foreach ($fetchedAutoBills as $autobill) {
        // process each autobill found here
        print "Found autobill with id: " . $autobill->getMerchantAutoBillId() . PHP_EOL;
        print "Start Date: " . $autobill->startTimestamp . PHP_EOL;
        print "NextBilling: " . PHP_EOL;
        print "Date: " . $autobill->nextBilling->getTimestamp() . " ";
        print "Amount: " . $autobill->nextBilling->getAmount() . PHP_EOL;
        $autobillVid = $autobill->VID;
        $autobill = new AutoBill();
        $numberOfFutureRebillsToFetch = 24;
        logCall('Autobill->fetchFutureRebills ' . $merchantAccountId);
        $response = $autobill->fetchFutureRebills($numberOfFutureRebillsToFetch);
        if (isCallSuccessful($response)) {
            $futureTxns = $response['data']->transactions;
            print "Fetched " . $numberOfFutureRebillsToFetch . " future rebills." . PHP_EOL;
            print "This subscription will be billed at the following dates and amounts:" . PHP_EOL;
            foreach ($futureTxns as $futureTxn) {
                print "Date: " . $futureTxn->getTimestamp() . " ";
                print "Amount: " . $futureTxn->getAmount() . PHP_EOL;
$transactionAPI = new Transaction();
$autobillVID = $return['data']->autobill->VID;
print "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
$modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
$remProduct = new Product();
$remItem = new AutoBillItem();
$addProduct = new Product();
$addItem = new AutoBillItem();
$replaceModification = new AutoBillItemModification();
$response = $modAutoBill->modify('', $prorate, $effectiveDate, $changeBillingPlanTo, $replaceModification, $dryrun);
if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) {
    // Now we can force this autobill to show up in autobill.fetchDeltaSince for this time block
    print "Forcing FDS return by resetting nextBilling date";
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $autobillVID = $response['data']->autobill->VID;
    $autobillNextBillDate = $response['data']->autobill->nextBilling->timestamp;
    echo "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
    echo "nextBill is {$autobillNextBillDate} \n";
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $response = $autobill->delayBillingToDate('', $autobillNextBillDate, true);

$app->get('/wsfinalizeautobillupdatepaidtrialstepuppricing', function (Request $request) use($app) {
    $webSession = new WebSession();
    $websession_id = $request->query->get('vin_WebSession_VID');
    $response = $webSession->finalize();
    // Add error checking and logging of soap ids
    // Check all the response codes, log soap id.
    $autobillVid = $response['data']->session->apiReturnValues->autoBillUpdate->autobill->VID;
    $modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
    $remID = 'Video';
    $remProduct = new Product();
    $remItem = new AutoBillItem();
    $addID = 'VideoPricingSteppedUp';
    $addProduct = new Product();
    $addItem = new AutoBillItem();
    $replaceModification = new AutoBillItemModification();
    $effectiveDate = 'nextBill';
    $prorate = 0;
    $changeBillingPlanTo = null;
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $modAutoBill->modify($prorate, $effectiveDate, $changeBillingPlanTo, $replaceModification, $dryrun);