function create_paypal_AutoBill($account, $paymentmethod)
    $ipAddress = '';
    $uniqueValue = get_unique_value();
    $merchantAutoBillId = 'ab-' . $uniqueValue;
    $merchantProductId = 'mm_1_day_recurring';
    $merchantBillingPlanId = 'Daily';
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $product = new Product();
    $billingplan = new BillingPlan();
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    // Set PaymentMethod used by AutoBill
    //$duplicateBehavior = 'Fail'; //removed in 9.0
    //$validatePaymentMethod = true; //removed in 9.0
    $immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
    //added in 9.0
    $validateForFuturePayment = true;
    //added in 9.0
    $minChargebackProbability = 100;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaignCode = null;
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $autobill->update($immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaignCode, $dryrun);
    if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') {
        print 'Error creating autobill' . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Soap Id = ' . $response['data']->return->soapId . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return Code = ' . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return String = ' . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        $response_object = $response['data'];
        $auth_status = $response_object->authStatus;
        if ($auth_status->status == 'AuthorizationPending') {
            $redirection_url = $auth_status->payPalStatus->redirectUrl;
            echo "To authorize, please visit: <a href=\"" . $redirection_url . "\">Continue to Paypal</a>" . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            if ($auth_status->status == 'Cancelled') {
                echo "Autobill not accepted by PayPal";
            } else {
                echo "Status = " . $auth_status->status;
    return $redirection_url;
function createAutoBill($account, $merchantPaymentMethodId, $merchantAutoBillId, $merchantBillingPlanId, $merchantProductId, $currency)
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    # same Account
    # AutoBills can have multiple products each in an AutoBillItem as an array:
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    # set product to an existing product
    $product = new Product();
    # set the Product in the AutoBillItem
    # WSDL AutoBill.items data member is set using PHP method AutoBill.setItems()
    $response = $autobill->setItems(array($item));
    # print_r ($response);
    # use same PaymentMethod that just validated successfully
    $pm = new PaymentMethod();
    # set billing plan to existing billing plan
    $billingplan = new BillingPlan();
    # AutoBill.update() method parameters:
    $validate = false;
    // through 8.0
    $fraudScore = 100;
    // Use this to accept cards involved in chargeback (i.e. Fraud Score=100)
    $minChargebackProbability = $fraudScore;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaignCode = "";
    $dryrun = false;
    # 9.0 parameters
    $immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
    $validateForFuturePayment = $validate;
    print "\nmerchantAccountId=" . $account->getMerchantAccountId() . "\n";
    print "\tmerchantAutoBillId={$merchantAutoBillId}\n";
    print "\t\tmerchantProductId={$product->merchantProductId},";
    print "\tmerchantBillingPlanId={$merchantBillingPlanId}\n";
    print "\tminChargeBackProbability={$minChargebackProbability}\n\n";
    $response = $autobill->update('SucceedIgnore', $validate, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaignCode, $dryrun);
    // 5.0+
    # $response = $autobill->update($immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment,
    #					$minChargebackProbability,
    # 					$ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy,
    #					$campaignCode, $dryrun);	// 9.0
    echo "\n";
    # print_r ($response);
    $createAutoBill_soapId = $response['data']->return->soapId;
    print "createAutoBill(): soapId = " . $createAutoBill_soapId;
function AddTimeCredit($merchantAutobillId, $daysRemaining)
    $autoBill = new AutoBill();
    $timeInterval = new TimeInterval();
    $timeInterval->setDescription("Early Pay on NonRecurring Billing");
    $timeInterval->setReason("Credit for July");
    $cr = new Credit();
    $response = $autoBill->grantCredit($cr, '');
    logCall($response, 'AutoBill::GrantCredit', $daysRemaining);
function fetchMerchantAutobillId($merchantAccountId)
    $merchantAutoBillId = null;
    $autobillAPI = new AutoBill();
    $account = new Account();
    $account->merchantAccountId = $merchantAccountId;
    logCall('Autobill->fetchByAccount ' . $merchantAccountId);
    $response = $autobillAPI->fetchByAccount($account, true);
    if (isCallSuccessful($response)) {
        print "Found account with id: " . $merchantAccountId . PHP_EOL;
        $fetchedAutoBills = $response['data']->autobills;
        foreach ($fetchedAutoBills as $autobill) {
            // process each autobill found here
            print "Found autobill with id: " . $autobill->getMerchantAutoBillId() . PHP_EOL;
            // If this is the autobill you want, set it here.  Check if $autobill is still active.
            if ($autobill->status == 'Active') {
                $merchantAutoBillId = $autobill->getMerchantAutoBillId();
    return $merchantAutoBillId;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function create_ecp_AutoBill($account)
    $ipAddress = '';
    $uniqueValue = get_unique_value();
    $merchantAutoBillId = 'ab-' . $uniqueValue;
    $merchantProductId = 'git_hub_product';
    $merchantBillingPlanId = 'git_hub_example';
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $product = new Product();
    $billingplan = new BillingPlan();
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    //$duplicateBehavior = 'Fail'; //removed in 9.0
    //$validatePaymentMethod = true; //removed in 9.0
    $immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
    //added in 9.0
    $validateForFuturePayment = true;
    //added in 9.0
    $minChargebackProbability = 100;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaignCode = null;
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $autobill->update($immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaignCode, $dryrun);
    if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') {
        print 'Error creating autobill' . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Soap Id = ' . $response['data']->return->soapId . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return Code = ' . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return String = ' . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        $response_object = $response['data'];
        $auth_status = $response_object->authStatus;
        if ($auth_status->status == 'AuthorizedForValidation') {
            echo "ECP payment in AuthorizedForValidation status, this is a successful test of ECP." . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            if ($auth_status->status == 'Cancelled') {
                echo "Validation of ECP failed.";
            } else {
                echo "Status = " . $auth_status->status;
    return $auth_status->status;

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$ab = $argv[1];
$pmId = $argv[2];
print "autobill is {$ab}\n";
$paypal = new PayPal();
$pm = new PaymentMethod();
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
$validateForFuturePayment = 0;
$fraudScore = 100;
$ignoreAVS = 1;
$ignoreCVN = 1;
$dryrun = 1;
$dryrun = $argv[3];
$coupon = NULL;
$response = $autobill->update('', $immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment, $fraudScore, $ignoreAVS, $ignoreCVN, $coupon, $dryrun, '');
$return_code = $response['returnCode'];
$return_string = $response['returnString'];
print "Return code is {$return_code} \n";
$autobillVID = $return['data']->autobill->VID;
print "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
$modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
$remProduct = new Product();
$remItem = new AutoBillItem();
$addProduct = new Product();
$addItem = new AutoBillItem();
$replaceModification = new AutoBillItemModification();
$response = $modAutoBill->modify('', $prorate, $effectiveDate, $changeBillingPlanTo, $replaceModification, $dryrun);
if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) {
    // Now we can force this autobill to show up in autobill.fetchDeltaSince for this time block
    print "Forcing FDS return by resetting nextBilling date";
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $autobillVID = $response['data']->autobill->VID;
    $autobillNextBillDate = $response['data']->autobill->nextBilling->timestamp;
    echo "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
    echo "nextBill is {$autobillNextBillDate} \n";
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $response = $autobill->delayBillingToDate('', $autobillNextBillDate, true);

require_once "Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php";
require_once "Vindicia/Soap/Const.php";
$abill = new AutoBill();
$sparseReturnDescriptor = '';
// We want full AutoBill object returned
$tx_vid = "";
// Grab this from the value associated with the name 'vid' in the query string of the URL when customer arrives at your return page after completing the MOLPay payment
$response = $abill->finalizeCustomerAction($sparseReturnDescriptor, $tx_vid);
if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) {
    $returned_abill = $response['data']->autobill;
    if ($returned_abill->status == 'PendingCustomerAction') {
        print "Payment approval is pending. Access will be granted after payment is cleared \n";
        // Store the transaction in local "pend" table and monitor it for approval
        // using a Transaction->fetchDeltaSince() based cron job
    } else {
        if ($returned_abill->status == 'Active') {
            print "Payment is successful! \n";
        } else {
            if ($returned_abill->status == 'Suspended' || $returned_bill->status == 'Cancelled') {
                print "Payment was declined, please try your purchase again \n";
            } else {
                print "Error: Unexpected autobill status\n";
                print "Vindicia soap id: " . $response['data']->return->soapId . "\n";
} else {
    print "Error: Vindicia return code: " . $response['returnCode'] . "  ";
    print " return string: " . $response['returnString'] . "  ";
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$abID = $argv[1];
$remID = $argv[2];
$addID = $argv[3];
$effectiveDate = $argv[4];
$prorate = $argv[5];
$dryrun = $argv[6];
$changeBillingPlanTo = NULL;
print "Replacing product {$remID} with product {$addID} on autobill {$abID} \n";
print "dryrun is {$dryrun} \n";
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$return = $autobill->fetchByMerchantAutoBillId($abID);
$autobillVID = $return['data']->autobill->VID;
print "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
$modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
$remProduct = new Product();
$remItem = new AutoBillItem();
$addProduct = new Product();
$addItem = new AutoBillItem();
$replaceModification = new AutoBillItemModification();
$response = $modAutoBill->modify($prorate, $effectiveDate, $changeBillingPlanTo, $replaceModification, $dryrun);
// Unique payment method id
// This guarantees that validation transactions use MYR currency
$hostedPageInfo = new HostedPage();
// specify a page on your site customer will be redirected to after completing the MOLPay payment
// If the billing plan is recurring, customer can pay with credit card only
$provider = new PaymentProvider();
$abill = new AutoBill();
// AutoBill will be billed in this currency. Make sure the Product and BillingPlan has prices in MYR
$abill->setMerchantAutoBillId('VINTEST-AB-' . rand(10000, 99999));
// Unique subscription ID
//Create AutoBillItem to represent the purchased product
$item = new AutoBillItem();
// This is subscription product customer has selected to subscribe to
// Make sure a Product with this ID is already defined via the CashBox portal
$prod = new Product();
// Campaign Code can be specified for each individual line item:

ini_set('include_path', '/usr/local');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$abId = $argv[1];
$bpId = $argv[2];
$effectiveDate = 'today';
$prorate = $argv[3];
$dryrun = $argv[4];
print "Modifying to use billing plan {$bpId} \n";
print "dryrun is {$dryrun} \n";
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$return = $autobill->fetchByMerchantAutoBillId($abId);
$autobillVID = $return['data']->autobill->VID;
print "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
$modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
$changeBillingPlanTo = new BillingPlan();
$response = $modAutoBill->modify('', $prorate, $effectiveDate, $changeBillingPlanTo, NULL, $dryrun, '');

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$pg = 0;
$pageSize = 100;
$startTimestamp = '2015-02-09T00:00:00.000-08:00';
$endTimestamp = '2015-02-10T23:59:59.000-08:00';
do {
    $auto = new AutoBill();
    $ret = $auto->fetchDeltaSince($startTimestamp, $pg, $pageSize, $endTimestamp);
    $count = 0;
    // optional to print all returned autobills in full
    //print_r ($ret);
    if ($ret['data']->autobills != null) {
        $fetched_ABs = $ret['data']->autobills;
        $count = sizeof($fetched_ABs);
        print "count is: " . $count . "\n";
        foreach ($fetched_ABs as $ab) {
            print $ab->VID . "," . $ab->merchantAutoBillId . "," . $ab->billingPlan->merchantBillingPlanId . "," . $ab->status . "," . $ab->startTimestamp . "," . $ab->endTimestamp . "\n";
} while ($count != 0);
$return_code = $ret['returnCode'];
print "Return Code is: {$return_code} \n";
function prepayNonRecurringWithNonRecurringPrice($merchantAutobillId)
    // Fetch the current active non-recurring autobill by fetching all autobills by merchantAccountId.
    // Pick the current active non-recurring autobill for which they are pre-paying.
    $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill = get_current_active_nonrecurring_autobill($merchantAutobillId);
    // Pre-pay capturing a transaction for price of product on current active non-recurring autobill.
    $merchantTransactionId = prepay($currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill);
    $startTimestamp = $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill->endTimestamp;
    $merchantAutoBillId = $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill->merchantAutoBillId . '+';
    $merchantAccountId = $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill->account->merchantAccountId;
    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    $sparseAccount = new Account();
    $sparseAccount->merchantAccountId = $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill->account->merchantAccountId;
    // Assume same billing plan as on current autobill.
    $billingPlan = $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill->billingPlan;
    // Assume same product as on current autobill.
    $product = $currentActiveNonRecurringAutobill->items[0]->product;
    $itemNonRecurring = new AutoBillItem();
    // Override price of product to 0 USD, since payment is taken up front as one-time transaction.
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    // Future dated autobill will start when the current active autobill ends.
    // Price is overrided as 0 USD, so no transaction will occur and the user will be entitled for the next non-recurring cycle.
    // Add a name value pair to signify a linkage to the previous Autobill.
    // Add a name value pair to signify a linkage to the Transaction used to collect payment.
    // This will help out with revenue recognition.
    $nameVals[0] = new NameValuePair();
    $nameVals[1] = new NameValuePair();
    $immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
    $validateForFuturePayment = false;
    $minChargebackProbability = 100;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaignCode = null;
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $autobill->update($immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaignCode, $dryrun);
    logCall($response, 'Autobill::Update', $merchantAccountId);

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$abID = $argv[1];
$amount = $argv[2];
$currency = 'USD';
$invoiceId = $argv[3];
$overageDisposition = NULL;
$useForFutureRebills = 0;
$note = 'Payment Made';
$pmID = "pm" . rand(1000, 9999) . "-" . rand(1000, 999999);
$map = new MerchantAcceptedPayment();
$pm = new PaymentMethod();
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$response = $autobill->makePayment($pm, $amount, $currency, $invoiceId, $overageDisposition, $useForFutureRebills, $note);

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$pg = 0;
$pageSize = 100;
$startTimestamp = '2015-05-26T00:00:00-07:00';
$endTimestamp = '2015-05-26T23:59:59-07:00';
do {
    $ab = new AutoBill();
    $ret = $ab->fetchDailyInvoiceBillings($startTimestamp, $endTimestamp, $pg, $pageSize);
    $count = 0;
    $fetched_TXs = $ret['data']->transactions;
    if ($fetched_TXs != null) {
        $count = sizeof($fetched_TXs);
        print "count is: " . $count . "\n";
        foreach ($fetched_TXs as $tx) {
            print "Found Transaction VID: " . $tx->VID . "\n";
            print "merchantTransactionId: " . $tx->merchantTransactionId . "\n";
            print "amount is : " . $tx->amount . "\n";
            print "timestamp is: " . $tx->timestamp . "\n";
            foreach ($tx->nameValues as $nvp) {
                if ($nvp->name == "vin:AutoBillVID") {
                    print "Autobill Vid:  " . $nvp->value . "\n";
                if ($nvp->name == "vin:MerchantAutoBillIdentifier") {
                    print "Autobill ID:  " . $nvp->value . "\n";
                if ($nvp->name == "vin:RetryNumber") {
                    print "Retry Number:  " . $nvp->value . "\n";
$autobillAPI = new AutoBill();
logCall('Autobill->fetchByAccount ' . $merchantAccountId);
$response = $autobillAPI->fetchByAccount($account, true);
if (isCallSuccessful($response)) {
    print "Found account with id: " . $merchantAccountId . PHP_EOL;
    $fetchedAutoBills = $response['data']->autobills;
    foreach ($fetchedAutoBills as $autobill) {
        // process each autobill found here
        print "Found autobill with id: " . $autobill->getMerchantAutoBillId() . PHP_EOL;
        print "Start Date: " . $autobill->startTimestamp . PHP_EOL;
        print "NextBilling: " . PHP_EOL;
        print "Date: " . $autobill->nextBilling->getTimestamp() . " ";
        print "Amount: " . $autobill->nextBilling->getAmount() . PHP_EOL;
        $autobillVid = $autobill->VID;
        $autobill = new AutoBill();
        $numberOfFutureRebillsToFetch = 24;
        logCall('Autobill->fetchFutureRebills ' . $merchantAccountId);
        $response = $autobill->fetchFutureRebills($numberOfFutureRebillsToFetch);
        if (isCallSuccessful($response)) {
            $futureTxns = $response['data']->transactions;
            print "Fetched " . $numberOfFutureRebillsToFetch . " future rebills." . PHP_EOL;
            print "This subscription will be billed at the following dates and amounts:" . PHP_EOL;
            foreach ($futureTxns as $futureTxn) {
                print "Date: " . $futureTxn->getTimestamp() . " ";
                print "Amount: " . $futureTxn->getAmount() . PHP_EOL;
// AutoBills may have multiple products (AutoBill Items)
$item = new AutoBillItem();
// You can apply a Campaign Code to the product here:
// set the Product in the AutoBillItem
// must be an existing BillingPlan
$billingplanID = $argv[3];
print "billingplanID is {$billingplanID} \n";
$billingplan = new BillingPlan();
// Create a random ID for our testing - This should be much more unique in a production env.
$autobillID = 'ab-random' . rand(1000, 9999999);
print "autobillID is {$autobillID} \n";
$autobill = new AutoBill();
// You can apply a Campaign Code to the Billing Plan here:
// IP is used along with address info for fraud scoring
// Choices for a faiure of the initial auth.  Uncomment only one at a time:
$immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
// pre-9.0 behavior for an initial auth failure
//$immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'putAutoBillInRetryCycle'; // Creates AutoBill and retriesthe authorizaton.
//$immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'putAutoBillInRetryCycleIfPaymentMethodIsValid'; // recommended in the API guide
$validateForFuturePayment = 1;
//  need to validate to get the above choices
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$abID = $argv[1];
$addID = $argv[2];
$bpID = $argv[3];
$dryrun = $argv[4];
print "Adding product {$addID} to autobill {$abID} \n";
print "BillingPlan is {$bpID} \n";
print "dryrun is {$dryrun} \n";
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$return = $autobill->fetchByMerchantAutoBillId('', $abID);
$remID = $return['data']->autobill->items[0]->product->merchantProductId;
$autobillVID = $return['data']->autobill->VID;
print "VID is {$autobillVID} \n";
print "item to remove is {$remID} \n";
$modAutoBill = new AutoBill();
$addProduct = new Product();
$remProduct = new Product();
$addItem = new AutoBillItem();
$remItem = new AutoBillItem();
$bp = new BillingPLan();
$mod = new AutoBillItemModification();
$effectiveDate = 'today';

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$autobillID = $argv[1];
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$response = $autobill->fetchBillingItemHistory('', $autobill);
$return_code = $response['returnCode'];
$return_string = $response['returnString'];
print "status is " . $response['data']->autobill->status . "\n";

require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$accountID = $argv[1];
$account = new Account();
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$response = $autobill->fetchByAccount($account, 'true');
//print the entire response for debugging
//print_r ($response);
$returnCode = $response['returnCode'];
$returnString = $response['returnString'];
if ($returnCode == 200) {
    $returned_abills = $response['data']->autobills;
    print "merchantAutoBillId,status\n";
    foreach ($returned_abills as $autobill) {
        print "{$autobill->merchantAutoBillId}" . "," . "{$autobill->status}" . "\n";
} else {
    print "Unable to retrieve AutoBills for account ID: {$accountID} \n";
    print "{$returnString}\n";
function Step3MigrateVideoMember($merchantAccountId)
    $uniqueValue = $merchantAccountId;
    //Step 3
    //Assume that this subscription is for Video access for one year, and was paid in full 6 months ago.
    //As such it will be up for renewal in 6 months.
    //Generally, these dates are retrieved from your datastore.
    $sixmonthsagoPT = new \DateTime('-6 months', new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles'));
    $sixmonthsfromnowPT = new \DateTime('6 months', new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles'));
    $dateActiveSubscriptionPeriodPaidInFull = $sixmonthsagoPT->format(DateTime::ATOM);
    $dateActiveSubscriptionPeriodUpForRenewal = $sixmonthsfromnowPT->format(DateTime::ATOM);
    $billPlan = new BillingPlan();
    $product = new Product();
    // Generally, the billing plan and productid will be provided in your datastore.
    // These objects need to exist in CashBox prior to migration.
    $merchantBillingPlanId = 'OneYearSubOneYearRecurring';
    $merchantProductId = 'Video';
    //To save a soap call, you can use sparse objects.
    $account = new Account();
    $account->merchantAccountId = $merchantAccountId;
    // Assuming merchantPaymentMethodId is the same value as the merchantAccountId.
    $merchantPaymentMethodId = $merchantAccountId;
    $paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod();
    $paymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId = $merchantPaymentMethodId;
    //If you don't have the address VID, then set migrationtransaction shippingaddress to null.
    $address = null;
    //    // If you want to fetch the account by making a soap call to CashBox...
    //    // This is a soap call to CashBox.
    //    $fetchedAccount = get_account_by_merchantAccountId($merchantAccountId);
    //    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    //    $account->merchantAccountId = $fetchedAccount->merchantAccountId;
    //    $fetchedPaymentMethod = $account->paymentMethods[0];
    //    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    //    $paymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId = $fetchedPaymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId;
    $paymentMethodType = 'CreditCard';
    $currency = 'USD';
    $lastPaidPrice = '10.00';
    $useZeroUnlessYouKnowDifferent = 0;
    $paymentProcessor = 'Paymentech';
    $transactionType = 'Recurring';
    $authCode = '000';
    $capturedStatus = 'Captured';
    $txItemType = 'RecurringCharge';
    $txItemName = $merchantProductId . ':' . $merchantBillingPlanId;
    // This paymentProcessorTransactionId makes the transaction refundable if migrating from Litle (Vantiv) into Litle.
    $paymentProcessorTransactionId = 'RetrievedIdFromLegacyBillingPaymentProcessor';
    // Assume campaigns were not used when creating this Autobill.
    // Alternatively, consider specifying campaign on the AutoBillItem if necessary.
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    // No need to set payment method on Autobill as it will be inherited from the Account.
    // For this example, we assume one transaction item with a price equal to the entire migration transaction amount.
    $txItemA = new MigrationTransactionItem();
    // It is recommended Sku equals the merchantProductId of the Product set on the Autobill.
    $creditCardStatusA = new TransactionStatusCreditCard();
    $statusLogA = new TransactionStatus();
    // AuthCode is the code for a transaction successfully run through the payment processor.
    $merchantTransactionId = $uniqueValue;
    // Assume sales tax calculated refunds not in scope in this example.
    // If they were, consider setting salesTaxAddress and tax migration transaction items.
    // Assume we are only migrating the last transaction used to pay for the Autobill.
    // If in scope, you have the option to migrate more than one.
    $migrationTransaction = new MigrationTransaction();
    // Set to 21 characters or less, or you will not be able to refund against this.
    // Total migration transaction amount must equal sum of tx items.
    // It is recommended that AutoBillCycle is set to the number of times the Autobill has renewed.
    // Make a best effort guess if exact number is unknown.
    // This will help with CashBox Reviews to determine metrics such as Lifetime Value (LTV).
    // If the billing plan is modified, then the billing plan cycle resets to 0.
    // In general, if the billing has not been modified, this value will be the same as the AutoBill Cycle.
    //    Division ID mapping:
    //    123456 - Standard Subscription  [Default]
    //    123457 - Premium Subscription
    // CashBox merchant configuration will be configured to route automatically based on a name value pair.
    // Confirm with your Deployment Consultant the values matching the merchant configuration.
    $divisionId = new NameValuePair();
    $divisionId->setValue('Premium Subscription');
    $srd = '';
    $response = $autobill->migrate($srd, $dateActiveSubscriptionPeriodUpForRenewal, array($migrationTransaction));
    // Log soap id for each API call.
    //    $log->addDebug('Method = Autobill.migrate' . PHP_EOL);
    //    $log->addDebug('Soap Id = ' . $response['data']->return->soapId . PHP_EOL);
    //    $log->addDebug('Return Code = ' . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL);
    //    $log->addDebug('Return String = ' . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL);
    if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) {
        print "Call succeeded" . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        print "Call failed" . PHP_EOL;
    return $response;
function Combining_Subscription_And_Non_Subscription_Items_To_Checkout_With_Single_Transaction()
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $productSubscription = new Product();
    $productSubscription->setMerchantProductId('Video Subscription');
    //Must be defined in CashBox portal
    $productNonRecurring = new Product();
    $productNonRecurring->setMerchantProductId('Golf Clubs');
    //Must be defined in CashBox portal
    $itemSubscription = new AutoBillItem();
    $itemNonRecurring = new AutoBillItem();
    //Only bill first time
    //If you want to minimize the number of Products defined in CashBox,
    //you have the option to re-use Products by overriding the price by setting the autobill item amount.
    $autobill->setItems(array($itemSubscription, $itemNonRecurring));
    // Finish setting up autobill and then call autobill.update.