public static function show() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $bet = new Bet($_POST); if ($bet->getErrorCount() == 0) { //make sure authenticatedUser is set $authenticatedUser = array_key_exists('authenticatedUser', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['authenticatedUser'] : null; if (is_null($authenticatedUser)) { $bet->setError('user', 'USER_NOT_AUTH'); BetView::show($bet); return; } $hockname = $authenticatedUser->getHockName(); $bet->setUser(strtolower($hockname)); //game exists check $games = GameDB::getGamesBy('id', $bet->getGameID()); if (empty($games)) { $bet->setError('game', 'NO_GAMEID'); BetView::show($bet); return; } //user already has a bet check $game = $games[0]; $bets = BetDB::getBetsBy('game', $game->getID()); if (!empty($bets)) { foreach ($bets as $bet) { if (strcmp($bet->getUser(), strtolower($hockname)) == 0) { $bet->setError('game', 'BET_ALREADY'); BetView::show($bet); return; } } } //pending check if ($game->getPending() != 1) { $bet->setError('game', 'GAME_NOT_PENDING'); BetView::show($bet); return; } //game time check $start = new DateTime($game->getStart()); $diff = $start->diff($bet->getTime()); if ($diff->m != 0 || $diff->d != 0 || $diff->h != 0 || $diff->i >= 5) { $bet->setError('game', 'LATE_BET'); BetView::show($bet); return; } //Should be ok to submit bet... $id = BetDB::addBet($bet); $bet->setBetID($id); BetView::show($bet); //SimpleEchoView::show($bet); } else { BetView::show($bet); } } else { // Initial link BetView::show(null); } }
/** * Generate a list of bets to process */ public function genBetsToProcess() { foreach ($this->betList as $betId) { $bet = new Bet($betId); $match = $this->d->getMatchById($bet->getMatchId()); if ($match->getScoreId() != NULL) { // Referee ID is -1 as long as score etc is not added to match // Match was played, add bet to list of betsToProcess array_push($this->betsToProcess, $bet); } } }
public static function run() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $bet = new Bet($_POST); if ($bet->getErrorCount() == 0) { SimpleEchoView::show($bet); } else { BetView::show($bet); } } else { // Initial link BetView::show(null); } }
/** * Get all stats by user * @param int $user_id * @return mixed|bool */ static function GetByUser($user_id) { $stats = new Stats(); $stats->total_bets_placed = 0; $stats->total_bets_won = 0; $stats->total_bets_lost = 0; $stats->total_points_won = 0; $stats->total_points_lost = 0; $stats->avg_bet_value = 0; $bets = Bet::GetAll(); $totals = []; foreach ($bets as $bet) { if ($user_id == $bet->user_id) { $stats->total_bets_placed++; if ($bet->result == 1) { $stats->total_bets_won++; $stats->total_points_won += $bet->points_total; } if ($bet->result == 0) { $stats->total_bets_lost++; $stats->total_points_lost += $bet->points_total; } $totals[] = $bet->points_total; } } $stats->avg_bet_value = mmmr($totals, 'median'); $stats->wealth_gap = wealthGap(); return $stats; }
/** * Enregistre un nouveau paris * * @return Response */ public function store() { $user = User::getUserWithToken($_GET['token']); $input = Input::all(); $input['user_id'] = $user->id; $validator = Validator::make($input, Bet::$rules, BaseController::$messages); if ($validator->fails()) { return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'payload' => array(), 'error' => $this->errorsArraytoString($validator->messages())), 400); } //On vérifie si la date du match n'est pas dépassé if (new DateTime() > new DateTime(Game::find($input['game_id'])->date)) { return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'payload' => array(), 'error' => "Le date du match est dépassé !"), 400); } $bet = Bet::whereRaw('user_id = ? && game_id = ?', array($input['user_id'], $input['game_id']))->first(); //Si un paris sur le même match pour cet utilisateur existe, erreur envoyée. if ($bet) { return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'payload' => array(), 'error' => "Un paris existe déjà sur ce match !"), 400); } //On vérifie si la somme misé est disponible if ($input['points'] > $user->points) { return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'payload' => array(), 'error' => "Vous avez miser plus de points que vous en avez !"), 400); } $game = Game::find($input['game_id']); //On vérifie si le winner est bien une équipe du match if ($input['winner_id'] != $game->team1_id && $input['winner_id'] != $game->team2_id) { return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'payload' => array(), 'error' => "Veuillez mettre une équipe du match !"), 400); } $bet = Bet::create($input); Transaction::addTransaction($input['user_id'], $bet->id, $input['points'], 'bet'); return Response::json(array('success' => true, 'payload' => $bet->toArray(), 'message' => 'Pari enregistré (' . $bet->points . ' points) sur : ' . $game->team1->name . ' (' . $bet->team1_goals . ') - (' . $bet->team2_goals . ') ' . $game->team2->name)); }
public static function checkExpired() { $expired = Bet::available()->where('expires_at', '<=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->whereNull('accepted_by_user_id')->lists('id'); if (count($expired) > 0) { Bet::whereIn('id', $expired)->update(array('expired' => 1)); } $finished = Bet::where('expires_at', '<=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->whereNotNull('accepted_by_user_id')->where('winner_paid', 0)->get(); foreach ($finished as $bet) { $bet->handleWinner(); } }
function hasVoted($userid = null) { if ($userid == null) { $userid = TwitterAuth::getUserId(); } $bet = Bet::findOne('matchid = ? and userid = ?', array($this->matchid, $userid)); if (!$bet) { return false; } else { return $bet->teamid; } }
/** * Get all users * @return User[]|bool */ static function GetAll() { $db = new DB(); if ($users = $db->fetch("SELECT * FROM User ORDER BY points DESC", null, 'User')) { foreach ($users as &$user) { $user->getAvatars(); $user->getBadges(); $user->bets = Bet::GetByUser($user->id); } return $users; } else { return false; } }
public function getBets() { if (!Auth::check()) { App::abort(404); } $bets = Auth::user()->bets()->lists('id'); $cross_bets = Auth::user()->crossBets()->lists('id'); if (count($bets) || count($cross_bets)) { $bets = Bet::whereIn('id', array_merge($bets, $cross_bets))->orderBy('expires_at', 'asc')->get(); } else { $bets = array(); } return View::make('users.bets', compact('bets')); }
public function postDelete() { if (!Input::has('bet_id')) { return array('success' => false); } $bet_id = Input::get('bet_id'); $bet = Bet::where('id', $bet_id)->where('created_by_user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); if (is_null($bet)) { return array('success' => false); } else { if ($bet->canBeDeleted()) { $bet->deleted = 1; $bet->price_when_deleted = Bitcoin::toUSD(); $bet->deleted_at = time(); $bet->save(); Auth::user()->addToBalance($bet->bet_amount); return array('success' => true); } else { return array('success' => false); } } }
/** * Ajoute une transaction * Utilisé uniquement par le code * * @param $user_id * @param $bet_id * @param $value * @param $type * @return bool */ public static function addTransaction($user_id, $bet_id, $value, $type) { if (in_array($type, array('gain', 'bet')) && Bet::find($bet_id)) { $transaction = new Transaction(); $transaction->user_id = $user_id; $transaction->bet_id = $bet_id; $transaction->value = $value; $transaction->type = $type; $transaction->save(); //On déduit/ajoute les point de la transaction $user = User::find($user_id); if ($transaction->type == "bet") { $user->points -= $transaction->value; } else { if ($transaction->type == "gain") { $user->points += $transaction->value; } } $user->save(); } return false; }
/** * @return void */ public function show() { $matches = Match::find('seasonid = ? and result != 0', [$this->season->seasonid]); $matches = Model::indexBy($matches, 'matchid'); $teams = Model::indexBy(Team::find('1=1'), 'teamid'); $matchWinner = []; foreach($matches as $match) { if ($this->season->weekIsPublished($match->week) && !$match->isDelayed()) { $matchWinner[$match->matchid] = $match->getWinner(); } } $totalBets = []; $correctBets = []; $usernames = []; $avatars = Model::pluck(Avatar::find('1=1'), 'url', 'userid'); foreach(Bet::find('1=1') as $bet) { if (isset($matchWinner[$bet->matchid])) { if ($bet->teamid && $matchWinner[$bet->matchid] == $bet->teamid) { $correctBets[$bet->userid]++; } $totalBets[$bet->userid]++; } if ($bet->username) { $usernames[$bet->userid] = $bet->username; } } $tiebreakers = []; foreach(array_keys($correctBets) as $userid) { $tiebreakers[$userid] = [-$correctBets[$userid], $totalBets[$userid], strtolower($usernames[$userid])]; } asort($tiebreakers); if (TwitterAuth::isLogged()) { $userid = TwitterAuth::getUserId(); $userBets = Bet::find('userid = ? order by matchid desc', [$userid]); $userpos = array_search($userid, array_keys($tiebreakers)); $userpos = ($userpos === FALSE) ? 0 : $userpos+1; ?> <div class="inblock" style="text-align: left; margin-right: 20px"> <h2>Tus estadísticas</h2> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>Puesto</td> <td>Nombre</td> <td>Aciertos</td> <td>Fallos</td> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td><?= $userpos ?>º</td> <td style="text-align: left"> <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle"> <a href="<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank"> <img src="<?= htmlentities($avatars[$userid]) ?>" style="width:40px; height:40px; border-radius: 20px"> </a> </div> <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle"> <a href="<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank"> <?= htmlentities($usernames[$userid]) ?> <? if (!isset($usernames[$userid])) echo "<i>$userid</i>"; ?> </a> </div> </td> <td><?= $correctBets[$userid] ?></td> <td><?= $totalBets[$userid]-$correctBets[$userid] ?></td> </tr> </table> <h2>Tus apuestas</h2> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>Jornada</td> <td>Enfrentamiento</td> <td>Acierto</td> </tr> </thead> <? foreach($userBets as $bet) { if (!isset($matches[$bet->matchid])) continue; /** * @var $match Match */ $match = $matches[$bet->matchid]; if (!$match->isPublished() || $match->isDelayed()) continue; $team1 = $teams[$match->team1id]; $team2 = $teams[$match->team2id]; $success = $match->getWinner() == $bet->teamid; ?> <tr> <td><?= $match->week ?></td> <td> <div class="inblock"> <div class="teamimg64"> <img src="/<?= $team1->getImageLink(64, 64) ?>" class="<?= $match->getWinner() == $team1->teamid ? '' : 'grayscale' ?>"> </div> <? if ($bet->teamid == $team1->teamid) { ?> <br><i style="font-size:11px">Votado</i> <? } ?> </div> <div class="inblock" style="line-height: 64px; margin: 0px 4px"> VS </div> <div class="inblock"> <div class="teamimg64"> <img src="/<?= $team2->getImageLink(64, 64) ?>" class="<?= $match->getWinner() == $team2->teamid ? '' : 'grayscale' ?>"> </div> <? if ($bet->teamid == $team2->teamid) { ?> <br><i style="font-size:11px">Votado</i> <? } ?> </div> </td> <td> <?= $success ? '<div class="success-icon">✔</div>' : '<div class="fail-icon">✘</div>' ?> </td> </tr> <? } ?> </table> </div> <? } ?> <div class="inblock"> <h2>Clasificación</h2> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>Puesto</td> <td>Nombre</td> <td>Aciertos</td> <td>Fallos</td> </tr> </thead> <? $lastTiebreakers = null; $lastPos = 0; foreach(array_keys($tiebreakers) as $pos => $userid) { unset($tiebreakers[$userid][2]); if ($lastTiebreakers != $tiebreakers[$userid]) { $lastPos = $pos; } if (!isset($avatars[$userid])) { Avatar::setUsersAvatar($userid, $usernames[$userid]); } ?> <tr> <td><?= $lastPos+1 ?>º</td> <td style="text-align: left"> <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle"> <a href="<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank"> <img src="<?= htmlentities($avatars[$userid]) ?>" style="width:40px; height:40px; border-radius: 20px"> </a> </div> <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle"> <a href="<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank"> <?= htmlentities($usernames[$userid]) ?> <? if (!isset($usernames[$userid])) echo "<i>$userid</i>"; ?> </a> </div> </td> <td><?= $correctBets[$userid] ?></td> <td><?= $totalBets[$userid]-$correctBets[$userid] ?></td> </tr> <? $lastTiebreakers = $tiebreakers[$userid]; } ?> </table> </div> <? }
/* Get comments **********************************************************************************************************************/ $app->get('/matches/:id/comments', function ($id) use($app) { $match = Match::Get($id); $response = $match->getComments(); $app->render_json($response); }); /* Place bet **********************************************************************************************************************/ $app->post('/matches/:id/bet', function ($id) use($app) { $data = json_decode($app->request->getBody(), true); $type = $data['type']; $team = $data['team']; $user = User::GetByToken($app->request->headers->get('token')); // Create the bet $bet = new Bet(); $bet->user_id = $user->id; $bet->match_id = $id; $bet->type = $type; $bet->team = $team; if ($type === 1) { $bet->points_simple = $data['points_simple']; } elseif ($type === 2) { $bet->points_goals = $data['points_goals']; $bet->points_yellowcards = $data['points_yellowcards']; $bet->points_redcards = $data['points_redcards']; $bet->points_defenses = $data['points_defenses']; } if ($bet_id = $bet->Create()) { $app->render_json(['id' => $bet_id]); } else {
public function showCurrentBets() { // Get the current user $this->data['user'] = Confide::user(); // Initialize the potential money that can be won as the current money the user has $this->data['potential_money'] = $this->data['user']->current_money; // Get all of the users outstanding bets $current_bets = Bet::where('user_id', '=', $this->data['user']->id)->where('final', false)->get(); if ($current_bets) { $this->data['bet_objects'] = []; // Get all of the games $repo = App::make('GameRepository'); $pending_games = $repo->getPendingGames('NFL', '4'); foreach ($current_bets as $bet) { if (array_key_exists($bet->game_code, $pending_games)) { // Get the game associated with the bet $game = $pending_games[$bet->game_code]; $visiting_team = $game['visiting-team']['@attributes']; $home_team = $game['home-team']['@attributes']; if ($visiting_team['id'] === $bet->team) { $picked_team = $visiting_team; $opposing_team = $home_team; } else { $picked_team = $home_team; $opposing_team = $visiting_team; } $bet_object = (object) []; $bet_object->bet = $bet; $bet_object->game = $game['gamestate']['@attributes']; $bet_object->visiting_team = $visiting_team; $bet_object->home_team = $home_team; $bet_object->picked_team = $picked_team; $bet_object->game_title = $visiting_team['display_name'] . ' ' . $visiting_team['nickname'] . ' at ' . $home_team['display_name'] . ' ' . $home_team['nickname']; if ($bet->bet_type === 'pointspread') { $adjusted_team_score = $picked_team['score'] + $bet->point_spread; } else { $adjusted_team_score = $picked_team['score']; } // If this is a current winning bet if ($adjusted_team_score > $opposing_team['score']) { // Payout will be the initial bet plus winnings $payout = $bet->bet_amount + $bet->win_potential; // If the game is over, record win and set bet to final if ($bet_object->game['status'] === 'Final') { $bet->won = true; $bet->final = true; $bet->save(); $this->data['user']->current_money += $payout; $this->data['user']->save(); } else { $bet_object->status = 'panel-success'; $this->data['potential_money'] += $payout; $this->data['bet_objects'][] = $bet_object; } } else { if ($adjusted_team_score === $opposing_team['score']) { // Payout will be just the initial bet $payout = $bet->bet_amount; // If the game is over, record win and set bet to final if ($bet_object->game['status'] === 'Final') { $bet->won = true; $bet->final = true; $bet->save(); $this->data['user']->current_money += $payout; $this->data['user']->save(); } else { $bet_object->status = 'panel-warning'; // Payout will be just the initial bet $this->data['potential_money'] += $payout; $this->data['bet_objects'][] = $bet_object; } } else { // If the game is over, set bet to final if ($bet_object->game['status'] === 'Final') { $bet->final = true; $bet->save(); } else { $bet_object->status = 'panel-danger'; $this->data['bet_objects'][] = $bet_object; } } } } } } return View::make('bets', $this->data); }
} $twig = Twig::get(); $template = $twig->loadTemplate('managers-bets.html'); echo $template->render(array()); }); $app->get('/managers/bets/request/', function () use($app) { // AUTHENTICATION FIRST if (!Sentry::check()) { // User is not logged in, or is not activated $app->status(401); } $user = Sentry::getUser(); if (!$user->isSuperUser()) { $app->status(401); } $data = array(); $counter = 0; $draws = Bet::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get()->toArray(); foreach ($draws as $draw) { $data[$counter]['id'] = $draw['id']; $data[$counter]['draw_id'] = $draw['draw_id']; $data[$counter]['numbers'] = $draw['numbers']; $data[$counter]['ticket_number'] = $draw['ticket_number']; $data[$counter]['security_code'] = $draw['security_code']; $data[$counter]['lucky_pick'] = $draw['lucky_pick']; $data[$counter]['date'] = date("F j,Y H:i:s", strtotime($draw['created_at'])); $counter++; } header("Content-Type:text/json"); echo json_encode(array(array('per_page' => 25, 'total_entries' => count($data), 'total_pages' => ceil(count($data) / 25), 'page' => 1), $data), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); });
/** * @return void */ public function show() { $week = $this->week; $canVote = $this->canVote; $publishTime = $this->season->getPublishTimeForWeek($week); if ($publishTime >= 1000) { $days = explode(',', 'Domingo,Lunes,Martes,Miércoles,Jueves,Viernes,Sábado'); $months = explode(',', 'enero,febrero,marzo,abril,mayo,junio,julio,agosto,septiembre,octubre,noviembre,diciembre') ?> <div> <?= $days[date('w', $publishTime)] ?> <?= date('j', $publishTime)?> de <?= $months[date('m', $publishTime)-1] ?> de <?= date('Y', $publishTime) ?>, <?= date('H:i', $publishTime) ?> (hora española) </div> <? } ?> <div style="height: 6px"></div> <table style="border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; width: 100%"> <tr> <td style="width: 150px; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: left"> <? if ($this->week > 1) { ?> <a style="float:left; margin-left: 24px" href="/<?=$this->season->getLink()?>/jornadas/<?=$this->week-1?>/"> << Ver <?= strtolower($this->season->getWeekName($this->week-1)) ?> </a> <? } ?> </td> <td style="border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: center"> <? if (time() >= $publishTime) { ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$('._grayscale').toggleClass('grayscale'); $('.result').toggle(); $(this).find('span').toggle()"> <span>Mostrar resultados</span> <span style="display: none">Ocultar resultados</span> </a> <? } ?> </td> <td style="width: 150px; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: right"><? if ($this->week < $this->maxWeek) { ?> <a style="float:right; margin-right: 24px" href="/<?=$this->season->getLink()?>/jornadas/<?=$this->week+1?>/"> Ver <?= strtolower($this->season->getWeekName($this->week+1)) ?> >> </a> <? } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <? $matches = Match::find('seasonid = ? and week = ? order by matchid asc', [$this->season->seasonid, $week]); #shuffle($matches); if (!$matches) { ?> No hay enfrentamientos disponibles en estos momentos.<br><br> <? return; } foreach($matches as $match) { $team1 = $match->getTeam1(); $team2 = $match->getTeam2(); if (false && rand(0,1) == 1) { $tmp = $team2; $team2 = $team1; $team1 = $tmp; } $voteTeamid = HTMLResponse::fromPOST('teamid','') * 1; $voteMatchid = HTMLResponse::fromPOST('matchid','') * 1; $voteUnteamid = HTMLResponse::fromPOST('unteamid','') * 1; $voteUnmatchid = HTMLResponse::fromPOST('unmatchid','') * 1; if ($canVote && TwitterAuth::isLogged() && !$match->hasVoted() && $match->matchid && $voteMatchid == $match->matchid && ($voteTeamid == $team1->teamid || $voteTeamid == $team2->teamid)) { $bet = Bet::create(); $bet->matchid = $match->matchid; $bet->dateline = time(); $bet->userid = TwitterAuth::getUserId(); $bet->teamid = $voteTeamid; $bet->username = TwitterAuth::getUserName(); $bet->avatar = $_SESSION['twitter-avatar']; $bet->save(); } if ($canVote && TwitterAuth::isLogged() && $match->hasVoted() && $voteUnmatchid == $match->matchid && ($voteUnteamid == $team1->teamid || $voteUnteamid == $team2->teamid)) { $bet = Bet::findOne('matchid = ? and teamid = ? and userid = ?', array($voteUnmatchid, $voteUnteamid, TwitterAuth::getUserId())); $bet->delete(); } $votes = $match->getVotes(); $votesCount = array_sum($votes); $team1votes = 0; $team2votes = 0; if ($votesCount != 0) { $team1votes = $votes[$team1->teamid]*1; $team2votes = $votes[$team2->teamid]*1; } ?> <div class="matchbox"> <? $this->showTeamBox($match, $team1, $team1votes, $votesCount) ?> <div class="vsbox"> <? if ($match->isPublished() && $match->getWinner()) { $score1 = $team1->teamid==$match->getWinner() ? 6-$match->getLooserKills() : 0; $score2 = $team2->teamid==$match->getWinner() ? 6-$match->getLooserKills() : 0; ?> <div style="font-size:90%; display: none" class="result"> <?=$score1?>-<?=$score2?> </div> <? } else if ($match->isPublished() && $match->isDelayed()) { ?> <div style="font-size:90%; display: none" class="result"> Apl. </div> <? } ?> VS </div> <? $this->showTeamBox($match, $team2, $team2votes, $votesCount) ?> </div> <? } }
// VALIDATE UNIQUE $numbers = array(); foreach ($_POST['bet'] as $bet) { if (!in_array($bet, $numbers)) { $numbers[] = trim(intval($bet)); } } if (count($_POST['bet']) != 6 && count($numbers) != 6) { $app->flash('error', 'Sorry you have to select atleast 6 numbers'); $app->redirect('/bet'); } $last = Bet::orderBy("id", "desc")->first(); $additional_number = is_object($last) ? $last->id + 1 : 0; // FIND THE DRAW $todays_draw = $draw->first(); $bet = new Bet(); $bet->draw_id = $todays_draw->id; $bet->numbers = implode(",", $numbers); $bet->ticket_number = date("Ymd") . $additional_number; $bet->security_code = md5(date("YmdHis")); if (isset($_POST['lucky_pick'])) { $bet->lucky_pick = 1; } else { $bet->lucky_pick = 0; } $bet->save(); $ticket = array(); $ticket['draw_id'] = $bet->draw_id; $ticket['numbers'] = $bet->numbers; $ticket['ticket_number'] = $bet->ticket_number; $ticket['security_code'] = $bet->security_code;
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Jakub * Date: 30/10/2015 * Time: 20:04 */ class Bet extends Model { public $betid; public $matchid; public $teamid; public $dateline; public $userid; public $username; public $avatar; } Bet::init('bets', 'betid');
<?php /* * CRON SCRIPT: Simulate Bets * Runs every 30 minutes */ chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); require '../config.php'; $matches = Match::GetAll(); // Get the users accounts that represent the automated bots $users = $db->fetch("SELECT * FROM User WHERE id IN (42, 43, 44, 28)", null, 'User'); foreach ($users as $user) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if (strtotime($match->start_time) > strtotime('now')) { // Filter by upcoming matches only // Setup the bet $bet = new Bet(); $bet->user_id = $user->id; $bet->match_id = $match->id; $bet->type = 1; $bet->team = mt_rand(0, 2); $bet_amount = mt_rand(10, $user->points / 100) / 10 * 10; // Random bet amount up to a tenth of the user's balance $bet->points_simple = $bet_amount; // Create the bet $bet->Create(); } } }
<tr> <th>Made by</th> <th>Team 1</th> <th>Score</th> <th>Team 2</th> <th>Player that makes first goal</th> <th># Red Cards</th> <th># Yellow Cards</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $bets = $this->getGroup()->getHandledbets(); foreach ($bets as $betId) { $bet = new Bet($betId); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $bet->getUserName(); ?> </td> <?php echo $bet->dataAsColouredString(); ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table>
public function setFinished($num_team) { //Si l'équipe une a gagnée, on redistribue les points pour les paris corrects (paris sur l'équipe une) if ($num_team == 1) { foreach (Bet::whereRaw('game_id = ? && winner_id = ?', array($this->id, $this->team1_id))->get() as $bet) { $cote = $this->getTeam1CoteAttribute(); $points = $bet->points * $cote; if ($this->team1_goals == $bet->team1_goals && $this->team2_goals == $bet->team2_goals) { $points += $bet->points / 10 * $cote; } Transaction::addTransaction($bet->user_id, $bet->id, $points, 'gain'); } $this->winner_id = $this->team1_id; //Si l'équipe deux a gagnée, on redistribue les points pour les paris corrects (paris sur l'équipe deux) } else { foreach (Bet::whereRaw('game_id = ? && winner_id = ?', array($this->id, $this->team2_id))->get() as $bet) { $cote = $this->getTeam2CoteAttribute(); $points = $bet->points * $cote; if ($this->team1_goals == $bet->team1_goals && $this->team2_goals == $bet->team2_goals) { $points += $bet->points / 10 * $cote; } Transaction::addTransaction($bet->user_id, $bet->id, $points, 'gain'); } $this->winner_id = $this->team2_id; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //******************* ROUND X *****************// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //On inscrit l'équipe gagnante dans son prochain match $id = $this->stage()->first()->next_stage()->first()->id; $num_game = round($this->stage_game_num / 2); $game = Game::whereRaw("stage_id = ? && stage_game_num = ?", array($id, $num_game))->first(); if ($this->stage_game_num % 2 == 1) { $game->team1_id = $this->winner_id; } else { $game->team2_id = $this->winner_id; } $game->save(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //******************* 3e place ****************// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //Si on est lors des demi, on va définir aussi la 3e finale if ($this->stage()->first()->next_stage()->first()->next_stage == null) { $stage_third = Stage::getThirdStage()->id; $gamme_third = Game::whereRaw('stage_id = ?', array($stage_third))->first(); //Si équipe 1 a gagné on met l'équipe 2 en 3e place if ($num_game == 1) { if ($this->stage_game_num % 2 == 1) { $gamme_third->team1_id = $this->team1_id; } else { $gamme_third->team2_id = $this->team1_id; } } else { if ($this->stage_game_num % 2 == 1) { $gamme_third->team1_id = $this->team2_id; } else { $gamme_third->team2_id = $this->team2_id; } } $gamme_third->save(); } $this->save(); }
$draw_id = $draw->id; $draw_winning_price = $draw->winning_price; // GENERATE RANDOM NUMBERS FROM 1-42 $range = range(1, 42); shuffle($range); $num = 6; $r = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $r[] = $range[$i]; } $shuffled = $num == 1 ? $r[0] : $r; sort($shuffled, SORT_NUMERIC); // SAVE THE WINNING NUMBER TO DATABASE $draw = Draw::where("date", "=", $date)->update(array('numbers' => implode(",", $shuffled), 'status' => 'closed')); // FIND WINNERS $bets = Bet::where("draw_id", "=", $draw_id)->where("numbers", "=", implode(",", $shuffled)); // GET NUMBER OF WINNERS AND DIVIDED IT $price = $draw_winning_price / $bets->count(); // WINNERS $winners = $bets->get(); // SAVE WINNERS TO DATABASE foreach ($winners as $winner) { $w = new Winner(); $w->draw_id = $draw_id; $w->winning_numbers = implode(",", $shuffled); $w->winning_price = $price; $w->ticket_number = $winner->ticket_number; $w->security_code = $winner->security_code; $w->draw_date = $date; $w->save(); echo "Winner Saved";
$matches = Match::GetAll(); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (strtotime($match->end_time) < strtotime('now')) { $team1_id = $match->progress[0]['team_id']; $team1_goals = $match->progress[0]['goals']; $team1_yellow_cards = $match->progress[0]['yellow_cards']; $team1_redcards = $match->progress[0]['redcards']; $team1_defenses = $match->progress[0]['defenses']; $team2_id = $match->progress[1]['team_id']; $team2_goals = $match->progress[1]['goals']; $team2_yellow_cards = $match->progress[1]['yellow_cards']; $team2_redcards = $match->progress[1]['redcards']; $team2_defenses = $match->progress[1]['defenses']; $team1_rank = 0; $team2_rank = 0; if ($bets = Bet::GetByMatch($match->id)) { foreach ($bets as $bet) { if ($bet->result == null) { $user = User::Get($bet->user_id); $result = null; // Simple bet if ($bet->type == 1) { if ($team1_goals > $team2_goals) { $result = 1; $team1_rank += $bet->points_total; $team2_rank -= $bet->points_total; } elseif ($team1_goals == $team2_goals) { $result = 0; } elseif ($team1_goals > $team2_goals) { $result = 2; $team2_rank += $bet->points_total;
</table> <h2>Bets - History</h2> <table class="table table-striped"> <tr> <th>Team 1</th> <th>Score</th> <th>Team 2</th> <th>Player that makes first goal</th> <th># Red Cards</th> <th># Yellow Cards</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> <?php $bets = $this->getHandledBets(); foreach ($bets as $betId) { $bet = new Bet($betId); ?> <tr> <?php echo $bet->dataAsColouredString(); ?> </tr> <?php } } ?> </table> </div>
public static function getBetsArray($rowSets) { // Returns an array of bet objects extracted from $rowSets $bets = array(); if (!empty($rowSets)) { foreach ($rowSets as $betRow) { $bet = new Bet($betRow); $bet->setBetID($betRow['id']); array_push($bets, $bet); } } return $bets; }
} ?> <h2>It should extract the parameters that went in</h2> <?php $props = $s1->getParameters(); print_r($props); ?> <h2>It should not allow a bet more than 10</h2> <?php $validTest = array("game" => "123123", "betAmount" => "11"); $s1 = new Bet($validTest); echo "{$s1}<br>"; $test2 = empty($s1->getErrors()) ? '' : 'Failed: It should have errors when invalid input is provided<br>'; echo $test2; if ($test2 != "") { echo implode("|", $s1->getErrors()); } ?> <h2>It should not allow a bet less than 1</h2> <?php $validTest = array("game" => "123123", "betAmount" => "-1"); $s1 = new Bet($validTest); echo "{$s1}<br>"; $test2 = empty($s1->getErrors()) ? '' : 'Failed: It should have errors when invalid input is provided<br>'; echo $test2; if ($test2 != "") { echo implode("|", $s1->getErrors()); }
if ($request->getMethod() === 'POST') { Route::callRouteFilter('custom_csrf', array(), '', $request); } }); $btc_price = Bitcoin::toUSD(); View::share('btc_price', $btc_price); $updated_at = strtotime(DB::table('price_hist')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->pluck('created_at')); View::share('updated_at', $updated_at); Bet::checkExpired(); Route::get('logout', function () { Auth::logout(); return Redirect::to('/'); }); Route::get('/', function () { $prices = DB::table('price_hist')->get(); $bets = Bet::available()->paginate(4); $server_time = date('H:i:s'); return View::make('hello', compact('server_time', 'bets', 'prices')); }); Route::post('/contact/submit', function () { $data = array('from' => Input::get('email'), 'body' => Input::get('message')); Mail::queue('', $data, function ($message) { $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'Connor Smith')->subject('BinaryBTC Contact Form'); }); return array(); }); Route::get('/faq', function () { return View::make('faq'); }); Route::get('/latest_price', function () { if (!Request::ajax()) {