function get($key) { $value = parent::get($key); if (!is_null($value)) { return $value; } if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log('grabbing via zget(' . $this->_realKey($key) . ')'); } return $this->_processGet($key, zget($this->_realKey($key))); }
/** * Dump db. * * @param string $fileName * @param array $tables * @access public * @return object */ public function dump($fileName, $tables = array(), $fields = array(), $mode = 'data,schema', $condations = array(), $replaces = array()) { /* Init the return. */ $return = new stdclass(); $return->result = true; $return->error = ''; /* Get all tables in database. */ $allTables = array(); $stmt = $this->dbh->query('show tables'); while ($table = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $table = current($table); $allTables[$table] = $table; } /* Dump all tables when tables is empty. */ if (empty($tables)) { $tables = $allTables; } /* Check file. */ if (empty($fileName)) { $return->result = false; $return->error = 'Has not file'; return $return; } if (!is_writable(dirname($fileName))) { $return->result = false; $return->error = 'The directory is not writable'; return $return; } /* Open this file. */ $fp = fopen($fileName, 'w'); fwrite($fp, "SET NAMES utf8;\n"); foreach ($tables as $table) { /* Check table exists. */ if (!isset($allTables[$table])) { continue; } /* Create sql code. */ $backupSql = ''; if (strpos($mode, 'schema') !== false) { $backupSql .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`;\n"; } if (strpos($mode, 'schema') !== false) { $backupSql .= $this->getSchemaSQL($table); } if (strpos($mode, 'data') !== false) { $backupSql .= $this->getDataSQL($table, zget($condations, $table), zget($fields, $table), zget($replaces, $table)); } /* Write sql code. */ fwrite($fp, $backupSql); } fclose($fp); return $return; }
/** * Pages admin list. * * @access public * @return void */ public function pages() { $template = $this->config->template->{$this->device}->name; $theme = $this->config->template->{$this->device}->theme; $this->block->loadTemplateLang($template); $this->view->title = $this->lang->block->browseRegion; $this->view->plans = $this->block->getPlans($template); $this->view->plan = zget($this->config->layout, $template . '_' . $theme); $this->view->template = $template; $this->view->uiHeader = true; $this->display(); }
/** * Set search params to session. * * @param array $searchConfig * @access public * @return void */ public function setSearchParams($searchConfig) { $searchParams['module'] = $searchConfig['module']; $searchParams['searchFields'] = json_encode($searchConfig['fields']); $searchParams['fieldParams'] = json_encode($searchConfig['params']); $searchParams['actionURL'] = $searchConfig['actionURL']; $searchParams['style'] = zget($searchConfig, 'style', 'full'); $searchParams['queryID'] = isset($searchConfig['queryID']) ? $searchConfig['queryID'] : 0; /* remove onlybody for url*/ $onlybodyParam = $this->config->requestType == 'GET' ? '&onlybody=yes' : '?onlybody=yes'; $searchParams['actionURL'] = str_replace($onlybodyParam, '', $searchParams['actionURL']); $this->session->set('searchParams', $searchParams); }
/** * Index page. * @access public * @return void */ public function index() { $community = zget($this->config->global, 'community'); if (!$community or $community == 'na') { $this->view->bind = false; $this->view->account = false; $this->view->ignore = $community == 'na'; } else { $this->view->bind = true; $this->view->account = $community; $this->view->ignore = false; } $this->app->loadLang('misc'); $this->view->title = $this->lang->admin->common; $this->display(); }
/** * Edit the mail config. * * @access public * @return void */ public function edit() { if ($this->config->mail->turnon) { $mailConfig = $this->config->mail->smtp; $mailConfig->fromAddress = $this->config->mail->fromAddress; $mailConfig->fromName = $this->config->mail->fromName; $mailConfig->charset = zget($mailConfig, 'charset', 'utf-8'); } elseif ($this->session->mailConfig) { $mailConfig = $this->session->mailConfig; } else { $this->locate(inlink('detect')); } $this->view->title = $this->lang->mail->common . $this->lang->colon . $this->lang->mail->edit; $this->view->position[] = html::a(inlink('index'), $this->lang->mail->common); $this->view->position[] = $this->lang->mail->edit; $this->view->mailExist = $this->mail->mailExist(); $this->view->mailConfig = $mailConfig; $this->display(); }
/** * Get list. * * @param string $objectType * @param int $objectID * @access public * @return array */ public function getList($objectType, $objectID) { $addresses = $this->getByObject($objectType, $objectID); if ($objectType == 'contact') { $contact = $this->loadModel('contact')->getByID($objectID); if (isset($contact->customer)) { $addresses = array_merge($this->getByObject('customer', $contact->customer), $addresses); } } /* Join area and location to fullLocation. */ $areaList = $this->loadModel('tree')->getOptionMenu('area'); foreach ($addresses as $address) { $address->fullLocation = ''; if (isset($address->area)) { $address->fullLocation .= str_replace('/', ' ', zget($areaList, $address->area)); } $address->fullLocation .= ' ' . $address->location; } return $addresses; }
echo $todo->id; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $todo->date == '2030-01-01' ? $lang->todo->periods['future'] : $todo->date; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $lang->todo->typeList[$todo->type]; ?> </td> <td><span class='<?php echo 'pri' . zget($lang->todo->priList, $todo->pri, $todo->pri); ?> '><?php echo zget($lang->todo->priList, $todo->pri, $todo->pri); ?> </span></td> <td class='text-left'><?php echo html::a($this->createLink('todo', 'view', "id={$todo->id}&from=my", '', true), $todo->name, '', "data-toggle='modal' data-type='iframe' data-title='" . $lang->todo->view . "' data-icon='check'"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $todo->begin; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $todo->end; ?> </td> <td class='<?php
* @license ZPLV1.2 ( * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package order * @version $Id$ * @link */ include '../../common/view/header.modal.html.php'; ?> <table class='table table-form'> <tr> <th class='w-100px'><?php echo $lang->order->express; ?> </th> <td><?php echo zget($expressList, $order->express); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class='w-100px'><?php echo $lang->order->waybill; ?> </th> <td><?php echo $order->waybill; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class='w-100px'><?php
?> <ul class='nav navbar-nav' id='navbarSwitcher'> <li><a href='###'><i class='icon-chevron-sign-right icon-large'></i></a></li> </ul> <?php echo commonModel::createManagerMenu(); ?> </div> </nav> <div class="clearfix row-main"> <?php $moduleName = $this->moduleName; ?> <?php $menuGroup = zget($lang->menuGroups, $moduleName); ?> <?php if ($moduleName != 'ui' && $menuGroup != 'ui') { ?> <?php $moduleMenu = commonModel::createModuleMenu($this->moduleName); ?> <?php if ($moduleMenu or !empty($treeModuleMenu)) { ?> <div class='col-md-2'> <div class="leftmenu affix hiddden-xs hidden-sm"> <?php if ($moduleMenu) { echo $moduleMenu;
if ($action->appName == 'sys') { $action->appName = 'superadmin'; } ?> <?php if ($action->objectType == 'todo') { $action->appName = 'dashboard'; } ?> <tr class='text-center'> <td class='text-left'><?php echo $action->date; ?> </td> <td><?php echo zget($users, $action->actor, $action->actor); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $action->actionLabel; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $lang->action->objectTypes[$action->objectType]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $action->objectID; ?> </td> <td class='text-left'><?php
?> </th> <td> <?php echo html::input('key', zget($setting, 'key', ' '), "class='form-control'"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->site->yangcong->auth; ?> </th> <td> <?php echo html::input('auth', zget($setting, 'auth', ' '), "class='form-control'"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><?php echo html::submitButton(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> <?php include '../../common/view/footer.admin.html.php';
/** * Create a comapny, set admin. * * @access public * @return void */ public function grantPriv() { if ($this->post->password == '') { die(js::error($this->lang->install->errorEmptyPassword)); } /* Insert a company. */ $company = new stdclass(); $company->name = $this->post->company; $company->admins = ",{$this->post->account},"; $this->dao->insert(TABLE_COMPANY)->data($company)->autoCheck()->batchCheck('name', 'notempty')->exec(); if (!dao::isError()) { /* Set admin. */ $admin = new stdclass(); $admin->account = $this->post->account; $admin->realname = $this->post->account; $admin->password = md5($this->post->password); $admin->gender = ''; $this->dao->insert(TABLE_USER)->data($admin)->check('account', 'notempty')->exec(); /* Update group name and desc on dafault lang. */ $groups = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_GROUP)->orderBy('id')->fetchAll(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $data = zget($this->lang->install->groupList, $group->name, ''); if ($data) { $this->dao->update(TABLE_GROUP)->data($data)->where('id')->eq($group->id)->exec(); } } } }
<th><?php echo $lang->project->QD; ?> </th> <td><?php echo zget($users, $project->QD, $project->QD); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->project->RD; ?> </th> <td><?php echo zget($users, $project->RD, $project->RD); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->project->products; ?> </th> <td> <?php foreach ($products as $productID => $productName) { echo html::a($this->createLink('product', 'browse', "productID={$productID}"), $productName) . '<br />'; } ?> </td>
/** * User login, identify him and authorize him. * * @access public * @return void */ public function login($referer = '', $from = '') { $this->setReferer($referer); $loginLink = $this->createLink('user', 'login'); $denyLink = $this->createLink('user', 'deny'); /* Reload lang by lang of get when viewType is json. */ if ($this->app->getViewType() == 'json' and $this->get->lang and $this->get->lang != $this->app->getClientLang()) { $this->app->setClientLang($this->get->lang); $this->app->loadLang('user'); } /* If user is logon, back to the rerferer. */ if ($this->user->isLogon()) { if ($this->app->getViewType() == 'json') { $data = $this->user->getDataInJSON($this->app->user); die(helper::removeUTF8Bom(json_encode(array('status' => 'success') + $data))); } if (strpos($this->referer, $loginLink) === false and strpos($this->referer, $denyLink) === false and $this->referer) { die(js::locate($this->referer, 'parent')); } else { die(js::locate($this->createLink($this->config->default->module), 'parent')); } } /* Passed account and password by post or get. */ if (!empty($_POST) or isset($_GET['account']) and isset($_GET['password'])) { $account = ''; $password = ''; if ($this->post->account) { $account = $this->post->account; } if ($this->get->account) { $account = $this->get->account; } if ($this->post->password) { $password = $this->post->password; } if ($this->get->password) { $password = $this->get->password; } if ($this->user->checkLocked($account)) { $failReason = sprintf($this->lang->user->loginLocked, $this->config->user->lockMinutes); if ($this->app->getViewType() == 'json') { die(helper::removeUTF8Bom(json_encode(array('status' => 'failed', 'reason' => $failReason)))); } die(js::error($failReason)); } $user = $this->user->identify($account, $password); if ($user) { $this->user->cleanLocked($account); /* Authorize him and save to session. */ $user->rights = $this->user->authorize($account); $user->groups = $this->user->getGroups($account); $this->session->set('user', $user); $this->app->user = $this->session->user; $this->loadModel('action')->create('user', $user->id, 'login'); /* Keep login. */ if ($this->post->keepLogin) { $this->user->keepLogin($user); } /* Check password. */ if (isset($this->config->safe->mode) and $this->user->computePasswordStrength($password) < $this->config->safe->mode) { echo js::alert($this->lang->user->weakPassword); } /* Go to the referer. */ if ($this->post->referer and strpos($this->post->referer, $loginLink) === false and strpos($this->post->referer, $denyLink) === false) { if ($this->app->getViewType() == 'json') { $data = $this->user->getDataInJSON($user); die(helper::removeUTF8Bom(json_encode(array('status' => 'success') + $data))); } /* Get the module and method of the referer. */ if ($this->config->requestType == 'PATH_INFO') { $path = substr($this->post->referer, strrpos($this->post->referer, '/') + 1); $path = rtrim($path, '.html'); if (empty($path)) { $path = $this->config->requestFix; } list($module, $method) = explode($this->config->requestFix, $path); } else { $url = html_entity_decode($this->post->referer); $param = substr($url, strrpos($url, '?') + 1); list($module, $method) = explode('&', $param); $module = str_replace('m=', '', $module); $method = str_replace('f=', '', $method); } if (common::hasPriv($module, $method)) { die(js::locate($this->post->referer, 'parent')); } else { die(js::locate($this->createLink($this->config->default->module), 'parent')); } } else { if ($this->app->getViewType() == 'json') { $data = $this->user->getDataInJSON($user); die(helper::removeUTF8Bom(json_encode(array('status' => 'success') + $data))); } die(js::locate($this->createLink($this->config->default->module), 'parent')); } } else { $fails = $this->user->failPlus($account); if ($this->app->getViewType() == 'json') { die(helper::removeUTF8Bom(json_encode(array('status' => 'failed', 'reason' => $this->lang->user->loginFailed)))); } $remainTimes = $this->config->user->failTimes - $fails; if ($remainTimes <= 0) { die(js::error(sprintf($this->lang->user->loginLocked, $this->config->user->lockMinutes))); } else { if ($remainTimes <= 3) { die(js::error(sprintf($this->lang->user->lockWarning, $remainTimes))); } } die(js::error($this->lang->user->loginFailed)); } } else { if (!empty($this->config->global->showDemoUsers)) { $demoUsers = $this->user->getPairs('nodeleted, noletter, noempty, noclosed'); $this->view->demoUsers = $demoUsers; } $this->app->loadLang('misc'); $this->view->noGDLib = sprintf($this->lang->misc->noGDLib, common::getSysURL() . $this->config->webRoot); $this->view->title = $this->lang->user->login; $this->view->referer = $this->referer; $this->view->s = zget($this->config->global, 'sn'); $this->view->keepLogin = $this->cookie->keepLogin ? $this->cookie->keepLogin : '******'; $this->display(); } }
</h5> <div class='chart-canvas'><canvas id='chart-<?php echo $chartType; ?> ' width='<?php echo $chartOption->width; ?> ' height='<?php echo $chartOption->height; ?> ' data-responsive='true'></canvas></div> </div> </td> <td style='width: 320px'> <?php $height = zget($lang->bug->report->{$chartType}, 'height', $lang->bug->report->options->height) . 'px'; ?> <div style="overflow:auto" class='table-wrapper'> <table class='table table-condensed table-hover table-striped table-bordered table-chart' data-chart='<?php echo $chartOption->type; ?> ' data-target='#chart-<?php echo $chartType; ?> ' data-animation='false'> <thead> <tr> <th class='chart-label' colspan='2'><?php echo $lang->report->item; ?> </th>
</div> <div class='panel-body'> <form method='post' id='ajaxForm' class='form-inline'> <table class='table table-form'> <?php foreach ($lang->guarder->operationList->{$type} as $item => $operation) { ?> <tr> <th class='text-middle text-center w-100px'><?php echo $operation; ?> </th> <td> <div class='input-group'> <?php echo html::input("interval[{$item}]", zget($this->config->guarder->interval->{$type}, $item), "class='form-control'"); ?> <span class='input-group-addon'><?php echo $lang->guarder->interval; echo $lang->guarder->exceed; ?> </span> <?php echo html::input("limits[interval][{$item}]", $this->config->guarder->limits->{$type}->interval->{$item}, "class='form-control'"); ?> <span class='input-group-addon'><?php echo $lang->guarder->times . $lang->guarder->then . $lang->guarder->disable; ?> </span> <?php echo html::select("punishment[interval][{$item}]", $lang->guarder->punishOptions, $this->config->guarder->punishment->{$type}->interval->{$item}, "class='form-control'");
/** * Get results by runID or caseID * * @param int $runID * @param int $caseID * @access public * @return array */ public function getResults($runID, $caseID = 0) { if ($caseID > 0) { $results = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_TESTRESULT)->where('`case`')->eq($caseID)->orderBy('id desc')->fetchAll('id'); } else { $results = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_TESTRESULT)->where('run')->eq($runID)->orderBy('id desc')->fetchAll('id'); } if (!$results) { return array(); } $relatedVersions = array(); $runIdList = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $runIdList[$result->run] = $result->run; $relatedVersions[] = $result->version; $runCaseID = $result->case; } $relatedVersions = array_unique($relatedVersions); $relatedSteps = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_CASESTEP)->where('`case`')->eq($runCaseID)->andWhere('version')->in($relatedVersions)->fetchAll(); $runs = $this->dao->select(',')->from(TABLE_TESTRUN)->alias('t1')->leftJoin(TABLE_TESTTASK)->alias('t2')->on('')->where('')->in($runIdList)->fetchPairs(); foreach ($results as $resultID => $result) { $result->stepResults = unserialize($result->stepResults); $result->build = $result->run ? zget($runs, $result->run, 0) : 0; $results[$resultID] = $result; foreach ($relatedSteps as $key => $step) { if ($result->version == $step->version) { $result->stepResults[$step->id]['desc'] = $step->desc; $result->stepResults[$step->id]['expect'] = $step->expect; } } } return $results; }
/** * Get roles for some users. * * @param string $users * @access public * @return array */ public function getUserRoles($users) { $users = $this->dao->select('account, role')->from(TABLE_USER)->where('account')->in($users)->fetchPairs(); if (!$users) { return array(); } foreach ($users as $account => $role) { $users[$account] = zget($this->lang->user->roleList, $role, $role); } return $users; }
/** * Get pie chart data of one type. * * @param string $type * @param int $begin * @param int $end * @access public * @return array */ public function getPieByType($type, $begin, $end, $groupBy = 'item') { $charts = array(); $reports = $this->dao->select('*, sum(ip) as ip, sum(pv) as pv, sum(uv) as uv')->from(TABLE_STATREPORT)->where('type')->eq($type)->andWhere('timeType')->eq('day')->beginIf($begin != '')->andWhere('timeValue')->ge($begin)->fi()->beginIf($end != '')->andWhere('timeValue')->le($end)->fi()->groupBy($groupBy)->fetchAll($groupBy); $colors = $this->config->stat->chartColors; $this->loadModel('log'); $i = 0; foreach ($reports as $item => $report) { $color[$item] = isset($color[$item]) ? $color[$item] : $colors[$i]; $i++; $pv = new stdclass(); $pv->value = $report->pv; $pv->color = $color[$item]; $pv->label = zget($this->lang->stat->itemList, $item); $uv = new stdclass(); $uv->value = $report->uv; $uv->color = $color[$item]; $uv->label = zget($this->lang->stat->itemList, $item); $ip = new stdclass(); $ip->value = $report->ip; $ip->color = $color[$item]; $ip->label = zget($this->lang->stat->itemList, $item); $charts['pv'][] = $pv; $charts['uv'][] = $uv; $charts['ip'][] = $ip; } return $charts; }
</tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->task->closedReason; ?> </th> <td><?php echo $lang->task->reasonList[$task->closedReason]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->task->lastEdited; ?> </th> <td><?php if ($task->lastEditedBy) { echo zget($users, $task->lastEditedBy, $task->lastEditedBy) . $lang->at . $task->lastEditedDate; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> </div> </div> </div> <?php include '../../common/view/syntaxhighlighter.html.php'; include '../../common/view/footer.html.php';
/** * Login. * * @param string $referer * @access public * @return void */ public function login($referer = '') { $this->setReferer($referer); /* Load mail config for reset password. */ $this->app->loadConfig('mail'); $loginLink = $this->createLink('user', 'login'); $denyLink = $this->createLink('user', 'deny'); $regLink = $this->createLink('user', 'register'); /* If the user logon already, goto the pre page. */ if ($this->user->isLogon()) { if (helper::isAjaxRequest()) { if ($this->referer and strpos($loginLink . $denyLink . $regLink, $this->referer) === false and strpos($this->referer, $loginLink) === false) { $this->send(array('result' => 'success', 'locate' => $this->referer)); } $this->send(array('result' => 'success', 'locate' => $this->createLink($this->config->default->module))); } if ($this->referer and strpos($loginLink . $denyLink . $regLink, $this->referer) === false and strpos($this->referer, $loginLink) === false) { $this->locate($this->referer); } $this->locate($this->createLink($this->config->default->module)); exit; } /* If the user sumbit post, check the user and then authorize him. */ if (!empty($_POST)) { $user = $this->user->getByAccount($this->post->account); /* check client ip and location if login is admin. */ if (RUN_MODE == 'admin') { if (zget($this->config->site, 'forceYangcong') == 'open' and strtolower($this->app->getMethodName()) != 'yangconglogin') { $error = $this->lang->user->forceYangcong; $pass = $this->loadModel('guarder')->verify(); $captchaUrl = $this->createLink('guarder', 'validate', "url=&target=modal&account={$this->post->account}&type="); if (!$pass) { $this->send(array('result' => 'fail', 'reason' => 'captcha', 'message' => $error, 'url' => $captchaUrl)); } } $checkIP = $this->user->checkIP(); $checkAllowedLocation = $this->user->checkAllowedLocation(); $checkLoginLocation = $this->user->checkLoginLocation($this->post->account); if ($user and (!$checkIP or !$checkAllowedLocation or !$checkLoginLocation)) { $error = $checkIP ? '' : $this->lang->user->ipDenied; $error .= $checkAllowedLocation ? '' : $this->lang->user->locationDenied; $error .= $checkLoginLocation ? '' : $this->lang->user->loginLocationChanged; $pass = $this->loadModel('guarder')->verify(); $captchaUrl = $this->createLink('guarder', 'validate', "url=&target=modal&account={$this->post->account}"); if (!$pass) { $this->send(array('result' => 'fail', 'reason' => 'captcha', 'message' => $error, 'url' => $captchaUrl)); } } } if (!$this->user->login($this->post->account, $this->post->password)) { $this->loadModel('guarder')->logOperation('ip', 'logonFailure'); $this->loadModel('guarder')->logOperation('account', 'logonFailure', $this->post->account); $this->send(array('result' => 'fail', 'message' => $this->lang->user->loginFailed)); } if (RUN_MODE == 'front') { if (isset($this->config->site->checkEmail) and $this->config->site->checkEmail == 'open' and $this->config->mail->turnon and !$user->emailCertified) { $referer = helper::safe64Encode($this->post->referer); if (!helper::isAjaxRequest()) { helper::header301("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . inlink('checkEmail', "referer={$referer}")); } $this->send(array('result' => 'success', 'locate' => inlink('checkEmail', "referer={$referer}"))); } } /* Goto the referer or to the default module */ if ($this->post->referer != false and strpos($loginLink . $denyLink . $regLink, $this->post->referer) === false) { if (!helper::isAjaxRequest()) { helper::header301(urldecode($this->post->referer)); } $this->send(array('result' => 'success', 'locate' => urldecode($this->post->referer))); } else { $default = $this->config->user->default; if (!helper::isAjaxRequest()) { helper::header301("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->createLink($default->module, $default->method)); } $this->send(array('result' => 'success', 'locate' => $this->createLink($default->module, $default->method))); } } if (!$this->session->random) { $this->session->set('random', md5(time() . mt_rand())); } $this->view->title = $this->lang->user->login->common; $this->view->referer = $this->referer; if (RUN_MODE == 'front') { $this->view->mobileURL = helper::createLink('user', 'login', "referer={$referer}", '', 'mhtml'); $this->view->desktopURL = helper::createLink('user', 'login', "referer={$referer}", '', 'html'); } $this->display(); }
<input class='ml-10px' type='checkbox' name='unlinkBugs[]' value='<?php echo $bug->id; ?> '/> <?php } ?> <?php echo html::a($this->createLink('bug', 'view', "bugID={$bug->id}"), sprintf("%03d", $bug->id)); ?> </td> <td><span class='<?php echo 'pri' . zget($lang->bug->priList, $bug->pri, $bug->pri); ?> '><?php echo zget($lang->bug->priList, $bug->pri, $bug->pri); ?> </span></td> <td class='text-left nobr'><?php echo html::a($this->createLink('bug', 'view', "bugID={$bug->id}"), $bug->title); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $users[$bug->openedBy]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $users[$bug->assignedTo]; ?> </td> <td class='bug-<?php
/** * Get bug info from a result. * * @param int $resultID * @param int $caseID * @param int $version * @access public * @return array */ public function getBugInfoFromResult($resultID, $caseID = 0, $version = 0) { $title = ''; $bugSteps = ''; $steps = zget($_POST, 'stepIDList', array()); $result = $this->dao->findById($resultID)->from(TABLE_TESTRESULT)->fetch(); if ($caseID > 0) { $run = new stdclass(); $run->case = $this->loadModel('testcase')->getById($caseID, $result->version); } else { $run = $this->loadModel('testtask')->getRunById($result->run); } if ($result and $result->caseResult == 'fail') { $title = $run->case->title; $caseSteps = $run->case->steps; $stepResults = unserialize($result->stepResults); if ($run->case->precondition != '') { $bugSteps = "<p>[" . $this->lang->testcase->precondition . "]</p>" . "\n" . $run->case->precondition; } $bugSteps .= $this->lang->bug->tplStep; if (!empty($stepResults)) { $i = 0; foreach ($caseSteps as $key => $step) { if (!in_array($step->id, $steps)) { continue; } $i++; $bugSteps .= $i . '. ' . $step->desc . "<br />"; } $bugSteps .= $this->lang->bug->tplResult; $i = 0; foreach ($caseSteps as $key => $step) { if (!in_array($step->id, $steps)) { continue; } $i++; if (empty($stepResults[$step->id]['real'])) { continue; } $bugSteps .= $i . '. ' . $stepResults[$step->id]['real'] . "<br />"; } $bugSteps .= $this->lang->bug->tplExpect; $i = 0; foreach ($caseSteps as $key => $step) { if (!in_array($step->id, $steps)) { continue; } $i++; if (!$step->expect) { continue; } $bugSteps .= $i . '. ' . $step->expect . "<br />"; } } else { $bugSteps .= $this->lang->bug->tplResult; $bugSteps .= $this->lang->bug->tplExpect; } } return array('title' => $title, 'steps' => $bugSteps, 'storyID' => $run->case->story, 'moduleID' => $run->case->module, 'version' => $run->case->version); }
<label> <input type='checkbox' name='titleless' value='1' <?php if (zget($block, 'borderless') == 1) { echo 'checked'; } ?> /> <?php echo $this->lang->block->titleless; ?> <label> </td> <td class='w-100px'> <label> <input type='checkbox' name='borderless' value='1' <?php if (zget($block, 'borderless') == 1) { echo 'checked'; } ?> /> <?php echo $this->lang->block->borderless; ?> <label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td colspan='2'> <?php echo html::submitButton() . html::hidden('page', $layout->page) . html::hidden('region', $layout->region) . html::hidden('block', $block->id); ?>
echo $story->id; ?> ' /> <?php if ($canView) { echo html::a($viewLink, sprintf('%03d', $story->id)); } else { printf('%03d', $story->id); } ?> </td> <td><span class='<?php echo 'pri' . zget($lang->story->priList, $story->pri, $story->pri); ?> '><?php echo zget($lang->story->priList, $story->pri, $story->pri); ?> </span></td> <td class='text-left' title="<?php echo $story->title; ?> "><nobr><?php echo html::a($viewLink, $story->title); ?> </nobr></td> <td title="<?php echo $story->planTitle; ?> "><?php echo $story->planTitle; ?>
/** * Display express info. * * @param $order * @access public * @return string */ public function expressInfo($order = '') { $expressList = $this->loadModel('tree')->getPairs(0, 'express'); $expressInfo = zget($expressList, $order->express); return $expressInfo; }
<?php $appid = isset($_GET['entry']) ? "class='app-btn' data-id='{$this->get->entry}'" : ''; ?> <tr data-url='<?php echo $sso . $sign . 'referer=' . base64_encode($this->createLink('testcase', 'view', "caseID={$case->id}")); ?> ' <?php echo $appid; ?> > <td><?php echo $case->id; ?> </td> <td><?php echo zget($lang->case->priList, $case->pri, $case->pri); ?> </td> <td title='<?php echo $case->title; ?> '><?php echo $case->title; ?> </td> <td><?php if (!helper::isZeroDate($case->lastRunDate)) { echo date(DT_MONTHTIME1, strtotime($case->lastRunDate)); } ?> </td>
<td class='text-left'><?php if ($thread->replies) { echo substr($thread->repliedDate, 5, -3) . ' ' . $thread->repliedByRealname; } ?> </td> <?php if ($this->config->forum->postReview == 'open') { ?> <td> <span class="<?php echo $thread->status == 'approved' ? 'text-success' : 'text-warning'; ?> "> <?php echo zget($lang->thread->statusList, $thread->status); ?> </span> </td> <?php } ?> <td><?php if ($thread->status != 'wait') { echo $thread->hidden ? '<span class="text-warning"><i class="icon-eye-close"></i> ' . $lang->thread->displayList['hidden'] . '</span>' : '<span class="text-success"><i class="icon-ok-sign"></i> ' . $lang->thread->displayList['normal'] . '</span>'; } ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($this->config->forum->postReview == 'open' and $thread->status == 'wait') {
</div><?php /* end '.outer' in 'header.html.php'. */ ?> <script>setTreeBox()</script> <?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } ?> <div id='divider'></div> <iframe frameborder='0' name='hiddenwin' id='hiddenwin' scrolling='no' class='debugwin hidden'></iframe> <?php $onlybody = zget($_GET, 'onlybody', 'no'); if ($onlybody != 'yes') { ?> </div><?php /* end '#wrap' in 'header.html.php'. */ ?> <div id='footer'> <div id="crumbs"> <?php commonModel::printBreadMenu($this->moduleName, isset($position) ? $position : ''); ?> </div> <div id="poweredby"> <a href='' target='_blank' class='text-primary'><i class='icon-zentao'></i> <?php echo $lang->zentaoPMS . $config->version; ?> </a>