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1. 如何启动禅道:
  1.1 一定要将xampp目录放在某一个盘的根目录,比如c:\xampp, d:\xampp。
  1.2 进入xampp目录,双击start.bat脚本,启动禅道控制面板程序。
  1.3 通过禅道控制面板程序即可启动禅道运行环境,并访问。


2. 注意事项:

  2.1 不要改动xampp的目录名,否则程序运行会有问题。
  2.2 如果无法启动apache,检查端口号是否冲突。如果确认不是端口冲突且无法启动,请考虑安装vc运行环境:
  2.3 禅道系统默认的管理员帐号是admin,密码是123456。
  2.4 数据库默认的密码是root,密码为空。
  2.5 禅道的访问路径:http://localhost/zentao/ 其他机器访问将localhost换成ip地址。如果端口号不是80,还需要加上端口号。
  2.6 数据库管理请访问:http://localhost/phpmyadmin/。phpmyadmin只能在禅道机器上面访问。


Please read the flowing notes before you run zentao:

1. How to start zentao:

  1.1 Please make sure to put xmapp under the root of one driver, for example c:\xampp or d:\xampp.
  1.2 Enter the xampp directory and double click the start.bat to start the control panel of zentao.
  1.3 Click the 'Start' button to start zentao.

  If you can't start zentao by the control panel, cd xampp\service, double click the install.bat to install and start services
  for zentao manually.

2. Notice:

  2.1 Don't change the directory name of xampp.
  2.2 If zentao can't start, please check whether the ports of 80 and 3306 conflict with other webserver and database server.
      If you make sure no conflicts for apache and mysql, please consider to install the vc runtime.
  2.3 The default administrator for zentao is admin, password is 123456.
  2.4 The default administrator for database is root, password is empty.
  2.5 The url for zentao is: http://your ip address/zentao/, if not 80, add it.
  2.6 To manage database, visit http://localhost/phpmyadmin, which can only be visited from the localhost.

For more infomation, please visit: