Ejemplo n.º 1
 function widget($args, $instance)
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     $title = !empty($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '';
     if (is_singular('post') && has_tag()) {
         global $post;
         echo $before_widget;
         if (!empty($title)) {
             echo $before_title;
             echo $title;
             echo $after_title;
         echo '<div class="tagcloud">';
         $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
         foreach ($tags as $t => $tag) {
             echo '<a href="' . get_tag_link($tag->term_id) . '" title="' . $tag->count . ' topic">';
             echo $tag->name;
             echo '</a>';
         echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo $after_widget;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags and comments.
 function ultra_entry_footer()
     if (is_single() && has_category() && siteorigin_setting('blog_post_cats')) {
         echo '<span class="cat-links">' . get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'ultra')) . '</span>';
     if (is_single() && has_tag() && siteorigin_setting('blog_post_tags')) {
         echo '<span class="tags-links">' . get_the_tag_list('', __(', ', 'ultra')) . '</span>';
     if (siteorigin_setting('blog_edit_link')) {
         edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'ultra'), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>');
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $post;
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => ''));
     $title = $instance['title'];
     if (is_singular('post') && has_tag()) {
         echo $before_widget;
         if (!empty($title)) {
             echo $before_title;
             echo apply_filters('widget_title', esc_attr($title), $instance, $this->id_base);
             echo $after_title;
         echo '<div class="tagcloud">';
         $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
         foreach ($tags as $t => $tag) {
             $tag_url = get_tag_link($tag->term_id);
             if (is_wp_error($tag_url)) {
             echo '<a href="' . esc_url($tag_url) . '" title="' . absint($tag->count) . '">';
             echo esc_html($tag->name);
             echo '</a>';
         echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo $after_widget;
 function widget($args, $instance)
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => null));
     $title = esc_attr($instance['title']);
     if (is_singular('post') && has_tag()) {
         global $post;
         echo $before_widget;
         if (!empty($title)) {
             echo $before_title;
             echo apply_filters('widget_title', $title, $instance, $this->id_base);
             echo $after_title;
         echo '<div class="tagcloud">';
         $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
         foreach ($tags as $t => $tag) {
             echo '<a href="' . get_tag_link($tag->term_id) . '" title="' . $tag->count . ' topic">';
             echo $tag->name;
             echo '</a>';
         echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo $after_widget;
    function slider($queried_posts)
        global $post;
        <section class="l-clear js-flickity m-flickity" data-flickity-options='{ "cellAlign": "left", "contain": true, "prevNextButtons": false, "wrapAround": true, "autoPlay": true}'>

        foreach ($queried_posts as $post) {
            echo '<a class="gallery-cell m-prf ratio-4-3 overlay" href="' . get_the_permalink() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '">';
            if (function_exists('makeitSrcset') && has_post_thumbnail()) {
                makeitSrcset(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 83, 62, 39, 34, 28);
            echo '<h3 class="a-medium a-prf-text">' . get_the_title();
            echo '<br/>';
            echo '<span class="a-prf-text__span">';
            echo get_the_time('Y-m-d');
            if (has_tag()) {
                echo strip_tags(get_the_tag_list(' &#183; ', ' &#183; ', ''));
            echo '</span>';
            echo '</h3>';
            echo '</a>';

Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Display social links in footer and widgets
  * @package phg_gold
 function phg_gold_social_icons()
     if (has_nav_menu('social-menu')) {
         if (has_tag('location')) {
             if (has_tag('bacara')) {
                 $_menu_name = "Bacara Social Menu";
             } elseif (has_tag('balboa')) {
                 $_menu_name = "Balboa Social Menu";
             } elseif (has_tag('estancia')) {
                 $_menu_name = "Estancia Social Menu";
             } elseif (has_tag('koakea')) {
                 $_menu_name = "Koa Kea Social Menu";
             } elseif (has_tag('meritage')) {
                 $_menu_name = "Meritage Social Menu";
             } elseif (has_tag('pasea')) {
                 $_menu_name = "Pasea Social Menu";
             } else {
                 $_menu_name = "Social Menu";
             wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'social-menu', 'container' => 'nav', 'menu' => $_menu_name, 'container_id' => 'social', 'container_class' => 'social-icons', 'menu_id' => 'menu-social-items', 'menu_class' => 'social-menu', 'depth' => 1, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'link_before' => '<i class="social_icon fa"><span>', 'link_after' => '</span></i>'));
         } else {
             wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'social-menu', 'container' => 'nav', 'container_id' => 'social', 'container_class' => 'social-icons', 'menu_id' => 'menu-social-items', 'menu_class' => 'social-menu', 'depth' => 1, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'link_before' => '<i class="social_icon fa"><span>', 'link_after' => '</span></i>'));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Conditionally displays a field when used as a callback in the 'show_on_cb' field parameter
 * @param  CMB2_Field object $field Field object
 * @return bool                     True if metabox should show
function rayaparvaz_hide_if_no_cats($field)
    // Don't show this field if not in the cats category
    if (!has_tag('cats', $field->object_id)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function greybox_tags()
    $tags_array = has_tag();
    if (!empty($tags_array)) {
        printf(__('Tagged with: %s', 'greybox'), get_the_tag_list('', ', ', ''));
    } else {
        _e('This post has no tags.', 'greybox');
Ejemplo n.º 9
function solostream_featureclass()
    $featureclass = '';
    global $post;
    if (has_tag('full-image')) {
        $featureclass = ' class="full-width"';
    } else {
        $featureclass = '';
    return $featureclass;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Display partner links in footer and widgets
  * @package phg_gold
 function phg_gold_partner_icons()
     if (has_nav_menu('partner-menu')) {
         if (has_tag('bacara')) {
             $_menu_name = "Bacara Partners Menu";
         } else {
             $_menu_name = "Partners Menu";
         wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'partner-menu', 'container' => 'nav', 'menu' => $_menu_name, 'container_id' => 'partner', 'container_class' => 'partner-icons', 'menu_id' => 'menu-partner-items', 'menu_class' => 'partner-menu', 'depth' => 1, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'link_before' => '<i class="partner_icon page-item-' . $ID . '"><span>', 'link_after' => '</span></i>'));
Ejemplo n.º 11
function swp_yummly_button_html($array)
    // If we've already generated this button, just use our existing html
    if (isset($_GLOBALS['sw']['buttons'][$array['postID']]['yummly'])) {
        $array['resource']['yummly'] = $_GLOBALS['sw']['buttons'][$array['postID']]['yummly'];
        // If not, let's check if Yummly is activated and create the button HTML
    } elseif (isset($array['options']['newOrderOfIcons']['yummly']) && !isset($array['buttons']) || isset($array['buttons']) && isset($array['buttons']['yummly'])) {
        if (isset($array['options']['yummly_categories']) && $array['options']['yummly_categories'] != '' && in_category($array['options']['yummly_categories'], $array['postID']) || isset($array['options']['yummly_tags']) && $array['options']['yummly_tags'] != '' && has_tag($array['options']['yummly_tags'], $array['postID']) || (!isset($array['options']['yummly_tags']) && !isset($array['options']['yummly_categories']) || $array['options']['yummly_categories'] == '' && $array['options']['yummly_tags'] == '')) {
            $array['totes'] += $array['shares']['yummly'];
            // Let's create a title
            if (get_post_meta($array['postID'], 'nc_ogTitle', true)) {
                // If the user defined an social media title, let's use it.
                $title = urlencode(urldecode(get_post_meta($array['postID'], 'nc_ogTitle', true)));
            } else {
                // Otherwise we'll use the default post title
                $title = urlencode(urldecode(get_the_title()));
            if (get_post_meta($array['postID'], 'swp_open_graph_image_url')) {
                $image = urlencode(urldecode(get_post_meta($array['postID'], 'swp_open_graph_image_url', true)));
            } else {
                $image = urlencode(urldecode(get_post_meta($array['postID'], 'swp_open_thumbnail_url', true)));
            $array['resource']['yummly'] = '<div class="nc_tweetContainer swp_yummly" data-id="' . $array['count'] . '" data-network="yummly">';
            // $link = urlencode(urldecode(swp_process_url( $array['url'] , 'yummly' , $array['postID'] )));
            $link = $array['url'];
            $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<a target="_blank" href="http://www.yummly.com/urb/verify?url=' . $link . '&title=' . $title . '&image=' . $image . '&yumtype=button" data-link="http://www.yummly.com/urb/verify?url=' . $link . '&title=' . $title . '&image=' . $image . '&yumtype=button" class="nc_tweet">';
            if ($array['options']['totesEach'] && $array['shares']['totes'] >= $array['options']['minTotes'] && $array['shares']['yummly'] > 0) {
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<span class="iconFiller">';
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<span class="spaceManWilly">';
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<i class="sw sw-yummly"></i>';
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<span class="swp_share"> ' . __('Yum', 'social-warfare') . '</span>';
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '</span></span>';
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<span class="swp_count">' . swp_kilomega($array['shares']['yummly']) . '</span>';
            } else {
                $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '<span class="swp_count swp_hide"><span class="iconFiller"><span class="spaceManWilly"><i class="sw sw-yummly"></i><span class="swp_share"> ' . __('Yum', 'social-warfare') . '</span></span></span></span>';
            $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '</a>';
            $array['resource']['yummly'] .= '</div>';
            // Store these buttons so that we don't have to generate them for each set
            $_GLOBALS['sw']['buttons'][$array['postID']]['yummly'] = $array['resource']['yummly'];
    return $array;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function get_related_posts($args)
     global $post;
     $this->_post = $post;
     $args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = 1;
     $args['post__not_in'] = array($this->_post->ID);
     if ($args['method'] == 'tag') {
         if (has_tag()) {
             return $this->search_by_tag($args, $this->_post->ID);
     } elseif ($args['method'] == 'category') {
         return $this->search_by_category($args);
     } else {
         $search_term = get_the_title();
         $args['s'] = $search_term;
         $q = new WP_Query($args);
         if (count($q->posts) < $args['posts_per_page']) {
             $search_terms = explode(' ', $search_term);
             foreach ($search_terms as $search_term) {
                 $args['s'] = $search_term;
                 $r = new WP_Query($args);
                 if (count($r->posts) > 0) {
                     $q->posts = array_merge($q->posts, $r->posts);
                 if (count($q->posts) > $args['posts_per_page']) {
                     $c = count($q->posts);
                     for ($i = $args['posts_per_page']; $i <= $c; $i++) {
         if (count($q->posts) < 1) {
             if (has_tag()) {
                 return $this->search_by_tag($args, $this->_post->ID);
             } else {
                 return $this->search_by_category($args);
         return apply_filters('pf_related_posts_result', $q, $args);
  * pass-1: let converters to find money notations and add short codes
  * @Filter(tag="the_content")
 public function tagifyConvertedMoney($text)
     if (has_tag('acc_disable')) {
         return $text;
     // if the post was modified before the begin date set by plugin, pass.
     $options = get_option(self::DB_OPTION_KEY);
     if (is_array($options) && array_key_exists('begin_date', $options)) {
         $begin_date = $options['begin_date'];
         $modified_date = get_the_modified_date('Y-m-d');
         // we can asssume that the both date format are the same in Y-m-d
         if ($begin_date > $modified_date) {
             return $text;
     foreach ($this->_taggers as $tagger) {
         $text = $tagger->apply($text);
     return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Figure out the post meta that we want to use and inject them to our content.
 public static function meta_elements($post_id = '')
     if ('' == $post_id) {
         global $post;
         $post_id = $post->ID;
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     // Get the options from the db
     $metas = get_theme_mod('maera_entry_meta_config', 'post-format, date, author, comments');
     $date_format = get_theme_mod('date_meta_format', 1);
     $categories_list = has_category('', $post_id) ? get_the_category_list(__(', ', 'maera_bs'), '', $post_id) : false;
     $tag_list = has_tag('', $post_id) ? get_the_tag_list('', __(', ', 'maera_bs')) : false;
     // No need to proceed if the option is empty
     if (empty($metas)) {
     $content = '';
     // convert options from CSV to array
     $metas_array = explode(',', $metas);
     // clean up the array a bit... make sure there are no spaces that may mess things up
     $metas_array = array_map('trim', $metas_array);
     return $metas_array;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * Post meta for below the post.
function restful_post_meta_below()
    if (!has_category() && !has_tag()) {
        return false;

  <div class="entry__meta entry__meta--inline entry__meta--below">
    if (has_category()) {
      <div class="entry__meta-item">
        <i class="fa fa-folder"></i>
        the_category(', ');

    if (has_tag()) {
      <div class="entry__meta-item">
        <i class="fa fa-tags"></i>

Ejemplo n.º 16
function keywords()
    if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
        echo of_get_option('site_keywords');
    } elseif (is_category()) {
    } elseif (is_single()) {
        echo trim(wp_title('', FALSE)) . ',';
        if (has_tag()) {
            foreach (get_the_tags() as $tag) {
                echo $tag->name . ',';
        foreach (get_the_category() as $category) {
            echo $category->cat_name . ',';
    } elseif (is_search()) {
    } else {
        echo trim(wp_title('', FALSE));
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Check if this rule passes (conditional matches expected value)
  * @param string $condition
  * @param string $value
  * @param boolean $qualifier
  * @return bool
 protected function match_rule($condition, $value, $qualifier = true)
     $matched = false;
     // cast value to array & trim whitespace or excess comma's
     $value = array_map('trim', explode(',', rtrim(trim($value), ',')));
     switch ($condition) {
         case 'everywhere':
             $matched = true;
         case 'is_url':
             $matched = $this->match_patterns($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $value);
         case 'is_referer':
             if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                 $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
                 $matched = $this->match_patterns($referer, $value);
         case 'is_post_type':
             $post_type = (string) get_post_type();
             $matched = in_array($post_type, (array) $value);
         case 'is_single':
         case 'is_post':
             // convert to empty string if array with just empty string in it
             $value = $value === array('') ? '' : $value;
             $matched = is_single($value);
         case 'is_post_in_category':
             $matched = is_singular('post') && has_category($value);
         case 'is_page':
             $matched = is_page($value);
         case 'is_post_with_tag':
             $matched = is_singular('post') && has_tag($value);
      * Filters whether a given box rule matches the condition and expected value.
      * The dynamic portion of the hook, `$condition`, refers to the condition being matched.
      * @param boolean $matched
      * @param array $value
     $matched = apply_filters('boxzilla_box_rule_matches_' . $condition, $matched, $value);
     // if qualifier is set to false, we need to reverse this value here.
     if (!$qualifier) {
         $matched = !$matched;
     return $matched;
Ejemplo n.º 18
     <div class="col-md-6 small-screen-center">
         <div class="post-extras">
 if (has_category() && oxy_get_option('blog_categories') === 'on') {
                 <span class="post-category">
                     <i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i>
     the_category(', ');
 if (has_tag() && oxy_get_option('blog_tags') === 'on') {
                 <span class="post-tags">
                     <i class="fa fa-tags"></i>
     the_tags($before = '', $sep = ', ', $after = '');
 if (comments_open() && !post_password_required() && oxy_get_option('blog_comment_count') === 'on') {
                 <span class="post-link">
                     <i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function hook_the_content($content)
     global $post, $cache_stop;
     if ($this->lock_found || !is_singular() || is_user_logged_in()) {
         return $content;
     if (!empty($this->options['lock_ids'])) {
         $ids = explode(',', $this->options['lock_ids']);
     if (!empty($ids) && (has_tag($ids) || in_category($ids) || in_array($post->post_name, $ids))) {
         $cache_stop = true;
         $user = $this->check_user();
         if ($user == null || $user->status != 'C') {
             $buffer = $this->replace($this->options['lock_message']);
             return '<div class="newsletter-lock">' . do_shortcode($buffer) . '</div>';
     return $content;
    <div class="list">
    <div class="list_img"><a href="<?php 
" target="_top"><?php 
        $title = get_the_title();
        the_post_thumbnail(array(100, 100), array('alt' => $title, 'title' => $title));
    <div class="list_name">
    <div class="o_icon"><?php 
        if (has_tag('スタッフ')) {
    <img src="/img/staff_osusume_icon.gif" width="122" height="17" alt="スタッフおすすめ">
        echo post_custom('copy');
	<a href="<?php 
" target="_top"><?php 
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function get_source_and_via()
     if (!$this->is_single) {
     $buffy = '';
     //via and source
     if (!empty($this->td_post_theme_settings['td_source']) or !empty($this->td_post_theme_settings['td_via'])) {
         $via_url = '#';
         $source_url = '#';
         // used to check is post have tags to align the source and via container
         $td_no_tags = '';
         if (!has_tag()) {
             $td_no_tags = 'td-no-tags';
         if (!empty($this->td_post_theme_settings['td_via_url'])) {
             $via_url = $this->td_post_theme_settings['td_via_url'];
         if (!empty($this->td_post_theme_settings['td_source_url'])) {
             $source_url = $this->td_post_theme_settings['td_source_url'];
         $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-source-via ' . $td_no_tags . '">';
         if (!empty($this->td_post_theme_settings['td_via'])) {
             $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-small-box"><span>' . __td('VIA', TD_THEME_NAME) . '</span><a rel="nofollow" href="' . esc_url($via_url) . '">' . $this->td_post_theme_settings['td_via'] . '</a></div>';
         if (!empty($this->td_post_theme_settings['td_source'])) {
             $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-small-box"><span>' . __td('SOURCE', TD_THEME_NAME) . '</span><a rel="nofollow" href="' . esc_url($source_url) . '">' . $this->td_post_theme_settings['td_source'] . '</a></div>';
         $buffy .= '</div>';
     return $buffy;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Handles Page Level Access *(for specific Pages)*.
  * @package s2Member\Pages
  * @since 3.5
  * @param int|str $page_id Numeric Page ID.
  * @param bool $check_user Test permissions against the current User? Defaults to true.
  * @return null|array Non-empty array (with details) if access is denied, else null if access is allowed.
  * @todo Provide more information in the return array (like MOP Vars).
 public static function check_specific_page_level_access($page_id = FALSE, $check_user = TRUE)
     do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_before_check_specific_page_level_access", get_defined_vars());
     $excluded = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access_excluded", false, get_defined_vars());
     if (!$excluded && is_numeric($page_id) && ($page_id = (int) $page_id) && $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
         $page_uri = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_urls::parse_uri(get_page_link($page_id));
         // Get a full valid URI for this Page now.
         if (!c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics_sp::is_wp_systematic_use_specific_page($page_id, $page_uri)) {
             $user = is_user_logged_in() && is_object($user = wp_get_current_user()) && !empty($user->ID) ? $user : false;
             // Current User's object.
             if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_welcome_page"] && $page_id === (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_welcome_page"] && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level0")) && $page_id !== (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
                 return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => 0), get_defined_vars());
             } else {
                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_redirection_override"] && ($login_redirection_uri = c_ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirects::login_redirection_uri($user, "root-returns-false")) && preg_match("/^" . preg_quote($login_redirection_uri, "/") . "\$/", $page_uri) && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level0")) && $page_id !== (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
                     return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => 0), get_defined_vars());
                 } else {
                     if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["file_download_limit_exceeded_page"] && $page_id === (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["file_download_limit_exceeded_page"] && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level0")) && $page_id !== (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
                         return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => 0), get_defined_vars());
                     } else {
                         if (!c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics_sp::is_systematic_use_specific_page($page_id, $page_uri)) {
                             for ($n = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["levels"]; $n >= 0; $n--) {
                                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_pages"] === "all" && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                     return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => $n), get_defined_vars());
                                 } else {
                                     if (strpos($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_posts"], "all-") !== false && (in_array("all-page", preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_posts"])) || in_array("all-pages", preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_posts"]))) && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                         return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => $n), get_defined_vars());
                                     } else {
                                         if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_pages"] && in_array($page_id, preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_pages"])) && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                             return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => $n), get_defined_vars());
                             if (has_tag("", $page_id)) {
                                 for ($n = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["levels"]; $n >= 0; $n--) {
                                     if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ptags"] === "all" && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                         return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => $n), get_defined_vars());
                                     } else {
                                         if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ptags"] && has_tag(preg_split("/[\r\n\t;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ptags"]), $page_id) && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                             return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => $n), get_defined_vars());
                             for ($n = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["levels"]; $n >= 0; $n--) {
                                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ruris"]) {
                                     // URIs configured at this Level?
                                     foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n\t]+/", c_ws_plugin__s2member_ruris::fill_ruri_level_access_rc_vars($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ruris"], $user)) as $str) {
                                         if ($str && preg_match("/" . preg_quote($str, "/") . "/", $page_uri) && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                             return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_level_req" => $n), get_defined_vars());
                             if (is_array($ccaps_req = get_post_meta($page_id, "s2member_ccaps_req", true)) && !empty($ccaps_req)) {
                                 foreach ($ccaps_req as $ccap) {
                                     // The ``$user`` MUST satisfy ALL Custom Capabilities.
                                     if (strlen($ccap) && (!$check_user || !$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_ccap_" . $ccap))) {
                                         return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_ccap_req" => $ccap), get_defined_vars());
                             if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["specific_ids"] && in_array($page_id, preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["specific_ids"])) && (!$check_user || !c_ws_plugin__s2member_sp_access::sp_access($page_id, "read-only"))) {
                                 return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", array("s2member_sp_req" => $page_id), get_defined_vars());
             do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_during_check_specific_page_level_access", get_defined_vars());
     return apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_specific_page_level_access", null, get_defined_vars());
  * Determine whether the widget should be displayed based on conditions set by the user.
  * @param array $instance The widget settings.
  * @return array Settings to display or bool false to hide.
 public static function filter_widget($instance)
     global $wp_query;
     if (empty($instance['conditions']) || empty($instance['conditions']['rules'])) {
         return $instance;
     // Store the results of all in-page condition lookups so that multiple widgets with
     // the same visibility conditions don't result in duplicate DB queries.
     static $condition_result_cache = array();
     $condition_result = false;
     foreach ($instance['conditions']['rules'] as $rule) {
         $condition_key = self::generate_condition_key($rule);
         if (isset($condition_result_cache[$condition_key])) {
             $condition_result = $condition_result_cache[$condition_key];
         } else {
             switch ($rule['major']) {
                 case 'date':
                     switch ($rule['minor']) {
                         case '':
                             $condition_result = is_date();
                         case 'month':
                             $condition_result = is_month();
                         case 'day':
                             $condition_result = is_day();
                         case 'year':
                             $condition_result = is_year();
                 case 'page':
                     // Previously hardcoded post type options.
                     if ('post' == $rule['minor']) {
                         $rule['minor'] = 'post_type-post';
                     } else {
                         if (!$rule['minor']) {
                             $rule['minor'] = 'post_type-page';
                     switch ($rule['minor']) {
                         case '404':
                             $condition_result = is_404();
                         case 'search':
                             $condition_result = is_search();
                         case 'archive':
                             $condition_result = is_archive();
                         case 'posts':
                             $condition_result = $wp_query->is_posts_page;
                         case 'home':
                             $condition_result = is_home();
                         case 'front':
                             if (current_theme_supports('infinite-scroll')) {
                                 $condition_result = is_front_page();
                             } else {
                                 $condition_result = is_front_page() && !is_paged();
                             if (substr($rule['minor'], 0, 10) == 'post_type-') {
                                 $condition_result = is_singular(substr($rule['minor'], 10));
                             } elseif ($rule['minor'] == get_option('page_for_posts')) {
                                 // If $rule['minor'] is a page ID which is also the posts page
                                 $condition_result = $wp_query->is_posts_page;
                             } else {
                                 // $rule['minor'] is a page ID
                                 $condition_result = is_page($rule['minor']);
                                 // Check if $rule['minor'] is parent of page ID
                                 if (!$condition_result && isset($rule['has_children']) && $rule['has_children']) {
                                     $condition_result = wp_get_post_parent_id(get_the_ID()) == $rule['minor'];
                 case 'tag':
                     if (!$rule['minor'] && is_tag()) {
                         $condition_result = true;
                     } else {
                         $rule['minor'] = self::maybe_get_split_term($rule['minor'], $rule['major']);
                         if (is_singular() && $rule['minor'] && has_tag($rule['minor'])) {
                             $condition_result = true;
                         } else {
                             $tag = get_tag($rule['minor']);
                             if ($tag && !is_wp_error($tag) && is_tag($tag->slug)) {
                                 $condition_result = true;
                 case 'category':
                     if (!$rule['minor'] && is_category()) {
                         $condition_result = true;
                     } else {
                         $rule['minor'] = self::maybe_get_split_term($rule['minor'], $rule['major']);
                         if (is_category($rule['minor'])) {
                             $condition_result = true;
                         } else {
                             if (is_singular() && $rule['minor'] && in_array('category', get_post_taxonomies()) && has_category($rule['minor'])) {
                                 $condition_result = true;
                 case 'loggedin':
                     $condition_result = is_user_logged_in();
                     if ('loggedin' !== $rule['minor']) {
                         $condition_result = !$condition_result;
                 case 'author':
                     $post = get_post();
                     if (!$rule['minor'] && is_author()) {
                         $condition_result = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($rule['minor'] && is_author($rule['minor'])) {
                             $condition_result = true;
                         } else {
                             if (is_singular() && $rule['minor'] && $rule['minor'] == $post->post_author) {
                                 $condition_result = true;
                 case 'role':
                     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                         $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
                         $user_roles = $current_user->roles;
                         if (in_array($rule['minor'], $user_roles)) {
                             $condition_result = true;
                         } else {
                             $condition_result = false;
                     } else {
                         $condition_result = false;
                 case 'taxonomy':
                     $term = explode('_tax_', $rule['minor']);
                     // $term[0] = taxonomy name; $term[1] = term id
                     if (isset($term[0]) && isset($term[1])) {
                         $term[1] = self::maybe_get_split_term($term[1], $term[0]);
                     if (isset($term[1]) && is_tax($term[0], $term[1])) {
                         $condition_result = true;
                     } else {
                         if (isset($term[1]) && is_singular() && $term[1] && has_term($term[1], $term[0])) {
                             $condition_result = true;
                         } else {
                             if (is_singular() && ($post_id = get_the_ID())) {
                                 $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, $rule['minor']);
                                 // Does post have terms in taxonomy?
                                 if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
                                     $condition_result = true;
             if ($condition_result || self::$passed_template_redirect) {
                 // Some of the conditions will return false when checked before the template_redirect
                 // action has been called, like is_page(). Only store positive lookup results, which
                 // won't be false positives, before template_redirect, and everything after.
                 $condition_result_cache[$condition_key] = $condition_result;
         if ($condition_result) {
     if ('show' == $instance['conditions']['action'] && !$condition_result || 'hide' == $instance['conditions']['action'] && $condition_result) {
         return false;
     return $instance;
        $tg_blog_display_tags = kirki_get_option('tg_blog_display_tags');
        if (has_tag() && !empty($tg_blog_display_tags)) {
			    <div class="post_excerpt post_tag">
			    	<i class="fa fa-tags"></i>
            the_tags('', '', '<br />');
			    <br class="clear"/><br/>
			<hr/><br class="clear"/>
							<p>The WPCandy Quarterly intentionally shirks the often fast-paced nature of open source tech news and instead focuses on quality essays and beautiful print design.</p>
							<p>Each issue brings together a handful of essays from prominent members of the WordPress community.</p>
						</div><!-- #quarterly-intro -->

						<div id="issues">

if (have_posts()) {

    /* Start the Loop */
    while (have_posts()) {
        if (has_tag('not-issue')) {
        } else {
											<a href="<?php 
											<p><a href="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Handles Page Level Access permissions *(for current Page)*.
  * @package s2Member\Pages
  * @since 3.5
  * @return null Or exits script execution after redirection.
 public static function check_page_level_access()
     global $post;
     // ``get_the_ID()`` unavailable outside The Loop.
     do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_before_check_page_level_access", get_defined_vars());
     $excluded = apply_filters("ws_plugin__s2member_check_page_level_access_excluded", false, get_defined_vars());
     if (!$excluded && is_page() && is_object($post) && !empty($post->ID) && ($page_id = (int) $post->ID) && $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
         if (!c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_wp_systematic_use_page()) {
             $user = is_user_logged_in() && is_object($user = wp_get_current_user()) && !empty($user->ID) ? $user : false;
             // Current User's object.
             if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_welcome_page"] && $page_id === (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_welcome_page"] && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level0")) && $page_id !== (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
                 c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", 0, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "sys") . exit;
             } else {
                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["login_redirection_override"] && ($login_redirection_uri = c_ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirects::login_redirection_uri($user, "root-returns-false")) && preg_match("/^" . preg_quote($login_redirection_uri, "/") . "\$/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level0")) && $page_id !== (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
                     c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", 0, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "sys") . exit;
                 } else {
                     if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["file_download_limit_exceeded_page"] && $page_id === (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["file_download_limit_exceeded_page"] && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level0")) && $page_id !== (int) $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["membership_options_page"]) {
                         c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", 0, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "sys") . exit;
                     } else {
                         if (!c_ws_plugin__s2member_systematics::is_systematic_use_page()) {
                             for ($n = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["levels"]; $n >= 0; $n--) {
                                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_pages"] === "all" && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                     c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", $n, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . exit;
                                 } else {
                                     if (strpos($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_posts"], "all-") && (in_array("all-page", preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_posts"])) || in_array("all-pages", preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_posts"]))) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                         c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", $n, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "post") . exit;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_pages"] && in_array($page_id, preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_pages"])) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                             c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", $n, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . exit;
                             if (has_tag()) {
                                 for ($n = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["levels"]; $n >= 0; $n--) {
                                     if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ptags"] === "all" && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                         c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", $n, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "ptag") . exit;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ptags"] && has_tag(preg_split("/[\r\n\t;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ptags"])) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                             c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", $n, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "ptag") . exit;
                             for ($n = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["levels"]; $n >= 0; $n--) {
                                 if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ruris"]) {
                                     // URIs configured at this Level?
                                     foreach (preg_split("/[\r\n\t]+/", c_ws_plugin__s2member_ruris::fill_ruri_level_access_rc_vars($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["level" . $n . "_ruris"], $user)) as $str) {
                                         if ($str && preg_match("/" . preg_quote($str, "/") . "/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_level" . $n))) {
                                             c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "level", $n, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "ruri") . exit;
                             if (is_array($ccaps_req = get_post_meta($page_id, "s2member_ccaps_req", true)) && !empty($ccaps_req) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true)) {
                                 foreach ($ccaps_req as $ccap) {
                                     // The ``$user`` MUST satisfy ALL Custom Capability requirements. Stored as an array of Custom Capabilities.
                                     if (strlen($ccap) && (!$user || !$user->has_cap("access_s2member_ccap_" . $ccap))) {
                                         c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "ccap", $ccap, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "ccap") . exit;
                             if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["specific_ids"] && in_array($page_id, preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["specific_ids"])) && c_ws_plugin__s2member_no_cache::no_cache_constants(true) && !c_ws_plugin__s2member_sp_access::sp_access($page_id)) {
                                 c_ws_plugin__s2member_mo_page::wp_redirect_w_mop_vars("page", $page_id, "sp", $page_id, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "sp") . exit;
             do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_during_check_page_level_access", get_defined_vars());
     do_action("ws_plugin__s2member_after_check_page_level_access", get_defined_vars());
     // For uniformity.
Ejemplo n.º 27
    function sf_portfolio_details($extra_class = "")
        global $post;
        $item_categories = get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'portfolio-category', '<li>', '</li><li>', '</li>');
        $item_sidebar_content = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_item_sidebar_content', true);
        $item_link = sf_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sf_portfolio_external_link', true);
			<div class="portfolio-details-wrap <?php 
        echo $extra_class;
        if ($item_sidebar_content != "") {
				<div class="sidebar-content">
            echo do_shortcode($item_sidebar_content);
				<div class="date updated">
        echo get_the_date();
        if ($item_link) {
				<a class="item-link" href="<?php 
            echo $item_link;
" target="_blank"><i class="ss-link"></i><?php 
            _e("View Project", "swiftframework");
        if ($item_categories != "") {
				<ul class="portfolio-categories">
            echo $item_categories;
        if (has_tag()) {
				<div class="tags-link-wrap clearfix">
					<div class="tags-wrap"><?php 
            _e("Tags:", "swiftframework");
<span class="tags"><?php 
Ejemplo n.º 28
if (is_single()) {
    //on the single post page display the content
    the_content('<span class="continue-reading">' . __("Read More", NECTAR_THEME_NAME) . '</span>');
$options = get_option('salient');
if ($options['display_tags'] == true) {
    if (is_single() && has_tag()) {
        echo '<div class="post-tags"><h4>Tags: </h4>';
        the_tags('', '', '');
        echo '<div class="clear"></div></div> ';
Ejemplo n.º 29
  	By <a class="author" href="<?php 
echo get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'));
  		</a> on <?php 
echo get_the_date('F jS, Y');
if (has_tag()) {
  	-  <?php 
	| <a href="<?php 
comments_number('0 comments', '1 comment', '% responses');
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static function is_chosen_page()
     $where = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
     global $wp_query;
     $postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
     $custom_field_exists = get_post_meta($postid, 'SupersizedDir', true);
     // gets custom field outside of the loop
     if ($custom_field_exists && $custom_field_exists != '' && (is_single() || is_page())) {
         // use Supersized if the custom field SupersizedDir exists (only for pages or posts)
         return true;
     // This will then override other options
     if ($where['show_on_page']['everywhere']) {
         return true;
     if ($where['show_in_page_id']['0'] !== '') {
         foreach ($where['show_in_page_id'] as $pageid) {
             if (is_page($pageid)) {
                 return true;
     if ($where['show_in_template']) {
         $condition = false;
         foreach ($where['show_in_template'] as $template_is_set) {
             if ($template_is_set) {
                 $condition = true;
         if ($condition) {
             $templates_array = $where['templates_list'];
             foreach ($templates_array as $template_name => $template_filename) {
                 if (is_page_template($template_filename) && $where['show_in_template'][$template_name]) {
                     return true;
     if ($where['show_in_post_id'][0] !== '') {
         foreach ($where['show_in_post_id'] as $postid) {
             if (is_single($postid)) {
                 return true;
     if ($where['show_in_category_id'][0] !== '') {
         if ((in_category($where['show_in_category_id']) || self::post_is_in_descendant_category($where['show_in_category_id'])) && is_single()) {
             // checks for category or subcategory ID
             return true;
     if ($where['show_in_tag_id'][0] !== '') {
         if (has_tag($where['show_in_tag_id']) && is_single()) {
             return true;
     return $where['show_on_page']['tag_archive'] && is_tag() || $where['show_on_page']['category_archive'] && is_category() || $where['show_on_page']['sticky_post'] && is_sticky() || $where['show_on_page']['allposts'] && is_single() || $where['show_on_page']['allpages'] && is_page() || $where['show_on_page']['homepage'] && is_home() || $where['show_on_page']['front_only'] && is_front_page() || $where['show_on_page']['404_page'] && is_404() || $where['show_on_page']['search_results'] && is_search() || $where['show_on_page']['date_archive'] && is_date() || $where['show_on_page']['any_archive'] && is_archive();