Ejemplo n.º 1
function doUndo()
    global $CFG_TABLE;
    global $board, $numMoves;
    /* old PHP versions don't have _POST, _GET and _SESSION as auto_globals */
    if (!minimum_version("4.1.0")) {
        global $_POST, $_GET, $_SESSION;
    /* get the last move from the history */
    /* NOTE: MySQL currently has no support for subqueries */
    $tmpMaxTime = mysql_query("SELECT Max(timeOfMove) FROM " . $CFG_TABLE[history] . " WHERE gameID = " . $_SESSION['gameID']);
    $maxTime = mysql_result($tmpMaxTime, 0);
    $moves = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $CFG_TABLE[history] . " WHERE gameID = " . $_SESSION['gameID'] . " AND timeOfMove = '{$maxTime}'");
    /* if there actually is a move... */
    if ($lastMove = mysql_fetch_array($moves, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        /* if the last move was played by this player */
        /* undo move */
        $fromRow = $lastMove['fromRow'];
        $fromCol = $lastMove['fromCol'];
        $toRow = $lastMove['toRow'];
        $toCol = $lastMove['toCol'];
        $board[$fromRow][$fromCol] = getPieceCode($lastMove['curColor'], $lastMove['curPiece']);
        $board[$toRow][$toCol] = 0;
        /* check for en-passant */
        /* if pawn moves diagonally without replacing a piece, it's en passant */
        if ($lastMove['curPiece'] == "pawn" && $toCol != $fromCol && is_null($lastMove['replaced'])) {
            if ($lastMove['curColor'] == "black") {
                $board[$fromRow][$toCol] = getPieceCode("white", "pawn");
            } else {
                $board[$fromRow][$toCol] = getPieceCode("black", "pawn");
        /* check for castling */
        if (($board[$fromRow][$fromCol] & COLOR_MASK) == KING && abs($toCol - $fromCol) == 2) {
            /* move rook back as well */
            if ($toCol - $fromCol == 2) {
                $board[$fromRow][7] = $board[$fromRow][5];
                $board[$fromRow][5] = 0;
            } else {
                $board[$fromRow][0] = $board[$fromRow][3];
                $board[$fromRow][3] = 0;
        /* restore lost piece */
        if (!is_null($lastMove['replaced'])) {
            if ($lastMove['curColor'] == "black") {
                $board[$toRow][$toCol] = getPieceCode("white", $lastMove['replaced']);
            } else {
                $board[$toRow][$toCol] = getPieceCode("black", $lastMove['replaced']);
        /* remove last move from history */
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM " . $CFG_TABLE[history] . " WHERE gameID = " . $_SESSION['gameID'] . " AND timeOfMove = '{$maxTime}'");
        /* else */
        /* output error message */
Ejemplo n.º 2
        else if ($PLAY){
            echo "$now # $JOGADOR_NAME ($playersColor) PLY: $PLY playing at game: ". $row['gameID']."\n";

    		for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
                for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++)
                    $board[$i][$j] = ".";

    		for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
                for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++)
                    $tboard[$i][$j] = 0;

            $pieces = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pieces WHERE gameID = ".$gameID);
            while ($thisPiece = mysql_fetch_array($pieces, MYSQL_ASSOC))
                $board[$thisPiece["row"]][$thisPiece["col"]] = getPieceFileCode($thisPiece["piece"]);
                $tboard[$thisPiece["row"]][$thisPiece["col"]] = getPieceCode($thisPiece["color"], $thisPiece["piece"]);

                if ($thisPiece["color"] == "white")
                    $board[$thisPiece["row"]][$thisPiece["col"]] = strtoupper($board[$thisPiece["row"]][$thisPiece["col"]]);


Ejemplo n.º 3
function loadGame()
    global $CFG_TABLE;
    global $board, $playersColor;
    /* old PHP versions don't have _POST, _GET and _SESSION as auto_globals */
    if (!minimum_version("4.1.0")) {
        global $_POST, $_GET, $_SESSION;
    /* clear board data */
    for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
        for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
            $board[$i][$j] = 0;
    /* get data from database */
    $pieces = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $CFG_TABLE[pieces] . " WHERE gameID = " . $_SESSION['gameID']);
    /* setup board */
    while ($thisPiece = mysql_fetch_array($pieces, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $board[$thisPiece["row"]][$thisPiece["col"]] = getPieceCode($thisPiece["color"], $thisPiece["piece"]);
    /* get current player's color */
    $tmpQuery = "SELECT whitePlayer, blackPlayer FROM " . $CFG_TABLE[games] . " WHERE gameID = " . $_SESSION['gameID'];
    $tmpTurns = mysql_query($tmpQuery);
    $tmpTurn = mysql_fetch_array($tmpTurns, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    if ($tmpTurn['whitePlayer'] == $_SESSION['playerID']) {
        $playersColor = "white";
    } else {
        $playersColor = "black";
Ejemplo n.º 4
    function loadGame($game_id)
        global $db,$db_prefix, $board, $playersColor, $MSG_LANG,$db_prefix,$db;

        /* clear board data */
        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
            for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++)
                $board[$i][$j] = 0;

        $pieces = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}pieces WHERE game_id = '$game_id'");
        /* setup board */
        while ($thisPiece = mysql_fetch_array($pieces, MYSQL_ASSOC))
            $board[$thisPiece["row"]][$thisPiece["col"]] = getPieceCode($thisPiece["color"], $thisPiece["piece"]);

        /* get current player's color */
        $tmpQuery = "SELECT white_player, black_player FROM {$db_prefix}games WHERE game_id = '$game_id'";
        $tmpTurns = mysql_query($tmpQuery);
        $tmpTurn = mysql_fetch_array($tmpTurns, MYSQL_ASSOC);

        if ($tmpTurn['white_player'] == $_SESSION['player_id'])
            $playersColor = "white";
            $playersColor = "black";