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This is a web application repository for an experiment. The followings are instructions for application installation and setup.

Access to web applications

Install Apache, PHP, Mysql

Install APM

Reference :

  1. Install Sublime Text 3
  1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools
  • $ xcode-select --install or link
  1. Install HomeBrew
  • $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install dnsmasq
  • $ brew install dnsmasq
  • $ cd $(brew --prefix)
  • $ mkdir etc
  • $ echo 'address=/.dev/' > etc/dnsmasq.conf
  • $ sudo cp -v $(brew --prefix dnsmasq)/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
  • $ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist
  • $ sudo mkdir /etc/resolver
  • $ sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolver/dev'
  1. The Web Folder
  • $ mkdir ~/Web
  • $ cd ~/Web
  • $ git clone ./
  • You can find and refer some configuration files in config folder.
  1. Install Homebrew-based php55
  1. httpd.conf
  • Edit /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
    • Uncomment or edit some lines
      • line 160
        • LoadModule vhost_alias_module libexec/apache2/
      • line 168
        • LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/
      • line 169
        • LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php55/libexec/apache2/
        • not LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ (we use homebrew-based php55 because of libpng and mcrypt module),
      • line 499
        • Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
    • Add “index.php” in line 271
           <IfModule dir_module>
              DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  1. httpd-vhosts.conf
  • Edit /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:
  • Delete everything after line 22 and paste this (replace YOURUSERNAME with your home directory’s name):
        <Directory "/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Web">
          Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
          AllowOverride All
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
          Require all granted
        <Virtualhost *:80>
            VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Web/_localhost"
            UseCanonicalName Off
       <Virtualhost *:80>
           VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Web/%2"
           ServerAlias www.*.dev
           ServerAlias www.*.dev.*
           UseCanonicalName Off
        <Virtualhost *:80>
            VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Web/%1"
            ServerAlias *.dev
            ServerAlias *.dev.*
            UseCanonicalName Off

Use Allow from all instead of Require all granted if Apache2 version is less than 2.4

  1. Install MySQL
  • $ brew install mysql
  • $ mysql.server restart
  • $ mysql_secure_installation
  • Paste this into your Terminal to create a new database:
         $ mysql.server stop
         $ mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
  • OS X expects the MySQL socket to sit in /var/mysql, so we create that folder and add a symbolic link to where the socket actually lives:
         $ sudo mkdir /var/mysql
         $ sudo chmod 755 /var/mysql
         $ sudo ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock
  • Now try starting the MySQL server:
    • mysql.server start
  1. Done
  • You can now start Apache and MySQL like this:
    • $ mysql.server start
    • $ sudo apachectl restart

If everything has worked out, every folder you create in ~/Web like, say:


… will automatically be accessible as a .dev domain on your local machine as both:

… and:

And because you always want to test your sites on dozens of mobile devices and legacy windows machines, you can now also access it from other devices on your local network:

…where X.X.X.X is, of course, your computer’s IP address.

If your router’s DNS blocks the service, you can set up Google’s DNS ( on your devices so they can find your Mac’s server.

REMEMBER: All of your sites are now easily accessible on the local network through mapping. So maybe you don’t want to run this when you’re in an untrusted local network (which you should never be in anyway). You could also add HTTP authentication or other measures that you would use on a live site for access protection.


Some statements were inserted in /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml .ph .inc
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Enabled 'register_globals=on':


In /usr/share/php/register_globals.php

function session_register($name){
      global $$name;
      $_SESSION[$name] = $$name;
      $$name = &$_SESSION[$name]; 
function session_is_registered($x) {return isset($_SESSION[$x]);}
function session_unregister($name){
  global $$name;

Some statements were changed in /usr/local/etc/php/5.5/php.ini:

upload_tmp_dir = /tmp    // line 791
session.save_path = "/tmp"    // line 1390

short_open_tag = On  // line 202
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE // line 452
display_errors = Off  //line 469
auto_prepend_file = '/usr/share/php/register_globals.php' // line 667


from and



  29 text files.
  25 unique files.
  15 files ignored. v 1.62  T=0.14 s (153.1 files/s, 13787.5 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                             19            190            469           1056
CSS                              1             23              1            126
SQL                              1              2              0             24
SUM:                            21            215            470           1206


      61 text files.
      59 unique files.
       6 files ignored. v 1.62  T=0.36 s (151.6 files/s, 15655.5 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                             47           1021            291           3020
Javascript                       3             11             18           1090
HTML                             3             22             15            133
SQL                              1              5              1             51
XML                              1              1              0              0
SUM:                            55           1060            325           4294


      67 text files.
      67 unique files.
       3 files ignored. v 1.62  T=0.32 s (197.0 files/s, 26075.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                             63           1200            427           6554
SQL                              1             55              0            233
SUM:                            64           1255            427           6787


 513 text files.
 498 unique files.
 240 files ignored. v 1.62  T=3.39 s (80.6 files/s, 22306.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Javascript                      38           5031           6807          25310
XML                            111              0            432          14811
PHP                             81           1065           6731          10963
CSS                             20            248             57           1405
XSLT                             1              2              1           1149
HTML                            15             24             30            873
XSD                              3             34              2            484
Bourne Shell                     2             10              6             31
JSON                             1              0              0             18
DOS Batch                        1              0              0             10
SUM:                           273           6414          14066          55054


      77 text files.
      74 unique files.
       6 files ignored. v 1.62  T=0.67 s (106.3 files/s, 35374.4 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                             63           2477            877          17446
Javascript                       4            182            599           1474
CSS                              2              2              0            278
SQL                              2             69              0            220
SUM:                            71           2730           1476          19418


      55 text files.
      55 unique files.
      12 files ignored. v 1.62  T=0.41 s (105.9 files/s, 25723.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                             30            876            978           4716
Javascript                      10            386            510           2253
CSS                              3            114             56            552
SUM:                            43           1376           1544           7521


    1789 text files.
    1737 unique files.
      79 files ignored. v 1.62  T=11.25 s (150.0 files/s, 27187.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
PHP                            959          29732           2791         110212
Smarty                         452           2340              0          64210
CSS                             33           1356            320          31651
Javascript                      84           5928           5613          25172
LESS                            94           1196           1564           8507
SQL                              1            500            690           6601
SASS                            23             42             55           3143
HTML                            29            727             27           2941
JSON                             8              0              0            332
Bourne Shell                     1              4              0             34
XML                              2              1              0             23
make                             1              4              2              6
SUM:                          1687          41830          11062         252832

Application Setup

added an account in mysql.

  • id: test
  • pw: test
$ mysql -u root -p mysql
mysql> create user 'test'@'%' identified by 'test';
mysql> create user 'test'@'localhost' identified by 'test';

To run mysql as root, use this command: $ mysql -u root -p

To run mysql as a test user, use this command: $ mysql -u test -p

Managing MySql DB

Measuring lines of code (LOC) :
 $ ./ [web application folder]


DB Setup

create database faqforge;

GRANT ALL on faqforge.* to test;

removed DEFAULT '0' for id in faqforge.sql file.



DB Setup

create database akb;

GRANT ALL on akb.* to test;


sudo chown -R _www:_www ./aphpkb 
chmod -R 755 ./aphpkb
cd aphpkb
chmod -R 600 ./attach

Apache server's user and group name :


  • Knowledgebase URL:
  • No plugins
  • Error handling : production level
  • KB Admin Account Details
    • admin id: admin
    • password: test
      DB_USER = test
      DB_PASSWORD = test 
      DB_HOST = localhost 
      DB_NAME = akb
      DB_MAX_REC = 5
      KB_NAME = aphpkb
      KB_URL =
      KB_HOME_URL =
      PLUGIN_RSS = 
      PLUGINMAA = 
      PRODLEV = 1

      Admin First/Last Name = Gigon Bae
      Admin Email Address =
      Admin Password = test


Had some grammar errors in source code

    • $u = escdata(xss_clean(($_POST['username'])); should be $u = escdata(xss_clean(($_POST['username']))); in login.php(line 27) and in register.php(line 40)
  • Fatal error: Call to undefined function newmyql() in /Users/gbae/Web/aphpkb/pending.php on line 7
    • $mysqldb = newmyql(); to $mysqldb = new mysql();


DB Setup

  • changed TYPE=MyISAM TO ENGINE=MyISAM because TYPE is deprecated as MySQL is upgraded.
  • $ mysql -u root -p < SchoolMate.sql
  • GRANT ALL on schoolmate.* to test;
  • Code change
    • Open index.php that you extracted with your favorite text editor and change the dbuser and dbpass variables to the username and password you just created. $dbuser = 'test'; // databse username $dbpass = 'test'; // databse password $dbname = 'schoolmate'; // name of the database you are using

Current admin's id/pass is test/test

phpsysinfo (didn't work well)

Just decompress and untar the source (which you should have done by now, if you're reading this...), into your webserver's document root.

There is a configuration file called If this a brand new installation, you should copy this file to phpsysinfo.ini and edit it.

  • make sure your php.ini file's include_path entry contains "."
  • make sure your php.ini has safe_mode set to 'off'.

phpSysInfo require php-xml extension.

Please keep in the mind that because phpSysInfo requires access to many files in /proc and other system binary you MUST DISABLE php's safe_mode. Please see the PHP documentation for information on how you can do this.

To disable safe_mode in php 5, i used this:

In php.ini ; I added this safe_mode = Off include_path = "."


** Original instructions **

  • Unpack the distribution into your webserver's document root directory.
  • Create a database named "timeclock" or whatever you wish to name it.
  • Create a mysql user named "timeclock" (or whatever you wish to name it) with a password. Give this user at least SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, ALTER, and CREATE privileges to ONLY this database.
  • Import the tables using the create_tables.sql script included in the distribution.
  • Edit
  • Open index.php with your web browser.
  • Click on the Administration link on the right side of the page. Input "admin" (without the quotes) for the username and "admin" (without the quotes) for the password. Please change the password for this admin user after the initial setup of PHP Timeclock is complete.
  • Create at least one office by clicking on the Create Office link on the left side of the page. You MUST create an office to achieve the desired results. Create more offices if needed.
  • Create at least one group by clicking on the Create Group link on the left side of the page. You MUST create a group to achieve the desired results. Create more groups if needed.
  • Add your users by clicking on the Create New Users link, and assign them to the office(s) and group(s) you created above. Give Sys Admin level access for users who will administrate PHP Timeclock. Give Time Admin level access for users who will need to edit users' time, but who will not need Sys Admin level access. If you require the reports to be secured so only certain users can run them, then give these users reports level access.

Admin level access and reports level access are completely separate from each other. Just because a user has admin level access does not give that user reports level access. You must specifically give them reports level access when you are creating or editing the users, if you choose to secure these reports for these users. To make PHP Timeclock lock down the reports to only these users, set the use_reports_password setting in to "yes".

** Setup procedure **

  1. Make a database timeclock and provide access authorization.
  • create database timeclock;
  • GRANT ALL on timeclock.* to test;
  1. Modifiy create_tables.sql
  • insert use timeclock; at the first of the file.
  • change INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('admin', NULL, 'xy.RY2HT1QTc2', 'administrator', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, ''); to INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('admin', NULL, 'xy.RY2HT1QTc2', 'administrator', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 0);
  • change timestamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL, to timestamp timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
  1. $ mysql -u root -p < create_tables.sql
  2. Edit $db_hostname = "localhost"; $db_username = "test"; $db_password = "test"; $db_name = "timeclock";
  3. run webbrowser
  • admin id/pw: admin/admin

The followings are needed to give a proper configuration:

  • Click on the Administration link on the right side of the page. Input "admin" (without the quotes) for the username and "admin" (without the quotes) for the password. Please change the password for this admin user after the initial setup of PHP Timeclock is complete.
  • Create at least one office by clicking on the Create Office link on the left side of the page. You MUST create an office to achieve the desired results. Create more offices if needed.
  • Create at least one group by clicking on the Create Group link on the left side of the page. You MUST create a group to achieve the desired results. Create more groups if needed.
  • Add your users by clicking on the Create New Users link, and assign them to the office(s) and group(s) you created above. Give Sys Admin level access for users who will administrate PHP Timeclock. Give Time Admin level access for users who will need to edit users' time, but who will not need Sys Admin level access. If you require the reports to be secured so only certain users can run them, then give these users reports level access.


DB Setup

  • create database webchess;
  • GRANT ALL on webchess.* to test;


  • $ sudo chown -R _www:_www ./webchess
  • $ sudo chmod -R 755 ./webchess
  Server: localhost
  User: test
  Password: test
  Database name: webchess


DB Setup

  • create database opencart;
  • GRANT ALL on opencart.* to test;


  chmod 755 system/cache/
  chmod 755 system/logs/
  chmod 755 system/download/
  chmod 755 system/upload/
  chmod 755 image/
  chmod 755 image/cache/
  chmod 755 image/catalog/
  chmod 755 config.php    => after copying config-dist.php to config.php
  chmod 755 admin/config.php  => after copying config-dist.php to config.php
  sudo chown -R _www:_www *

Launch install module


DB Backup/Restore

Current DB backups are located in config/db folder.

Backup method

 mysqldump --opt -u test -p faqforge >faqforge.sql
 mysqldump --opt -u test -p akb >akb.sql
 mysqldump --opt -u test -p opencart >opencart.sql
 mysqldump --opt -u test -p schoolmate >schoolmate.sql
 mysqldump --opt -u test -p timeclock > timeclock.sql
 mysqldump --opt -u test -p webchess > webchess.sql

Restore DB

mysql> create database faqforge;
mysql> GRANT ALL on faqforge.* to test;
mysql> create database akb;
mysql> GRANT ALL on akb.* to test;
mysql> create database timeclock;
mysql> GRANT ALL on timeclock.* to test;
mysql> create database schoolmate;
mysql> GRANT ALL on schoolmate.* to test;
mysql> create database webchess;
mysql> GRANT ALL on webchess.* to test;
mysql> create database opencart;
mysql> GRANT ALL on opencart.* to test;    
mysql -u test -p faqforge < faqforge.sql
mysql -u test -p akb < akb.sql
mysql -u test -p opencart < opencart.sql
mysql -u test -p schoolmate < schoolmate.sql
mysql -u test -p timeclock < timeclock.sql
mysql -u test -p webchess < webchess.sql


Web applications used in FSE15 paper and instructions for setup






No packages published


  • PHP 69.8%
  • Smarty 16.1%
  • JavaScript 7.5%
  • CSS 3.4%
  • Perl 1.7%
  • HTML 1.0%
  • Other 0.5%