$tweet = $tweetTo . " " . $phrasesForMentions[array_rand($phrasesForMentions)]; } while (strlen($tweet) > 140); // Post the tweet $postfields = array('status' => $tweet, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => $mention->id_str); $url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"; $requestMethod = "POST"; $twitter->resetFields()->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->setPostfields($postfields)->performRequest(); } } // THEN SURPRISE RANDOM TWEET // The script should tweet randomly a few times per day depending on the number of followers // The more followers, the more random tweets function formula($nbfollowers, $calledEvery) { $timesPerDay = 24 * (60 / $calledEvery); return $nbfollowers > 1 ? $nbfollowers * 2 / (log($timesPerDay, 2) * log($nbfollowers, 2)) / ($timesPerDay / 2) : 0.5 / ($timesPerDay / 2); } // Test if should tweet or not $p = formula(count($followersList), $calledEvery); if (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() < $p) { $randfollower = $followersList[array_rand($followersList)]; $screenName = $randfollower->screen_name; do { $tweet = "@" . $screenName . " " . $phrases[array_rand($phrases)]; } while (strlen($tweet) > 140); // Post the tweet $postfields = array('status' => $tweet); $url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"; $requestMethod = "POST"; $twitter->resetFields()->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->setPostfields($postfields)->performRequest(); }
$max_row = 3019 * 2; // grid gets filled diagonally, so the value we need $max_col = 3019 * 2; // isn't present until grid is twice larger function formula($n) { return $n * 252533 % 33554393; } while ($row <= $max_row && $col <= $max_col) { if (!isset($grid[$row][$col])) { if ($col == 0) { $prev_col = $row - 1; $prev_row = 0; } else { $prev_row = $row + 1; $prev_col = $col - 1; } $grid[$row][$col] = formula($grid[$prev_row][$prev_col]); } if ($row == 0) { $row = $col + 1; if (!isset($grid[$row])) { $grid[$row] = array(); } $col = 0; } else { $row--; $col++; } } var_dump($grid[$target_row][$target_col]);
<?php $input = "Sprinkles: capacity 2, durability 0, flavor -2, texture 0, calories 3\n Butterscotch: capacity 0, durability 5, flavor -3, texture 0, calories 3\n Chocolate: capacity 0, durability 0, flavor 5, texture -1, calories 8\n Candy: capacity 0, durability -1, flavor 0, texture 5, calories 8"; $max_spoons = 101; $highest_score = 0; function formula($first, $second, $third, $fourth) { $capacity = max($first * 2 + $second * 0 + $third * 0 + $fourth * 0, 0); $durability = max($first * 0 + $second * 5 + $third * 0 + $fourth * -1, 0); $flavor = max($first * -2 + $second * -3 + $third * 5 + $fourth * 0, 0); $texture = max($first * 0 + $second * 0 + $third * -1 + $fourth * 5, 0); $calories = max($first * 3 + $second * 3 + $third * 8 + $fourth * 8, 0); return $calories == 500 ? $capacity * $durability * $flavor * $texture : 0; } for ($f = 0; $f < $max_spoons; $f++) { for ($s = 0; $s < $max_spoons - $f; $s++) { for ($t = 0; $t < $max_spoons - ($f + $s); $t++) { $o = 100 - ($t + $f + $s); $total = formula($f, $s, $t, $o); if ($total > $highest_score) { $highest_score = $total; } } } } var_dump($highest_score);
function formula($x) { // $a - глобальная global $a; // $b - локальная $b = 10; return $a * $b + $x; } ?> <?php print "A = {$a}"; ?> ($a всё ещё определена)<br> Формула = <?php print formula($c); ?> (формула тоже)<br> =============================================================================================================== <h2>Цикл - вывод таблицы</h2> <?php print "<table border=\"1\" style='padding: 1px;'>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { print "<tr>"; for ($j = 1; $j <= 10; $j++) { print "<td>Ячейка " . $i . " - " . $j . "</td>\n"; } // для читабельности html - перенос кода но новую строку print "\n";