function MakeRequest($mode, $entityInfo) { $result = cqrequest('', array( 'mode' => $mode, 'entity' => $entityInfo, 'callback' => actionUrl('abconfirm', 'endpoint', array(), true))); return($result['data']); }
<pre><?php $owFileName = 'data/openweather.json'; $weatherReportFile = 'data/weather.json'; if (time() - filemtime($owFileName) > 60 * 2) { print 'last called: ' . (time() - filemtime($owFileName)) . ' seconds ago' . chr(10); $weatherReq = cqrequest(array(array('url' => '' . urlencode(cfg('geo/city')) . '&mode=json&units=metric&APPID=' . cfg('openweathermap/api_key')))); $owd = $weatherReq['data']; if (sizeof($owd) > 0) { unlink('data/openweather.json'); unlink('data/weather.json'); file_put_contents($owFileName, json_encode($owd)); foreach ($owd['weather'] as $w) { $wif = 'w/' . $w['icon'] . '.png'; $data['icon'] = '' . $wif; if (!file_exists('icons/' . $wif)) { mkdir('icons/w/'); shell_exec('curl "' . $data['icon'] . '" > icons/' . $wif); } $desc[] = $w['description']; } $data['description'] = implode(', ', $desc); $data['tecur'] = number_format($owd['main']['temp'], 1); $data['wscur'] = number_format($owd['wind']['speed'], 1); $data['wind'] = $owd['wind']; $data['rain'] = $owd['rain']; $data['clouds'] = $owd['clouds']; $data['temp'] = $owd['main']; include 'lib/moon.php'; $moon = new Solaris\MoonPhase(); $data['moonlight'] = number_format($moon->illumination(), 1) * 100; $data['moonstage'] = $moon->phase() < 0.5 ? 'waxing' : 'waning';
function file_get_fromurl($url, $post = array(), $timeout = 2) { $fle = cqrequest($url, $post, $timeout); return $fle['body']; }
function ABNewEntry($entityDS, $commentText) { $entityDS['comment'] = $commentText; $entityDS['email'] = md5($this->user->ds['u_email']); $entityInfo = json_encode($entityDS); // this is important: we need to prepare the endpoint API to give out // the confirmation before we send the request to the AB, because the AB // may hold the request until it's completed ITS confirmation request // back to us! h2_nv_store('abreq/'.$entityDS['_key'], array( 'abrequest' => 'pending', 'checksum' => md5($entityInfo))); // now, make the request to add our info to the AB $result = cqrequest('', array( 'mode' => 'new', 'entity' => $entityInfo, 'callback' => actionUrl('abconfirm', 'endpoint', array(), true))); return($result['data']); }
{ $btype = 'smallwin'; $lastPing = filectime('log/cron.last.log'); $lastPingText = 'Last ping: '.ageToString($lastPing, 'very recently'); } else { $btype = 'fail'; $lastPingText = 'Waiting for ping from '.$pingServer.'...'; } if(cfg('ping/remote') && cfg('ping/server') != '') { $pingStatus = h2_nv_retrieve('ping/status'); if($pingStatus['server'] != $pingServer) { $pingRequest = cqrequest($pingServer, array('origin' => 'http://'.cfg('service/server').'/cron.php', 'request' => 'activate', 'password' => cfg('ping/password')), 2); if($pingRequest['data']['result'] == 'OK') { $btype = 'win'; $lastPingText = 'Connection with ping server established, waiting for ping from '.$pingServer.'...'; $pingStatus = $pingRequest['data']; $pingStatus['server'] = $pingServer; h2_nv_store('ping/status', $pingStatus); @unlink('log/cron.last.log'); } else { $btype = 'fail'; $reason = $pingRequest['data']['reason']; $lastPingText = 'Could not establish connection with ping server. Reason: '.getDefault($reason, 'server not found'); }
$_SESSION['installer']['server_base'] = $_REQUEST['serverurl']; $_SESSION['installer']['admin_password'] = $_REQUEST['adminpw']; $_SESSION['installer']['remote_cron_svc'] = $_REQUEST['pingsvc']; $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['service']['server'] = $_REQUEST['serverurl']; $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['service']['adminpw'] = $_REQUEST['adminpw']; unset($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['cron']); $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['remote'] = $_REQUEST['pingsvc'] == 'Y'; $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password'] = getDefault($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password'], randomHashId()); $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'] = getDefault($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'], ''); if($_REQUEST['pingsvc'] == 'Y') { newFile('conf/pingpassword', $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password']); $pingRequest = cqrequest($_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'], array('origin' => 'http://'.$_SESSION['installer']['server_base'].'/cron.php', 'request' => 'activate', 'password' => $_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['password']), 2); unlink('conf/pingpassword'); if($pingRequest['data']['result'] == 'OK') { $msg .= '<div class="green">✔ Joined remote ping service ('.$_SESSION['installer']['cfg']['ping']['server'].')</div>'; $pingStatus = $pingRequest['data']; $pingStatus['server'] = $pingServer; } else { $pingStatus = array(); $msg .= '<div class="red">✘ Could not establish a connection with ping server ('.$pingRequest['data']['reason'].')</div>'; } } else {
protected function request($url, $method = 'GET', $params = array()) { if ($method != 'POST') { $get_params = '?' . http_build_query($params, '', '&'); } $rq = cqrequest($url . $get_params, $method == 'POST' ? $params : array(), 5, true, $method == 'HEAD'); if ($method == 'HEAD') { foreach ($rq['headers'] as $name => $header) { $name = strtolower($name); $headers[$name] = trim($header); # Following possible redirections. The point is just to have # claimed_id change with them, because get_headers() will # follow redirections automatically. # We ignore redirections with relative paths. # If any known provider uses them, file a bug report. if ($name == 'location') { if (strpos($headers[$name], 'http') === 0) { $this->claimed_id = $headers[$name]; } elseif ($headers[$name][0] == '/') { $parsed_url = parse_url($this->claimed_id); $this->claimed_id = $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed_url['host'] . $headers[$name]; } } } return $headers; } return $rq['body']; if (!$this->hostExists($url)) { throw new ErrorException('Invalid request.'); } $params = http_build_query($params, '', '&'); switch ($method) { case 'GET': $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'Accept: application/xrds+xml, */*', 'ignore_errors' => true)); $url = $url . ($params ? '?' . $params : ''); break; case 'POST': $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $params, 'ignore_errors' => true)); break; case 'HEAD': # We want to send a HEAD request, # but since get_headers doesn't accept $context parameter, # we have to change the defaults. $default = stream_context_get_options(stream_context_get_default()); stream_context_get_default(array('http' => array('method' => 'HEAD', 'header' => 'Accept: application/xrds+xml, */*', 'ignore_errors' => true))); $url = $url . ($params ? '?' . $params : ''); $headers_tmp = get_headers($url); if (!$headers_tmp) { return array(); } # Parsing headers. $headers = array(); foreach ($headers_tmp as $header) { $pos = strpos($header, ':'); $name = strtolower(trim(substr($header, 0, $pos))); $headers[$name] = trim(substr($header, $pos + 1)); # Following possible redirections. The point is just to have # claimed_id change with them, because get_headers() will # follow redirections automatically. # We ignore redirections with relative paths. # If any known provider uses them, file a bug report. if ($name == 'location') { if (strpos($headers[$name], 'http') === 0) { $this->claimed_id = $headers[$name]; } elseif ($headers[$name][0] == '/') { $parsed_url = parse_url($this->claimed_id); $this->claimed_id = $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed_url['host'] . $headers[$name]; } } } # And restore them. stream_context_get_default($default); return $headers; } $context = stream_context_create($opts); return file_get_contents($url, false, $context); }
function deviceCommand($deviceKey, $commandType, $value, $by = 'API', $fireEvent = false) { $device = getDeviceDS($deviceKey); if (!approveAction(array('type' => 'deviceCommand', 'device' => $deviceKey, 'deviceType' => $device['d_type'], 'ds' => $device, 'command' => $commandType, 'value' => $value, 'by' => $by))) { return; } if ($device['d_auto'] != 'A' && $GLOBALS['command-mode'] == 'trigger') { return; } $GLOBALS['log'][$device['d_key']] = array('type' => 'deviceCommand', 'device' => $deviceKey, 'param' => $commandType, 'value' => $value); $config = json_decode($device['d_config'], true); if (sizeof($device) > 0 && $device['d_state'] != $value) { if ($device['d_bus'] == 'HE') { $pv = $value + 0; $pv = reviewParams($device, $commandType, $pv); $reqUrl = 'http://localhost:1080/?cmd=update&bus=' . $device['d_bus'] . '¶m=' . $commandType . '&key=' . $device['d_key'] . '&stxt=' . urlencode(first($GLOBALS['command-source'], $by)) . '&id=' . $device['d_id'] . '&value=' . $pv; cqrequest(array(array('url' => $reqUrl))); } else { if ($device['d_bus'] == 'HM') { sendHMCommand($device, $commandType, $value, first($GLOBALS['command-source'], $by), $config, $fireEvent); return; } } $sds = array('si_bus' => $device['d_bus'], 'si_name' => $device['d_id'], 'si_param' => $commandType, 'si_value' => $pv, 'si_time' => time(), 'si_devicekey' => $device['d_key'], 'si_by' => $by, 'si_event' => $GLOBALS['command-source'], 'si_mode' => 'TX', 'si_uid' => $_SESSION['uid'] + 0, 'si_ip' => first($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); o(db)->commit('stateinfo', $sds); /*WriteToFile('log/stats.'.gmdate('Y-m').'.log', json_encode(array( 'type' => 'dp', 'key' => $device['d_key'], 'id' => $device['d_id'], 'bus' => $device['d_bus'], 'param' => $commandType, 'value' => $pv, 'tr' => 'tx')). chr(10) );*/ $device['d_state'] = $value; $device['d_statustext'] = first($GLOBALS['command-source'], $by); $device['d_statuschanged'] = time(); o(db)->commit('devices', $device); } }
function request($url, $postData = array(), $options = array()) { return cqrequest($url, $postData, 3); }