tableName() public static method

By default this method returns the class name as the table name by calling [[Inflector::camel2id()]] with prefix [[Connection::tablePrefix]]. For example if [[Connection::tablePrefix]] is tbl_, Customer becomes tbl_customer, and OrderItem becomes tbl_order_item. You may override this method if the table is not named after this convention.
public static tableName ( ) : string
return string the table name
 public function setInsertSort()
     if (!$this->owner->{$this->attributeName}) {
         $query = $this->getQuery();
         $query->select(new Expression('MAX(' . $this->attributeName . ')'));
         $this->owner->{$this->attributeName} = $query->scalar() + 1;
Beispiel #2
  * Find and set order numeric
 public function findOrderNum()
     if (!$this->owner->{$this->attribute}) {
         $maxOrderNum = (int) (new Query())->select("MAX({$this->attribute})")->from($this->owner->tableName())->scalar();
         $this->owner->{$this->attribute} = $maxOrderNum + $this->step;
Beispiel #3
 public function init()
     $this->id = $this->model->formName();
     $this->action = RequestModule::getPopupUrl(['type' => $this->model->tableName()]);
     $this->fieldConfig = ['template' => '<div class="row">{input}{error}</div>', 'errorOptions' => ['class' => 'errorMessage']];
  * @inheritdoc
 public function attach($owner)
     //get config from instance
     if ($this->stateConfig === null || $this->stateAttribute === null) {
         $this->modelInstance = new $this->owner->modelClass();
         $this->stateAttribute = $this->modelInstance->tableName() . '.' . $this->modelInstance->stateAttribute;
         $this->stateConfig = $this->modelInstance->stateConfig;
 public function search($params)
     /* @var $query \yii\db\ActiveQuery */
     $query = $this->baseModel->find();
     $table_inheritance_joined = false;
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => &$query, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 10], 'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => ['id' => SORT_DESC]]]);
     if (!$this->load($params)) {
         return $dataProvider;
     $object = Object::getForClass($this->baseModel->className());
     $baseModelTableName = $this->baseModel->tableName();
     $eavJoinsCount = 0;
     $osvJoinsCount = 0;
     foreach ($this->propertyGroups as $groupId => $properties) {
         foreach ($properties as $key => $propertyValue) {
             /** @var \app\properties\PropertyValue $propertyValue */
             $prop = Property::findById($propertyValue->property_id);
             if (empty($this->{$prop->key}) === true && $this->{$prop->key} !== '0') {
             // determine property storage type and join needed table if needed
             if ($prop->is_column_type_stored) {
                 if ($table_inheritance_joined === false) {
                     $table_inheritance_joined = true;
                     $query->join('INNER JOIN', $object->column_properties_table_name . ' ti', 'ti.object_model_id = ' . $baseModelTableName . '.id');
                 if ($prop->value_type === 'STRING' && $prop->property_handler_id !== 3) {
                     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'ti.' . $prop->key, $this->{$prop->key}]);
                 } else {
                     $query->andFilterWhere(['ti.' . $prop->key => $this->{$prop->key}]);
             } elseif ($prop->is_eav) {
                 $eavTableName = 'eav' . $eavJoinsCount;
                 $key = 'key' . $eavJoinsCount;
                 $query->join('INNER JOIN', "{$object->eav_table_name} {$eavTableName}", $eavTableName . '.object_model_id = ' . $baseModelTableName . ".id AND {$eavTableName}.key=:{$key}", [$key => $prop->key]);
                 if ($prop->value_type === 'STRING' && $prop->property_handler_id !== 3) {
                     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', $eavTableName . '.value', $this->{$prop->key}]);
                 } else {
                     // numeric - direct match
                     $query->andFilterWhere([$eavTableName . '.value' => $this->{$prop->key}]);
             } elseif ($prop->has_static_values) {
                 $osvTableName = 'osv' . $osvJoinsCount;
                 $query->join('INNER JOIN', "object_static_values {$osvTableName}", "{$osvTableName}.object_id={$object->id} AND {$osvTableName}.object_model_id={$baseModelTableName}.id");
                 // numeric - direct match
                 $query->andFilterWhere(["{$osvTableName}.property_static_value_id", $this->{$prop->key}]);
     return $dataProvider;
Beispiel #6
 public static function tableName()
     if (self::$_table) {
         return \Yii::$app->getDb()->tablePrefix . self::$_table;
     return parent::tableName();
  * @param integer $type
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $object
 public function run($type, $object)
     $pkey = $object->primaryKey();
     $pkey = $pkey[0];
     $data = ['table' => $object->tableName(true), 'model_id' => $object->getPrimaryKey(), 'type' => $type, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())];
     switch ($type) {
         case self::EVT_INSERT:
             $data['field_name'] = $pkey;
         case self::EVT_UPDATE:
             foreach ($this->updatedFields as $updatedFieldKey => $updatedFieldValue) {
                 $data['field_name'] = $updatedFieldKey;
                 $data['old_value'] = $updatedFieldValue;
                 $data['new_value'] = $object->{$updatedFieldKey};
         case self::EVT_DELETE:
             $data['field_name'] = $pkey;
         case self::EVT_UPDATE_PK:
             $data['field_name'] = $pkey;
             $data['old_value'] = $object->getOldPrimaryKey();
             $data['new_value'] = $object->{$pkey};
Beispiel #8
  * Get table name of SEO data table for ActiveRecord
  * @param ActiveRecord $activeRecord
  * @return string
 public static function tableName(ActiveRecord $activeRecord)
     $tableName = $activeRecord->tableName();
     if (substr($tableName, -2) == '}}') {
         return preg_replace('/{{(.+)}}/', '{{$1_' . self::$tableSuffix . '}}', $tableName);
     } else {
         return $tableName . '_' . self::$tableSuffix;
  * @inheritdoc
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $owner
 public function attach($owner)
     //assert owner extends class ActiveRecord
     if (!$owner instanceof ActiveRecord) {
         throw new InvalidConfigException('ArchiveBehavior can only be applied to classes extending \\yii\\db\\ActiveRecord');
     if ($owner->tableSchema->getColumn($this->archiveAttribute) === null) {
         throw new InvalidConfigException(sprintf('The table %s does not contain a column named %s', $owner->tableName(), $this->archiveAttribute));
Beispiel #10
 public function attributeValue(ActiveRecord $model, $fieldName)
     $complexName = $model->tableName() . '.' . $fieldName;
     $decode = \Yii::$app->params['decode'];
     $key = $model->{$fieldName};
     if ($key !== null && isset($decode[$complexName])) {
         return $decode[$complexName][$key];
     } else {
         return $key;
Beispiel #11
  * Store data record and track change statistics
  * @param ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord
  * @return bool false if not saved
 protected function storeDataRecord(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
     if ($ActiveRecord->getDirtyAttributes()) {
         $unsaved_record = clone $ActiveRecord;
         // Save record
         if (!$ActiveRecord->save()) {
             // Create error message
             $message = "Save error: " . json_encode($ActiveRecord->errors) . "\n";
             $message .= "Record data: " . json_encode($ActiveRecord->getAttributes()) . "\n";
             trigger_error($message, E_USER_WARNING);
             $this->incStat('error_' . $ActiveRecord->tableName());
             return false;
         // Store statistics
         if ($unsaved_record->isNewRecord) {
             $this->incStat('new_' . $ActiveRecord->tableName());
         } else {
             $this->incStat('update_' . $ActiveRecord->tableName());
     return true;
 public static function find()
     $tenantTableName = '{{%tenant}}';
     $field = '';
     $model = parent::find();
     if (parent::tableName() == $tenantTableName) {
         $field = '.id';
     } else {
         $field = '.tenant_id';
     $model->where([parent::tableName() . $field => Yii::$app->session['tenant']]);
     return $model;
  * Returns a models primary-key in json format. This works also with
  * composite primary-keys
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $model the model instance
  * @return string the models pk in json-format
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidParamException if the model is not of type ActiveRecord
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException if the models pk is empty or invalid
 public static function asJson($model)
     //check if the model is valid
     if (!$model instanceof \yii\db\ActiveRecord) {
         throw new InvalidParamException(Yii::t('app', 'The model must be of type ActiveRecord'));
     //fetch the models pk
     $pk = $model->primaryKey();
     //assert that a valid pk was received
     if ($pk === null || !is_array($pk) || count($pk) == 0) {
         $msg = Yii::t('app', 'Invalid primary key definition: please provide a pk-definition for table {table}', ['table' => $model->tableName()]);
         throw new InvalidConfigException($msg);
     //create final array and return it
     $arrPk = [];
     foreach ($pk as $pkCol) {
         $arrPk[$pkCol] = $model->{$pkCol};
     return Json::encode($arrPk);
  * @param ActiveRecord $model
  * @param array        $changedAttributes
 public static function dropCaches($model, array $changedAttributes = [])
     $attrs = $model->getAttributes();
     $changed = [];
     if ($changedAttributes) {
         $attrNames = array_keys($changedAttributes);
         foreach ($attrNames as $attrName) {
             if (array_key_exists($attrName, $attrs)) {
                 $changed[$attrName] = $attrs[$attrName];
     $args = [$model->tableName(), json_encode($attrs, self::$jsonOptions), json_encode($changed, self::$jsonOptions)];
     CacheHelper::evalSHA(self::$shaInvalidate, $args, 0);
  * @param integer $fileId
  * @return int
  * @throws Exception
 protected function updateOwner($fileId)
     $this->owner->updateAttributes([$this->attribute => $fileId]);
     $sql = "\n            UPDATE " . $this->owner->tableName() . "\n            SET " . $this->attribute . " = :file\n            WHERE id = :id\n        ";
     return Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql)->bindValue(':file', $fileId)->bindValue(':id', $this->owner->primaryKey)->execute();
Beispiel #16
  * @inheritdoc
 public static function tableName()
     return !empty(static::$tableName) ? static::$tableName : parent::tableName();
Beispiel #17
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $model
 public function addDirtyModel($model)
     // --- debug - start ------------------------------------------------------
     // make sure there's always only one instance referencing a DB record
     $dsn = $model->getDb()->dsn;
     $table = $model->tableName();
     $pk = $model->getPrimaryKey();
     $modelId = "{$dsn}:{$table}:{$pk}";
     if (array_key_exists($modelId, $this->_dirtyModelsInfo)) {
         $storedModel = $this->_dirtyModelsInfo[$modelId];
         if ($storedModel !== $model) {
             throw new \yii\base\NotSupportedException("Can't handle two instances for tabel '{$table}', id '{$pk}' (dsn '{$dsn}').");
     $this->_dirtyModelsInfo[$modelId] = $model;
     // --- debug - end --------------------------------------------------------
  * Attaches the behavior object to the component.
  * The default implementation will set the [[owner]] property
  * and attach event handlers as declared in [[events]].
  * Make sure you call the parent implementation if you override this method.
  * @param Component $owner the component that this behavior is to be attached to.
  * @throws InvalidConfigException
 public function attach($owner)
     /** @var ActiveRecord $ownerClassName */
     /** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
     $this->module = Yii::$app->getModule('language');
     $this->currentLanguage = Yii::$app->language;
     foreach (LanguageHelper::getLanguages() as $language) {
         $this->availableLanguages[$language['code']] = $language['name'];
     if (empty($this->availableLanguages) || !is_array($this->availableLanguages)) {
         throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify at least one of available languages on ' . Url::to(['language/index']), 101);
     if (array_values($this->availableLanguages) !== $this->availableLanguages) {
         $this->availableLanguages = array_keys($this->availableLanguages);
     if (empty($this->attributes) || !is_array($this->attributes)) {
         throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify multilingual attributes for the ' . get_class($this) . ' in the ' . get_class($this->owner), 103);
     if (!$this->translateClassName) {
         if ($this->module->modelNamespace != null) {
             $this->translateClassName = $this->module->modelNamespace . '\\' . (new ReflectionClass($this->owner))->getShortName() . ucfirst($this->module->suffix);
         } else {
             $this->translateClassName = get_class($this->owner) . ucfirst($this->module->suffix);
     $this->ownerClassName = get_class($this->owner);
     $ownerClassName = $this->ownerClassName;
     $this->ownerPrimaryKey = $ownerClassName::primaryKey()[0];
     if (!$this->translateForeignKey) {
         $this->translateForeignKey = $this->owner->tableName() . '_id';
     if (!$this->translateTableName) {
         $this->translateTableName = $this->owner->tableName() . '_' . $this->module->suffix;
     $rules = $owner->rules();
     $validators = $owner->getValidators();
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         if ($rule[1] == 'unique') {
         $rule_attributes = is_array($rule[0]) ? $rule[0] : [$rule[0]];
         $attributes = array_intersect($this->attributes, $rule_attributes);
         if (empty($attributes)) {
         $rule_attributes = [];
         foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) {
             foreach ($this->availableLanguages as $language) {
                 $rule_attributes[] = $attribute . "_" . $language;
         $params = array_slice($rule, 2);
         if ($rule[1] !== 'required') {
             $validators[] = Validator::createValidator($rule[1], $owner, $rule_attributes, $params);
         } else {
             $validators[] = Validator::createValidator('safe', $owner, $rule_attributes, $params);
     if (class_exists($this->translateClassName)) {
         $translation = new $this->translateClassName();
         foreach ($this->availableLanguages as $language) {
             foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
                 $this->setTranslateAttribute($attribute . "_" . $language, $translation->{$attribute});
                 if ($language == Yii::$app->language) {
                     $this->setTranslateAttribute($attribute, $translation->{$attribute});
  * Returns queries that contain necessary joins and condition
  * to select only those records which are related directly or indirectly
  * with the current user.
  * @param ActiveRecord $model     must have the AuthorizerBehavior attached
  * @param array $relations        list of model relations to check, supports dot notation for indirect relations
  * @param IdentityInterface $user if null, Yii::$app->user->identity will be used
  * @param array $baseConditions
  * @param array $baseParams
  * @return ActiveQuery[]
 public function getCompositeRelatedUserQuery($model, array $relations, $user, $baseConditions = [], $baseParams = [])
     $schema = $model->getDb()->getSchema();
     $userPk = array_map([$schema, 'quoteSimpleColumnName'], $user::primaryKey());
     $result = [];
     if (count($userPk) > 1) {
         throw new InvalidCallException('Composite primary key in User model is not supported.');
     } else {
         $userPk = reset($userPk);
     $mainQuery = $model->find();
     if (empty($mainQuery->from)) {
         $mainQuery->from = [$model->tableName() . ' t'];
     $mainQuery->distinct = true;
     foreach ($relations as $relationName) {
         if (($pos = strpos($relationName, '.')) === false) {
             $relation = $model->getRelation($relationName);
             if (!$relation->multiple) {
                 $query = $mainQuery;
             } else {
                 $query = $model->find();
                 if (empty($query->from)) {
                     $query->from = [$model->tableName() . ' t'];
             $query->innerJoinWith([$relationName => function ($query) use($relation, $relationName) {
                 /** @var ActiveRecord $modelClass */
                 $modelClass = $relation->modelClass;
                 return $query->from([$modelClass::tableName() . ' ' . $relationName]);
             $column = $schema->quoteSimpleTableName($relationName) . '.' . $userPk;
             $query->orWhere($column . ' IS NOT NULL AND ' . $column . ' = :current_user_id');
             $query->addParams([':current_user_id' => $user->getId()]);
             if ($relation->multiple) {
                 $query->andWhere($baseConditions, $baseParams);
                 $result[] = $query;
         } else {
             $userRelationName = substr($relationName, $pos + 1);
             $relationName = substr($relationName, 0, $pos);
             $relation = $model->getRelation($relationName);
             /** @var ActiveRecord $relationModel */
             $relationModel = new $relation->modelClass();
             $userRelation = $relationModel->getRelation($userRelationName);
             $userQuery = $relationModel->find();
             if (empty($userQuery->from)) {
                 $userQuery->from = [$relationModel->tableName() . ' t'];
             $userQuery->select($this->quoteColumn('t', $relationModel::primaryKey(), $schema));
             $userQuery->innerJoinWith([$userRelationName => function ($query) use($userRelation, $userRelationName) {
                 /** @var ActiveRecord $modelClass */
                 $modelClass = $userRelation->modelClass;
                 return $query->from([$modelClass::tableName() . ' ' . $userRelationName]);
             $userQuery->andWhere($schema->quoteSimpleTableName($userRelationName) . '.' . $userPk . ' = :current_user_id');
             $command = $userQuery->createCommand($model->getDb());
             $query = $model->find();
             if (empty($query->from)) {
                 $query->from = [$model->tableName() . ' t'];
             $query->innerJoinWith([$relationName => function ($query) use($relation, $relationName) {
                 /** @var ActiveRecord $modelClass */
                 $modelClass = $relation->modelClass;
                 return $query->from([$modelClass::tableName() . ' ' . $relationName]);
             $fk = $this->quoteColumn($relationName, $relationModel::primaryKey(), $schema);
             $query->orWhere('COALESCE(' . (is_array($relationModel::primaryKey()) ? 'ROW(' . $fk . ')' : $fk) . ' IN (' . $command->getSql() . '), false)');
             $query->addParams([':current_user_id' => $user->getId()]);
             $query->andWhere($baseConditions, $baseParams);
             $result[] = $query;
     $mainQuery->andWhere($baseConditions, $baseParams);
     $result[] = $mainQuery;
     return $result;
Beispiel #20
 public function like($attribute)
     $this->query->andFilterWhere(['like', $this->model->tableName() . '.' . $attribute, $this->model->{$attribute}]);
Beispiel #21
  * Returns a new ActiveQuery object. Can be overridden instead of getQuery().
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $model
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 protected function createQuery($model)
     $query = $model::find();
     if (empty($query->from)) {
         // required by the query authorizer behavior and when model implements ActiveSearchInterface
         $query->from = ['t' => $model->tableName()];
     return $query;
  * @param array $requestData
  * @throws BadRequestHttpException
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \yii\db\Exception
 protected function editAction($requestData)
     $model = $this->model;
     if (!isset($requestData['id'])) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException('Id param isn\'t set.');
     /** @var \yii\db\ActiveRecord $record */
     if (($record = $model::findOne(['ROWID' => $requestData['id']])) === null) {
     $relationColumns = [];
     $mcol = [];
     $mColVal = [];
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->columns as $column) {
         if (isset($requestData[$column])) {
             if (strpos($column, '.') === false) {
                 // no relation
                 $record->{$column} = $requestData[$column];
                 $mcol[$i] = $column;
                 $mColVal[$i] = $requestData[$column];
             } else {
                 // with relation
                 preg_match('/(.+)\\.([^\\.]+)/', $column, $matches);
                 $relationColumns[$matches[1]][] = ['column' => $matches[2], 'value' => $requestData[$column]];
     $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
     $connection = \Yii::$app->db;
     try {
         if (count($relationColumns)) {
             foreach ($relationColumns as $relationName => $columns) {
                 $relation = $record;
                 foreach (explode('.', $relationName) as $relationPart) {
                     $relation = $relation->{$relationPart};
                     if ($relation === null) {
                         throw new BadRequestHttpException("Related model {$relationName} does not exist.");
                 if (is_array($relation)) {
                     throw new BadRequestHttpException('hasMany relation type isn\'t supported.');
                 foreach ($columns as $column) {
                     $relation->{$column}['column'] = $column['value'];
                 if (!$relation->save()) {
                     $errors = '';
                     foreach ($relation->errors as $error) {
                         $errors .= implode(' ', $error) . ' ';
                     echo $errors;
           ->update($this->model->tableName(), [$mcol[1] => $mColVal[1]], ['ROWID' => $requestData['id']])
         try {
             $connection->createCommand()->update($this->model->tableName(), [$mcol[1] => $mColVal[1]], ['ROWID' => $requestData['id']])->execute();
         } catch (\yii\db\Exception $e) {
             throw new NotAcceptableHttpException('Policy not allowed.');
         /*if (!$record->save()) {
                         $errors = '';
                         foreach ($record->errors as $error) {
                             $errors .= (implode(' ', $error) . ' ');
                         echo $errors;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Beispiel #23
  * Returns a value indicating whether the given active record is the same as the current one.
  * The comparison is made by comparing the table names and the primary key values of the two active records.
  * If one of the records [[isNewRecord|is new]] they are also considered not equal.
  * @param ActiveRecord $record record to compare to
  * @return boolean whether the two active records refer to the same row in the same database table.
 public function equals($record)
     if ($this->isNewRecord || $record->isNewRecord) {
         return false;
     return $this->tableName() === $record->tableName() && $this->getPrimaryKey() === $record->getPrimaryKey();
Beispiel #24
 public static function tableName()