function valid_value($key, $value) { $numeric_values = array("recovery", "threshold", "use_resolv", "have_scanmap3d", "max_event_tmp"); if (in_array($key, $numeric_values)) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("NOT_NUMERIC", array($key)); } } return true; }
ossim_valid($custom_old_name, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SPACE, OSS_PUNC_EXT, OSS_SCORE, 'illegal:' . _("Custom field name")); } } else { die(ossim_error('illegal:' . _("action"))); } } } ossim_valid($inctype_descr, OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SPACE, OSS_PUNC_EXT, OSS_AT, 'illegal:' . _("Description")); ossim_valid($inctype_id, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SPACE, OSS_PUNC, 'illegal:' . _("id")); ossim_valid($action, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SCORE, 'illegal:' . _("action")); if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); } if (!Session::am_i_admin()) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("ONLY_ADMIN"); } require_once ''; require_once 'classes/'; $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); $custom_name = Util::htmlentities($custom_name, ENT_QUOTES); $custom_old_name = Util::htmlentities($custom_old_name, ENT_QUOTES); if ($action == "modify") { Incident_type::update($conn, $inctype_id, $inctype_descr, $custom == 1 ? "custom" : ""); $location = "incidenttype.php"; } elseif ($action == "modify_ct") { Incident_custom::update_custom($conn, $custom_name, $custom_type, $custom_options, $custom_required, $inctype_id, $custom_old_name); $location = "modifyincidenttypeform.php?id=" . urlencode($inctype_id); } elseif ($action == "modify_pos") {
} if (!Session::am_i_admin() && ($_SESSION["_user"] != $user && !POST("oldpass"))) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("FORM_MISSING_FIELDS"); } /* check for old password if not actual user or admin */ if ($_SESSION["_user"] != $user && !Session::am_i_admin() && !is_array($user_list = Session::get_list($conn, "WHERE login = '******' and pass = '******'"))) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("BAD_OLD_PASSWORD"); } /* check passwords */ if (0 != strcmp($pass1, $pass2)) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORDS_MISMATCH"); } /* only the user himself or the admin can change passwords */ if (POST('user') != $_SESSION["_user"] && !Session::am_i_admin()) { die(ossim_error(_("To change the password for other user is not allowed"))); } /* check OK, insert into DB */ if (POST('update')) { Session::changepass($conn, $user, $pass1); ?> <p> <?php echo gettext("User succesfully updated"); ?> </p> <?php
</h1> <?php require_once ''; require_once 'dir.php'; $ossim_conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"]; $snort_rules_path = $ossim_conf->get_conf("snort_rules_path"); ?> <table align="center"> <?php $files = getDirFiles($snort_rules_path); /* local snort rule directory */ if ($files == NULL) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("RULES_NOT_FOUND", array($snort_rules_path)); } foreach ($files as $file) { /* only show .rules files */ $f = split("\\.", $file); if ($f[1] == 'rules') { ?> <tr><td> <a href="rule.php?name=<?php echo $file; ?> "><?php echo $f[0]; ?> </a>
$conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"]; /* Frameworkd's address & port */ $address = $conf->get_conf("frameworkd_address"); $port = $conf->get_conf("frameworkd_port"); /* create socket */ $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ($socket < 0) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("CRE_SOCKET", array(socket_strerror($socket))); } /* connect */ $result = @socket_connect($socket, $address, $port); if (!$result) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("FRAMW_NOTRUN", array($address . ":" . $port)); } if ($status == "reset") { $in = 'nessus action="reset"' . "\n"; socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in)); ?> <center><a href="index.php"> <?php echo gettext("Back"); ?> </a></center> <?php exit; } if (strlen($sensors) == 0) { foreach ($sensor_list as $sensor) {
</head> <body> <?php require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; include "../hmenu.php"; if (GET('type') == 'alarm') { $report_type = "alarm"; } else { $report_type = "event"; } require_once ''; $path_conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"]; $jpgraph_path = $path_conf->get_conf("jpgraph_path"); if (!is_readable($jpgraph_path)) { $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("JPGRAPH_PATH"); } require_once ''; require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'jgraphs/jgraphs.php'; require_once 'classes/'; $security_report = new SecurityReport(); $server = $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; $file = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; /* database connect */ $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); /* Number of hosts to show */ $NUM_HOSTS = 10;
require_once 'classes/'; Session::logcheck("MenuIntelligence", "CorrelationDirectives"); require_once ''; require_once 'classes/'; $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"]; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5', '>=') && extension_loaded('xsl')) { require_once 'domxml-php4-to-php5.php'; } $XML_FILE = '/etc/ossim/server/directives.xml'; $XSL_FILE = $conf->get_conf("base_dir") . '/directives/directivemenu.xsl'; if (GET('css_stylesheet')) { $css_stylesheet = GET('css_stylesheet'); } else { $css_stylesheet = 'directives.css'; } $array_params = array('css_stylesheet' => $css_stylesheet); if (!function_exists('domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file')) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PHP_DOMXML"); } if (!is_file($XSL_FILE)) { die(_("Missing required XSL file") . " '{$XSL_FILE}'"); } if (!is_file($XML_FILE)) { die(_("Missing required XML file") . " '{$XML_FILE}'"); } $xslt = domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file($XSL_FILE); $xml = domxml_open_file($XML_FILE, DOMXML_LOAD_SUBSTITUTE_ENTITIES); $html = $xslt->process($xml, $array_params); echo $html->dump_mem(true);
?> "><?php echo gettext("Yes"); ?> </a> <a href="users.php"> <?php echo gettext("No"); ?> </a> </p> <?php exit; } if ($loguser == $user) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("USER_CANT_REMOVE"); } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); //Remove associated PDF report $uuid = get_report_uuid(); $url = "/usr/share/ossim/www/tmp/scheduler/{$uuid}"; if (is_dir($url) && !empty($uuid)) { exec("rm -r {$url}"); } Session::delete($conn, $user); $db->close($conn); ?> <p> <?php
.ossim_error { width: auto;} .error_item { padding-left: 50px;} </style> </head> <body> <?php $typeMenu = 'horizontal'; include "../hmenu.php"; if (!$nmap_exists) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("NMAP_PATH"); } ?> <!-- Asset form --> <div id='error_messages' class='ossim_error'></div> <form name="assets_form" id="assets_form" method="GET" action="do_scan.php" target="process"> <table align="center" style='width: 570px;'> <tr> <th colspan="2"><?php echo gettext("Please, select the assets you want to scan:"); ?> </th> </tr>
include "../hmenu.php"; $date_from = GET('date_from') != "" ? GET('date_from') : strftime("%d/%m/%Y ", time()) . "00:00:00"; $date_to = GET('date_to') != "" ? GET('date_to') : strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", time()); $report_type = GET('report_type'); ossim_valid($report_type, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_PUNC, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Report Type")); if (ossim_error()) { die(ossim_error()); } if (empty($report_type)) { $report_type = "security"; } require_once ''; $path_conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"]; $fpdf_path = $path_conf->get_conf("fpdf_path"); if (!is_readable($fpdf_path)) { $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("FPDF_PATH"); } ?> <!-- report selector --> <form name="report_selector" method="GET"> <table align="center"> <tr><td> <select name="report_type" onChange="document.forms['report_selector'].submit()"> <option <?php if ($report_type == "security") { echo " selected "; }
$error->display("PASSWORD_SIZE"); } elseif (strlen($pass1) > $pass_length_max) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_SIZE_MAX"); } elseif (!Session::pass_check_complexity($pass1)) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_ALPHANUM"); } elseif ($pass_expire_min > 0 && dateDiff_min($last_pass_change, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) < $pass_expire_min) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_EXPIRE_MIN"); } elseif (count($recent_pass) > 0 && in_array(md5($pass1), $recent_pass)) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_RECENT"); } /* check for old password if not actual user or admin */ /* if ((($_SESSION["_user"] != $user) && $_SESSION["_user"] != ACL_DEFAULT_OSSIM_ADMIN) && !is_array($user_list = Session::get_list($conn, "WHERE login = '******' and pass = '******'"))) { require_once (""); $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("BAD_OLD_PASSWORD"); }*/ /* only the user himself or the admin can change passwords */ if (POST('user') != $_SESSION["_user"] && !Session::am_i_admin()) { die(ossim_error(_("To change the password for other user is not allowed"))); } Session::changepass($conn, $user, $pass1, $oldpass); Session::log_pass_history($user, md5($pass1));
$error->display("ONLY_ADMIN"); } elseif (0 != strcmp($pass1, $pass2)) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORDS_MISMATCH"); } elseif (strlen($pass1) < $pass_length_min) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_SIZE"); } elseif (strlen($pass1) > $pass_length_max) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_SIZE_MAX"); } elseif (!Session::pass_check_complexity($pass1)) { require_once ""; $error = new OssimError(); $error->display("PASSWORD_ALPHANUM"); } elseif (POST("insert")) { require_once ''; require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; $perms = array(); foreach ($ACL_MAIN_MENU as $menus) { foreach ($menus as $key => $menu) { if (POST($key) == "on") { $perms[$key] = true; } else { $perms[$key] = false; } } }
} echo ossim_error(); echo '<table class="noborder transparent" align="center"> <tr> <td class="nobborder"><input type="button" value="' . _("Back") . '" class="button" onclick="javascript:history.back()"/></td> </tr> </table>'; echo $append; ?> </body> </html> <?php exit; } if (empty($_GET) && empty($_POST)) { $ossim_error = new OssimError(null, null); echo "<div style='width:95%; margin:auto;'>"; $ossim_error->display(_("DEFAULT"), array(_("Error processing form")), $ossim_error->action); echo "</div>"; } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); if (!count($_GET) && count($_POST) > 0) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_GET[$k] = $v; } } $id = GET('incident_id'); $action = POST('action') == "newincident" ? "newincident" : GET('action'); $from_vuln = POST('from_vuln') != "" ? POST('from_vuln') : GET('from_vuln'); $edit = isset($_GET['edit']) || isset($_POST['edit']) ? 1 : 0;