Beispiel #1
  * Check - payment processor is applicable for specified order or not
  * @param \XLite\Model\Order          $order  Order
  * @param \XLite\Model\Payment\Method $method Payment method
  * @return boolean
 public function isApplicable(\XLite\Model\Order $order, \XLite\Model\Payment\Method $method)
     $controller = \XLite::getController();
     return $order->getProfile() && $order->getProfile()->getSavedCards() && method_exists($controller, 'isLogged') && $controller->isLogged() && parent::isApplicable($order, $method);
Beispiel #2
  * Pay
  * @param \XLite\Model\Payment\Transaction $transaction Transaction
  * @param array                            $request     Input data request OPTIONAL
  * @return string
 public function pay(\XLite\Model\Payment\Transaction $transaction, array $request = array())
     return parent::pay($transaction, $request);
Beispiel #3
  * Get payment method configuration page URL
  * @param \XLite\Model\Payment\Method $method    Payment method
  * @param boolean                     $justAdded Flag if the method is just added via administration panel. Additional init configuration can be provided
  * @return string
 public function getConfigurationURL(\XLite\Model\Payment\Method $method, $justAdded = false)
     return $this->getModule() && $this->getModule()->getModuleId() ? \XLite\Core\Converter::buildURL('xpc', '', array('section' => 'welcome')) : parent::getConfigurationURL($method, $justAdded);