function xl($constant,$mode='r',$prepend='',$append='') {
  // set language id
  if (!empty($_SESSION['language_choice'])) {
    $lang_id = $_SESSION['language_choice'];
  else {
    $lang_id = 1;

  if ($lang_id == 1 && !empty($GLOBALS['skip_english_translation'])) {
    // language id = 1, so no need to translate
    //  -- remove comments
    $string = preg_replace('/\{\{.*\}\}/', '', $constant);
  else {
    // first, clean lines
    // convert new lines to spaces and remove windows end of lines
    $patterns = array ('/\n/','/\r/');
    $replace = array (' ','');
    $constant = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $constant);

    // second, attempt translation
    $sql="SELECT * FROM lang_definitions JOIN lang_constants ON " .
      "lang_definitions.cons_id = lang_constants.cons_id WHERE " .
      "lang_id=? AND constant_name = ? LIMIT 1";
    $res = sqlStatementNoLog($sql,array($lang_id,$constant));
    $row = SqlFetchArray($res);
    $string = $row['definition'];
    if ($string == '') { $string = "$constant"; }
    // remove dangerous characters and remove comments
    $patterns = array ('/\n/','/\r/','/"/',"/'/",'/\{\{.*\}\}/');
    $replace = array (' ','','`','`','');
    $string = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $string);
  $string = "$prepend" . "$string" . "$append";
  if ($mode=='e') {
    echo $string;
  } else {
    return $string;
Beispiel #2
 * Escape/sanitize a table name for a sql query..
 * This will escape/sanitize the table name for a sql query. It is done by whitelisting
 * all of the current tables in the openemr database. Note that if there is no match, then
 * it will die() and a error message will be sent to the screen and the error log. This
 * function should not be used for escaping tables outside the openemr database (should
 * use escape_identifier() function below for that scenario)
 * @param   string $s  sql table name variable to be escaped/sanitized.
 * @return  string     Escaped table name variable.
function escape_table_name($s)
    $res = sqlStatementNoLog("SHOW TABLES");
    $tables_array = array();
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        $keys_return = array_keys($row);
        $tables_array[] = $row[$keys_return[0]];
    // Now can escape(via whitelisting) the sql table name
    return escape_identifier($s, $tables_array, TRUE);
Beispiel #3
function transmitCCD($ccd, $recipient, $requested_by, $xml_type = "CCD")
    global $pid;
    //get patient name in Last_First format (used for CCDA filename) and
    //First Last for the message text.
    $patientData = getPatientPID(array("pid" => $pid));
    if (empty($patientData[0]['lname'])) {
        $att_filename = "";
        $patientName2 = "";
    } else {
        //spaces are the argument delimiter for the phiMail API calls and must be removed
        $att_filename = " " . str_replace(" ", "_", $xml_type . "_" . $patientData[0]['lname'] . "_" . $patientData[0]['fname']) . ".xml";
        $patientName2 = $patientData[0]['fname'] . " " . $patientData[0]['lname'];
    $config_err = xl("Direct messaging is currently unavailable.") . " EC:";
    if ($GLOBALS['phimail_enable'] == false) {
        return "{$config_err} 1";
    $fp = phimail_connect($err);
    if ($fp === false) {
        return "{$config_err} {$err}";
    $phimail_username = $GLOBALS['phimail_username'];
    $phimail_password = $GLOBALS['phimail_password'];
    $ret = phimail_write_expect_OK($fp, "AUTH {$phimail_username} {$phimail_password}\n");
    if ($ret !== TRUE) {
        return "{$config_err} 4";
    $ret = phimail_write_expect_OK($fp, "TO {$recipient}\n");
    if ($ret !== TRUE) {
        return xl("Delivery is not allowed to the specified Direct Address.");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 1024);
    //ignore extra server data
    if ($requested_by == "patient") {
        $text_out = xl("Delivery of the attached clinical document was requested by the patient") . ($patientName2 == "" ? "." : ", " . $patientName2 . ".");
    } else {
        $text_out = xl("A clinical document is attached") . ($patientName2 == "" ? "." : " " . xl("for patient") . " " . $patientName2 . ".");
    $text_len = strlen($text_out);
    phimail_write($fp, "TEXT {$text_len}\n");
    $ret = @fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "BEGIN\n") {
        return "{$config_err} 5";
    $ret = phimail_write_expect_OK($fp, $text_out);
    if ($ret !== TRUE) {
        return "{$config_err} 6";
    $ccd_out = $ccd->saveXml();
    $ccd_len = strlen($ccd_out);
    phimail_write($fp, "ADD " . ($xml_type == "CCR" ? "CCR " : "CDA ") . $ccd_len . $att_filename . "\n");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "BEGIN\n") {
        return "{$config_err} 7";
    $ret = phimail_write_expect_OK($fp, $ccd_out);
    if ($ret !== TRUE) {
        return "{$config_err} 8";
    phimail_write($fp, "SEND\n");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($requested_by == "patient") {
        $reqBy = "portal-user";
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'";
        if (($r = sqlStatementNoLog($sql)) === FALSE || ($u = sqlFetchArray($r)) === FALSE) {
            $reqID = 1;
            //default if we don't have a service user
        } else {
            $reqID = $u['id'];
    } else {
        $reqBy = $_SESSION['authUser'];
        $reqID = $_SESSION['authUserID'];
    if (substr($ret, 5) == "ERROR") {
        //log the failure
        newEvent("transmit-ccd", $reqBy, $_SESSION['authProvider'], 0, $ret, $pid);
        return xl("The message could not be sent at this time.");
     * If we get here, the message was successfully sent and the return
     * value $ret is of the form "QUEUED recipient message-id" which
     * is suitable for logging. 
    $msg_id = explode(" ", trim($ret), 4);
    if ($msg_id[0] != "QUEUED" || !isset($msg_id[2])) {
        //unexpected response
        $ret = "UNEXPECTED RESPONSE: " . $ret;
        newEvent("transmit-ccd", $reqBy, $_SESSION['authProvider'], 0, $ret, $pid);
        return xl("There was a problem sending the message.");
    newEvent("transmit-" . $xml_type, $reqBy, $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, $ret, $pid);
    $adodb = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db'];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO direct_message_log (msg_type,msg_id,sender,recipient,status,status_ts,patient_id,user_id) " . "VALUES ('S', ?, ?, ?, 'S', NOW(), ?, ?)";
    $res = @sqlStatementNoLog($sql, array($msg_id[2], $phimail_username, $recipient, $pid, $reqID));
    return "SUCCESS";
 * Catch unexpected failures.
 * if the global $service_name is still set, then a die() or exit() occurred during the execution
 * of that service's function call, and we did not complete the foreach loop properly,
 * so we need to reset the is_running flag for that service before quitting
function background_shutdown()
    global $service_name;
    if (isset($service_name)) {
        $sql = 'UPDATE background_services SET running = 0 WHERE name = ?';
        $res = sqlStatementNoLog($sql, array($service_name));
Beispiel #5
                if (!$form_replace) {
                    $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT id FROM codes WHERE code_type = ? AND code = ? LIMIT 1", array($code_type_id, $code));
                    if ($tmp['id']) {
                        sqlStatementNoLog("UPDATE codes SET code_text = ? WHERE code_type = ? AND code = ?", array($a[14], $code_type_id, $code));
                sqlStatementNoLog("INSERT INTO codes SET code_type = ?, code = ?, code_text = ?, " . "fee = 0, units = 0", array($code_type_id, $code, $a[14]));
            // TBD: Clone/adapt the above for each new code type.
        // Settings to drastically speed up import with InnoDB
        sqlStatementNoLog("SET autocommit=1");
    echo "<p style='color:green'>" . xlt('LOAD SUCCESSFUL. Codes inserted') . ": {$inscount}, " . xlt('replaced') . ": {$repcount}" . "</p>\n";
<form method='post' action='load_codes.php' enctype='multipart/form-data'
 onsubmit='return top.restoreSession()'>


<p class='text'>
<table border='1' cellpadding='4'>
 <tr bgcolor='#dddddd' class='dehead'>
  <td align='center' colspan='2'>
Beispiel #6
function transmitCCD($ccd, $recipient, $requested_by)
    global $pid;
    $config_err = xl("Direct messaging is currently unavailable.") . " EC:";
    if ($GLOBALS['phimail_enable'] == false) {
        return "{$config_err} 1";
    $phimail_server = @parse_url($GLOBALS['phimail_server_address']);
    $phimail_username = $GLOBALS['phimail_username'];
    $phimail_password = $GLOBALS['phimail_password'];
    switch ($phimail_server['scheme']) {
        case "http":
            $server = "tcp://" . $phimail_server['host'];
        case "https":
            $server = "ssl://" . $phimail_server['host'];
            return "{$config_err} 2";
    $fp = @fsockopen($server, $phimail_server['port']);
    if ($fp === false) {
        return "{$config_err} 3";
    @fwrite($fp, "AUTH {$phimail_username} {$phimail_password}\n");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "OK\n") {
        fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
        return "{$config_err} 4";
    fwrite($fp, "TO {$recipient}\n");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "OK\n") {
        fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
        return xl("Delivery is not currently permitted to the specified Direct Address.");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 1024);
    //ignore extra server data
    if ($requested_by == "patient") {
        $text_out = xl("Delivery of the attached clinical document was requested by the patient.");
    } else {
        $text_out = xl("A clinical document is attached.");
    $text_len = strlen($text_out);
    fwrite($fp, "TEXT {$text_len}\n");
    $ret = @fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "BEGIN\n") {
        fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
        return "{$config_err} 5";
    fwrite($fp, $text_out);
    $ret = @fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "OK\n") {
        fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
        return "{$config_err} 6";
    $ccd_out = $ccd->saveXml();
    $ccd_len = strlen($ccd_out);
    fwrite($fp, "CDA {$ccd_len}\n");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "BEGIN\n") {
        fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
        return "{$config_err} 7";
    fwrite($fp, $ccd_out);
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    if ($ret != "OK\n") {
        fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
        return "{$config_err} 8";
    fwrite($fp, "SEND\n");
    $ret = fgets($fp, 256);
    fwrite($fp, "BYE\n");
    if ($requested_by == "patient") {
        $reqBy = "portal-user";
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'";
        if (($r = sqlStatementNoLog($sql)) === FALSE || ($u = sqlFetchArray($r)) === FALSE) {
            $reqID = 1;
            //default if we don't have a service user
        } else {
            $reqID = $u['id'];
    } else {
        $reqBy = $_SESSION['authUser'];
        $reqID = $_SESSION['authUserID'];
    if (substr($ret, 5) == "ERROR") {
        //log the failure
        newEvent("transmit-ccd", $reqBy, $_SESSION['authProvider'], 0, $ret, $pid);
        return xl("The message could not be sent at this time.");
     * If we get here, the message was successfully sent and the return
     * value $ret is of the form "QUEUED recipient message-id" which
     * is suitable for logging. 
    $msg_id = explode(" ", trim($ret), 4);
    if ($msg_id[0] != "QUEUED" || !isset($msg_id[2])) {
        //unexpected response
        $ret = "UNEXPECTED RESPONSE: " . $ret;
        newEvent("transmit-ccd", $reqBy, $_SESSION['authProvider'], 0, $ret, $pid);
        return xl("There was a problem sending the message.");
    newEvent("transmit-ccd", $reqBy, $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, $ret, $pid);
    $adodb = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db'];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO direct_message_log (msg_type,msg_id,sender,recipient,status,status_ts,patient_id,user_id) " . "VALUES ('S', ?, ?, ?, 'S', NOW(), ?, ?)";
    $res = @sqlStatementNoLog($sql, array($msg_id[2], $phimail_username, $recipient, $pid, $reqID));
    return "SUCCESS";