public static function step2()
     $oSession = new Session();
     if (!$oSession->exists('mail_step1')) {
         Framework\Url\Header::redirect(Uri::get('user', 'signup', 'step1'));
     } elseif ($oSession->exists('mail_step2')) {
         Header::redirect(Uri::get('user', 'signup', 'step3'));
     if (isset($_POST['submit_join_user2'])) {
         if (\PFBC\Form::isValid($_POST['submit_join_user2'])) {
             (new JoinFormProcess())->step2();
     $oForm = new \PFBC\Form('form_join_user2');
     $oForm->configure(array('action' => ''));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Hidden('submit_join_user2', 'form_join_user2'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Token('join2'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Radio(t('Gender:'), 'sex', array('female' => t('Female') . ' ♀', 'male' => t('Male') . ' ♂', 'couple' => t('Couple')), array('value' => 'female', 'title' => t('Please specify your gender.'), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Checkbox(t('Interested in:'), 'match_sex', array('male' => t('Male') . ' ♂', 'female' => t('Female') . ' ♀', 'couple' => t('Couple')), array('value' => 'male', 'title' => t('Please specify whom you are looking for'), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Date(t('Your Date of birth:'), 'birth_date', array('placeholder' => t('Month/Day/Year'), 'id' => 'birth_date', 'title' => t('Please specify your birth date using the calendar or with this format: Month/Day/Year.'), 'onblur' => 'CValid(this.value,', 'validation' => new \PFBC\Validation\BirthDate(), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<span class="input_error birth_date"></span>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Country(t('Your Country:'), 'country', array('id' => 'str_country', 'value' => Geo::getCountryCode(), 'title' => t('Select the country where you live.'), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Textbox(t('Your City:'), 'city', array('id' => 'str_city', 'value' => Geo::getCity(), 'onblur' => 'CValid(this.value,,2,150)', 'title' => t('Specify the city where you live.'), 'validation' => new \PFBC\Validation\Str(2, 150), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<span class="input_error str_city"></span>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Textbox(t('Your State or Province:'), 'state', array('id' => 'str_state', 'value' => Geo::getState(), 'onblur' => 'CValid(this.value,,2,150)', 'title' => t('Specify your state.'), 'validation' => new \PFBC\Validation\Str(2, 150), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<span class="input_error str_state"></span>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Textbox(t('Your ZIP/Postal Code:'), 'zip_code', array('id' => 'str_zip_code', 'value' => Geo::getZipCode(), 'onblur' => 'CValid(this.value,,2,15)', 'title' => t('Enter your post code (Zip).'), 'validation' => new \PFBC\Validation\Str(2, 15), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<span class="input_error str_zip_code"></span>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Button());
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<script src="' . PH7_URL_STATIC . PH7_JS . 'validate.js"></script><script src="' . PH7_URL_STATIC . PH7_JS . 'geo/autocompleteCity.js"></script>'));
  * Parser for the System variables.
  * @param string $sVar
  * @return The new parsed text
 public function parse($sVar)
     /*** Not to parse a text ***/
     if (preg_match('/#!.+!#/', $sVar)) {
         $sVar = str_replace(array('#!', '!#'), '', $sVar);
         return $sVar;
     /***** Site Variables *****/
     $oRegistry = Registry::getInstance();
     $sVar = str_replace('%site_name%', $oRegistry->site_name, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%url_relative%', PH7_RELATIVE, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace(array('%site_url%', '%url_root%'), $oRegistry->site_url, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%url_static%', PH7_URL_STATIC, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%page_ext%', PH7_PAGE_EXT, $sVar);
     /***** Affiliate Variables *****/
     $oSession = new Session();
     $sAffUsername = $oSession->exists('affiliate_username') ? $oSession->get('affiliate_username') : 'aid';
     $sVar = str_replace('%affiliate_url%', Uri::get('affiliate', 'router', 'refer', $sAffUsername), $sVar);
     /***** Global Variables *****/
     $sVar = str_replace('%ip%', Ip::get(), $sVar);
     /***** Kernel Variables *****/
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_name%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_company%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_COMPANY, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_author%', 'Pierre-Henry Soria', $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_version_name%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_VERSION_NAME, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_version%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_VERSION, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_build%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_BUILD, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_email%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_EMAIL, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_website%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_WEBSITE, $sVar);
     // Output
     return $sVar;
  * Affiliates'levels.
  * @return boolean
 public static function auth()
     $oSession = new Framework\Session\Session();
     $oBrowser = new Framework\Navigation\Browser();
     $bIsConnect = (int) $oSession->exists('affiliate_id') && $oSession->get('affiliate_ip') === Framework\Ip\Ip::get() && $oSession->get('affiliate_http_user_agent') === $oBrowser->getUserAgent();
     /** Destruction of the object and minimize CPU resources **/
     unset($oSession, $oBrowser);
     return $bIsConnect;
  * Users'levels.
  * @return boolean
 public static function auth()
     $oSession = new Session();
     $oBrowser = new Browser();
     $bIsConnect = (int) $oSession->exists('member_id') && $oSession->get('member_ip') === Ip::get() && $oSession->get('member_http_user_agent') === $oBrowser->getUserAgent();
     /** Destruction of the object and minimize CPU resources **/
     unset($oSession, $oBrowser);
     return $bIsConnect;
  * Check if the JS validationbox has to be added and redirect if the site hasn't been validated yet for a while.
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Session\Session $oSess
  * @return boolean
 public static function needInject(Framework\Session\Session $oSess)
     $oVSModel = new ValidateSiteCoreModel();
     $iSinceSiteCreated = VDate::getTime(StatisticCoreModel::getSiteSinceDate());
     // After over 2 months, the site is still not validated, maybe the validation box doesn't really work, so we redirected to the page form
     if (!$oVSModel->is() && VDate::setTime('-2 months') > $iSinceSiteCreated && !$oSess->exists(self::SESS_IS_VISITED)) {
         Header::redirect(Uri::get('validate-site', 'main', 'validationbox'));
     if (!$oVSModel->is() && VDate::setTime('-2 days') > $iSinceSiteCreated) {
         // OK for adding the validation colorbox
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #6
 public static function checkGroup()
     $oSession = new Framework\Session\Session();
     if (!$oSession->exists('member_group_id')) {
         $oSession->set('member_group_id', '1');
         // Visitor's group
     $rStmt = Db::getInstance()->prepare('SELECT permissions FROM' . Db::prefix('Memberships') . 'WHERE groupId = :groupId LIMIT 1');
     $rStmt->bindParam(':groupId', $_SESSION[Framework\Config\Config::getInstance()->values['session']['prefix'] . 'member_group_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $oFetch = $rStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     return Framework\CArray\ObjArr::toObject(unserialize($oFetch->permissions));
 public static function checkGroup()
     $oSession = new Framework\Session\Session();
     if (!$oSession->exists('member_group_id')) {
         $oSession->set('member_group_id', '1');
         // By default, it's the Visitor's group (ID 1)
     $rStmt = Db::getInstance()->prepare('SELECT permissions FROM' . Db::prefix('Memberships') . 'WHERE groupId = :groupId LIMIT 1');
     $rStmt->bindValue(':groupId', $oSession->get('member_group_id'), \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $oFetch = $rStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     return Framework\CArray\ObjArr::toObject(unserialize($oFetch->permissions));
  * Constructor.
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Session\Session $oSession
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Mvc\Request\Http $oHttpRequest
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Registry\Registry $oRegistry
  * @return void
 public function __construct(Session $oSession, HttpRequest $oHttpRequest, Registry $oRegistry)
     /*** Import the libraries ***/
     $oClient = new \Google_Client();
     $oOauth = new \Google_Oauth2Service($oClient);
     if ($oHttpRequest->getExists('code')) {
         $oSession->set('token', $oClient->getAccessToken());
         $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
     if ($oSession->exists('token')) {
         $oClient->setAccessToken($oSession->get('token', false));
     if ($oClient->getAccessToken()) {
         // User info is ok? Here we will be connect the user and/or adding the login and registering routines...
         $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
         // Get information of user
         $aUserData = $oOauth->userinfo->get();
         if (!($iId = $oUserModel->getId($aUserData['email']))) {
             // Add User if it does not exist in our database
             $this->add(escape($aUserData, true), $oUserModel);
             // Add User Avatar
             if (!empty($aUserData['picture'])) {
             $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('You have now been registered! %0%', (new Registration())->sendMail($this->_aUserInfo, true)->getMsg()));
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'register');
         } else {
             // Login
             $this->setLogin($iId, $oUserModel);
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
         // Add the access token
         $oSession->set('token', $oClient->getAccessToken());
     } else {
         $this->sUrl = $oClient->createAuthUrl();
     unset($oClient, $oOauth);
  * @return boolean Return "true" If we believe that this person takes too much request otherwise "false"
 public function session()
     $oSession = new Session();
     if (!$oSession->exists(static::COOKIE_NAME)) {
         $oSession->set(static::COOKIE_NAME, 1);
     } else {
         $oSession->set(static::COOKIE_NAME, $oSession->get(static::COOKIE_NAME) + 1);
     if ($oSession->get(static::COOKIE_NAME) > PH7_DDOS_MAX_SESSION_PAGE_LOAD) {
         // Remove Session
         $bStatus = true;
     } else {
         $bStatus = false;
     return $bStatus;