Beispiel #1
  * @return bool
 protected function clearImplementation()
     if (\defined('PHP_SAPI') && 'cli' === PHP_SAPI && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('system')) {
     return true;
	 * @param bool $bSupported
	 * @param int $iSecurityType
	 * @param bool $bHasSupportedAuth = true
	 * @return bool
	public static function UseStartTLS($bSupported, $iSecurityType, $bHasSupportedAuth = true)
		return ($bSupported &&
			(self::STARTTLS === $iSecurityType || 
				(self::AUTO_DETECT === $iSecurityType && (!$bHasSupportedAuth || \MailSo\Config::$PreferStartTlsIfAutoDetect))) &&
			\defined('STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT') && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('stream_socket_enable_crypto'));
  * @param \RainLoop\Model\Account $oHmailAccount
  * @param string $sPrevPassword
  * @param string $sNewPassword
  * @return bool
 public function ChangePassword(\RainLoop\Account $oHmailAccount, $sPrevPassword, $sNewPassword)
     if ($this->oLogger) {
         $this->oLogger->Write('Try to change password for ' . $oHmailAccount->Email());
     $bResult = false;
     try {
         $oHmailApp = new COM("hMailServer.Application");
         if ($oHmailApp->Authenticate($this->sLogin, $this->sPassword)) {
             $sEmail = $oHmailAccount->Email();
             $sDomain = \MailSo\Base\Utils::GetDomainFromEmail($sEmail);
             $oHmailDomain = $oHmailApp->Domains->ItemByName($sDomain);
             if ($oHmailDomain) {
                 $oHmailAccount = $oHmailDomain->Accounts->ItemByAddress($sEmail);
                 if ($oHmailAccount) {
                     $oHmailAccount->Password = $sNewPassword;
                     $bResult = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->oLogger->Write('HMAILSERVER: Unknown account (' . $sEmail . ')', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR);
             } else {
                 $this->oLogger->Write('HMAILSERVER: Unknown domain (' . $sDomain . ')', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR);
         } else {
             $this->oLogger->Write('HMAILSERVER: Auth error', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::ERROR);
     } catch (\Exception $oException) {
         if ($this->oLogger) {
     return $bResult;
  * @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
  * @param string $sPrevPassword
  * @param string $sNewPassword
 public function ChangePassword(\RainLoop\Account $oAccount, $sPrevPassword, $sNewPassword)
     $mResult = false;
     if ($this->oDriver instanceof \RainLoop\Providers\ChangePassword\ChangePasswordInterface && $this->PasswordChangePossibility($oAccount)) {
         if ($sPrevPassword !== $oAccount->Password()) {
             throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::CurrentPasswordIncorrect);
         $sPasswordForCheck = \trim($sNewPassword);
         if (6 > \strlen($sPasswordForCheck)) {
             throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::NewPasswordShort);
         if (!\MailSo\Base\Utils::PasswordWeaknessCheck($sPasswordForCheck)) {
             throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::NewPasswordWeak);
         if (!$this->oDriver->ChangePassword($oAccount, $sPrevPassword, $sNewPassword)) {
             throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::CouldNotSaveNewPassword);
         $mResult = $this->oActions->GetSpecAuthToken();
     } else {
         throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::CouldNotSaveNewPassword);
     return $mResult;
Beispiel #5
  * @param string $sFileName
  * @param string $sFileHeader = ''
  * @return void
 public function __construct($sFileName, $sFileHeader = '')
     $this->sFile = \APP_PRIVATE_DATA . 'configs/' . $sFileName;
     $this->sFileHeader = $sFileHeader;
     $this->aData = $this->defaultValues();
     $this->bUseApcCache = APP_USE_APC_CACHE && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled(array('apc_fetch', 'apc_store'));
Beispiel #6
  * @return bool
 public function Connect()
     $sHost = $this->bUseSsl ? 'ssl://' . $this->sHost : $this->sHost;
     if ($this->IsConnected()) {
         CApi::Log('already connected[' . $sHost . ':' . $this->iPort . ']: result = false', ELogLevel::Error);
         return false;
     $sErrorStr = '';
     $iErrorNo = 0;
     CApi::Log('start connect to ' . $sHost . ':' . $this->iPort);
     $this->rConnect = @fsockopen($sHost, $this->iPort, $iErrorNo, $sErrorStr, $this->iConnectTimeOut);
     if (!$this->IsConnected()) {
         CApi::Log('connection error[' . $sHost . ':' . $this->iPort . ']: fsockopen = false (' . $iErrorNo . ': ' . $sErrorStr . ')', ELogLevel::Error);
         return false;
     } else {
     if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('stream_set_timeout')) {
         @stream_set_timeout($this->rConnect, $this->iSocketTimeOut);
     if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('@stream_set_blocking')) {
         @stream_set_blocking($this->rConnect, true);
     return true;
Beispiel #7
  * @param int $iTimeToClearInHours = 24
  * @return bool
 public function GC($iTimeToClearInHours = 24)
     if (0 < $iTimeToClearInHours) {
         \MailSo\Base\Utils::RecTimeDirRemove($this->sCacheFolder, 60 * 60 * $iTimeToClearInHours, \time());
         return true;
     return false;
  * @access protected
  * @param string $sEmailAddresses = ''
 protected function __construct($sEmailAddresses = '')
     $sEmailAddresses = \MailSo\Base\Utils::Trim($sEmailAddresses);
     if (0 < \strlen($sEmailAddresses)) {
Beispiel #9
  * This function detects the SMTP Host, and if it is set to "auto", replaces it with the email domain.
  * @param \RainLoop\Model\Account $oAccount
  * @param array $aSmtpCredentials
 public function FilterSmtpCredentials($oAccount, &$aSmtpCredentials)
     if ($oAccount instanceof \RainLoop\Model\Account && \is_array($aSmtpCredentials)) {
         // Check for mail.$DOMAIN as entered value in RL settings
         if (!empty($aSmtpCredentials['Host']) && 'auto' === $aSmtpCredentials['Host']) {
             $aSmtpCredentials['Host'] = \MailSo\Base\Utils::GetDomainFromEmail($oAccount->Email());
  * @param array $aSubStreams
  * @return resource|bool
 public static function CreateStream($aSubStreams)
     if (!\in_array(self::STREAM_NAME, \stream_get_wrappers())) {
         \stream_wrapper_register(self::STREAM_NAME, '\\MailSo\\Base\\StreamWrappers\\SubStreams');
     $sHashName = \MailSo\Base\Utils::Md5Rand();
     self::$aStreams[$sHashName] = $aSubStreams;
     return \fopen(self::STREAM_NAME . '://' . $sHashName, 'rb');
  * @param string $sFileName
  * @param string $sFileHeader = ''
  * @param string $sAdditionalFileName = ''
  * @return void
 public function __construct($sFileName, $sFileHeader = '', $sAdditionalFileName = '')
     $this->sFile = \APP_PRIVATE_DATA . 'configs/' . \trim($sFileName);
     $sAdditionalFileName = \trim($sAdditionalFileName);
     $this->sAdditionalFile = \APP_PRIVATE_DATA . 'configs/' . $sAdditionalFileName;
     $this->sAdditionalFile = 0 < \strlen($sAdditionalFileName) && \file_exists($this->sAdditionalFile) ? $this->sAdditionalFile : '';
     $this->sFileHeader = $sFileHeader;
     $this->aData = $this->defaultValues();
     $this->bUseApcCache = APP_USE_APC_CACHE && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled(array('apc_fetch', 'apc_store'));
Beispiel #12
  * @param array $oItem
  * @param array $aPics
  * @return array|null
 private function convertGoogleJsonContactToResponseContact($oItem, &$aPics)
     $mResult = null;
     if (!empty($oItem['gd$email'][0]['address'])) {
         $mEmail = \MailSo\Base\Utils::IdnToAscii($oItem['gd$email'][0]['address'], true);
         if (\is_array($oItem['gd$email']) && 1 < \count($oItem['gd$email'])) {
             $mEmail = array();
             foreach ($oItem['gd$email'] as $oEmail) {
                 if (!empty($oEmail['address'])) {
                     $mEmail[] = \MailSo\Base\Utils::IdnToAscii($oEmail['address'], true);
         $sImg = '';
         if (!empty($oItem['link']) && \is_array($oItem['link'])) {
             foreach ($oItem['link'] as $oLink) {
                 if ($oLink && isset($oLink['type'], $oLink['href'], $oLink['rel']) && 'image/*' === $oLink['type'] && '#photo' === \substr($oLink['rel'], -6)) {
                     $sImg = $oLink['href'];
         $mResult = array('email' => $mEmail, 'name' => !empty($oItem['title']['$t']) ? $oItem['title']['$t'] : '');
         if (0 < \strlen($sImg)) {
             $sHash = \RainLoop\Utils::EncodeKeyValues(array('url' => $sImg, 'type' => 'google_access_token'));
             $mData = array();
             if (isset($aPics[$sHash])) {
                 $mData = $aPics[$sHash];
                 if (!\is_array($mData)) {
                     $mData = array($mData);
             if (\is_array($mEmail)) {
                 $mData = \array_merge($mData, $mEmail);
                 $mData = \array_unique($mData);
             } else {
                 if (0 < \strlen($mEmail)) {
                     $mData[] = $mEmail;
             if (\is_array($mData)) {
                 if (1 === \count($mData) && !empty($mData[0])) {
                     $aPics[$sHash] = $mData[0];
                 } else {
                     if (1 < \count($mData)) {
                         $aPics[$sHash] = $mData;
     return $mResult;
Beispiel #13
  * @param \CAccount $oAccount
  * @param int $iStorageType
  * @param string $sKey
  * @param resource $rSource
  * @return bool
 public function PutFile(\CAccount $oAccount, $iStorageType, $sKey, $rSource)
     $bResult = false;
     if ($rSource) {
         $rOpenOutput = @fopen($this->generateFileName($oAccount, $iStorageType, $sKey, true), 'w+b');
         if ($rOpenOutput) {
             $bResult = false !== \MailSo\Base\Utils::MultipleStreamWriter($rSource, array($rOpenOutput));
     return $bResult;
Beispiel #14
  * @param string $sText
  * @param string $sHtmlAttrs = ''
  * @param string $sBodyAttrs = ''
  * @return \DOMDocument|bool
 public static function GetDomFromText($sText, $sHtmlAttrs = '', $sBodyAttrs = '')
     static $bOnce = true;
     if ($bOnce) {
         $bOnce = false;
         if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('libxml_use_internal_errors')) {
     $oDom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $oDom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
     $oDom->formatOutput = false;
     @$oDom->loadHTML('<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?' . '>' . '<html ' . $sHtmlAttrs . '><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body ' . $sBodyAttrs . '>' . $sText . '</body></html>');
     return $oDom;
Beispiel #15
  * @return array|null
 public static function Statistic()
     $aResult = null;
     if (self::$StoreStatistic) {
         $aResult = array('php' => array('phpversion' => PHP_VERSION, 'ssl' => (int) \function_exists('openssl_open'), 'iconv' => (int) \function_exists('iconv')));
         if (\MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('memory_get_usage') && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
             $aResult['php']['memory_get_usage'] = Utils::FormatFileSize(\memory_get_usage(true), 2);
             $aResult['php']['memory_get_peak_usage'] = Utils::FormatFileSize(\memory_get_peak_usage(true), 2);
         self::SetStatistic('TimeDelta', \microtime(true) - self::GetStatistic('Inited'));
         $aResult['statistic'] = self::$aSetStatistic;
         $aResult['counts'] = self::$aIncStatistic;
     return $aResult;
  * @param int $iIndex
  * @param string $sParentCharset = \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::ISO_8859_1
  * @return \MailSo\Mime\EmailCollection|null
 public function GetFetchEnvelopeEmailCollection($iIndex, $sParentCharset = \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::ISO_8859_1)
     $oResult = null;
     $aEmails = $this->GetFetchEnvelopeValue($iIndex, null);
     if (is_array($aEmails) && 0 < count($aEmails)) {
         $oResult = \MailSo\Mime\EmailCollection::NewInstance();
         foreach ($aEmails as $aEmailItem) {
             if (is_array($aEmailItem) && 4 === count($aEmailItem)) {
                 $sDisplayName = \MailSo\Base\Utils::DecodeHeaderValue(self::findEnvelopeIndex($aEmailItem, 0, ''), $sParentCharset);
                 $sRemark = \MailSo\Base\Utils::DecodeHeaderValue(self::findEnvelopeIndex($aEmailItem, 1, ''), $sParentCharset);
                 $sLocalPart = self::findEnvelopeIndex($aEmailItem, 2, '');
                 $sDomainPart = self::findEnvelopeIndex($aEmailItem, 3, '');
                 if (0 < strlen($sLocalPart) && 0 < strlen($sDomainPart)) {
                     $oResult->Add(\MailSo\Mime\Email::NewInstance($sLocalPart . '@' . $sDomainPart, $sDisplayName, $sRemark));
     return $oResult;
  * @param \RainLoop\Account $oAccount
  * @param string $sPrevPassword
  * @param string $sNewPassword
  * @return bool
 public function ChangePassword(\RainLoop\Account $oAccount, $sPrevPassword, $sNewPassword)
     if ($this->oLogger) {
         $this->oLogger->Write('DirectAdmin: Try to change password for ' . $oAccount->Email());
     $bResult = false;
     if (!empty($this->sHost) && 0 < $this->iPort && $oAccount) {
         $sEmail = \trim(\strtolower($oAccount->Email()));
         $sHost = \trim($this->sHost);
         $sHost = \str_replace('{user:host-imap}', $oAccount->Domain()->IncHost(), $sHost);
         $sHost = \str_replace('{user:host-smtp}', $oAccount->Domain()->OutHost(), $sHost);
         $sHost = \str_replace('{user:domain}', \MailSo\Base\Utils::GetDomainFromEmail($sEmail), $sHost);
         $sHost = \rtrim($this->sHost, '/\\');
         if (!\preg_match('/^http[s]?:\\/\\//i', $sHost)) {
             $sHost = 'http://' . $sHost;
         $sUrl = $sHost . ':' . $this->iPort . '/CMD_CHANGE_EMAIL_PASSWORD';
         $iCode = 0;
         $oHttp = \MailSo\Base\Http::SingletonInstance();
         if ($this->oLogger) {
             $this->oLogger->Write('DirectAdmin[Api Request]:' . $sUrl);
         $mResult = $oHttp->SendPostRequest($sUrl, array('email' => $sEmail, 'oldpassword' => $sPrevPassword, 'password1' => $sNewPassword, 'password2' => $sNewPassword, 'api' => '1'), 'MailSo Http User Agent (v1)', $iCode, $this->oLogger);
         if (false !== $mResult && 200 === $iCode) {
             $aRes = null;
             @\parse_str($mResult, $aRes);
             if (is_array($aRes) && (!isset($aRes['error']) || (int) $aRes['error'] !== 1)) {
                 $bResult = true;
             } else {
                 if ($this->oLogger) {
                     $this->oLogger->Write('DirectAdmin[Error]: Response: ' . $mResult);
         } else {
             if ($this->oLogger) {
                 $this->oLogger->Write('DirectAdmin[Error]: Empty Response: Code:' . $iCode);
     return $bResult;
Beispiel #18
  * @param string $sPrevFolderFullNameRaw
  * @param string $sNextFolderNameInUtf
  * @param bool $bRenameOrMove
  * @param bool $bSubscribeOnModify
  * @return \MailSo\Mail\MailClient
  * @throws \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
 public function folderModify($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, $sNextFolderNameInUtf, $bRenameOrMove, $bSubscribeOnModify)
     if (0 === \strlen($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw) || 0 === \strlen($sNextFolderNameInUtf)) {
         throw new \MailSo\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException();
     $aFolders = $this->oImapClient->FolderList('', $sPrevFolderFullNameRaw);
     if (!\is_array($aFolders) || !isset($aFolders[0])) {
         // TODO
         throw new \MailSo\Mail\Exceptions\RuntimeException('Cannot rename non-existen folder');
     $sDelimiter = $aFolders[0]->Delimiter();
     $iLast = \strrpos($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, $sDelimiter);
     $mSubscribeFolders = null;
     if ($bSubscribeOnModify) {
         $mSubscribeFolders = $this->oImapClient->FolderSubscribeList($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, '*');
         if (\is_array($mSubscribeFolders) && 0 < count($mSubscribeFolders)) {
             foreach ($mSubscribeFolders as $oFolder) {
     $sNewFolderFullNameRaw = \MailSo\Base\Utils::ConvertEncoding($sNextFolderNameInUtf, \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::UTF_8, \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::UTF_7_IMAP);
     if ($bRenameOrMove) {
         if (0 < \strlen($sDelimiter) && false !== \strpos($sNewFolderFullNameRaw, $sDelimiter)) {
             // TODO
             throw new \MailSo\Mail\Exceptions\RuntimeException('New folder name contain delimiter');
         $sFolderParentFullNameRaw = false === $iLast ? '' : \substr($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, 0, $iLast + 1);
         $sNewFolderFullNameRaw = $sFolderParentFullNameRaw . $sNewFolderFullNameRaw;
     $this->oImapClient->FolderRename($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw, $sNewFolderFullNameRaw);
     if (\is_array($mSubscribeFolders) && 0 < count($mSubscribeFolders)) {
         foreach ($mSubscribeFolders as $oFolder) {
             $sFolderFullNameRawForResubscrine = $oFolder->FullNameRaw();
             if (0 === \strpos($sFolderFullNameRawForResubscrine, $sPrevFolderFullNameRaw)) {
                 $sNewFolderFullNameRawForResubscrine = $sNewFolderFullNameRaw . \substr($sFolderFullNameRawForResubscrine, \strlen($sPrevFolderFullNameRaw));
     return $this;
Beispiel #19
  * @param string $sParent
  * @param string $sLiteralAtomUpperCase
  * @param resource $rImapStream
  * @param int $iLiteralLen
  * @return bool
 private function partialResponseLiteralCallbackCallable($sParent, $sLiteralAtomUpperCase, $rImapStream, $iLiteralLen)
     $sLiteralAtomUpperCasePeek = '';
     if (0 === \strpos($sLiteralAtomUpperCase, 'BODY')) {
         $sLiteralAtomUpperCasePeek = \str_replace('BODY', 'BODY.PEEK', $sLiteralAtomUpperCase);
     $sFetchKey = '';
     if (\is_array($this->aFetchCallbacks)) {
         if (0 < \strlen($sLiteralAtomUpperCasePeek) && isset($this->aFetchCallbacks[$sLiteralAtomUpperCasePeek])) {
             $sFetchKey = $sLiteralAtomUpperCasePeek;
         } else {
             if (0 < \strlen($sLiteralAtomUpperCase) && isset($this->aFetchCallbacks[$sLiteralAtomUpperCase])) {
                 $sFetchKey = $sLiteralAtomUpperCase;
     $bResult = false;
     if (0 < \strlen($sFetchKey) && '' !== $this->aFetchCallbacks[$sFetchKey] && \is_callable($this->aFetchCallbacks[$sFetchKey])) {
         $rImapLiteralStream = \MailSo\Base\StreamWrappers\Literal::CreateStream($rImapStream, $iLiteralLen);
         $bResult = true;
         $this->writeLog('Start Callback for ' . $sParent . ' / ' . $sLiteralAtomUpperCase . ' - try to read ' . $iLiteralLen . ' bytes.', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTE);
         $this->bRunningCallback = true;
         try {
             \call_user_func($this->aFetchCallbacks[$sFetchKey], $sParent, $sLiteralAtomUpperCase, $rImapLiteralStream);
         } catch (\Exception $oException) {
             $this->writeLog('Callback Exception', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTICE);
         if (\is_resource($rImapLiteralStream)) {
             $iNotReadLiteralLen = 0;
             $bFeof = \feof($rImapLiteralStream);
             $this->writeLog('End Callback for ' . $sParent . ' / ' . $sLiteralAtomUpperCase . ' - feof = ' . ($bFeof ? 'good' : 'BAD'), $bFeof ? \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::NOTE : \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::WARNING);
             if (!$bFeof) {
                 while (!@\feof($rImapLiteralStream)) {
                     $sBuf = @\fread($rImapLiteralStream, 1024 * 1024);
                     if (false === $sBuf || 0 === \strlen($sBuf) || null === $sBuf) {
                     $iNotReadLiteralLen += \strlen($sBuf);
                 if (\is_resource($rImapLiteralStream) && !@\feof($rImapLiteralStream)) {
             if (\is_resource($rImapLiteralStream)) {
             if ($iNotReadLiteralLen > 0) {
                 $this->writeLog('Not read literal size is ' . $iNotReadLiteralLen . ' bytes.', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::WARNING);
         } else {
             $this->writeLog('Literal stream is not resource after callback.', \MailSo\Log\Enumerations\Type::WARNING);
         \MailSo\Base\Loader::IncStatistic('NetRead', $iLiteralLen);
         $this->bRunningCallback = false;
     return $bResult;
Beispiel #20
  * @param string $sStr
  * @param bool $bLowerIfAscii = false
  * @return string
 public static function IdnToAscii($sStr, $bLowerIfAscii = false)
     $sStr = $bLowerIfAscii ? \MailSo\Base\Utils::StrToLowerIfAscii($sStr) : $sStr;
     $sUser = '';
     $sDomain = $sStr;
     if (false !== \strpos($sStr, '@')) {
         $sUser = \MailSo\Base\Utils::GetAccountNameFromEmail($sStr);
         $sDomain = \MailSo\Base\Utils::GetDomainFromEmail($sStr);
     if (0 < \strlen($sDomain) && \preg_match('/[^\\x20-\\x7E]/', $sDomain)) {
         try {
             $sDomain = self::idn()->encode($sDomain);
         } catch (\Exception $oException) {
     return ('' === $sUser ? '' : $sUser . '@') . $sDomain;
  * @param \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Classes\Filter $oFilter
  * @param array $aCapa
  * @return string
 private function filterToSieveScript($oFilter, &$aCapa)
     $sNL = \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\SieveStorage::NEW_LINE;
     $sTab = '    ';
     $bAll = false;
     $aResult = array();
     // Conditions
     $aConditions = $oFilter->Conditions();
     if (\is_array($aConditions)) {
         if (1 < \count($aConditions)) {
             if (\RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ConditionsType::ANY === $oFilter->ConditionsType()) {
                 $aResult[] = 'if anyof(';
                 $bTrim = false;
                 foreach ($aConditions as $oCond) {
                     $bTrim = true;
                     $sCons = $this->conditionToSieveScript($oCond);
                     if (!empty($sCons)) {
                         $aResult[] = $sTab . $sCons . ',';
                 if ($bTrim) {
                     $aResult[\count($aResult) - 1] = \rtrim($aResult[\count($aResult) - 1], ',');
                 $aResult[] = ')';
             } else {
                 $aResult[] = 'if allof(';
                 foreach ($aConditions as $oCond) {
                     $aResult[] = $sTab . $this->conditionToSieveScript($oCond) . ',';
                 $aResult[\count($aResult) - 1] = \rtrim($aResult[\count($aResult) - 1], ',');
                 $aResult[] = ')';
         } else {
             if (1 === \count($aConditions)) {
                 $aResult[] = 'if ' . $this->conditionToSieveScript($aConditions[0]) . '';
             } else {
                 $bAll = true;
     // actions
     if (!$bAll) {
         $aResult[] = '{';
     } else {
         $sTab = '';
     if ($oFilter->MarkAsRead() && \in_array($oFilter->ActionType(), array(\RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::NONE, \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::MOVE_TO, \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::FORWARD))) {
         $aCapa['imap4flags'] = true;
         $aResult[] = $sTab . 'addflag "\\\\Seen";';
     switch ($oFilter->ActionType()) {
         case \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::NONE:
             $aResult[] = $sTab . 'stop;';
         case \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::DISCARD:
             $aResult[] = $sTab . 'discard;';
             $aResult[] = $sTab . 'stop;';
         case \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::VACATION:
             $sValue = \trim($oFilter->ActionValue());
             $sValueSecond = \trim($oFilter->ActionValueSecond());
             $sValueThird = \trim($oFilter->ActionValueThird());
             if (0 < \strlen($sValue)) {
                 $aCapa['vacation'] = true;
                 $iDays = 1;
                 $sSubject = '';
                 if (0 < \strlen($sValueSecond)) {
                     $sSubject = ':subject "' . $this->quote(\MailSo\Base\Utils::StripSpaces($sValueSecond)) . '" ';
                 if (0 < \strlen($sValueThird) && \is_numeric($sValueThird) && 1 < (int) $sValueThird) {
                     $iDays = (int) $sValueThird;
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'vacation :days ' . $iDays . ' ' . $sSubject . '"' . $this->quote($sValue) . '";';
                 if ($oFilter->Stop()) {
                     $aResult[] = $sTab . 'stop;';
             } else {
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . '# @Error (vacation): empty action value';
         case \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::REJECT:
             $sValue = \trim($oFilter->ActionValue());
             if (0 < \strlen($sValue)) {
                 $aCapa['reject'] = true;
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'reject "' . $this->quote($sValue) . '";';
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'stop;';
             } else {
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . '# @Error (reject): empty action value';
         case \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::FORWARD:
             $sValue = $oFilter->ActionValue();
             if (0 < \strlen($sValue)) {
                 if ($oFilter->Keep()) {
                     $aCapa['fileinto'] = true;
                     $aResult[] = $sTab . 'fileinto "INBOX";';
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'redirect "' . $this->quote($sValue) . '";';
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'stop;';
             } else {
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . '# @Error (redirect): empty action value';
         case \RainLoop\Providers\Filters\Enumerations\ActionType::MOVE_TO:
             $sValue = $oFilter->ActionValue();
             if (0 < \strlen($sValue)) {
                 $sFolderName = $sValue;
                 // utf7-imap
                 if ($this->bUtf8FolderName) {
                     $sFolderName = \MailSo\Base\Utils::ConvertEncoding($sFolderName, \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::UTF_7_IMAP, \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::UTF_8);
                 $aCapa['fileinto'] = true;
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'fileinto "' . $this->quote($sFolderName) . '";';
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . 'stop;';
             } else {
                 $aResult[] = $sTab . '# @Error (fileinto): empty action value';
     if (!$bAll) {
         $aResult[] = '}';
     return \implode($sNL, $aResult);
Beispiel #22
  * @return string
 public function ValueWithCharsetAutoDetect()
     $sValue = $this->Value();
     if (!\MailSo\Base\Utils::IsAscii($sValue) && 0 < \strlen($this->sEncodedValueForReparse) && !\MailSo\Base\Utils::IsAscii($this->sEncodedValueForReparse)) {
         $sValueCharset = \MailSo\Base\Utils::CharsetDetect($this->sEncodedValueForReparse);
         if (0 < \strlen($sValueCharset)) {
             $sValue = $this->Value();
     return $sValue;
  * @return void
 private function reParseParameters()
     $aDataToReParse = $this->CloneAsArray();
     $sCharset = \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::UTF_8;
     $aPreParams = array();
     foreach ($aDataToReParse as $oParam) {
         $aMatch = array();
         $sParamName = $oParam->Name();
         if (preg_match('/([^\\*]+)\\*([\\d]{1,2})\\*/', $sParamName, $aMatch) && isset($aMatch[1], $aMatch[2]) && 0 < strlen($aMatch[1]) && is_numeric($aMatch[2])) {
             if (!isset($aPreParams[$aMatch[1]])) {
                 $aPreParams[$aMatch[1]] = array();
             $sValue = $oParam->Value();
             $aValueParts = explode('\'\'', $sValue, 2);
             if (is_array($aValueParts) && 2 === count($aValueParts) && 0 < strlen($aValueParts[1])) {
                 $sCharset = $aValueParts[0];
                 $sValue = $aValueParts[1];
             $aPreParams[$aMatch[1]][(int) $aMatch[2]] = $sValue;
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/([^\\*]+)\\*/', $sParamName, $aMatch) && isset($aMatch[1])) {
                 if (!isset($aPreParams[$aMatch[1]])) {
                     $aPreParams[$aMatch[1]] = array();
                 $sValue = $oParam->Value();
                 $aValueParts = explode('\'\'', $sValue, 2);
                 if (is_array($aValueParts) && 2 === count($aValueParts) && 0 < strlen($aValueParts[1])) {
                     $sCharset = $aValueParts[0];
                     $sValue = $aValueParts[1];
                 $aPreParams[$aMatch[1]][0] = $sValue;
             } else {
     foreach ($aPreParams as $sName => $aValues) {
         $sResult = implode(array_values($aValues));
         $sResult = urldecode($sResult);
         if (0 < strlen($sCharset)) {
             $sResult = \MailSo\Base\Utils::ConvertEncoding($sResult, $sCharset, \MailSo\Base\Enumerations\Charset::UTF_8);
         $this->Add(Parameter::NewInstance($sName, $sResult));
  * @param array $aBodyStructure
  * @param string $sPartID = ''
  * @return \MailSo\Imap\BodyStructure
 public static function NewInstance(array $aBodyStructure, $sPartID = '')
     if (!\is_array($aBodyStructure) || 2 > \count($aBodyStructure)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         $sBodyMainType = null;
         if (\is_string($aBodyStructure[0]) && 'NIL' !== $aBodyStructure[0]) {
             $sBodyMainType = $aBodyStructure[0];
         $sBodySubType = null;
         $sContentType = '';
         $aSubParts = null;
         $aBodyParams = array();
         $sName = null;
         $sCharset = null;
         $sContentID = null;
         $sDescription = null;
         $sMailEncodingName = null;
         $iSize = 0;
         $iTextLineCount = 0;
         // valid for rfc822/message and text parts
         $iExtraItemPos = 0;
         // list index of items which have no well-established position (such as 0, 1, 5, etc).
         if (null === $sBodyMainType) {
             // Process multipart body structure
             if (!\is_array($aBodyStructure[0])) {
                 return null;
             } else {
                 $sBodyMainType = 'multipart';
                 $sSubPartIDPrefix = '';
                 if (0 === \strlen($sPartID) || '.' === $sPartID[\strlen($sPartID) - 1]) {
                     // This multi-part is root part of message.
                     $sSubPartIDPrefix = $sPartID;
                     $sPartID .= 'TEXT';
                 } else {
                     if (0 < \strlen($sPartID)) {
                         // This multi-part is a part of another multi-part.
                         $sSubPartIDPrefix = $sPartID . '.';
                 $aSubParts = array();
                 $iIndex = 1;
                 while ($iExtraItemPos < \count($aBodyStructure) && \is_array($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos])) {
                     $oPart = self::NewInstance($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos], $sSubPartIDPrefix . $iIndex);
                     if (null === $oPart) {
                         return null;
                     } else {
                         // For multipart, we have no charset info in the part itself. Thus,
                         // obtain charset from nested parts.
                         if ($sCharset == null) {
                             $sCharset = $oPart->Charset();
                         $aSubParts[] = $oPart;
             if ($iExtraItemPos < \count($aBodyStructure)) {
                 if (!\is_string($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos]) || 'NIL' === $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos]) {
                     return null;
                 $sBodySubType = \strtolower($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos]);
             if ($iExtraItemPos < \count($aBodyStructure)) {
                 $sBodyParamList = $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos];
                 if (\is_array($sBodyParamList)) {
                     $aBodyParams = self::getKeyValueListFromArrayList($sBodyParamList);
         } else {
             // Process simple (singlepart) body structure
             if (7 > \count($aBodyStructure)) {
                 return null;
             $sBodyMainType = \strtolower($sBodyMainType);
             if (!\is_string($aBodyStructure[1]) || 'NIL' === $aBodyStructure[1]) {
                 return null;
             $sBodySubType = \strtolower($aBodyStructure[1]);
             $aBodyParamList = $aBodyStructure[2];
             if (\is_array($aBodyParamList)) {
                 $aBodyParams = self::getKeyValueListFromArrayList($aBodyParamList);
                 if (isset($aBodyParams['charset'])) {
                     $sCharset = $aBodyParams['charset'];
                 if (\is_array($aBodyParams)) {
                     $sName = self::decodeAttrParamenter($aBodyParams, 'name', $sContentType);
             if (null !== $aBodyStructure[3] && 'NIL' !== $aBodyStructure[3]) {
                 if (!\is_string($aBodyStructure[3])) {
                     return null;
                 $sContentID = $aBodyStructure[3];
             if (null !== $aBodyStructure[4] && 'NIL' !== $aBodyStructure[4]) {
                 if (!\is_string($aBodyStructure[4])) {
                     return null;
                 $sDescription = $aBodyStructure[4];
             if (null !== $aBodyStructure[5] && 'NIL' !== $aBodyStructure[5]) {
                 if (!\is_string($aBodyStructure[5])) {
                     return null;
                 $sMailEncodingName = $aBodyStructure[5];
             if (\is_numeric($aBodyStructure[6])) {
                 $iSize = (int) $aBodyStructure[6];
             } else {
                 $iSize = -1;
             if (0 === \strlen($sPartID) || '.' === $sPartID[\strlen($sPartID) - 1]) {
                 // This is the only sub-part of the message (otherwise, it would be
                 // one of sub-parts of a multi-part, and partID would already be fully set up).
                 $sPartID .= '1';
             $iExtraItemPos = 7;
             if ('text' === $sBodyMainType) {
                 if ($iExtraItemPos < \count($aBodyStructure)) {
                     if (\is_numeric($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos])) {
                         $iTextLineCount = (int) $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos];
                     } else {
                         $iTextLineCount = -1;
                 } else {
                     $iTextLineCount = -1;
             } else {
                 if ('message' === $sBodyMainType && 'rfc822' === $sBodySubType) {
                     if ($iExtraItemPos + 2 < \count($aBodyStructure)) {
                         if (\is_numeric($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos + 2])) {
                             $iTextLineCount = (int) $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos + 2];
                         } else {
                             $iTextLineCount = -1;
                     } else {
                         $iTextLineCount = -1;
                     $iExtraItemPos += 3;
             // skip MD5 digest of the body because most mail servers leave it NIL anyway
         $sContentType = $sBodyMainType . '/' . $sBodySubType;
         $sDisposition = null;
         $aDispositionParams = null;
         $sFileName = null;
         if ($iExtraItemPos < \count($aBodyStructure)) {
             $aDispList = $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos];
             if (\is_array($aDispList) && 1 < \count($aDispList)) {
                 if (null !== $aDispList[0]) {
                     if (\is_string($aDispList[0]) && 'NIL' !== $aDispList[0]) {
                         $sDisposition = $aDispList[0];
                     } else {
                         return null;
             $aDispParamList = $aDispList[1];
             if (\is_array($aDispParamList)) {
                 $aDispositionParams = self::getKeyValueListFromArrayList($aDispParamList);
                 if (\is_array($aDispositionParams)) {
                     $sFileName = self::decodeAttrParamenter($aDispositionParams, 'filename', $sCharset);
         $sLanguage = null;
         if ($iExtraItemPos < count($aBodyStructure)) {
             if (null !== $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos] && 'NIL' !== $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos]) {
                 if (\is_array($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos])) {
                     $sLanguage = \implode(',', $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos]);
                 } else {
                     if (\is_string($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos])) {
                         $sLanguage = $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos];
         $sLocation = null;
         if ($iExtraItemPos < \count($aBodyStructure)) {
             if (null !== $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos] && 'NIL' !== $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos]) {
                 if (\is_string($aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos])) {
                     $sLocation = $aBodyStructure[$iExtraItemPos];
         return new self($sContentType, $sCharset, $aBodyParams, $sContentID, $sDescription, $sMailEncodingName, $sDisposition, $aDispositionParams, \MailSo\Base\Utils::Utf8Clear(null === $sFileName || 0 === \strlen($sFileName) ? $sName : $sFileName), $sLanguage, $sLocation, $iSize, $iTextLineCount, $sPartID, $aSubParts);
Beispiel #25
  * @return array|bool
 public function StreamContextParams()
     return \is_resource($this->rConnect) && \MailSo\Base\Utils::FunctionExistsAndEnabled('stream_context_get_options') ? \stream_context_get_params($this->rConnect) : false;
Beispiel #26
  * @return bool
 public function IsDoc()
     return 'doc' === \MailSo\Base\Utils::ContentTypeType($this->ContentType(), $this->FileName());
  * @param string $sEncodedValues
  * @param string $sCustomKey = ''
  * @return array
 public static function DecodeKeyValues($sEncodedValues, $sCustomKey = '')
     $aResult = \unserialize(\RainLoop\Utils::DecryptString(\MailSo\Base\Utils::UrlSafeBase64Decode($sEncodedValues), \md5(APP_SALT . $sCustomKey)));
     return \is_array($aResult) ? $aResult : array();
  * @param bool $bAdmin = false
  * @param bool $bJsOutput = true
  * @return string
 public function compileTemplates($bAdmin = false, $bJsOutput = true)
     $aTemplates = array();
     \RainLoop\Utils::CompileTemplates($aTemplates, APP_VERSION_ROOT_PATH . 'app/templates/Views/Components', 'Component');
     \RainLoop\Utils::CompileTemplates($aTemplates, APP_VERSION_ROOT_PATH . 'app/templates/Views/' . ($bAdmin ? 'Admin' : 'User'));
     \RainLoop\Utils::CompileTemplates($aTemplates, APP_VERSION_ROOT_PATH . 'app/templates/Views/Common');
     $this->oActions->Plugins()->CompileTemplate($aTemplates, $bAdmin);
     $sHtml = '';
     foreach ($aTemplates as $sName => $sFile) {
         $sName = \preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $sName);
         $sHtml .= '<script id="' . $sName . '" type="text/html" data-cfasync="false">' . $this->oActions->ProcessTemplate($sName, \file_get_contents($sFile)) . '</script>';
     return $bJsOutput ? 'window.rainloopTEMPLATES=' . \MailSo\Base\Utils::Php2js(array($sHtml), $this->Logger()) . ';' : $sHtml;
Beispiel #29
  * @param string $sEmail
  * @param bool $bSkipInsert = false
  * @param bool $bCache = true
  * @return int
 protected function getUserId($sEmail, $bSkipInsert = false, $bCache = true)
     static $aCache = array();
     if ($bCache && isset($aCache[$sEmail])) {
         return $aCache[$sEmail];
     $sEmail = \MailSo\Base\Utils::IdnToAscii(\trim($sEmail), true);
     if (empty($sEmail)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Empty Email argument');
     $oStmt = $this->prepareAndExecute('SELECT id_user FROM rainloop_users WHERE rl_email = :rl_email', array(':rl_email' => array($sEmail, \PDO::PARAM_STR)));
     $mRow = $oStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if ($mRow && isset($mRow['id_user']) && \is_numeric($mRow['id_user'])) {
         $iResult = (int) $mRow['id_user'];
         if (0 >= $iResult) {
             throw new \Exception('id_user <= 0');
         if ($bCache) {
             $aCache[$sEmail] = $iResult;
         return $iResult;
     if (!$bSkipInsert) {
         $oStmt = $this->prepareAndExecute('INSERT INTO rainloop_users (rl_email) VALUES (:rl_email)', array(':rl_email' => array($sEmail, \PDO::PARAM_STR)));
         return $this->getUserId($sEmail, true);
     throw new \Exception('id_user = 0');
Beispiel #30
  * @return array
 public function UploadHelpdeskFile()
     $oAccount = null;
     $oUser = $this->getHelpdeskAccountFromParam($oAccount);
     if (!$this->oApiCapability->isHelpdeskSupported() || !$this->oApiCapability->isFilesSupported()) {
         throw new \ProjectCore\Exceptions\ClientException(\ProjectCore\Notifications::AccessDenied);
     $aFileData = $this->getParamValue('FileData', null);
     $iSizeLimit = 0;
     $sError = '';
     $aResponse = array();
     if ($oUser) {
         if (is_array($aFileData)) {
             if (0 < $iSizeLimit && $iSizeLimit < (int) $aFileData['size']) {
                 $sError = 'size';
             } else {
                 $sSavedName = 'upload-post-' . md5($aFileData['name'] . $aFileData['tmp_name']);
                 if ($this->ApiFileCache()->moveUploadedFile($oUser, $sSavedName, $aFileData['tmp_name'])) {
                     $sUploadName = $aFileData['name'];
                     $iSize = $aFileData['size'];
                     $sMimeType = \MailSo\Base\Utils::MimeContentType($sUploadName);
                     $aResponse['HelpdeskFile'] = array('Name' => $sUploadName, 'TempName' => $sSavedName, 'MimeType' => $sMimeType, 'Size' => (int) $iSize, 'Hash' => \CApi::EncodeKeyValues(array('TempFile' => true, 'HelpdeskTenantID' => $oUser->IdTenant, 'HelpdeskUserID' => $oUser->IdHelpdeskUser, 'Name' => $sUploadName, 'TempName' => $sSavedName)));
                 } else {
                     $sError = 'unknown';
         } else {
             $sError = 'unknown';
     } else {
         $sError = 'auth';
     if (0 < strlen($sError)) {
         $aResponse['Error'] = $sError;
     return $this->DefaultResponse($oAccount, __FUNCTION__, $aResponse);