  * Handle the command.
  * @param Markdown $markdown
 public function handle(Markdown $markdown)
     if (!$this->command->confirm('Do you agree to the provided license and terms of service?')) {
         $this->command->error('You must agree to the license and terms of service before continuing.');
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('streams/lang');
     if (is_dir($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         return $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $filesystem->copyDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../../../../resources/lang', $destination);
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
Beispiel #3
  * @param
  * @return string
 protected function askDatabaseUsername()
     do {
         $user = $this->command->ask('Enter your database username', 'root');
         if ($user == '') {
             $this->command->error('Database username is required');
     } while (!$user);
     return $user;
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('addons/' . $this->addon->getVendor() . '/' . $this->addon->getSlug() . '-' . $this->addon->getType() . '/views');
     if (is_dir($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $filesystem->copyDirectory($this->addon->getPath('resources/views'), $destination);
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $this->data->put('ADMIN_USERNAME', $this->command->ask('Enter the desired username for the admin user', env('ADMIN_USERNAME', 'admin')));
     $this->data->put('ADMIN_EMAIL', $this->command->ask('Enter the desired email for the admin user', env('ADMIN_EMAIL')));
     // Validate email.
     if (!filter_var($this->data->get('ADMIN_EMAIL'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $this->command->error('You must provide a valid email for the admin.');
     $this->data->put('ADMIN_PASSWORD', $this->command->ask('Enter the desired password for the admin user', env('ADMIN_PASSWORD')));
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('.env');
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destination))) {
         $filesystem->makeDirectory(dirname($destination), 0777, true, true);
     if (is_file($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         return $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $filesystem->put($destination, '#EXAMPLE=foo');
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('routes.php');
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destination))) {
         $filesystem->makeDirectory(dirname($destination), 0777, true, true);
     if (is_file($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         return $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $content = "<?php\n\n// Route::get('/', function () {\n//     return view('welcome');\n// });\n";
     $filesystem->put($destination, $content);
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
  * @param Command $console
  * @param $module
  * @param $name
  * @return mixed
 public function fire(Command $console, $module, $name)
     $this->console = $console;
     $this->moduleName = Str::studly($module);
     $this->modelName = $name;
     if (!$this->module->has($this->moduleName)) {
         $console->error("Module [{$this->moduleName}] does not exists.");
         return false;
     if ($this->exists()) {
         $message = "Model [{$this->modelName}] is already exists on '{$this->moduleName}' module.";
         return $console->error($message);
     return $this->generate();
 public function fire($arguments, $options)
     $instanceId = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::INSTANCE_ID);
     $logFile = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::LOGFILE);
     $user = array_get($options, CommandRules::USER);
     $keyFile = array_get($options, CommandRules::KEY_FILE);
     $host = $this->aws->getPublicDNSFromInstanceId($instanceId);
     if (is_null($host)) {
         $this->command->error('Error: Could not find Host from Instance ID. Please try again.');
     } else {
         $connection = $this->connectionFactory->createConnection($instanceId, $host, $user, $keyFile);
         $connection->run(array('tail -f ' . $logFile), function ($line) {
Beispiel #10
  * Display error message with date and message, and log it
  * @param  string $message Error message to display & log
 public function error($message)
     // Log message
     $this->log($message, 'error');
     // Display message
     parent::error(date($this->timestampFormat) . ' ' . $message);
Beispiel #11
  * 输出错误信息,并记录日志
  * @param string $message
  * @param bool $isExit
  * @return void
 public function error($message, $isExit = true)
     Log::error($message, [__CLASS__]);
     if ($isExit) {
Beispiel #12
  * Publish assets form the specified module.
  * @param $module
 protected function publishFromModule($module)
     if (!$this->module->has($module)) {
         $this->console->error("Module [{$module}] does not exist.");
     $this->filesystem->copyDirectory($this->getPublishingPath($module), $this->getDestinationPath($module));
     $this->console->info("Assets published from module : {$module}");
Beispiel #13
  * @return string
 private function askForPasswordConfirmation()
     do {
         $passwordConfirmation = $this->command->secret('Please confirm your password');
         if ($passwordConfirmation == '') {
             $this->command->error('Password confirmation is required');
     } while (!$passwordConfirmation);
     return $passwordConfirmation;
  * Fire.
  * @param Command $console
  * @param $module
  * @param $name
  * @return mixed|void
 public function fire(Command $console, $module, $name)
     $this->console = $console;
     $this->moduleName = Str::studly($module);
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->Name = Str::studly($name);
     if ($this->module->has($this->moduleName)) {
         return $this->makeSeeder();
     $console->error("Module [{$this->moduleName}] does not exists.");
Beispiel #15
  * Generate the module.
 public function generate()
     if ($this->module->has($name = $this->getName())) {
         $this->console->error("Module [{$name}] already exist!");
     $this->console->info("Module [{$name}] created successfully.");
 public function renderCommandField(Command $command)
     while (true) {
         $input = $command->secret($this->getConsoleLabel());
         $validator = $this->getValidator($input);
         if ($validator->passes()) {
             return $input;
         } else {
 public function fire($arguments, $options)
     $envName = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::ENV);
     $logFile = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::LOGFILE);
     $user = array_get($options, CommandRules::USER);
     $keyFile = array_get($options, CommandRules::KEY_FILE);
     $hosts = $this->aws->getPublicDNSFromEBEnvironmentName($envName);
     if (count($hosts) === 0) {
         $this->command->error('Error: Could not find instances associated with environment');
     } else {
         $connections = array();
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $connections[] = $this->connectionFactory->createConnection($host, $host, $user, $keyFile);
         foreach ($connections as $connection) {
             $connection->run(array('tail -f ' . $logFile), function ($line) {
Beispiel #18
 public function renderCommandField(Command $command)
     while (true) {
         $input = $command->choice($this->getConsoleLabel(), $this->get('choices', []), $this->get('default', null));
         $validator = $this->getValidator($input);
         if ($validator->passes()) {
             return $input;
         } else {
  * Make source file ..
  * @param Command $command
  * @throws SeederException
  * @return bool|mixed
 public function create(Command $command)
     $path = self::getConfig('path');
     if (!File::isWritable($path)) {
         throw new SeederException('Path are not writable. Please chmod!');
     $source = explode(',', self::getSource());
     array_walk($source, function ($name) use($path, $command) {
         $model = 'App\\' . ucfirst(strtolower($name));
         if (!isEloquentExists($model)) {
             $command->error(sprintf('Model %s not exists. Skipped!', $model));
             return false;
         $fullPath = getFullPathSource($name, $this);
         if (File::exists($fullPath)) {
             $command->error(sprintf('Model %s already exists. Skipped!', $name));
             return false;
         File::put($fullPath, arrayToYaml(['class' => ucfirst($name), 'source' => arrayToYaml(getTableSchema($model), 1)], 1));
         $command->info(sprintf('File %s created successfully!', $name));
Beispiel #20
 public function execWithOutput(string $cmd, Command $console)
     // Setup the file descriptors
     $descriptors = [0 => ['pipe', 'w'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w']];
     // Start the script
     $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes);
     // Read the stdin
     $stdin = stream_get_contents($pipes[0]);
     // Read the stdout
     $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
     // Read the stderr
     $stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
     // Close the script and get the return code
     $return_code = proc_close($proc);
     if ($stdin) {
     if ($stdout) {
     if ($stderr) {
     if (strpos($stdout, 'continue?')) {
         $console->error('A confirmation has been asked during the shell command execution.');
         $console->error('Please manually execute the command "' . $cmd . '" to treat that particular case.');
         return exit;
     if ($return_code) {
         $console->error('Error exit code : ' . $return_code);
         if (!$console->ask('Do you want continue the script execution ? [Y/n]', true)) {
             return exit;
Beispiel #21
  * Clear the settings cache, and backup the databases.
  * @param \Illuminate\Console\Command $command
  * @return void
 public function fire(Command $command)
     $command->line('Clearing settings cache...');
     $command->line('Settings cache cleared!');
     $command->line('Backing up database...');
     try {
         $command->call('db:backup', ['--compression' => 'gzip', '--database' => $this->config->get('database.default'), '--destination' => 'local', '--destinationPath' => Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d H.i.s'), '--no-interaction' => true]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $command->line('Backup skipped!');
     $command->line('Backup completed!');
Beispiel #22
  * Publish something.
 public function publish()
     $sourcePath = $this->getSourcePath();
     if (!$this->isDirectory($sourcePath)) {
     if (!$this->isDirectory($destinationPath = $this->getDestinationPath())) {
         $this->makeDirectory($destinationPath, 0775, true);
     if ($this->copyDirectory($sourcePath, $destinationPath) && $this->showMessage) {
         $this->console->line("<info>Published</info>: {$this->module->getStudlyName()}");
     } else {
  *  Create validators as specified in the configuration file
 private function createValidators()
     $dir = $this->configSettings['pathTo']['validators'];
     if (!\File::isDirectory($dir)) {
     $pathToValidators = $this->configSettings['pathTo']['templates'];
     $validator = $this->nameOf('validator');
     $fileName = $dir . $validator . '.php';
     try {
         $this->makeFileFromTemplate($fileName, $pathToValidators . 'validator.txt');
     } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->command->error('Template file ' . $pathToValidators . $validator . '.txt does not exist! You need to create it to generate that file!');
Beispiel #24
  *  Create views as specified in the configuration file
 private function createViews()
     $dir = $this->configSettings['pathTo']['views'] . $this->nameOf('viewFolder') . "/";
     if (!\File::isDirectory($dir)) {
     $pathToViews = $this->configSettings['pathTo']['templates'] . $this->controllerType . "/";
     foreach ($this->configSettings['views'] as $view) {
         $fileName = $dir . "{$view}.blade.php";
         try {
             $this->makeFileFromTemplate($fileName, $pathToViews . "{$view}.txt");
         } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
             $this->command->error("Template file " . $pathToViews . $view . ".txt does not exist! You need to create it to generate that file!");
  * Will run the parser, create necessary folders and files
  * @param string $name
 protected function createFile($name = null)
     if ($name === null) {
         $name = $this->name;
     $file = $this->filename($name);
     $content = $this->parser->stub($this->stub())->name($name)->setClassNamespace($this->detectNamespace())->setData($this->data)->parse();
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($file)) {
         $this->console->error("The file {$file} already exists.");
     // Make folders if necessary
     // Create the file
     $this->filesystem->put($file, $content);
     $this->console->info("Generated {$file}");
Beispiel #26
  * Generate the module.
 public function generate()
     $name = $this->getName();
     if (Modules::has($name)) {
         if ($this->force) {
         } else {
             $this->console->error("Module [{$name}] already exist!");
     if (!$this->plain) {
     $this->console->info("Module [{$name}] created successfully.");
Beispiel #27
  * Publish something.
 public function publish()
     if (!$this->console instanceof Command) {
         $message = "The 'console' property must instance of \\Illuminate\\Console\\Command.";
         throw new \RuntimeException($message);
     if (!$this->getFilesystem()->isDirectory($sourcePath = $this->getSourcePath())) {
     if (!$this->getFilesystem()->isDirectory($destinationPath = $this->getDestinationPath())) {
         $this->getFilesystem()->makeDirectory($destinationPath, 0775, true);
     if ($this->getFilesystem()->copyDirectory($sourcePath, $destinationPath)) {
         if ($this->showMessage == true) {
             $this->console->line("<info>Published</info>: {$this->module->getStudlyName()}");
     } else {
 public function generateLayoutFiles()
     $makeLayout = $this->fromFile ? true : $this->command->confirm('Create default layout file [y/n]? (specify css/js files in config) ', true);
     if ($makeLayout) {
         $layoutPath = $this->configSettings['pathTo']['layout'];
         $layoutDir = substr($layoutPath, 0, strrpos($layoutPath, "/"));
         $next_to_last = strrpos($layoutPath, "/", strrpos($layoutPath, "/") - strlen($layoutPath) - 1) + 1;
         $layoutName = str_replace("/", ".", substr($layoutPath, $next_to_last, strpos($layoutPath, ".") - $next_to_last));
         $directoriesToCreate = array($layoutDir, 'public/js', 'public/css', 'public/img');
         foreach ($directoriesToCreate as $dir) {
         $content = \File::get($this->configSettings['pathTo']['controllers'] . 'Controller.php');
         if (strpos($content, "\$layout") === false) {
             $content = preg_replace("/Controller {/", "Controller {\n\tprotected \$layout = '{$layoutName}';", $content);
             \File::put($this->configSettings['pathTo']['controllers'] . 'Controller.php', $content);
         $overwrite = false;
         if (\File::exists($layoutPath)) {
             $overwrite = $this->command->confirm('Layout file exists. Overwrite? [y/n]? ', true);
         if (!\File::exists($layoutPath) || $overwrite) {
             $this->fileContents = \File::get($this->configSettings['pathTo']['templates'] . 'layout.txt');
             $this->fileContents = str_replace("<!--[appName]-->", $this->configSettings['appName'], $this->fileContents);
             $this->downloadAsset("jquery", "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js");
             $this->downloadAsset("underscore", "http://underscorejs.org/underscore-min.js");
             $this->downloadAsset("handlebars", "http://builds.handlebarsjs.com.s3.amazonaws.com/handlebars-v1.3.0.js");
             $this->downloadAsset("angular", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.16/angular.min.js");
             $this->downloadAsset("ember", "http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.5.0/ember.min.js");
             $this->downloadAsset("backbone", "http://backbonejs.org/backbone-min.js");
             \File::put($layoutPath, $this->fileContents);
         } else {
             $this->command->error('Layout file already exists!');
Beispiel #29
  * Write a string as error output.
  * @param  string  $string
  * @param  null|int|string  $verbosity
  * @return void
 public function error($string, $verbosity = null)
     if (zbase_is_console()) {
         parent::error(' --- ' . $string, $verbosity);
     } else {
         var_dump('ERROR: --- ' . $string);
Beispiel #30
  * Allow the management of tabulation at the beginning of a message
  * @param string $message
  * @param null $verbosity
  * @param int $tab
 public function error($message, $verbosity = null, $tab = 0)
     for ($i = 0; $i < $tab; $i++) {
         $message = '  ' . $message;
     parent::error($message, $verbosity);