  * Run the list of enquires about the configurations
  * @return array
 public function run()
     foreach ($this->fields as $configuration => $value) {
         $this->configurations[$configuration] = $this->origin->ask($value['question'], $value['default']);
     return $this->configurations;
  * Questions used for login
  * @return void
 protected function loginQuestions()
     $login = $this->command->ask('What is the username or email of the user?');
     $password = $this->command->secret('What is the password of the user? (hidden)');
     $this->login = $login;
     $this->password = $password;
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $this->data->put('DB_DRIVER', $this->command->askWithCompletion('What database driver would you like to use? [mysql, pgsql, sqlite, sqlsrv]', ['mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite', 'sqlsrv'], env('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql')));
     $this->data->put('DB_HOST', $this->command->ask('What is the hostname of your database?', env('DB_HOST', 'localhost')));
     $this->data->put('DB_DATABASE', $this->command->ask('What is the name of your database?', env('DB_DATABASE')));
     $this->data->put('DB_USERNAME', $this->command->ask('Enter the username for your database connection', env('DB_USERNAME', 'root')));
     $this->data->put('DB_PASSWORD', $this->command->ask('Enter the password for your database connection', env('DB_PASSWORD')));
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $this->data->put('ADMIN_USERNAME', $this->command->ask('Enter the desired username for the admin user', env('ADMIN_USERNAME', 'admin')));
     $this->data->put('ADMIN_EMAIL', $this->command->ask('Enter the desired email for the admin user', env('ADMIN_EMAIL')));
     // Validate email.
     if (!filter_var($this->data->get('ADMIN_EMAIL'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $this->command->error('You must provide a valid email for the admin.');
     $this->data->put('ADMIN_PASSWORD', $this->command->ask('Enter the desired password for the admin user', env('ADMIN_PASSWORD')));
 private function getInputFromConsole()
     $this->commandInfo('Specify fields for the model (skip id & timestamp fields, we will add it automatically)');
     $this->commandInfo('Enter "exit" to finish');
     while (true) {
         $fieldInputStr = $this->commandObj->ask('Field: (field_name:field_database_type)', '');
         if (empty($fieldInputStr) || $fieldInputStr == false || $fieldInputStr == 'exit') {
         if (!GeneratorFieldsInputUtil::validateFieldInput($fieldInputStr)) {
             $this->commandError('Invalid Input. Try again');
         if ($this->commandType == self::$COMMAND_TYPE_SCAFFOLD or $this->commandType == self::$COMMAND_TYPE_API_SCAFFOLD) {
             $htmlType = $this->commandObj->ask('Enter field html input type (text): ', 'text');
         } else {
             $htmlType = '';
         $validations = $this->commandObj->ask('Enter validations: ', false);
         $searchable = $this->commandObj->ask('Is Searchable (y/N): ', false);
         $validations = $validations == false ? '' : $validations;
         if ($searchable) {
             $searchable = strtolower($searchable) == 'y' ? true : false;
         $this->inputFields[] = GeneratorFieldsInputUtil::processFieldInput($fieldInputStr, $htmlType, $validations, ['searchable' => $searchable]);
  *  Prompt user for model and properties and return result
  * @return string
 private function askForModelAndFields()
     $modelAndFields = $this->command->ask('Add model with its relations and fields or type "q" to quit (type info for examples) ');
     if ($modelAndFields == "info") {
         $modelAndFields = $this->command->ask('Now your turn: ');
     return $modelAndFields;
Beispiel #7
  * @return string
 private function askForEmail()
     do {
         $email = $this->command->ask('Enter your email address');
         if ($email == '') {
             $this->command->error('Email is required');
     } while (!$email);
     return $email;
Beispiel #8
 public function renderCommandField(Command $command)
     while (true) {
         $input = $command->ask($this->getConsoleLabel(), $this->get('default', null));
         $validator = $this->getValidator($input);
         if ($validator->passes()) {
             return $input;
         } else {
 * Present a list of choices to user, return choice
 * @param Command $command The command requesting input
 * @param array $choices List of choices
 * @param int $default Default choice (1-array size), -1 to abort
 * @param string $abort String to tag on end for aborting selection
 * @return int -1 if abort selected, otherwise one greater than $choice index
 *        (in other words, choosing $choice[0] returns 1)
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException If argument is invalid
function pick_from_list(Command $command, $title, array $choices, $default = 0, $abort = null)
    if ($abort) {
        $choices[] = $abort;
    $numChoices = count($choices);
    if (!$numChoices) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Must have at least one choice");
    if ($default == -1 && empty($abort)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use default=-1 without $abort option');
    if (!between($default, -1, $numChoices)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value, default={$default}");
    $question = "Please enter a number between 1-{$numChoices}";
    if ($default > 0) {
        $question .= " (default is {$default})";
    } elseif ($default < 0) {
        $question .= " (enter to abort)";
        $default = $numChoices;
    $question .= ':';
    while (1) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numChoices; $i++) {
            $command->line($i + 1 . ". " . $choices[$i]);
        $answer = $command->ask($question);
        if ($answer == '') {
            $answer = $default;
        if (between($answer, 1, $numChoices)) {
            if ($abort and $answer == $numChoices) {
                $answer = -1;
            return (int) $answer;
        // Output wrong choice
        $formatter = $command->getHelperSet()->get('formatter');
        $block = $formatter->formatBlock('Invalid entry!', 'error', true);
Beispiel #10
 public function execWithOutput(string $cmd, Command $console)
     // Setup the file descriptors
     $descriptors = [0 => ['pipe', 'w'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w']];
     // Start the script
     $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes);
     // Read the stdin
     $stdin = stream_get_contents($pipes[0]);
     // Read the stdout
     $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
     // Read the stderr
     $stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
     // Close the script and get the return code
     $return_code = proc_close($proc);
     if ($stdin) {
     if ($stdout) {
     if ($stderr) {
     if (strpos($stdout, 'continue?')) {
         $console->error('A confirmation has been asked during the shell command execution.');
         $console->error('Please manually execute the command "' . $cmd . '" to treat that particular case.');
         return exit;
     if ($return_code) {
         $console->error('Error exit code : ' . $return_code);
         if (!$console->ask('Do you want continue the script execution ? [Y/n]', true)) {
             return exit;
  * Copia recurssivamente os arquivos e diretorios de um array de paths
  * @param array $errors
  * @param bool $copyAll
  * @param array $rollback
  * @param Command $command
  * @param array $paths
 public static function recursiveCopy(array &$errors, &$copyAll, array &$rollback, Command $command, array $paths)
     //loop em todos os diretorios de destino
     foreach ($paths as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_dir($value)) {
             //Se o diretorio não existir
             //Cria o diretorio que não existe
             if (mkdir($value)) {
                 //Cria registro no rollback dizendo uma pasta foi criada
                 $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_DIR_CREATED_TAG][] = $value;
     //Loop em todas as pastas
     foreach ($paths as $key => $value) {
         if (empty($errors)) {
             //Se os comandos anteriores rodarem com sucesso
             //Copia lista de arquivos no diretorio para variavel arquivos
             $arquivos = scandir($key);
             //Loop em todos os arquivos do modulo
             for ($i = Constants::FIRST_FILE; $i < count($arquivos); $i++) {
                 if (empty($errors)) {
                     if (!is_dir($key . $arquivos[$i])) {
                         //Se os comandos anteriores rodarem com sucesso e o arquivo não for uma pasta
                         $explodedFileName = explode(Strings::PATH_SEPARATOR, $value . $arquivos[$i]);
                         $filename = $explodedFileName[count($explodedFileName) - 1];
                         //Verifica se o arquivo existe
                         if (!file_exists($value . $arquivos[$i])) {
                             //Cria registro no rollback dizendo que o arquivo foi copiado
                             $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_ORDINARY_FILE_COPY_TAG][EscapeHelper::encode($value . $arquivos[$i])] = Strings::EMPTY_STRING;
                             //verifica se a copia ocorreu com sucesso
                             if (copy($key . $arquivos[$i], $value . $arquivos[$i]) == false) {
                                 //Printa msg de erro
                                 $errors[] = Strings::ordinaryFileCopyError($value . $arquivos[$i]);
                         } else {
                             if (strtoupper($filename) != strtoupper(Strings::GIT_KEEP_FILE_NAME)) {
                                 //Caso ja exista um arquivo com o mesmo nome no diretorio de destino
                                 //Inicializa variavel que vai receber resposta do usuario dizendo o que fazer
                                 // com o conflito
                                 $answer = Strings::EMPTY_STRING;
                                 //Enquanto o usuario não devolver uma resposta valida
                                 while ($copyAll != true && $answer != Strings::SHORT_YES && $answer != Strings::SHORT_NO && $answer != Strings::SHORT_ALL && $answer != Strings::SHORT_CANCEL) {
                                     //Faz pergunta para o usuario de como proceder
                                     $answer = $command->ask(Strings::replaceOrdinaryFiles($value . $arquivos[$i]), false);
                                 //Se a resposta for sim, ou all
                                 if (strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_YES || strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_ALL || $copyAll == true) {
                                     //se a resposta for all
                                     if (strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_ALL) {
                                         //seta variavel all para true
                                         $copyAll = true;
                                     //Faz backup do arquivo que será substituido
                                     $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_ORDINARY_FILE_COPY_TAG][EscapeHelper::encode($value . $arquivos[$i])] = EscapeHelper::encode(file_get_contents($value . $arquivos[$i]));
                                     //verifica se a substituição ocorreu com sucesso
                                     if (copy($key . $arquivos[$i], $value . $arquivos[$i]) == false) {
                                         //Se houver erro ao copiar arquivo
                                         //Printa msg de erro
                                         $errors[] = Strings::ordinaryFileReplaceError($value . $arquivos[$i]);
                                 } else {
                                     if (strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_CANCEL) {
                                         //se a resposta foi cancelar
                                         //Printa msg de erro
                                         $errors[] = Strings::userRequestedAbort();
                                         //break the file loop
                                         break 2;
                     } else {
                         $newPath = [$key . $arquivos[$i] . "/" => $value . $arquivos[$i] . "/"];
                         self::recursiveCopy($errors, $copyAll, $rollback, $command, $newPath);
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $this->data->put('APPLICATION_NAME', $this->command->ask('Enter the name of your application', env('APPLICATION_NAME', 'Default')));
     $this->data->put('APPLICATION_REFERENCE', $this->command->ask('Enter the reference slug for your application', env('APPLICATION_REFERENCE', 'default')));
     $this->data->put('APPLICATION_DOMAIN', $this->command->ask('Enter the primary domain for your application', env('APPLICATION_DOMAIN', 'localhost')));
  * Copia arquivos convencionais do modulo (qualquer coisa exceto migrations) para as respectivas pastas
  * @param string $moduleType
  * @param string $moduleName
  * @param string $copyAll
  * @param array $rollback
  * @param Command $command
  * @param bool $allowReplace
  * @return array|bool
 public static function makeMigrationsCopies($moduleType, $moduleName, &$copyAll, array &$rollback, Command $command, $allowReplace = true)
     $errors = [];
     //Inicia o Rollback de arquivos copiados
     $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_MIGRATION_FILE_TAG] = array();
     //Inicia o Rollback de arquivos deletados
     $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_MIGRATION_DELETED_FILE_TAG] = array();
     //Copia lista de arquivos no diretorio de migrations para variavel arquivos
     $arquivos = scandir(PathHelper::getModuleMigrationsPath($moduleType, $moduleName));
     //Loop em todos os arquivos do modulo
     for ($i = Constants::FIRST_FILE; $i < count($arquivos); $i++) {
         //Quebra as palavras  da migration dentro de um array
         $explodedModuleMigrationName = explode(Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR, $arquivos[$i]);
         //Pega remove a parte do nome referente ao timestamp
         $SimplifiedModuleMigrationName = implode(Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR, array_slice($explodedModuleMigrationName, Constants::MIGRATION_FILE_NAME_ARRAY_START));
         //Flag que indica se o arquivo existe
         $migrationPos = false;
         //Pega migrations do projeto
         $migrationFiles = scandir(PathHelper::getLaravelMigrationsPath());
         foreach ($migrationFiles as $migrationIndex => $migrationFile) {
             //Quebra as palavras  da migration dentro de um array
             $explodedMigrationFileName = explode(Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR, $migrationFile);
             //Pega remove a parte do nome referente ao timestamp
             $SimplifiedMigratioFileName = implode(Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR, array_slice($explodedMigrationFileName, Constants::MIGRATION_FILE_NAME_ARRAY_START));
             //Verifica se a migration já existe
             if ($SimplifiedMigratioFileName == $SimplifiedModuleMigrationName) {
                 //marca o arquivo de migration existente migration
                 $migrationPos = $migrationIndex;
                 //quebra o loop
         $explodedFileName = explode(Strings::PATH_SEPARATOR, PathHelper::getModuleMigrationsPath($moduleType, $moduleName) . $arquivos[$i]);
         $filename = $explodedFileName[count($explodedFileName) - 1];
         if (strtoupper($filename) != strtoupper(Strings::GIT_KEEP_FILE_NAME)) {
             if ($migrationPos == false) {
                 //Se o arquivo não existir
                 $migrationCounter = Configs::getConfig(PathHelper::getModuleGeneralConfig(), Strings::CONFIG_MIGRATIONS_COUNTER);
                 Configs::setConfig(PathHelper::getModuleGeneralConfig(), Strings::CONFIG_MIGRATIONS_COUNTER, $migrationCounter + 1);
                 if (copy(PathHelper::getModuleMigrationsPath($moduleType, $moduleName) . $arquivos[$i], PathHelper::getLaravelMigrationsPath() . Strings::timestampPadding($migrationCounter) . Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR . $SimplifiedModuleMigrationName) == false) {
                     $errors[] = Strings::migrationsFileCopyError($arquivos[$i]);
                 //Sinaliza o no arquivo copiado
                 $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_MIGRATION_FILE_TAG][] = EscapeHelper::encode(PathHelper::getLaravelMigrationsPath() . Strings::timestampPadding($migrationCounter) . Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR . $SimplifiedModuleMigrationName);
             } else {
                 //Se o arquivo ja existir
                 if ($allowReplace) {
                     //Inicializa variavel que vai receber resposta do usuario dizendo o que fazer
                     // com o conflito
                     $answer = Strings::EMPTY_STRING;
                     //Enquanto o usuario não devolver uma resposta valida
                     while ($copyAll != true && $answer != Strings::SHORT_YES && $answer != Strings::SHORT_NO && $answer != Strings::SHORT_ALL && $answer != Strings::SHORT_CANCEL) {
                         //Faz pergunta para o usuario de como proceder
                         $answer = $command->ask(Strings::replaceMigrationFiles($arquivos[$i]), false);
                     //Se a resposta for sim, ou all
                     if (strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_YES || strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_ALL || $copyAll == true) {
                         //se a resposta for all
                         if (strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_ALL) {
                             //seta variavel all para true
                             $copyAll = true;
                         //Captura o numero da migration
                         $migrationCounter = Configs::getConfig(PathHelper::getModuleGeneralConfig(), Strings::CONFIG_MIGRATIONS_COUNTER);
                         //Atualiza o contador de migrations
                         Configs::setConfig(PathHelper::getModuleGeneralConfig(), Strings::CONFIG_MIGRATIONS_COUNTER, $migrationCounter + 1);
                         //Sinaliza o no arquivo copiado
                         $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_MIGRATION_FILE_TAG][] = EscapeHelper::encode(PathHelper::getModuleMigrationsPath($moduleType, $moduleName) . Strings::timestampPadding($migrationCounter) . Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR . $SimplifiedModuleMigrationName);
                         //Faz backup do arquivo que será substituido
                         $rollback[Strings::ROLLBACK_MODULE_MIGRATION_DELETED_FILE_TAG][EscapeHelper::encode(PathHelper::getLaravelMigrationsPath() . $migrationFiles[$migrationPos])] = EscapeHelper::encode(file_get_contents(PathHelper::getLaravelMigrationsPath() . $migrationFiles[$migrationPos]));
                         //Deletar o arquivo antigo
                         if (unlink(PathHelper::getLaravelMigrationsPath() . $migrationFiles[$migrationPos]) == false) {
                             $errors[] = Strings::migrationsFileDeleteError($arquivos[$i]);
                         //verifica se a substituição ocorreu com sucesso
                         if (copy(PathHelper::getModuleMigrationsPath($moduleType, $moduleName) . $arquivos[$i], Strings::timestampPadding($migrationCounter) . Strings::MIGRATIONS_WORD_SEPARATOR . $SimplifiedModuleMigrationName) == false) {
                             $errors[] = Strings::migrationsFileCopyError($arquivos[$i]);
                     } else {
                         if (strtolower($answer) == Strings::SHORT_CANCEL) {
                             //se a resposta foi cancelar
                             //Printa msg de erro
                             $errors[] = Strings::userRequestedAbort();
                             //break the file loop
     return !empty($errors) ? $errors : true;
Beispiel #14
  * @param
  * @return string
 protected function askDatabasePassword()
     $databasePassword = $this->command->ask('Enter your database password (type "<none>" for no password)', 'secret');
     return $databasePassword === '<none>' ? '' : $databasePassword;