  * Test the complete Drupal migration.
 public function testDrupal()
     $dumps = $this->getDumps();
     $classes = $this->getTestClassesList();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         if (is_subclass_of($class, '\\Drupal\\migrate\\Tests\\MigrateDumpAlterInterface')) {
     // Run every migration in the order specified by the storage controller.
     foreach (entity_load_multiple('migration', static::$migrations) as $migration) {
         (new MigrateExecutable($migration, $this))->import();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $test_object = new $class($this->testId);
         $test_object->databasePrefix = $this->databasePrefix;
         $test_object->container = $this->container;
         // run() does a lot of setup and tear down work which we don't need:
         // it would setup a new database connection and wouldn't find the
         // Drupal dump. Also by skipping the setUp() methods there are no id
         // mappings or entities prepared. The tests run against solely migrated
         // data.
         foreach (get_class_methods($test_object) as $method) {
             if (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 4)) == 'test') {
                 // Insert a fail record. This will be deleted on completion to ensure
                 // that testing completed.
                 $method_info = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
                 $caller = array('file' => $method_info->getFileName(), 'line' => $method_info->getStartLine(), 'function' => $class . '->' . $method . '()');
                 $completion_check_id = TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, 'The test did not complete due to a fatal error.', 'Completion check', $caller);
                 // Run the test method.
                 try {
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // Remove the completion check record.
         // Add the pass/fail/exception/debug results.
         foreach ($this->results as $key => &$value) {
             $value += $test_object->results[$key];
  * Run all tests in this class.
  * Regardless of whether $methods are passed or not, only method names
  * starting with "test" are executed.
  * @param $methods
  *   (optional) A list of method names in the test case class to run; e.g.,
  *   array('testFoo', 'testBar'). By default, all methods of the class are
  *   taken into account, but it can be useful to only run a few selected test
  *   methods during debugging.
 public function run(array $methods = array())
     $class = get_class($this);
     if ($missing_requirements = $this->checkRequirements()) {
         $object_info = new \ReflectionObject($this);
         $caller = array('file' => $object_info->getFileName());
         foreach ($missing_requirements as $missing_requirement) {
             TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, $missing_requirement, 'Requirements check', $caller);
     TestServiceProvider::$currentTest = $this;
     $simpletest_config = $this->config('simpletest.settings');
     // Unless preset from run-tests.sh, retrieve the current verbose setting.
     if (!isset($this->verbose)) {
         $this->verbose = $simpletest_config->get('verbose');
     if ($this->verbose) {
         // Initialize verbose debugging.
         $this->verbose = TRUE;
         $this->verboseDirectory = PublicStream::basePath() . '/simpletest/verbose';
         $this->verboseDirectoryUrl = file_create_url($this->verboseDirectory);
         if (file_prepare_directory($this->verboseDirectory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && !file_exists($this->verboseDirectory . '/.htaccess')) {
             file_put_contents($this->verboseDirectory . '/.htaccess', "<IfModule mod_expires.c>\nExpiresActive Off\n</IfModule>\n");
         $this->verboseClassName = str_replace("\\", "_", $class);
     // HTTP auth settings (<username>:<password>) for the simpletest browser
     // when sending requests to the test site.
     $this->httpAuthMethod = (int) $simpletest_config->get('httpauth.method');
     $username = $simpletest_config->get('httpauth.username');
     $password = $simpletest_config->get('httpauth.password');
     if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) {
         $this->httpAuthCredentials = $username . ':' . $password;
     set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));
     // Iterate through all the methods in this class, unless a specific list of
     // methods to run was passed.
     $test_methods = array_filter(get_class_methods($class), function ($method) {
         return strpos($method, 'test') === 0;
     if (empty($test_methods)) {
         // Call $this->assert() here because we need to pass along custom caller
         // information, lest the wrong originating code file/line be identified.
         $this->assert(FALSE, 'No test methods found.', 'Requirements', array('function' => __METHOD__ . '()', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__));
     if ($methods) {
         $test_methods = array_intersect($test_methods, $methods);
     foreach ($test_methods as $method) {
         // Insert a fail record. This will be deleted on completion to ensure
         // that testing completed.
         $method_info = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
         $caller = array('file' => $method_info->getFileName(), 'line' => $method_info->getStartLine(), 'function' => $class . '->' . $method . '()');
         $test_completion_check_id = TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, 'The test did not complete due to a fatal error.', 'Completion check', $caller);
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // The prepareEnvironment() method isolates the test from the parent
             // Drupal site by creating a random database prefix and test site
             // directory. If this fails, a test would possibly operate in the
             // parent site. Therefore, the entire test run for this test class
             // has to be aborted.
             // restoreEnvironment() cannot be called, because we do not know
             // where exactly the environment setup failed.
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Abort if setUp() fails, since all test methods will fail.
             // But ensure to clean up and restore the environment, since
             // prepareEnvironment() succeeded.
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // If a test fails to tear down, abort the entire test class, since
             // it is likely that all tests will fail in the same way and a
             // failure here only results in additional test artifacts that have
             // to be manually deleted.
         // Remove the test method completion check record.
     TestServiceProvider::$currentTest = NULL;
     // Clear out the error messages and restore error handler.
  * Test the complete Drupal migration.
 public function testDrupal()
     $dumps = $this->getDumps();
     $classes = $this->getTestClassesList();
     $extension_install_storage = new ExtensionInstallStorage(\Drupal::service('config.storage'), InstallStorage::CONFIG_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORY, StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION, TRUE);
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         if (is_subclass_of($class, '\\Drupal\\migrate\\Tests\\MigrateDumpAlterInterface')) {
     // Run every migration in the order specified by the storage controller.
     foreach (entity_load_multiple('migration', static::$migrations) as $migration) {
         (new MigrateExecutable($migration, $this))->import();
         // Ensure that the default migration has the correct dependencies.
         list($base_name, ) = explode(':', $migration->id(), 2);
         $default_configuration = $extension_install_storage->read('migrate.migration.' . $base_name);
         $default_dependencies = isset($default_configuration['dependencies']) ? $default_configuration['dependencies'] : [];
         $this->assertEqual($default_dependencies, $migration->getDependencies(), SafeMarkup::format('Dependencies in @id match after installing. Default configuration @first is equal to active configuration @second.', array('@id' => $migration->id(), '@first' => var_export($default_dependencies, TRUE), '@second' => var_export($migration->getDependencies(), TRUE))));
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $test_object = new $class($this->testId);
         $test_object->databasePrefix = $this->databasePrefix;
         $test_object->container = $this->container;
         // run() does a lot of setup and tear down work which we don't need:
         // it would setup a new database connection and wouldn't find the
         // Drupal dump. Also by skipping the setUp() methods there are no id
         // mappings or entities prepared. The tests run against solely migrated
         // data.
         foreach (get_class_methods($test_object) as $method) {
             if (strtolower(substr($method, 0, 4)) == 'test') {
                 // Insert a fail record. This will be deleted on completion to ensure
                 // that testing completed.
                 $method_info = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
                 $caller = array('file' => $method_info->getFileName(), 'line' => $method_info->getStartLine(), 'function' => $class . '->' . $method . '()');
                 $completion_check_id = TestBase::insertAssert($this->testId, $class, FALSE, 'The test did not complete due to a fatal error.', 'Completion check', $caller);
                 // Run the test method.
                 try {
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // Remove the completion check record.
         // Add the pass/fail/exception/debug results.
         foreach ($this->results as $key => &$value) {
             $value += $test_object->results[$key];