static function fetchAmazonInfosForBookRest($book, $amazon_version = '2011-08-01')
     global $booklibrary_configuration, $my, $acl;
     //******************************   Added by OrdaSoft   **********************************
     $param_ws = mosBooklibraryWS::getWsParamById($book->informationFrom);
     if ($param_ws == "COM") {
         $endpoint = "";
     } else {
         if ($param_ws == "UK") {
             $endpoint = "";
         } else {
             if ($param_ws == "CA") {
                 $endpoint = "";
             } else {
                 if ($param_ws == "DE") {
                     $endpoint = "";
                 } else {
                     if ($param_ws == "JP") {
                         $endpoint = "";
                     } else {
                         if ($param_ws == "FR") {
                             $endpoint = "";
                         } else {
                             if ($param_ws == "ES") {
                                 $endpoint = "";
                             } else {
                                 if ($param_ws == "IT") {
                                     $endpoint = "";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($param_ws == "CN") {
                                         $endpoint = "";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($param_ws == "IN") {
                                             $endpoint = "";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($param_ws == "BR") {
                                                 $endpoint = "";
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($param_ws == "US") {
                                                     $endpoint = "";
     if ($booklibrary_configuration['ws']['amazon']['secret_key'] == "") {
         $secret_key = "ooTVCJy06UNXeMujmlyso9Wj4VD1flgEPsCx5HYY";
     } else {
         $secret_key = $booklibrary_configuration['ws']['amazon']['secret_key'];
     $request = "{$endpoint}?" . "Service=AWSECommerceService" . "&Operation=ItemLookup" . "&Condition=All" . "&Version={$amazon_version}" . "&AWSAccessKeyId=" . $booklibrary_configuration['ws']['amazon']['devtag'] . "&AssociateTag=" . $booklibrary_configuration['ws']['amazon']['tag'] . "&SearchIndex=Books" . "&ResponseGroup=Large" . "&IdType=ISBN" . "&ItemId={$book->isbn}";
     // Get a nice array of elements to work with
     $uri_elements = parse_url($request);
     // Grab our request elements
     $request = $uri_elements['query'];
     // Throw them into an array
     parse_str($request, $parameters);
     // Add the new required paramters
     $parameters['Timestamp'] = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z");
     $parameters['Version'] = $amazon_version;
     // The new authentication requirements need the keys to be sorted
     // Create our new request
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter => $value) {
         // We need to be sure we properly encode the value of our parameter
         $parameter = str_replace("%7E", "~", rawurlencode($parameter));
         $value = str_replace("%7E", "~", rawurlencode($value));
         $request_array[] = $parameter . '=' . $value;
     // Put our & symbol at the beginning of each of our request variables and put it in a string
     $new_request = implode('&', $request_array);
     // Create our signature string
     $signature_string = "GET\n{$uri_elements['host']}\n{$uri_elements['path']}\n{$new_request}";
     if (function_exists("hash_hmac")) {
         $signature = urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $signature_string, $secret_key, true)));
     } elseif (function_exists("mhash")) {
         $signature = urlencode(base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_SHA256, $signature_string, $secret_key)));
     // Create our signature using hash_hmac
     // new request
     $request = "http://{$uri_elements['host']}{$uri_elements['path']}?{$new_request}&Signature={$signature}";
     // Load the call and capture the document returned by the Shopping API
     //        if((int)ini_get('allow_url_fopen')==1)
     //    $result = simplexml_load_file($request);
     //        else
     //        {
     //            $retVal = "Error: variable 'allow_url_fopen' in php.ini set 'Off'. Fetch information require this variable On";
     //            return $retVal;
     //        }
     $ch = curl_init();
     // set URL and other appropriate options
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0');
     // grab URL and pass it to the browser
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     // close cURL resource, and free up system resources
     $result = simplexml_load_string($result);
     //echo '<pre>';var_dump($result); echo '</pre>';exit;
     //Errors test -- 1
     if (array_key_exists('Errors', $result->OperationRequest)) {
         $retVal = "faultcode: {$result->OperationRequest->Errors->Error->Code}, faultstring: {$result->OperationRequest->Errors->Error->Message}";
         return $retVal;
     //Errors test -- 2
     if (array_key_exists('Errors', $result->Items->Request)) {
         $retVal = "faultcode: {$result->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Code}, faultstring: {$result->Items->Request->Errors->Error->Message}";
         return $retVal;
     //Body -- Output in joomla form
     $book->title = (string) $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title;
     $book->imageURL = (string) $result->Items->Item->MediumImage->URL;
     $book->URL = (string) $result->Items->Item->DetailPageURL;
     //Number Of Pages
     $book->numberOfPages = (int) $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->NumberOfPages;
     if (array_key_exists('Manufacturer', $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes)) {
         $book->manufacturer = (string) $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Manufacturer;
     $i = 0;
     $book->authors = "";
     foreach ($result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Author as $item) {
         if ($i > 0) {
             $book->authors .= ', ';
         $book->authors .= $item;
     //      if (array_key_exists('CustomerReviews', $result->Items->Item)) {
     //         $book->rating = (string)($result->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating * 2);
     //      }
     if (array_key_exists('PublicationDate', $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes)) {
         $book->release_Date = (string) $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->PublicationDate;
     if (array_key_exists('ReleaseDate', $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes)) {
         $book->release_Date = (string) $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate;
     if (array_key_exists('Edition', $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes)) {
         $book->edition = (string) $result->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Edition;
     //Price no partner
     if (array_key_exists('Offer', $result->Items->Item->Offers) && array_key_exists('FormattedPrice', $result->Items->Item->Offers->Offer->OfferListing->Price)) {
         $book->price = substr_replace((string) $result->Items->Item->Offers->Offer->OfferListing->Price->Amount, '.', -2, 0);
         $book->priceunit = (string) $result->Items->Item->Offers->Offer->OfferListing->Price->CurrencyCode;
         $mas = $book->price;
         //$mas = ereg_replace("\xC2\xA3", "GBP ", $mas);  //for funt
         //$mas = ereg_replace("\xEF\xBF\xA5", "JPY", $mas);  //for ena
         $book->price = $mas;
     } else {
         $book->price = "Does not exist anymore!";
     //echo '<pre>';var_dump($book);echo '</pre>';exit;
     //************************   begin add for Book Description   *********************
     if ($booklibrary_configuration['merge_description']['use']) {
         if (checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['merge_description']['registrationlevel'], 'RECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {
             $book->comment = $book->comment . "<br /><p></p> ";
         } else {
             $book->comment = "";
     } else {
         $book->comment = "";
     if ($result->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview) {
         foreach ($result->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview as $item) {
             $book->comment .= "<strong>" . $item->Source . "</strong><br />";
             $book->comment .= $item->Content . "<br />";
     //************************   end add for Book Description   ************************
     return $book;
Beispiel #2
 } else {
     $query = "SELECT * FROM #__booklibrary_lend_request AS b WHERE b.status=0";
 $current_user_rent_request_array = $db->loadObjectList();
 $check_for_show_rent_request = 0;
 if (isset($current_user_rent_request_array)) {
     foreach ($current_user_rent_request_array as $temp) {
         $check_for_show_rent_request = 1;
 if ($booklibrary_configuration['cb_rent']['show']) {
     $params->def('show_rent', 1);
     $i = checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['cb_rent']['registrationlevel'], 'NORECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl);
     if ($i) {
         $params->def('show_rent_registrationlevel', 1);
     /* 	if($params->get('show_rent'))
         echo" <span class='books_button'><a class='my_btn my_btn-primary' href='".
         JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_booklibrary&task=rent_requests_cb_books&is_show_data=1') .
         "'>" . _BOOKLIBRARY_LEND_REQUESTS ."</a></span>" ;
         } */
    static function showRequestRentBooksCB($option, $rent_requests, &$pageNav, $params)
        global $my, $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe, $Itemid, $booklibrary_configuration;
        $session = JFactory::getSession();
        $acl = JFactory::getACL();
        $arr = $session->get("array", "default");
        $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        $doc->addScript($mosConfig_live_site . '/components/com_booklibrary/includes/functions.js');
        $doc->addStyleSheet($mosConfig_live_site . '/components/com_booklibrary/includes/custom.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet($mosConfig_live_site . '/components/com_booklibrary/includes/booklibrary.css');
        $doc->addStyleSheet($mosConfig_live_site . '/components/com_booklibrary/includes/custom.css');
        // for 1.6
        if ($option == 'com_booklibrary') {
            $user = JFactory::getuser();
            $db = JFactory::getDBO();
            $query = "SELECT * FROM #__booklibrary_lend_request AS b WHERE b.status=0";
            $current_user_rent_request_array = $db->loadObjectList();
            $check_for_show_rent_request = 0;
            if (isset($current_user_rent_request_array)) {
                $check_for_show_rent_request = 1;
            if ($booklibrary_configuration['cb_mybook']['show'] == '1' && checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['cb_mybook']['registrationlevel'], 'NORECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {
                echo "<span class='books_button'><a class='my_btn my_btn-primary' href='" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=show_my_books&layout=mybooks') . "'>" . _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_CBBOOKS_TT . "</a></span>";
            if ($booklibrary_configuration['cb_edit']['show'] == '1' && checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['cb_mybook']['registrationlevel'], 'NORECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {
                echo " <span class='books_button'><a class='my_btn my_btn-primary' href='" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=showmybooks&layout=mybooks') . "'>" . _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_CBEDIT . "</a></span>";
            if ($booklibrary_configuration['cb_history']['show']) {
                $params->def('show_history', 1);
                $i = checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['cb_history']['registrationlevel'], 'NORECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl);
                if ($i) {
                    $params->def('show_history_registrationlevel', 1);
                if ($params->get('show_history')) {
                    if ($params->get('show_history_registrationlevel')) {
                        if ($check_for_show_rent_request != 0) {
                            echo " <span class='books_button'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class='my_btn my_btn-primary' href='" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_booklibrary&task=rent_history_books&name=' . $user->name . '&user='******'&is_show_data=1') . "'>" . _BOOKLIBRARY_MY_LEND_HISTORY . "</a></span>";
                        //echo "<div style=\" border:1px solid black; padding: 10px; text-align:center; \">you dont have rent_history_lable</div>";
            if ($booklibrary_configuration['cb_rent']['show']) {
                $params->def('show_rent', 1);
                $i = checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['cb_rent']['registrationlevel'], 'NORECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl);
                if ($i) {
                    $params->def('show_rent_registrationlevel', 1);
                if ($params->get('show_rent')) {
                    if ($params->get('show_rent_registrationlevel')) {
                        if ($check_for_show_rent_request != 0) {
                            echo " <span class='books_button'><a class='my_btn my_btn-primary' href='" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=rent_requests_cb_books&is_show_data=1') . "'>" . _BOOKLIBRARY_LEND_REQUESTS . "</a></span>";
            <style type="text/css">
                .row0 {background-color:#F9F9F9;}
            function vm_buttonClickCB()  {
                document.getElementById('adminFormTaskInput').value = 'decline_rent_requests_cb_book';
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function checkAll(all) 
            { var c = document.getElementsByName('bid[]');
                for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++)
                    else {c[i].checked=true;}
            function buttonClick(button)
                var c = document.getElementsByName('bid[]');
                for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++)
                    {var checkedbooks = true;break;}
                if(!checkedbooks){ alert("<?php 
                if('delete'){ resultat = confirm("<?php 
                    if (resultat) { submitform('delete');}
                if('unpublish'){ submitform('unpublish');return;}
                if('publish'){ submitform('publish');return;}
            function submitform(submit){
                var button=document.getElementsByName('submitbutton');
        <form class="bl_all_categories_show_my_book_lend_requests_form" action="index.php" method="get" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
            <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="bl_all_categories_show_my_book_lend_requests my_table my_table-bordered basictable my_table-hover">
                    <th align = "center" width="5%">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onClick="checkAll(this<?php 
        //echo count($rent_requests);
);" />
                    <th align = "center" width="5%">#</th>
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="5%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="70%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="15%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">
                    <th align = "center" class="title" width="20%" nowrap="nowrap">

        for ($i = 0, $n = count($rent_requests); $i < $n; $i++) {
            $row = $rent_requests[$i];
                    <tr class="row<?php 
            echo $i % 2;
                        <td width="20" align="center"><?php 
            echo mosHTML::idBox($i, $row->id, 0, 'bid');
                        <td align = "center"><?php 
            echo $row->id;
                        <td align = "center"><?php 
            echo $row->lend_from;
                        <td align = "center"><?php 
            echo $row->lend_until;
                        <td align = "center"><?php 
            $data = JFactory::getDBO();
            $query = "SELECT bookid FROM #__booklibrary where id = " . $row->fk_bookid . " ";
            $bookid = $data->loadObjectList();
            echo $bookid[0]->bookid;
                        <td align = "center"><?php 
            echo $row->title;
                        <td align = "center"><?php 
            echo $row->user_name;
                        <td align = "center">
                            <a href='mailto:"<?php 
            echo $row->user_email;
            echo $row->user_email;
                        <td align= "center"><?php 
            echo $row->user_mailing;

                <tr class="for_paginator">
                    <td colspan = "9" align="center" id="pagenavig">
        $paginations = $arr;
        if ($paginations && $pageNav->total > $pageNav->limit) {
            echo $pageNav->getPagesLinks();
        if ($option == 'com_booklibrary') {
                <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_booklibrary" />
        } else {
                <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_comprofiler" />
                <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="getmybooksTab" /><?php 
            <input type="hidden" name="is_show_data" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" id="adminFormTaskInput" name="task" value="accept_rent_requests_cb_book" />
            <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />
            <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php 
        echo $Itemid;
" />  
            <input class="my_btn my_btn-success" type="submit" name="submitButton" value="accept request"/>
            <input class="my_btn my_btn-danger" type="button" name="declineButton" value="decline request" onclick="vm_buttonClickCB()"/>

Beispiel #4
 static function ownersList($option)
     global $database, $my, $Itemid, $mainframe, $booklibrary_configuration, $acl, $mosConfig_list_limit, $limit, $limitstart;
     $symbol = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'letindex', '');
     $symbol_str = '';
     if ($symbol) {
         $symbol_str = " AND (LOWER( LIKE '{$symbol}%' ) ";
     //getting groups of user
     $s = getWhereUsergroupsString("c");
     //   $menu = new JTableMenu( $database );
     //   $menu->load( $Itemid );
     //   $params = new mosParameters( $menu->params );
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
         $menu = new JTableMenu($database);
         $params = new JRegistry();
     } else {
         $menu = new mosMenu($database);
         $params = new mosParameters($menu->params);
     $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link='index.php?option=com_booklibrary'");
     if ($database->loadResult() != $Itemid) {
         $params->def('wrongitemid', '1');
     $params->def('header', _BOOKLIBRARY_LABEL_TITLE_OWNERSLIST);
     if (!$params->get('wrongitemid')) {
         $pathway = sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=' . $option . '&amp;task=owners_list&amp;Itemid=' . $Itemid);
         $mainframe->appendPathWay($pathway_name, $pathway);
     if (checkAccessBL($booklibrary_configuration['ownerslist']['registrationlevel'], 'NORECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl) && $booklibrary_configuration['ownerslist']['show']) {
         $params->def('ownerslist_show', 1);
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT\n                          \nFROM #__booklibrary AS bl\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_categories AS mc ON\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_main_categories AS c ON\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON\n                          \nWHERE bl.published=1 AND bl.approved=1 AND c.published=1\n                                AND ({$s}) {$symbol_str};\n                          ";
     $total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
     // for J 1.6
     $query = "SELECT, COUNT(DISTINCT mc.bookid) AS books\n                          \nFROM #__booklibrary AS bl\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_categories AS mc ON\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_main_categories AS c ON\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON\n                          \nWHERE bl.published=1 AND bl.approved=1 AND c.published=1 AND bl.owneremail!=''\n                                  AND ({$s}) {$symbol_str}\n                          \nGROUP BY\n                          \nORDER BY\n                          \nLIMIT {$pageNav->limitstart},{$pageNav->limit};";
     $ownerslist = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($ownerslist[0]->books) && !isset($ownerslist[0]->name)) {
         $ownerslist[0]->name = 'anonymous';
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(SUBSTRING(, 1,1)) AS symb \n                          \nFROM #__booklibrary AS bl\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_categories AS mc ON\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_main_categories AS c ON\n                          \nLEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON\n                          \nWHERE bl.published=1 AND bl.approved=1 AND c.published=1 AND bl.owneremail!=''\n                                  AND ({$s})\n                          \nORDER BY ;";
     $symb = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (count($symb) > 0) {
         $symb_list_str = '<div style="display:inline; margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">';
         foreach ($symb as $symbol) {
             $symb_list_str .= '<span style="padding:5px; ">' . '<a href="index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=owners_list' . '&letindex=' . $symbol->symb . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . '">' . $symbol->symb . '</a></span>';
         $symb_list_str .= "</div>";
         $params->def('symb_list_str', $symb_list_str);
     $params->def('ownerlist01', "{loadposition com_booklibrary_owner_list_01}");
     $params->def('ownerlist02', "{loadposition com_booklibrary_owner_list_02}");
     $params->def('ownerlist03', "{loadposition com_booklibrary_owner_list_03}");
     HTML_booklibrary::showOwnersList($params, $ownerslist, $pageNav);
Beispiel #5
    <table  class="basictable bl_bl_all_categories_some_intresting_table_with_button" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="50%">&nbsp;

            <td width="50%">
mosHTML::BackButton($params, $hide_js);

<!-- Add item Begin -->
global $booklibrary_configuration;
if ($booklibrary_configuration['addbook_button']['show'] == 1 && $booklibrary_configuration['addbook_button']['allow']['categories'] == -2 && checkAccessBL($GLOBALS['add_book_button'], 'RECURSE', userGID_BL($my->id), $acl)) {

<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="" style="font-size: 10px;">Powered by OrdaSoft!</a></div>